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Il troll / Il tuttologo / Il complottista
Creacións www.eoiferrol.orgLiterarias
EOI Ferrol
Número 18 ANO 2020
Dreadful Thoughts
I was still nervous when I saw the blue lights of the police car passing close to me, the hair on the back of my neck bristled.
Then I calmed down, I shouldn’t worry because I had committed the perfect murder and now I was a normal citizen seeking a new victim to kill.
After these thoughts I recovered my good mood and told myself “Well, boy let’s go to the English class”.
Luis Ángel Puentes Teijeiro B2.2-1
Noises in the Dark
This happened some years ago when I had a semidetached house. I didn’t live there so the house was empty. A dark night of winter, the people who lived next door started to hear some noises. Then they decided to turn off all gadgets like the TV to be able to hear the noises better. When they did that, they heard like steps on the first floor and they also heard as if the door closed abruptly. After that, they decided to go out to see what was happening, but they didn´t see anything, the house was as usual!
Ángela Maria Corral López B2.2-1
Paranormal Story
In our family gatherings, the oldest persons in the family always tells different stories. One of them is a funny story about ‘Santa Compaña’.
A group of friends were drinking in a bar until it got dark. When they had to go home they said their goodbyes. One of them was walking home alone in the night when suddenly, he perceived that someone had caught him. In that moment, he believed that it was the ‘Santa Compaña’. So he desperately started to scream at the ‘Santa Compaña’ saying things like “Let me go, please”, “I have a wife and children” and he went on like that all night. When it began to get clear, he looked back and saw that the ‘Santa Compaña’ was a rose bush on which he had got hooked. Eventually, he laughed but he felt scared all the night.
Ana Isabel Tomé Toimil B2.2-1