Pequea Valley

“Soccer should not be a sport that you can’t play because you can’t afford it,” said Jason Myer, president of the Pequea Valley Youth Soccer Association (PVYSA). “There are not tons of pads or equipment, just cleats and shin guards.”
To make it possible for more Pequea Valley School District (PVSD) youth to take part in the league, which provides play for young people from ages 4 to 18, PVYSA teamed up with The Factory Ministries to award scholarships.
Although the club works to keep registration fees reasonable, Myer and board members are aware that some families - especially those who have multiple children who wish to participate - might benefit from some help. “The Factory provides a sheet with a recommendation for a scholarship,” explained Myer, who added that once a Factory staff member has completed an evaluation, he or she can also introduce the family to other resources that might be beneficial.
“It’s a close-knit community.”
PVYSA community relations coordinator Jon Lorio noted that working with The Factory puts the family’s financial information in the hands of experienced social workers. This is important in a community where, according to Adam Nagle, executive director of The Factory, the percentage of free and reduced-cost lunches is more than 60%.
PVYSA runs both spring and fall season programs. “Soccer is 12 months (a year),” joked Myer, who
added that the spring program starts after Easter and the fall program after Labor Day. Parents who wish to register their children may visit Registration for the upcoming spring season is open until Saturday, Feb. 15. Those who register after that date may do so until Friday, Feb. 28, by paying a late fee.
PVYSA participants are divided into groups of 4- and 5-year-olds, 6- to 8-year-olds, 12- to 14-yearolds, and 15- to 18-year-olds.
Intramural and travel programs are offered for appropriate age groups. The league, which
When Evan Hershey was a sophomore at Pequea Valley High School (PVHS) in 2020, he started thinking seriously about his career after high school. “I’ve always been interested in working with my hands and the mechanical aspect of things,” said Hershey, who turned to Jared Erb, First Choice Career coordinator with the Pequea Valley School District, for assistance. “I was curious about opportunities,” recalled Hershey, who reported that Erb set him up to take part in the Manufacturers’ Association Pre-Apprenticeship Program. Once a month, Hershey participated in the program, which took him to a variety of business locations, including Tyson Foods in New Holland. “We toured the facility and learned about jobs with that manufacturer,” said Hershey, who also took classes at the Manufacturers’ Association facility. “We learned precision measurement and machining,” he recalled. “(The classes) exposed us to things we would deal with in the manufacturing field. They gave us direction, and that was very helpful.”
Hershey appreciated the opportunity with the Manufacturers’ Association, but he wanted to know more, and Erb provided that information.
“(Erb) also suggested some internships,” recalled Hershey. “He gave me a list of places (that offered internships), and (Smoker Door Sales in Gap) was one of them.” Because Hershey was very interested in woodworking, he considered a number of places, but Smoker Door was the most interesting to him.
“It was not quite woodworking, but it incorporated a lot of basic skills that I knew if I didn’t continue to work here, I could use other places,” said Hershey, who decided to pursue an internship with Smoker, inter -
viewing with owner Jeff Smoker and beginning the apprenticeship two days a week in January of 2023. Hershey attended classes at PVHS in the mornings and trained with Trevor Martin at Smoker Door Sales in the afternoon. Hershey’s initial training involved installing overhead doors in sheds. “Generally, they start you with shed doors, and that gives you a foundation,” said Hershey, who noted that the job involved using a number of tools.
“Some I had used and some I hadn’t,” Hershey recalled, noting that his age was also a challenge.
“I wasn’t 18, so there were some tools I couldn’t use,” he reported, adding that Smoker purchased tools that Hershey would be allowed to use so he could perform the job safely. He completed the apprenticeship about a month before his PVHS graduation date of June 3, 2023.
As the apprenticeship time was coming to a close, Hershey felt a calling to work at Smoker Door Sales full time. He knew an installer position was open. “I expressed interest,” said Hershey, who interviewed for the job and began working at Smoker Door Sales on June 12, 2023. Among the advantages Hershey sees in his position are the chance to work outside every day and the differences in the various jobs. “I like getting to experience something new every day,” he said, noting that the three main
areas of work are shed doors, residential doors, and commercial doors. He enjoys the residential work because of the customer interaction and the variety.
“You get into situations where you have to rely on your problems-solving (skills),” he said. “Every house is different and you never know what (challenges) you’re going to run into,” Hershey said. He added that he appreciates commercial work because of the teamwork aspects.
Readers who have questions about the Pequea Valley First Choice program may email jared_erb@ or call 717-768-5510, ext. 5518.
“I like working with a crew and building a bond between co-workers,” he said. Hershey also appreciates the unique aspects of different tasks and the changes in the level of difficulty. “I’m never bored,” he said with a smile.
FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to for
concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.
LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at
MT. EDEN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.
PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at Phone: 717-847-6872
SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail:; Website:
ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
After breaking ground more than a year ago, Freedom Life Church will hold the grand opening of the Freedom Life Atglen Campus on Sunday, Jan. 12. The new facility is located at 789 Gap Newport Pike, Atglen.
Established outside of Christiana as Victory Chapel after a series of tent revival meetings, the church has grown to operating three campus sites, with others in Lancaster County and Centre County. The church also hosts multiple ministries, including FL Kids, TwentyFourSeven Youth, FL Young Adults, Freedom Academy and TPUSA Faith. Many neighbors have enjoyed Easter Eggstravaganzas, VBS, fall festivals, Trunk or Treats, the Freedom 5K, Worldview Weekends, Serve Day and several other events that have been open to the community. All are invited to services at the Freedom Life Atglen Campus on Sundays at 8:30 or 10:30 a.m. Preview services began weekly on Dec. 15, 2024.
Special guest pastor Steve Kelly from Wave Church in Virginia Beach will preach the first sermon of the year in 2025 at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. services on Sunday, Jan. 5. There will be also be an Anointing Service on Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. The church will host Freedom Night worship services on Thursday and Friday, Jan. 9 and 10, at 7 p.m. Pastor Sam Masteller will speak at grand opening services on Jan. 12. FL Kids will offer programs for children in fifth grade and younger during each service.
For details about the new facility and updates regarding services and events, visit and upcoming-events.
Submitted by Leona Baker, Historical Society of Salisbury Township
“Don’t go there at night” was the admonition given not only to those who lived in Gap, but also in New Holland. “There,” of course, was the Welsh Mountain area of Salisbury and Earl townships. The “mountains,” outlying ripples of the Appalachians, lie north of the Gap flatlands.
Until fewer than 50 years ago it was the safe haven for descendants of escaped slaves and isolated Native American peoples as well as outlaws known to “borrow” from the valley people. Today, multimillion dollar homes dot the once forested land. New Holland watershed starts there. A roadside spring once gave forth delicious water to people who came from as far away as Philadelphia to fill their jugs.
The Historical Society of Salisbury Township has in its library several books by local authors about life in the mountains in the old days. Anita Wills has written extensively on her own
mountain family, as well as the Awls, the Greens, the Bills, Laffertys, Marshalls, Haglers, Sandoes, Millisocks - all names still associated with Salisbury Township.
“Welsh Mountain Survivors of Poverty and Slavery” by Benuel Fisher retells many amusing as well as tragic tales of life on the mountain before 1950. The anonymously written “Welsh Mountain Story” has photos and tales of the gradual change in the social atmosphere of the mountain.
Moonshine drew valley people (mostly men) to the mountain from the earliest days, but there were no job opportunities. With no arable land to grow crops, and unable to get jobs among the white valley people, residents experienced poverty to a severe extent. Largely ignored until the late 1800s when religious groups noticed the abject poverty, the area had never experienced schooling or local health care.
The school board finally listened to repeated requests and opened
a permanent public school around 1900, which closed in the 1960s when Pequea Valley School District was formed.
Integration laws demanded a change in public thinking. The Welsh Mountain Clinic opened in the 1970s, sponsored by the valley community, offering much needed health care within walking distance of those living on the mountain; it still operates. Both social improvements changed the life and character of the mountain.
The Welsh Mountain Home was established in the early 1900s to care for indigents who had disabilities. The home originally had a shirt factory and a broom factory operating on the premises. Until the school board accepted the need for educating the poor children of the mountain, the home had a school for adults and children alike in what is now the chapel. The residents grew their own vegetables and even sold or gave away the bounty. Today, the home has
See Welsh Mountain pg 8
- White Horse Area -
Outstanding 15.9 Acre Farmette
7 Bdrm. House - Horse Barn - Shop - Cropland - Pasture
WED., JAN. 8, 2025 @ 3:00 P.M.
Location: 231 Cambridge Rd., Gap, PA 17527 (Salisbury Twp./Lanc. Co.)
Directions: Rt. 340 East of White Horse. Turn left onto Cambridge Rd. Follow to property on right.
Outstanding 15.9 acre farmette w/approx. 8 acres tillable, 6 acres fenced pasture, 7 bdrm. house, barn and shop. A “must-see” property. Auctioneer Note: Outstanding opportunity to purchase appealing 15+ acre farmette. Highly suitable as sm. produce farm or equine/grazing operation. 1 to 2 acre lot subdivision potential. Spacious house w/ADA approved addition, suitable as in-law quarter potential. Sellers are downsizing to smaller property and desire to sell, offering rare opportunity to purchase this real estate gem. A “must see” to fully comprehend. Terms: 10% down, settlement on or before March 10, 2025. Kling, Goodley, Deibler, Fanning, LLP 717-354-7700.
Personal Inspection by appointment OR Open House: Saturdays, Dec. 21 & 28; 1-3 PM. Contact seller @717-475-9716 to schedule a private showing. Contact Tim Weaver @ 717.354.9524 w/any questions
Friends Meeting will host a program on Saturday, Jan. 4, at 10:30 a.m. at its meeting house, 1089 Simmontown Road, Gap.
Gwen Dickinson will share information about her grandfather William Chester Ruth in a talk titled “From Slaves’ Son to Agricultural Inventor.” Ruth was an African American inventor who lived and worked in the Gap area. More details
about Ruth are available at
For more information about the program, call 484-985-0454.
from pg 1
practices primarily at the Salisbury Township Park in Gap, averages a total of more than 200 participants per session. According to Lorio, that number varies
by season. The number of scholarships given out runs a dozen or more per season.
To fund scholarships, the program holds fundraisers and accepts donations from individuals and businesses.
Myer said the PVYSA now has a fundraising coordinator and that board members hope to appeal to area residents to help address the growing need for scholarships.
Horses/Horse Related: Prince; 7 yr. old Gelding, born and raised on the farm, 100% broke to all farm machinery, best horse on the farm! Charlie; 8 yr. old Gelding, born and raised on the farm, 100% broke to all farm machinery, Half brother to Prince. Cindy; 5 yr. old Mare, In Foal!, born and raised on the farm, Broke to all farm machinery, Good in the lines and on the jockey Jerry; 16 yr. old Gelding, Broke to all farm machinery, Good in the lines, Top jockey horse, no day is to long! Pearl; 18 yr. old Mare Broke to all farm machinery, Dam of Prince and Charlie! Cookie; 19 yr. old Mare, Broke to all farm machinery, Dam of Cindy! Good in the lines and jockey. Horse Related; 7 sets of work horse harnesses (5 brichment). Lines, jockey sticks, collars, mini pony harnes (leather), horse hitch trees, single horse cart and gang mower, round bale hay feeder, antique log cart. 3 horse wagon tongue (like new). Garden cultivator.
Farm Machinery: New Holland 411 Discbine (good condition). New Holland 455 7’ sycle bar mower w/ 25 horse Lombardini Diesel (Great Condition). JMiller Ag Bale Wrapper Model 4511 w/Honda engine (Like New). Cedar Hill Forecart w/torsion axle. 2-Beilers forecarts. John Deere 660 Hay Rake, New Holland 273 Hay Baler w/wisconsin Engine (Rebuilt 2 years ago). 8’ ELS Manure Pump 2018 Model (1,000 RPM). New Holland Gear Bale Wagon (Holds 6 round bales). 1300 Gal. Connestoga Pit Manure spreader (Top unload) w/ Honda engine. 800 Gal. ELS Ground Drive Manure Spreader. 900 Gal. Tandem axle Els Manure Spreader (needs work). 206 New Idea Ground Drive Manure spreader. John Deere 3960 Harvester w/crop processer (Excellent Condition). 718 New Holland Hay Chopper w/6’ bed. New Idea 1 row Corn Picker. Mccormick corn Binder w/aluminum loader. 120 HP. Iveco 2 wheeled power unit w/ Tayloria 1,000/540 gear reduction clutch. John Deere power unit w/65 HP. diesel on 4 wheeled torsion axle. 200 Gal. Iva Manufacturing field sprayer w/33’ boom and foam markers (Good Condition). 8’ Disk w/Hitch. 2 Horse 8’ wooden cultipacker. 10’ Harrow. 10’ spike tooth Harrow. 16’ Flatbed wagon w/ Jacob Zook gear. 16’ flatbed wagon w/ New Holland gear. 2-402 Hay crimpers. 520 Rissler TMR Mixer w/Honda Engine. White Horse Machie 2 Bottom Plow.
Misc: Mighty Ox Wood Splitter w/Honda Engine (Excellent Condition). MillerMatic 300 3 Phase Welder, Georgetown Hydraulics Portable Cowstable Fan w/Honda Engine, 5 calf Hutches w/buckets and pen wire, corn crib wire, 4 steel wheel set for Compact Tractor, Quikut Bale Splitter, Bale End plugs, 500 Gal. Fertilizer Tank, Lots of oak mixture firewood, bundles of slabwood, misc. tractor weights, and more!
Forages: 100 +/- 3x3x7 large bales of corn fodder, 200 +/small bales of straw, approx. 35 ton of ear corn. Milkhouse Supplies: 1,000 Gal. Mueller Milk Tank serial # 62227, Leeson Milk Agitator, Tank washer, 6 Westfalia Stimopuls MA w/automatic takeoff w/ IQ Claws, 2-65 lb. buckets, 3-55 lb. buckets, 18” Bender Milker washer, Stainless steel washtub, Stainless steel claw washer tub, Mason Porter vaccum pump 1617 M5 and Tank.
Selling for Others: Hyster 50 Forklift w/quick attachments, CAT 3208 V8 Power Unit on 2 wheels. Springside 4 wheeled power cart w/3.9 Cummins Diesel 135 Hp. (540/1000 PTO) used 3 seasons (Excellent Condition), Springside 2 wheeled power cart 23 Hp. Perkins Diesel 8 GPM Hydraulic Pump used 2 seasons (Excellent Condition), 8’ ELS Manure Pump (High Pressure), Complete Dumping Station (vacuum) w/ glass receiving jar and 80’ of 7/8” Hose, 8 Westfalia Milkers 4 w/ Delaval Pulsators, 6-65 lb. buckets, 1-90lb. bucket, 1-80 lb. bucket, 4-75 lb. buckets, 300 lb. sputnik, Coal/Wood Stove (Heavy Duty).
Household: Metal Shelves, 4-book shelves, Post Bed, Bureau, Blanket chest, farm magazines, farming plaques, cooking magazines, books, stoneware crocks (1-5 Gal.), sm. dry sink, meat grinder, Holliday propane stove, Tupperware, bread pans, and more!
Auctioneers Note: Join us on, January 11, at the Stoltzfus Farm Auction! Auction begins at 9:00 AM with household and wagon loads of farm miscellaneous items. Horses sell at 12:00 sharp followed by all Milk house supplies. Large farm equipment sells at approximately 1:00 followed by smaller row items. This is a large auction, plan to attend. Possibly selling with 2 auctioneers.
Lorio pointed out that the league often offers a child’s first coaching contact. “The kids appreciate the program,” he said, noting that the volunteer coaches endeavor to provide both enjoyment and structure to participants while teaching soccer skills.
“The league emphasizes fun,” he stated, adding that the culture is inclusive and welcoming to both players and volunteers. “It’s a closeknit community,” he said.
Looking ahead, Myer hopes the organization can continue to secure the funds and volunteers to grow the program and meet the scholarship need, and he is grateful to The Factory for the part it plays. “(Working with The Factory) gives us the confidence to give out the scholarships, and it also connects (families) with The Factory, which can connect them with resources,” he said. “(The need for scholarships) is growing each season, so we know we need to keep doing it.”
Readers who have questions may contact PVYSA through the aforementioned website.
at 717-768-8400 ext. 216 or email for an interview.
Pequea Valley School District
Monday-Friday - 8 Hours/Day Shift
Seeking a highly organized & detail-oriented individual to join our team. This role focuses on supporting the district office's daily operations, specifically in purchasing & accounts payable. Key responsibilities incl. handling administrative tasks, coordinating communications, & offering general office support. The successful candidate will possess excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail, proficiency with computer and accounting software, & the ability to work collaboratively with staff. Resumes should be submitted to Ms. Britney Hevner, Assistant CFO, by 1/17/25. Please contact Britney Hevner at or 717-768-5589
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from pg 5
developed into a well-respected retirement home for those with modest means. The clinic across the street serves not only the mountain people but others in need.
And the biggest change of all is the economic status of those living there, including salvage business owner Benny Green. Benny was proud of his home, having built and maintained it for most of his adult life. His “junk” business was just profitable enough to meet his needs. His relatives lived nearby and had jobs in the valley and Lancaster city.
Benny’s property has been cleaned up now. After his death, many came by to pick through his collections. What was left has been carted away. The brush was cut, and the last shack on the mountain has disappeared. Fortunately, the historical society was able to take many photographs of the property before any of the cleanup began. Many thought that there should be a marked place at the location commemorating Benny’s perseverance of the old way of life.
Benny was the last of the old “mountain people” who lived, laughed and loved on the mountain for generations, forming a close and closed community with its own character.