Energi Magazine - Issue 39

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Embracing the Power of Letting Go: A Spiritual Guide to Forgetting



Ways to Sharpen our Brain and Memory




TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 - Editors Letter 06 - 3 Crystals to Strengthen and Maintain our Memory 09 - Embracing the Power of Letting Go: A Spiritual Guide to Forgetting 10 - Truth & Memory: The Cosmic Siblings That Shape Our World 13 - Unraveling the Mystery of Selective Recall 14 - Affirmations 15 - 5 Ways to Sharpen our Brain and Memory 16 - Memory Mastery Through Your Third Eye

editor's letter

Dear Readers, Welcome to November. This month we are hoping to make this issue extra memorable as we are looking at memory. Some of our memories are positive and some are less positive, but all of them shape the way we are. We learn from them and we can continue to grow. We also use them to return to moments of joy and happiness. We hope you enjoy it as we dig deeper into how to strengthen your memory to how it impacts your everyday life. With love and light, Aria

Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.

Moments come and go, but memories last forever

Still looking to attract your soul mate? Trying to figure out how to attract your dream job? Law of Attraction Expert and Intuitive Energi Empress Priya www.living365wellness.love Join my free facebook group

3 Crystals to Strengthen and Maintain our Memory Amethyst Activates the higher chakras and stimulates our mental abilities Known as a natural stress reliever, promoting calm and balance, therefore enhancing our memory recollection Aids in remembering our dreams more clearly

Lapis Lazuli Activates the Third Eye, improving all mental abilities and all forms of memory Enhances mental clarity, focus and concentration Ideal to work with during exams and study periods

Selenite Helps to activate the Third Eye and Crown Chakra Clears confusion, restores mental clarity, soothes anxieties and promotes calmness Strengthens long term memory

Our first ingredient is our only ingrdient All Natural Hand Crafted Veterinarian approved Human Grade & Gourmet Quality No Grain, No Soy, No Second ingredient Air Dried to produce a natural, nutrient-dense premium tasty treat



EMBRACING THE POWER OF LETTING GO: A SPIRITUAL GUIDE TO FORGETTING By: Priya Ali In our journey through life, we often encounter experiences, memories and emotions that burden our souls. These burdens can hinder our growth, prevent us from living in the present moment and impede our spiritual progress. However, by embracing the power of letting go, we can free ourselves from the shackles of the past and embark on a transformative path towards inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. 1. Surrender to the Divine Will: To forget, we must first surrender to the divine will. Trust that the universe has a greater plan for us, and that holding onto painful memories only serves to hinder our spiritual growth. By relinquishing control and placing our trust in a higher power, we open ourselves up to the possibility of healing and liberation.

2. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a powerful tool that allows us to be fully present in the moment. By focusing our attention on the here and now, we can detach ourselves from the past and its associated memories. Engage in activities that bring you joy and immerse yourself in the present moment, whether it be through meditation, nature walks or creative endeavors. By doing so, you create space for new experiences and allow the past to fade away. 3. Release Negative Attachments: Negative attachments to memories, emotions or people can weigh heavily on our souls. To forget, we must release these attachments and detach ourselves from the pain they bring. Practice forgiveness, both towards others and ourselves, as it is a powerful act of liberation. By forgiving, we release the emotional burden and create space for healing and growth.

4. Embrace Self-Love and Acceptance: Self-love and acceptance are essential components of spiritual growth. Recognize that you are worthy of love and forgiveness, regardless of past mistakes or painful memories. Nurture yourself with compassion, kindness and self-care practices. By embracing self-love, you create a foundation of inner strength and resilience, enabling you to let go of the past and move forward with grace. 5. Cultivate Gratitude: Gratitude is a transformative practice that shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have. By cultivating gratitude, we shift our perspective and invite positivity into our lives. Express gratitude for the lessons learned from past experiences, as they have shaped you into the person you are today. By acknowledging the blessings in your life, you create a fertile ground for new memories and experiences to flourish. Letting go and forgetting are not acts of weakness but rather acts of spiritual strength and growth. By surrendering to the divine will, practicing mindfulness, releasing negative attachments, embracing self-love, and cultivating gratitude, we can liberate ourselves from the burdens of the past. Remember, the journey towards forgetting is not about erasing memories but about freeing ourselves from their emotional grip. Embrace the power of letting go, and watch as your spirit soars to new heights of peace, joy and spiritual enlightenment.

Truth & Memory: The Cosmic Siblings That Shape Our World By Chris Lee Memory and Truth go hand in hand. Sometimes they compliment each other and other times they are at odds, like bickering siblings. In the big family of life, Memory is the creative older sister who loves to tell stories. Sometimes she takes liberties, adding her own twists. Truth is the straightforward younger brother, always ready to fact-check his sister Memory. Together they help shape who we are, even if they don't always see eye to eye. Memory, the older sister, is like the family historian and story-teller. She’s never met a story that she couldn't embellish upon to improve. "Remember when we rescued that cat from a tree?" she'll say, glossing over the fact that the cat was more terrified of the rescue than being stuck. She loves a good narrative, omitting boring details and instead spritzing a splash of drama here and there. After all, life is more interesting through Memory's lens. Then along comes Truth, the younger sibling, armed with a highlighter and a pile of receipts. "Actually, the cat fell out of the tree on its own," he'll reply with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Maybe Truth is a buzzkill, or perhaps Truth is the hero we all need to keep us tethered to what really happened. Either way, Truth ensures that the stories don't stray too far into the trappings of delusion.

But here’s where it gets good: while they might spar like typical siblings, they need each other more than they're willing to admit. Memory offers the blank canvas of the human experience, and Truth provides the vibrant colors that paint life. Memory might have an inclination toward selective storytelling, but without Truth’s foundational framework, her tales would venture deep into the realm of fiction. And Truth, for all of his insistence on facts, relies on Memory to give those facts context and emotional weight.

Picture a family reunion. Memory stands up and tells everyone the story of when young Truth found a lost “treasure" in the backyard. By the end of the story, it sounds like an Indiana Jones movie. Truth rolls his eyes, stands up and announces, "It was a rusty old coin." But everyone is already enchanted by Memory's version, and the myth persists - intertwining with the truth to become an exciting piece of family history.

While Memory and Truth are often at odds, they are a dynamic sibling duo. Sure, they might squabble, debate and sometimes drive each other up the wall, but they’re bound by an unbreakable bond. Memory and Truth shape our worldviews, our identities and our very understanding of what's real and what's embellished. In this incredible, confusing and often messy journey of life, it's their meshing that adds depth, insight and a sprinkling of magic to our shared and individual stories.


Unraveling the Mystery of Selective Recall By: Priya Ali

Memory is a fascinating and complex aspect of human cognition. We often find ourselves pondering why we remember certain events vividly while others fade into the depths of our minds. The study of memory has long intrigued psychologists, who have delved into the intricacies of this phenomenon. Through exploring the psychological factors that contribute to selective recall we can shed light on why some memories persist while others slip away. 1. Emotional Significance: One of the primary reasons we remember certain events more vividly is their emotional significance. Emotions act as a powerful catalyst for memory formation, as they enhance the encoding and retrieval processes. Events that evoke strong emotions, such as joy, fear or trauma, tend to leave a lasting imprint on our minds. The emotional intensity associated with these memories makes them more salient and easier to recall.

as visual imagery, elaborative rehearsal, or chunking, can enhance memory retention. Similarly, retrieval strategies, such as retrieval cues or context-dependent memory, can facilitate the recall of stored information. 4. Prior Knowledge and Schema: Our existing knowledge and schemas play a vital role in memory formation and recall. Schemas are mental frameworks that help us organize and interpret new information based on our pre-existing knowledge. When new information aligns with our existing schemas, it becomes easier to remember. However, information that contradicts or deviates from our schemas may be more challenging to recall or may even be forgotten altogether.

5. Forgetting and Interference: While we often focus on remembering, it is equally important to understand why we forget certain things. Forgetting can occur due to various factors, including interference from other memories. Interference happens when new information disrupts the retrieval of previously stored memories, leading to their temporary or permanent loss. Proactive interference 2. Attention and Focus: occurs when old memories interfere with the recall of new Our ability to remember information is closely tied to information, while retroactive interference happens when new our attention and focus. When we pay close attention memories disrupt the retrieval of older information. to something, we are more likely to encode it into our memory. Selective attention plays a crucial role in The complexities of memory are a subject of ongoing determining what information gets stored and what research and fascination within the field of psychology. is discarded. Factors such as novelty, relevance and Emotional significance, attention and focus, encoding and personal interest influence our attention, thereby retrieval strategies, prior knowledge and schema, and impacting our ability to remember specific details. interference all contribute to the selective recall of memories. Understanding these psychological factors can help us 3. Encoding and Retrieval Strategies: appreciate the intricacies of memory and shed light on why The way we encode and retrieve information also we remember some things vividly while others slip away. As affects our memory recall. Encoding refers to the we continue to unravel the mysteries of memory, we gain process of transforming sensory information into a valuable insights into the workings of the human mind and the form that can be stored in memory. Different fascinating ways in which our memories shape our perception encoding strategies, such of the world.


I am blessed with a sharp and focused mind, capable of retaining and recalling information effortlessly." "Divine wisdom flows through me, enhancing my memory and allowing me to absorb knowledge with ease." "I release any mental blocks or limitations that hinder my memory, allowing my mind to function at its highest potential." "I am grateful for my exceptional memory, as it allows me to learn, grow and contribute positively to the world." "Every day my memory becomes stronger and more reliable, aligning with the divine intelligence that resides within me."

5 Ways to Sharpen our Brain and Memory By: Andrea Sipcic

1. Stay physically active Physical movement and activity raises blood flow to the whole body, including the brain, helping to keep it sharp and clear. Whether it’s going to the gym, dancing or even regular brisk walks, you can always find something you enjoy to keep yourself moving.

2. Stay mentally active Mind-engaging activities help keep the brain in shape. It also can help to prevent memory loss. So keep the brain active through reading, doing puzzles, learning to play a musical instrument or trying a new hobby.

3. Focus on one thing at a time and stay organized Clutter in your home and environment can often cause clutter in your mind. Keep an organized home and workspace. Have a place for everything and work on putting them back consistently, once done with them. Make lists and keep plans. Get rid of what you don’t want or need. Focusing on one thing at a time and ditching the multitasking mentality can also be greatly beneficial. Over bombarding our minds can cause havoc and weaken our abilities to remember and stay sharp.

4. Maintain a balanced diet A balanced diet that is good for you is also good for your brain. Some things like healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables and legumes can be greatly beneficial, as well as drinks such as alkaline water and herbal teas. What we avoid having in excess is also important to consider. (i.e. too much alcohol or processed foods)

5. Sleep and meditation Just like anything else, our brain needs rest. Make getting enough quality sleep a priority and if needed, consider sleep meditations, hypnosis and/or power naps as part of this. Meditation and quieting the mind is another form of rest for the brain, decreasing any over activity and stimulation.

MEMORY MASTERY THROUGH YOUR THIRD EYE By priya ali The Third Eye Chakra, also known as the Ajna Chakra, is the energy center that supports our memory and cognitive abilities. Located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, this chakra is associated with intuition, perception and higher consciousness. The Third Eye Chakra is often depicted as indigo or deep blue in color, representing its connection to wisdom and insight. When this chakra is balanced and harmonious, it enhances our mental clarity, focus, and memory retention. This chakra acts as a gateway to our inner wisdom and intuition, allowing us to tap into our subconscious mind and access stored memories. It helps us recall information, experiences and knowledge that we have acquired throughout our lives. When the Third Eye Chakra is imbalanced, memoryrelated issues may arise. This can manifest as forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating or a lack of mental clarity. Imbalances in this chakra can also lead to an overactive mind, racing thoughts or an inability to filter and process information effectively.

To support and balance the Third Eye Chakra for optimal memory function, various practices can be beneficial. Meditation, visualization exercises and mindfulness techniques can help calm the mind, improve focus and enhance memory recall. Engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, such as puzzles, reading or learning new skills, can also support the health of this chakra. Additionally, incorporating indigocolored objects, such as crystals like amethyst or lapis lazuli, into your environment can help balance and activate the Third Eye Chakra. Aromatherapy with essential oils like frankincense, clary sage or sandalwood can also be used to promote mental clarity and memory enhancement.

By nurturing and balancing the Third Eye Chakra, we can tap into our innate wisdom, enhance our memory capabilities and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Everything is Energi www.energimagazine.love

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