Dear Readers,
Happy December! With the holiday season upon us, Energi Magazine is focusing on the gift of giving During the holidays we sometimes get caught up trying to get all of the gifts prepared It’s important to remember that it’s not about how expensive the gift or big or extravagant. Sometimes when we are so wrapped up in the concept of giving a gift, we end up just getting things for the sake of getting something.
This year, I encourage you to remember the purpose behind the act of gift giving It is not about the things itself, it is about giving from a place of love, appreciation and care for the other person
One way I like to try and do this is by giving gifts that are connected to something I have discussed with the person before or an experience they might enjoy. For example, if they have told me that they want to try painting, I might get them a paint by numbers kit or maybe tickets to a class that we can attend together
The most important part is to avoid giving the gift from a place of stress or obligation. This energy gets transferred with the gift. The trick is to give from a place of love. Get excited to give and look forward to seeing the joy on their face when receiving
With love and light
Hug Someone
Thank Someone
Share Food
Pray for a Friend
Draw a Picture for Someone
Help Mom or Dad
Smile Often Today Set the Table
Send a Special Card
Sing For Someone
Help Bake a Treat
Visit Someone
Read a Holiday Book
Give Hope Make a Gift
Show Love
Play Together With Family Set the Table Pray Together with Family Celebrate
Feeling stuck in your relationships or on your personal growth journey?
Seeking abundance but don’t know where to start? As a thirdgeneration intuitive energy reader and self mastery coach, I channel the Council of Light and Energy to guide you to the answers you seek. Join live, transformative readings on Instagram and unlock the path to your true self. Are you ready to embrace your full potential?
Energi Empress Priya Intuitive Energy Reader and Channeller
Follow me @energiempresspriya and let’s embark on this enlightening journey together.
Navigating the world of spirituality and materialism can sometimes feel like walking on a tightrope. On one hand, spirituality often emphasizes letting go of worldly desires and finding fulfillment within On the other hand, we live in a material world where possessions and achievements can bring convenience, pleasure, and even a sense of security. It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you’re contradicting your spiritual beliefs by enjoying materialistic things
First off, let’s get one thing straight: wanting nice things or enjoying the comforts of life doesn’t automatically make you less spiritual The key is balance and intention. It’s about understanding why you want certain things and how they fit into the bigger picture of your life. Are you buying that new gadget because it genuinely adds value to your life, or is it just to keep up with the Joneses? Reflecting on these questions can help you align your material needs with your spiritual values.
Moreover, it’s perfectly okay if your spiritual path isn’t linear There might be phases where you’re drawn to material things and times when you feel more inclined to let go of them. Life changes, and so do our needs and desires. The trick is to stay mindful and be honest with yourself about what truly serves your well-being and growth
Another aspect to consider is gratitude Being thankful for what you have, whether it’s a home, a phone, or even a cup of coffee, is a powerful way to bridge the gap between materialism and spirituality. Gratitude shifts your focus from a mindset of lack to one of abundance, helping you appreciate what you have without constantly craving more.
“First off, let’s get one thing straight: wanting nice things or enjoying the comforts of life doesn’t automatically make you less spiritual.”
So, if you ever find yourself feeling like you’re contradicting your spirituality by enjoying material things, take a moment to pause and reflect Ask yourself what these things mean to you and how they contribute to your life. Embrace the duality of your existence and remember that it’s okay to enjoy the material world while pursuing a spiritual path After all, life is about balance, and finding harmony between the two can lead to a more fulfilling and enriched experience.
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Listening to your inner voice can feel like trying to tune into a distant radio station With all the noise in our daily lives, it can be challenging to discern what that voice is saying Yet, this internal guidance is crucial when it comes to knowing when to rest and rejuvenate. In our quest to be productive and helpful, we often overlook the signals our body and spirit send us, urging us to slow down and replenish.
Think of your inner voice as your personal life coach, always there with wisdom and direction It knows when you’re pushing yourself too hard, skipping out on breaks, or ignoring your need for a moment of peace. But how often do you actually pause to listen? Sometimes, we equate busyness with success, forgetting that rest is just as important. Your mind, body, and spirit are intricately connected, and when one is off-balance, it affects the others.
If you’ve ever felt drained without understanding why, it’s likely your inner voice has been whispering truths you’ve been too busy to hear Maybe it’s hinting that you need a weekend away from screens, a walk in nature, or simply an afternoon nap. Ignoring these cues can lead to burnout, affecting not only your physical health but also your emotional and spiritual well-being.
To start listening to this elusive inner voice, try incorporating some simple practices into your daily life
For your mind, set aside a few minutes each day for mindfulness meditation This quiet time helps clear mental clutter, making it easier to hear your inner guidance For your body, consider introducing gentle stretches or yoga into your morning routine to connect with your physical self and check in on how you're feeling. Acknowledge any tension or discomfort as signs that your body may need rest.
For your spirit, engage in activities that nourish your soul This could be journaling, spending time in nature, or practicing gratitude These activities help you tune into what truly matters to you, enriching your spirit and aligning it with your daily actions.
Rejuvenation looks different for everyone. For some, it could be yoga or a creative hobby. For others, it might be reading a favourite book or spending time with loved ones. Whatever it is, make it a priority Remember, taking time for yourself is not selfish, it’s necessary. By honouring your need for rest, you’re not just recharging your own batteries but also ensuring you have the energy to give to others
Listening to your inner voice is a practice, one that requires patience and trust. The more you tune in, the clearer its guidance becomes. As you start to align more with this inner wisdom through these mind, body, and spirit practices, you’ll find that rest and rejuvenation naturally become part of your routine, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life Embrace these moments as sacred, and watch how they transform your days from hectic to harmonious.
1.Igiveandreceiveenergyinbalance,nurturingmyselfandothers equally.
2.Myenergyisarenewableresource,replenishedbybothgivingand receiving.
3.Ihonormyboundaries,allowingforharmoniousexchangesof energy.
4.IamopentoreceivingjustasmuchasIgive,creatingbalancein mylife.
5.Eachactofgivingenrichesmysoulandinvitespositiveenergyin return.
6.Itrusttheflowofenergyinmylife,knowingitcirculatesin abundance.
7.Inurturemyspiritbygivingfromaplaceofloveandreceivingwith gratitude.
9.IamdeservingofthesamekindnessandenergyIoffertothe world.
10.Iamaconduitofpositiveenergy,attractingandradiatinglightin allexchanges.
In today's fast-paced world, where giving is often seen as a noble act, many of us find ourselves caught in a cycle of over-giving We pour our energy, time, and resources into others without realizing that, in the process, we might be depleting our own reserves. On the flip side, some of us hold back from giving because we're afraid of not having enough left for ourselves It's a delicate balancing act, and the key lies in transforming our approach to giving, from one of depletion to fulfillment.
Imagine this, you’ve spent your whole day helping everyone around you, from family to friends, maybe even strangers You’re exhausted, and by the time you get home, you have nothing left to give yourself This is the typical life of an overgiver, someone who feels they must constantly give, even at the expense of their own well-being. It’s easy to see how this can quickly lead to burnout and resentment. The mind is overwhelmed, the body is weary, and the spirit feels drained For those who are reluctant to give, the fear of not receiving anything in return or being left empty-handed can be daunting
The idea of giving might seem like a one way street where you only end up losing what little energy you have This mindset can create a barrier that prevents you from experiencing the joy and fulfillment that come from genuine generosity
So, how can we shift this dynamic? It starts with a change in perspective. Instead of viewing giving as a transaction where you lose something, think of it as an exchange of energy. When you give from a place of abundance and openness, rather than obligation or fear, you invite positive energy back into your life It’s about finding harmony within yourself so that the act of giving becomes a source of joy rather than a chore.
For the over-giver, this might mean setting boundaries and learning to say no when necessary. It's about recognizing that you deserve the same love and care that you so freely offer others Prioritize self-care and make sure to replenish your mind, body, and spirit regularly
Whether it’s through meditation, a hobby you love, or simply taking time to relax, nurturing yourself is not selfish it’s essential
On the other hand, if you’re someone who hesitates to give because you fear depletion, try starting small A smile, a kind word, or a simple act of service can be powerful Notice how these small acts of giving make you feel and how they’re often returned in unexpected ways. Opening your heart to giving can enhance your spirit, as you’ll find that the universe often responds with abundance when you give freely and genuinely
Ultimately, transforming your approach to giving is about balance and reciprocity. It’s about understanding that true giving enriches both the giver and the receiver By nurturing your own well-being and embracing the joy of giving, you create a cycle of positive energy that elevates not only your own life but also the lives of those around you.
By: Chris Lee
Invisible giving takes many forms, but four stand out as particularly powerful.
Time is perhaps the most valuable gift of all, because it’s something we can never get back. In a busy world, offering your time to someone whether it’s for a conversation, a shared experience, or just being there shows them they matter Imagine a friend who takes an afternoon off to help you through a tough day. That simple act of generosity can mean more than any material gift ever could. Time says, “I see you, and you’re worth it.”
We live in an era of constant distraction, making attention one of the rarest and most precious gifts we can offer. It’s more than just being present; it’s about being engaged and truly listening. When you focus fully on someone, they feel valued and understood Have you ever been in a conversation where someone was clearly thinking about something else? Contrast that with a moment when someone hung on every word you said. Attention is invisible, but its impact is profound.
Empathy is the ability to step into someone else’s world and see things from their perspective. It’s not about solving their problems but sharing their burdens. A kind word, a knowing look, or even silent companionship can make a world of difference. Empathy is invisible giving in action, offering comfort without judgment It says, “You’re not alone ”
Love is the ultimate gift. It’s infinite, and it takes many forms: kindness, encouragement, forgiveness, and even just a simple smile Love transforms relationships, uplifts spirits, and builds a foundation of trust and connection When you give love freely, without expecting anything in return, it multiplies. Love is invisible, but its effects are visible everywhere.
December Reading With Energi
Empress Priya
Card: Humour
The message from The COLE (The Council of Light and Energy) for the Month of December, comes through the “Humour” card. The COLE is encouraging you to lighten up over the next month and allow yourself to take life a little bit less seriously than you have been doing recently.
For some of you, the message is to learn to laugh at yourself a little bit more. The COLE has it observed you being much too hard on yourself, much too critical of yourself, and in some cases, thinking much too highly of yourself. Find the lighthearted side of your mistakes or shortcomings.
For some of you, the message is to learn to be more childlike. The COLE suggest that you remember how to play again they’re aware that you may have responsibilities and hold positions in life that require you to be structured, focused, and follow the rules, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun or wear a smile while doing so.
For some of you, the messages to see the humour in the challenges you are faced in your relationships. Whether it be challenges in romance or caring for a sick relative, there is always something to have a giggle about.
As we move through mercury retrograde, you are being given a chance to use this time where things feel as though they’re moving slower, to find the humour and have a laugh. As we are in these heighten manifestation energies, until January 11, laughter is an easy to raise your vibration.
With my pure love and appreciation, Energi Empress Priya
Card Deck: Goddess Power Oracle
Author: Colette Baron Reid
Illustrator: Jen DellaGrottaglia
Publisher: Hay House
By: Chris Lee
I remember sitting on my grandmother's worn kitchen linoleum floor, watching her hands— weathered like old parchment, yet gentle as morning light as she folded laundry. Back then, I didn't understand the profound lessons that she was teaching me about giving, about love, and about understanding what truly matters.
"Honey," she'd say, pausing mid-fold, her eyes meeting mine with that kind, yet laser-sharp intensity that could see right through childhood pretenses, "the most expensive gift is never something you can fit in a gift box "
Those words echoed throughout my childhood like a secret code, gradually unfolding more and more of their meaning as I grew older. My grandmother wasn't talking about the shiny toys or birthday presents that occupied my young imagination. She was referring to something far more intricate a currency of the heart that couldn't be counted in dollars, but instead, moments of genuine connection
Our family wasn't wealthy by traditional standards. We lived in a modest home where love was the real inheritance, passed down more carefully than any material possession. My grandmother understood something profound that our consumer-driven world consistently misses: true wealth isn't measured by what you can accumulate, but by what you can give.
Time became my grandmother’s most precious gift When cousins were struggling, she'd drop everything When a neighbor needed help, she was there Not with grand gestures, but with a quiet, consistent presence. A cup of coffee. A listening ear. A hand to hold during difficult moments.
For years I watched her transform ordinary interactions into extraordinary acts of care Attention wasn't something she dispensed sparingly—it was her superpower She could make you feel like you were the only person who existed in that moment Nothing could break her focus when someone needed her.
Empathy flowed from her like an underground spring invisible, yet nourishing everything it touched. She didn't try to fix people's problems; she absorbed their pain and reflected their humanity back to them. A knowing glance, a soft touch, a whispered understanding that said more than a thousand advice-filled sentences.
Love, for her, was a verb - an action word Not a sentimental concept, but instead an active, transformative force It showed up as forgiveness and patience during family conflicts - those small, seemingly insignificant moments that actually define our relationships.
I remember feeling overwhelmed once about not having money to buy an impressive gift for my wife Grandma listened, then smiled that knowing smile that always meant a life lesson was coming "The best gifts," she said, "cost nothing and mean everything "
She taught me that invisible giving isn't about grand sacrifices. It's about showing up Truly listening. Offering your complete, undivided presence in a world that constantly screams for attention, these quiet acts of generosity are revolutionary.
Now, years later, I understand what she was showing me. Every moment of genuine human connection is a gift Every instance where we set aside our own needs to truly see another person that's the real currency of life
My grandmother didn't leave me material wealth. She left me something far more valuable: a roadmap to a life of meaningful giving. An understanding that our most profound impact happens in the spaces between words, in the silence of compassionate presence.
And isn't that the most extraordinary inheritance of all?