The wonders of wintertime wildlife
It’s no secret that most of the continental United States contains regions that are characterized by expansive wilds and stunning landscapes. Every corner of the country has a unique ecosystem that is teeming with distinct wildlife and native flora. For many centuries, the majesty of American land has been recognized by the indigenous tribes that first coexisted with
“I find winter to be a better time of year to observe wildlife.”
wild animals and treated the natural world with sacred reverence. From the first European settlers to modern-day tourists, nearly every America-bound voyager has been humbled by the wonders that lie between the coasts. After centuries of colonization and industrialization, the wild inhabitants of the United States have less territory to roam, but animals’ adaptation to human expansion has allowed many species to survive - and many of them can be found right in your own backyard.
Lancaster is no exception to North America’s array of distinct wildlife and scenic landscapes. The western side of the county borders the Susquehanna River,

which includes several miles of striking vistas and tall cliffs that cut into thick forests. Although you’re more likely to spot a wild animal along hiking trails and protected habitats such as Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve in Conestoga or Kellys Run Nature Preserve in Holtwood, many critters reside in the more developed parts of the county.
Certain hibernating species such as groundhogs, bats and jumping mice may not emerge from their cozy caverns until
spring, but winter weather often makes it more likely that you’ll find other animals in suburban yards and neighborhoods in Lancaster city. Lancaster’s non-hibernating, native creatures include foxes, raccoons, deer and multiple avian species. Many neighborhoods in West Hempfield Township are surrounded by wooded areas teeming with wildlife; residents of the suburbs need only to sit quietly in their backyards to have a good chance of spotting a herd of whitetail deer
prancing past their garden shed. When it comes to garbage can burglaries and squatting under porches or in garages, smaller wild animals such as foxes and raccoons are the usual suspects.
Communities such as Willow Street and Strasburg may have less forested land than their neighbors in the Hempfield area or certain parts of the Southern End, but other factors make wildlife sightings common. Hundreds of acres of rolling farmland and busy roads often force wild
Every season has its own customs and holiday traditions that are unique to a certain time of year. In summer, students vacate their classrooms to enjoy two months of leisurely days with friends and family members, and July brings barbecues and fireworks to nearly every neighborhood in America. Fall arrives with the promise of trick-or-treaters knocking at the door and Thanksgiving delights like stuffing and cranberry sauce. For many people, the winter season is the most anticipated time of year, and its cold months are full of festivities as revelers celebrate Christmas and greet the new year. Just as every season is accompanied by different holidays and traditions, different fire hazards and safety risks are more likely to occur depending on the current page of the calendar.
Christmas celebrations might have wrapped up until next year, but the holiday poses a variety of fire hazards that are most dangerous in the upcoming weeks. Some of the most common wintertime safety threats are stockings that hang above a fireplace and Christmas lights wrapped around flammable objects such as dry foliage in a front yard. Although this

Friday at 9 A.M.

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Winter safety
year’s presents have all been unwrapped, many families keep their decorations and Christmas trees up until mid- to late January. To help their local firefighters sleep easier in the new year, homeowners should ensure nothing flammable is near their fireplaces before lighting them. Additionally, Christmas trees must be watered regularly to prevent dryness and flammability until they are removed from the home.
A little bit of mindfulness can greatly lower the risk of accidentally starting a house fire with Christmas decorations, but tokens of holiday cheer are among the many things that can prove to be deadly when near one notorious appliance: a space heater. According to the American Red Cross’ website, www.redcross .org, the greatest number of heating-related fires occur in December, January and February, and space heaters account for one-third of those fires. Within the first two weeks of January 2024, the American Red Cross responded to 1,797 house fires, assisting 6,799 people.

Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. | PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 TOWNLIVELY.COM

One could regard the common space heater as the archnemesis of fire departments during wintertime, but a few simple guidelines

can render this little device less likely to commit arson in your home. The safest model of space heater is one that automatically shuts off if it falls over; any model should be placed far away from flammable items such as Christmas trees, curtains, paper and bedding. Although space heaters are a popular and effective way to keep a home cozy and warm in winter, using them without caution can be a recipe for disaster.
After the holidays are over, festivities wind down until the next season of merrymaking. But a few months of cold weather

remain well after stockings are removed from fireplaces, meaning wintertime road conditions can still pose a threat to drivers. Central Pennsylvania’s typical winter weather includes temperatures that hang just above freezing; combined with any amount of precipitation, these conditions often make roads more slippery than they look. Icy rain and sleet are one of the main causes of car accidents in winter, particularly in the Southern End and other rural areas that contain twisting roads and narrow passages. Additionally, fluctuating temperatures often result in
melted snow and freezing rain that becomes slippery ice on sidewalks and roads after the sun sets.
Although residents of Lancaster County may encounter a variety of safety hazards in wintertime, it only takes a little bit of mindfulness to make it through the season without a trip to the hospital or a call to the local fire department. No matter which part of the county you reside in or how long you leave your Christmas decorations up, a few simple practices are the difference between a winter wonderland and a hotbed of dangerous conditions.
Webinar to focus on Master Watershed Steward program
Penn State Extension will offer informational webinars about the Master Watershed Steward program, which educates and empowers volunteers to carry out watershed projects and education in their communities. The identical sessions will occur on Thursdays, Jan. 9 and 16, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. It is designed for those who want to make a positive difference in their communities, have a keen interest in the environment, are willing to learn and teach, and have time to volunteer.
The webinar will share information about the Master Watershed Steward program training, structure, commitment, and requirements; the types of projects in which the Master Watershed Steward
volunteer team engages; program partners; and Penn State Extension and the land-grant university system.
The Master Watershed Stewards’ projects include teaching adults and children about water quality, wildlife habitats, and the environment; developing educational materials; organizing and conducting educational events, stream cleanups, and invasive plant removal projects; designing and maintaining demonstration gardens; conducting stream monitoring projects and research; researching and writing newsletters and online articles; and partnering with municipal officials on projects such as bioswales, rain gardens, native meadows, and other
green stormwater management solutions.
The workshop is free of charge, but registration is required by Wednesday, Jan. 8. For more information and to register, visit and search for “Master Watershed Steward Training Info for Dauphin, Lancaster, and Lebanon Counties.” Questions may be directed to program coordinator Jim Lewis at
scan this code for more local news
LancasterHistory announces leadership transition
By unanimous vote of the board of directors of LancasterHistory, Robin E. Sarratt was chosen to assume the position of president and CEO of LancasterHistory on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025, taking over the role from Thomas R. Ryan. Ryan has held the position of president and CEO since Jan. 1, 1997. The transition comes at a pivotal moment for the 138-year-old organization, as LancasterHistory is currently building a new museum in downtown Lancaster, the Thaddeus Stevens & Lydia Hamilton Smith Center for History and Democracy. Ryan will take on emeritus status and focus his efforts exclusively on completing the new Stevens & Smith Center; he plans to officially retire once the center opens, projected for late 2025.
Sarratt, now in her 18th year at LancasterHistory, joined the organization in August 2007 as director of development and was named vice president three years later. A North

Carolina native, Sarratt began her museum career at the Appalachian Cultural Museum in Boone, N.C., and at Doris Duke’s home, Rough Point, in Newport, R.I. A graduate of Appalachian State University and the University of Delaware/ Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, she spent seven years at the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library as the
director of corporate and foundation relations.
Ryan led the Lancaster County Historical Society through nearly three decades of substantial growth and change. Under his leadership, the historical society developed a robust platform for sharing the history of Lancaster County with the public, creating an array of exhibits and educational programs, growing its membership
HARTZ PT to award grants
HARTZ Physical Therapy (HARTZ PT) is celebrating its 25th year serving the community in 2025. To commemorate the milestone, the company will award grants to 25 Lancaster County charities throughout 2025. Twenty-four charities will receive $2,500, and one charity will be chosen to receive 100% of the proceeds from the 22nd annual Fall Blast 5K & Kids Color Run held every October, estimated to be $25,000.
Four selected charities will be eligible to receive
one of two $2,500 grants each month during 2025.
The staff of HARTZ PT, along with the business’s patients and followers on Instagram and Facebook, will play an integral role in the selection of the winners each month. If a charity is not selected during a specific month after the vote, it will return to the selection process for a second chance.
Community members are invited to nominate charities at www.hartzpt .com/community/25th -anniversary/. To be eligible
Epiphany concert slated
First Reformed Church, 40 E. Orange St., Lancaster, will present a concert, “Epiphany: Season of Light,” on First Friday, Jan. 3, at 8 p.m. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. The 30-minute program will feature organist Larry Hershey.
The concert will include “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star” by Max Drischner, “Praeludium in E Minor” by Nico -
laus Bruhns, and Bruce Simonds’ Prelude on “lam sol recedit igneus” (“As fades the glowing orb of day”). The concert will conclude with “Grand Choeur in D Major - Alla Handel” by Alexandre Guilmant.
The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, call the church office at 717-3975149 or visit www.first
program to include members across the nation, forging relationships with other nonprofits in the region, and substantially increasing the organization’s financial resources. In 2009, the Lancaster County Historical Society merged with the James Buchanan Foundation for the Preservation of Wheatland, reuniting the adjacent properties that once belonged to President Buchanan. Today, the organization operates as LancasterHistory on its 12-acre Campus of History at the corner of Marietta and North President avenues, and it is also home to the Louise Arnold Tanger Arboretum.
In 2013, through a $13 million capital campaign led by Ryan and Sarratt, LancasterHistory completed the renovation and expansion of its 1955 headquarters, resulting in a 35,000-square-foot museum and research center. The facility achieved L.E.E.D. Silver Certification due to its energy-efficient
designs. A second $3.8 million campaign enabled the organization to incorporate the entire historical collections of the former Heritage Center Museum and the Lancaster Quilt and Textile Museum into the Richard C. von Hess Decorative Arts Center at LancasterHistory.

for consideration for the Fall Blast proceeds, nominations must be received by Friday, Jan. 10.
The $25,000 Fall Blast beneficiary will be found among the monthly $2,500 nominees. The Fall Blast director and committee will select three finalists,

which will be required to fill out an application providing specific information, such as financial details. The finalists will make a presentation on Friday, Feb. 7, to the staff members of HARTZ PT, who will then choose the winner.

PCA&D to offer free design work to nonprofits
Nonprofit organizations in the central Pennsylvania region are invited to apply to participate in Designathon, hosted by the students at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D) in downtown Lancaster. The annual 12-hour marathon event provides free professional-level branding and design work to local and regional nonprofits. Designathon will take place on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025.
Organized by PCA&D’s American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Student Chapter, Designathon gives students real-world experience in creating projects for clients under a tight one-day deadline. It is also intended to help students learn that nonprofits have marketing needs in order to be successful and that strong graphic design on well-organized collateral pieces is an important component in successful com -
Hempfield UMC plans GriefShare
Hempfield United Methodist Church (UMC), 3050 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, will offer GriefShare, a Christian-based support group, on Mondays, Feb. 10 to May 12, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in Room 170. Each session will feature a video, discussion, and personal study and reflection.
The program is designed to help those who are grieving face the challenges of losing someone they loved. It seeks to
help them work toward rebuilding their lives, with an emphasis on moving from mourning to joy. Shirley Sload and Janice MacVaugh will help facilitate GriefShare alongside Joyce Young, Hempfield UMC director of care and minister of visitation. There is a fee. For details, contact Young at jyoung@ or 717285-5156. To register by Monday, Jan. 6, visit www
munication and marketing plans. Students also experience the value of giving back to the community. Recent work has included website elements, updated logos, brochures, illustrations, and event posters.
During its history at PCA&D, Designathon has helped more than 120 nonprofit organizations and institutions revitalize their branding and community outreach. Each year, the event’s partic -
ipation attracts dozens of students, alumni, faculty members, and staff members, many of whom return year after year to participate in the community-centered project.
For more information and to apply by Sunday, Jan. 12, visit https://pcad .edu/designathon-2025/. Questions about applications and process may be directed to Maria Hostetter at mhostetter@
Rotary Clubs announce peacebuilding initiatives
Motorists driving on Route 81 may have seen a Rotary billboard informing travelers that they are entering Rotary District 7390, which this year was designated by Rotary International as a Peacebuilder District. There are 39 Rotary clubs in this district and 46,000 clubs around the world.
The clubs of District 7390 - from Carlisle to Paradise and from Millersville to the Mason-Dixon

Students of the Quarter recognized

Line - are teaming up with the internationally focused Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) to address root causes of conflict and division. The Rotary Clubs will tap into the global resources of Rotary International and IEP to educate members and the public on how to spread the values of positive peace. Clubs will sponsor workshops and erect peace poles in their communities.
Positive peace is defined as local and global peace built on investments in economic development as well as social attitudes that foster peace. These partnerships demonstrate commitment to building environments that are conducive to sustainable peace both locally and globally.
To learn more about local Rotary-driven positive peace initiatives and workshops, contact the Rotary District 7390 office at 717-854-7842 or visit
Accordion enthusiasts to meet
The First Lancaster Accordion Group (FLAG) will meet on Sunday, Jan. 5, at Zion Church of Millersville, 317 N. George St., Millersville. The meeting will be held from 2 to 4 p.m.
For additional details, contact Miranda Hoffman at 717-940-4762.

animals to travel great distances through residential and commercial areas alike in search of food and shelter.
Every winter, the Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation hosts programs and events to educate the members of the community about wintertime wildlife habits. The department also dispatches naturalists to libraries and parks throughout the county to share information and to hold interactive programs for both children and adults. This winter season, the Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation’s recent program topics and upcoming subjects include the importance of feeding birds during the
cold months, how to make crafts from items found in nature and wintertime hikes at various local trails and parks.
“I find winter to be a better time of year to observe wildlife,” said Lisa Sanchez, a park naturalist with the Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation. “There are no leaves on the trees, so you can actually see the birds in your backyard better. If we have snow or even mud, it’s a great time to follow tracks and figure out whose pawprints are in your yard.”
In February, Sanchez will host her annual maple sugaring program at Lancaster County Central Park to offer free demonstrations of the maple syrup making
process, with samples included.
Every winter, Sanchez said she likes to remind people who start feeding birds to keep the feeders full until spring. Although the birds can find things to eat in the wilderness, your feathered friends who start eating breakfast in your backyard become dependent on the steady supply. “The reason you have to fill bird feeders so often is because each songbird like a chickadee needs approximately 250 sunflower seeds each day to survive the winter,” Sanchez added. “That’s a lot of seeds. I counted them to make sure once.”
The Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation will host two
Barnes chosen to lead PCA&D
Andrew W. Barnes has been selected by the board of trustees as the next president of Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D), according to Jim Warner, chair of the PCA&D board of trustees. Barnes is expected to take the helm of the college on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, following interim president Audry Carter. Barnes currently serves as dean of the School of the Arts, Humanities, Education, and Social Science at York College of Pennsylvania. Before coming to York, he was the dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Pratt Institute. Throughout his administrative career, Barnes has focused on program development. He has developed master’s degrees in media studies, writing, and performance
studies, as well as a Bachelor of Fine Arts in digital arts and artificial intelligence.
He holds a master’s degree in humanities from New York University, a doctorate in English literature from Stony Brook University, and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Bennington College. He also earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Indianapolis.
In addition to his academic leadership, Barnes pursues his own creative endeavors. His first book, ”Post-Closet Masculinities in Early Modern England” was published in 2009, and his memoir, ”The Dark Eclipse: Reflections on Suicide and Absence,” was published in 2018. A descendant of Scottish weavers, Barnes has a
events on Sunday, Jan. 5, at Lancaster County Environmental Education Center, 1 Nature’s Way, Lancaster. The first program, Cabin Fever Hike, will take place from 11 a.m. to noon, and participants are encouraged to bundle up and bring a hot beverage for a hike led by naturalist Rachel Albright. The second program, a children’s story time activity about animals in the winter, will be held from 1 to 2 p.m.
Registration may be completed for a small fee per person before noon on Friday, Jan. 3. To register for a program, visit lancnaturewinter or call 717-295-2055.

textile art practice, which focuses on the intersection between textiles and texts.
on the first day of the spring 2025 semester.
Barnes serves on the boards of the York Symphony Orchestra, the Cultural Alliance of York, and the Fringe Festival, as well as on committees for the Appell Center for the Performing Arts and the Shine Music Foundation.
Barnes will join PCA&D
Program to focus on small woodlots
Penn State Extension will offer the Woods in Your Backyard Series from Wednesday, Jan. 15, to Wednesday, March 12.
The virtual series is designed especially, but not exclusively, for smaller landscapes. Attendees will learn how landowners can create and enhance natural areas around their homes while positively influ -
encing the environment by implementing simple stewardship practices.
The series will cover topics such as forest ecology and soils, tree planting and native landscaping, tree identification, enhancing wildlife habitat, water in the woods, invasive species management, and woodlot management techniques.
The workshop manual is a 108-page self-directed book guiding participants through the process of developing and implementing projects to enhance their land’s natural resources.
To register by Wednesday, Jan. 8, visit https:// and search for “Woods in Your Backyard Series.”

BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.
CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES: “Inclusive Refuge – Compassionate Justice –Environmental Advocacy.” 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, 17603. Rev. Kathryn Kuhn, Sr. Pastor. Sunday Worship: In-person at 10am (Combined Worship Service) followed by 11am Social Hour. Services also available by phone (888-440-0106) or online at
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at
FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900.
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website:
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.
TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!””
WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit or (717) 898-1551.
ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.
Attend Church this Sunday
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

Rotary Club lauds students

The Rotary Club of Paradise has announced that its Students of the Month for December 2024 were Dev Marwaha from Conestoga Valley High School, Caleb Bowman from Lancaster Mennonite High School, and Peyton Haley from Pequea Valley High School. The students, who are all juniors, were recognized on Dec. 5.
Dev is the son of Ajay and Brenda Marwaha of Lancaster. He is the outreach officer for Science National Honor Society, tutoring chair for Math Honor Society, and captain of the Quiz Bowl team, as well as a participant in Student Council, Link Crew, Science Olympiad, Model United Nations, and the Envirothon. He was named an AP Scholar with Distinction and was chosen to attend the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar in May 2024. In Scouts BSA, he is a senior patrol leader and has earned the Eagle Scout Award. He volunteers at UPMC Lititz.

Ware Center plans First Friday programs

The Arts at Millersville University will join Lancaster city’s First Friday celebrations with We the People First Friday on Friday, Jan. 3, 2025, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Ware Center, 42 N. Prince St., Lancaster.
throughout the U.S. and Canada, and was nominated for Debut Album of the Year at the Native American Music Awards in 2010.

Caleb is the son of Beth and Jonathan Bowman of Landisville. He is a member of NHS and SAC, as well as the tech crew, including serving as a theater tech. He won a National German Exam Achievement Award and an award from the Lancaster Mennonite Alumni Association.
At 6:30 p.m. in the Owen Grand Salon on the third floor of the Ware Center, Native American singer-songwriter Joseph Strider will present original acoustic music with accompaniment by violinist Liz Mallin. Strider has produced four albums of original music in a style he calls modern indigenous alternative, has performed
From 6 to 8 p.m. in the Regitz Gallery, the exhibit “Stolen Views II - New Lancaster Scenes” will be on display. The exhibit, which features recent artworks created throughout Lancaster County by a local group of artists that meets every week to paint en plein air, will be on display until Friday, Jan. 31.
All First Friday events are free and open to the public. No tickets are required.
Peyton is the daughter of Chris and Angie Haley of Gordonville. She has been named to the first honor roll and is a member of NHS. She is a section leader in the choir, a member of the Chamber Singers, and a participant in the musical. She serves as a worship leader in her youth group.

Chorus to kick off spring season
The Hershey Community Chorus will hold an open house and the first rehearsal of its spring season on Monday, Jan. 13, beginning with registration and fellowship at 6 p.m. The rehearsal will follow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Hershey Free Church, 330 Hilltop Road, Hummelstown.
The chorus rehearses on Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. under the direction of Matt Dickinson with Karen Kline as accompanist. No auditions are needed.
The upcoming season will culminate with the spring concerts on Friday, May 2, at 7 pm at the Hershey Story Museum, 63 W. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, and on Sunday, May 4, at 7 p.m. at the Hershey Free Church.
With the theme of “Celebrating Ninety Years of Singing,” the spring concert will feature patriotic musical
selections connected in some way to the years 1934 and 1935; connections include composers or performers who were born or died, works released, concerts presented, and founding of groups.
The Hershey Community Chorus was founded in 1934. Members hail not only from Hershey itself, but also from Middletown, Harrisburg, New Cumberland, Landisville, Elizabethtown, Palmyra, Columbia, Hummelstown, Camp Hill, and Lebanon. Seventy-five members performed in the Christmas concerts.
Dickinson teaches music at Lower Dauphin Middle School. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Lebanon Valley College.
For more information, visit www.hershey or email info@hershey
BECOME A TOUR Guide at Amish Experience (Route 340, between Bird-in-Hand and Intercourse.) Paid training in February. Season runs March to November. Part time. $11.75 per hour. Some Saturday and Sunday availability a must.

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You must attend both days. Registration closes one week before orientation. Please call for more information and to reserve your seat: 717-367-1121, ext. 33024, or visit
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Museum to present stories and songs
The 1719 Museum, 1849 Hans Herr Drive, Willow Street, will host a candlelit evening of stories and songs on Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025, from 4 to 9 p.m. Guests will experience traditions passed down through generations among Lancaster County’s indigenous and Mennonite communities. Tours run every half hour starting at 4 p.m., with the final tour slot at 8 p.m.
Interpreters in the Herr House will introduce the Herr family’s story and highlight narratives from the “Martyrs Mirror,” a book used by Mennonites
to strengthen their commitment to peace. A Mennonite a cappella group will perform English translations of hymns from the ”Ausbund,” a historic Mennonite hymnal.
In the Lancaster Longhouse, Barry Lee, a Munsee artist and seven-time Native American Music Award nominee, will share stories and songs rooted in his cultural heritage.
Light refreshments are included with admission. The museum store will be open for the event.

There is a discount for youths ages 7 to 16, with complimentary admission for children age 6 and under. Prepurchasing tickets is encouraged, as space is limited. For tickets, visit www
Performing arts mini camps planned
Sopranojam Music
Studio, 120 College Ave., Mountville, will offer a mini camp, “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure,” on Saturday, Jan. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon. The camp is designed to introduce 6- to 11-year-olds to the performing arts. Kids will learn a song and dance, make a craft, and give a presentation for their parents.
There is a fee. Regis -
tration is required by Monday, Jan. 6. To learn more, visit www.soprano
Additional mini camps will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8, with the theme of “Journey to Oz” and registration due by Monday, Feb. 3, and on Saturday, March 8, with the theme of “New York, NY,” with registration due by Monday, March 3. The camps will run from 10 a.m. to noon.

Artists may apply to exhibit at train station
The City of Lancaster Office of Public Art is seeking artists to showcase their artworks in two glass-enclosed display cases at the Lancaster Amtrak Train Station. Artists are asked to create site-specific art inspired by or cohesive with the “A Place for Every Piece: Lancaster’s Living Quilt” design.
The Lancaster Amtrak
Station, the second-busiest Amtrak station in Pennsylvania, features the display cases as part of its annual art exhibitions. This year, the Art at Amtrak program will also highlight designs by Libby Modern and Jill Good, who are creating window designs for the station’s main terminal.
Artists are encouraged to submit proposals
for installations in the glass cases that either draw inspiration from or align with Modern’s and Good’s work. Proposals should include drawings, sketches, or renderings, along with a written description. While new, site-specific works are preferred, artists may adapt previous artworks to fit the aforementioned theme.
This call is open to all professional artists and artist teams age 18 and older. Each selected artist or team will receive a cash honorarium to cover project expenses, including materials, fabrication, and installation.
Submissions are due by Monday, Jan. 20. For more details, visit www office-of-public-art.
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Veritas Community posts sermon series
The Veritas Community will kick off its first sermon series of 2025 on Sunday, Jan. 5. Titled “Entrusted,” the series will focus on people’s stewardship of all that God has entrusted to them. The dates, topics, and Scriptures are Jan. 5,
“Stewardship of the Environment,” Genesis 1:26-31 and Genesis 2:15; Sunday, Jan. 12, “Stewardship of Our Time,” Psalm 90:12, Colossians 4:5, and Ephesians 5:15-16; Sunday, Jan. 19, “Stewardship of Our Talents,” Matthew
25:14-30; and Sunday, Jan. 26, “Stewardship of Our Finances,” Haggai 2:7-9 and 1 Chronicles 29:12-14.
The Veritas Community gathers every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on the second floor of HUB 450, 450 N. Prince St., Lancaster.
The first 15 minutes of the event are dedicated to fellowship time. For more information about the Veritas Community, visit, email Ryan Braught at, or call 717-572-5914.