Rules - Village game, and then the Sky turned Dark

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And then the Sky turned Dark

Village game

by Martin B. Enghoff

Introduction This is the Manual for the Village game of “And then the Sky turned Dark�. You should be familiar with the content of the Introduction manual before proceeding. If you are going to play the Hero game then you do not need to read this manual. In the Village game you play the main part of a small family struggling to survive in a cruel world. You will try to gather ressources enough to feed your family and produce weapons for the heroic family member who has gone out to fight dangerous foes for you. And at the same time your village is falling apart around you.

Component Overview

Homestead See Figure 1. Each Village player gets one of these. They contain five areas for the five starting family members (Workers). Above each family member area is an area for a black house token. At any time these tokens can be exchanged for 1 Wood, at the cost of 1 Hope

Homestead -1 +1

-1 +1


-1 +1


2 -2


: Grow up

each round






-1 +1

-1 +1

to 1 Commons action

Figure 1. Homestead.


is the symbol for Hope.

is the symbol for Food and




is the symbol for Wood.

(as you tear down your house to build Weapons). There is also an Forest 1 area for Cows and one for Horses. Cows produce 1 Food each at the start of each “Hunger” phase and each Horse can produce +1 Food +3 Wood for a single Worker on the “Commons” Village tile (so if you have two Workers in the Commons and two horses on your Homestead you can gain +2 Food). During the “Slaughter Livestock” phase cows and horses can be exchanged for 3 Food each at the cost of 1 Hope. Figure 2. Village tile - the For-


Figure 3. Worker assignment. Left: 1 of either kind of Worker required. Right: 1 adult or 2 young Workers required.

Village tiles The Village consists of a number of tiles where the Workers can go to obtain different effects. At the top of each tile you will find the name of the tile. Refer to the end of this book for a detailed description of each tile. Sample Village tiles are shown in figures

2 and 4. Inn At the top left of each tile is shown 8 a symbol indicating what kind of Workers you need to put here - see Figure 3. The symbol with 1 adult worker and 1 young Worker means that you can put either type Play order and +1 Food of worker here. The symbol with 1 adult and 2 young Workers mean that you have to put either 1 adult or 2 young Workers on the area to get an effect - the two young Workers are placed together and effecFigure 4. Village tile - the Inn. tively count as 1 Worker.

At the top right is a number, this indicates the order of resolution in the “Resolve workers” phase - the “Forest” tile in figure 2 is number 1. Some village area tiles have two sides to them - a good and a bad. Be sure to turn the good side up to begin with. The bad side has a star symbol next to the number in the top right corner. The bad sides can be turned up due to some Calamities (see below). The text in the middle explains the effect of the tile. At the bottom is an area where you can place Workers. It can appear in different ways. A big box with an arrow, like for the “Inn” in Figure 4 indicates that the area can hold any amount of Workers and that they should be placed from left to right. If there are light grey boxes, such as on the “Forest” tile in Figure 5. Figure 2 it means that there is a limited amount of spaces corresponding to the amount of grey boxes. Worker area Some grey boxes have a symbol with a family and a number (see figure 5) - the number indicates that this box is only available if there is the number of teams in the game indicated in the box - on the “Forest” tile an extra space becomes available if there are 3 teams and another if there are 4 teams.

Leaving Town


Affects Day Laborers

Figure 6. Calamity. A Shared Calamity - Leaving Town.

Calamities Calamities function like Village tiles except for a few things. Firstly there are two types of Calamities - Shared and Family. See figure 6 and 7 for examples. The red text at the top of fig. 6 indicates that “Leaving Home” is a Shared Calamity, meaning that it affects one of the shared Village tiles. A yellow text as in fig. 7 - “Sanitation” - indicates that it is a Family Calamity, affecting teams individually. Calamities appear throughout the game and if taken care of they will go away.

Shared Calamities affect the Village in some way - e.g. “Leaving Town” Sanitation 12 has the text “Affects Day Laborers”. This means that as soon as Send 1 Worker to the “Leaving Town” enters the game Infirmary the “Day Laborers” tile is turned so it has its bad side (the one with the star next to the number in the top right corner) up. Until “Leaving Town” is taken care of this effect persists. For a Shared Calamity to be resolved it needs a number of tokens on it corresponding to the number of teams in the game. Figure 7. Calamity. A Family In the “Resolve Workers” phase Calamity - Sanitation. Workers on the Calamities are replaced with tokens of their team colour to remember which teams have done their part to fight the Calamity. Every team who does not have a Token on the Shared Calamity gets -1 Hope. Once all spots on the Shared Calamity have tokens or Workers the Calamity is fixed and the affected Village tile is turned back to the good side. One Village player can put several Workers on the Calamity if she really wants it fixed (in rare cases you may run out of tokens, in which case you will have to improvise). A new Shared Calamity is drawn at the start of every even numbered turn. Family Calamities are a bit different. They do not have an immediate effect. However once the Family Calamity has been in play for 2 turns it takes effect for all teams that do not have a token on it. For instance the “Sanitation” Calamity shown in Figure 7 sends a Worker of each team to the Infirmary if they do not have a token on it. At the end of the game each team gets -1 Hope if they do not have a token on the Family Calamity in play. A new Family Calamity is drawn at the start of every odd numbered turn.


1. Homestead Each player takes a Homestead. Place Workers of your teams colour in the five worker spaces (2 adult, 3 young). The rest of the Workers (1

adult, 2 young) are set aside. You can get new young Workers if the Hero player finds a Wild Child in the woods and one of your you Workers can become Adult in the Hunger phase. Place a black house token above each of the five House token spaces above the worker spaces. Place 2 cows and 2 horses in their spaces on the board. Take a “Vegetable Garden” and “Personal Workshop” Village tile and place them next to the Homestead with the good side (no star in the top right corner) up.

2. Village Lay out the Village tiles on the board, in order of ascending resolution values (the number in the top right corner). Please note that no. 6 and 10 are the Vegetable Gardens and Personal Workshops, which are not laid out in the central Village, but at each players Homestead as these are personal tiles that can only be used by the player that owns them. Tiles are placed with the good side (no star in the top right corner) up. Draw 1 random Advanced Weapon from each of the 3 piles (Melee, Ranged, Trap) that the Hero game players have prepared and put them next to the Village tiles - these are the Weapons on sale at the Market. Furthermore place 1 Cow on the Market tile, 1 Metal on the Large Mine tile and the four-sided die on the Hunting tile. Put a token in the colour of each team on the Inn, in the starting play order, with the First player on the area marked 1 and proceeding clock-wise. Give 1 Food to the last player in Turn 1 (this only happens in Turn 1). The Day Laborers do not have a number, since they are resolved at the time Workers are placed there. Put the Day Laborers tile after the Market and put the two black workers (1 adult, 1 young) on the Day Laborers tile. Now draw a Family Calamity and two Shared Calamities and put them as the final two tiles on the Village board (resolution number 12 and 13. Note that all Shared Calamities are no. 13 - resolve them in the order they are laid out on the table). The Shared Calamities have the text “Affects something” - flip the Village tiles affected to the bad side (with the star in the corner).

You are now ready to play. Check with the players of the Hero game if they are ready too before you start playing.

Turn structure Split sequence

1. Prepare board Make sure everything is ready. There should be 1 of each kind of Advanced Weapon (Melee, Ranged, Trap) available for the Market. If this is the start of an even numbered turn draw a new Shared Calamity. If this is the start of an odd numbered turn (except Turn 1) draw a new Family Calamity. Note that there can be several Shared Calamities in play but there can only ever be 1 Familty Calamity as there are removed during the “Resolve Workers� phase of even numbered turns. 2. Slaughter Livestock Each Village player determine if they want to slaughter some livestock to get food fast. Each horse or cow slaughtered is removed from the game and gives 3 Food for the price of 1 Hope 3. Place Workers Now players take turns placing Workers, starting with the First Player. You can place enough Workers to fill 1 area on a tile, so on tiles that require either 1 adult or 1 young Worker you can place 1 Worker of either kind, on tiles that require either 1 adult or 2 young Workers you can place 1 adult or 2 young Workers (taking up 1 place on the tile). Nothing else happens in this phase, all effects are resolved in the next phase. The only exception is the Day Laborers where you immediately must pay 1 Food and then you get the two Workers (1 adult and 1 young) to use later in the phase. 4. Resolve Workers Now Village players resolve the actions of their Workers placed on the Village tiles. The tiles are resolved in specific order according to the number in their top right corner. If there are several Workers on a tile resolve them from left to right. On tiles that yield Ressources, you pick up the Ressources. On tiles where you can build weapons you put the ressources you use aside. Do not return them to the bank yet - you need them to remember what you bought when the players from

the Hero game come back for the Shared phase. The Village tiles are explained in detail at the end of this book. Onec a Worker has been resolved, return it to its Homestead. Workers on Calamities get replaced with tokens of their teams colour. If there is a number of tokens on a Calamity equal to the number of teams then the Calamity has been fixed and can be removed from the game. If this was a Shared Calamity the tile that was affected is turned back to the good side (with no star next to the top right number). If there are not enough tokens on a Shared Calamity each family that does not have a Token on it loose 1 Hope. If this is an even numbered Turn each family that does not have Token on the Family Calamity gets the penalty listed on the tile and the tile is removed. Shared sequence 1. Gather up Check if the Hero players are ready. If they are ready they should gather where the Village board is. If they are not ready then go check how they are doing, cheer them on or get some coffee - they will be ready soon enough.

2. Resolve Foes The Heroes will help guide you through with this phase. See the example to get an idea of what can happen. Firstly collect any rewards on Foes that were Defeated by the Heroes. Then take all Foes that Got Through to the Village and resolve bad ef-

Example of Foe resolution The Hero game player Cara has defeated 3 “Wolf *“ Foes and a “Bear *”, but 2 “Bandit” Foes got through. The Wolves do not give any rewards but the Bear rewards 1 Food, which is added to the Food pile of Cara’s team-mate in the Village. However the Bandits makes Cara’s team-mate loose two ressources of her choice. Also the Foe counter of Cara’s team is increased two steps. Since the Wolves and Bear have a star after their name on the card they are removed from the game. The Bandits are put in a discard pile and will be reshuffled into the Foe deck later.

fects on those. Remember that Foes only affect the team of the Hero who collected them on her Hero board. Move the Foe counter on the Score Board up for each team, corresponding to how many Foes Got Through to them. All Foes are then either discarded or, if it says so on the Foe card, removed from the game. Note that a few Foes can remain in play in the Village as special conditions (such as the “Wild Child”). c) Collect Weapons The Village players inform the Hero players how many of each kind of Weapon (Basic or Advanced) they produced. The Hero players determines if they want Melee, Ranged, or Traps can picks them up now. d) Hunger You are the experts on this phase, so try to guide the Hero players through it. Workers in the Village need to eat Food. If they don’t they starve or get sent to the Infirmary. Each Cow alive in this phase provides 1 Food. Each Worker needs 2 Food. Each Worker that does not get 2 Food collects a round red Hunger token which is put in the corresponding Worker space on the Homestead so you can remember which worker is Hungry. Each Hunger token gained costs 1 Hope. If a Worker has 2 Hunger tokens, remove the Hunger tokens and put the Worker in the Infirmary. Workers in the Infirmary do not need food nor do Workers who returned from the Infirmary earlier this turn (Workers who got sent to work in the Infirmary in the “Place Workers” phase do need food). At this stage a player can spend 2 additional Food to allow the eldest young Worker (no. 3) to grow up. If this is done replace the young Worker with an adult. This is the only way for a Worker to become adult and it can only happen once for each team. e) End game? Check to see if any of the three conditions for the game to end applies (see page 6 of the Introduction Manual). If the game ends determine the winner using the procedure described in the Introduction Manual. f) New Turn. If no-one has won, advance the Turn marker 1 step and start a new turn.

What you should know about the Hero game The players in the Hero game use the weapons you provide to defeat Foes. Foes that are defeated can give rewards that may help you in the Village, such as food. Foes that are not Defeated harm the Village - not only do they increase your Foe counter (remember that you loose if it gets too high) but they can have other negative effects such as costing Food, Hope, or even livestock or Workers! Be sure to talk to your team-mate in the Shared sequence and hear if anything nasty is likely to Get Through and affect you the coming turn. Also try to give a heads up on how many Weapons you may be able to provide, so your team-mate can plan accordingly.

Overview and detailed explanations of Village tiles Remember that unless something else is noted the tile only takes effect during the “Resolve Workers� phase.

1. Forest. This tile has 1 space in a 2-team game, 2 spaces in a 3-team game, and 3 in a 4-team game. Good side: Collect 3 Wood ressources. Bad side: Collect 2 Wood ressources. 2. Rich Mine This tile has 1 space in a 2-team game, 2 spaces in a 3-team game, and 3 in a 4-team game. Good side: Collect 2 Metal ressources. Bad side: No effect at all. 3. Large mine This tile only has 1 space. At the start of every turn 1 Metal ressource is put on the Large mine. Good side: Collect all Metal ressources on the tile. Bad side: No effect at all. Remove all Metal from the Mine and stop putting new Metal on it. 4. Hunting This tile has 1 space in 2- and 3-team games and 2 spaces in 4-team games. Good side: Roll the four-sided die and add 1. Collect this many Food


ressources. Bad side: Roll the four-sided die. Do not add anything. Collect this many Food ressources.

5. Commons This tile has unlimited spaces, but gets worse the more Workers are placed on it. Remember that a Horse can give one single Worker on the Commons +1 Food. Good side: Count the number of Workers on the tile. In a 2-team game collect 5 Food minus the number of Workers on the tile. In a 3-team game collect 6 Food minus the number of Workers on the tile. In a 4-team game collect 7 food minus the number of Workers on the tile. So if there are 2 Workers on the Commons in a two team game each Workers gets 3 Food. If they had a Horse they would get 1 Food more. Bad side: The same as above, except each Worker collects 1 Food fewer. So the 2 Workers in the two team game would get 2 Food each. 6. Vegetable Garden Each player has their own Vegetable Garden tile that can only be used by that player. Each Vegetable Garden has 1 space in 2-team games and 2 spaces in 3- and 4-team games. Good side: The first Worker placed collects 3 Food or 1 Wood. The second Worker placed collects 2 Food or 1 Wood. Good side: The first Worker placed collects 2 Food or 1 Wood. The second Worker placed collects 1 Food or 1 Wood. 7. Infirmary This tile has unlimited spaces. Workers can be placed here for several reasons - if they get two Hunger tokens or due to a Foe or Calamity. Note that Workers who are in the Infirmary in the “Hunger” phase do not need to eat nor do Workers who returned from the Infirmary this turn. Workers sent to work in the Infirmary during the “Place Workers” phase do need to eat. Good side: Retrieve all Workers of your team - they can be used on the next turn. Bad side: The Infirmary has no bad side.


8. Inn This tile has unlimited spaces. The Inn determines the play order, after the first turn. The four numbered circles are used to show the play order, by putting a coloured team token for each team here. At the start of turn 1 the First player’s token should be on the spot numbered “1” and the player to her left on “2” and so forth. Good side: The team token of the Worker furthest to the left (which is the first Worker placed here this turn) is put on the spot numbered “1”, the token of the next Worker on “2” etc. Teams that do not have Workers on the Inn get their token moved to the right to make room. Each Worker on the Inn also collects 1 Food. Bad side: Turn order is determined as above, but the Workers do not gain 1 Food. 9. Workshop This tile has 1 space in a 2-team game, 2 spaces in a 3-team game ,and 3 in a 4-team game. Good side: Each Worker here can make up to 3 Weapons. Pay 1 Wood for each Basic Weapon and 1 Metal and 1 Wood for each Advanced Weapon. Set the paid ressources aside so you can remember what you made when the Hero player comes to collect Weapons, since she gets to determine if the weapons are Melee, Ranged, or Traps. Bad side: As above, except each worker only can make 1 Weapon.

10. Private Workshop Each player has their own Private Workshop tile that can only be used by that player. Each Private Workshop has 2 spaces. Good side: Each Worker here can make 1 Basic Weapon by paying 1 Wood. Bad side: No effect. 11. Market This tile has unlimited spaces. There is 1 Cow on the Market to begin with, along with 1 Advanced Weapon of each kind (Melee, Ranged, Trap). Unlike the Weapons, which are replaced immediately when sold, there is only that one cow - once it is bought there will not be a new one.


Good side: Exchange any number of ressources (Food, Metal, Wood) with other ressources. For the price of 2 ressources each Worker on the Market can buy one and only one of the Advanced Weapons on display. When a Weapon has been bough immediately draw a new one of the same kind (Melee, Ranged, or Trap) to replace it. If the Cow is still there you can buy it for 4 Ressources. It will have effect in the “Hunger” phase of this turn. Bad Side: Same effect as the Good side, except you have to pay 1 Ressource to use the Market at all.

Day Laborers The Day Laborers are special since they do not resolve in the “Resolve Workers” phase. The Day Laborers only have 1 space. Good side: Pay 1 Food and immediately collect the two Workers (1 Adult, 1 Young), These can be used during this turn and do not need to eat in the “Hunger” phase. Return them to the tile at the end of the “Resolve Workers” phase. Bad side: No effect.

Rich mine

Collect 2 Metal


Rich mine


No effect

Figure 8. Good and bad side of the Rich mine. Note the star next to the number on the right picture - it indicates that this is the bad side of the Rich mine.


Overview and detailed explanations of Calamities Shared Calamities There are 8 Shared Calamities. Each of them works in the same way, by turning on Village tile to its bad side. Poachers: Affects Hunting so it produces fewer Food ressources. Forest Fire: Affects the Forest so it produces fewer Wood ressources. Collapsing Inn: Affects the Inn so it does not produce Food. Dry vein: Affects the Rich mine so it stops producing Metal. Tilling the field: Affects the Commons so it produces fewer Food ressources. Corruption: Affects the Market so it costs a ressource to use it. Leaving Town: Affects Day laborers so that they are not for hire. Collapsing Mine: Affects the Large mine so it stops producing metal. Family Calamities There are four Family Calamities. Each work in a different way. Sanitation: The Village players who ignore Sanitation send 1 Worker to the Infirmary. Each Village player chooses which Worker they want to send to the Infirmary. The Worker does not loose any Hunger tokens it had, but it does not need to eat in the Hunger phase of this turn. Rot: The Village players who ignore Rot loose 1 Food every turn, starting with the turn Rot was resolved. Keep this card in play to the side of the other Village tiles to remind you. Desperation: The Village players who ignore Desperation loose 2 Hope. Weeds: The Village players who ignore Weeds get a worse Vegetable Garden. Note that even though Weeds have an effect similar to Shared Calamities only the Vegetable Gardens of players who did not have a token on Weeds when it is resolved (at the end of an even turn) are affected.


This page is (almost) blank for your pleasure and puzzlement


Village game - turn summary Split sequence (see page 7) 1. Prepare board Refil ressources and draw new Calamities (Shared on even numbered turns, Family on odd numbered turns except turn 1)

2. Slaughter Livestock +3 Food and -1 Hope for each Cow or Horse slaughtered. 3. Place workers Place Workers in the turn order shown on the Inn. You can place 1 adult Worker or 1 young Worker on spots that only require 1 Worker of either kind or 1 adult or 2 young Workers on spots that require 1 adult or 2 young Workers. 4. Resolve workers Resolve the Village tiles in the order indicated by the numbers in their top right corner. Workers on Calamities get replaced with tokens of their teams colour. Check if Calamities have become fixed. Remove Shared Calamities that are fixed and flip the affected Village tile to the good side. Remove Family Calamities in even numbered turns. Give penalties to the deserving families. Shared sequence (see page 8) 1. Gather up. The heroes return from to the Village. 2. Resolve Foes. Both rewards and ill effects. The Foe counter of each team is moved up, if any Foes Got Through. 3. Weapons. Weapons produced in the Village are collected by the Heroes 4. Hunger. Gain 1 Food for each Cow. Give 2 Food to each Worker or they get Hunger tokens. Spend 2 Food to have 1 young Worker become adult. 5. End game? Has the game ended for any of the 3 possible reasons (Too many Foes, too low Hope, this is turn 6)? If so make final adjustments to Hope and see who wins. 6. New Turn. If no-one has won advance the turn marker.


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