In the fight against food insecurity, public relations is a superpower
When you hear the phrase “public relations,” you probably picture a drab corporate press statement or product placement in a celebrity’s Instagram post. In the 21st century, the relationship between consumers and commercial interests has developed into a complex dynamic that is a prerequisite for success in nearly every industry. The world of public relations may include insincere speeches and unsubtle advertisements, but people’s access to information is a powerful force - a force that a group of local college students is wielding to fight food insecurity in the Lancaster community.
raised awareness and they’ve raised some funds for Power Packs, which will really enable us to do more in the community.”
Penn Manor, Donegal, Warwick, Columbia and Lancaster to provide students with a meal kit called a Power Pack. The kit is stuffed with healthy ingredients for an easy-to-make meal, as well as fresh produce and a few snacks, and the Power Packs are distributed to food-insecure students to make sure they won’t go hungry over the weekend without access to free meals in the cafeteria. During the 2023-24 school year, Power Packs Project distributed approximately 440,000 pounds of food, and the Hempfield branch alone serves hundreds of families in the Hempfield School District every week.

In 2024, Millersville University’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter launched a public relations campaign for Power Packs Project, a nonprofit organization that aims to eliminate hunger in schools throughout Lancaster, Lebanon and York counties. Power Packs Project partners with local school districts such as Hempfield, Lampeter-Strasburg,
The primary goal of the Millersville PRSSA chapter’s campaign was to generate monetary donations for the Power Packs Project ahead of the nonprofit’s initiatives during the holiday season. The students’ campaign involved two strategies: assemble a selection of enticing gift baskets from local businesses, and overhaul Power Packs Project’s public engagement by crafting promotional content.
PRSSA members sold the
gift baskets during Millersville University’s Holiday Maker’s Market on Dec. 7 and 8, raising more than $1,000 for Power Packs Project. “Our original goal was to raise $500,” said Joshua Gearhart, president of the Millersville PRSSA chapter. “I’m happy to report that we smashed that goal.” The baskets included tickets to local experiences such as a one-night stay at the Lancaster Arts Hotel and local wine tastings, as well as a game-worn Hershey Bears hockey jersey and
other novelties. Gearhart added that many patrons paid generously and vocalized their support for Power Packs Project and its work in the community.
The second piece of the students’ campaign involved an effort to establish a digital presence for Power Packs Project. Prior to collecting basket items, PRSSA members visited the organization’s warehouse to film volunteers and get footage for promotional content such as Instagram reels and YouTube videos.

Whether you are a lifelong resident of Lancaster County or a tourist who has spent a day visiting local attractions, you have likely crossed paths with members of the Plain community. Amish and Mennonite groups make up a significant portion of the county’s population, and various unique customs distinguish Plain community members from other locals. Although most people have seen a horse and buggy or passed a homestead operated by farmers who wear distinct wide-brim hats and suspenders, many aspects of the Plain community’s culture are unknown to the greater community.
In most Amish and Mennonite dwellings, two books can be found prominently displayed on the mantle: the Bible and “Martyrs Mirror.” “Martyrs Mirror” may not be as famous - or as old - as its bookshelf neighbor, but the book has remained a significant piece of the Anabaptist faith for centuries. “Martyrs Mirror” was first

LancasterHistory announces leadership transition

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By unanimous vote of the board of directors of LancasterHistory, Robin E. Sarratt was chosen to assume the position of president and CEO of LancasterHistory on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025, taking over the role from Thomas R. Ryan. Ryan has held the position of president and CEO since Jan. 1, 1997. The transition comes at a pivotal moment for the 138-year-old organization, as LancasterHistory is currently building a new museum in downtown Lancaster, the Thaddeus Stevens & Lydia Hamilton Smith Center for History and Democracy. Ryan will take on emeritus status and focus his efforts exclusively on completing the new Stevens & Smith Center; he plans to officially retire once the center opens, projected for late 2025.

the University of Delaware/ Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, she spent seven years at the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library as the director of corporate and foundation relations.
bers across the nation, forging relationships with other nonprofits in the region, and substantially increasing the organization’s financial resources.
Sarratt, now in her 18th year at LancasterHistory, joined the organization in August 2007 as director of development and was named vice president three years later. A North Carolina native, Sarratt began her museum career at the Appalachian Cultural Museum in Boone, N.C., and at Doris Duke’s home, Rough Point, in Newport, R.I. A graduate of Appalachian State University and
Ryan led the Lancaster County Historical Society through nearly three decades of substantial growth and change. Under his leadership, the historical society developed a robust platform for sharing the history of Lancaster County with the public, creating an array of exhibits and educational programs, growing its membership program to include mem -
In 2009, the Lancaster County Historical Society merged with the James Buchanan Foundation for the Preservation of Wheatland, reuniting the adjacent properties that once belonged to President Buchanan. Today, the organization operates as LancasterHistory on its 12-acre Campus of History at the corner of Marietta and North President avenues, and it is also home to the Louise Arnold Tanger Arboretum.
In 2013, through a $13 million capital campaign led by Ryan and Sarratt, LancasterHistory completed the renovation and expansion of its 1955 headquarters, resulting in a 35,000-square-foot museum and research center. The facility achieved L.E.E.D. Silver Certification due to its energy-efficient designs. A second $3.8 million campaign enabled the organization to incorporate the entire historical collections of the former Heritage Center Museum and the Lancaster Quilt and Textile Museum into the Richard C. von Hess Decorative Arts Center at LancasterHistory.
Performing arts mini camps planned

Sopranojam Music Studio, 120 College Ave., Mountville, will offer a mini camp, “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure,” on Saturday, Jan. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon. The camp is designed to introduce 6- to 11-year-olds to the performing arts. Kids will learn a song and dance, make a craft, and give a presentation for their parents.

There is a fee. Registration is required by Monday, Jan. 6. To learn more, visit www minicamp.
Additional mini camps will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8, with the theme of “Journey to Oz” and registration due by Monday, Feb. 3, and on Saturday, March 8, with the theme of “New

NY,” with
published in 1660 by Dutch author Thieleman J. van Braght, and the book comprises historical accounts and testimonies of Christian martyrs. Although many highlighted martyrs were Anabaptists, “Martyrs Mirror” also features the stories of other Christians who were persecuted for their faith.
Mennonite Life will highlight “Martyrs Mirror” during its first Stories by Candlelight event, which will take place from 4 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11, at the 1719 Museum, 1849 Hans Herr Drive, Willow Street. The organization will use electric candles to avoid the risks of having open flames inside the historic property, but Stories by Candlelight will feature authentic stories and music rooted in both Mennonite and indigenous culture.
Interpreters will be stationed in the 1719 Museum to tell the story of the Herr family, which formerly lived in the house. The storytellers will also explore a selection of family-friendly narratives from “Martyrs Mirror,” and a group of a cappella singers will perform English translations of hymns featured in the “Ausbund,” an ancient hymnal that remains integral to Amish and Mennonite practices today.
In the Lancaster Longhouse, a full-size replica of a traditional Native American home located on the 1719 Museum’s property, visitors will have an opportunity to hear various stories and songs cherished by the Eastern Woodland tribes.
Munsee artist Barry Lee will perform traditional songs and share stories rooted in indigenous culture and history. “We want to honor the people who were here before Mennonite immigrants arrived,” said Heather Strahin, Mennonite Life’s museum administrator. “It’s important for us to make sure we’re not only focusing on Mennonite stories, but the stories of interrelated groups as well.”
Lee is a member of Circle Legacy Center, a Native American advocacy group that frequently partners with Mennonite Life to share indigenous history and culture during community events and programs in the Willow Street and Conestoga areas.
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, Mennonite Life held its annual Candlelight Christmas Tour every December. After several community members asked Strahin if Mennonite Life would host another winter event, she decided to organize Stories by Candlelight this year. There is little evidence that the Herr family held typical Christmas celebrations, and indigenous communities did not observe the holiday, prompting Strahin to highlight each respective group’s unique traditions.
Tickets may be purchased in advance online prior to the event, and a discounted rate will be offered to children ages 7 to 16. Light refreshments will be included in the price of admission. To purchase a ticket or for more information, visit https://
Epiphany concert slated
First Reformed Church, 40 E. Orange St., Lancaster, will present a concert, “Epiphany: Season of Light,” on First Friday, Jan. 3, at 8 p.m. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. The 30-minute program will feature organist Larry Hershey. The concert will include “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star” by Max Drischner, “Praeludium in E Minor” by Nicolaus Bruhns, and Bruce Simonds’ Prelude on “lam sol recedit igneus” (“As fades the glowing orb of day”). The concert will conclude with “Grand Choeur
Michael and MaryAnn Swartzentruver of Millersville have announced the engagement of their son, Cory Swartzentruver of Manheim, to Alexandra DeMaio of Media.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Christopher and Lauren DeMaio of Havertown. She graduated from Haverford High School in 2013, attended West Chester University, and graduated from the Jean Madeline Aveda Institute in 2014. She is employed by Allstate.

in D Major - Alla Handel” by Alexandre Guilmant.
The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, call the church office at 717-3975149 or visit www.first
scan this code for more local news
The groom-to-be graduated from Penn Manor High School in 2011 and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology in 2015. He is employed by Thru-It-All Body Shop by VIVE Collision in Mount Joy.
An October 2025 wedding is planned.
Veritas Community posts sermon series
The Veritas Community will kick off its first sermon series of 2025 on Sunday, Jan. 5. Titled “Entrusted,” the series will focus on people’s stewardship of all that God has entrusted to them.
The dates, topics, and Scriptures are Jan. 5, “Stewardship of the Environment,” Genesis 1:26-31 and Genesis 2:15; Sunday, Jan. 12, “Stewardship of Our Time,” Psalm 90:12, Colossians 4:5, and Ephesians 5:15-16; Sunday, Jan. 19, “Stewardship of Our Talents,” Matthew
25:14-30; and Sunday, Jan. 26, “Stewardship of Our Finances,” Haggai 2:7-9 and 1 Chronicles 29:12-14.
The Veritas Community gathers every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on the second floor of HUB 450, 450 N. Prince St., Lancaster. The first 15 minutes of the event are dedicated to fellowship time. For more information about the Veritas Community, visit, email Ryan Braught at ryan@veritaschurchpa .org, or call 717-572-5914.

PCA&D to offer free design work to nonprofits
Nonprofit organizations in the central Pennsylvania region are invited to apply to participate in Designathon, hosted by the students at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D) in downtown Lancaster. The annual 12-hour marathon event provides free professional-level branding and design work to local and regional nonprofits. Designathon will take place on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025.
Organized by PCA&D’s American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Student Chapter, Designathon gives students real-world experience in creating projects for clients under a tight one-day deadline. It is also intended to help students learn that nonprofits have marketing needs in order to be successful and that strong graphic design on well-organized collateral pieces is an important component in successful com-
munication and marketing plans. Students also experience the value of giving back to the community. Recent work has included website elements, updated logos, brochures, illustrations, and event posters.
During its history at PCA&D, Designathon has helped more than 120 nonprofit organizations and institutions revitalize their branding and community outreach. Each year, the event’s participation attracts dozens of students, alumni, faculty members, and staff members, many of whom return year after year to participate in the community-centered project.
For more information and to apply by Sunday, Jan. 12, visit https://pcad .edu/designathon-2025/. Questions about applications and process may be directed to Maria Hostetter at

“It’s one thing to hear about something, but to see it is totally different,” Gearhart said. “Short, bite-size content is huge right now, and we would love for people to see the way they give their time and resources to help the community.”
In addition to raising awareness of Power Packs Project’s efforts, the ongoing promotional media portion of the campaign will allow PRSSA students to showcase their communication and marketing expertise as they start a career in public relations.
Gearhart said the content will eventually be uploaded to the Power Packs Project’s social media accounts and website, www.power
“The collaboration between Power Packs and the Millersville University PRSSA students has been tremendous I think for both of us,” said Brad Peterson, executive director of Power Packs Project. “We’ve given the students some realworld experience in working in PR, raising awareness and fundraising, and on our end, we’ve been able to tap into the expertise
of the students. They’ve raised awareness and they’ve raised some funds for Power Packs, which will really enable us to do more in the community.”
Although the Millersville PRSSA has operated since the early ’90s, the Power Packs Project campaign is the largest project its members have organized in six years. When Gearhart became chapter president in fall 2023, he was one of two members. After replenishing the Millersville PRSSA’s numbers, the group comprised 15 students, 10 of whom actively worked on the campaign. Gearhart graduated at the end of the fall 2024 semester, but he’s confident that his successors will follow the trail blazed during his final year. “The future for the club is bright; there is a really passionate group of students left to lead the charge,” Gearhart said. “The Millersville PRSSA is stronger now than it’s ever been.” Gearhart added that the chapter will continue to work with Power Packs Project in the spring semester.
Rotary Clubs announce peacebuilding initiatives
Motorists driving on Route 81 may have seen a Rotary billboard informing travelers that they are entering Rotary District 7390, which this year was designated by Rotary International as a Peacebuilder District. There are 39 Rotary clubs in this district and 46,000 clubs around the world.
The clubs of District 7390 - from Carlisle to Paradise and from Millersville to the Mason-Dixon Line - are teaming up with the internationally focused Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) to address root causes of conflict and division.
The Rotary Clubs will tap into the global resources of Rotary International and
IEP to educate members and the public on how to spread the values of positive peace. Clubs will sponsor workshops and erect peace poles in their communities.
Positive peace is defined as local and global peace built on investments in economic development as well as social attitudes that foster peace. These partnerships demonstrate commitment to building environments that are conducive to sustainable peace both locally and globally.
To learn more about local Rotary-driven positive peace initiatives and workshops, contact the Rotary District 7390 office at 717-854-7842 or visit
Accordion enthusiasts to meet
The First Lancaster Accordion Group (FLAG) will meet on Sunday, Jan. 5, at Zion Church of Millersville, 317 N. George St., Millers -
ville. The meeting will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. For additional details, contact Miranda Hoffman at 717-940-4762.
Webinar to focus on Master Watershed Steward program
Penn State Extension will offer informational webinars about the Master Watershed Steward program, which educates and empowers volunteers to carry out watershed projects and education in their communities. The identical sessions will occur on Thursdays, Jan. 9 and 16, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. It is designed for those who want to make a positive difference in their communities, have a keen interest in the environment, are willing to learn
and teach, and have time to volunteer.
The webinar will share information about the Master Watershed Steward program training, structure, commitment, and requirements; the types of projects in which the Master Watershed Steward volunteer team engages; program partners; and Penn State Extension and the land-grant university system.
The Master Watershed Stewards’ projects include teaching adults and chil -
dren about water quality, wildlife habitats, and the environment; developing educational materials; organizing and conducting educational events, stream cleanups, and invasive plant removal projects; designing and maintaining demonstration gardens; conducting stream monitoring projects and research; researching and writing newsletters and online articles; and partnering with municipal officials on projects such as bioswales,
Barnes chosen to lead PCA&D
Andrew W. Barnes has been selected by the board of trustees as the next president of Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D), according to Jim Warner, chair of the PCA&D board of trustees. Barnes is expected to take the helm of the college on

rain gardens, native meadows, and other green stormwater management solutions.
The workshop is free of charge, but registration is required by Wednesday, Jan. 8. For more information and to register, visit and search for “Master Watershed Steward Training Info for Dauphin, Lancaster, and Lebanon Counties.” Questions may be directed to program coordinator Jim Lewis at

Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, following interim president Audry Carter. Barnes currently serves as dean of the School of the Arts, Humanities, Education, and Social Science at York College of Pennsylvania. Before coming to York, he was the dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Pratt Institute. Throughout his administrative career, Barnes has focused on program development. He has developed master’s degrees in media studies, writing, and performance studies, as well as a Bachelor of Fine Arts in digital arts and artificial intelligence.

He holds a master’s degree in humanities from New York University, a doctorate in English literature from Stony Brook University, and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Bennington College. He also earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Indianapolis.


In addition to his academic leadership, Barnes pursues his own creative endeavors. His first book, “Post-Closet Masculinities in Early Modern England” was published in 2009, and his memoir, “The Dark Eclipse: Reflections on Suicide and Absence,” was published in 2018. A descendant of Scottish weavers, Barnes has a textile art practice, which focuses on the intersection between textiles and texts.

Barnes serves on the boards of the York Symphony Orchestra, the Cultural Alliance of York, and the Fringe Festival, as well as on committees for the Appell Center for the Performing Arts and the Shine Music Foundation.
Barnes will join PCA&D on the first day of the spring 2025 semester.

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GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!

Excel Roofing
HARTZ PT to award grants
HARTZ Physical Therapy (HARTZ PT) is celebrating its 25th year serving the community in 2025. To commemorate the milestone, the company will award grants to 25 Lancaster County charities throughout 2025. Twenty-four charities will receive $2,500, and one charity will be chosen to receive 100% of the proceeds from the 22nd annual Fall Blast 5K & Kids Color Run held every October, estimated to be $25,000.

ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH: 600 E. Penn Grant Rd., (Mailing: P.O. Box 635, Willow Street, 17584) 717-464-5683 Pastor: The Rev. Maureen L. Seifried Worship w/Holy Communion: Saturday Eve. 6 pm & Sunday 9:30 am. Livestreaming Visit:
BETHEL CHURCH: 3716 Main Street, Conestoga. Sunday worship at 10:15 AM. Pastoral Team: Kevin Kumher and Jake Farnham. For more information, call 717872-6755.
Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
COLEMANVILLE UM CHURCH: 210 Colemanville Church Rd., Conestoga. Sunday Worship 8:40 AM, Sunday School 10:15AM 717-872-7951 Pastor Manuel Cruz
FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900.
GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH OF MILLERSVILLE 121 Walnut Hill Rd., Millersville. Sunday Worship at 8:15 am & 10:45 am. Phone: 717-872-4581
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF WILLOW STREET: 212 Peach Bottom Rd., Willow Street. Pastor- Mike Sigman. Weekend Worship: 6pm Saturday, Contemporary; Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Traditional; 9:15am & 11am Contemporary. Sunday Schl from infant-5th grade, meets simultaneously with the 6pm, 9:15 & 11am Worship Services. GCC Young Adults - Tues. 7 pm. Youth Ministry- Wed. 6:30 pm . Numerous Small Groups. 717-464-5333
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website:
MARTICVILLE CHURCH: Located at 641 Marticville Rd. (Rt. 324) between New Danville & Pequea. Pastor: Kevin Kresge. 9:30am worship service. Casual dress. Nursery, handicap accessible. Visit us online: E-mail:
We are learning to live, love & lead like Jesus. Join us Sundays at 9:00 AM for Traditional Worship at Grace Campus, 163 W Frederick St or at 10:30 AM for Contemporary Worship at Hope Campus, 242 Bender Rd. On-line worship is offered at our website:
Robert Fulton Hwy., Peach Bottom. Senior Pastors Mark & Pam Couch Join us on Sundays @ 10:15 AM For more info, call 717-955-0173.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only.
(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
specific month after the vote, it will return to the selection process for a second chance.
Community members are invited to nominate charities at www unity/25th-anniversary/. To be eligible for consideration for the Fall Blast proceeds, nominations must be received by Friday, Jan. 10.
New military license plates available
A new selection of military-themed license plates is available. Recently passed legislation allows the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to offer Pennsylvanians six new license plates honoring military veterans.
Four selected charities will be eligible to receive one of two $2,500 grants each month during 2025. The staff of HARTZ PT, along with the business’s patients and followers on Instagram and Facebook, will play an integral role in the selection of the winners each month. If a charity is not selected during a
The $25,000 Fall Blast beneficiary will be found among the monthly $2,500 nominees. The Fall Blast director and committee will select three finalists, which will be required to fill out an application providing specific information, such as financial details. The finalists will make a presentation on Friday, Feb. 7, to the staff members of HARTZ PT, who will then choose the winner.

Three of the new plates recognize service members who received medals or honors for individual achievements or deployments. These plates are the standard license plate colors of white, blue, and gold and bear a graphic of the medal awarded. For a fee, the plates are available for use on passenger cars or trucks with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds.
These plates include the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Registration Plate. Applicants must submit a completed MV-150, Application for U.S. Military Service Registration Plate, and a legible photocopy of their Form DD-214, Separation Papers or Discharge Papers, indicating they were awarded the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal.
For the Operation Inherent Resolve Veterans Plate,

applicants must submit a completed MV-150P and a legible photocopy of their Form DD-214 indicating they participated in Operation Inherent Resolve against the Islamic State and the Levant, which encompasses campaigns in Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Applicants for the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal Registration Plate must submit a completed MV-150P and a legible photocopy of their Form DD-214 indicating they served in the 65th Infantry Regiment - the Borinqueneers - or other evidence of having received the Congressional Gold Medal.
The other three new plate designs recognize woman veterans. Two are available for motorcycles, and the third is for passenger cars or trucks with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds.

The Honoring Our Women Veteran Motorcycle Registration Plate is a special fund registration plate. A portion of the fee for the plate goes to the Veterans Trust Fund to support programs and resources assisting woman veterans. Applicants must submit a completed MV-914, “Application for Honoring Our Veterans Special Fund Registration Plate.”
The Women Veteran Motorcycle Registration Plate and the Women Veteran Registration Plate are standard issue plates - the former being specifically for motorcycles - bearing the colors white, blue, and gold along with a graphic representing woman veterans. Applicants must submit a completed MV-150V, Application for U.S. Military Service Registration Plate, and a legible photocopy of their Form DD-214 or a legible photocopy of the front and back of their DD2(RET), “United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired).”
More information is available by visiting dmv/vehicle-services.html and clicking the arrow in the “Registration Plates” box.