Energi Magazine - Issue 41

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How to thrive in new beginnings

January Reading with Energi Empress

Build your success list






Editor’s Letter


How To Thrive in New Beginnings


Starting Anew


Success List


January Reading with Energi Empress Priya


A Letter From the Editor Dear Readers HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WELCOME TO 2024! Now this is usually the part where we ask about the new year's resolutions. Then you will tell me about the plans for better eating, more exercise, the new car, job, house and whatever other goals you have. New year, new me! That’s what we say. We repeat it like a mantra that is willing us into continuing to move forward and look to the future. While these ambitions and goals are all wonderful, I encourage you to also remember to take a moment and stop. Think back to the resolutions you made last year. Consider what you have accomplished. Additionally, consider all of the things you accomplished that weren’t on your list. In fact, I recommend that you actually take the time and make the list. You might just surprise yourself. Make sure to include everything, not just the big stuff. From a meal that turned out really well to a job promotion, everything counts. Feel free to make it as long as you want but I think you can come up with at least 10. See our success list for the perfect template to help you get started. On that note, I wish you a wonderful year! Cheers to you and the amazing job you did in 2023 and to all of the amazing you will do in 2024. With love and light, Aria Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.

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How To Thrive in New Beginnings By Chris Lee Deep in the fabric of life, there exists a thread woven through every human experience—the anticipation, and often unease, that accompanies the start of something new. This feeling transcends age, experience, and circumstance. We all experience some level of uncertainty and unease when faced with the Unfamiliar new voices fill the air, like a disarranged unknown. orchestra tuning up, each with their own stories yet to be discovered. Then there are the teachers, their From a child's trembling steps into their presence stern and unfamiliar, setting rules and first day of school to adults sailing into expectations. It's a mixture of emotions: excitement, “uncharted waters”, the initial journey curiosity, and a hint of anxiety. into the unknown is tinged with discomfort. For context, let’s immerse As the minutes tick away, the initial discomfort ourselves in the story of a child's first begins to evolve. Day by day, the unfamiliar starts to day of school—a microcosm of this feel a bit more familiar. Exposure to the new universal phenomenon—and unveil the environment gradually erases the unease, creating a reasons why discomfort eventually sense of belonging. Friendships take root, creating a morphs into familiarity. As we go along, supportive ecosystem of connections that ease the we'll discover five important lessons transition into the unknown. about how to make the journey of trying something new easier to handle. Morning routines develop and create a comforting The First Day of School: An Odyssey of Uncomfortability A child's first day of school is like standing at the threshold of a great adventure. Imagine the excitement and curiosity bubbling inside as the youngster’s heart races with anticipation. But it's also a day laced with uncertainty and nervousness. The school building seems larger than life - standing tall, casting a

predictability to each day. Slowly but surely, the perspective shifts—from viewing the new journey as a daunting challenge to embracing it as a part of life. The emotions of the first day, once so overwhelming, start to transform into a routine, leaving behind memories of courage, growth, and the thrill of new beginnings.

As the unfamiliar inevitably surrenders to the familiar, the journey of trying something new transforms into a mosaic of various distinct and colorful experiences that come together to form a complete and intricate picture. Each experience is like a unique tile in the mosaic. As they blend together over time, they create a beautiful and cohesive whole representing the growth, connections, and comfort that come with familiarity in the new endeavor. Crafting Comfort from the Unfamiliar The metamorphosis of discomfort into something that feels familiar looks like this: Exposure and Adaptation: With each day that passes, we grow more familiar. What once seemed strange becomes a part of our daily routine as we repeat and get used to it. Learning and Growth: Every day in this new place gives us chances to learn and grow. As we gain confidence and become more skilled, the discomfort of not knowing fades away. Building Connections: Friendships form, making us feel like we belong in this unfamiliar setting. When we make connections with others, the place becomes more comfortable. Routine and Predictability: People like having routines. As we establish patterns and habits, we start to know what to expect, making the unfamiliar less uncertain and more comfortable. Shift in Perspective: Over time, we start to see things differently. What once felt like a big challenge now feels like a regular part of our everyday life. The discomfort of embarking on something new—whether a child's first day at school or an adult's venture into uncharted waters—is a shared human experience. With the passage of time, what was once uncomfortable evolves into routine. By embracing the learning curve, seeking support, and nurturing an open mind, we can ease the transition from discomfort to comfort. This, in turn, paves the way for expansion, success, and fulfillment. Just like the people who influenced and inspired us showed us how to do new things, we too can inspire others by facing challenges with courage, taking bold steps into the unknown.

Five Ways to Make New Beginnings More Comfortable

Embrace the Learning Curve: Recognize and accept the fact that discomfort at the outset is an inherent facet of growth. Welcome the learning curve as it truly is the road to expanded horizons and new skills. Seek Wise Counsel: Do not shy away from soliciting guidance from those seasoned in the same endeavor. Mentors and guides offer invaluable insights and support. Set Attainable Milestones: Acknowledge that mastery takes time. Establish attainable goals and celebrate your progress along the journey. Maintain Open-Mindedness: Approach new experiences with an open heart and a readiness to adapt. Be receptive to change and new perspectives. Build a Strong Support Network: Surround yourself with a support system composed of friends, family, or colleagues who can extend encouragement and assist you in overcoming challenges.

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STARTING ANEW BY: PRIYA ALI Starting Anew in the New Year As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new, it is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set intentions for the future. While many people focus on making resolutions related to health, career, or relationships, there is another aspect that often goes overlooked – the spiritual mindset. Embracing a spiritual mindset as we start anew in the new year, can bring profound positive changes to our lives. One of the key elements of starting anew is letting go of the past. This involves releasing any negative emotions, regrets, or grudges that may be holding us back. By embracing a spiritual mindset, we can tap into the power of forgiveness, both towards others and ourselves. Through forgiveness, we create space for new beginnings and open ourselves up to the abundance of the universe. Gratitude is a powerful practice that can transform our lives. By acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and lessons of the past year, we shift our focus from lack to abundance. Cultivating gratitude allows us to see the beauty in every moment and attract more positive experiences into our lives. A spiritual mindset encourages us to express gratitude not only for the good times but also for the challenges that have helped us grow and evolve. Setting intentions is a powerful way to align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our deepest desires. In the spiritual mindset, we understand that our thoughts and intentions have the power to manifest our reality. By setting clear and positive intentions for the new year, we create a roadmap for our spiritual growth and transformation. Whether it is cultivating self-love, deepening our spiritual practice, or manifesting abundance, setting intentions helps us stay focused and committed to our spiritual journey.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to neglect our spiritual well-being. However, starting anew in the new year gives us an opportunity to prioritize self-care and nurture our souls. This can be done through various practices such as meditation, yoga, journaling, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative pursuits. By dedicating time and energy to nourishing our souls, we create a strong foundation for spiritual growth and inner peace. A spiritual mindset reminds us of our connection to something greater than ourselves. Whether it is through prayer, meditation, or simply being in awe of the beauty of the universe, connecting with a higher power brings a sense of purpose and guidance to our lives. As we start anew in the new year, cultivating a deep and meaningful relationship with a higher power can provide us with the strength and wisdom to navigate through life's challenges and embrace our true potential. As we embark on a new year, let us not forget the importance of embracing a spiritual mindset. By letting go of the past, cultivating gratitude, setting intentions, nurturing the soul, and connecting with a higher power, we can create a foundation for profound personal growth and transformation. May this new year be a time of spiritual awakening and a journey towards living a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

My Success List 1











January Reading with Energi Empress Priya Card: Childlike Expression As we enter into the New Year, The Council of Light and Energy (The COLE) ask you to listen carefully to what you need and want from within your own heart. The message is to encourage you to live from the true desires of your own heart. Many of you have been taught to give up your desires for the sake of others, and the COLE ask you to reconsider this. For some of you, the message is to get in touch with your inner child to reignite seeing the world through curiosity and wondrous eyes, to approach life with more playfulness and imagination. For some of you, the messages a request for you to dig down deeply in to your true feelings. you’re invited to allow yourself to connect with what you were truly feeling an examine the areas of your childhood where you may hold unresolved issues. The cool sees that you may have areas where you remain undeveloped due to lack of support or love as a child, encourage take this time to develop yourself in these areas. The COLE is suggesting that you step away this year from the quest to acquire material things, and focus more on your inner world, inner self, and inner child. Look for the joy in the simple things, the way a child would. Allow yourself to rediscover your world through the eyes of simplicity and appreciation. With my pure love and appreciation Energi Empress Priya Card Deck: Whispers of Lord Ganesha Author: Angela Hartfield Artwork: Ekaterina Golavanova Published by: Blue Angel Publishing


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