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STRENGTH-LEAD STRENGTH BASED LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Strength Based Leadership Development is largely about understanding the psychology of our own and others’ behavior. Once we understand the mechanisms that govern our choices, we also have a far better condition to make wise choices in tough situations. This applies to organizational matters, interpersonal relationships, communication, and individual responses and actions.


Lisa Vivoll Straume, PhD in Positive Psychology from NTNU is one of Norway’s experts in the field. With her professional experience she has built up a unique combination of expertise in practice and research in Positive Psychology.

This program, Strength-LEAD, represents the best practice in Strength Based Leadership Development, which is theoretically founded in Positive Psychology. It is led by MIND, a Norwegian company which is one of Europe’s leading companies in practical Strength Based Leadership Development. The program is currently being applied in several leading Norwegian and international companies. By participating in the program, you will learn how to to practically apply Strength Based Leadership Development and consequently lead the self, your team and organization to exceptional performance. The program covers 9 days divided in 3 sessions. In every session there are two days common session and one day for individual follow-up. Two consultants from Mind will be present at every session. Who should enroll? The Strength-LEAD program is designed for executive leaders within the private and public sector. Leaders aspiring to become executive leaders may also apply. Number of participants is restricted to 15. Each participant will develop his/her personal leadership development plan, which will be the subject for personal and organizational development between the sessions. The instructors will supervise this work in, and between, the sessions.


Rune Sagør CEO of MIND has extensive practical experience of applying Positive Psychology in both lectures, courses and tutorials. Previously he has worked as a lecturer and process manager in his own company.

25. – 27. nóv. 2015, 27. – 29. jan. 2016 og 30. mars til 1. apríl 2016 Verð: 980.000 kr. Umsóknarfrestur til 1. nóvember

LEADING DIFFERENTLY – THE POWER OF A PURPOSEFUL PAUSE© TWO DAY, NON-RESIDENTIAL RETREAT In today’s world, we are faced with novel challenges, limited resources and increased demands for our expertise and time. The constant pressures can deplete our mental resiliency and interfere with many of the hallmarks of leadership excellence including our ability to focus, to see clearly, to cultivate space for creativity and to embody compassion. This experiential retreat invites participants to explore mindfulness meditation, leadership reflections and practical applications to enhance their ability to lead and live with excellence. Mindfulness meditation practice and practical applications of mindful leadership are experienced as participants explore the ways in which our ability to create space in our day affects our ability to lead whether we are leading a team, our family or our own lives. Participants will explore a full range of practices and applications including mindful communication, mindful meetings, the power of reflection and the mind’s ability to take a “Purposeful Pause”, even in the midst of chaos.


Janice Marturano is the Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Mindful Leadership, a non-profit organization dedicated to training and supporting leaders in the exploration of mindfulness and the fundamentals of leadership excellence. She founded the Institute for Mindful Leadership in January, 2011, after ending her 15 year tenure as Vice President, Public Responsibility and Deputy General Counsel for General Mills, Inc.

Þri. 3. og fim. 4. nóvember kl. 9:00 –16:00 Verð: 236.500 kr.


Umsagnir ánægðra þátttakenda: „Ert þú stjórnandi með marga bolta á lofti og vinnur sífellt að því að komast yfir næstu hindrun með þig og þinn hóp? Finnst þér að þú náir ekki að gera neitt vel, nýtur ekki augnabliksins og nærð ekki einbeitingu í að gera betur í dag en í gær? Ef svo er átt þú erindi við Janice Marturano. Námskeiðið er ólíkt öllum öðrum stjórnendanámskeiðum sem ég hef sótt. Aðferðir hennar hafa hjálpað mér í að ná betri árangri í minni vinnu og í framhaldinu betra jafnvægi milli vinnu og einkalífs.“ Ásta Malmquist, deildarstjóri Fyrirtækjamiðstöðvar Landsbankans

„Nærvera Janice er mjög góð, hún nálgast viðfangsefnið af mikilli næmni og þekkingu. Það skiptir miklu máli að hún hefur sjálf verið áhrifamikill leiðtogi í starfi, leitt stór verkefni og hún veit af eigin raun hvernig það er að hafa lítinn tíma til fara inná við og lægja öldur hugans. Á námskeiðinu var farið í ýmsar hagnýtar æfingar sem styðja mjög vel við leiðtogahæfni, æfingar sem hafa nýst mér mjög vel bæði í starfi og einkalífi.“ Bryndís Jóna Jónsdóttir, mannauðsstjóri Flensborgarskóla

LEADERSHIP AND DECISION MAKING One of the most important jobs of a leader is decision making – about the strategy of the unit, who is on the team, and how resources are deployed in pursuit of a goal. This program analyzes the symbiotic relationship between leadership and decision making. It combines theory and practice to inform the participants of the latest and best studies on how effective decisions are made, as well as how bad decisions can be avoided. Similarly the qualities that make for an outstanding leader will be discussed, especially in terms of strategic decision making and implementation to maximize results for the organization. Topics covered • The dynamics of decision making • Psychological aspects of decision making • How leadership can be learned • The qualities of an effective leader Who should enroll? This seminar appeals to individual leaders and decision makers in all kinds of organizations: corporate, academic, governmental and service.


Margaret Andrews is the managing director of Mind and Hand Associates, a management consulting firm. Andrews is the former Associate Dean for management programs at Harvard University Division of Continuing Education. She teaches Managing Yourself and Leading Others and Management Consulting at Harvard Extension School. Earlier Andrews was the executive director at the MIT Sloan School of Management, where she managed the MBA program. She has also been the managing vice president for strategy and marketing at Eduventures and vice president of marketing at Putnam Investments, a consultant at Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman), and a CPA at Deloitte & Touche. Andrews is a graduate of MIT Sloan, where she was named a Seley Scholar, the school’s highest honor. Fim. 8. okt. kl. 9:00–16:30 Snemmskráning til og með 10. september Verð snemmskráning: 89.900 kr. Almennt verð: 108.900 kr.


Umsagnir ánægðra þátttakenda á námskeiðum Andrews hjá Endurmenntun: “Thank you so much. I´m taking with me lots of thoughts that will help me improve, both personally and on the job.” “I think Andrews is brilliant. She knows so much about the subject and her experience is so vast it’s impressive. She can discuss for hours and explain without even having notes.”

“I loved the course. Andrews is so sincere which I think is very important and I sensed a strong professionalism, both in presenting and monitoring.” “One of the best teacher I ever had.”

NEGOTIATIONS SKILLS: STRATEGIES FOR INCREASED EFFECTIVENESS Negotiations are an integral component of work life. In this one day negotiation training program, professionals of all levels gain negotiation skills for use in any career. You practice tactics with fellow participants in a variety of situations. We explore how real-world challenges can be solved through enhanced negotiation abilities. Topics covered • Personal negotiation styles • Understanding alternatives and when to walk away from a deal • The importance of relationships in negotiations • The challenge of transforming competition into cooperation • Dealing with emotional and irrational situations • Building coalitions and getting around opposing parties • Hidden biases and other psychological factors in negotiations Who should enroll? Anyone who negotiates with other employees or external parties and wants to learn how to work better with others. Professionals at all levels benefit from this program.


Diana Buttu is a lawyer specializing in negotiations, international law and international human rights law. Buttu is an instructor at Harvard Extension School. Early in her career, Buttu worked as a negotiator on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, serving as the only female negotiator during her five year tenure. Buttu was a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and at Harvard Law School. She also held a fellowship at the Stanford Center for Conflict Resolution and Negotiation. Buttu holds a BA from the University of Toronto, a JD from Queen’s University in Canada, an LLM from the University of Toronto, a JSM from Stanford University and an executive MBA from Kellogg Northwestern School of Management. Mán 9. nóv. kl. 9:00–16:30 Snemmskráning til og með 19. október Verð snemmskráning: 89.900 kr. Almennt verð: 108.900 kr.


Umsagnir ánægðra þátttakenda á námskeiðum Buttu hjá Endurmenntun: “This has been one of few seminars where I truly feel that I have improved myself instantly. Very practical and great to see complex situations being solved so simply. Keep on getting extraordinary teachers from abroad!” “Thanks for a great class! Eye opening exercises.”

“Great experience, thanks alot. Keep coming to Iceland.” “Content of excellent quality – great teacher – 10 out of 10.”

GETTING A GRIP ON EXPLORATORY TESTING This two-day workshop is a comprehensive guide to exploratory testing, with exercises designed to engage testers of all abilities, and structured workshops to help participants use and share the lessons learned. The course will introduce participants to a wide variety of approaches to exploratory testing: parsing the system; systematic exploration; modelling for success and failure; questioning; attacks and exploitations


Fim. 15. og fös. 16. okt. kl. 9:00–17:00 Snemmskráning til og með 24. september Verð snemmskráning: 169.000 kr. Almennt verð: 198.900 kr. Kennari: James Lyndsay

BULK DATA AND VISUALISATION In this workshop, you’ll design bulk tests, and build them with the tools you already own. Applying your tests to specially-built software exercises, you’ll map some of your measurements to pictures that reveal overall system behaviours. When you’ve seen trends and picked out the oddities, you’ll return to your collection of bulk tests to redesign and dig into surprises.

James Lyndsay has been testing since 1986. He’s worked independently since setting up Workroom Productions in 1994, and helps organisations to find surprises, to adapt their approaches, and to keep their testers interested. A regular keynote speaker and teacher at international events, and an active participant in a variety of testing communities, Lyndsay has written award-winning papers, built the Black Box puzzles, kicked off the TestLab and currently runs the London Exploratory Workshop in Testing.

Lau. 17. okt. kl. 9:00–17:00 Snemmskráning til og með 24. september Verð snemmskráning: 89.900 kr. Almennt verð: 108.900 kr. Kennari: James Lyndsay


SOFTWARE TESTING FOUNDATIONS WITH ISTQB CERTIFICATION Mán.- fim. 14.–17. sept. Almennt verð: 152.700 kr. Kennari: Hans Schaefer

kl. 8:30–16:00 (4x)

SOFTWARE TESTING - ISTQB FOUNDATION LEVEL Mán. 21. sept. kl. 9:00–10:00 Snemmskráning til og með 17. september Verð snemmskráning: 45.000 kr. Almennt verð: 49.500 kr. Kennari: Hans Schaefer


Hans Schaefer is a civil engineer in computer science. He works in consulting and training topics such as Assessing and Improving Software Testing, Software Quality Assurance. Schaefer is a chairman of ISTQB Norway and has comprehensive experience in conducting public and in-house courses in Software Testing in many countries.

SAP2000 BASIC TRAINING COURSE This training course will give an introduction to the usage of SAP2000 for structural analysis and design according to the Eurocode. The focus of the course will be modelling for structural analysis, load application, result interpretation, verification of analysis models and code check design according to Eurocode.



What you will learn

• Structural modelling in SAP2000 • Structural elements • Loading and support conditions • Object properties • Meshing • Analysis procedures • Result interpretation and verification • Post processing and code verification

Øystein Flakk, has a M.Sc. in Structural Engineering from NTNU. Øystein has worked on training courses, customer support and consultancy for SAP2000 for over three years at EDR&Medeso, inhouse courses for various customers and at Universities such as NTNU, UIA and Chalmers





The focus of the course will be on seismic analysis procedures in SAP2000, earthquake calculation according to Eurocode 8 and seismic design provisions for steel and concrete structures according to Eurocode 2 and 3 with provisions from Eurocode 8.

What you will learn

• Earthquake loading • Modal analysis and seismic mass • Response Spectrum analysis • Ductility design according to Eurocode 8 • Nonlinear earthquake analyses - Static - Dynamic


Who should attend the SAP2000 courses?

Civil and structural engineers working with design of buildings and other civil structures that would like to do earthquake analysis in SAP2000.

Why should I attend the SAP2000 courses?

To learn the best way of doing earthquake analysis in SAP2000. Attendants will have a better understanding in important topics in earthquake engineering, such as seismic mass, mode shapes, damping and ductility. You will learn to work efficiently and be confident with using rules from the Eurocode standards.

Fim. 15. okt kl. 9:00–17:00 Snemmskráning til og með 25. september Verð snemmskráning: 64.900 kr. Almennt verð: 78.900 kr.


SAP2000 EARTHQUAKE ANALYSIS COURSE: Fös. 16. okt. kl. 9:00–17:00 Snemmskráning til og með 25. september Verð snemmskráning: 64.900 kr. Almennt verð: 78.900 kr.


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STYRKIR TENGSLANETIÐ Námskeið með erlendum sérfræðingum hafa fengið afburða dóma - að meðaltali 9,3 stig af 10 mögulegum

Opnunartími Endurmenntunar er mán - fim kl. 8.00–22.00, fös kl. 8.00–17.00 og lau kl. 9.00–12.00 Nánari upplýsingar og skráning á endurmenntun.is eða í síma 525 4444

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Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands, Dunhaga 7, 107 Reykjavík, endurmenntun@hi.is

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