DECEMBER 1, 2020
The Energi Family wishes your family a very happy holiday season!
Give the gift of energy this year with one of our beautiful crystal infused Energi water bottles Check out our special holiday FAITH bottle @everything_is_energi
The Winter Weather By: Andrea Sipcic
Having the cold weather arriving for many of us usually means staying indoors and mostly avoiding going outside. Although understandable, it is important to recall some of the immense benefits of being out in nature: Helps us to recharge Allows us to breathe better and more fully Aids in expelling low energies we may have been holding onto A great way to ground ourselves Can increase our awareness, including with ourself Allows for more mental and emotional clarity This is a reminder, despite the colder weather, to still make the effort to go outside and spend some time around nature, even if it’s just for a short time. Even 10 to 15 minutes here and there is enough to make a difference, especially when you feel it’s most needed for you. If you don’t already have, consider investing in some warm winter clothes and attire. If you have a dog, spend some quality time with them and go for a walk. If you’ve been considering getting one, a pet would also be a great motivator to go out and enjoy the fresh air! If you’re somebody who especially loves the outdoors, a great addition in the colder months is to bring the outdoors to you. Here are a few ways to incorporate a “nature feel” in your own home: Keep plants and/or flowers in your home If you have wooden floors, try standing on them barefoot, or doing Yoga on them. Poses such as Tree and Mountain Pose are excellent options Diffuse essential oils that are earthy and grounding, such as Vetiver, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, and Myrrh
December Affirmations for the Heart Chakra 1 I act and speak from a place of love
2 I have compassion and care for myself and others
3 I nurture my mind, body, and soul with loving thoughts and actions.
4 With each day, I am more open and love freely.
5 Knowing I am worthy of love from myself and others brings me joy.
6 I am loved
Rose Quartz Stone of unconditional love and infinite peace Has a strong effect on emotional health and well-being Protects from pain and disappointment Promotes self-love Increases self-awareness and self-acceptance
Emerald Helps bring loyalty Keeps partnerships in balance Enhances unconditional love and unity Encourages physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium Enhances psychic abilities and opens clairvoyance Inspires a deep inner knowing Assists in stimulating activity and focus in one's actions
Rhodochrosite Promotes a cheerful, buoyant mood Ideal for calling a new love into one’s life Stimulates creativity, dream states, and sense of personal power Can enhance passion and sexuality Helps in expressing love towards others without fear of rejection
Green Jade Brings calm, peace, and serenity Protects from harm and helps to release negative energies Harnesses love and compassion Aids in healing relationships Contains purifying properties, eliminating toxins
Rhodonite Promotes emotional healing Calming during traumatic times Helps bring peace to troubled relationships Stimulates acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love towards others Generates a sense of confidence and clarity
Monthly Movement By: Tanya Mouland
Breathing is natural. Inhale, exhale‌simple, right? Do you hold your breath or have shallow breathing? Optimal breathing occurs when we use our diaphragm for belly breathing, and fill our lungs in all 3 dimensions which are, front/back, side-to-side, top/bottom. How to do Belly Breathing 1. Rest your hand on your abdomen, while sitting, standing, or lying down. 2. Blow out all the air in your lungs through your mouth in short, little puffs (like keeping a feather in the air). With each short exhale, push the belly button back toward the spine. 3. Inhale slowly through your nose, filling the lungs by pulling the diaphragm down and expanding the belly (breathing into your hand). 4. Repeat #2 and #3 two more times, then begin exhaling through your mouth with 1 smooth flow, pushing the belly button back toward the spine. (Use your hand to gently push into the abdomen.)
Belly Breathing
Belly Breathing Benefits 1. Re-establishes natural breathing pattern
5. Lowers stress in the body
2. Increases energy level
6. Enhances brain-body communication and whole brain access
3. Improves focus and concentration 4. Decreases muscle tension, particularly in the hips and ribcage
7. Brings one back to the present, feeling centered and grounded
By: Maleika Lacy
You may find the heart chakra to be difficult and extremely complicated to balance, depending on the cause of the misalignment. This is because when it comes to matters of the heart, emotions can run deep and can permanently affect us. In difficult situations like these, essential oils are a great tool to aid us in realignment. You might be wondering, how does this all work anyways? Well it all boils down to the bioactive of how essential oils uniquely interact with the human body.
Essential oils are physiologically active, which means they directly influence the body. Unique structural features of essential oils allow them to be active both on the surface of cells and within cells. Essential oils can also influence the brain by passing from the blood into the brain. The blood- brain barrier is the most secure tissue barrier in the body. It is highly selective in order to protect the fragile tissues of the central nervous system. This barrier only allows the passage of certain compounds that are crucial to brain function (glucose, some amino acids, etc.). Therefore, using essential oils to align various chakras can have a power effect. Be sure to explore using essential oils while meditating, practicing Yoga, using crystals, practicing Reiki, applying massage therapy, or any other chakra-happy activity. Let us explore three essential oils that can be used in three fairly different situations, all connected to the heart chakra.
Forgiveness/Renewing Blend Are you ready to let go of anger caused by abandonment or betrayal of the heart? Forgiveness is a powerful liberation of the soul and this unique blend of tree and herb essential oils allows you to forgive, forget, and move on. Diffuse or apply to pulse points throughout your day for several days until you feel the release of your anger or guilty feelings.
Rose This essential oil is known as the “Queen of Essential Oils” and has the highest frequencies out of them all. Rose invokes feelings of love, compassion, and nurture. It is the perfect gift for any expecting mother to be, as postpartum often invokes an unbalanced heart chakra and hormones. Rose essential oils can aid in a mother’s ability to bond and accept the new child. Apply to pulse points or add a drop to your lotion before applying to skin.
Neroli With a rich history of perfumery, high society, marriage, and consummation rituals, this essential oil will relax anxious feelings and allow for feelings of romance. Combine with ylang ylang, lavender, and fractionated coconut oil for a sensual massage, or apply to pulse points to wear as a perfume. It is perfect for attracting the right partner and opening your heart to new love.
For more visit: References 1. Bioactivity of Essential Oils, dōTERRA © 2020,
I Love You…Man By Chris Lee
Here are 5 ways Men Can Show Love To Each Other
My barber spun me around in the chair and stopped in front of the mirror. I admired my fresh shave and haircut for a few moments before giving my barber a nod of approval. I stood up, paid, and tipped my barber and gave him a hug. “You know how to make a balding 40-something look good. I appreciate that,=” I told him. He replied, “I appreciate the opportunity to make you look good.” It was a feel-good moment of male bonding. It was also border-line uncomfortable for the both of us.
As men, we express love to our partners, our kids, even our pets, but why is it so uncomfortable for us to express love to other men? The capacity to love is most certainly present. In times of great tragedy and loss I’ve seen and experienced very touching acts of love from men toward other men.
Let’s cut to the chase. One of a heterosexual male’s biggest and most deeply engrained fears is the fear of being perceived as gay. Yes, our toxic masculinity runs deep. Gentlemen, our heterosexual manhood needn’t be so fragile. An embrace, kind words, or saying “I love you” are not indicators of sexual orientation. These are indicators of being human.
Deep down, this is what men crave. We are all connected, and we
1. Show Compassion: Understanding the plight of others is an act of love. Compassion will cause us to seek ways to help others in a more meaningful way. Compassion can be something as simple as acknowledging how hard your server is working at your favourite restaurant instead of getting annoyed that your order is taking longer than you’d like. 2. Be a Good Listener: Actively listening to others makes them feel understood and valued. We get to know our friends intimately by listening to them, which builds trust. Trust is a key ingredient to strong relationships. 3. Forgive: Holding on to the past transgressions of others can prevent us from giving and receiving love. There is power in letting go. Say it with me: “Let go and restore the flow.”
need to feel that connection with our brethren. Inside of every man is a tiny man-child that laughs at the most juvenile things. That man-child also craves acceptance, a sense of belonging, and validation. He needs reassurance and positive reinforcement. That man-child needs unconditional love.
Getting to know yourself better will help you recognize the love you already have in your life and will also help you to be open to receiving more love. Think of a time in your life when you truly felt
4. Accept Others as They Are: We are all at different stages on our spiritual journey. The more we judge others, the more we “pinch off” our own flow of love. Empathy and compassion help us to see, value, or at the very least learn a lesson, with everyone that we meet.
loved. Reconnect with that emotion. Was it kind words? Physical touch from a dear friend or loved one? Was it a gift? Why did the experience make you feel loved? Be willing to explore your own feelings about love. How do you like to express your love for others?
Are you ready to open your heart chakra and experience more love in your everyday life?
5. Accept Yourself as You Are: Avoid judging yourself. Wherever you are in life, it’s ok. Comparing yourself to others can really lower your vibe. Completely accepting and loving yourself is the single most important thing you can do for you.
Noah de Lima @intuitivemilennial
@savitamoonchild @savitamoonchild
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Gemini By: Savita Moon Child
Full Moon gives us the opportunity to focus on the future we would like to create. It is a time to plant our seeds and visualize what and where we would like to be in life. Do this by setting your intentions in order to make them happen. The Gemini Full Moon will support the big shift coming in our lives, bringing innovation and breakthroughs which will raise the standard of living for everyone, increasing our quality of life. The Sun is opposing the Gemini Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, the sign which heralds your truths, wisdom, and beliefs. Our beliefs evolve only when we evolve, so it is important to decipher what we believe and reevaluate our truths. Ask yourself, are my beliefs still true to me?
The sign Gemini represents conscious awareness where we look at our thought patterns and perceptions of everything. This conscious awareness will highlight and encourage us to step back and evaluate whether or not we are still living in our truth. It will have you questioning whether you still believe the intentions you set in the previous Moon cycles. This moon will inspire us to set a new path with a new story of what we would like our future to become.
Ask yourself, what do you want in life? What are your most important goals right now? Why are they so important to you? Where are you not stepping fully into the world because of fear? What’s the most important action you want to commit to this full moon as a way to integrate who you are becoming?
Whatever it is you want your story to be, set those intentions and affirm it from the heart, as if you already have them. By thinking it you create what you want and by action you receive it. When we are really clear about what we want, it makes it a lot easier for us to make it happen with the conspiring help of the Universe, God, Creator, or the Divine, whichever you feel most comfortable to call the Most High.
It is important to support your thoughts with action. For instance, it is the same as a shopping list which helps us shop. Writing down a list of your intentions of ‘what we want’ will help us to manifest. Your intention may be to lose a few pounds. You may write it down on your list of intentions, but then not do the exercise or eat the right foods. Your actions do not support what you are asking for, hence making your intentions less likely to come to fruition. Set yourself up, be clear, and take the action that supports what it is you want for yourself.
This full moon is here to support and guide us. Gemini is the card of the lovers in the tarot, meaning duality and choices. Which path should you be taking? This moon encourages you to go out into the world, make connections, gather resources, learn, grow, and share. Being a moon of communication, it will help you find the right people in the right places at the right time and find the information you need. So again, this is a great time to evaluate, think, listen, and communicate your choices. The Universe is guiding us to move forward and go with the flow, on a new journey. It’s time to embrace this new path and trust your instincts.
What if you are not feeling quite ready to move forward? The Universe will intervene and make that choice for you, so be the initiator of your change and make your choices. The sign Gemini loves change, but struggles with trusting emotions, wanting it to be practical and logical. Gemini’s rationality can be helpful in allowing you to solve problems and figure out where, what, and how you want to be in life. Gemini does not like to be stuck in the past and will encourage you to move in the right direction. Either way, you will be on a new journey. Attune to the Gemini Moon‌
1. Take note of any repetitive questions or criticisms and release them under the waning moon. 2. Make a list of recurring patterns and situations. What have you learnt from them and how can you change them going forward? 3. Write down ways you can alter past experiences that you may find yourself repeating.
This is a very positive and powerful lunar eclipse, emphasising potentials and possibilities of newiyideas coming forth in your life. It will enable you to find the solutions you want and need, seeing things you may not have seen before and realize how you can do things differently. It will allow you to see new and optimistic ways forward. Speak your truth with clarity, open your mind, and expand your horizons in order to seek out and embrace the new opportunities ahead.
Try some of these mantras on the night of the full moon or create your own...
I trust what wisdom and messages the Universe sends to direct me on the path to my highest good. I release hardships of my past to open myself to the new journey ahead. I think that change is wonderful.
December Reading with the Intuitive Goddess Priya Card: The Black Madonna - Our Lady of the Hermits
While the Guides sense many of you still struggling to
Card Deck: The Divine Feminine Oracle By: Megan
believe that positive developments have been birthed
Watterson Artwork By: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
throughout this past year, they wish to reassure you
Publisher: Hay House
that there will be benefits reaped in the days ahead as a result of all that has transpired. Certain shifts and
The message from the Guides references the Black Madonna as she represents the power to emerge from
perceived losses were necessary to forge new beginnings and transformations.
the darkness transformed. As this is the last monthly reading for 2020, the Guides are sensing an emergence from what has been a dark year for many. They witnessed many of you entering into this past year with great zest,
For some of you, the message comes with an invitation to surrender your attachment to pain and suffering by transforming it into a greater capacity for love.
inspiration, and a desire to make it your year only to be met with great disappointment, fears, isolation, and loss on many levels.
For some of you, the message is to trust that what
doesn t emerge from the darkness is out of alignment with our higher selves.
The Guides wish to remind us that from the darkness, light emerges, bringing with it a timeframe and opportunities for new beginnings, growth, and profound consciousness. They sense that many of you experienced discomfort with isolation and the lack of options to keep you superficially busy and distracted.
The year ahead will present us with new challenges. The Guides remind you to trust in your intuition, engage your faith with strength, and to call upon the Divine to assist you at any time. In Love and Light, Intuitive Goddess Priya
Healing your Heart Chakra through your stomach By: Aria de Lima
Breakfast - Cheese and spinach scrambled eggs Scramble 2 large eggs in a bowl. Mix in ¼ cup of milk or cream to make your eggs nice and fluffy. Add your favourite cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Add 1 tbsp of vegetable oil to a heated pan. Pour the egg mixture into the pan. Sprinkle 1-2 large handfuls of baby spinach and continue to stir until eggs are fully cooked. You can also add other vegetables such as mushrooms and peppers. Lunch - Chicken and avocado salad Season 1-2 large chicken breasts with olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic or garlic powder. Grill chicken breast or bake in the oven at 350°C for about 45 minutes or until cooked all the way through. Shred the chicken or cut into small pieces and put off to one side. In a separate bowl, dice up 2 ripe avocados and one small tomato. Add salt, pepper, 1 tsp of lemon, and mix. Add in your chicken and top with a salad dressing of your choice and enjoy. Snack - Green fruit bowl This super simple snack is one that your heart chakra is definitely going to love. Chop up 1 green apple, 2 kiwis, and a ½ cup of honeydew mellow. Mix in some green grapes and enjoy as a sweet and refreshing afternoon snack. Dinner - Chicken pesto Boil pasta in a large pot and leave off to one side. Combine 1 cup fresh basil leaves, 3 peeled cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp pine nuts, and ⅓ cup of grated parmesan in a blender or food processor. Blend ingredients together, gradually adding in ⅓ cup of olive oil as you blend. Heat about 2-3 tbsp of olive oil in a separate pan. Season 2 large chicken breasts with garlic, salt, and pepper and cook all the way through. Mix pesto sauce with pasta and top with the chicken for a delicious dinner. Dessert - Apple Pie Thinly slice 3 large green apples. Add ⅛ cup of sugar (brown sugar is usually better), 1 tsp of cinnamon, and 1 tbsp of vanilla. You can also add a little bit of maple syrup for an extra sweet flavour. Place the mixture into a small pot set to medium heat and pour in ½ cup of water. Stir frequently to avoid the apples from sticking. If you find your pie filling is too watery, you can add a little bit of flour to help thicken it up. While there are a number of recipes for homemade pie crust, store bought ones are always quick and easy. Pour your filling into your crust and follow the instructions on the package. Let it cool, top with ice cream, and enjoy the perfect dessert for a cozy night in.
Holiday Activities to do with your Children
By: Andrea Sipcic
Holiday time with your children at home under regular circumstances can already seem a little overwhelming. Finding fun ways to keep them busy and trying to avoid having them sit in front of their electronics all day can be a challenge. Now with restrictions underway due to the pandemic, it may seem like even more of a challenge. However, there are always ways to modify and work with what we have. The main focus here is to foster entertaining, happy activities that keep them engaged, so it’s not forced, and maintains them at a high vibration.
Here are a few ideas of activities that are usually winners with children, and ideal to do during the holidays.
Holiday Cooking/Baking Most young children love cooking and helping out in the kitchen, especially when it comes to baking sweet treats. It keeps the creative juices flowing and then being able to to enjoy the creations with their family is a huge bonus. Incorporate some holiday favourites like holiday cookies, reindeer cupcakes, or even snacks like candy cane popcorn. The other great aspect to this is that they typically don’t have to follow any specific recipe exactly, and can have fun adding their own special touch and twists to it.
Karaoke with Holiday Music Another favourite with both children and adults is karaoke. You can invest in a karaoke machine if wanted, but it’s definitely not needed. Pulling up music and lyrics online is an awesome alternative. Don’t be afraid to make this a full on concert. Try using a toy microphone or the good old wooden spoon from the drawer, create a stage, use speakers if you have, and let your children select their favourite holiday (or non-holiday) songs to sing along to. They can even go as far as writing their own songs if that’s something that inspires them.
Summer Holiday Picnic Picnics are always fun, even if it’s cold outside. It’s always fun to pretend it’s summertime, especially in the middle of a cold winter. If staying indoors, get out the summer clothes, sunglasses, hat, etc, and create a space mimicking an outdoor picnic. If nice enough outdoors, the picnic can just be out in the backyard or garden. Holiday it up with eggnog, warm apple cider, Holiday sandwiches, or whatever else sounds fun to your children.
Holiday Camping Using pillows, blankets, and sheets, help build a cozy tent for your children to hang out in and even sleep in. Add Christmas lights and/or decorations and serve eggnog, festive marshmallow treats, or smores.
Treasure Hunt This is always a winner. Not only do children get to play detective, but it is also a very rewarding, exciting activity that gives children a sense of accomplishment. Create a festive-themed treasure map with clues to find small treats, each with a loving or kind saying attached. If the weather is nice enough, this can be done in the backyard or even in a more secluded area of a larger park.
Show your Heart Chakra some love By: Aria de Lima
The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata, is the fourth major Chakra. Located in the middle of the chest, this Chakra is usually represented by the colour green and is connected to the element of air. As many would expect, it focuses on the aspects of love and relationships in one’s life. This may be self love or love and relationships with others. In addition, it also works with factors such as forgiveness, acceptance, empathy, and transformation.
Commonly, an imbalance in the Heart Chakra is caused by stress,
If you feel that your Heart Chakra may be out of balance, don’t worry! Here are three easy ways you can help balance it out.
illness, or emotional conflict. Some signs that may indicate an imbalance include:
Defensiveness: The need to justify all of your choices in the event of them being challenged or sometimes without anyone questioning them
Use crystals connected to the Heart Chakra.
to begin with at all.
Anger: Lashing out on others or the feeling of overwhelming frustration and anger, with an impaired ability to reach a level of calm.
Jealousy: A negative feeling towards someone else due to them having something that you do not have.
Practice meditation and breathing exercises specifically for your Heart Chakra.
Attention seeking: Doing or saying things for the sole purpose of receiving a reaction from others. This could be both a negative or positive response but ultimately the intent behind the behaviour is to make yourself the focal point for other people to make yourself feel more important.
Manipulative behaviour: Twisting facts in order to get your desired response.
Feeling of unworthiness: Not feeling like you are enough the way you are or that you do not deserve the positive things you are receiving or asking for in life.
Physical signs: This could include heart and respiratory ailments, as well as high or low blood pressure.
Incorporate positive affirmations about love into your life. You can either speak them out loud, in your mind, or write them down in a place that you will look at frequently.
Test it out
Product: Wattne Massage Gun By: Andrea Sipcic I love going for massages, and anytime I would hear about or try at home devices, I never really believed they could be very beneficial or effective. That was until I found the Wattne Massage Gun.The Wattne Massage Gun is a hand-held massaging device that is easy to use on oneself or others. It is targeted for deep tissue massage and is meant to help with sore muscles, stiffness, myofascial release, joint pain relief, speed muscle recovery, and increase flexibility.
This product came highly recommended, so I figured it was worth a try, especially since I don’t go for massages as often as I need, and do often get quite a bit of tension and soreness in my upper back and shoulder area. I was pleasantly surprised with this device and its power. It was easy and convenient to use on myself and the speed and intensity was what stood out to me the most, with six adjustable applicator attachments to choose from. No human hands can go as fast as the device can, and you are able to adjust the speed as you prefer.
The main objective of a massage is to move energy in an area that may be blocked and help restore the natural flow. This gun does just that. After using it, I felt looser and lighter. Even while using it, movement seemed evident and it was relieving. In areas where I had a lot more tension and blockages, the gun would sometimes jump and be a little more unsteady. Playing around with the angle and positioning of the gun, as well as decreasing the speed, helped with this. In addition, the massage gun is rechargeable and easily transportable, as it comes with a sturdy case and has a long battery life.
It is quite inexpensive, especially relative to the cost of massages with a therapist. It can also potentially save you money if you find you don’t require as many handson massages, as has been the case for me.I purchased my Wattne Massage Gun from Amazon. It can also be purchased from Walmart online.
USING AFFIRMATIONS There are many different ways to work with affirmations. You can repeat them in your mind or out loud, write them out and place them where you will see them everyday, or journal your thoughts about the affirmations you are working with. One of my favourite forms of affirmations are in card decks, like these from Having positive statements to read and reflect on can help keep you calm, focused, and grounded as you move through the different stages of pregnancy and prepare for birth.
There are so many benefits of incorporating Yoga into your daily routine while pregnant. Beyond the obvious physical benefits like building strength, stamina, and balance, increasing energy, and relieving the common discomforts of pregnancy, there are many mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits as well A major component of any Yoga practice is breath work. Tuning in to your breath, noticing its flow as it moves in, through, and out of the body, helps you to feel grounded and centred. This aids in calming the nervous systems of both you and your baby. Being in a more relaxed state decreases tension and stress, reduces anxiety, allows more positive hormones to be transferred to the baby, improves sleep, and can help you retain a sense of peace and calm throughout the many transitions of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Attending a prenatal class is a great way to connect with others who are in the same phase of life as yourself. Community
building at this time is so important! Having others to share all of the ups and downs with you, who understand what you are experiencing, is vital for your mental and emotional wellbeing. These classes offer a safe environment to share discomforts, joys, fears, and questions, allowing for the sharing of knowledge and the passing down of a legacy of wisdom. Many of the poses and techniques taught in prenatal Yoga will benefit you during childbirth, such as various labouring and birthing positions, breath practices, meditations, and affirmations. Having dedicated time to devote to these practices during pregnancy will prepare you physically, mentally, and emotionally for the birthing process. Prenatal Yoga paves the way to creating a welcoming space in body and mind, a time of connection, rest, and a nurturing of self, all while deepening your bond with your baby.
BREATH AWARENESS AND SOUND MEDITATION Make yourself comfortable in a seated position. Begin by observing the natural breath. Notice how your breath flows in and out of your body. Start to bring awareness to the feel of the ground beneath your sitz bones. On each exhale, imagine that the sitz bones are rooting deeper and deeper into the earth. On each inhale, imagine there is a string attached to the crown of the head allowing the spine to elongate effortlessly. Bring the palms of the hands together in prayer position in front of the heart, the thumbs gently touching your sternum. As you inhale, keep the hands together and slowly extend upwards until the arms are straight overhead. As you exhale, let the hands come apart and slowly extend to your sides, bringing the hands to the knees. Continue to slow the breath down while inhaling up and exhaling down. Begin to add sound on the exhale; low sounds like AAH or OM (AUM). Continue this pattern for 5-10 breath cycles. Once finished, return to your natural breath, placing one hand on the baby and the other hand over the heart. This practice is wonderful to do in preparation for birth. It helps to release endorphins and relax inhibitions. It also relaxes the throat, which in turn relaxes the pelvis. It focuses attention and energy downwards, and can help soothe the baby during and after birth as they are familiar with the sound and vibration.
As with all forms of exercise, it’s important to have the goahead from your healthcare provider before beginning any kind of routine. There are many different approaches to prenatal exercise, so be sure to ask lots of questions of potential teachers to be sure their class will be the right fit for you. In my classes I take a gentler, more restorative approach to the asanas. I believe your body is already working so hard building this new life inside of you, and with our busy day-to-day lifestyles, we often don't give ourselves adequate time to truly rest and replenish our mind and body. Breath work, meditations, affirmations, birth prep, and discussions around topics relating to the prenatal and immediate postpartum period, help round out the classes.
I personally have experienced the many benefits of a regular yoga practice throughout pregnancy and postpartum, as well as during the birthing process (x3!). However, the benefits don't stop there. Maintaining a sense of peace and calm, and being able to take a step back from my surroundings to be in more of a witness state, helps me to be less reactionary and more responsive. This benefits not only myself, but also my partner and my children. This mindfulness is an ongoing process, and that is why it is called a practice! With continued practice the effects ripple out to our families, our communities, and ultimately, out to the world at large. @wiserootstherapies @wiserootstherapies
Intuitive Goddess Priya @IntuitiveGoddess
Premadasa Gangadeen @premadasa108
The Gift of Noticing: 3 Simple Steps to Tune-In to Your Body to Turn-Up Learning and Performance By: Tanya Mouland
“Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”Bessel A. van der Kolk
I invite you to join me in a little experience. Take a moment right now and tune-in to what you are sensing in your body. How are you sitting? Are you aware of any tension in your body? What else do you observe? What do you notice sensorily within your body? How’s your energy?
Our body is always communicating with and providing physiological feedback to our brain – hungry, warm, relaxed, energized, nervous, ready, safe, stressed. Noticing how your body is communicating in different situations, and how to use this information to improve performance, enhance learning, and increase communication skills, is one of the greatest skills to develop on the journey of self-discovery.
Noticing involves the prefrontal cortex collecting information from the back brain (cerebellum) about our physical state. Gail Dennison, co-creator of Brain Gym® program courses, calls this our ‘noticing bridge.’ When we take a moment to notice and be aware of self, we are bridging the connections of the back brain and the cortex, bringing our brain-body system to the present moment. From this place of present moment awareness, we have better access to planning, choices, learning, and optimal performance.
Tuning-in to our bodies helps in our overall wellness. For a variety of reasons, individuals can get caught in chronic stress patterns. People who are going through life in chronic stress might not recognize the constant muscle tension, or incomplete breathing patterns. For example, stiffness, discomfort, anxiety, and low energy all seem normal. Children today have difficulty tuning into and noticing their body and this can create challenges in learning, self-regulation, and interpersonal relationships.
Self-awareness when experiencing stressful or difficult situations is a wonderfully easy-to-use tool that allows us to recognize how our body reacts, and therefore the opportunity for change and growth are possible. When our body is reacting, we don’t have access to our whole brain.
Are you stressed? Are you experiencing a lack of focus or low motivation, or feeling disorganized? Are you needing to ‘push through’ or wanting to give up? Are you having difficulty expressing yourself? Use the 3 tips below to notice how your body is communicating. Simply notice. Recognize any patterns that emerge. Remember, what you notice is neither good nor bad. Building self-awareness begins here.
Three steps to build noticing skills: 1. Muscle tension: a. Are muscles too tight or low tone? b. Is it situational or chronic? c. Are hips, knees, or shoulders locked? Jaw clenched? d. How is your posture? e. What else do you observe?
2. Breathing: a. Do you hold your breath, take smooth, deep breaths, or is your breathing shallow? b. Do you breathe with your diaphragm?
Here are tips for releasing unresourceful patterns in the body:
3. Inner dialogue: a. How do you talk to yourself? What words and tone are you using? b. What changes in your internal dialogue when things are going well and you are fully engaged, to when you are struggling to get to or complete a task and stressed?
1. Muscle tension: a. Do Brain Gym® and reflex integration exercises b. Squeeze muscles as tight as possible, and release. For example, focus on individual muscles, such as the biceps. Tighten the biceps for 5-7 seconds, then release and shake out arms.
Slowing down to become conscious of your body’s messages allows you to recognize patterns, thus providing opportunities for growth and change on your journey.
c. Shake it out. Take a moment to actually shake out your body to help release tension - shoulders, hips, core, arms, legs, hands, feet. d. Dance, go for a walk, do yoga, or other physical activities with the intention of resetting muscle tension
2. Breathing: a. Practice conscious belly breathing for natural and spontaneous inhale and exhale. See this month’s Monthly Movement for the exercise. b. Laugh or sing
3. Inner Dialogue: a. Has it shifted or even quieted down after completing #1 and #2?
Practice noticing. Teach your children to tune-in to their bodies and movements that support them. Invite them to express what they are noticing. Play with the tips listed. Allow your body to lead and create your own exercises and activities that best support you. Enjoy the journey!
From Resolution to Evolution Tips for creating your New Year’s Evolution By: Priya Ali
As a seasoned life coach, I have come to find January as the second busiest time of year for me. Clients who have set themselves up with a laundry list of New Year’s Resolutions are ready to start the year with a bang. The busiest time of year for me is February, when many people have failed to stick with their New Year’s Resolutions and now look for me, as a seasoned intuitive, to offer them insight as to how the rest of their year will turn out.
As we approach the final month of the year, it is natural to take stock, inventory, or some other form of measurement. We evaluate what we accomplished, how many of our goals we reached, and if we reached the expectations we set for ourselves in areas of life such as love, career, finance, and physical health and appearance.
Often we find that we have fallen short of our goals or expectations, triggering something within us to feel a need to address these perceived shortcomings or failures immediately. In fact, starting first thing in the New Year, one of the pitfalls I have observed over the years is that people set the bar too high. That’s not to say that their goals are unattainable, but they neglect to prepare themselves for the necessary changes to create success, and the result is that they “fall off the wagon” within a short time.
Many business industries such as fitness gyms and weight loss clinics know this and make it an attractive and easy process to sign up for yearly memberships and plans, knowing that many of us will not make it past the first month. We tend to forget to factor in how these changes impact us. Getting up earlier to go to the gym could create new challenges with getting to work on time or feeling exhausted earlier at night. Starting a weight loss program could create stress for us as we learn to eat a new way or are feeling deprived or emotional from changing eating habits and patterns.
So this year, I invite you to choose evolution over resolution.
1. You can still evaluate your life, only this year focus on all the things in your life right now that you can offer appreciation for, as opposed to what you have yet to achieve or acquire. 2. Ask yourself, “Why is where I am, what I have, etc. good enough as it is? In what areas of life would I like to experience growth? What new things would I like to begin to experience or move closer towards experiencing in the coming year? What are some small steps I can begin to take towards creating these experiences?” 3. Change your “F” word from failure to fun. If you focus on having fun moving towards your goals rather than choosing a mindset of success vs failure, you will notice a shift in the energy that surrounds your goals and remove any heaviness or pressure. 4. Take time to set yourself up for success before you begin. Plan for any changes or adjustments you may need to make in order to accommodate new routines or efforts towards your goals. Allow a little extra wiggle room for unexpected circumstances (like a pandemic) or any resistance you may experience from your mind, body, and spirit.
This unique, pivotal, and uncomfortable moment in our collective
The Heart of the
lifetime known as 2020 has brought light and awareness to so many things for so many people. In addition to this awareness, we’ve been
Moment By: Premadasa Gangadeen
critically tasked to look after ourselves as an act in order to look after others in our society as determined by the pandemic. We’ve been put in a position to see others as ourselves and loved ones, sometimes resulting in us not liking or approving of what we see. Most are wanting, ready, and willing to act for change. How do we deal with others that we deem to not want the same things?
The collective awakening and call to action regarding systemic racism, social injustice, climate crisis, inequality among race, gender, ideals, and economics, and so much more, has the overall effect of producing a magnificent wave bearing down. We witness these waves with their daunting and tremendous approach, bracing ourselves for the inevitable and possibly uncomfortable impact.
Whether we can see the unwelcomed recognition of ourselves in others or if we choose to see them as ultimately separate, this may lead to varying degrees of fear and anxiety as we navigate the delicate balance of avoiding the things we least desire and clamouring toward our greatest desires. In an effort to protect ourselves from this consistent barrage, we may develop a system of various coping mechanisms and techniques to produce our own personal armour, which tends to be the thickest around our centre; our heart. When we are armoured, we have a little more confidence to force any aspect of ourselves out into the world in an effort to be seen and heard. However, it is not our authentic self that we’re pushing. We are misrepresenting our actual Self.
For some, the years leading up to 2020 has been a natural progression of spiritual growth, investigation, and/or inquiry, and a call to action. For others, if they had any deeper self-awareness than previous, the same type of work or reflection may have been easily viewed as daunting, beyond their scope, or simply immobilizing. At any rate, this period of transformational change is here whether we feel ready for it or not, and it is now up to us to cultivate the necessary willpower to move through this momentous shift toward a period of greater ease and acceptance.
For this to happen we will need to assume personal responsibility for our past, present, and future action and the most profound and accessible way is through our heart and how we express love for our heart; our centre. This can be achieved by first removing the armour that we’ve placed around our heart so that we can see it with absolute clarity. Let’s look to the following technique and exercise as the first step on the path to softening and removing this armour and transcending to the greatest and safest experience as a gift to ourselves and ultimately greater expansion out into our world.
In Yogasana, a heart-opening posture or backbend produces both a sense of heat and vulnerability. It can usually be a challenge to work with backbends, whether one is a novice or a seasoned practitioner. Postures in this shape require an acceptance of the present moment which can be indicated by a slow and smooth breath and an ease within the pose. Otherwise, great tension, a sense of restriction, or coldness may show up. As one develops this pose, the
armour can begin to soften and one may feel great emotional release or acceptance and ease, which is an indicator that the heart is being allowed to move and function as it was designed to do.
For the purpose of this article, we will be practicing a restorative backbend or fish pose. Optional breath work and meditation to follow. As we bring this year to a close and move through the winter time, my suggestion is to continue with the restorative version in order to remain within the hibernation and inner-reflective aspects of nature.
As you begin to become more familiar with this posture, allow its shape to transform from a restorative version toward the classical version, or sequences of fish pose, otherwise known as Matsyasana. Props needed for the following posture set-up: 1 or 2 bolsters or similarity-sized firm cushions or pillows 4 yoga blocks 2 thick and large blankets 1 towel to roll-up firmly eye pillow or small blanket warm clothing/socks 1 thick yoga or well-cushioned mat
Use the other props listed above to accentuate this illustration if desired. For example, place the second bolster or rolled up blanket under the knees, then place the yoga blocks under the hands and heels. Make sure that the elbows remain on the floor. Roll a towel to place behind the neck and cover the eyes with the eye pillow.
Breath Work For 1-3 minutes, give yourself deep breaths in via the nostrils and fill the body to its maximum yield. Notice how and where the body expands. Open the mouth to exhale, vocalize, and feel from within the vibration of a resounding AHHH. Notice how the body softens. After the first couple of breaths, spread through the fingers and toes on the inhalation and then wiggle the fingers and toes gently on the exhalation. After 3 minutes or so, breathe softly, quietly, and exclusively through the nostrils. Remain still. Mentally count up from zero on the inhalation and then down and out to zero on the exhalation.
Meditation On the inhalation, mentally chant the sound SO as in ‘sow.’ On the exhalation, mentally chant the sound HAM as in ‘calm.’ Mentally sound a pitch or note for SOHAM. Perform the above twice daily, if possible, for 20 minutes or exclusively before bedtime. Accompanying meditative music or a Yoga Nidra class is a perfect adjunct for the above.
Premadasa hosts a weekly yoga nidra online class Mondays 9-10 pm EST. Contact him at for more info.
Everything is Energi