REAL ESTATE Are you preparing to put your home on the
Clean and declutter by taking a critical eye
market? If so, then just remember that first
at your “stuff.” If you find when you are
impressions are everything! So with that in
tidying things up that your personal
mind, consider that when it comes to
belongings aren’t fitting in your space,
“staging,” you have lots of options
consider putting your overage into a
available to you!
temporary storage unit.
Why should you stage a home? Because
Depersonalize your home by removing/
staging your home and presenting it in its
putting away personal items such as family
best light can often net you a higher profit
photos. You want new buyers to picture
from the sale. You can either do this by
themselves in your home, not see you and
going DIY, bring in a professional stager, or
your family around every turn.
have your real estate agent digitally stage the home if it is vacant to help your home
Remember that not everyone is a pet
stand out from the competition.
person and hide away Fido or Fluffy’s care items. It is best to try and remove any
Drawing buyers in by helping picture
perception of pets if possible in order to
themselves in your space is a critical first
not conjure up the smells and/or potential
step to obtaining an offer. With that said,
damage or wear and tear pets can have on
“According to the Zillow Group Consumer
a home!
Housing Trends Report, 82 percent of urban sellers, 71 percent of suburban sellers, and
If you want to bring in a professional, you
61 percent of rural sellers say that staging
can do partial and whole home staging.
their home is one of the top pre-listing
Partial staging is when you take care of the
activities they complete.”
cleaning yourself and bring someone in to put on the finishing touches. They might
If you are planning to stage your home
rearrange your current furniture pieces, or
yourself, here are some ways to start…
they might just do a walkthrough and give
Staging Options to Sell Your Home 32 HOME RIVER VALLEY