Volume 40 Issue 24

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Volume 40 • Issue 24 • June 11 - June 17, 2020






1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

Immigration• 3A>

Inmigración Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra 3A>

ICE detention center using disinfectant that causes bleeding Centro de detención de ICE usa desinfectante que causa sangrado y dolor, afirma reporte


os organizaciones de defensa han presentado una queja alegando que un centro de

Local News•Noticias locales

JoCo’s COVID-19 drive thru testing Pruebas de auto-servicio de COVID-19 3A>

detención de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas By Roberta Pardo (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés) está utilizando un wo advocacy organizations have filed a nuevo desinfectante de coronavirus (COVID-19) complaint alleging that an Immigration más de 50 veces al día que causa sangrado y dolor, and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention según Insider. center is using a novel coronavirus (COVIDUn reporte realizado por la Inland






From Jorge Ramos •

19) disinfectant more than 50 times a day that causes bleeding and pain, according to Insider. A report conducted by the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice and Freedom for Immigrants states that employees at the Adelanto Detention Center in


National• Nacionales

Columna de Jorge Ramos

‘México Lindo y Querido, Should I Die Abroad …’

Have fun this summer, despite COVID-19

Diviértete este verano, a pesar del COVID-19


....Si muero lejos de ti

Pope Francis sends message about Floyd’s death

Papa Francisco envía mensaje sobre la muerte de Floyd 4B>

WHO encourages people to keep wearing face masks By Chara



A third of Americans engaged in risky cleaning behaviors, CDC survey finds Un tercio de estadounidenses participan en comportamientos de limpieza riesgosos, según encuesta de CDC


lrededor de un tercio de los estadounidenses ha utilizado una práctica de limpieza arriesgada para detener la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19), reveló una encuesta reciente realizada por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés). Algunas de las prácticas inseguras reveladas por la encuesta, que se publicó el 5 de junio, incluyen a personas que ponen lejía en sus alimentos, hacen gárgaras o inhalan lejía y lavan sus cuerpos con productos de limpieza y desinfectantes para el hogar. Ninguna de esas prácticas es recomendada por el CDC. La mayor parte de esto proviene de la falta de comprensión de cómo limpiar y manipular de forma segura los productos de limpieza. “Los participantes tenían un conocimiento limitado de la preparación


By Roberta Pardo


bout a third of Americans have used a risky cleaning practice to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), a recent survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed (CDC). Some unsafe practices revealed by the survey, which was published June 5, include people putting bleach in their food, gargling or inhaling bleach, and washing their bodies with household cleaning and disinfectant products. None of those practices are recommended by the CDC. Most of this comes from a lack of understanding of how to safely clean and handle cleaning products. “Participants had limited knowledge of safe preparation of cleaning and disinfectant solutions,” the CDC said.


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ara detener la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19), la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) está alentando a las personas a seguir usando mascarillas en lugares públicos y aplicando medidas de distanciamiento social. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general de la OMS, dijo recientemente que se deben usar tapabocas en áreas con transmisión generalizada de virus. Además, las personas de 60 años y mayores, y aquellas con afecciones de salud subyacentes, deben usar un tapaboca médico en situaciones en las que no es posible el distanciamiento físico. La OMS también aconseja a los gobiernos que alienten a sus ciudadanos a usar tapabocas donde hay una transmisión generalizada del virus y es difícil el distanciamiento físico, como en los sistemas de transporte público, en tiendas o en otros entornos confinados o abarrotados. “No puedo decir esto con suficiente claridad: las máscaras por sí solas no lo protegerán de COVID-19”, dijo Ghebreyesus en el sitio web de la OMS. “Los tapabocas no reemplazan el distanciamiento físico, la higiene de manos y otras medidas de salud pública. Los tapabocas son sólo beneficiosos como parte de


o stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the World Health Organization (WHO) is encouraging people to keep wearing face masks in public places and applying social distancing measures. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, said recently that masks should be worn in areas with the widespread transmission of viruses. In addition, people 60 years and older, and those with underlying health conditions, should wear a medical mask in situations where physical distancing is not possible. The WHO also advises governments to encourage their citizens to wear masks where there is widespread transmission of viruses and physical distancing is difficult, such as on public transport systems, in shops, or in other confined or crowded environments. “I cannot say this clearly enough: masks alone will not protect you from COVID-19,” Ghebreyesus was quoted on the WHO’s website as saying. “Masks are not a replacement for physical distancing, hand hygiene and other public health measures. Masks are only of benefit as part of a comprehensive approach in the fight against COVID-19.” In recent days, the WHO has updated its guidelines regarding

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

OMS alienta a las personas a seguir usando tapabocas

Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • June 11 17, 16, 2020 Page 2A.2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 33 •40 Issue 41 •24 October 10 - June October 2013

Detention Center Continued from Page 1A

Coalition for Immigrant Justice y Freedom for Immigrants afirma que los empleados del Centro de Detención de Adelanto en California están rociando HDQ Neutral en áreas mal ventiladas llenas de detenidos. El fabricante de HDQ Neutral, Spartan Chemical, advirtió que el aerosol puede ser dañino, ya que puede causar quemaduras en la piel y lesiones oculares graves cuando se inhala. Según la denuncia, presentada el 21 de mayo, los guardias han estado rociando HDQ Neutral cada 15 a 20 minutos en todas las áreas comunales, con terribles consecuencias para los detenidos. “Los guardias han comenzado a rociar este químico en todas partes, en todo, todo el tiempo. Causa una reacción terrible en nuestra piel”, dijo uno de los detenidos entrevistados para el reporte. “Cuando me sueno la nariz, sale sangre. Nos están tratando como animales. Una persona se desmayó y fue sacada. No sé qué les pasó. No hay aire fresco”. Desde el 11 de mayo, al menos nueve reclusos han caído gravemente enfermos. GEO Group Inc., la compañía que dirige el centro de detención, había sido acusada anteriormente de no hacer lo suficiente para evitar la propagación del coronavirus en sus instalaciones. La instalación de Adelanto, en particular, había sido criticada por Freedom for Immigrants por no limpiar adecuadamente para evitar la propagación de COVID-19. “Para nosotros, este es un acto aparente de represalia por informar públicamente que el personal de GEO antes sólo estaba limpiando con agua”, dijo a Insider Rebekah Entralgo, estratega de medios de Freedom for Immigrants. Un portavoz de ICE le dijo al medio de comunicación que el departamento está utilizando formulaciones desinfectantes que “cumplen con los estándares de detención, registrados por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental y utilizados de acuerdo con ... las instrucciones (del fabricante) para la limpieza y el mantenimiento de rutina de la instalación. Cualquier afirmación en contrario es falsa”.

California are spraying HDQ Neutral in poorly ventilated areas filled with detainees. HDQ Neutral’s manufacturer, Spartan Chemical, has warned that the spray can be harmful, as it can cause skin burns and serious eye damage when inhaled. According to the complaint, filed on May 21, guards have been spraying HDQ Neutral every 15 to 20 minutes all over communal areas, with terrible consequences on the detainees. “The guards have started spraying this chemical everywhere, all over everything, all the time. It causes a terrible reaction on our skin,” said one of the inmates interviewed for the report. “When I blow my nose, blood comes out. They are treating us like animals. One person fainted and was taken out. I don’t know what happened to them. There is no fresh air.” Since May 11, at least nine inmates have fallen severely ill. GEO Group Inc. — the company that runs the detention center — had been previously accused of not doing enough to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in its facilities. The Adelanto facility, in particular, had been criticized by Freedom for Immigrants for not properly cleaning to prevent the spread of COVID-19. “To us, this is an apparent act of retaliation for publicly reporting that GEO staff was previously only cleaning with water,” Rebekah Entralgo, Freedom for Immigrants media strategist, told Insider. An ICE spokesperson told the news outlet that the department is using disinfectant formulations that “are compliant with detention standards, registered by the Environmental Protection Agency, and used according to … (the manufacturer’s) instructions for routine cleaning and maintenance of the facility. Any assertion or claim to the contrary is false.”

Face Masks Continued from Page 1A

un enfoque integral en la lucha contra COVID-19”. En los últimos días, la OMS ha actualizado sus directrices sobre la composición de los tapabocas de tela, basadas en investigaciones académicas. Según la OMS, los tapabocas deben consistir en al menos tres capas de diferentes materiales: una capa interna que absorbe como el algodón, una capa intermedia que actúa como un filtro o un filtro tipo barrera y una capa externa de material no absorbente, como el poliéster. “Lo que estamos tratando de hacer con la orientación que estamos publicando es proporcionar algunos parámetros sobre (las medidas de protección); si vas a usar un tapaboca de tela, aquí están las mejores telas que puedes usar, según la evidencia que tenemos”, dijo a CNN Maria Van Kerkhove, líder técnica de la OMS para la respuesta al coronavirus.

the composition of fabric masks, based on academic research. According to the WHO, the masks should consist of at least three layers of differing materials: an inner layer that absorbs like cotton, a middle layer that acts as a filter or a barrier-like filter and an outer layer of non-absorbent material, such as polyester. “What we are trying to do with the guidance that we’re putting out is to provide some parameters on (the protection measures); if you’re going to use a fabric mask, here are the best fabrics that you can use, based on the evidence that we have,” Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for coronavirus response, told CNN.

Cleaning Behaviors Continued from Page 1A

segura de soluciones de limpieza y desinfección”, dijo el CDC. Las personas dijeron que estaban limpiando con mayor frecuencia debido a la pandemia, pero sólo aproximadamente la mitad dijeron que sabían cómo limpiar y desinfectar su hogar de manera segura. Además, aunque la mayoría de las personas sabían que deberían mantener los limpiadores fuera del alcance de los niños, sólo el 54% sabía que los desinfectantes para manos también deberían mantenerse en un lugar fuera del alcance de los niños. El CDC recomiendan que las personas siempre lean las instrucciones sobre productos de limpieza, usen guantes u otro equipo de protección cuando limpien y no mezclen productos químicos de limpieza. El CDC continuará haciendo campañas educativas para ayudar a las personas a comprender mejor cómo limpiar sus hogares de manera segura.

People said they were cleaning more frequently because of the pandemic, but only about half said they knew how to clean and disinfect their home safely. In addition, though most people knew they should keep cleaners out of the reach of children, only 54% knew that hand sanitizers also should be kept in a place out of children’s reach. The CDC recommends people always read the instructions on cleaning products, wear gloves or other protective gear when cleaning and not mix cleaning chemicals. The CDC will continue doing education campaigns to help people better understand how to safely clean their homes.


Wearing a mask shows respect Usar un tapabocas es señal de respeto


a pandemia ha dictado un nuevo accesorio de vestuario potencialmente salvador: tapabocas que cubren la nariz y la boca. Según los estudios más recientes realizados por investigadores de todo el mundo, “el uso de tapabocas universal es una de las intervenciones no farmacéuticas clave para contener la propagación de la pandemia”. Además, “el distanciamiento físico sólo, sin el uso de tapabocas, no es suficiente para mitigar un aumento en la tasa de infección una vez que se levante la cuarentena”. Tanto es así, el estudio dice que podría provocar más de un millón de muertes en una población de la mitad del tamaño de México. Los estudios demuestran que cuando la gran mayoría de la gente usa un tapabocas para cubrirse la nariz y la boca, disminuye sustancialmente la propagación del virus porque “la fuente principal de propagación del virus proviene del vapor de agua que exhalamos”. Y, sin embargo, aún hay personas que se rehúsan a usar tapabocas. Cualesquiera que sean sus razones, se ponen en peligro a sí mismos, a sus seres queridos y a su comunidad, y están saboteando una transición más rápida y segura para reabrir y lograr una apariencia de normalidad. Y sí, usar un tapabocas en público en Kansas City en el verano no es sólo una molestia incómoda, es también caliente e incómodo. Pero dado que hemos experimentado la pandemia relativamente fácil aquí, “caliente e incómodo” parece un pequeño precio a pagar para ayudar a garantizar que siga siendo así. Esto no ignora las preciosas vidas perdidas por COVID-19 aquí en el área metropolitana, sino que sólo señala que no hemos tenido que cavar fosas comunes o haber visto nuestros hospitales abrumados por pacientes enfermos por el coronavirus. Eso aún podría suceder. Nuevos casos el 7 de junio alcanzaron un nuevo máximo mundial en un sólo día, reportó The New York Times. Brasil, México y sólo otros ocho países representaron el 75 por ciento de los nuevos casos. La crisis “ha empujado a nuestra región al límite”, dijo la Dra. Carissa Etienne, directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, a periodistas el martes. También el martes, autoridades anunciaron que un número desconocido de tropas de la Guardia Nacional de Washington, D.C. desplegadas en la capital han dado positivo por coronavirus. Y el principal experto en enfermedades infecciosas de Estados Unidos, el Dr. Anthony Fauci, dio una evaluación ominosa. Llamó al COVID-19 su “peor pesadilla”. “En un período de cuatro meses, ha devastado el mundo entero. Simplemente se apoderó del planeta”, dijo Fauci. “Y todavía no ha terminado”. Un poco de respeto por todas partes ayudaría a prevenir la propagación del virus y acelerar el final de la pandemia. Como muestra la investigación, el uso de tapabocas limita la transmisión de enfermedades. Usar un tapabocas es una señal de respeto, dice el gobernador de Nueva York, Andrew Cuomo. “Usar un tapabocas dice que respeto a las enfermeras y los médicos que se mataron a través de este virus para salvar a otras personas. Este tapabocas dice que respeto a los trabajadores esenciales que se levantan todos los días y conducen el autobús, ... o entregan la comida, o mantienen las luces encendidas para que pueda quedarme en casa, y pueda estar a salvo. Dice que respeto a los demás y que te respeto a ti”. ¿Cuánto nos cuesta a cada uno de nosotros hacer esa declaración todos los días? Nota bene: Vea al gobernador Cuomo en “Usar un tapabocas es un signo de respeto” en Facebook en https:// www.facebook.com/GovernorAndrewCuomo/ videos/why-wearing-a-mask-in-public-is-aboutrespect/ 241529527163776 /.





he pandemic has dictated a potentially life-saving new sartorial accessory – masks covering the nose and mouth. According to the most recent studies by researchers around the world, “universal masking is one of the key nonpharmaceutical interventions for containing the spread of the pandemic.” Moreover, “physical distancing alone – without the use of masks – isn’t enough to mitigate an increase in infection rate once lockdown is lifted.” So much so, the study says that it could lead to more than a million deaths in a population half the size of Mexico. The studies demonstrate that when the vast majority of people use a mask to cover nose and mouth, it substantially decreases viral spread because “the primary source of the virus spread comes from the water vapor we exhale.” And yet, there are still people who refuse to wear masks. Whatever their reasons, they’re endangering themselves, their loved ones and their community, and they’re sabotaging a sooner, safer transition to reopening and achieving a semblance of normalcy. Granted, wearing a mask in public in Kansas City in the summer isn’t just an inconvenient nuisance, it’s hot and uncomfortable. But given that we’ve experienced the pandemic relatively easy here, “hot and uncomfortable” seem like a small price to pay to help ensure it stays that way. This doesn’t disregard the precious lives lost here in the metro area from COVID-19, but only points out that we haven’t had to dig mass graves or seen our hospitals overwhelmed by patients sickened by the coronavirus. That could still happen. New cases on June 7 reached a new single-day global high, The New York Times reported. Brazil, Mexico and just eight other countries accounted for 75 percent of the new cases. The crisis “has pushed our region to the limit,” Dr. Carissa Etienne, director of the Pan American Health Organization told reporters Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, officials announced that an unknown number of Washington D.C. National Guard troops deployed to guard against looting in the capital have tested positive for coronavirus. And the United States’ leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci presented an ominous assessment. He called COVID-19 his “worst nightmare.” “In the period of four months, it has devastated the whole world. It just took over the planet,” Fauci said. “And it isn’t over yet.” A little respect all around would help prevent the spread of the virus and hasten the end of the pandemic. As research shows, wearing masks limits disease transmission. Wearing a mask is a sign of respect, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says. “Wearing a mask says I respect the nurses and doctors who killed themselves through this virus to save other people. This mask says I respect the essential workers who get up every day and drive the bus, … or deliver the food, or keep the lights on so that I can stay home, and I can stay safe. It says I respect others, and I respect you.” What does it cost each of us to make that statement every day?

Nota bene: See Gov. Cuomo in “Wearing a Mask is a Sign of Respect” on Facebook at https:// www.facebook.com/GovernorAndrewCuomo/videos/why-wearing-a-mask-inpublic-is-about-respect/241529527163776/.




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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 24 • June 11 - June 17, 2020

JCDHE’s COVID-19 drive-thru testing JCDHE organiza pruebas de auto-servicio COVID-19

Hablando con la abogada Continued from Page 1A

Commentary by Tere Siqueira

Será este 12 de junio y está abierto para los que It is scheduled for June 12 and open viven o trabajan en el condado de Johnson. to those who live or work in JoCo. Rivergate Building 600 Broadway Blvd; Ste 250 Kansas City, MO 64105. Tel: 816.895-6363

Part 1 ¡Renueve DACA ahora! / Renew DACA Now!


JOHNSON COUNTY, KAN. – Cualquier persona mayor de 18 años que viva o trabaje en el condado de Johnson, Kansas, puede obtener una prueba gratuita de COVID-19 el viernes 12 de junio de 9 am a 1 pm, o hasta que se agoten los suministros, en el Centro de actividades de College Boulevard, 11031 S. Valley Road en Olathe. El Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente del Condado de Johnson (JCDHE, por sus siglas en inglés) está ofreciendo la clínica de auto-servicio por orden de llegada para cualquier persona con o sin síntomas. Traiga una licencia de conducir, pero no es necesario para hacerse la prueba. Los autos deben ingresar a la clínica de pruebas en College Boulevard y Lone Elm Road y seguir las indicaciones. Debido a la gran demanda de este tipo de pruebas, se agregarán voluntarios adicionales y dos estaciones de prueba adicionales para un total de seis estaciones. JCDHE también se está asociando con MED-ACT para ayudar con el proceso de prueba. “Nos complace expandir las pruebas a quienes trabajan en el condado de Johnson. Si podemos encontrar y aislar esos casos positivos ahora, podemos evitar una mayor propagación de la infección en nuestros lugares de trabajo y mantener a las personas trabajando”, dijo el Dr. Sanmi Areola, director del departamento. Este es el sexto evento de pruebas comunitarias del departamento y es parte de la estrategia general del condado para evaluar ampliamente a los residentes del condado de Johnson. El 29 de mayo, el departamento evaluó a 953 personas con y sin síntomas que dieron como resultado 9 casos positivos de COVID-19 y un resultado no concluyente. “Los datos de estas clínicas de pruebas van en la dirección correcta, pero el virus todavía está ahí afuera”, dice Areola. “Es importante que todos continúen a 6 pies de distancia de los demás, usen un tapabocas en público y eviten grandes multitudes”, agrega. Puede encontrar más información sobre la respuesta al COVID-19 del condado en www.jocogov.org/coronavirus

JOHNSON COUNTY, KAN. (June 8, 2020) – Anyone age 18 and older who lives or works in Johnson County, Kansas can get a free COVID-19 test on Friday, June 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or until supplies run out, at the College Boulevard Activity Center, 11031 S. Valley Road in Olathe. The Johnson County Department of Health and Environment (JCDHE) is offering the drive-thru testing clinic on a first-come, first-served basis for anyone with or without symptoms. Bring a driver’s license, but it’s not required to be tested. Traffic should enter the testing clinic off of College Boulevard and Lone Elm Road and follow the signs. Due to a high demand for this type of testing, additional volunteers and two extra testing stations will be added for a total of six stations. JCDHE is also partnering with MED-ACT to assist with the testing process. “We are pleased to expand testing to those who work in Johnson County. If we can find and isolate those positive cases now, we can avoid further spread of infection in our workplaces and keep people working,” said Dr. Sanmi Areola, director of the department. Those getting testing should remain in their vehicles with the windows rolled up until it’s time for their test. Testing involves using a swab to take a sample from inside the nose. The department requests that people not bring pets to the testing site to protect the safety of staff and the occupants of the vehicle. This is the department’s sixth community testing event and is part of the county’s overall strategy to broadly test Johnson County residents. On May 29, the department tested 953 people with and without symptoms resulting in 9 positive cases of COVID-19 and one inconclusive result. “The data from these testing clinics is trending in the right direction, but the virus is still out there,” says Areola. “It’s important that everyone continue to stay 6-feet from others, wear a mask in public and avoid large crowds,” he adds. More information about the county’s COVID-19 response can be found

Celebrate the diversity that makes America, America. Add your photo to the true portrait of America at lovehasnolabels.com

Celebrate the diversity that makes America, America. Add your photo to the true portrait of America at lovehasnolabels.com

stamos esperando ansiosamente el destino del programa DACA. ¡No esperes hasta que sea demasiado tarde! Antes de finales de junio, la Corte Suprema decidirá si la cancelación de DACA en 2017 fue legal o no. Es posible que el gobierno acepte nuevas solicitudes de DACA nuevamente. O podrían decidir que el gobierno debería dejar de recibir solicitudes de renovación. Incluso es posible que decidan no decidir ahora, debido a que tantos beneficiarios de DACA trabajan en el campo de la salud. No arriesgues tu futuro. El jefe del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) ha dicho que está listo para deportar a los beneficiarios de DACA si la Corte Suprema cancela su protección. Los hemos visto ir tras los jóvenes agresivamente en la corte e incluso detenerlos cuando su DACA ha expirado. Tome medidas para renovar su permiso de trabajo de DACA ahora si expira hasta 2021. Luego, estará seguro de trabajar para presionar a sus amigos y familiares a votar en noviembre. Una solución más permanente sería el DREAM and Promise Act. Pasó la Cámara de Representantes donde los amigos de los inmigrantes tienen la mayoría. Lamentablemente, no obtuvo voto en el Senado. Siendo realistas, no espero que este proyecto de ley se apruebe hasta después de las elecciones de 2020. Las organizaciones nacionales recomiendan que los beneficiarios de DACA renueven ahora. Actualmente, el USCIS está procesando las solicitudes en el orden en que caducan, por lo que la presentación anticipada no reduce el tiempo en las tarjetas de trabajo. Tenemos citas telefónicas disponibles de inmediato. Llame hoy para programar al 816-895-6363.



e are anxiously awaiting the fate of the DACA program. Don’t wait until it is too late! Before the end of June, the Supreme Court will decide if the cancellation of DACA in 2017 was lawful or not. It is possible that the government will accept new DACA applications again. Or they could decide that the government should stop receiving even renewal applications. It is even possible that they decide not to decide now, due to so many DACA recipients working in the healthcare field. Don’t risk your future. The head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has said he is ready to deport DACA recipients if their protection is cancelled by the Supreme Court. We have seen them go after young people aggressively in court and even detain them when their DACA has expired. Take action to renew your DACA work permit now if it expires through 2021. Then, you will be safe to work on pushing your friends and family to vote in November. A more permanent solution would be the DREAM and Promise Act. It passed the House of Representatives where friends of immigrants hold the majority. Unfortunately, it did not get a vote in the Senate. Realistically, I do not expect this bill to pass until after the 2020 election. The national organizations are recommending that DACA recipients renew now. The USCIS currently is processing the applications in the order they expire, so filing early is not cutting off time on the work cards. We have phone appointments available immediately. Call today to schedule at 816-895-6363.



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Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 24 • June 11 - June 17, 2020

‘México Lindo y Querido, Should I Die Abroad …’ By Chara México lindo y querido, si muero lejos de ti By Jorge Ramos

(c) 2020 Jorge Ramos (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate.)

MÁS DE MIL MEXICANOS HAN MUERTO EN ESTADOS UNIDOS POR LA COVID-19. ESTA ES LA HISTORIA DE UN INMIGRANTE QUE QUIERE ENVIAR LAS CENIZAS DE SU HERMANO DE VUELTA A SU TIERRA. MIAMI, Florida — No va a ser fácil que entierren a Basilio Juárez Pinzón en Cuautla, México. Es caro, complicado, lleno de requisitos burocráticos y más aún cuando hay que trasladar sus cenizas desde Nueva York en medio de la pandemia. Tuvo que pasar un mes y cuatro días para que Félix Pinzón pudiera incinerar los restos de su hermano Basilio, de 45 años y quien contrajo el virus en Nueva York. Las funerarias de la ciudad no se daban a basto. Y todavía no tiene el acta de defunción. Así no lo puede repatriar aún a México. Más de mil mexicanos han muerto en Estados Unidos por la pandemia y muchos de ellos no querían que los enterraran aquí; tenían, con sus amigos y familiares, un acuerdo tácito: si me muero en Estados Unidos, llévenme a México para enterrarme. ¿No se le ocurrió a Basilio que lo enterraran en Nueva York, donde trabajó durante tantos años?, le pregunté a Félix. “No”, me contestó. “Estoy seguro de que él hubiese querido regresar con los suyos, con su familia”. La esposa y los hijos de Basilio viven en México. “Es algo obvio que todos los mexicanos […] tenemos ese sueño; no quedar lejos de nuestra tierra y de nuestra familia. Prácticamente toda nuestra familia está en México”. Esto forma parte de una larga tradición que quedó grabada en una canción de Jorge Negrete y que dice así: “México lindo y querido, si muero lejos de ti, que digan que estoy dormido y que me traigan aquí”. La gran mayoría de las muertes de mexicanos en Estados Unidos han ocurrido en el estado de Nueva York (y los suburbios de la ciudad de Nueva York), donde la pandemia atacó con mayor crueldad. Hay tantos poblanos trabajando en la ciudad de Nueva York que muchos le llaman bromeando Puebla York. Y, por lo tanto, le ha tocado al Consulado de México en Nueva York lidiar con la dolorosa, tardada y compleja tarea de repatriar los restos de sus connacionales. Hay más de 500 solicitudes de repatriación entre los casi 700 mexicanos que han muerto de coronavirus en Nueva York, según me comunicó un portavoz del consulado. Es más fácil, y menos caro, regresar cenizas que cuerpos. Pero hay muchos inmigrantes mexicanos que no lo pueden pagar. “Nuestras ayudas van hasta 1800 dólares por cada caso”, informó el cónsul general de México en Nueva York, Jorge Islas. Como el edificio del consulado sigue cerrado, su personal está operando de forma remota y expidiendo documentos de emergencia. “Estamos hablando de una tradición que se remonta a las épocas mesoamericanas. Tenemos una tradición cultural muy fuerte de respecto a los difuntos. Y mucha de la tradición es llevarlos a sus lugares de origen. La gente de la comunidad nos dice: quiero tener un lugar a donde yo pueda ir a rezarle, a llorarle y cada año llevarle flores. Es algo muy nuestro”, detalló el cónsul. La película Coco, producida por Pixar y

WHEN IT COMES TO DEATH, MEXICANS HAVE DEEPLY INGRAINED TRADITIONS. MIAMI, Florida — Making burial arrangements for Basilio Juárez Pinzón in the Mexican city of Cuautla won’t be easy. It will be expensive, complicated and painfully bureaucratic, mainly because his ashes will have to be transported from New York City in the middle of a pandemic. It took Félix Pinzón, Basilio’s brother, one month and four days to make arrangements for the cremation of the body on May 4. Basilio had died from Covid-19 at the age of 45. Unfortunately, with funeral homes in New York City overwhelmed and with Félix Pinzón lacking a death certificate for his brother, he still hasn’t been able to repatriate Basilio’s ashes to Mexico. Over 1,000 Mexicans have died from Covid-19 in the United States, and many of them did not want to be buried in America. Most had an unspoken agreement with their families and friends: If I

die in the United States, take me back to Mexico. “Why wouldn’t Basilio consider a burial in New York, where he worked for so many years?” I asked Mr. Pinzón recently. “No,” he responded. “I’m sure Basilio would have wanted to go back home to his family.” His wife and children live in Mexico. “It’s obvious to all of us Mexicans; we don’t want to be laid to rest far away from our homeland. Most of our families are in Mexico.” This long-held tradition is beautifully expressed in an old song sung by the famed Mexican singer and actor Jorge Negrete: “México lindo y querido. Si muero lejos de ti, que digan que estoy dormido y que me traigan aquí.” (“Mexico, my beautiful and beloved country. Should I die abroad, away from you, tell everyone I’m asleep and bring me back to this land.”) New York and the suburbs of New York City have recorded more Mexican deaths from Covid19 than any other single state. The sad, lengthy and fairly complex task of repatriating the bodies of New York’s deceased Mexican immigrants has fallen to the local Mexican Consulate. Of the 687 Mexicans who have died from Covid-19 in New York, applications to repatriate more than 500 of

distribuida por los estudios Walt Disney, popularizó hace tres años la cercana e inusual relación que los mexicanos tienen con la muerte. Nuestros muertos, de alguna manera, nunca mueren. Y por eso los queremos cerca para conversar con ellos y apapacharlos, aunque no los podamos tocar. “Nuestras canciones, refranes, fiestas y reflexiones populares manifiestan de una manera inequívoca que la muerte no nos asusta”, escribió Octavio Paz en El laberinto de la soledad, uno de los libros que mejor explica el comportamiento de los mexicanos. Decía Paz que a la muerte el mexicano “la frecuenta, la burla, la acaricia, duerme con ella, la festeja, es uno de sus juguetes favoritos y su amor más permanente”. Para los antiguos mexicanos, según Paz, “la muerte no era el fin natural de la vida, sino fase de un ciclo infinito”. Y precisamente para que ese ciclo no se rompa, hay que regresar a México. Los mexicanos se están yendo de Estados Unidos en grandes números, vivos o muertos. Con pandemia o sin ella. Para muchos mexicanos Estados Unidos ya no resulta un país tan atractivo para trabajar, vivir y formar una familia como lo era antes. Desde el 11 de septiembre hay un creciente clima antiinmigrante que se ha intensificado con Donald Trump en la presidencia. Menos mexicanos están viniendo y más se están yendo. Más de un millón de mexicanos regresaron voluntariamente de Estados Unidos a México de 2010 a 2018, según un estudio del Centro de Estudios Migratorios de Nueva York. Y otro, del centro Pew, concluyó que, entre 2009 y 2014, la

cantidad de mexicanos que salió de Estados Unidos rumbo a su país supero la de los mexicanos que entraron a Estados Unidos. Durante ese periodo, el 61 por ciento de un millón de mexicanos dijo haber retornado a México por razones familiares. La familia jala. Hasta la muerte. Nadie desea ser un inmigrante. El inmigrante es obligado a serlo por razones económicas o políticas. Y por eso no resulta tan extraño que, en caso de muerte, muchos mexicanos hayan preferido que los regresaran a su país de origen. No hay nada más personal que la decisión de dónde quieres que te entierren. Desde la tardía cremación de Basilio el 4 de mayo —cuando hubo una pequeña ceremonia de cuerpo presente en Nueva York con cuatro personas, incluyendo el sacerdote—, Félix no ha podido enviar todavía los restos de su hermano a México. Pero no va a parar hasta lograrlo. “Es algo normal que cualquier mexicano desee regresar a su patria y ser sepultado allá”, dijo. Aunque Basilio no haya expresado su última voluntad, para Félix, la lealtad de su hermano siempre estuvo clara: “México lindo y querido, si muero lejos de ti, que digan que estoy dormido y que me traigan aquí”.

them have been submitted, a representative from the consulate told me. It is easier and less expensive to repatriate ashes than bodies. But even with cremation, many Mexican immigrants still cannot afford to repatriate their loved ones. “We can help with up to 1,800 U.S. dollars per case,” Jorge Islas, the Mexican consul general in New York, told me in an interview. With the consulate still closed, his team is working remotely to issue emergency documents. “We have traditions that have been part of our life since Mesoamerican times. And when it comes to our dead, we have deeply ingrained cultural traditions, a huge part of which involves bringing them back to the place where they were born. People tell us: ‘I want to be able to go to a specific place to pray for him, to cry and bring him flowers every year. That’s what we do.’” A couple of years ago the animated Pixar film “Coco” showed the world just how close and unusual the relationship between the Mexican people and death is. Our dead live on forever. We want to keep them close — so we can talk to them and pamper them — even if we can’t actually touch them. The Mexican relationship to the dead bears some resemblance to our relationship with our living loved ones amid the social distancing restrictions imposed during the pandemic. Although our family members are often nearby, we can’t hug them or hold them close. “Our songs, proverbs, fiestas and popular beliefs show very clearly that death cannot frighten us,” wrote Octavio Paz in “The Labyrinth of Solitude,” one of the most insightful accounts of the Mexican worldview ever written. Paz said that “the Mexican is familiar with death, jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it; it is one of his favorite toys and his most steadfast love.” To the ancient Mexican “death was not the natural end of life but one phase of an infinite cycle.” And so we must go back to Mexico, lest we disrupt that cycle. Mexicans are leaving the United States in huge numbers, dead or alive, pandemic or no pandemic. Many Mexicans no longer consider the United States an attractive place to work, live and raise a family. Anti-immigrant sentiment surged in America in the aftermath of Sept. 11, and things have only gotten worse under President Trump. Between 2010 and 2018, just over one million undocumented Mexican immigrants left the United States voluntarily to return home, according to the Center for Migration Studies. A 2015 analysis from the Pew Research Center found that more Mexicans had left America for Mexico than had entered the United States between 2009 and 2014 — and that 61 percent of the one million Mexicans who had returned home during that time had done so to reunite with their families. Family is a big pull, a constant tug on our hearts. And that longing only ends with our deaths. No one dreams about becoming an immigrant, about being forced to flee your country of birth because of economic desperation or political oppression. No wonder so many Mexicans want to return home after they die. Nothing is more personal than deciding where you want to be buried. On the day of Basilio Juárez Pinzón’s cremation, four people, including a priest, took part in a small ceremony next to his coffin in New York. Félix Pinzón hasn’t been able to send his brother’s ashes home to Mexico, but he’s going to keep trying until it happens. “It’s normal for any Mexican to want to go back to our homeland and be buried there,” he told me. Although Basilio hadn’t talked about it, it was always clear to his brother that his loyalty to his country was as powerful as that expressed by Negrete in that old song: México lindo y querido, si muero lejos de ti …


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HOW TO APPLY Due to Covid-19, our buildings are closed and we are only accepting online applications at this time. For detailed admission information and to apply, visit www.frontierschools.org. Student must live within the Kansas City Public School District boundaries to apply.

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OUR TEACHERS: All teachers hold a valid teaching certificate issued by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Pre-kindergarten classrooms have 20 students with one certified teacher and one teacher aide.

PROGRAM: Our highly qualified school community is dedicated to providing our students with a curriculum that is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) focused, combined with effective instructional strategies to meet the needs of our diverse student population. We also provide character education classes to promote a peaceful, caring and safe community and guide our students to value integrity, and appreciate diversity by following our school-wide expectations to BE SAFE, BE RESPONSIBLE, and BE RESPECTFUL.

CURRENT AVAILABILITY FOR 2020-2021 Pre-Kindergarten


You can still apply to other grade levels and your child will be placed on a waiting list. As space becomes available, applicants will be called from the waiting list.

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TRANSPORTATION: Frontier Schools provides bus transportation for all students. Prekindergarten and kindergarten students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to and from the bus stop.

Although our campuses are closed during this time, we continue to accept online applications for the 2020-2021 school year. For more infomation or to apply, visit: www.frontierschools.org.

Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 24 • June 11 - June 17, 2020


Wyandotte County Moving into Phase 3 of Re-Opening Plan Condado de Wyandotte entra a la Fase 3 del plan de reapertura

Have fun this summer, despite COVID-19 Diviértete este verano, a pesar del COVID-19

unque los números de la pandemia del coronavirus están mostrando una A disminución, todavía necesitamos mantenernos

nified Government officials announced uncionarios del Gobierno Unificado that as of Monday, June 8 at 12:01 U anunciaron que a partir del lunes, 8 de junio F a las 12:01 a.m., el condado entró a la Fase 3 del a.m., the County is now in Phase 3 of the Ad plan de reapertura Ad Astra. Las pautas de la Fase 3 incluyen: *Para los empleadores, el nivel de personal en el sitio no tiene restricciones, pero se fomenta el distanciamiento social siempre que sea posible. *Las empresas deben mantener al menos seis pies de distancia entre los clientes (individuos o grupos). *Las piscinas podrán abrir, con distanciamiento social y no más de 45 personas a la vez. Sin embargo, la piscina de Park & Recreation Parkwood y las instalaciones del parque de aspersión permanecerán cerradas. *No se permitirán visitas en centros de atención a largo plazo. *Los campamentos de verano, ferias, festivales y lugares al aire libre pueden volver a abrir si pueden mantener al menos seis pies de distancia entre individuos o grupos, más allá de 45 individuos y al 50% o menos de la capacidad aprobada por el jefe de bomberos. Las excepciones a la reapertura de actividades y lugares son: *Toda educación, actividades, lugares y establecimientos pueden operar con conformidad con las pautas de recolección masiva. Los oficiales del Departamento de Salud advierten que el COVID-19 sigue siendo una amenaza. Los residentes deben continuar practicando el distanciamiento social, usar una higiene excelente y usar tapabocas cuando estén en público. Las personas mayores de 60 años o que tienen afecciones médicas subyacentes deben seguir evitando el contacto cercano con otras personas y evitando reuniones grandes. Cada fase del plan Ad Astra estará vigente durante al menos 14 días, que es el período de incubación de COVID-19. Por lo tanto, lo más pronto que saldríamos de la Fase 3 sería el 22 de junio. Sin embargo, el Dr. Greiner señaló que existe una gran posibilidad de que el condado pueda permanecer en la Fase 3 más allá de esa fecha. “Si dentro de siete a 10 días todavía no vemos bajas dramáticas, o si estamos viendo ligeros aumentos en la propagación del virus, eso podría extender el tiempo que permanecemos en la Fase 3”, explicó. Para más detalles sobre el Plan de Reapertura de Fase 3 del Condado de Wyandotte, visite wycokck.org/COVID-19 o llame al 3-1-1.

Astra Re-Opening Plan. Guidance from the Phase 3 Plan includes: *For employers, the level of on-site staffing is unrestricted, but social distancing is encouraged where possible. *Businesses must maintain at least six feet between consumers (individuals or groups). *Swimming pools are allowed to open, with social distancing and no more than 45 people at one time. However, the Parks & Recreation Parkwood pool and spray park facilities will remain closed. *No visitations will be permitted at longterm care facilities. *Summer camps, fairs, festivals and outdoor venues may re-open if they can maintain at least six feet of distance between individuals or groups, beyond 45 individuals and at 50% or less of fire marshal approved capacity. Exceptions to the activities and venues re-opening are: *All education, activities, venues, and establishments may operate pursuant to mass gathering guidelines. Health Department officials warn that COVID-19 remains a threat. Residents should continue to practice social distancing, use excellent hygiene and wear masks when in public. Those over 60 years old, or who have underlying medical conditions should continue to avoid close contact with others and avoiding large gatherings. Each phase of the Ad Astra plan will be in place for at least 14 days, which is the incubation period for COVID-19. Therefore, the earliest we would move out of Phase 3 would be June 22. However, Dr. Greiner noted that there is a strong possibility that the County could remain in Phase 3 beyond that date. “If in seven to 10 days we’re still not seeing dramatic drops, or if we’re seeing slight upticks in the spread of the virus, that might extend how long we remain in Phase 3,” he explained. For more details on Wyandotte County’s Phase 3 Re-Opening Plan, visit wycokck.org/ COVID-19 or call 3-1-1.

a salvo y permanecer en casa tanto como sea posible. El verano puede ser un gran desafío para las familias con niños en circunstancias normales. La mayoría de los niños están en casa durante el verano porque no están tomando clases. La pandemia ha aumentado ese desafío porque los niños ya han permanecido en casa durante los últimos meses. Las siguientes ideas le ayudarán a mantener a sus hijos ocupados todo el verano: *Campamento en el patio trasero: Esta experiencia proporcionará una noche especial para la familia, permitiéndole sumergirse en el exterior, todo sin salir. Arma una tienda de campaña, agarra unas linternas y lleva unos sacos de dormir y juegos de mesa. Si no tienes una tienda de campaña, puedes crear fácilmente un refugio improvisado atando una cuerda o un tendedero entre dos árboles y colgando una gran lona, manta o lona en la parte superior. Crea un ambiente colgando lámparas o ensartando luces alrededor de la carpa. Prepara una fogata y organiza historias alrededor de ella. *Planea un día cultural: Hay muchas oportunidades para ofrecer a su familia un día cultural. Famosos museos de todo el mundo ofrecen visitas virtuales de sus exposiciones disponibles. Enriquezca esta experiencia añadiendo música que sea parte de la cultura que está explorando.

*Juegos al aire libre: Es importante que los niños pasen tiempo al aire libre. Algunas actividades al aire libre pueden incluir un picnic, caminatas en un parque local, búsqueda del tesoro en el patio trasero, carreras de obstáculos, jardinería y la instalación de una piscina en el patio trasero o un sistema de rociadores para mantenerse fresco. *Aprovechar la cocina: Prepara un desafío de cocina escogiendo ingredientes al azar y dile a los niños que creen algo delicioso. Los niños se sentirán felices de tener libertad en la cocina para hacer sus propios bocadillos. Intenta reunir a la familia para hacer algunos postres juntos. Otra actividad divertida es comprar varias marcas de las comidas favoritas de la familia, y luego hacer que todos hagan un desafío de prueba de sabor a ciegas. *Haz algunos videos caseros: Sean creativos y hagan un vlog de cuarentena familiar. O anima a la familia a contar historias ficticias usando el video. Legos, una cámara de celular e imaginación son todo lo que necesitas para crear un vídeo de stop-motion. Recuerde, que los niños quieren su atención, así que déjenlos montar un espectáculo, y comprométanse a sentarse y grabarlo. Luego, usen su material y exploren las amigables herramientas de edición disponibles para ayudarles a contar sus historias.

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Commentary by Tere Siqueira


lthough the coronavirus pandemic is showing signs of slowing up, we all need to stay safe and stay home as much as possible a while longer. Summer can be a huge challenge for families with children under normal circumstances. Most children are at home during the summer because they are not taking classes. The pandemic has ramped up that challenge because the children have already been at home for the past few months. The following ideas will help you to keep your children busy all summer: *Camp in the backyard: This experience will provide a special night for the family by allowing you to immerse the family in the outdoors, all without going away. Set up a tent, grab some flashlights, and cart out some sleeping bags and board games. If you do not have a tent, you can easily create a makeshift shelter by tying a rope or clothesline between two trees and hanging a large tarp, blanket or canvas over the top. Set the scene by hanging lamps or stringing lights around the tent. Prepare a fire pit and organize campfire stories. *Plan a cultural day: There are many opportunities to offer your family a cultural day. Famous museums around the world are offering virtual tours of exhibits to enjoy. Enrich this experience by adding music that

is part of the culture that you are exploring. *Outdoor play: It is important for children to spend time outdoors. Some outdoor activities can include a picnic, hiking at a local park, backyard scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, gardening and setting up a backyard pool or a sprinkler system to stay cool. *Take advantage of the kitchen: Prepare a cooking challenge by picking random ingredients and tell the children to create something delicious. The children will feel happy about having free rein of the kitchen to make their own snacks. Try gathering the family to bake some desserts together. Another fun activity is to buy multiple brands of the family’s favorite foods, then have everyone do a blind taste test challenge. *Make some home videos: Get creative and do a family quarantine vlog. Or encourage the family to tell fictional stories using video. Legos, a cellphone camera and imagination are all you need to create a stop-motion video. Remember, children want your attention, so let them put on a show, and commit to sitting and recording it. Then, use their footage and explore the friendly editing tools available to help them tell their stories.

Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 24 • June 11 - June 17, 2020

Classified Information

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The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at https://kcmsd.ionwave.net . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. INVITATION FOR BID IFB C-20-29 CENTRAL HS GYM AHU HEATING COIL REPLACEMENT BID DUE DATE: JULY 7, 2020 at 2:00 PM CDT


The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at https://kcmsd.ionwave.net . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. INVITATION FOR BID IFB C-20013 POOL MAINTENANCE SERVICES Bids Due:


JULY 7, 2020 AT 2:00 PM CDT


Sealed bids will be accepted by the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Joseph, Missouri for Community Development Demolitions – 814 N. 5th Bid #CD2020-14 until June 22, 2020, at 3:00 P.M. at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Specifications and drawings are available from the Purchasing Division, 1100 Frederick Ave., Room 201, St. Joseph, Missouri, by calling (816) 2715330 or on the City website at www. stjoemo.info under Government/Bids & RFP’s. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. This project is funded 100% by CDBG funds. The City of St. Joseph is and Equal Opportunity Employer. (s)

Tammy Bembrick Purchasing Agent

Port KC (Port Authority of Kansas City, Missouri) hereby invites you to submit responses to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Environmental Consultants Services to serve as thirdparty contractor for the Surface Transportation Board (STB). Proposals will only be accepted from approved list of STB Third-Party Contractors. https://prod.stb.gov/resources/ environmental/third-partycontracting/ The RFP can be viewed online at http://portkc.com/rfpsrfqs/ or a request for the RFP may be made by email at info@portkc. com. RFQ submissions are due to info@portkc.com by July 1, 3:00 p.m. CST.

NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST (Job Opening ID #512446) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Neighborhood & Housing Services Department, Neighborhood Improvement Program Division, 4400 Blue Parkway. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Educates citizens about city services. Provides direct assistance to access services. Coordinates neighborhood related programs and activities. Represents the City to neighborhood groups and community organizations. Identifies community issues, designs neighborhood plans, implements solutions. Assists neighborhood organizations with their capacitybuilding needs to establish them as recognized associations via technical assistance that includes providing information on PIAC, CIDs, and local resources (such as Community Fund Neighborhood Rising Fund, COMBAT, Municipal Court Fund, etc.) that can enhance their capacity and address blighting condition. Attends neighborhood association/ community organization/school PTA meetings and files reports on their significant findings. Provides weekly updates to the Director of Neighborhoods & Housing Services or designee about emerging, ongoing and resolved issues. Attends meetings (some evenings and weekends) with neighborhood leadership to plan and implement neighborhood improvement efforts. Acts as the main contact for community members who have questions on City programs/services and as the main contact between the City and the community by advising community members on City programs/policies/services. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in community development, multi-disciplinary social science or urban services, or public administration and 2 years of professional experience in community or neighborhood development work; OR an accredited Master’s degree in one of the fields listed above, and 1 year of professional experience in community or neighborhood development work. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

AREA SUPERINTENDENT (Job Opening ID #512440) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Parks & Recreation Department, Central Region Park Maintenance Division, 1520 West 9th Street. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.3:30 p.m. Oversees, inspects, directs all maintenance activities for the Parks Central Region, exercising decision-making and supervising the day-to-day operation to ensure timely, quality performance. Works with technical, skilled, un-skilled staff, contractors and community partners in a variety of disciplines. Provides outstanding customer service to the public. Establishes district goals and performance objectives for assigned activities in conformance with departmental goals and mission. Prepares status reports of programs, seasonal duties and special projects. Establishes, reviews, revises specific policies, systems, methods to efficiently accomplish goals. Compiles, reviews, revises budgets with assistance from subordinate supervisors. Prepares cost estimates. Oversees various projects as needed. Maintains records and files on supplies, equipment, and personnel. Coordinates activities with other divisions, departments and agencies. Supervises and assists in the development, promotion, coordination and administration of assigned activities of the overall departmental maintenance and operations programs. Performs related duties as required. REQUIRES high school graduation and 5 years of progressively responsible experience in the construction or maintenance of public works programs, including 1 year at the level of the City’s General Supervisor; OR an accredited Associate’s degree in engineering or a related field and 3 years of progressively responsible engineering of public works maintenance and construction programs, including 1 year at the level of the City’s General Supervisor. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $4,230-$7,534/ month Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.


Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 24 • June 11 - June 17, 2020 HELP WANTED






McCownGordon Construction is soliciting bids for the Metropolitan Community College Engineering Technology Program Relocation Project.




Empire Candle Company located in Kansas City, KS is the fastest growing candle company in the nation. We are hiring for all three shifts in our Production area making scented candles. We are also in need of stand-up or reach qualified forklift operators for Distribution. These positions are full time and we offer competitive pay and benefits. Come join our team! To apply for these positions, please visit www.empirecandle.com/careers If you have questions you may call (913)621-4555


Empire Candle Company ubicada en Kansas City, KS es la compañía de velas de más rápido crecimiento en la nación. Estamos contratando para los tres turnos en nuestra área de producción haciendo velas perfumadas. También necesitamos ponernos de pie o llegar a operadores de montacargas PUBLIC NOTICE


calificados para Distribución. Estos puestos son a tiempo completo y ofrecemos pagos y beneficios competitivos.

¡Únete a nuestro equipo!

Para solicitar estos puestos, visite

www.empirecandle.com/careers Si tiene preguntas, puede llamar al

(913) 621-4555 PUBLIC NOTICE



PUBLIC NOTICE Invitation to Bid.

Scopes of work bidding are: Surveying, Final Clean, Asphalt, Landscaping, Fencing, Rough Carpentry & Finish Carpentry - General Trades, Caulking & Sealants, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Doors/Frames/ Hardware, Overhead Doors, Drywall & Acoustical Ceilings, Carpet, Resinous Flooring, Polished Concrete, Painting, Tiling, Specialties, Signage, Limited Use / Limited Application Lift, Window Treatments, Fire Protection, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical. Bids will be received electronically through Building Connected and emailed to MCCteam@ mccowngordon.com by 2:00 p.m. June 30th, 2020. If needed an alternate bid day will be 2:00p.m. July 8th, 2020. Plans, Specs, and front-end documents & requirements are available in Building Connected. You may contact the McCownGordon Team at MCCteam@mccowngordon.com to be connected to. Bids will be opened and read aloud over a zoom webinar, email MCCteam@mccowngordon. com for a link to the webinar. A pre-bid walk-thru of the space will be staggered and starting at 9am on Friday 6/19. See below Building Connected for more information. Thank you, BRIAN PULCHER Senior Estimator



Titan Built, LLC will be bidding on Price Chopper #17, which is located at 5615 E. Bannister Road, KCMO. The project will consist of selective demolition of an existing retail store adjacent to Cube Smart and the construction of a new grocery store and associated sitework. Titan Built, LLC is requesting a bid from your company for your portion of the work. This project DOES NOT have prevailing wage requirements and is NOT TAX EXEMPT. This project has preliminary MBE/WBE participation goals of 14%/10% for the “Sitework” and “Warm Shell” portions of the work.

O 816.960.1111

Scopes of work bidding at this time for the project include: Survey & Layout, Demolition, Final Clean, Earthwork/Site Demo, Termite Treatment, Site Utilities, Asphalt Paving, Site Concrete, Landscaping, Rebar Materials, Rebar Installation, Concrete, Polished Concrete, Masonry, Steel Fabrication, Steel Erection, Misc. Steel, Casework, Countertops, Waterproofing, Insulation, EIFS, Sheet Metal Wall Panels, Specialty Wall Panels, Air Barriers, Roofing, Joint Sealants, Caulking, Doors, Specialty Doors, Overhead Doors, Access Doors, Storefront/Curtainwall, Drywall, Gypsum Board, Tile, Ceilings, Carpet/ Vinyl Flooring, Resinous Flooring, Fluid Applied Flooring, Painting, Toilet Compartments, Wall Protection, Fire Extinguisher Cabinets, Toilet Accessories, Food Service Equipment, Fire Protection, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical.

An outstanding opportunity exists for a Business Development Officer for the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri. The EDC – KC has undergone a complete reorganization in conjunction with an aggressive strategic plan. Kansas City, Missouri is undergoing a remarkable economic development renaissance. Over $3 billion in new construction is completed and underway in downtown alone and new development opportunities abound. A Business Development Officer provides site selection, local and state business incentives, governmental ombudsman services, and financing options to existing KCMO businesses and companies seeking to relocate to the city. The qualified candidate must have excellent communication skills, both for verbal and written presentations. Knowledge of City and Missouri incentive programs, familiarity with the Kansas City economy, Kansas City business associations, real estate practices, and finances are emphasized. A Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 3 years of direct economic development experience are required. Kansas City, Missouri residency, or a willingness to relocate is a requirement. Join the new EDC, a dynamic organization on the move, by submitting your resume including salary requirements to T’Risa McCord, Economic Development Corporation, tmccord@edckc.com. For more information, visit our website at www. edckc.com. The deadline to receive your information is by July 8, 2020.

Plans and specifications are available using the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8f174eh4m2dmo3b/ AAD7l8oB6gRDkfTPQSamN8tua?dl=0 SUBCONTRACTOR BIDS ARE DUE TO TITAN BY 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 18, 2020. PLEASE SEND BIDS TO: BIDS@TITANBUILT.COM Questions should be directed to Matt Mawhiney at matt@titanbuilt.com or 913-707-7769.




Through the Kansas City Strategic Partnership Program (KC SPP), small business owners and leaders learn core construction management and business skills from industry experts. From bonding and estimating to scheduling and project management, this program delivers technical training and professional development to help small businesses realize their business objectives and confidently compete for new opportunities in the construction industry. This intensive, MBA-style program is offered at no cost to Kansas City-based MBE, WBE, DBE, and Veteran-owned firms in the fields of commercial (vertical or horizontal) construction, consulting, commercial management and development, and/or final cleaning/ janitorial services.

The application process for the 2020-2021 class is open from June 1 – July 31. Visit cwcjv.com/kcspp to apply. Applications will be reviewed by the Edgemoor/Clark | Weitz | Clarkson team and top candidates will be contacted for virtual interviews in August. Those selected for the class will be notified no later than August 28.

The Strategic Partnership Program is designed to provide you with business and construction management fundamentals to help grow your firm and prepare you to take on larger projects. It is not a guarantee of a contract with the Edgemoor/Clark | Weitz | Clarkson team.

Page4B. 4B. DOS DOSMUNDOS MUNDOS••Volume Volume40 40••Issue Issue24 24•• June 11 - June 17, 2020 Page

Pope Francis sends strong message to U.S. Catholics after Floyd’s death

Papa Francisco envía mensaje a los católicos estadounidenses después de la muerte de Floyd By Angie Baldelomar


l Papa Francisco no escapa de hablar en apoyo de las protestas pacíficas que ocurren en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo denunciando el racismo y la brutalidad policial después del asesinato de George Floyd. Normalmente, el asesinato de Floyd a manos de un oficial de policía blanco y las protestas mundiales que denuncian el racismo y la brutalidad policial podrían haber provocado una respuesta diplomática callada por parte del Vaticano, informó Associated Press. Sin embargo, en un año electoral en Estados Unidos, la intensidad y consistencia de la repuesta del Vaticano sugieren que está tratando de alentar a los manifestantes contra el racismo al tiempo que hacen una declaración clara sobre dónde los católicos estadounidenses deben estar pensando en las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre. “El Papa quiere enviar un mensaje muy claro a estos católicos conservadores aquí que están a favor de Trump: ‘Escuchen, esto es tan importante como el aborto’”, dijo Anthea Butler, una becaria presidencial visitante en Yale Divinity School, según lo citado por AP. El Vaticano ha hablado durante mucho tiempo sobre la injusticia racial. El Papa Pablo VI expresó su apoyo al movimiento de derechos civiles y el mensaje de protesta no violenta de Martin Luther King Jr. El Papa




ope Francis is not shying away from speaking out in support of peaceful protests happening in the United States and around the world denouncing racism and police brutality after the murder of George Floyd. Normally, Floyd’s killing at the hands of a white police officer and the global protests denouncing racism and police brutality might have drawn a muted diplomatic response by the Vatican, the Associated Press reported. However, in a U.S. election year, the intensity and consistency of the Vatican’s response suggest that it is seeking to encourage anti-racism protesters while making a clear statement about where American Catholics should stand ahead of the presidential elections in November. “(Francis) wants to send a very clear message to these conservative Catholics here who are pro-Trumpers that, ‘Listen, this is just as much of an issue as abortion is,’” said Anthea Butler, a presidential visiting fellow at Yale Divinity School, as quoted by the AP. The Vatican has long spoken out about racial injustice. Pope Paul VI voiced his support for the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr.’s message of nonviolent protest. Pope Francis did the same during his historic speech



Francisco hizo lo mismo durante su discurso histórico ante el Congreso de Estados Unidos en 2015 e incluso se reunió con la hija de King. Durante un mensaje la semana pasada, Francis nombró a Floyd dos veces mientras denunciaba el “pecado de racismo”. “No podemos cerrar los ojos a ninguna forma de racismo o exclusión, mientras pretendemos defender lo sagrado que es cada vida humana”, dijo el Papa en el mensaje. Fue un claro esfuerzo de llamar la atención a algunos católicos conservadores para quienes el tema del aborto es primordial, mientras que otros temas sobre la vida como el racismo, la inmigración, la pena de muerte y la pobreza ocupan el segundo lugar en las urnas. Aunque el Papa Francisco ha mantenido firmemente la oposición de la iglesia al aborto, también ha lamentado que la iglesia de Estados Unidos esté “obsesionada” con el aborto, la anticoncepción y el matrimonio homosexual en detrimento de sus otras enseñanzas. La operación mediática de la Santa Sede en las últimas semanas ha dejado en claro su posición respaldando las protestas pacíficas, denunciando las injusticias sufridas por los estadounidenses negros y destacando su apoyo desde hace mucho tiempo al mensaje de King. Una encuesta realizada por la organización sin fines de lucro Public Religion Research Institute la semana pasada encontró que el porcentaje de católicos blancos con opiniones favorables sobre Trump había caído al 37 por ciento en la última semana de mayo en comparación con el 49 por ciento registrado en 2019.


to the U.S. Congress in 2015 and even met with King’s daughter. During a message last week, Francis named Floyd twice while denouncing the “sin of racism.” “We cannot close our eyes to any form of racism or exclusion, while pretending to defend the sacredness of every human life,” Francis said in the message. It was a clear effort to call out some conservative Catholics for whom the abortion issue is paramount, while other issues about life such as racism, immigration, the death penalty and poverty come second at the ballot box. Though Francis has firmly upheld the church’s opposition to abortion, he has also lamented that the U.S. church is “obsessed” with abortion, contraception and gay marriage to the detriment of its other teachings. The Holy See’s media operation in the last few weeks has made it clear their position backing peaceful protests, denouncing injustices suffered by black Americans and highlighting its longtime support of King’s message. A poll from the nonprofit Public Religion Research Institute last week found that the percentage of white Catholics holding favorable views of Trump had dropped to 37 percent in the last week of May compared with the 49 percent recorded across 2019.





Industrial Engineering Manager positions available at Baader Linco, Inc. in Kansas City, Kansas. To apply, mail resume and cover letter to: Tara Laws, HR Manager, 2955 Fairfax Trafficway, Kansas City, Kansas 66115. Job Duties: Manage and supervise, train and develop engineers and technical personnel. Hire and evaluate engineers and technical personnel. Plan, direct, and coordinate all of Baader’s industrial engineering activities and resources necessary for manufacturing products in accordance with cost, quality, and quantity specifications. Direct development and implement continuous improvement methods such as lean manufacturing, Six Sigma to enhance manufacturing quality, reliability, or cost-effectiveness. Direct analysis and develop and plan processing schedules or production orders to make decisions concerning inventory requirements, staffing requirements, work procedures, or duty assignments, considering budgetary limitations and time constraints. Develop budgets or approve expenditures for supplies, materials, or human resources, ensuring that materials, labor, or equipment are used efficiently to meet production targets. Evaluate and provide recommendations to executive management for facility or equipment maintenance or modification, including capital investments. Analyze design plans from perspective of industrial engineering and confer with research and development engineers to develop new products or processes. Direct the negotiation of raw material and component prices with suppliers. Direct the setup and maintenance of material masters, work routings, bill of materials and VC machine structures. Determine root causes of failures and direct changes in designs, tolerances, or processing methods, using statistical procedures. Plan and manage outsourcing of manufactured parts and raw materials for outsourced work order operations when needed. Identify opportunities or implement changes to improve manufacturing processes & products to reduce costs, using knowledge of fabrication processes, tooling and production equipment, assembly methods, quality control standards, or product design, materials and parts. Review product designs for manufacturability & completeness. Estimate manufacturing setup and run times, maintain material routing accuracy by reviewing manufacturing data and evaluating time change request from production. Take complete corrective measures to update WIP and standard routing information. Initiate, discuss and follow up on engineering change requests (ECR) in cooperation with R&D. Assist with capacity planning and support shop floor control in order to meet production due dates. In coordination with IT continuously analyze and further develop the utilization of manufacturing related KPI. Evaluate major equipment cost and estimate production times in context of the master production schedule. Providing technical expertise and support related to manufacturing, will assist in developing manufacturing methods and tooling specifications as required to reduce product cost and lead time. Minimum Education Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree or foreign equivalent in Engineering or related field. Minimum Experience Requirement: 36 months experience as manufacturing or industrial engineer, including 24 months in food processing machinery manufacturing.

PUBLIC NOTICE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS DRAFT ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (2020-2021) The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas is required by federal regulation to publish a draft of the Annual Action Plan and provide for a 30-day citizen review and public comment period. The citizen review and public comment period will commence on June 12, 2020. The Annual Action Plan consolidates three formula entitlement grant programs into a single application that is submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The three programs and their allocations are the Community Development Block Grant ($2,304,857), HOME Investment Partnership Program ($876,251), and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program ($198,325) totaling $3,379,433. The full Annual Action Plan is available for review on the UG website at https://www. wycokck.org/CommDev/Plans.aspx Copies of the plan are available at the UG Community Development Department and the UG Clerk’s office. A summary of the proposed activities and funds are listed below. DRAFT ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (subject to change)


CDBG Program Administration Administration Fair Housing

$450,971 $10,000


$20,000 $148,000


CDBG Acquisition/Rehab/Reconstruction Emergency Home Repair Program Project Delivery

$500,000 $525,886


CDBG Public Facilities and Improvements-NRSA Initiatives Curbs, Sidewalks, Infrastructure



HOME Investment Partnership Program CHIP Loan Program CHDO Set Aside (Rehab/New Construction) New Construction/Rehab HOME Administration

$188,626 $400,000 $200,000 $87,625


Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) ESG Program Activities ESG Administration

$183,451 $14,874

CDBG Public Services Livable Neighborhoods Willa Gill Multi-Service Center


Please submit all comments on the Annual Action Plan by July 13, 2020 to Community Development Department, 701 North 7th Street, Room 823, Kansas City Kansas 66101. Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held on Monday evening, July 13th at 5:00 p.m. for the Annual Action Plan. Detailed instruction for participating in the virtual hearing and providing comment for the public record can be found online at the Clerk’s webpage: https://www.wycokck. org/BOC-Virtual-Meeting.aspx. The purpose of the public hearing is to hear public comment on the draft Annual Action Plan. The UG’s revised 2019 and proposed 2020 budgets along with the Annual Action Plan are scheduled to be adopted at the Full Commission Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 2020. Details for the meeting will be found online at the Clerk’s webpage outlined above

WED, JUNE 17TH | 1:00 − 2:00 PM VIRTUAL RECRUITMENT WEBINAR Hay oportunidades para las empresas MBE / WBE con McCownGordon Construction. Obtenga más información en línea en https://mccowngordon.com/mcc-trade-partner-info/ Opportunities are available for MBE / WBE firms with McCownGordon Construction. Learn more online at https://mccowngordon.com/mcc-trade-partner-info/ BIDS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY USING BuildingConnected. Please contact McCownGordon Construction at MCCteam@mccowngordon.com for getting connected to BuildingConnected. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud utilizing an electronic zoom webinar. Contact McCownGordon for the link for the opening.





$198,325 $3,379,433





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