May Reading with Energi

Empress Priya
May Moon Cycle

May Reading with Energi
Empress Priya
May Moon Cycle
Dear Reader,
Everyday, we are faced with the responsibilities of making decisions. Things like what we like and don’t like to eat, what clothes we are going to wear, which party we are going to and what career we will pursue. While some decisions have more weight to them than others, it is important to note that every choice made has a link to so many others that will have to be made in the future. The web of cause and possible effect is endless. For those of you who have seen Dr. Strange, you will know exactly what I’m talking about. Regardless, I encourage you to consider what kind of impact your choices have on others around you. This may be your partner, kids, parents, friends, coworkers or even a stranger you just pass on the street. Something as simple as offering a friendly smile could make a difference in someone’s day.
With love and light, Aria
Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
I love being in service by showing up as my best self
Connecting to my higher self is the greatest service of all
In nurturing and caring for myself, others around me can learn to nurture and care for themselves
I trust that everyone’s journey is unique to them
Everything I experience is within me
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We usually describe words, thoughts and emotions in the context of self-regulating, improving our mood or attempting to be more positive; something having to do with us as individuals. Our energy or vibration also has an effect on others. Yes, the energy that we project out into the world matters and can have a negative or positive effect on those that we come in contact with.
Did you know that thoughts can influence physical matter? That may sound far-fetched like something out of a sci-fi comic book. Over the last 30 years, however, science has been proving that statement to be fact.
In the 1990s, Dr. Masuru Emoto conducted groundbreaking studies involving the incredible energetic impact that our thoughts, words and intentions can have on the world around us. He examined the ice crystals of frozen water after exposure to both negative and positive stimuli (words, thoughts and music).
Dr. Emoto's work with ice crystals is absolutely fascinating He showed us how the power of prayer, love and other positive vibes can create beautiful, intricate patterns in water.
But he also demonstrated what happens when the water is exposed to low vibration energy: it creates crystals that appear dirty and unhealthy. It's an eye-opening reminder of the strength of our intentions.
Other pioneers in the area of neuroscience, quantum physics and biofeedback have had even more fascinating discoveries proving that our energy has an effect on those around us
What exactly does all of this mean to you and me?
Keeping in line with scientific reasoning, if the human body is made up of 70% water, then that means that we can be influenced the same way that water can be. On the flip side, it also means that WE have the power to have a positive or negative influence on others as well.
At every moment, we are sending out a vibration or frequency, and we are attracting that which is in alignment. The above mentioned studies demonstrate how it is that we can “manifest” our desire but also how we can help bring healing, hope and joy to others.
Be the change, have that energy that changes a room when you walk into it, and most importantly, be intentional about spreading love, optimism and positivity.
At times you may find that you feel differently around certain people. This may be in a more uplifting way or in a more negative or draining way. This is because we are sensitive to matching energies. When we are not stable or grounded in our own energy, we can tune into the energies of other people and start matching their energies. You may feel affected negatively or positively. If for example, you’re finding that you feel low energy or drained after spending some time with someone/certain people, and maybe you don’t quite know why, pay attention to how you are relating to them, what kinds of attitudes or perspectives that you share with them, or the similarities in how they speak with how you speak. Chances are, if they’re more on the negative side, that’s more likely what you’re feeling from them, because you have a similar amount of negativity active within you. Also consider that it may not be obvious if someone is more negative/low energy. It could simply be in how they think, and that is affecting their vibe.
On the contrary, you may feel great and uplifted around some people, and chances are, they are in a higher frequency of vibrational energy. You may find they have a more positive, optimistic attitude and just find the joys and satisfaction in small everyday things. Being around people who are like this can allow you to feel more ease with activating those energies within yourself.
There is a common myth that someone else’s energy can impact yours, making you feel more negatively or more positively, that they can drain you or uplift you. When you begin to live your life from a place of heightened awareness, you become more discerning and find it easier to tell if energies belong to you or not. Think of the vibrational frequency of energies like a ladder. If someone is on the bottom of the ladder where things are negative, and you choose to go down to them on that rung of the ladder to connect, you will begin to experience life from that rung of the ladder. It has nothing to do with the person and everything to do with you choosing to move down the vibrational ladder. Similarly, if someone is near or at the top of the ladder and you climb up to meet them, you will then experience life from that rung of the ladder.
If you are living without awareness, this can lead to you not paying attention when you begin climbing up or down the ladder, leading you to believe the person you are meeting is responsible for bringing you up or down. When you recognize this and begin to live in the awareness of where you are at every moment vibrationally, you embrace your power to choose where your energy goes. So, are you choosing to go high or to go low?
As we move out of Mercury Retrograde and Eclipse energies, the Guides are encouraging us that we are ready, so it’s time to get set and go. As we approach the halfway point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, although you may not feel confident that you are ready, the Guides are here to let you know that you are ready and they are right behind you with total support.
Some of you are still closing out old karmic cycles through ending relationships, employment or business relationships, or old patterns or paradigms within yourself. The Guides see you in a state of limbo, where you can no longer return to the old but you are not fully aligned with the new. Some of you are trying to climb back into the cocoon, but know that this will not serve you as you cannot go back. By claiming your readiness, you will allow the co-operative components that will assist your growth to show themselves.
For some of you, the message is to choose one project or one area of your life and focus your attention and energies that way. There are some of you with too many tabs open, so to speak. The Guides see that you have minimal progress in many little projects or areas of life but that there is not enough momentum going to offer you substantial results. As a result, some of you are feeling stuck or drained.
For some of you, the heart sing and to momentum and do It’s definitely a mont looking back into t benefit from creating
Productsto help raise the next ggenerationof lobalcitizens
Do the chore your spouse or roommate hates doing
Clear your neighbours driveway or mow their lawn
Be understanding towards someone who is have a bad day
Add some change to a parking meter
Buy somebody flowers
Lend a sympathetic ear to someone
Spend some time showing your pet some love
Post something encouraging online
Give up your seat to someone else on the train or bus
Participate in a fundraiser
On May 5th we will be experiencing a full moon known as the flower moon. The flower moon gets its name from the indigenous people, more specifically, the Algonquin People, referring to the time of year when Mother Nature is fully blooming
Important dates:
Waxing Gibbous - May 1st
Full Moon (Flower Moon) - May 5th
Waning Gibbous - May 6th
Last Quarter - May 12th
Waning Crescent - May 13th
New Moon - May 19th
Waxing Crescent - May 20th
First Quarter - May 27th
Waxing Gibbous - May 28th
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