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Hoje no Mercado do Peixe da Magdalena
EOI Ferrol Número 19 ANO 2021
Creacións www.eoiferrol.orgLiterarias
An Unexpected Visit
Elena Romero was a pharmacy student who lived in Santiago, sharing an apartment with her sister Sara. It was the winter of 93 when she was pre-paring her February exams and she was feeling overwhelmed. Her grandmother had died the previous week and she had been worried and sad. She didn’t have to straight to face her life.
One night, while she was sleeping, the doorbell rang. Elena woke up numb and by the time that she had put on her jacket, she looked at the watch that showed 3 a.m. Elena headed for the door and once she opened it she was amazed! Her grandma was in front of her, smiling before saying
“Hello Elena, I’ve come to say goodbye”.
Then they went to the kitchen, she made a coffee and chatted for hours un-til it was dawn. After that, her grandmother left after giving her a big goodbye hug.
Elena went to sleep peacefully and calm. In the morning, when Sara opened her door because it was time to get up, Elena told her she had dreamed about their grandma.
Elena was rested and happy. When she got up and put on her jacket, it smelled of her grandmother´s cologne.
María Fernández Lemos That’s English. Module B2.3
Creacións Literarias
My Remake Project
In the first lesson of our book, there was a section called The Remake Project, an idea by Canadian artist Jeff Hamada, consisting of remaking a famous work of art as a photograph.
Here is a great example by one of our students at EOI As Pontes!
This is a remake of “Un instante de distracción” by Sebastián Mesa, who painted it in 2015. I took the picture in 2020. The remake took me one week to prepare. I decided to do this remake because I was very struck by the characters and how they are placed on the wall. I had to paint the wall the same as the original. It was hard work!
https://i2.wp.com/estonoesarte.com/wp-content/ uploads/2017/07/un-instante-de-distraccion-oleosobre-tela-140-por-120-2015-sebastian-mesa.jpg
Nerea Guerreiro Santalla B1-1 EOI