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Energía inteligente, el

Estas tecnologías, que incluyen sistemas de control y gestión de energía, iluminación LED, energías renovables, medidores y controles avanzados, están contribuyendo al desarrollo de más innovaciones. Las ciudades, edificios, campus, autopistas y automóviles inteligentes tienen algo en común: el uso de la energía inteligente. Pero tampoco se puede hablar de energía inteligente y eficiencia energética sin incluir, en mayor o menor medida, la digitalización, la automatización, la inteligencia artificial, el Internet de las Cosas, el Big Data, la robótica y la biotecnología.

Redes inteligentes

La red eléctrica inteligente gestiona eficientemente la electricidad mediante la informática y la digitalización. El objetivo es garantizar el suministro eléctrico y equilibrar la oferta y la demanda entre productores y consumidores. Los nuevos sistemas y la urgencia medioambiental están haciendo cada vez más comunes estas soluciones, las cuales también reciben un impulso por parte de grandes empresas en la creación de redes de energía inteligente.

De acuerdo con Marco Cosío, la digitalización permite programar protocolos de acción en caso de fallas para crear un sistema inteligente. Esto incluye herramientas de interacción con la energía como sensores, controladores de interfaz, módulos de gestión y aplicaciones digitales.

Sin embargo, el Sistema Eléctrico Nacional en México enfrenta retos relacionados con la modernización y calidad del suministro, debido a que, mientras la demanda en generación y transmisión aumenta, la infraestructura continúa envejeciendo. Para impulsar las redes inteligentes en el país urgen inversiones y modernización. Es necesario echar a andar proyectos en las industrias donde sea rentable llevarlos a cabo. Esto sólo será posible trabajando en conjunto, entre particulares y privados. directly to environmental care. In this regard, the world faces several challenges to reduce CO2 emissions. It is crucial to prioritize energy efficiency, accelerate decarbonization, reduce supply decentralization, and maximize digitalization to meet this goal.

Energy efficiency

We cannot talk about smart energy without addressing energy efficiency, which is the group of actions that allow us to optimize the relationship between the amount of energy supplied and the amount of energy consumed. In other words, it refers to the practices employed during energy utilization to reduce energy consumption, reduce costs, and promote sustainability, a practice already applied by companies, businesses, and households. “Energy efficiency has to do with energy savings, a result that can only be achieved with smart technologies,” said Marco Cosío.

Smart technologies not only prioritize energy savings but also maximize their use. These include home automation and building automation. The first consists of intelligent home automation and control technologies, while the second incorporates automated technical management systems for facilities in commercial or industrial buildings, such as offices, schools, corporate buildings, and hotels.

These technologies, including energy management and control systems, LED lighting, renewable energy, advanced controls, and meters, contribute to further innovations. Smart cities, buildings, campuses, highways, and vehicles have one thing in common: smart energy use. But we cannot talk about smart energy and energy efficiency without including digitalization, automation, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, Big Data, robotics, and biotechnology.

Smart grids

The smart grid efficiently manages electricity through IT and digitalization. The aim is to guarantee electricity supply and to balance offer and demand between producers and consumers. New systems and environmental urgency are making these solutions increasingly common, and they are also receiving a boost from large companies in creating smart grids.

According to Marco Cosío, digitalization makes it possible to program action protocols in case of failures to create an intelligent system. This includes energy interaction tools such as sensors, interface controllers, management modules, and digital applications.

However, the National Electric System in Mexico faces modernization and supply quality challenges because, while demand in the generation and transmission increases, the infrastructure continues to age. Investment and modernization are urgently needed to promote smart grids in the country. It is necessary to launch projects in industries where it is profitable to carry them out. The above can only be possible by working together, between private companies and individuals.

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