Energy and Commerce Edición 49 Septiembre 2021

Page 17

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que terminen siendo irrelevantes para evitar los abusos de los grandes grupos distribuidores. La importancia estratégica del gas LP en la dinámica económica nacional y la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos, justifica la intervención del gobierno para garantizar la continuidad del suministro y la seguridad en el abasto, a precios accesibles para el conjunto de la población. El Ejecutivo debe contar con mecanismos de respuesta e intervención ágiles y eficientes, los cuales están ausentes en la legislación vigente. Este pareciera ser un buen momento para que a partir de una revisión jurídica integral y en la perspectiva de una mayor seguridad y eficiencia energética, el Estado mexicano llene los vacíos e inconsistencias, derivados de la confianza ciega en las bondades del “libre mercado” en un sector de monopolios naturales.

serve them, in informal conditions, as their marketers “of the last Mille”. In fact, the mobilizations of these groups or people have responded, above all, to the attempt of the large oligopolistic distributors to transfer almost entirely to the commission agents, the decrease in final prices to the consumer, instead of doing it proportionally. After their initial reaction, the behavior of the distributors has tended to be less belligerent. This is probably due to the fact that, although the State has lost the ability to regulate prices, it maintains a solid legal basis to sanction socially inappropriate behavior by permit holders, in accordance with articles 56 to 59 of the Hydrocarbons Law. The creation of a Pemex subsidiary (Gas Bienestar), well under way, could give the government objective elements to determine adequate levels of maximum prices. That is, not so low that they lead to shortages or lack of investment in industrial safety or

Fluvio Ruíz Alarcón

maintenance; nor so high that they end up being irrelevant to avoid the abuses of the great distribution groups. The strategic importance of LP gas in the national economic dynamics and the daily life of citizens, justifies the intervention of the government to guarantee the continuity of supply and security in the supply, at affordable prices for the population as a whole. The Executive must have agile and efficient response and intervention mechanisms, which are absent in current legislation. This seems to be a good moment for the Mexican State to fill the gaps and inconsistencies, derived from the blind trust Conoce y lee más de nuestro in the benefits columnista Fluvio Ruiz / Find out and read more about of the “free our columnist Fluvio Ruiz market” in a sector of natural monopolies.

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