Meet Sam Sanger, the man behind the badge
Sure, there are laws to enforce, rights to protect and protocol to follow. But Sam Sanger wants to interpret his job as a police officer in his own way and apply his personality, principles and character to the position.
It’s an individualized approach that produces a greater good. It’s a mindset that, when multiplied 40 times, makes the East Lampeter Township force an effective law enforcement agency.
“Whatever my personality is, it is what it is,” said Sanger. “I’m laid back and friendly. But not every officer can have the same personality; you have to have a good mix. For me personally, I look at it like if I was in (a victim or offender’s) shoes, how would I want to be treated? I think it helps the whole situation. I’m human just like they are. They have a heart. They have a soul.”
Sanger is a 22-year veteran of East Lampeter Township’s
40-officer police force. He’s a member of a team that pools its collective resources and talents to protect and serve local residents.
Sanger said that “99.99% of what we do is protect and serve.” He added, “But for me personally it’s about trying to make a difference.
“It’s something I love doing, and I can’t see myself doing anything else.”
It’s not like, ‘How many people can I arrest?’ or ‘How many tickets can I write?’ It’s trying to make the world a better place. Every contact I have with a person, I want it to be a positive contact. I try to look at the cup as half full.”
Sanger has seen just about everything there is to see over his career. But what he sees most often are vehicular accidents,
Talent on parade
Dancers perform in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day event
Reflecting on his opportunity as one of six Doherty Petri School of Irish Dancing students who took part in the Riverdance performance in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this year, Isaiah Pujol, a 17-year-old Manheim Township resident, called the experience “awesome.” “A lot of people don’t understand how big Riverdance is in the world of Irish dancing,” explained Isaiah, who noted that the experience brought together the chance to be part of
an international show where he could dance with professionals in an event as large as the Macy’s parade. “It’s this fantastic thing,” he said.
Jase Lawrence, an 11-year-old who lives in Penn Manor School District, and who was both the shortest and youngest member of the Riverdance parade performers, was impressed by the experience of dancing with professionals he has looked up to.
Sarah Smith, a 14-year-old who travels weekly from Baltimore to train at the school, said, “It opens
See Macy’s pg 2
shoplifting, speeding, domestic violence and drug offenses.
Like all of his fellow East Lampeter Township police officers, Sanger responds to an average of about 350 calls a year, every one of which requires some level of report or paperwork.
“I think being a police officer has made me a better person, just because of the dealings I’ve had with people,” said Sanger, a 1996 graduate of Lebanon Christian Academy. “It’s not just a paycheck for me. I feel like I’m meant for this job and this job is meant for me. It’s something I love doing, and I can’t see myself doing anything else. I like getting out on the front lines and being that officer on the scene, that first contact. My faith in God is one of the things that keeps me going, but helping others helps me.”
While attention to detail serves him in many ways, Sanger takes an even greater sense of pride from enforcing DUI statutes and keeping area roads safe for drivers. In 2023,
See Officer Sanger pg 8

EPAC transforms lively community into thriving one
Art and culture provide an escape, they introduce new ideas, and they enhance lives.
The Ephrata Performing Arts Center (EPAC) plays an important, but sometimes undervalued, role in our community.
“Art, and specifically live performing art, is something that brings people together,” said Zach Haines, who’s been EPAC’s media director for seven years.
“When you’re in performing arts, it gives you something to think

about. It’s a great way to think about topics in different ways. Art extends to an audience, and that audience shares things with (other) people. I think that’s such an important message in today’s society.”
Located at 320 Cocalico St., Ephrata, EPAC has a long tradition of providing quality theater and entertainment to audiences and giving local performers opportunities to hone their skills and share their talents. Physically, EPAC is an intimate space featuring a three-quarter thrust stage that is
See EPAC pg 8


up opportunities for the future.”
Esther Pujol, owner and head teacher of the school, called the chance to take part in the parade “unprecedented and amazing.” “It was an unexpected early Christmas gift,” she said, noting that she is not aware of Riverdance doing anything like this before. Other students from the school who took part in the parade included 15-year-old Ezekiel Pujol of Manheim Township, 14-year-old Abigail Ernst of Baltimore, and 16-year-old virtual student Liam Snodgrass of Hebron, Maine.
Teacher Lisa Petri explained that the opportunity was truly a oncein-a-lifetime experience for the students because Riverdance does not take part in the parade every

Grocery Aisle

year. She explained that the show sent out a call for student dancers to participate and that dancers could audition by video if they had not attended a Riverdance summer camp. A few of the students had attended Riverdance camps held in Boston, but Smith submitted a video.
By early November, the students who were accepted to take part and perform alongside professional Riverdance dancers had received notice. A few weeks prior to the event, they were apprised of the steps they would need to learn. “The kids are familiar with the show choreography,” said Petri, who noted that the students from the Riverdance camps had less to learn than those who had not attended. Smith experienced a little stress going into the event, but she reported that she had fun learning the dances.
On Nov. 26, the students arrived in New York City and took part in a threehour rehearsal to prepare them for a performance of almost a minute, 40 seconds of which would be seen by television viewers. Later that same day, the students, who were part of a group of about 40 amateurs chosen to take part, rehearsed for about 30 minutes in the spot on the street where they would perform, which had been closed for that purpose.
On Thanksgiving Day, the students lined up with the professional Riverdance performers at 7 a.m. According to Isaiah, they waited about two hours before marching two hours to the spot where they danced. Jase marched and danced with an injured foot that requires him to wear a special boot most of the time. “It hurt,” he noted, but added that the experience was worthwhile.
Isaiah noted that the weather on the day of the parade was a problem. “(The rain) was the challenging part,” stated Petri, noting that the students wear specialized shoes with fiberglass tips and heels. Because the concrete on which they performed was extremely slippery, several dancers - both professional and amateur - fell, but no one

was hurt.
Petri noted that Riverdance brought Irish dancing to the world stage. “I think it speaks volumes to how entertaining Irish dance is,” she said, noting that the show has been running for three decades and that the current tour is called The New Generation. “That is literally true because it is now multi -
generational in terms of appeal and for the dancers,” she said.
Students at the school will once again be associated with Riverdance when they perform in the lobby of the American Music Theatre, 2425 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, prior to the Irish dancing phenomenon’s 7 p.m. show on Saturday, March 1.

Churches to hold free Christmas dinner
The Carpenter Community, Emmanuel United Methodist and Ebenezer Evangelical Congregational churches in Brownstown and the Conestoga Valley Ministerium will offer a Christmas dinner on Wednesday, Dec. 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will be held at the West Earl Fire Company, 14 School Lane Ave., Brownstown. The meal is for anyone who
cannot afford a dinner or who is spending the holiday alone. The meal is free of charge. Takeout meals are available. Alternately, people may call 717-656-7570 to schedule a delivery in the following areas: Akron, Brownstown, Denver, Ephrata, Farmersville, Leola, Lititz, New Holland, Reamstown, and Rothsville.
BIA of Lancaster presents Pillar Awards
The BIA Pillar Awards honor the member companies of the Building Industry Association of Lancaster County (BIA) for their professional achievements. This year, entries were submitted in three main award categories: Marketing Achievement, Company & Professional Achievement and Remodeling Project Achievements. A new category, the Associate Partner Award, was introduced, allowing associate member companies nominated by BIA Builders to compete for recognition. A panel of judges evaluated each entry based
on its merits. The Pillar Award winners were announced during the general membership meeting and BIA Pillar Awards Dinner on Nov. 21. Meredith Jorgensen
See BIA pg 6
OMPH School to accept enrollments

Our Mother of Perpetual Help (OMPH) School is now enrolling for the 2025-26 school year. OMPH offers a faith-filled education that focuses on reverence, respect, and responsibility. Enrollment is open for full-day preschool for those ages 3 and 4, fullday kindergarten, and first through eighth grades. Limited seats are available in most grades; visit
Lapp (717) 690-5224 for registration details. Interested families are encouraged to schedule a personal tour by contacting Jen Francis, director of enrollment, at 717-738-2414 or

A journey of faith
When Theresa Newell of New Holland returned home from a trip to Hilton Head, S.C., in August, she was hoping to spend a day catching up - unpacking and reading her mail. But God had other plans for the busy grandmother.
In Newell’s email was an invitation to Lausanne 4, which was to be held in Seoul, South Korea, from Sept. 22 to 28. Newell was at the original Lausanne meeting in Switzerland in 1974. “Billy Graham and John Stott put a blanket call to Christian leaders,” recalled Newell. “The motto is ‘The Whole Church taking the Whole Gospel to the Whole World.’” The Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism, with which Newell is connected,
was one of the first networks to form following the initial event.
Newell reported that “Let the Church declare and display Christ together” was the title of Lausanne 4. The seven-day event attracted about 5,000 invited church leaders. “We were in this huge auditorium divided into table groups of six,” said Newell, who noted that worship was held both morning and evening. “There was Bible teaching from the Book of Acts and then a plenary morning teacher,” said Newell, who added that she can rewatch sessions, such as a day devoted to “the persecuted church,” featuring speakers who had been confined in Iran. “(One speaker) had been in solitary (confinement) for a year, and he was rejoicing about the
people coming to faith in Jesus in Iran,” said Newell. Afternoon sessions included a variety of topics for participants to attend. “I picked secularization because I feel that’s very important in America,” recalled Newell, who heard David Brown of England report on the secularization of Europe. Newell’s photos from the event are filled with individuals who make up a “who’s who” of international evangelism. Newell had her photo taken with Susan Perlman, the assistant director of Jews for Jesus, well-known Christian author and pastor Rick Warren, and a pastor from one of Tim Keller’s churches in Manhattan, among others. Newell’s next stop was Uzbekistan in Central Asia. “I was on the Old Silk Road,”

said Newell of the trade route that originally led from China to the Mediterranean Sea. “I was invited by a YWAM couple from Petra Church who have been in Central Asia for many years,” Newell explained, noting she traveled from Seoul to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and that she visited Samarkand and Bukhara, as well. “I am doing research on the history of the Jews in Central Asia, so I went to many synagogues,” she said, adding that she has been connected to CMJ USA, a ministry among Jewish people. Newell opened the first CMJ office in the U.S. in 1980. During her visit, Newell stopped in major
cities along the Old Silk Road while completing her research. Newell has written booklets on a variety of topics, including “The Rev. Dr. Jakob Jocz, CMJ Evangelist and Theologian;” “Bonhoeffer and the Jews;” and “Jesus Masked: Anti-Jewish Theologies,” which explores why the Jewish heritage of Jesus has been excluded from the understanding of Christ as Savior.

Korea with one foot in each country. She also took lots of photos on the Old Silk Road. “These are silk cocoons,” she said as she displayed her photos. “There was silk everywhere.”
Newell did a little sightseeing on her journey as well, having a photo taken at the borders of North and South
More information on CMJ USA may be found at Information on the Lausanne movement is available at https://
Christmas Eve service posted

from WGAL served as the master of ceremonies for
Marketing Achievement award winners were Lezzer Lumber, Best Print Ad and Best Social Media Campaign; Garman Builders Inc., Best Showroom; and Dutch Quality, Best Website.
Company & Professional Achievement award winners were Garman Builders Inc., Builder Company of the Year; GR Mitchell, Supply Company of the Year; and Lezzer Lumber, Community Impact Award.
Professional Achievement award winners were Claudia Shank with McNees, Wallace & Nurick, Attorney of the Year; Paul McBride with EGStoltzfus Homes, Marketing Professional of the Year; and Brad Mosteller with GR Mitchell, Sales Professional of the Year.

Remodeling Project Achievement Award Winners were Best Commercial Project - Turnberry Construction Group; Best Interior Project over $100,000, Best Kitchen Remodel $50,000 to $100,00, Best Kitchen Remodel over $100,000 and Best Addition Over $100,000 - TK Building & Design; Best Outdoor Living Project Over $100,000 - Fravel Home Improvements & Remodeling; Best Specialty Project - Dutch Quality; Best Whole House Remodel $250,000 to $500,000 and Best Whole House Remodel Over $500,000 - Metzler Home Builders.

For added competition, entries with the highest point percentage in each main award category receive the Elite Pillar Award.
The winner of the Elite Marketing Achievement Award was Garman Builders for Best Showroom. The winner of the Elite Company & Professional Achievement Award was Brad Mosteller with GR Mitchell for Sales Professional of the Year. The winner of the Elite Remodeling Project Achievement Award was TK Building & Design for Best Kitchen Remodel
$50,000 to $100,000. All BIA Pillar Award

Officer Sanger from
Sanger was recognized by the DUI Council of Lancaster for his county-high 65 DUI arrests, a distinction he’s earned nearly a dozen times throughout his career.
“It’s kind of like one of my things,” said Sanger. “I like getting impaired drivers off the roadways. It’s just something I was drawn to. It’s about putting the time in and putting the effort in. But sometimes it’s something that just happens.”
rity officer at the Hershey Company before coming to East Lampeter Township in 2003.
“I’m representing East Lampeter Township and the officers of East Lampeter Township,” said Sanger. “We’re here to help the citizens of East Lampeter Township. We don’t want people to think of us as disciplinarians. We want people to trust us and rely on us.”

Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website:
LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit
MT. EDEN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.
SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail:; Website:
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.
ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only.
(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)
For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
Sanger graduated with a degree in law enforcement from Pensacola Christian College in Florida in 1998. He was employed as a secu-
For additional information about the East Lampeter Township police force, go to https://lan eastlampeter.

from pg 1
surrounded by 300 seats on three sides.
“It provides a really interactive experience because the stage is right there,” said Haines. “It’s almost like theater in the round. You feel like you’re in the setting and that you’re part of the action. It changes the perceptions of the show when you’re in it. It’s such an amazing way to be part of the story. It’s a very welcoming space for our patrons.”
“When you walk through the door, you’re greeted by friendly staff,” Haines continued. “The performance will go on, and following that, the lobby serves as a space for people to mingle and discuss what they just saw. We like to make sure everyone is taken care of when they come see a show with us. When you come in our doors, you’re going to experience some of the best theater you can find in this area.”
Typically, EPAC presents seven theatrical performances throughout each year, including musicals over the span of three consecutive weekends and plays over two consecutive weekends. Many of the

performers are homegrown actors and actresses from all parts of Lancaster County.
EPAC also hosts special events like concerts, pageants and dance recitals.
“Most of our actor base is local volunteers, and they’re sensational,” said Haines. “We are fortunate to be in an area where theater is so important in people’s lives. The teen performers in this area are astonishingly talented.”
“Our mission is to bring a high-caliber production to our community,” added Haines. “We believe in the stories we tell. We want to bring them to the community in an accessible manner. We provide a safe space for collaboration and expression. We give audiences things to think about, and they really appreciate the work we do. I hear all the time how EPAC is a jewel in the community. I think that about sums it up.”
The venue’s origin can be traced to the mid-1950s, when Broadway production troupes traveled to local communities and performed at places like the Ephrata Legion Star Playhouse. Eventually, volunteers dedicated themselves to making sure the theater being performed in Ephrata in summer became a year-round undertaking.
“The Ephrata community banded together to formalize it as a performing arts center,” said Haines. “The theater itself is an old barn; it’s had a lot renovations over the years, and we haven’t looked back. The quality of our shows, the sets, the lights, the costumes - we’ve really invested in our shows to make them off-Broadway quality. We just keep investing in ourselves and getting better. That’s something we’re really proud of.”
For additional information about Ephrata Performing Arts Center, go to
scan this code for more local news
Lantern Tours, history classes
Historic Ephrata Cloister will host its annual Lantern Tours from Friday, Dec. 27, through Monday, Dec. 30. Tours, led by the Cloister’s Student Historians, will run every half hour beginning at 6 p.m.; the last tour will begin at 8 p.m. Each tour will last approximately one hour and is limited to 30 participants.
The immersive, theatrical tours will offer a glimpse into the challenges and intrigues faced by the Ephrata Cloister community. This year’s performance, ”Conscience and Truth: Conrad Weiser’s Ephrata of 1744,” invites guests to step into a pivotal moment in the Cloister’s history. A performer portraying Pennsylvania Gov. George Thomas will investigate Conrad Weiser’s transformative experiences at Ephrata and the reasons behind his eventual departure in 1743. Guests will encounter community members and unravel the threads of Weiser’s complex relationship with the Cloister.
Space is limited. Tickets must be purchased in
advance; no tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets are available by calling 717-733-6600 or visiting CloisterLanternTours24. Tickets are nonrefundable unless the Ephrata Cloister cancels the event.
Children age 5 and under will receive free admission. Discounts are available to seniors age 65 and up, students ages 6 to 17, and members of Ephrata Cloister Associates. Patron, Business Member, and Benefactor-level members are entitled to free tickets. To reserve discounted or complimentary tickets, call the aforementioned number or email ephrata
Attendees are asked to arrive five to 10 minutes before their scheduled tour time. Tours will take place inside and outside, and participants should dress appropriately for the weather. Some paths may be dimly lit, and visitors are welcome to bring a small flashlight.
In addition, Historic Ephrata Cloister will offer its Winter History Class from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursdays from Jan. 9 to
Petra Church posts holiday services
Feb. 27, 2025. The course will feature 16 experts speaking on a range of historical topics.
Tailored for adult learners, the program will explore Ephrata Cloister’s history as well as local and regional 18th- and 19th-century cultural and social history. Each session will include two presentations, one at 9 a.m. and one at 10:45 a.m. This year’s course will be offered in a hybrid format, allowing participants to join in person or virtually through Zoom.
There is a fee, with a discount for members of the Ephrata Cloister Associates. Advance registration is required by visiting https://ephratacloister .org/events/winter-hist ory-class-2025/, stopping by the Visitor Center during operating hours, or calling 717-733-6600. For added flexibility, single-day attendance is available for those unable to commit to the full course; call the aforementioned number to make arrangements. For more information and the full course schedule, visit the aforementioned website.
from pg 6

Petra Church, 565 Airport Road, New Holland, will host two Christmas Eve services on Tuesday, Dec. 24. The services will take place at 4 and 6 p.m. This year’s program will feature music and storytelling through testimonies, videos, and a glow stick lighting.
entries and winners can be viewed at www.lan pillar-awards/.
The program is family-friendly, and no child care will be offered. For more information, visit events.

The Building Industry Association of Lancaster County is a nonprofit organization of home builders and firms that service the building industry. The association represents more than 275 members that do business in Lancaster County. For more information, call 717-5692674 or visit www.Lan

Giant announces hunger relief efforts
To help families in need enjoy a holiday meal, the Giant Company is focusing its giving efforts this season on hunger relief efforts, recently announcing donations of $160,000 and 3,000 hams to organizations addressing food insecurity in their local communities.
The Giant Company donated $100,000 to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank on Dec. 3, Giving Tuesday, in support of its hunger relief efforts. The gift will help the food bank provide 400,000 fresh, healthy, nutritious meals to neighbors experiencing hunger in its 27-county service region in Pennsylvania. The food bank is now providing food assistance to more than 250,000 individuals each month.
This includes individuals; families; active-duty service members and veterans via its MilitaryShare program; seniors via its ElderShare program; and youths via its in-school, after-school and summer programs.
Additionally, the Giant Company is supporting the Salvation Army’s holiday hunger relief programs by donating $5,000 to 12 Salvation Army locations for a

Dec. 3,
total donation of $60,000.
Recipient Salvation Army locations in Pennsylvania include Boyertown, Carlisle, Chambersburg, East Stroudsburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon, Levittown, Norristown, Philadelphia and Sunbury, as well as the Winchester, Va., location.
Lastly, to ensure families have a holiday staple at their table, the Giant Company is contributing 3,000 hams to 15 food banks and pantries across its operating area this month. Local recipients are Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, Harrisburg;
Chester County Food Bank, Exton; Helping Harvest Fresh Food Bank, Reading; and Lancaster County Food Hub, Lancaster.
Customers can also join the Giant Company to make a difference this holiday season. Through Tuesday,
Dec. 24, customers at any Giant, Martin’s or Giant Heirloom Market store can donate free ham certificates at the register in-store to a local food bank. In addition, customers can purchase reusable bags to benefit regional food banks.
Wentz earns All-Conference award
Dana Wentz, a member of the women’s soccer team at Kutztown University, was named to the All-Conference East Division Second Team for the 2024 season by the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC). Wentz is a graduate student from Leola.
This was Wentz’s third All-PSAC team recognition, earned after another season as a key member of the defensive line for Kutztown. Wentz patrolled the outside line, starting all 19 games for one of the strongest defensive units in the conference.


This circa 1960 brick rancher is located in a convenient location between Rt. 30 and Rt. 340 and overlooks Lancaster Co. farmland. The dwelling offers one floor living along with a full basement and single car garage. Be sure to inspect this affordable property being sold at Public Sale! OPEN HOUSES – Saturdays, January 4 & 11 from 1 PM-3 PM or for inspection/information, call (484) 433-1464
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Produce & Edibles
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Sporting Goods
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Lancaster Rec launches esports program for SDoL students

Lancaster Rec, a community agency dedicated to promoting recreational and enrichment activities for youths and adults, has announced the launch of a new esports program aimed at supporting local students in School District of Lancaster (SDoL) who do not have access to an organized esports team.
The new program, which was set to officially begin in November, is designed to provide students from middle and high schools in the district with a structured and supportive environment to develop their skills in competitive gaming as well as life skills such as teamwork and leadership. The initiative comes in response to the growing demand for esports opportunities, especially in school districts where traditional teams or programs have yet to be established.
The new esports program at Rodney Park Community Center will offer afterschool sessions, tournaments, and coaching for students who want to compete at the local, regional, and national levels. In addition, the program will provide mentorship and opportunities for students to build lasting relationships with peers who share similar interests, as well as the opportunity to explore careers in technology fields and related industries.
The esports program is made possible through a partnership between Lancaster Rec and the SDoL administration with the goal of creating a lasting impact on the local student community. The SDoL is enthusiastic about the new program and its potential to reach students who may not otherwise have access to esports teams or related resources.
For more information and to inquire about sponsorship or volunteer opportunities, contact Sean Kennedy at or 717-392-2115.