Dear Readers, Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! So here we are again, at the beginning of another new year. I think it is safe to say that the month of January often feels like a fresh start. I find it to be a time of hope and motivation The calendar resets, and with that I think about all the possibilities for the future I also take it as a moment to give myself a little…actually, a big pat on the back for making it through another year In addition, I take it as a time to reflect on all the moments of triumph and joy that I
experienced over the past year and look forward to seeing what new ones will come with 2023 This issue of Energi Magazine is designed to help boost, brighten and balance your energy and get you moving and motivated Whether you strutted, stumbled or even crawled into this new year, celebrate the fact that you crossed the finish line and made it to the next round.
With love and light, Aria de Lima
Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. Buddha
You know that one thing? The thing you’ve been putting off? That thing that’s been on your to-do list for months? Or what about that weekend project that you started last year and never quite got around to finishing? Embarrassed? Don’t be. It happens to the best of us. Procrastination is a common coping mechanism.
Whenever we are feeling overwhelmed by a task or aren’t sure what to do, we tend to procrastinate. We can come up with all of the logical reasons in the world, but ultimately we are governed by our emotions. So how do we turn the tide in the battle against putting important things off? Here are three ways to stifle procrastination.
Baby Steps - What’s one small step you can take each day toward completing your task or project? By breaking your goal down into smaller, less overwhelming steps, you improve your chances of taking action.
Keep Score - If you take enough small steps toward your goal, you will build some momentum, which will improve your motivation.
Explore Your Fear – Identify the underlying reasons for procrastination and address any worries or anxieties that might be distracting you from completing your project.
When the clock turns to midnight on December 31st a new year is upon us.
With a new year brings new meanings, new friendships and new lessons.
A new year reminds us to keep moving forward, to say goodbye to the year like you would an old friend who decided to take their own path.
To move along is to take the new year with courage and to accept any guidance given your way.
Have faith that the new year will move along with great blessings in store. Take each new year as a chance to start over and keep moving forward.