Unit 5 teacher book

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Unit 5 12 Lessons

Class 1. Grammar: Present Continuous for actions right now (positive & negative). Vocabulary: Collocations with do & make. Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 1 SPR: Review to be in present tense SPR (5 minutes): Review Present of to be. (Student Book: SPR). Objective: To review present tense form of to be positive and negative In groups, tell students to fill-in chart in Student Book with the present tense form of to be in the positive and negative. Tell them they have three minutes. Circulate and give WOWs for groups with 100%. Elicit 1 sentence with each pronoun from random students. 1. Introduce checklist (10 minutes) (Student Book: Contract). Remind students that they just learned past tense verbs. Now they will be learning Present Continuous tense positive, negative and questions. *Go through each objective in grammar, vocabulary and application in SPANISH so they are clear on what they are responsible for learning by the end of the unit. B. Read Note from the Jefa de UTP. Emphasize that they will be tested on the “application concepts�. 2. Hook (5 minutes) (Student Book: SPR). Read story out loud and have students follow with finger. Fernando: Hello Javiera! I am having a party today, do you want to come? Javiera: Maybe, but right now I am playing basketball with some friends. When does it start? Fernando: At 6:00 pm, can you come? Javiera: I think so, but I usually have dinner with my boyfriend at 6:00 so I have to ask him. Fernando: No problem! Just tell me soon! I am making some snacks right now. Javiera: Okay! Talk to you later. Bye! Ask students if they have any questions about vocabulary and review if necessary. Ask students when Javiera is playing basketball. (now) Ask students how that is expressed. (to be + verb-ing) 3. Objectives (2 minutes) (Student Book). Have students touch the objectives in the contract. Tell students that by the end of the class they will be able to: Use the positive and negative form of the Present Continuous. Remember 6 collocations with do & make.

Part I: Present Continuous (+/-) 4. Teach: Present Continuous (+/-) (10 minutes) (See Student Book). Use the following examples from above: Right now I am playing basketball. Usually I have dinner with my boyfriend. Ask students what they think the difference is. Show students key words: right now versus usually.

Elicit or explain that the present continuous can be used to talk about actions that are happening RIGHT NOW. Explain in Spanish if necessary. Review form with students as follows: Subject + to be + gerund (base verb + ing) + complement. Have students chorally repeat the example above. Have students chorally repeat with different verbs. OR...Write a verb and have them conjugate alone. *Refer to Grammar Explanation 4b. Explanation with conjunctions (5 minutes). Tell students that in spoken English we usually shorten the auxiliary form of to be. Have students turn to examples in Student Book. *OPTIONAL: explain to student the sometimes we use the contraction aren’t in the negative form instead of are not. Read examples. Then students repeat examples after teacher models. 4. Grammar Application: Present or present continuous? (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity I). Review that the present simple is for rituals and routines. Review the clue words and the examples. Teach that present continuous can be used for actions happening right now. Review the clue words and the examples. Tell them to circle the correct word based on whether it is a routine or something happening now/in the near future (They can use the clue words) Model activity using first sentence. Students read the text and choose either present simple or present continuous based on the context. *Refer to Text Students check with shoulder partner by taking turns reading the text. Check with whole class by reading correct text out loud. 5. Written Application: Fill-in the Blank (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity II). Teacher models the examples. Examples: I ___am doing____ my homework now. (do) Today, he ____is going____ to Peru. (go) What are you doing? We _are making_ a cake for Juan’s birthday. (make) Students work with head partners to answer questions in present continuous. Then, check with shoulder partners using the sentence stem. Sentence Stem: I think the correct answer is_________________________. Review answers with whole class 6. Speaking Activity: Describe the Pictures (10 minutes)

(Student Book: Part I Activity III). Teacher reviews new vocabulary Teacher Three Way Models (taking turns with a partner) Teacher reviews example. (They are, He is, She is) Students take turns answering question: “What are they doing?” using the given pictures and word bank. *Refer to Activity Begin with head partners. OPTIONAL: Switch and work with shoulder partners.

Part II: Make vs. Do. 7. Reading Comprehension (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity I). Students read the following text and underline the words they know. Rosario’s Weekend I love the weekend, but I always have a lot of chores. Friday night, I have to make dinner for my family. I was thinking about making a chicken soup, but it is hard to make a decision. Saturday, I have to do a lot of homework. My friends always make fun of me because I study a lot and they call me a nerd. Also, I must do laundry on Saturday so that it will be ready by school on Monday. Sunday is the best because I finally have the chance to do nothing! If I have time, I will make a cake because it is my friend’s birthday! What do you do on the weekends? Elicit from students what the text is about. Help students with vocabulary they don’t know. Students read text again and answer comprehension questions. 1. On Friday, she does laundry. 2. On Friday, she will make chicken soup. True True False False 3. The best meaning of the word nerd is… 4. The best meaning of the word chores is… a funny person cooking dinner a person who studies a lot place to sit a type of cake things to do 5. Why is she making a cake? 6. Rosario likes the weekend. Her friend’s Birthday True Mother’s day False Her Birthday Doesn’t say Students check answers with shoulder partners. Elicit correct answers by calling on students. 8. Sorting Activity: Make vs. Do (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity II). Using the text above: Students circle all of the words they see with do or make. Then, students sort the verbs into do phrases and make phrases. Students write the Spanish translation Review the review box with the difference between do and make. OPTIONAL: Students write two sentences with the do or make verbs of their choice. Share with head partners. 9. Partner Memorization: Pair Work (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity III). Students work with head partners. Partner A: Says activity (Example: laundry, a cake, a decision)

Partner B: Says complete verb phrase (Example: do laundry, make a cake/decision) SWITCH 10. Closing: Check Yourself! (3 minutes) (Materials in Student Book: Closing). Students correct the following sentences. Write “C” if correct. Give WOWs for 100% correct.

Check Yourself! I is reading a book right now.


We usually are studying on Monday morning.


They are riding bicycles, but usually they walk.


Roberto aren’t working today.


Class 2. Grammar: (1) Present Continuous questions & use for future plans. Vocabulary: Collocations with do & make. Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 2 SPR: To be vs To have ( Physical features ) *SPR (5 minutes): To be vs To have for physical features. (5 minutes) Objective: To describe a person’s physical features using to be and have. Ask students “How do you use to be and have to talk about physical features?” Write some of the examples they tell you on the board Independently have them fill in the T Chart with physical characteristics that describe the man under To Be and Have. (Model) Have share with their partner. (Model) 1. The checklist (5 minutes) Objective: To use present continuous in positive and negative form. Students work with head partners Students create 2 positive sentences and 2 negative sentences Have students write down their partner’s mistakes YOU MUST MODEL THE ACTIVITY and GO OVER THE EXAMPLE Partner A: Say one verb in the present simple Partner B: Create a sentence in the present continuous Partner A: Writes down the mistakes. *SWITCH AFTER TWO SENTENCES! Partner B: Say one verb in the present simple in the negative form Partner A: Creates a negative sentence in the present continuous Partner B: Writes down mistakes. *SWITCH AFTER TWO SENTENCES! Example: Part I: Part II: Partner A: Play Partner B: Swim Partner B: You are playing tennis. Partner A: She are not swimming: Partner A: Right! Partner B: Wrong! The correct answer is :

She is not swimming 2. Hook (3 minutes) Ask one student to come to explain what the previous class was about. Have the rest of the class ask questions or discuss if they agree with the person explaining. Give WOWs to the students. 3. Objectives (2 minutes) Tell students that today they will be reviewing the Present Continuous. Explain that by the end of the day students will be able to: Ask and answer closed questions using present continuous Use present continuous to talk about future plans Remember 9 collocations.

Part I: Present continuous Open/Closed questions 4. Teach: Present continuous questions (10 minutes) (Grammar explanation in Student book) Go over present continuous positive and negative in the grammar box. Solicit examples. Students copy the examples on the lines. Explain that open questions are general with full answers. Closed questions are specific with yes or no. Review the formula for closed questions and the answers. Review formula for open questions (solicit again the meaning of wh- words). Students take notes in their copybooks. Students write their own examples of closed questions. Share with table groups. 5. Grammar application (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity I). Students work with shoulder partners. Students order the words and conjugate verbs to make open or closed questions. Review the example. Check as class by eliciting answers from students. Ask students if the questions are open or closed. Elicit a possible answer for each question. 6. Partner memorization (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity II). Model the exercise and review the example. Pair Work: Head Partners Partner A: Says a positive sentence from the box. Partner B: Turns that sentence into a question. After two they switch! C. Give WOWs if they repeat what their partner said.

Part II: Present continuous for future plans. 7. Teach: Present continuous for future plans (10 minutes) (Student Book: Grammar Explanation). Tell students that present continuous can be used to talk about the future too, but only for plans that have been already prepared. Write 2-3 examples using your plans for the weekend. After that, have them go to the student book and check the grammar explanation Review future plan vocabulary. 8. Writing and Speaking application (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity I). Part I Have students go to the student book. Review the vocabulary in the pictures. Ask them how the verb would be in present continuous (verb + -ing). Students independently write a sentence in present continuous. Review.

Part II Students work with shoulder partners to turn each sentence into a closed question about the weekend. Review the example box. Model the activity. Students ask and answer the questions. 9. Dialogue (Student Book: Part I Activity II). Read the dialogue with a star student or multiple students. The rest of the students underline the words they don’t know. Students then independently answer the reading comprehension questions. Working with shoulder partners, students replace the activities in the dialogue with new ones. Teacher models with and an example. Students then present to only their head partners.

Part III: Collocations. 10. Teach: Collocation with do and make (5 minutes). Elicit collocations seen in the previous class. Draw a T chart on the board, write DO and MAKE. Have student tell you collocations they remember. 11. Matching meanings! (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part III Activity I) Tell students to work with their head partners. Students match collocation to its Spanish translation. Model activity with sentence stem. Students write down what they believe the answer is in copy books (collocation and Spanish translation) in pencil. Review as a class. Students correct mistakes. 12: OPTIONAL: Choral Repetition (Student Book: Part III Activity II) Choral Repetition with English and Spanish translation 13. OPTIONAL: Partner Memorization Activity (Student Book: Part III Activity II) Teacher Models. Students work with shoulder partners. Partner A: Says a Spanish word Partner B: Says English collocation. Partner A: Writes down mistakes. Continues until has gotten 9 correct. *Switch. 13. Writing application (5 minutes) (Part III activity II) Have students work individually with the Student Book. Students must create the word/collocation that describes the image. Students share answers as a group. Check answers as a class. 14. Closing: Check yourself! (5 minutes) Objective: To remember 9 collocations. Individually write down 9 collocations with Spanish translation. Show Head Partner. Head Partner Corrects.

Class 3. Grammar: Review Present Continuous; Conjunctions (and, or & but) Vocabulary: Review Collocations with do and make. Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 3 SPR: Making Plans Contract Check-in (5 minutes) Give students 3 minutes to write all of the collocations they remember. Elicit as many as possible from the class and write them on the board. Elicit Spanish translations orally. Objectives (2 minutes) Tell students that today they will continue working with the present continuous. Explain that by the end of the day students will be able to: Correctly use the present continuous in positive, negative, and question form. Remember 9 collocations with do and make. Hook: Making Plans. (8 minutes) Read the following dialogue and have students follow with finger. Explain any words that students do not know. Students read dialogue with head partner. Fabian: What are you doing this weekend Miguel? Miguel: I’m not sure yet, I am either going to the beach or to a concert. Fabian: What concert? Miguel: Chico Trujillo is playing, but I don’t have tickets. What are you doing? Fabian: I am going to dinner with my girlfriend and then to the movies with friends. Miguel: That sounds nice! Maybe we can meet up on Sunday for lunch. Fabian: Okay cool. I’ll let you know!

Part I: Review: Present Continuous. 1. True/False (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity I). Using the dialogue above, students answer a series of true false questions. Check with shoulder partners. Have students review grammar explanation in Student Book. 2. Written Application (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity II). Give an example of what you are doing this weekend using the present continuous. Then, ask students “What are you doing this weekend?” Students write 2 things they are doing this weekend and 1 question in the present continuous. With head partners, students ask and answer questions about their weekend. Teacher models using the example. OPTIONAL: Students switch and repeat with shoulder partners. 3. Dialogue (Student Book: Part I Activity III). Read the dialogue with a star student or various students. The rest of the students underline words they do not know. Students independently answer the questions, then review the answers. With shoulder partners should then replace the new dialogue with different activities always using am/is/are + verb-ing. They should then present to only their head partners. 4. Game: Charades OPTIONAL (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity IV). On a piece of paper, students write one activity in the present continuous. Collect the paper from the students and redistribute randomly. In groups of four, students take turns acting out the activity. The other students must guess the activity using a question in present continuous. Examples: Are you playing soccer? Are you swimming?

Part II: Review Collocations with do & make. 4. Correct the Text: Do & Make (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity I). Students work in groups of four to correct the text. Paola needs a new job. Right now, she is not doing much money and is not enjoying herself. She never has time for herself. When she wants to do plans with her friends, she can’t because she has to work late. She wakes up very early, so she barely has time to make her hair and get dressed. At night, she does dinner and sometimes makes laundry. She needs to do a decision soon because she is very unhappy.

Check by reading the corrected text out loud. 5. Written Practice: Fill-in the Blank (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity II). Model the examples for students. Examples: 0. You need to__make__a decision immediately! 00. My father __does__ the laundry every week. Students fill-in the sentences with either do or make. Check answers with head partners, then with whole class. 6. Game: Pictionary (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity III). With shoulder partners, students guess which collocation their partner draws. Teacher models with class by drawing something on the board (i.e. $- make money) and eliciting the correct collocation. Students try to get as many as they can in 5 minutes. The teams with the most correct guesses get WOWs! Closing: Teacher Check! (5 minutes) Students close their books. Teacher reads list of activities. laundry homework fun of a favor the dishes money nothing friends the bed Students chorally repeat using the correct verb (do or make). Repeat twice if necessary.

Class 4. Grammar: Introduction to expressing reasons with because in present continuous. Vocabulary: Verbs with to or -ing. Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 4. SPR: Irregular verbs in the past ( Positive ) *SPR: Regular and Irregular verbs in the past (5 minutes) (Student Book: SPR) Ask: “Do you know the difference between regular and irregular verbs in the past?” Emphasize that regular verbs end in -ed and irregular verbs do not follow that rule. With shoulder partners, Students circle the irregular verbs in the past tense. Then, students draw a square around regular verbs in the past tense. Check and compare answers in their groups of four. 1. The checklist (5 minutes) (Student Book) Objective: Practice present continuous for right now and future plans.

Teacher models the dialogue alone or with a star student. Students work with head partners. Students read the dialogue practicing annunciation (modular) Students underline activities happening now and circle the activities in the future. Students replace activities with different ones. 2. Hook (5 minutes) Ask students to create a list with the contents of the unit so far in their copybooks Then, have them go to the checklist and predict what they think is the next content. 3. Objectives (2 minutes) Have students go to the checklist and touch the objectives Tell them that by the end of today’s lesson the will be able to: Express reasons using because in present continuous Remember 9 verbs with to or -ing.

Part I: Expressing reasons using because. 4. Teach: Review Wh- Questions (5 minutes) Ask students a set of wh questions and have them answer orally. Have students think about what all these questions have in common (they are whquestions). Review meaning of Wh- words. 5. Teach: How to express reasons using because with present continuous (10 minutes) - Grammar box! (Student Book) Focus on Why questions and how to answer them ( ALWAYS USING BECAUSE) Have students create two why questions for you. Respond using because (emphasize that with a different tone of voice or volume). Now, ask students to give you examples of why questions with present continuous (Why are you wearing blue?). Respond with the present continuous. Explain to students that you can also join two sentences with because to give reasons. Tell students to go to the grammar box in the Student Book and copy the grammar explanation in their copybooks. 6. Speaking application (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity I) In groups have students discuss 3 pictures and create sentences saying why they aren’t going to the party (they MUST use present continuous and because). With head partners, students ask and answer questions about the pictures. Three way model. Circulate giving WOWs. Students give 2 reasons they aren’t going to the party to their shoulder partner. 7. Writing application (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity II) Students work individually with student book The students join sentences by adding because to explain the reason Check with head partners. Check with whole class by eliciting answers from students. 8. Check your grammar (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity III) Students work with shoulder partners. Students put words in the correct order to make sentences. Share and check answers in groups of four. Check as a whole class by choosing students to read entire sentence. 9. Partner Speaking (5 minutes) (Instructions in Student Book) Model reasons for the following things. Solicit more. Erase examples.

I am not studying because I am not buying this jacket because

I am not traveling to the beach _____ Students create their own reasons in present continuous. Students share in groups. All group members must try to correct any mistakes. Circulate helping students with grammar and vocabulary.

Part II: Verbs with to or -ing. 10. Teach: Verbs full list and explanation (to / -ing) (15 minutes) (Material in Student Book) Introduce: Read both sentences. Have them identify the two verbs in each. Ask how we combine them? Explain that in Spanish we combine verbs like quiero jugar by using the infinitive. In English we do the same (I want + to play). But with some words we can’t do that. Some verbs can’t have to. They have to be followed with a verb + -ing. 11. Grammar (3 minutes) (Material in student book) Read note from Jefa UTP Inglés. Explain the similarities and differences. Explain that some verbs must be followed with to + verb, some with verb + ing, and some can be used with both. Read examples, and check that they know meaning. 12. Matching Activity (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity I) Review the example. Model with the sentence stem. Have students take turns saying what they believe the answer is (with the sentence stem) and writing the definition on the board. Review as a class. Students correct any mistakes. 13. Choral repetition (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity II) Round 1: Have students repeat the words in English focusing on pronunciation. Round 2: Say a word in English, students say word in Spanish (with copybook). Round 3: Repeat round 2 without students looking at copybook. (From memory) Round 4: Say word in Spanish, Students say word in English (with copybook). Round 5: Repeat round 4 without students looking at copybook. 14. Partner memorization (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity III)

Objective: Ensure that students have memorized the words they will be studying. Have students working with head partners

Procedure: Partner A: Says word in Spanish (looking at book) Partner B: Says Word in English (without looking) *Do all and write down mistakes. Switch. 15. Grammar (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity IV) Model the first example.

Independently Students choose the correct word based on the first verb. Example: I avoid to walk, walking in the street. In copybooks they write only the first word, and the word they choose. Example: Avoid walking Check as a class or in partners.

Class 5. Grammar: Review: Because with the Present Continuous

Vocabulary: Using verbs with to or -ing Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 5. SPR: Irregular & Regular Past Tense Verbs (Negative) *Review: Negative Past Tense Verbs (5 minutes) (Material in Student Book). Model the first example for the students. Example: Positive Negative walked didn’t walk went didn’t go Students quickly fill in the chart with the correct past or present tense form of the verb. Check with whole class by eliciting answers from random students. Hook (3 minutes) Ask students what they remember from the previous class. What they remember on the board. Tell students that today they will be reviewing the material from last class. Objectives (2 minutes) Have students go to the checklist and touch the objectives Tell them that by the end of today’s lesson the will be able to: Express reasons using because and present continuous Correctly use verbs with to or -ing.

Part I: Review because with the Present Continuous. Grammar Review (5 minutes) (Grammar Explanation in Student Book) Ask students what they remember about using because to explain reason. Review the Grammar Explanation in the Student Book. 1a. Written Application (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity Ia). Model the exercise with students. Review Formula of present continuous. Review hints, and helpful verbs Students complete sentence stems with possible reasons. Teacher circulates giving WOWs to students who are on task and helping with vocabulary. OPTIONAL: Only do if you believe your class has the appropriate level. Teacher models how to write Why questions using the above sentences. Students take a few minutes to write their own. 1b. Speaking Application OPTIONAL (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity Ib). Using the above examples, teacher 3 way models the activity. Students then work with shoulder partners to practice asking why questions and answer by giving reasons with because. Teacher circulated helping with pronunciation and giving WOWs to students who are on task. OPTIONAL: Students switch and ask head partners their reasons with the same questions.

Part II: Using Verbs with to or -ing. 3. Reading Comprehension (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity I). Read dialogue out loud as students follow along with a finger. Tell students to circle any words they do not know. Review any challenging vocabulary. Have them copy in Spanish/English and do choral repetition. Student work with head partners to answer comprehension questions. Model sentence stem. Check with whole class.

The First Date.

Manuel: Hello Rita it’s nice to finally see you again! Rita: You too! I really enjoyed meeting you the other day! Manuel: Yeah! I hoped to see you sooner, but I have been very busy at work. Rita: What do you do? Manuel: I teach reading at a Colegio in Maipú. What do you do? Rita: I am a student at DUOC, but I want to be a graphic designer. Manuel: Cool! When are you going to finish studying? Rita: If I choose to stay at DUOC, I’ll finish next year! Manuel: That’s great! 1. What does Manuel teach? math reading science 3. What day did they meet? Wednesday Saturday It doesn’t say. 5. We use to after the verb teach. true false It doesn’t say.

2. When will Rita finish school? One year one month It doesn’t say. 4. Why didn’t they meet sooner? They didn’t like each other. Rita was busy. Manuel was busy. 6. We use to after the verb choose. true false It doesn’t say.

Reading Comprehension Part B (10 minutes) Students underline the verbs enjoy, hope, teach, want, choose, finish. Ask: What to do they mean in Spanish? (Students check in lesson 4 for Spanish meaning). Choral Repetition with vocabulary. In the first box students write the verbs that come after in the dialogue. In the second box students create their own. Focusing on whether they write to + verb or verb + -ing Check as a class. 4. Sort the verbs (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity II). Students independently put the following verbs into the correct column. Check with head partners. Check with whole class. 5. Written Application: Complete the Sentences (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity III). Model the activity for the students. Students rewrite sentences with the correct verb form (either infinitive or gerund). Check with shoulder partners. Check with whole class by eliciting answers from random students. 6. Game: Relay Race (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity IV). Divide class into 2 teams. On the board draw 2 tables like this: to -ing

When you say start, Students have to put as many verbs in the correct columns as possible.

After 2 minutes, stop and check the answers. The team with the most verbs correct wins and gets WOWs. 7. Writing Exercise (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity V). Teacher models example. Students write independently. Students read answers to their shoulder partner. Students switch books, and check to make sure the correct verb is used (to + verb or verbing) Closing: Match the reason (5 minutes) Students match the reason to the cause. Check with whole class by calling on students to read the sentences out loud.

Class 6. Grammar: (1)Review Present simple (2) Using because to give reasons for the present (Cause and effect, reasons for rituals) Vocabulary: Using verbs with To or -Ing Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 6. SPR: Adverbs of frequency / Daily activities *SPR: Adverbs of frequency and daily activities (5 minutes) (Student Book: SPR). Ask your students if they remember adverbs of frequency. Have students work in head partners. Students put the list of adverbs of frequency in the correct order (from the most frequent to the least). After that, students share and compare answers with shoulder partners. To finish, shoulder partners create two sentences using the adverbs and daily activities. 1. Check-in (5 minutes) (Student Book: Check-in). Student work with head partners. Students complete sentences orally with to or -ing. Partner A: Read incomplete sentence Partner B: Has twenty seconds to complete with to or ing *After two they switch! Example: Partner A: Do you feel like _______________ (go) to the concert? Partner B: Do you feel like going to the concert? 2. Hook (10 minutes) Have students in their groups create their Top Five things they consider important from this unit so far. Tell students that you will pick one of them to come to the front and present the Top Five list. Have a few students present (2 minutes maximum, is just naming the list not explaining). Ask some questions about the key contents presented, solve doubts. 3. Objectives Tell students that today they will be able to: Use because to give reasons for the present ( cause and effect, for rituals) Remember how to use verbs with -to or -ing.

Part I: Review Present Simple. 4. Teach: Review present simple (Grammar Explanation in Student Book). Ask WOW questions. Tell students to work with head partners Students create a summary of Present Simple tense, with explanation of the uses, spelling in third person, negative structure, question form. Share and compare summaries with shoulder partners

Ask for more doubts with present simple tense. 5. Grammar application (Student Book: Part I Activity I). In shoulder partners students choose the correct sentence in the present. Check answers orally as a class Example: Mariana 窶ヲa... to school everyday goes b. go

Part II: Expressing reason in the present. 6. Teach: Expressing reasons for rituals in the present using because. (Grammar Explanation in Student Book). Tell students that we have many rituals and many reasons why do them. Example: I exercise because I want to be healthy. Tell them they will learn to express the reasons for the things they do. In order to do that they must: Express a ritual in present simple. Use because as a connector for the ritual and reason. Offer a reason in the present simple. 7. DIALOGUE: LOVE LIFE AND SOCCER (Student Book: Part II Activity I) PART I Read the dialogue out loud and have students repeat line by line. Students underline new vocabulary. You give definition. Choral Repetition. Have them write down new vocabulary in English and Spanish. Practice dialogue with shoulder partners two times only. PART II: They fill in their own dialogue. Review the clues (such as future plan = am/is/are + verb -ing). Also have them note that the words in the dialogue are either followed with to + verb or verb + -ing. They can go to previous lessons if they do not know the Spanish translation. They perform new dialogue with head partners. 8. Writing Application (Student Book: Part II Activity II) Students write down three rituals. Review the example and the clue words. Example: _____I go to the gym because_____________________. Clue Words: I study every day, I eat vegetables, I practice, I play, I watch. Always, sometimes, once a week, twice a week, everyday, Monday, etc. Students change books with head partners. Head partner writes in the reason they believe their partner has the ritual. Example: I go to the gym because I like to exercise. Give notebook back and partners see if the reasons are correct. WOWS for using: enjoy, like, dislike, want, avoid, practice + to verb, verb-ing. 9. Writing Application (Student Book: Part II Activity III) Students work individually then share with shoulder partner. Review the clue from Jefa UTP Inglテゥs.

Part III: To vs 窶的ng. 10. Activity: Speaking (Student Book: Part III Activity I). Review Objective: Focus on creating reasons, as well as speaking with to + verb or verb + -ing with fluency. Model the activity with a star student. Example: I study because I need to pass my test, to learn, to work, to go to University. Students take 5 minutes to fill-in the blanks. Then, students SPEAK, telling their shoulder partner the ritual and the reason (using the verbs in the correct way). Have your shoulder partner tell you if you are correct or not.

Solicit partner’s answer from students. 12. Closing (If TIME). Have students work in shoulder partners. Partner A: Ask ritual & reason or cause & effect. Partner B: Provides an example. Example: Partner A: Ritual & Reason! Partner B: I get up at 7.00 because school starts at 8.00.

Class 7. Grammar: Review Giving Reasons for Future Plans (Present Continuous); Giving Reasons for Rituals (Present Tense). Vocabulary: Review Collocations with Do/Make; Using Verbs with to vs. -ing. Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 7. Hook (5 minutes) Write the following sentences on the board. He is studying a lot because he is taking an exam next week. She is reading because she enjoys it. Ask students which example is talking about future plans and which is talking about rituals. Elicit which verb tense is used in each example. Objectives (2 minutes) Have students go to the checklist and touch the objectives Tell them that by the end of today’s lesson the will be able to: Express reasons for Future Plans using Present Continuous and for rituals using the Present Simple. Correctly use verbs with to or -ing. Remember at least 6 Collocations with Do/Make.

Part I: Grammar Review: Expressing Reason w/because. *See Grammar Explanation Above: Expressing Reason with because (Class 4). (5 minutes). 1. Grammar Review: Future Plans or Rituals? (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity II). Model the activity using the examples. Examples: 0. Saturday, I am going to the market because I am cooking dinner for my friends. FUTURE PLAN/RITUAL 00. My parents are going skiing because they go every July. FUTURE PLAN/RITUAL Individually, students read the sentences and circle whether they are talking about Future Plans or Rituals. Check with shoulder partners using the sentence stem. Check with whole class by eliciting answers from students. 2. Written Practice: Write the Reason (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity II). Model the activity using the examples. Remind them of the formula for future plans. Tell students to work with their shoulder partners to create reasons. Then they should check with their head partners. Head partners check for Subject+

am/is/are + verb -ing using the sentence stem. Model the sentence stem.

Part II: Grammar Review: Verbs with to or -ing. *Review Grammar Explanation: Verbs with to or -ing (see Class 4) (5 minutes). 3. Correct the Sentences (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity I). Model the activity using the examples. Examples: running I enjoy to run often. ____ I dislike drinking soda. _C__ Students work with shoulder partner to correct the sentences. If the sentence is correct, Students write “C” on the space provided. Check in groups of four using the sentence stems. Check with whole class. 4. Writing/Speaking Application (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity II). Model the activity using the examples below. Examples: I enjoy ___reading___. I dislike__eating broccoli___. Students take five minutes to individually fill-in the sentence stems with things that are true for them using the correct form of the verb (either to or -ing). Then, students work with head partner to ask each other about their responses, using the provided question stem. Model the sentence stem (Partner A/B interaction). Sentence Stem: What do you__________________________? (enjoy, dislike, miss, hope, feel like) OPTIONAL: Students switch and ask shoulder partners. Teacher monitors helping with grammar and pronunciation. Give WOWs to students who are on task.

Part III: Collocations with make/do. 4. Reading Comprehension (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part III Activity I). Read the following text out loud as students follow with finger. The Morning After Tamara: The party was so fun last night! I made so many new friends! Roberto: Yeah! It was awesome, but now you have to do me a favor and help me clean. Tamara: Okay. The house is a mess! Do you want me to do the dishes? Roberto: That would be perfect! I have to make the bed and do laundry. Tamara: After that I have to start to do my homework. I have so much. Roberto: You are such a nerd! Haha. Tamara: Hey! Don’t make fun of me like that you study more than I do!!! Students circle words they do not know and review challenging vocabulary with them. Ask students: “What was the passage about?” Elicit answers. Individually, Students answer True/False questions about the passage. Check with head partner using the sentence stem. Check with whole class. 5a. Speaking Practice (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part III Activity I). Students work with shoulder partners. Student A reads Tamara in the dialogue. Student B reads Roberto. Students read twice. Then switch characters.

Teacher circulates helping with pronunciation and giving WOWs to students who are on task. 5b. Written Practice (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part III Activity II). Students work with head partners. Have them add two more lines to the dialogue using at least two verbs with do or make. Circulate helping students with grammar and vocabulary. OPTIONAL: Students read completed dialogue with head partner. Then switch roles and read again. Call on student volunteers to share their sentences. Closing: Pair work (3 minutes) (Student Book: Check Yourself). Students work with shoulder partners. Partner A says an activity. Partner B says whether we use do or make with that activity. Students switch roles. Students write correct collocation in Student Book.

Class 8. Grammar: (1) Review Past Tense + and - (2) Giving reasons in the past. Vocabulary: Collocations (do, make, spend, take). Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 8. 1. Hook (5 minutes) Tell your students something you did yesterday. Example: I went to the pharmacy. Elicit reasons for going to the pharmacy. Join your sentence with one of the students’ reasons using because in the past. Choose one student and have them repeat what you said. Have that student choose another to say one thing he/she did yesterday and the reason why. 2. Objectives (2 minutes) Tell students that after today’s lesson they will be able to: Use because to give reasons in the past Remember 9 collocations

Part I: Review Past Tense. 3. Teach: Review Past tense (positive and negative) (10 minutes) Ask students What did we do last class? Write the answers on the board (underline verb in the past). Ask students what tense it is. After, they answer past tense, you ask them to turn some of those answers on the board in Negative form. Re explain how past tense (positive and negative) is formed. Have students copy the grammar box in the copybook. 4. Part B: Review irregular verbs. Students independently write down irregular verbs in positive and negative. Check as a class. Choral Repetition. Partner Memorization: Model Partner A: Says Verb in Spanish.

Partner B: Says present and past verb. Write down all mistakes. Example: Partner A: “Comprar” Partner B: “Buy-Bought” 5. Grammar application (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity I). Have students work in shoulder partners. Students complete sentences with verbs in the past (negative and positive form). Check answers with head partners.

Part II: Expressing reasons in the past 6. Teach: Expressing reasons in the past (5 minutes) Write on the board: Expressing reasons in the past. Ask students to guess what the structure is. Elicit examples. Have students go to the grammar box and check if they were right. Have them copy the grammar box in their copybooks. 7. Writing activity (5 minutes) (INSTRUCTIONS) (Student Book: Part II Activity I) Write one example on the board (I didn’t go to the movies). Elicit possible reasons you didn’t do that. In copybooks, students write three things they didn’t do last weekend. Students switch copybooks. Have their partner write down their guesses as to why. Go over example. Switch back and tell their partner “You’re right” or “You’re wrong.” SPEAKING PART II (2 minutes) - Partner A: Tell your partner the real reason you didn’t do what you wrote. - Partner B: Write it down. *Switch. - WOWs if you share your partner’s reason with the class. 8. Writing application (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity II). Have students in shoulder partners complete a short paragraph. The paragraph must include things they did and didn’t do last summer with reasons. After writing it on a separate piece of paper, share it with another shoulder partner. To finish, have students at random read the paragraph to the class. 9. Explain Was/Were Explain Use (Examples) Explain positive and negative. Dialogue (Student Book: Part II Activity III). Choral Repetition with the dialogue Students practice the dialogue with their shoulder partners. Students underline the reasons (after the word because). Students circle the past tense verbs. Miguel: Hey Aileen, why weren’t you at the party yesterday? Aileen: I wasn’t at the party because I had to spend time with my little brother. Miguel: Why did you spend time with your little brother? How boring! Aileen: I spent time time my brother because my mother wasn’t home. Miguel: Why wasn’t your mother home? Aileen: Ugggh she wasn’t home because she had to work. But I am tired now, so please mind your own business! Talk to the hand!

E. Students replace with new reasons for not being at the party. Review past formulas with them and tell them to use it correctly: Positive: Verb in past “I went to…” Negative: Didn’t + verb in present “I didn’t go”

Question: Did + Subject + verb in present “Did you go” F. Practice once and show their head partner. G. Two are chosen to show the class for WOWs. Miguel: Hey Aileen, why weren’t you at the party yesterday? Aileen: I wasn’t at the party because ____________________________________. Miguel: Why did you ________________________? Aileen: I ________________________ because ________________________. Miguel: Why ________________________? Aileen: Ugggh ________________________because ________________________ But I am tired now, so please mind your own business! Talk to the hand!

Part III: Collocations. 10. Teach: Collocations with take/spend (10 minutes) Ask students What are collocations? Then, elicit some examples. Now, tell students that today they will learn more collocations. Write on the board take & spend , elicit Spanish meaning. Have students go to the collocations chart in the Student Book. Go over each collocation with the Spanish meaning. Students copy the chart in their copybooks. 11. Choral repetition (5 minutes) (INSTRUCTIONS) Round 1: Say collocations with take, students repeat Round 2: Say collocations with spend, students repeat Round 3: Pick a student to say any collocation and the class repeat 12. Categorizing Collocations (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part III Activity I) Have student individually go to the Student Book. Students complete a chart with collocations with take or spend. Share answers with head partners. Check answers orally. 13. Memory game (5 minutes) (Student Book: Part III Activity II) Work with shoulder partners Students study Lesson 1 and 2 (Especially collocations with do & make). Students study Lesson 8 and (Especially collocations with spend & take). Students close books. Teacher gives 4 minutes. Students compete against partners to write down as many collocations as possible with the Spanish translation. Show head partners. Head partners check to see if correct and who won. 14. Closing: Hangman: Collocation edition! (5 minutes) Have students in head partners play hangman, the only difference is that they only can use collocations. After 4 guesses they finish and decide who won. Circulate giving WOWs.

Class 9. Grammar: Review Past Simple; Using because to express reason in the past. Vocabulary: Review Do & Make collocations; Collocations with spend & take. Materials: Student Book: Unit 5 Class 9. *SPR: Regular Past Tense Verbs. *SPR: Past Simple Regular (5 minutes) (Student Book: Review). Students work with shoulder partners to answer the following questions about Past Simple Regular Verbs: To form the Past Simple Regular we add ___ or ___ to the base form of the verb. When a verb ends with -e we add ___. Change the following verbs into the Past Simple: talk→ ___________ listen→ ___________ hate→ __________ change→ ________ want→ ________ use-->________ Check by eliciting answers randomly from students. Hook (3 minutes) (Student Book: Think!). Read the following because sentence for students: I listen because I am in class. Ask Students if it is in the present or past tense. Ask students to predict how they would rewrite it in the past. Objectives (2 minutes) (Student Book: Checklist). Have students go to the checklist and touch the objectives Tell them that by the end of today’s lesson the will be able to: Express reasons in the past using because. Remember at least 6 Collocations with Do/Make/Spend/Take.

Part I: Expressing Reason in the Past with because. 1. Reading Comprehension (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity I). Read the following passage as students follow with a finger. What are we going to do? Maria and David are planning a trip, but they don’t know what they want to do. Maria: Why don’t we go to the beach this weekend? David: I don’t want to go to the beach because it is raining all day Saturday. Why don’t we go to the mountains. Maria: We can’t go to the mountains because it is too cold! Why don’t we go into the city? We could go to a museum. David: Okay the city would be fun! Even though I don’t want to go to a museum because I am going next week. Maria: We can go shopping because I want to buy some new shoes. David: I don’t know. I don’t like shopping because it is boring. Maria: Okay, but do you have any other ideas?

Students circle words they do not know. Help students with challenging vocabulary. Write it on the board. Choral repetition. Ask students if they have any other ideas for what Maria and David could do this weekend. Individually, students answer multiple choice questions. Check with shoulder partner. Check with whole class. OPTIONAL: Students practice reading dialogue with head partner. Teacher circulates helping with pronunciation and giving WOWs if students are on task. 2a. Written Practice (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity II). Tell students to imagine that it is now Monday and Maria and David are explaining what they did over the weekend. Model the first example. Example: Present: I don’t want to go to the beach because it is raining all day Saturday. Past: David didn’t want to go to the beach because it was raining. Have students work with head partners to transform the because sentences into the past. Check with whole class by eliciting answers from students. 2b. Written Practice Cont. (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part I Activity III). Students work with shoulder partners. Using the list of activities from brainstorm above, pairs create at least two past tense sentences using because. Students share in groups of 4. Teacher circulates helping with grammar and vocabulary. Call on a few students to read their examples for the class. 2c. Written and Speaking Practice (Student Book: Part I Activity IV). Review possible sentence starters. Have them in individually write two down. Share with shoulder partners. Then have students SPEAK using sentence stems adding two more answers. Shoulder partner writes and corrects what was said.

Part II: Collocations with Do/Make/Spend/Take. 3. Reading Comprehension II (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity I). Read about Maria and David’s weekend in the city out loud as students follow with a finger. A Day in the City David and Maria went to the city, read to see what they did. Maria hardly ever gets to spend time in the city, so decided to take advantage of the weekend to visit. They spent two nights in a big hotel. The first day they explored and took a lot of photos. They saw a lot of big buildings and ate good food. The second day, they didn’t want to spend much money so they went to the free museum and then to the park. Then, David started to feel sick so they went back home. Maria had to take care of him, but they still had a lot of fun. Students circle any words they don’t know. Help students with definitions. Ask students to circle as many collocations as they can find in the text and list them on the board. REMIND: Them that collocations we are practicing start with do/make/spend/take Students use the word bank to match the collocations to the photos and the short answer questions. Check with head partners.

Check with whole class. 4. Written Practice (10 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity II). Model the examples for students. Individually, students fill in the sentences with do, make, spend or take. Examples: I always ______ my homework. My father always _________ a lot of photos on vacation. Check with shoulder partners. Check with open class by eliciting answers from students. 5. Game: Collocation Jumble (15 minutes) (Student Book: Part II Activity III). *You might have to bring a model of the activity to model the game) Students work in groups of four. Students write 6-8 sentences with take/spend/make/do collocations. Students then tear sentences into separate strips and divide sentences in half immediately after the verb (Teacher models this). Each group of 4, passes their divided sentences to another group. Groups must match sentences halves as fast as possible. The first group to match all sentences correctly wins. To check sentences, students must read them outloud. 6. Contract Check-in (5 minutes). (Student Book: Check Yourself!). Students must correct the sentences. If correct, students write “C” in the space provided. Check by eliciting answers randomly from students.

Class 10: KET Integrated 5.1. Grammar: Creating lists using and Vocabulary: (1) Animals (2) Collocations Materials: Student book Unit 5: Class 10. 1. Hook Ask students: Do you like animals? Talk about your pet ( if you don’t have one, make it up) Ask them if they have pets 2. Objectives Tell students that after today’s class they will be able to: - Create lists using and. - Remember 5 animals - Remember 9 collocations with do/make and take/spend 3. Vocabulary: Animals (Activity 1) Have students work with KET 5.1 (page 49). Ask them to look at the pictures in the book. Ask students What’s your favorite animal? Have students work in shoulder partners to do Activity 1. Check answers orally. Answers: 1.Bear 2.Horse 3.Cat 4.Dog 5.Elephant 6.Dolphin 7.Fish 8.Spider 9.Monkey 10.Cow E. Students ask each other: “What’s your favorite animal? Have you got a pet? What’s its name?” F. Circulate making sure students are asking each other those questions. 4. Pronunciation (Activity 3)

Play the recording of the examples in the student book Students listen to a man talking about the animals he likes Emphasize the falling intonation on the last word of a list Tell students to ask all the group member which animals they like and report back to the class. Example: Alberto likes bears, dolphins and dogs. Check that students are using the correct intonation as they are asking and answering amongst themselves and also when they report to the class. 5. Grammar Extra (Activity 4) Have students read and copy the grammar box in Student Book. Ask students individually to do the error correction exercise. Check the answers on the board with volunteers. Answers: I saw a nice, colourful parrot at the zoo. Yesterday we went to the zoo and the museum. Susanna went out yesterday and took her dog for a walk. There are many cats, dogs and horses at the farm. The dolphins and (the) birds were near the boat. 6. Listening (Activity 5) *The task here is designed to ease the students gently into a listening comprehension. Ask the class to look at the list of word Play the recording and ask them to tick the words as they hear them. All the words are mentioned. 7. Listening (Activity 6) Let students read through the multiple choice questions carefully. Play the next track of the recording down as far as the example question. After the example pause the recording and check that students understand what to do. Then, play the rest of the recording and have students answering the questions. Check answers as a class. Answers: A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 7. Vocabulary: Collocations (Activity 7) To start remind students that some words in English go together. We call these collocations. Refer to the example , which is taken from the recording Have students working in shoulder partners. Tell them that some nouns can be used more than once. Example: Make money/ Spend money. Check answers with the class. 8. Circle the correct word (Activity 8) Have students work with head partners Students decide which collocation is correct in each sentence Circulate giving wows Check answers orally. 9. Speaking practice (Activity 9) Students in shoulder partners ask and answer the questions using the collocations seen before. They switch after answering all the questions Circulate giving wows to the students that are working Ask students what was difficult about this task. 10. Closing

Ask students to create a list of the animals they remember using and. Have volunteers go to the board and write the list there. The rest of the class decides if it’s correct or wrong. Give WOWs to volunteers and students who volunteer answers.

Class 11:KET Integrated 5.2. Grammar: Conjunctions Vocabulary: Their, there and they’re Materials: Student book Unit 5: Class 11. 1. Hook Ask students Do you know what animals live in the north pole? Which one is your favorite? Can you guess which one is my favorite ? After that, focus on the Polar Bear, ask your students Do you know something about polar bears? Write some of the answers on the board 2. Objectives Tell students that after this class they will be able to: - Use conjunctions: and, but, because and or to join sentences. - Differentiate pronunciation of the words their, there and they’re. 3. Polar Bear Quiz (Activity 1). Tell students to go to the Student Book class 11. Ask students to work with head partners. Have them cover the text on polar bears at the bottom of the page and work through the quiz, discussing whether the answers are a) or b). 4. Reading (Activity 2) Have students read the article about the polar bears. Tell students to not worry about the blank spaces. Ask about the quiz: “Were you right?” Have students answer the quiz again. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.b 9.a

5. Grammar: Conjunctions (Activity 3) Refer to the underlined examples in the text Explain that these words join sentences together Have students individually complete the activity Check answers orally Answers: - We use because, and, but and or to join two clauses to make one longer sentence. Because 2. Or 3. And 4. But

6. Fill in the spaces (Activity 4) Tell students that in this activity they have to choose the appropriate word to complete the blank spaces in the text. Have them work with shoulder partners. Students read the article again and complete it with one of the options. Check answers with head partners. Answers: b 2. a

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. c

7. b

7. Reading and writing practice (Activity 5)

Have students working with head partners Students decide which conjunction to use to join each sentence together: and, or, but or because. Emphasize that in some of the sentences they have multiple answers Check answers as a class Answers: and/but 2. but

3. but

4. or/and/but

5. because

7. Vocabulary: Spelling spot (Activity 6) Start by saying that all these words in the spelling spot are often confused. Go through the examples Explain in Spanish the differences Have students individually do activity 6 Students share and compare answers with shoulder partners Check answers as class Answers: They’re 2. There

3. Their 4. Their 5. They’re

6. There

8. Writing practice (Activity 7) Have students individually write a postcard to a friend about a visit to the zoo. Tell students to include: Where the zoo is, Who you went with and What you did? Show students the following sample answer in the whiteboard if necessary Sample Answer: Dear Macarena, I went to Buin Zoo last weekend with my family. We ate lots of peanuts and saw lots of animals. I loved all the birds!! Kisses from Javier.

9. Speaking Activity: Memory game! In their groups have students playing this memory game The first person says: I went to the zoo and I saw a lion. The next person continues: I went to the zoo and I saw a lion and a tiger. Continue in the same way, adding another animal each time. If one student forgets the list is out, they play until there is only one student left.

Class 12: Reading KET. Materials: Student book Unit 5: Class 12. 1. Objectives Tell students that the aim of today’s class is to: - Answer Reading Part of KET using strategies. 2. Elicit Previous Knowledge Ask students to read the information about Reading part 2. Read it for all the class to listen and explain in Spanish. Elicit more words to go under each category. After 3 minutes ask students to share the words with you. Pay special attention to collocations and verbs to see if students are having problems with that. 3. Exam Strategies and Advice. Give students time to read through the Exam advice and check for understanding. Read it for them and explain in English. Ask for any doubt and continue. Draw students attention to the sample answer sheet and make sure that they know to fill it correctly. 4. Reading task Part II

Ask the students to do th part 2 task individually. Explain that in there is only one correct answer. Use the example question (0) to show why B is the answer. This is because the verb enjoy is followed by an -ing form as they already saw it through the unit. Have students choose the best word for each space. Review answers Answers: 6. A 7.B

8. C

9. B

10. A

F. Have students in head partners create sentences showing how the other words are used (the words that were not the correct alternative) G. Check answers with shoulder partners. 5. Multiple choice cloze Tell students that for this part of the exam students read a text with eight three-option multiple-choice questions. Have students look at the types of word which are tested. After that, have students in shoulder partners matching parts of speech 1-7 with examples ag. Answers: C 2. D 3. E 4. F 5. G 6. A 7. B 6. Reading Ask students to do the Part 5 task. When students have finished have them compare answers with head partners. Make sure they justify their decisions. Go over the answers. Answers: 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. A 7. Closing Have students in their group talk about today’s class, the reading strategies and what they found useful. Have students share answers with the class.

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