Book 2 cards Basketball

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rd overall ", 1110 1993 MIA Drall, rdward. I• • 10m· plel ,.,k'9< who will provide rebounds and points as a Hcbp '" bolh lorward pot. ........ -. ADAM KE FE IOR1I:2/'l1110 CA KIIGHT: i'" WtIGtlr: W SlAlIFORD OLl1Ttll: ISTII)-PKM 10, AIWITA. 1992 1M PAC IO',Iiff. aIHiM Itft. log '(1"" boDpd ,,,, gil a I ndng "" 1992-93, bot ht rIIo 'tJli,l" a 3o-poiol nis/tl ogaiIsl tIto Bodt, r::I:ulus in Q gam. wit h 23 ogal• •1 'hi Jan an March 6. 5 C '"! fU£ROOIlt' PklNfUlfI Uu. 1993 NtA I'WOfDJIES, Iii'(. .. A lORN: 11/71/61 PlIIWlElrHIA.U IWGHI: "'" WUGHT: 200 (OWGl,OHIO DlIAfTIO: NOT DRAfTUl Afa n .a 't orfle, "SMOp· is a lh" .,oo t Irll ago,1 Ii•• far the Hawh. In.t ••1 '0' ,II til e be",h, Gr aham i. a pla y· grovnd" mover and .haker who knows the game. A.,.,..t.oliaa. 1t1t-loaool.oI H , Augmo. "' ts mai" molc!top probl em. while ,.oollig at Ihe gu.rd p.sition on both .nd. 01 the fl ::; = ",co a flIDI CORP. "11QtO H Us..a.. CCIP't 0 Ifl l MIA PIOtll1l( t ll(. DUA [FER ELL lORN: 2/l1/65 1.urIMOi MO HnGtlr: 6 1" WUGHT: 209 GEOWGIA T!CH ORAfTTD: 1101 DRAmO F",oa lows fou nd a 110 II D ini""" wu.I,( """"""yin Ariao.a, p' ldl a " lag PU' ''' If Ibe "-nth and a posiIi • • innoe i lhe Io<k .-.c; --::::!;ffi l §; ::; 19 ':1''''':; '" .,'" o I"] fU£I ( OI P "'Ium IN U.S.A. 11 1" 3 filER (OI F ,,1ffD lilt IJJ,..a.. eOH.e 1993 MIll INC. (OPt C 1991 MU PWUlIs. "
",,,,,," ,,_ ""., .," tfM peltl Iw, ''''''', <I<o.i"9 tho gI , ood ""flr9 bit I-P hoD 1og1,.1 will. wa-... _1_ Al-Stw, fir. l.kooI", d '" 1100 • " ,••• 1uI , 0. """"" 1992, ""I>"...! 1100 20,000 ,., poinl "1It.1 S If,i run ( OI P "nnIlI IH U.""'" COPt. t:-l ttJ NOPtlTtl\ K r rc TIoo s.tIrwn1 Caorf1nMt',.._leo"" ,tIIotmdor 10.1 011 MIA 'lftlen wll•• 2,69 i.I/I '01" GIld WOJ lop g .11 pI.ym wilk • 1.4(2.leals/I 1r m. _ .... UI iii ....... ....... _ SH R AN DOUGl S 10111; '/lS/" 'QSll1IGT0II, tIC HtlGHT: "II" WDGKT: ,10 (OIUR: IYUCUIf DWTID: tND RD-Pt(J 21 , 19" TIoo tiI I c.tllu' ••ort"" , goor4 jo/Ilot. '" 1992-93, toni Ih. dooIt 10 o i.I• W 0 1 3 nm (011' "JIm !! fNUS..\ COf't Ittl 11K.. '---'---.L..-. --.! rL m I0Il11: 1112'/" JACISOII'IIUL f\ MfI6Hl: "I" WIJGHT, •• 1 COU1GI: J.lCIlONVIlll OIAmD: 1ST tD-Pla It, IDITOl!, 1..0 11w1991 IlIA "'SI SIa. W ,1<4 ,04 oiaI, ,.. Me ' y 10 1992-93, 81i"'"" I"""'opo lo 11 ••1• AlAA ABDElN Y _11:./2.,,, CAIIO,lGm HIIGIIU'11l' WIIGIIU40 COUlGl:DUU DUftID: lIT ID -'ICI U POITWID, 1990 ........y fir 10.1 II Jaa.4 ont4 • 'I orriog .,.1 fir (ohk. fIont ,aort by 1M " 19 92· 93
lH-X ·b_ oI _.ut ",""",IN. 1 1*1",-> io l ho Itapo, m.. lie "'"IMII., Ibn frHl Ihl lloor in 1992-93. rho ( ell. WOlt 27 1. CIIIHiI: If-PIIlU POITu. Ilt7 5or c./tIu· ,1IiMIO 1hrH-1'*1 !JIIII"I H ' ogi ,llf04 , IrfpItdoubl. Mar,h 16 ogalo" the Wan'o" , 5l nu;; TioIHI-92IAA.u-1 11fI1I.-'1l '011 II Uhido hi ""lito<, Diw, i• • lonnr Oly_pi< Iolgls ro "'P fJ, c=; is "';'" SCOTT BURRELL 101111: 1/12/71 HEW cr HUGI!T: 6']" wtlG11TJ 118 <OLlfGI: (ONIIICllQJl DaAfTm: 1ST aO-PKlI '0, OWILOm. Ili3 AI , i.,1or 10 lhe 10",.10 Blot JIYs' orao"lolion, I" oliltll, fl I. I"" onl y plGy in IKAA 1Ik1." 10 "sbter m", than 1.500 po int•• 750 re bound •• 275 assists and 300 .Ieol. in a (Qreer. ' _;;;<\)6:;' "I""" g!j -jj 1; fj: II! i! u i 8 MUGGSY BOGUES 10111: 1/9/65 IALlIJIOIf;MO HIIGKT: S'S" W(IGHT: 140 (OWGI: WlIUOIESl DUl1'[D! ISUO-PKJ Il, WASKINGTO", 1917 DO< R 01 lilt Htw Teri lIoldu iMbed this din•• tive 4y At.lkovrt pro t. "'ull:" He finlsltod 51h in tIM HJA ill ,,,,!oJt y Ii' c I0Il &/SO/SI VlllYIPOII. LA HOGIIt: rvo VfOGIIt: m (OUKI: UIIIUIAIT DlAlllD: 15110-'Kl&, 6OI.D£Nstm.1916 ',1>0 CIoioI" tlao (of,,' ,.".". ' 1019'2· 93 '"'" n.hlood 11'. ill tho g f:? S jlll !J :l:J1lI;;:;I0t i o IttUlEI.!! ( OI l' PUfiID. 1,lU. «ft. CI ' f9 l11tlU10PUTH \. 1ft. 'W',,", r.t .-nil E.
1\. 'a 10 Chorlollt ,, Pbilly i•• doollflol .HI Da•• Ian SHIn" G ",d Gr g G.""om 10 Ibe 1o.r• C 1")l ll[R COIf' fIMTIII1H U U ( OPI.O 1'93 NU IHC ",..."-'_ ..... FLEE 1\0 "1N.a.w. <MItiot. all list Isoodt II (h IoII,', 411-11 I In filLl gaol .h•• tin g p"".'og<. E! iil 12 e 1m fUll COIl'. PlIMUD IN U.SJ.. o IHllI,. ,.O' l anl S 11K t'Ill.Ia IUmI: 1ST PIa 15. Ulilll lIotH_t 'J.t • I•• -.t ,_ Myaad 1M tltre"""l .!ripe He n"slItd n", in ><o'ina g oUNIA play wil",",l ••Ior 1.1997-93 ="'c:..Jo.n_--._ == Itn /Ult IIfU.u.. ( 0f'1.• '''' 1ft( ' ,' . ,, ! ALONZO MOURNING lOiH: J/af70 ClnmUXr,VA "liGHT; 6'10' WIlGKT: 740 COILEGI; GIORGlIOWN ORAnEP: 15'1 RD-1'Kl 2, OtIRLOm, IHI Moorllillg go • tpariling de"'" fo .1 Ii hi ng '!Komi GO lhe H_I. In' omong aH•••k· it. i " • •jog .OId bow ing IORII13/1./6' rtlR,. T1 1II10H1:67" WDGItT: 110 COUlGl: mADlllS mAS DRAnEP: m ill-l'Kl I. OtULOTTI, 1991 1M r c.Iltge PIaYI ' IhI r, wi NIA , tit. r.a "' ltd • ,1011,. ,. Ih. ("'m ConI".",. All-liar Teom in ju., bit _ dMBA ,.mpaigl 1 199H3. E! g:;a $ "; EDDIE JOHNSON 101111: S/I/S9 CllKAGO, It HIIGHT; 6'S" 'fI(IGHT, lit COUl.G1: IllINOlS DRAnED: 2ND RD PICII 29, KANSAS CiTY, 1911 J.Ioo pol I""•• who bot HIIa,I hi. lavdI wit h age. lame 10 the H_IJ ill. dool Iha' ••• l lIadoU GIll. S IIIo = _,&<_. -.e:;: ;;i :;;, r;; g a
Year Club a; 19!7- 88 I:Iii<Oi D:tl i5 1988-89 calctZ • :;i 1989-911 tkIc •• 1!911- 91 C " I' ..... I i li91 91 ca", Joo"'c:: 416 #j ,.,'J., .;>.Jm 19l1 13 CI fO __________ ! Q . i 'I1', a en I 1-t ,.1-11. • Z -4 §i ,, :: ' CI, b 1!!9!11 elIlc>!. Im-gl CIo I"". 1!li1 !2 1991-13 CIIe", G FG '.!. FT'I". REB AS! S7l BLK PIS 81 m 13S 101 IW " i 1\ 17 III U. :49 J:l1 '0 , 111) 8& J: 4i i06 II: /1>< Ii \ 19 ?;i '99 101 119 3.l6 iii 6 lOllS III Pr.TotaI, "In III 8IJ )1\ 7il9E ]1 119ll ! IE 4!!"1 iii s :!! i'l" n ......... ::rl ;III i:- =ja le .. Jo i5 I'.. ii Ym Club , fG 'II. n % RrB m SlL m PIS IV. 1911·" Now 1m 81 1-14 I;, J/,I I i '-1 'j ;14 II, ISIs..!! 11 III 761 " !O 11 II M 114 1981911 em,.. 11 4e8 III 165 II: 31 jl III Ii' Im ·1I CIIe•.., 1'1.: 691 41. 116 J1 II I,. H 1!'l1!2 Cbit.", 167 6Ui 374 81 " II m .0 1!1'11-91 CIUtI.. .;J III ,;\ 133 .1 iii '\I I! : Pro Tottls rn_ n;3 u; : 1]1· if: !lllil11' ..... g ... ... r i - -E­ ii c:; o: ...... ! I ;III '"'ifff - !!a l: en 0 :­ :c . c :1:'Ym Club G &j(, fJ j(, RE8 ASI Sll Bll PIS lVe 1Si T·88 Ph,l doI,.. 61 I0Il ./1(1 101 II! 11 11 )II II :iii ISIS·89 Ph;lo d,lph" lJ m.19J rill , III 41 198i- 90 SaJlb' \on iozo Ii 141 111 /9\ lCo! is :P 511 IIr.. 1910·91 S"I,.,." 15 l8-I 11/ !I 19 I ;J6 14,!?;.;:;! 1991 92 II 16\ 119 1>' 111 m II r,j8 19 101a1 111 UJ III 1001 &IS ;r, lWl 11 "a 1992 93 Charlotte 11 ,jt 138 111 III Iii 9 110 ; I • 1"'"" ! ; f 1 lfa. . !a J{F" ' 1 (f ) !HP ? br 111I11 ... Ji!,8 e: !t tl all-t --l'f .:. . & or a"'o c::: z 1"' , I , crub •• : ISl ll!! T"k:tl is 1988 89 lewlaneo 1989·90 1 1011<et;:: IGtt' 19,1·92 Ch"iott,3; 1192-S1IIii 191 ,­ .­ •. -.141.0 PI'G " .... ,.... .......... ...........,MIIiW • 1•• MIA FioIh MY' CHICAGO .r'I !C a ii\ ; () 19t1rUfI a.f' nII'f(D 'NU U (OPI g , " 1 " fIOf' lRms, 11K. LEE n. ........... __ ,. ...,wIIl U dod <IIIscW 1M 1IoW..."" MIA 00at0pI00tI0Ip. C HICAGO .. ..... ........ ' ................ ..... """"'"...,.., lilt ,"""",M'" IN ill ",,.,, ""y"''' C HICAG O ii' "<I<;!.cloO !:l iH! E t! ® CI 1993 HIli ,0It ,.utTID IN I'" A.. ((ft c l "J.urtQl'lrmS.INt _ -. ,.. 10111: S/ 'lG/ 70 I'OIIWID 01 DO HIlGItU 'O" WIlGIII: 110 (owGt: OUGOII QMIAND.IH I ""'"'"", qukk ,. "'d'...........',........' hiM I'tk.", ,1ro,...1 ••d l11li4 """ lor....,. HIA !i: ill;:! i:j:;j scon WILLIAMS_""" /11 _ . _2lO CIIIIIR IIGIIII CIIICIUIt IlAflIIIIIII .1fIII ................. .................... .......... .., .... "' .. MIdo 101m l. on, IN IlIA III c..tw_ IIoob n , 25 fr. , no... CHI C AGO...,....,Ii: ",-';1:) ><: 5 1 COPl! e 1" 1 MIA PlOPU TIlt, JI(. SCOTIIE PIPPEN "'fISt" _u _.T _tit CIIUIII: C8IIIM AIIIIIW lu na5. sunu,III1 lhl_ ......11-5 , Dro. r..,.mr-, ,.".. It "'1' ,,",n'" ....hlW IItIl CHIC AGO .".-..' Ncb..
11 ra , 5IIUIIII SWl. , ,.... 111 NI4 fwwwuio' 1011 _ -,1fIo1 1I"'''I' hr ,., JOimrt ::: :;: m:ii 5i ;:;;::;::; ;: :'HE) t: <:1 iOi:il Hi .n,:;1 :3 m ra J. u. QIP'PBS. 1'" '-<, ..., ,415 "1oIIII1OII_ ,wb _ • ""'.,....., tNnd.1 ,.p.«.wiIIr"";'joorpft. cauKI: IOInI UIOI.U --'11111-1'1(11 CUYIWIO.'''' OmrIoro4', "'_1HOIiog ..................." prollll, '''fI' loot fl " AAII-S, 001 I. " ruld«ttI ,tN, _·, toppmlot tololdlo :;; a :;; iil If o I " ) Hut <otf', rl WTl D'" U.U (on. E.Z.lOIII: 2/U/M WIWYlllLOI NIJGIIJ:"," WII&iIT; '75 COUI&l: GIIII6IA lKH IIIAflID: 2IUIID-PKltS , DAUAS, " ""MIA" " OWIolllerI 004 walth! MIA fT ,M, io 1992093, H••k. Will Iho loog OU", shoo, , dtrrilg 1M NlA WnI!Kd. "' :;;; :;; !:i !!l l:l 8l'ii 1 i! LARRY NANCE ICIIII: 2112/Sf IllDllSOII. SC IIIfGIIr: ,'I,. WIlGHT: 2lS (QWGl: ClUISOI DWlIfI: 'STID-PKI to, PItOI!IX. ,tI, LlS 10111: I/2!!1D IDS AIIGlW, ca IIlIGIIU'," WIIGIIT: 2)6 COlIlGl: AlIlONA 0IAfT(D: ISnD-PI(IU, Q!YlWlO, It" TIre "'" dt I" .legiIlIIIoJ. 'OfW.n y ,Hodwi'. CIotI. Mill" Tl,iI ""011 • ptrl.rftq,loyH .D h., pod, u.. at AlbR., 111 ba,h II1II••, , 11 , "' ". UI
Doois III 11 "' lm-n Ha IiIIiIIoM 2111. 1M MIA .6 lop 1100 Mo II .01>0 ,. 'l'o/".O_ Q<J S 5 Ili j 00 1"3 n Ull (OlP.l'll mO UU COt'• C 199 3 IW "lOrums, INC I--_ llhru *,-w..1 wa-' ploT w ""'" ""'" 1992-'/3. iii I aut1IIIOOIiI IIUf1lD, !lID ID-PICI C7 IIW TOIll ,tiS AH'-'ym--'_ ITt" pIeasef. WIlkins ,lot (1'1' ..". 1., p'._t tho colfl"'" ,.• • i:! ii Ii t;) 19'93 mOl COIIP. PlINUO III U.S.A. WnI. 1C 1" 1 1fll. Plt)f('UIlS INc.. I JIM JACKSON l1li11: '0/14110 TOUDO.OH 1IIIGItl: 6'" WQGfIT: 270 (0UIGf: OlIO STATI DtAflm: 1ST ID-rKl4, WlAS, '992 --. ' , s,... WeOII,'"!lois l acl_ "(hi Jack ) I. IN T,.lh If lot !It" 10k tIIt do 100 ..wi b. MklI uf l ord = e; 1:l !:l1::< « "'1 ;<; " DONALD HODGE IOIl:rml" WAIIIIIIIIfOI. DC lili8iii: rr WIIGIfT: 2lG COUIGI: lilii'ii NAfTH< .IO-PICi 11, NlW.I991 Hodge h 1·1001. ldlSII'" DoIas a po.lIIIaIf, pot , io lilt 1IIi6dI.1ar yean to lOIIt r;; 9l'il :; ::;;" iii DEREK HARPER .,.., lD/Il/" IUlllTOII. 6A "1JGIIr: 6'4" WlIGllT; 2Dl (OLIJGI: IlUIIOG IIUf1lD, mlD-PICI'I , DAIW, 1M, I\t /II ,_caphio ,.10 do' ,_d willi 101 h..,• 1u' M.I "".....ridI.· .n-.... Ieo6t, ill l : 1;;;'" , ;tGl !
ISf IIIUS. 1"1 IU,.,. 6.9 ""*.,..m r- fIoorlohillasl . 1 1992-93 P ''''::;: LAPHONSO EUIS IGIII: S/Sm WlnlO1llS.l1 1IIIiIIJ: .'r WII6IIJ: )to <II1I&I: IlDlllIUI IUflID: ItT IO-PICI S, IOVlI.ltt2 n. ,.m.- Is ........ ...... _10 IIW dot. """r-. C 19'93 HUJ <OR!, "ltOED 1M u.s.A. (OPI.. O n JNI ArtOHltUS.IIK " I ,.. it ! holos t.J Ie", oioot S- .oeb: ·\1 '10 • lWok ., or , wil loe • I.". 10 llis league.' !5 ;;;; ; " I·' !?j ,,"l\l lEVIN IR OOKS lOIII: 11m," 1111611U'r WI1GIIU10 catIKI: SW UIUISIdA DlIfTlD: 1ST 11-"" I iIIIWAUIII. 1"1 Soothrosl QWd "'"" 1IIs fInItwo flO .I0Il,10 1992· 93, wYo , dido! I ' uI6po1rrh no Dtlrail 110 •• It -<'ojfi -,; "" :;=:? 0 1") RHI ( 0If' ,"",," UJ,..l. (ortl. 0 1"''''l'IOPOnn, '' IIIIR mID-po IMW.I"J pos_ "' of I,.... 10rww4 l1li,....1 01 • sIouIiog lid , wil h r Jock I pro.i,," AlI 5, , lor 0011 lor y.-t to OIM C) " 3 IU tI <011 10010 lIN us con 0 '"JNU PIOf'rIMi, IM(.. IAM.OUD AB DUL·IlUf IOIII:J,""IUlRDltIlS IIE16III: "1' WII6I1T: 110 COUJIi(: IOIIISWIA 5tIJI DUm\I: 1ST 10-""1. DlIMl.lm "" lor.- Clrit ior&JIO • ' OIII'IIyII 1••2091 "*" 1ItM ,., AWaI-I-If' .,., Iohlllllttr.lilo ","",_.h ,Iooo I c.D ? ill C I'U fUll (OIr "1IITO IN u.u. con. 0 1ft] rtOfIOTIs, 1It. n;m
aa.: JIUf1II: ID B-fQ f ..,.., ' ''3 "" , I¥t IlIA wiD...... ...... .. ,..,. n. '", 3 ACC ""'"' 1M uc .,., Ihe ,., lo " 1-93, fIoiUio!Y .. Mocoo "", "'pIay, 10 Ioopo io ,ooId wit. LoI'tootIO .,. 10 hoi ElIi DIbcDt M,'.... 10 .blt.. --.. lor •• , fr ,1iM Irio. ,Gllum/" SImYIPOIt LA flI&IIU'J" WIIGIIT: 190 COUI6I: ."1fI1I mn UlII'IUSITT DlUIID: lSI l1I rKl II, omOlT. 1m n. 1_1ioo Al-IU Do/IIJiv r- MIodloco s•.,pod Ills ,ffouIn io 1992-93, h I0III0 10 tM iNtI. II KGriog. ;:: d 1!l111 0 19'11 mn COIP. "limo IN Us.A. (OPR C 199] HU ,tOPnlms IIK REGG IEWILLIAMS 1011:1/5/ WI1IIOILU 1III&IIU'r MIGHT: 190 (OIJJG(: GIOIGfIOWII DlAfTUlISlIo-r04 u.alrml, 1911 ...... ' .......... d',.H. led 1110,_ "..I., linis'" ""ond in " """ II • "itll ..d reltotods fa,l ;;: t< .. "l(6::;", ,,, d,,, # G ...J !5i gj l!!l§ ie e 1"3 flI [R (011. II NTED u.u. cOPt G 199] NIJo • BR YAN T ST ITH lOIN: 12{1I/10 HIIGIIT: "5" WUGIII: 201 (0UIGl: VIRGINIA DIUIID: ISnD-rOIl, DlJIYO. 1"2 ' ,mo.-, S,iIIo _II , 1iIt "",d nil , Ittw,,", 1'197-93, will ".'Iog 1Wt" job ' 93-94 • l'ttl rwt (01' PIlIIIIJ. LLU (cpt. C )"1'" nottmn r- .;;£..n ;k
PIs'II.1o 1992-93, t "''' 10 W. Hr., ........ a "art IA\ Ol Kl;; 5l 1!l t; 5 '# '" !Hi tfftcmt i l.tlo ,..,.. 10 lilA WSlOfY ,••eord 10,000 points .nd j' t:i !ii ::l w ;; "'''' 0 199J rUt li:(OiII , f'IIW DINU.S.A. (Ort.C' 1t93NUPII Of'OTIIS 'NC. LEE n fICIl WIIII.o.'. no PAC· 10WI,., Ioopmoof In "illig f•• fow'. ,IraigIo ' _III in 1992-93, """'" • trip 'a ,Ito MBA --t:i !!;Illl!; ::l ;a :;) 2 £l O I99 3, mR ( gRP PRtKTEOIHU U • (on. ";: 1m NIAPl OP[Rm$.llK. FLE E lOI'U/:I8/6' 0IIWi0.1I ""H",'I' WOGNl.I15 CDI1IGl: IfIDIAIIA 1II&1TtD: lSllD-PKI t omort 1981 Tlooll HIA u.s,. i.Pi., ' , I. poilu. Hsis' teals, g'Wrd.a ,ho HBA _.10 ,i," and fau"h in 1 111111 i e 1'i9 3 fUl.tOItP.PRtKTEDINU.S ( Of1I O 1993 NU." OP'ERnE S, 11K. lOIII: Ttnl62 WIIITOII, OIl 1111&111': "J" lII1&IIT: 190 (OWGI< AlUlISAS DIArnD: lSllo-m 7, SAIl AIIlONIO, Ita4 MIdoaoI J , ailed R ' ,Ito ' , def ntler Ito has fa.e4 ' ., far. ' H i, cur.HI'" , and Oft 'he MBA', . a·'ioot Sl..ts'R., IA\ fUn (ORr,I'R INTID IN u.u ( 01"1. GI l " HU PlOPlJII§., I K 10111: 1'/21/64 IWI1 1tIIGIIY:1'r WII&IIr.UO COWGI:: VlIGI DUf1tD: 1ST ID-PlOI" CHICAGO, 1917 AIous fowless Iosido player, Po/yoke wit b .,.. ,. "" i. as I ii LoIotfteer' , do"••M 1993-'4 'F'i."':PER m ..
B In IC-I'IIJ 1& 50UIJ SVJT. 1m y _ 1M..., piIyIf 10 ge 20 point Old 10 Qiuirll per game last VHf. la lo<t, i jusl on. 01 five ploy· ers to u«omplish thai feot in N,k·lo bo,k :<)t.N seosons fi'" 0 ] fUOt (0I1 1'I1N1(J) IN U. S.A. (0l'Il C 1,9) NU ",ornnu, INC. ie.1i I.cenl er improving in almost every olfensive ¢J'I'., <I'''go, y. :; !5 jl; " :r Ile E1 "',. Ji i? UlI :,.:; i:: r. ia ..", : = tl !)ij :!l!$ P :r3 S C> 1993 fUIII COli' ptllm o IN U.s.A.. co,. e ,m NIA PIOPlInu lit(. • a:l.II CHRIS MULLIN l ORN: 7/ YJ / 61 NI WYORII. NY HIIGHI: • WIIGHI: 220 (OWGl:: n JOHN'S DUrn!); 1\1 If).. ' KI T , GOLDEN 191 5 Multo 0 fl •• ·li NBA was on a carHf-Hif pace wMn he injured 0 Ibomb i. lole January. The Warriars ' Golden forward still finished as the NBA's second-liest three-point shoot er O£N ( 451%) '" c; i to; '" : ;,;::: :"" .,..::S r-;;(: ;;; 1li S; 00 "1$ 1993 NUl (Dlr '11N!m IN U.S.A.. (OPR O "Ill li lA Plopo m s 11K iE SAR UNA SMAR ClU lIDNIS lORN: 6/ 13/ 64 KAUNAS, Ul'HUANIA KIiGHt: 6' S ' WlIGHT: 200 ( OWGI: VIL NIUS(Ul'HUAHI A) DRAFIlO: MOl DlIAlTlD After rl<o¥'"ng I'DmII lrac· lu,ed Ilbulo ood oIislo,o t d ..&Ie, MordaliHi s wa s voted 05 th e Warr iors' Mo, t Insp lratiGnat PkIy" lor 1992·93. (,Q .... .:. ; r.;; c.L'I E Ittl fl W COl , PlJlrilD lfI lI..i.A.. (011 '"J'" 11K :e.1i
HOUSTON l OIN: 11/22/.9 WAIONGA, KS HDGHt: S' WllGHT: 2SO (OWGl: OIIAHOIM nAil DUITl)): 1ST ID 'Kl 27, ( KI U GO, 1992 Houstan moct.ts his on court d , with lhal of Charl.s larl<I,y !lot ogg, I•• wide body lololed mo" polnll and ,.b••nd. Ihon II of !h. 26 ploye" drafted oheod of hi.. ..,-or.N in 1992 :; c: " nfUlI CQI IIIH11I.IIJ.J.. COPI C I 99J NO ffi)fI[J1'W\ IK. :b l i m
s Awo,ld-da power fa,wa,d , Webber was Ih. firsl a,erall ,hal" of Orland. in lhe 1993 NBA Droit, and wa. Ih.n Irad.d 10 Golden 5101. for Anfernee Hardawayand-ot.N <:1fulure droit ()" 1',>\ Q / '" f) "'1 ruu CORP PIII I(l(OIN ut COP R NU 'R OPUTtlS, INC. ;:"i."EER $ Pi IT m rotUGI: SlUCIJI,I DlMtID: 1ST 1 IAaAIUIITO, 1991 Afl. d "".,"g ""'" llot 1991 92 NBA Rookie .f Ihe Yeor ball oting, Owens su((umbed I. lhe ,ash .f inj.rles Ih O! plagued Ihe Warri"" ;"19'11 93 , ml ing 45 -oSN ::1,ani., ,, Q" J ot",wllh an 0 inju,ed knee _ .{.. 1ItR\() , == 5 j J CI , ", n( IR (OI P. PIINTlD 'N U.S.A. (OPI Cl l 'U Mil rt OP lRTUS UK. .:-t CASSElL lOIN: 11/11/69 MD HOGHT! 6'3" WIIGII1: 19S COIUGt! nOIlDAI1ATt D..-rnD; 1ST ID-PICI'•. HQUiTON, 1991 • product 01 HBA-p!<oytr fl"ary, D ' Hip, CI tllt 1 qvick g_ wM Ifl "Cu Tolo.- ••t rIKard 'y gai10g 7f..-7 lro. Ilno-poi"I Iaod • galal ToIcm. !S CCI Z:Cile-a::::ac:::IC -:c 1,11 :E¥-rz % ill ;! t<i l'l9tlUll coo, ,umo.I,I.u. f'IOI't.nn IfK • l OIN: 6/5/61 W DB MOlIlliS, IA HOGII1: "10· WDGHT: 235 (O\IEG£: IOWA DlAmo: NOT Dwn:D 110• ......d g IlIr pai.1 100.1 in f,• • dri" I. of lhe III Laimbeer-Itac! IMns mol4 ., porineler-shoollog big lll ""El'l 3 @ '"3fU(lCOIIP PItlKT[OIN U.U (OPR. @ 1993 If U p otum s, Ute SCOTT BROOKS 10RH: 7/31 / 6S fRlH<HCAMP. (A HIIGHT: 6'0" Wl IG HT: 170 COWGl: CALIfORNIA IRVINI DRAfTtD: HOT DRlmD On. of HBA'S mo,l perfonwers, Brooks never s'arled for lhe Rodlets in 1992-93, but played Ih••nlh'e fourth qua" far Ihtm 22 lime., with lhe Rockel. wilMli.g 19 S III <J.::t; ",g: II: IS
1U Iioo 10 H ".'.!oor """iN" """" fOfWWtHon y ,on ja ejo<l iv.1 pkio 'II, aIU g on aIr.ady .,.bU. f, I,,,,,,1 •••n quider ie liii :;0 ci :< Iii o ,ft' fUll COl', ''l1Inm ,N U.U Cor..@ I"3N1A"ortITH\,IN<.. 'FLEE III 1M I V..,... I•••• ploy II KIA IIt<nR IiooIoW Iris ,",-"" "'''9' from 1991-9110 1992-93. no/thing third Oft 'N losl seosOft. lii ::<' :: ie I!! • 151 :;; ::i ;;: • 0:<= 7 -t: ." :!.. )lIn JUfJ COIP (Oft C '"3 lOt rtOrll ms.1IK. .,.. 1"3 nrtt: «lIP ffiII TTOIMU U <CWt '0 1" lldU'IOP'IItTU:\, ifK. toRN: 1/1/65 S ITH HDGHT: "T WI1GHT: 170 (OIUG£: NOITN WOUHl OIAmD: lIT ID-PKJ( 6. SA<lAMOOo, 1t11 Smilh n.bh04 iw Ih. INgat. 1 ·poIJ!l shOO 11ng (.438) oocI ';Fth II fr t """'''' .1997-93. a '<l 1"1 IUiI COIP, "lItlW US «ft. CI ' ''J ItUttOKlTlrs, 11K. • jl HAKHM OlAJUWON tlHllI: 1/21/63 lAGOS, MIGIRIA HlIGltI: 7'rt 250 ( 0lUG1: IIOUSTOM DlAmD : lSI RO-I'1Cl1I. IIOUsrON, "14 n.. lIgltt-liroe MIA AI'-Sfa, load a · Or • year ill 1992-93, becoming ju.llhe 91a YII In NBA hi.lory 10 re,,,d 2,000 poi.I., 1, 000 ,eho•• d. and 300blods Iw the sa :liIGSOfI f1 S § :0; $ o 19'3 lUll ( OIP. NMlOII U S A.. (orl.O l ft l N OPIRTIl\" INC. · VERNON MAXWELl tIHIN: ' /It/U GUII5VIw,n HUGHI: "S· wtlGHT: III (OIUGI: flOWIDA DhnW: 2ND 10-,.<1 47, IKMVII Itll No 10 I" I••,.. has de "'Y' sln<. 1990 91 lhan Maxwell. Hi do ;",p d defensive play was II key i. Rod<.u ' hogt ,,""" Ia.ty• 12' !il 2; i'lli!l § l!:l 0 1991 nUl (()IP "'JKTt D" U ..A. ( 0f'1I Cl I9tl lflA ' ROI'£ITlU 1M<.. .,. . r.JiW
ill e 1" 3 l Ull (o«P PIIOnrtll,. u.s.A. D !,litoisl!odtloiriIoIl!eHU ootI I a PDt ', 'I<ord by shoaling .l681,om "'" Ii<Id In 199 2·93. ;: "';: f;J Eii <::. 'd lit ;r. .AITU! 1ST , WIUS em. 1914 1hopt'• •551 _, bog It_ lit fIatr hIoo 61th 10 lito Ingw. II ,..ned llot _li'I tI!ol Ito ntdlMd am g Ih. HIA' lop It n u.ClCllen from Ih.II ,. g; :l :<!!!:, $ Si 5\ ,Hi 3! :l'l O I" lfllll(OIf'.P'IJf1 lD UU ( 0'11. e I"l NU PtOnJl tn. 11K rLc:::.:::: SAM MIT CHEL L IORH:9/2!U (OWIIIIU5, GA HfiGHT: 6'7" WIIGHT: 2IS (0tUG£: MIR<IlI(MACONI OIAlltO: liD RO PICl S4, HOUSTOII, 1m IIlldoei l i, a d 1OIII perlo , mr, who ad. Ih. HIA air " " ••er in Iitt (14, He was 1M I.ague', loul I.adr , io 199Go91 , "'''':<,;:, l'l :;::;:Q '5 '" 1"J n,Ut (ott "nD IIU u. (Of't l"lwtli,.OftITl\.M. REGGIE MILLER 101M: 8/24/65 AIVlISIOf, U HIIGIIT, "7" WIIGII T , 190 (O UIGI: UClA O«AfTllI: 1ST AD -PI a II , INDI AHA, "a7 Th. Pa,,," an-lim. ,••01119 HBA "o,or hil _. I,.y' (16 7) tII. n any olher pla y in lho HBA 1a.1 year He also owns the longest active (ansICulive starts streak if' il! ; 5 t;; e 199] fU ll IN U,S.A (0" I> '"JNUHOtUmS 1M<.. " • I:...!!i I SC OTT HA SK IN lORN: 9/ 19/ 70 HIIGHT: 6' 11" WllGHT: ISO (OIUGI: OUGON STAll DRAmB: ISTRO-Pl(X , INDIANA, 11se Po<' wer. looking IOf a. .,gre iYl physi,.1 pr " rO! thll' I, ,W The 1000g1t-eS' as would s Ihe ,..-f.d CJOlIIIo nIIDlh. fi ne D.·,d Rik SmilS. ; :;; -c.c;....:-1C CiII::.c.c.c III 1'2 '"
SE 191 n. wi••..,' lor.., d"0' ,1M onl y roollo.n I,di.n. ' ''',., lall RGIOn and Wil l tie only Pacer to record mo re offensive than defe nsive rebound s © lt9JHELRCOI P.l'liNTEDINU.S,.A. S. """I ""' ,he only ,Ioy in Ih.l goe lui '0 n h among , •• NU'.lop 1S In ".,ing, rebounding .nd 1.11. ill ll(0!:;j 1t;! t t1.U CON. C 1'"1 IIU IN(. E \ lOIt1:tJ1t/M DmOII. 011 atfT: •.•• WOGHT: 205 COIUGl< 1111111 (OHIO) DU/11D; m ID-PICla. (l(YMID,I916 A.tri." bit """,4, "orpor ,... ro1 "'" " 1997-93, "" his own ,_ , dfor Ileal by fini shing il,h In rlt MU 177 <.Do ,,", r.. ==: g:: ii! 5i ",,,,;;:g2!!; g; ·mfll IlWl'IIII,.lIY HOlm.'4· I!8GIII: ItO (0WGf: 50011 DlAmD: ISTID PIO I:J" LA. CUPPUS, t"' "" 1aIf• ..., IoeIiog ,2,494"010" '..,. _ 10 "' ;.0'" Clpptrs "" IS II " !wo" gooard ,. 11 '101, allowing Ron Harper '0 to _forward Also, he ,ooId barkup Marlo; lark n at = ".<;;k,,", ,he point UPPERS UI 'lIO c:o ,.." 1;: o I ttll fU( 1 {OI' " ' I" USA <oPR "19" "';'fr tR lII' "" BORN : 1/'ll/66 EIN DHOVE N HOLLAND HIIGHT: 7'4 " WEIGHT: 2S0 (OLLEGE: MAR 1ST DumD : 1ST RD-PICK 2INDIANA i988 The "Flying Dut"'man" , t• ,h. "'alleng••f Paui,k Ewlog In the 1992-93 NBA PlayoH" a.eraging 2S S poinll and 8 0 rebounds per night '" t;: 001'-­ rI " J fur COli' PlUHTlDII U U
f l E I G •• % IT H' I II (OUEGC 6U)fGIA DUrrrO, III II, IHOI4NA. 1984 The longtime PoC'er is now the franchise HBA leader in seasons (9), game, (706), min.le. (31 , 235), ."i,t, (3,756) and ,'eal, (818). 3il @; 1993fl((R(0Jr P'RUmOIHU,S')" (OPt. t'J 199] NU I'tGmTllS, IHC ' r t , L.-- ...J FIEE SAM MITC HELL IOCN , 9/2/63 (OlUMJUS, GA HBGNU' /" WUGHU I ! COlllGf: MPla:A (MACON) DRAntD: 110 RD-Pl(K 54 , HOUSTON, 1115 Mlrcll eil i•• """' .mha.1 fori", r who mad. lie NJA after ''iIiaIS ueueas omlln Itt. (U II< wa Ih. 1"9"" f.uI lead I. I 990-91. UI -, o.D 'I'" :; == ¥ ::3:;;'" \':l 1 W. 1 III rowa: aIJI5a. IIIAffiD: 11 lAllA. 1"1 00,1. Rnbhed ttird 1110 N" and se l. POfIr f,.ndtI ",oed by Iboaling 568 from Ih. field in 1992 ·9l. :1; 1! ? REGGIE MILLER BOC N : 1/24/65 CA HUGKH /" wtIGH!: 190 ( OUUif: UClA DRAfTED : 1STRD-'IClll IHDIANA, 1987 !be P.",, ' aI)',im.leading NBA ".,e, kil mare lrey. Ii 67) th.n any othe, pl.y., in Ih. NBA 1." year He also owns the longest odin (OltsewI1'1e starts streak (339) ISlIl-Plat WlWcm.rm lMrpt'• .ssa Iiag I It.. Roor p td 'Iflh illt.. feagv•• II . , t"nlth "atl IImt bt fi ro\.hcd""""'9 lb NBA'. top ,... "''''ot ,fr om tke fiDOl ;;: i:'i t:i Iii lHHli lE !l!" 1£ ill J;jE?i'HHi!ll w g 1"3 fUUI (ORP. PII lti TIC ItIIJ U con Cl 1991 11U noP ERTUS <. < 1 : !2= • SCOTT HAS KIN lORN: 9/19 / 70 RIVIlIJDLo. MIIGH!: 6 11" lID (OWGI: ORlGON nm DRMIlD: In RD-PICX IHOIANA, 1993 Th P."" " loaIUag fat art ow,,,h. phyri<AI pr 1t t., tb.1r I, Th. t.,gIt-o.s· ••n. w.ukI, th p.ri.d """pI."lOftl t Hn eiS e(on I,", IiU 'IWUtI.\., ·r' Ir.FII
SE ALY It! 0 wiHo wy fo,w. rd wollhe only rook ie on Indiana's rosier lost se asan and was the only ra w 10 '"flrd mare olfelsh'e Ih.n def ",Iv. , d• :<:«: C I • • ] IUEI COl' I'1UHTlD 1M U. U. ( 01" 0 '993 !til PIiOPUTIl'i 'Me , Ihl ooIy pIoyor • thl ,"g" 10., ...... to liah h cog lho Hil' I p 2S in ,1OfiItg. ,ebocr g and assi., • o I t'll nUl (011' " INTIO INU.S.A.. cePit 0 orEllllS 11K.. ;r .' im ' Rl,"-<!s ·, 1J w"" Ih. I lIh b." t.,oIl. Ihi HIA Ian , Ht al •• IhDwed _k" lmpr 11n to, !r..-Ihr.w ho.6.g 1••, ,ear. \ lOIII: '/20/64 DAmIII, 011 HIIGIIT: 6'" WUGHT: 205 (OWGf: IIWIIIOHIOJ DUrrEll: IIUD-OO" a.IVB.AIID 191. A -. bi, ,..,.t. IIarpIt twwod 10 IMIHr , ,,I ir 1992 93 own I r ,ord fOf ,real. by filil!.lag ixlh io lite HIA wilh 177 c; iii § l:l ( OP • O I l "ltOf' fI!11fS,1IK Wi'rW 1011: '/12/71 II\W YOn:. MY IIIGIIY: •••• \IIIIGIIT: I" COIUIiII SIJDIIIWl DUfIID: III 11-00 11. LA. QlPPIIS, '993 n. "laI's _ '""" --I·M ,.,., ","'p-a"..."""", rroiRtes ,11Ie "two" gorord posIJlon, alow"" R Harpor '0 _"0liliiii1 far_d. AI he ,auld bock., Mark JDlk a' ==';.'<:::-Ihe point. UPPERS (O c; En;; i 9<13 fun (ORP.l'lllnO IN Y U (OfI o.Q 1993 11K r.r.. Fi..EER 801 N : 1/ 23/ 66 El NOIlOViN. HOL LAND KII GHT: 7 " WIIGHT: 2S0 (OllIGI: MARtST DUnlO: m RO-PICK 2 INDIANA. 1988 Ihl "Flying Dulch " ,a I. Ih. , .f rolri,k Ewing in rhe 1992-93 NBA PlayoH,. aY."ging 25.5 poinr. and 8 0 "bound. pet nighl. '" c;n 0Cl ,,"> !; l ;:i ill t;; '!! :;l :1:l1i<[q"!;;Ii8 SJ&;:;'''';;;:; ;;; (:II 19'1l HltI ( OlP '1lHI'11CC ItII U'u (oPR, Cl lt'JHU PlOfttT1l1.IJK..
_UT WII&III:. 105 tGUIGl: n JOIII'SCIIWR. STIlI lMIoVTlI: 151 lD-'lCIl8" IIIW YOIl. '987.,vm, IIlID-PIIl n . OIWIDO.I"' 1M &.1 01 pkk 01 tk len _ 10 0Iy .f AoJeIs,A"" llaIy 19" _ Draflliooly loHileti Jacboo "on o largo Ie,.,10 rho 111M RqM,I. "IS 14110 HU ill fGpeI'tll Ioisfull,.' IIoI. W. 'olowillg fly hi d ho.tIt, age 13th 10 loIocked ,ha'. fi Al-5,., nod aocI ,,"lag a fioi ' '" it th. NIA 1151 seas Clip,.. Ira""" .ec.,d 'or in 0,,111. with a Clipper poi.I •• .ecord 124, Oi;f §! :;; C 1"3 'UIJ COil Pl I/fliO 1M' U u. C ,"l MIA II'C : 1! 1I"in i.J11t.U1 SAM BOWIE 80I N , l / ll / 61 LIiAHOIi, PA HII GHT, rI " WElGHT, 213 (OlllGl : KINT\KII Y DumB: 1ST aD PICK 2, PO RTlAND, 1934 The ' 2-poin'-o-game, ,ho,-bla,.iog piva' ,am. I. the Lahn in the preseason deal that senl Benoit Benjamin ta tho New Jersey Nels. '" OL..CI G'>CJo co ;; ;;:; w 0; <.D t; 1993 nUl (OIIP ( I/tno Ilf u s COP/! , C 1993 NI"'O I"ERTI(S,. UK r.r.II 1011: 10/"'M am.-ws.a HII&IIt;6'f' 1mGHl: 2'15 COW&!: IOOUWIA STAn 1MI,ItllD: lIT lD-rtOI 11 WA5ltll6TIIIf, I'U I/oog willi 51...., .ofNrts, WIMtm ,..'iIdos ,lilt _, 1 <lipper Hi. Wg hady atItw. '""' 10 IoaId hi. awn wilh , HBA ".'.rs a ."",Of ba.i., tI1I!/It.l/l1/61 GUIlD IAIIOS.II 1IIIGIfT: "f' WIIIIIR: 'IlO <OWGl: IKHIGAlI DUITID: lIT g-,,"I)' LA. WPm$, 1990.1....... ........,_ 20.0 ,... 9.5 oed lparted a .555 IG P"'''''. ""'" givto 'he chooc. la .tort it 1992-91 " 199 1 fU lJ eOI!P • lllfTlDIIfUs.. 0 19t1 NIUIOP(RnlS 1M.
MJe: u. I'lt DmK PO<H 11M ,_ it ,<boondlng I." ,..... wIiI. ,t<.riliog , , er"gII "arlo, IW 01, corded ,h. Rill 20.,eh••" for • l rI. maIO 1110. 0 derod• • AN THONY PULER lOA N : II/U/69 KANSAS OIl MO IIIIGHl: 6'." W!I(;Hl, 212 ( OUIGl: MISSOURI DUrnil: 1ST RD-PICK IS. U. W!R5, 1992 10. 1991 92 Big lighl PlaY.' of ,he Y bee ,lot fj"lloher e 1993 FU(J: (011' 'RJNTtD IN UU ( OPlt•• 1" 3 MIA " MUms, 1IK. 11ot1",.. ,n. Y i. beiot gt br ,100 lakin IS • big pain' "",,4 lot, lot Is olio obIo 10 Iooodle ,h. "I"" nd "'0" .,.1, if ,aU.d pol GEORGE LYNCH lOIN: 913/70 VA HIlGHl: 6'r WllGHT: 220 (OU!Gl: HOITH WOUNA OWTlII: lIT RO-PKII2. U. Will. 1993 Th. "",,,de< ill Nort h (Ofoli hi".., h ed pon os • 00,...1u sludy .04 f m. 1111., ,f A. C Gr ·' sh , Ih. W I gl •weep er for LA. "'" !>lriii'6i :;;: t: : 3..o HH j! HH,. u ti f o J'" nm (ORUIIHTlDIN us COf'fI 1993 "" ffi)ftR TlES, INC. • :J II (I • I" m t'Oll!Iil::amsGII 1ST 111-"" 11 1t90 donInnIslor', breoktwup ,eo' .oL Tho lalcer. willooIr to tho sII ppe.., quid! big I. "",t the ",," jog power forwMd sI., i 1993-94 f !§ ;;11 1'< '!l '" i-: :;; ==!lIm ;;; l:i "". =: JAMES EDWARD S BORN: 1I/27/SS HUGHT: 1'," WIIGHT: 712 (0UfGE: WASH'NGTON DIArnIl: 310 RO-PICI 46. U.lU"S, 1m Th. 'Hlliogly ogtIu, balk"" pl•• """. JIll provide, mv,d. oil the pi ad po" m • foil· owoy l""'plflhot ,ootinv I. balfl. def en d" •• '!l
v • (01 , _.1I" ...... ' poiot "",d•• 1M ,..., .."... tin. poinl ' wrttr""""II...... Hfetnl•• 1kJI•. FI.EE Wlf1k" "" pIoyed 10 011 12 1I""',.Ia.1 ,.., fot the nul 11m. ,I." 1981·18, wi" Iro lbe 10" .f gvidlrrg • '''''"l Urt qood tI gh 1"3-94. TIrrHH I.d I "oriog. lIuln s, steak and minutes klsi aod a. Ih. 0.1, pla,er an lbe .quod la .Ia,' all 82 contests. '" &i !ii Ei a " l ff llU£t COIl', KlttnO1MUU CoPi Cl I"lHU"Of'f tmS, IHC o 1993 fUll COt' I'IUHT£D lit U.u. COPL 1993 Nil "or£.TIl S, INC 1011: 1/"./'7 flJllT 1II (E HIlGIIT: 60r WlIGHT: m COWGt II/CMIGAN DlAfrED, lIT JD-'Kl4, lIWII. 191. lIIrroi" 1oodirt I•• , flraighl yo. irr 1"2-93, 1/ flNsI!otI I9lh Ia th • II ""..,...., fG ptr logt l.3t3) -.D-. 0 a S ,.., 10111: 5/5/11 1I5IlWOOII, U !lIGHT: "5· WIJGIIf: 710 CIlIJ.IGI.IIS( DIIlmDllSl tD-rtU It MWilim 'IoIIy J" tad ._ tI oIfad•• ,. ".,"", tIN l"l NIl SI "'"' do.., tho u-s, w 1IIII. C 1993 flUII (OR' PRIHTlD INU.U COPII ,C 1'93 " U....o PERTII\, IH,C L NG 10111: lml" WA'I1II.111 IIIIGHI: 6'" WIIGIfT: tH <OlIUil: WTIIIN MlCHIGo\" DWttO: 3D lD-m n. MIUlL 1911 Aa .,,, , .!Nelk, Ittk paw« I"wort l , ,"I JIlt ",ulls k.stlo, ••d Is Ihol.IMn ."' "lth ...... """_dt.
Q • • 1 auRlKoWIII -.. IUf'III: 1ST 8-PO 2 IOSIOII. ,til Dtq/tt ""'..,.. Ifll' illois fir.1 tlnt IlIA SMw HiIN. NU.,t<onI '0 11r...,.... MooM ' MIwaUt ..,.11, 199!. :;; 11! !:1 '" l1/Dm "'''"" _ 2M CDURI: UIIIICIII _ifill: 'STD-PIC'"_'9ft CooIporM" Ie !lie""oIa-y 1s • Wi wlIto 11ft loodlot ...... "" ... ""''''' ..... " sill , ...,..,"'•. lIooogIoStlllyls_.I"" MIA'. fe." ""tI*d , • !rudls••HOId ,. WI 34 boo.4. ogaiul 1 8 3. e; S'-"''''''I!E E! ""-"rH!:;;< iI S'l ! § lIIUlOft AVENT "'"/11/" _"I" _usCDURI: Im* IIIIl IUfIID: 1ST D-PICI U. ,......... "' .... ... .1Irtt4 Iosl ,_ It '"'" .,..1 • yoo. pia"" 10 lilly "" ftWag""IlIA A oM witt. doe HHI sNoW Ito. "s,;.Ior' "'n 10 Ioi. rIoo,· o/f.,ht-"M ..., .efl, ,r.YlArt MioIoI • 1otI'''"I.'' .1 ptI"Of I w d. cif;;:, (10 l flJ fUll (ORP Pl tMTtD IN U.S.A. «n. e 1") M" rtOl'UnES. IN(. :r .-rr:II au:.I I0Il'" 3/31/" IIIGItIJND MIll. MI 1tIJGItT, "r WlIGItT: 700 COIUGl: MICHIGAN STm PflArTlII: 1ST ID-,Ia I , MWI( '"I De.pftt play 10 ooty ptWf 1 .11 linl"'o IWo Iof. oltd batlt(ourl.I ·wrililg h "ooly _god yo,oI 1_ leader witt. 1M H'I!. C 1"3 IUIR( ot' P'lIHTlO IH u"5..l C F
e _i 5 , '" .. i ii: ••••••.. le ClulJ 19!I1 13 Pr.Toutl D Fe, fT % REB 1ST sn BlI( PTS AVG 8] (II: Hi 11l ) 124 ;] 82 .1 \& 111 IIi 17l 59 ) 114 12 IIfJ:lr-.· iifltl i; JS . /.! f .S Ynr Club nr···ii .. · .. ?- !ll IISH! 8osteo 19!! 89 8os ·So<. IIB9 9O IbI. Mil 11!1 !ll M," " III!2 ·n Ml/.nul. i"raTotal'5 G Fe '!:. fTI. RE B ill STl Bl K PIS Ave 10 .m !<l; 138 I' 20 It ;;1 I, 11 tV 7&1 ()f 'f iO 1\ 80 h·:, .m. 1M G3 III 91 81 III ES; 117 1\ 50 II .(a i) 0 6S! II 4, !I lUll 18 It(I mm m Ii 11 111 I Iii m I!; 111401 llli &1 'II!II Gifrit •• el l Il -.-{"S.i". 'I 0 -:1 }":- ,1= f:os is :I: f.-f Po =foia'! I! VI Itr. I ,.··.iii ... ; z Yeou Club 1192·93 M,I uk Prolobh Fe ll fT % REB AST STl Bl K /I III 111 ,"<)1 "I 1\ " I' U1 1(1 '9! III .\ 'i P1 S Ive ;1,' Ih ,a, Uf =.J. if JJ·1:,I"-t[ !I tIl i e j- t." = ... f r l t _ . ;;lfl'l ' 1:i¥r Urrr i, I J ,.R: I [ I" <" ;ii i 5 ....... , Year Club II BI 90 m, b 1!!lQ.II m,b 1911 92 UI, b 1992- 93 Pro Totals e FG % FT% REB ill STl BlK PIS IVG .1 .7Jl 1\1 II, 76 1& 117 l! 61 116 .101 201 Ill! \] 29 116 3l II 51/ .111 1% ii) 81 IF 101! Iii S2 ,i2 ]'!l 1:1 I! IJ!2 ,,' 301 .15\ 1112 601 14l lIS lit) 12 If' l lI:.Ii:"11i II Ii J!l IfI 1f t, a ']" f 3! '.: ·.:;, n 'lE ·· .. i2 z Year Clu b 1992-9.1 MiIw.uU. ProTo tall G FS'X. FT % REB lSI STl BlK 3E'l &73 Cl f)!j 35 1 I: .309 .5Il '] 6! J5 1 P1 S AVe 20; .. 106 U i fil l ...
I( • I' CDWR:..,. UIOIJL\ SW'I DWl1D! IIUII-1'ICI1, 1It,"-1 ' ..., ""' ..._1. tf lIooIIor"oH COtldo SWot , Lo •• NDfIlo C S,••• Wollpad! 0 1993 HEfR (Oll P PfnnlD IN COtL G 1993 I'It OP[lTII:t III<. < I .Wl! •_ lH IST lt. U. CIJPfIIS. IM7 a".s·"tIooolllllorlo peIots ,.., pIoyN Is • .............,... ". " SC_ ,._fer.. doloosivt spodals, cD L.I.l! ._ .c;o "Ii: i ;!{ i;i ::1;11'" ::!:;llr. 1ii i;;! il\ (t:I 19"93rmJOORP.PRINTIDIHU.S.A. COPR. (Q 1991HlAf'tIOPIRTlfS,INt :,., \ I"ti!7I _ 111 tIoo IIIKs " , ...,. Awwd fer It9 Hl.1hisWot 12lIo in 1M '""'" 10 assi,.s Old ••• ".aI, D' IIffl"H'S startimJ polol Bi i>:", "" i;;! S;§ ff! :z <.P c; I" ) Ull N U.s.A (0 1'1.0 l ffiMl,,. OPfI Tll 5. IH(, 1.'.-lUC LONGLEY IGIII: 1/It,,, I!IIIOUI1II. AU511IAUA 11II&1II: rr WfIGII1: m COUI6f: flEW fII]J(O DUIUDo 1ST IO-PKl 7, ."lmOQ.lt91 "1.92 AI, oty.,it..,. ,""'" ,..04 tIoo 1·Wli/ 10 Wocb 11.40 8PGI """ ' ''OIId io If pt, 48 IIiIwIH (2 161 .• g "':;0 III I tt ) l Ull COI' l'ItKm1IN LUA. ( Ofl • tH1IIIIIAltClPllTJr 11K. CHRISTIAN LAm E 1011111,17/ AIIiCM4 ., l1li611""'" WIIGIIf: 235 COWGI:IUII IFTID: ISUD-l'KJIl. "!SOTI. '"2 Tho....,... cIoot pII' ,.., III tf DIU IIoioM4 , "' Iog RItIo ,.d. lis 708 1oaanI• ..,..._ • 1,••d,l ,OtOrd. g ," 8 ;.':'"1993 HlU CORP. PRJHHD IN U.S.A. (OPR -C 1"3 1'11 U PROf'lRT1ES, INC. MIKE BROWN IGIII: 7/It/U tlWAlI.lU IIIIIIIIU',OO WDGHr: 2M 0lUfGI: GIOIGl WUHlIlGlOll OIKIGO, '9U 1H wWoIoHy oat.1'-II W""""'.IIohIoooItieslIer tIinI. tIoo Jill. ' "sl , • • lis I"" of 38 I.-S played Is lire tIoin! Io s adi pia"" <J> ::: <£1_,....0#"\ i;i .:: OC"l !tl::. I'>' ;;; !i "l:;;:;: i'! Q ttl rLUR (OU. PIlIIIIIIJ) IN u.U
Year CbdJ G fT% REB AS! STl Bl! PTS m IIII-I! Ll en",,,, Ii 191 .TO; Ill) 111 \11115 WI IlC ISl8-89 L.A_ i'l 141 1'1 6% 1\1 II 111 Il'!S '"'LlttippON 11 \11 1)2 651 1\1 ;j 181 953 III0-0_ 0" 1991l 11 LA-C S 10 4% .TIl ill III !io4 U' 140 111 1 91 S" l1I e il 41S (,8/ III 76 J9 II. m I'D 1!'J1- 9) 59 491 6liJ 209 11 11 18 lJ; 17 1 ,g nPro Tou is III H Jlj) 1\" 'I' JI' 1111 7IlI& U Et;:;l Ye:a r Club , fS % rn; R[ B AS ! STl Bl! PTS AV, 199 1 11 an i"" ! II ?311 1l\ III 1113 ,I 9 .\9 10 1111 93 * .. 1" ,,) ;5 m II; Z1; 411 !i6 II '11 7 IE j PIO TGtals 11'1 ,li1 S!J.2 0]11 HIrr.., ii =U ,, :: .0 o.o ! iii = Year Club 198 8 89 Detroil 1989 90 Pho Cha. 1990-91 Indi ana 199 1 91 1991 93 Mi",,' ota Pra To t311 FG % FT% R[B AST STl BlK PTS ' 9 l!iO _61>0 17 U L l 1 i1l 18 IS) 11 II 'l1 I Ilfi 13 ''Il 119 Iii 3j! 110 il ill 19 '!Ill .11 l!iIl 7; U' !IIl1 m 661 151 23 1111 1Q5 17; m Ig) Ii'll IiIl l'J5 AV, IE "III lID 151 II, J;IIIII;!lrt = IL , j ._ #!l,j' I 1, 1 jSfis;§ s· } = i= t !i-l i r Oft ! I !} f NIll} r lS <;c: ;;;1:-11" ;:01'; ­1 i i= c s·l r" l ;. s: 'a r;a •. 1- 1 -'_alis·l i" I E:1- . too':";i;'" .. i i "- f f 1:111: ;0 i Jf ... = !1 ;: if. -I ",.1:-1=1: ;: r; ft ,ali , . ' 1: 11 i a\ •. lL ll i.;:::-e li'- - ; .,. 'n, Year Club FG % FT % R[B AST Sll Bl! PIS AVe ", Ifinnl!01 a \1 3l3 _ill /0 18 10 , I); 1. -J i iii 1990 91 MIIl nesol. 1\ 5!11l :36 18 31 21 H ;8 1991-92 h nes cta gO 511 go; 151 1il t6 lifE 1.0 1992 93 Mum "o" '" 111 !41 111 13\ is II " J 1!1 'iJ l .801 JIO :il l 19(0 Ii lGSI 108 Yea r Club G FG% FT% RlB AST STl BlK PIS AV G 1992 93 Minneso ta 80 732 56 il6 18 I. l41 U ! llJl JII", .. :; ProTola Js tll 192 3b 1% 48 16 W (]':.J • ; if r {__ ·0"0. =;;1 i!f[i !; L Year Clu b G FG% FTli. R[B AS! STl B K PTS AVG;:= 1981 88 1 1>'" 19 4," 670 109 )J 8 Illi 110 1988-89 8>l 4!'l III SIQ m !l I( 1118 m 1B89-9 0 Inlli>!\. IJ 181 )81 m lJ(J \J 2!) 1511 lSI 19ge..9t Jn dllt!la !a \Q.I 111 411 130 16 11 1111 il4 1991 92 81 lSI) .011 11< J!2 6! II 1.91"' ''1Ii /1 IlJ 6019 4)) .1 JC Iln9 158 Pro Tnial.$ \51 4/ 1 ./30 J.l511 1086 4'-J 117 Il)In\ 13 1 Im 9l'(8 000' :;:z
U> Ii: ;: '" § III i?' A t1ftctln o/feosift ,.....,. GIl. wi! PI "'1It1. I" perfect ,oIItI_ fer Derrick (oIenoan. = o..p :;;:: ::c ei ::i 'l! '" Itt3 flH"R ( OfI! P I'JI llfHOHUI.U. (OPt. 0 1ttJ 1JIU- 11I0f''llTI!5. INC : 1T.Ti1. TIlt I IlIA RHlIo of dot YOOf •• Woo 1010_ 01 ,...., " 110101, Ialios pow" lor_d•• joioiog llot elile 20- polo l 10""","",dlb i.I992-93_ ;;;;:,; ;<: I!; 1991UHa (otP. PRINllD IN U.S.A.. (Oft C 1'93 MIA rtOPfRTlf1 I IC. I0Il: J(12/JO_it HIIGII"".· WIl6IIT! Ito (IIUN[, UJIW DIIAfIID: ISlID-rlCll6, _ JWlY. 1993 WIll" oIId 1 001 01 K wtl lot 1IobtI .,..IO , iN .." .1 1log d lor New Jer y In 1993 94, _11111/16 JAIUICA_.T _Its CIIWIiI:: DW1ID! 1ST It, AIWIA. I'" R WI Nt! 10 , NtA "Ploy. II WHIo" "'I ..........21.3 ,... •• 1-0 .nisl. ntll.O '" gaont lor ... OIoIfatw'" Morcb 15. f;i pt e E Iii i;'i C ,,,1 fUll PfUWl(D IN U.S Cot'll f) I ttl3 M.A Plomnn llrK. I'T.'n _'/21/16 GUIlD, &A IIIIl1"'T IIUlI CIIWIiI:: AUIUIlI IUfIID: 1ST 1D-11C1 4, 1ISIt I A a..tsIootI '992-93NIA PIoytff,,1lonIs 1t1..-lllP' 10 n .... 16 10,1 ,111c.!lI 0 ;:1 5!"' l!<ro:<l ;l! E'i i ii;j III i!l :G ;e:;o"' ::o::o ll!'!
r.. ....,.... 10 PPG .,.n,""If""""" at lIa'h 1., 114 ood ,hootiog goord I the hide. "'" YHr, ro;lI Ilk Mi' fG p<'ct".S" , • N CIlUJa; WtW Dl6ITlJ; m /'ICI •• wu.S,IMI 1I..u. ",., 11,.om 10 _. 10,. 391. ".. lhe HI. s<at1ot his. n. pr I'" g._winlil, 10 Game 4.1,.. knidll' ....J.,"1W'1ft 11<0.6 , od PI.y.1f ou, lhe H"PWlh. _ _c:ro"" ""'" 5:J Ie El;2 ;a;i!E!:i! I§ :;; ;)\, ::::: f'l li: !i ::l '" i!H!l t1 fj C 1993 rlU (OILP PII1NT(D IN U,U,. CO,... " 1'*) 11K. n.,_ R 1o' RtOtt ,,,..,,4 lIu", .1 hi> ""M, Ioatdiog " d.,ioIg ,,,. 1992-93 re g.l" ..., bel 'p,a/oi., hi klt. ,h ogoio ........._ ... ,fI,he nth In Ih 0 1'93fUU(OIl,. PIIINTEDIHU ,S.,/I "ffi) P£RTI[ t UK. IIT.r.I lOIN: '2 / '4/ 66 _WIl,li so HIIGIIT: " ]" WftGHl: t SO COlU6l: flNIlnSU nAn 1lUfTlD: la DID Pla l.3, '0I1WID 1911 1lIe 6' 7" ,.w flfwwd ,oIltd Turley, ,•• OAr the GlobaIlu". In 0..", N . W", btl." flMlng • hom wI ,h c.D -st ' is [;' li Fu C 1"3 n Ull <oaf'. '.[NTID IN US A. COf' I .O 1991NBAPJlQPrkTll S. 11K W JOIII: 1/5/ 67 llNGSTOII,JAMW WI G IUIiiHT; 7' 0' wllGiIT: 240 (OWGI: GEORGETOWN ORAnlO: 1ST I D Pl CJ ' NIWTOn IIIS (olotl ,lot • 1(,.p shoo''''' ".,,, m " Iy 10'"', Ewing _. 'oogh , p 101 .JIP*' ","fnl"H3.1I.I,hlbB ,Ill. i. ,Ioe HIA .m.g. JilYulh i ill §l f US.A. <OfI. 111(. 10111: 5/11 / 70 WIMSTOII-SAlIM. II< HllGHt: 6' S" WIJIiIIT: 183 (OWGf: NOITlt WOItHA DRAff\D: 1ST 10 "Cl '10, MEW TORt!, 1992 Dovk is • NIA 1""auId lot ,1.0 '"', 10 'h perllll'" ,hoo 'l'g proll,.... ,ho , hoy. plogI" , bids I. ,_, '7T CiI '''JI LUIi COIlf!PllIflBlIIIlLS .." COPI , 0 J+I,I, ptom{lr5. INC .. .
5< :8 ;;;;!\l;;r l " l rUE'll (ORP '1I1Nr[O IN U.S.A. COP'll G 1993 HI f'ROf' lITllS, IML""-" 01 th 199Hl MIA AII-IIlI I 'OlIO ofl Iht , 1 , Rltu. l ° I tit , d,lfl, perl II Ih point Ii' ;;: ;;;'Si'l:l I;:; "'t;; !2 B i'! " H B ll!:i .i! ItU m [RCOIP Pl1HT1D 1M U.S.A. (Of'I. C 1993 N P'ROf'[tTl(S, IHC. I'Ri1 Tho '"'"' .,Idl. C <h Pot Rilty dlbt..d "tho V t ll"" dofe l" ,. WII fGf_d II! lat """e II "paroIItI'td worko who b' aod 'h...w few 1011 11101110. § •. .:!:. t:: "" __ r__ ' Cl i 'H I CO U PllHTlO1M US..&. ( OPi , e 1993 MUo "'WII TIlS, 11K lORN; 1/l0161 '"IOGO,lt DE 0 HEIGH!: 0'.' WEIGHI: 715 CO UfGl: 'WH0I 5 DRAmD: ISTR D- PICK II , ORWIDO, 1989 AII •• "H••I."i.'...., Andet son finished second on Iho Magil ia 5Ioring, rob"""". DOd oni,", He 01 po.rod ill a franchise-record 50 points against the Nets on April 4, 1993, >'!! 101M: lfl ' /U COlOOUS, OH Ill! HUGH!: " 10' MIGHT: 141 (OWGl: OHIO SlAII DIAfTlO: ISII O-PI(J 14, INDIANA. 1911 s TIle , P 'Of is In.dlmo 1m ,« " ••id Ilg robowtdIot ,ltd .kt blo«klog 1100 Cowl "'" I qoltl bran4 ,f ' slip il th lock" roo r;; "'''';;-iil''-''' ill C 1"3 fUlR (ORP PiIKHO IN U.S.A. (OPR 0 199J MBA PRomms, INC. .-r.r.I .=_ e.l..I lORN: ' / 10 / 65 fUISA. 0« MlIGHT: 6 S" WEIGHT: 110 COlLlIK: O«IJHOMA Slm DUmD: HOT DlAFm oIliIIIIl. "rag' lO' id!fs" ,"11900111 SIO'ls is • , " DA II"\' who !lippi, pit " •• """ mdl kilo flo , Iurho-doo'911 " Iht KIII<h .ff il 1997093
A dec t fr w Ief Ioollog i. lhe mirror, h. ",,, nd. gua.d who, despil. pIoyiag O«o.ioooaIfy d••g OI. fro. '0 mvch of my••lf." ""'I !he "Iwo" i. coIleg., has "A I tlIw ""'1,'Nt. GrHl i tl<epl looal, qokl lhe ptritnttor, Bowie (orded was Mugi< Joh desuibiotg atIopiH his g_ I. IUMiug lhe • 20-paill, sey.n-.Mooood, Ih. plo, ollhe Mogi(' wand, pailI, ociall, def•••ively, ·011111 g VI. Alto nl. " P , " HOfd.wo, inlhe pro .n J 26. o 19 93 nm ( ORP IN UU ' .(OTT lOI N: 9/ 5/ " JlAGUSTOWN, 110 HtIGHT: "r WUGIII,230 (OWGl: GfOIGlA IKH DlAfIllI: 111 OIIJJ!DO, 1990 110 ""'Iog ,.."'Iar· ward s.l NBA r.( witIo I2 S ITe Y' II 1990-91. H. wos 1M Mogk'.,.ird·1eadiI!g .eorer last season. .... .... ."...,. :i; o 1991 m( R(Olf'. 'ItIfTIO IN IlS..A. "r t ' 10lIl: 512/66 IftW LA HIlGI!T: 6 r WIIGHT: 210 (OW61: N(JfI I DAIII. 01.IITID: UD 10- 1'1(1 52, (lM LAND, 1987 1992·93 WOI ° (Oro,, sea.Oft 1o. Ro,aI 01 •• proved I. be lho Mogit'llo, r.serv •. A .morl, .'!!I iY. pl.,er, R.,.I eruged Iree-liIr.w eyer, four minut •• Oft lho floar. :.: Ii' ;;; i;i 12 i:! S; (t} 1991 fU(R (O RP PRltrmOINU.S.A. (Of'R.It:l I991MUPROf'llT1(S. IN(. _.'''D'' FLEER.Lt .u. HAQUILLE 0 E l 10!I1I:3!6m NIWUII.NJ HIIGIIT; 1'1" wrIGHT; 3D1 (0IiIGr: lOUISI ANA STAn DlAfTlD: ISTRD PKKI, ORlANDO, 199 2 The """,1I ••u., Magic CoIos.u, wa. Ih. aofy player In the NBA I. linl,h """"'9 Ihe lop ten in "oring (8th), .ebounding (2.d), blms (2nd) .nd FG perc.nloge (.S62, 4Ih) • • 0 '991 una CDRP ,a llnto Ilf u.s..&..o I") u rn ( ORP pt" nl DIN US.A. (OPII .O I 99' NU H OP[lnEt IMC.( OPII . S UU HlJ PlO!'£R11IS INC II1'Q
S CIIIBlIll5lllll CIIIIIiI DI.\I1B; IflIO-PK1 It UAlTI.L It" .-.1 IoI'llWolpla m CIarlolle 10 II dIll! lhe, .0tI! ""liT HOW\;iru la lilt "_, 110 "',," th. NIA'. lop IIII polol •-".'.'@ 5< ll! ..., 1 .0111: 11/26/10 IIIDWIAPOIJS, IN IflIGKT: "4' MIGH!: III OUfT1D: ISTlD·l'Klll 1m lite ...-pIlI. pod., GntIo os I,", II, 10 Dolwk. f'lrrrt .f I T'II lot 1992·93 H. was .h. llot flnl playo, I. '''' Ih.l..,.. fG ad Ih poitl pel<tllioge UI _-..0.:> ••• """ a;: fi :£:>eM:::: == AJIIlI· larl poWft lorwwj 1 ,110 '" 1992· 93, r a 'IIIpIWogly , sI!otlor Ira !he !side for • big man. ;c ...;OSl'_o-e 1993 FUll COII' P'lumoIN Ui. (on, 1993 MIA I'IO'[JIJI(S,IIK. . l0III: 9121/6l WASHllIGTow, DC HIIGIII, "r WllGRl: ItS (0lWll: IIOtCI DlmtIl: 111 RD-PKIIO WIAIITOIIIO, "" 1110 1"""' No. 2 05.1" 1.>1 II Ito .,.. ,. m the offeDSil ,,1ft IIOff olft. ill 1991-93 whil hallllg ,.,.,",its with DcI!Ia ",a I = .=., i': ti !iii 1100 l.m.u s\Uo fUoWIH tlt ud i Itot lf090t hI ' tl1lo l1 '01" wWlt ""Yilt 43-.,...... mi••, •• on ina ttll>fe 13 "_ .... . ' on"",;::: t;; !1.i 1'J ::l i:i :;;::I!!l:?;o;!;i:S e 1" 1 ru n COi P l'I&m oINlU. A ( OPlt O l t93 Nu rtOP1U1IS. 1NC IOIH:llU/7'2 WDSIUlll.GOIWIY Hll6KI:.l"· WllGlt!: 241 (011161: _ YOUNG DlllnlD: 1ST ID-PI<. 2 'HllADfI1IIIA. I99J AIIhotfo IWt ,_.04 h llti ,1>aII, ...ko !Oi"ah. IhI. "6" (a'or oa' of .,IgII... Tong Unlv hy ...., dllIlI< Ike••. Z,lttJ ILI OCOtlI' JliltJlfIIIlI U. " IIlI HlIl COIl', ",.mo. an rttlllll.,II01mln..IHC (OIl. '''] MIA PlOf'lMTlfl net IIR:J . I..I.!CI
· ... ,............. . ....-w.. ....... c011 tflT'( Ioo .,.. 10 ,..• .w. "'""' ... 011 wnh .,. Of :::i ;s::. i':; !§ 1;! !:! o Imfml CORP "I"lUI IN u.s.A. (OI'I.. D 199JItUI't:OP£R m\ 11K. " " " n l£l(OIJ', PI 'NT{DIJIU U«(WI 0 l i f]"" PlOl'I.aTllS,,, G7i1I FLEER I.Li!J 1 1-5 , ""',...dor·....Ioootirot·H 4" .........,.,....... ..."'"w........... ,...rHl6«s III '"H1. 5 I:HHi! li!l 51 o I"' flIER COlI' PflIMTlO IN u.u. <OP'I. 1991 ",OP£lnn, l!f(. I 1 : I' CHARLE SBARKLEY 10111: ! /20m III11S,Al HIIGHT: • •• • WIJGlIT; 261 COW6€: AllU M DU1ltD: 1ST lO-ptCI5 PI4!1.tDWHIA. 1.14 1M N••', Mo•• valubl. ...,. 199H3, · SIr a.tes"hoi,.. ".,... I. Werten Cadtnnce Bo.tIty H.I 'lIlh '" '" noriog. All. '" iHou",'" /i",."ipIo(6) :;' :::i SS1 l§ ® 199J fU£1 (OAP u.u COPI. c;.: 1993 MIA 'lonlTll\ INt DANNY AINGE IOlrt3/ 17/ n lUGOff. OR HUGIIT: "4 " WliGlIT: 185 (OWG1: IllGltAM YOUNG ournO: 2HD IOSTON 1981 0•• " 1M 9-' "'"" "'pi'"Ii.nal wlMirlg aad Oouy Alng " go hood In hand He fi",ht4 tlghth In llIe leag hi IhI...,.." dtaotfog IaSJ stGJGII '-"' 111 WrE 1" 1 'WI CO.,. I'W'NTlO 1M U u.. (01'1.0 1993 NU I'ROf'UnES. IIK IJn;1 ii" f (Ull (I WEAl 115POO lOll: ' , I{7t CIAWRIII, lIS 1IIIIiIII:" r WlI&lIT: 240 COUKl: SOUYIQMIIIS1ISSIffI DlAmI: 1$11. PICJI., 1m ......... ., .... .. ,... ., ....." HIIirot dro SI ,,' h.w.. "'"'" , ,..... by,'""It, ........... ,100,_ iil :<; I ta t;; :i<:t3
--.til. " -.t'T 'IIUGIIT: 1IS «IU.IIiI: 1OI1ST IIIArnII: In D- m. II, WASIIII\GlOII, 1911 "dr. 1ft.,.,.. IIItIosI doH '"" "' 500. aft I JeImoo _ do tori, lid lot" ",- 'U', ' bad!., I lhepo _ U 01 ,.. DI <XK1IIil: 0Il«II1 sun ournD: 1ST ID-PI<I2J. U.WEI\'I9IS 61 will•• 1' ,... illlIo .lorIlo, n-,. ",••id IHIhr sI ,lIi9' shooring PI"eol"9l' I. lito Ba s\lty' rbnI ••1 d o 1991 fllU <OtP rtlNTlD IN US.A.. cort O 1993 MIA 1'R0I'l1"£S, OK.. au.:.I s n.. •• wMII.-drile ...rId.y"-.......H • -.. I(1rooI .516 .f lob sho lt ,. ill. n.. I moil, n.l.lrio, n ll tire HBA in IJcId :il :;; >':i"''''' :il!!liQ ;§: Sgt;,; o '99J IUllt {Olr "!MTIDIN Uu,. (0f'I.C '991HIA PIOfUnl S. IN(. II'ffiI 101M: 1/11/10 OIAnAllOOGA. III HOG\fl: 6'10" WUGH1, 241 (OlUGE: TKH ournD: 1ST 21, GHrpo lech'. d1 1to4Iog ,... d_ Iy w.ldUg (Molt. a.tloy, A.C. Gm••ad oay" MiIet NEGELE KNIGHT 101.: 3/l/67 Dmott.lIl HIJGIIT, "T MIGHT: liS (OWe;(: DAnOli DllAITID: 7IID ID-1'lU 31 , PIIOIlIIl, 1990 A;hod 1 1, loIg\Il a. .HttnI DsroLt wlto I. a , Iod CO....,jJI, by _, IHII' IM Sou' 1""" l inIIImrH<l polity .1 1110 polol KEVIN JOHNSON 1000lt ) / 4/66 IAClA.IOITO. CA HIIGIII: .'1" WllGHT: lID (OWGI: CAU/OIl1lA oum\!; 1ST RO-'1O 7, (l!VIWCo 19'7 1U s w rile W , wlrt. Kj ,/aylot Joll ..., SO'ft .1 • reg se-. Ah fll 10 '-III ,.lId III HIA ml, 1 10199,.,4. :;; Po:" ;:J ::.; ::J ;''',,:% :;;; §iSH': '993 lUll (01,. 1'I,1fIll) IN u.u. {OrR 0 1993 MIA PloPllnts INc..o 993 flIlt COlt ,.0010 1M uu. <OPR O 1991 NU PlOP(RnU IN( 1r.1i1,
s " .,:: i5 j;:r. iii ...... ... ill ! .: !! C W , U 20;:" .,... ;;;; ez::5 • ,.- ", =; is Y' = Year Club E me. m Rill AST STl BlK PIS AVG 1988 89 W" hi nilon /I 5% 16J 79 J, l! 3'16 H 1989 90 W, sIIin ilon 81 III .101 311 II I 51 U 660! 81 19911 91 W"h inil'n 11 .Ill 101 91 141ll IS) 1991 91 W" hi nl1" £.I 471 100m 110 74 27 11>1 160 1992 93 W.lII lnilr<> 12 iii 121 112 101 12 U il!'l IBh Pro lOUis J&; eel 73':sc.s l8'J 311 101 ell! U6 Yea r Club E Fe !!; n% REB AST STl Bl! PIS AVE 1987 88 Cle ·Pho 83 ;)1 596 11 1/ III iIIl 91 1988 89 Ph oeni, !l lSI 3'1 II} \94 11 1989 911 Ph" ", a1 615 691 118 'I l6 ISl 861 10.5 19911 91 1991 91 19 31 ·93 Ph" JII Ph " Ph _ 12 :>1/ 82 ;:J1 81 ill ffi;04 [,)/ m .513 lsa 31 11 IS 32 II I IA II Ii 101 619 S.I IlS /I II I.l Pro Tota ls 118 .59' li 3Jl I lJIQ/O '9IJ1 5. YeaT Club G fE % n % REB AST STL BLK PIS AVG 1992 93 Ph'"il II m· 111115 1!8 38 10. I II ,.. Prol,tl. liS /lQU; li8 l8 100 III If Year Club FG % n % REB ASI STl Bl! PIS AVG 1981-88 Cleve la nd IS .m 14l 1, 11 19 ITC J[ 1988 89 Cleveland 61 .m 361 III 11 ! 21 110 30 1919 ·90 ClUJ 54 III JI9 m 19 II n is< 5 i /!lew Jer sey 61 4M 511 3/ 19 153 34 / 1 1991 92 New Jersey !1 403 168 m sa 38 IJ9 460 \6 1992 93 Jersey ;1 .3\3 .IIB III 1& Ii 10] 1'\ 3. 5 Pro Tota ls :<94 lOI 1111 ?Iil L>I 1844 AI lIE 4&, •81 \JS 1;sJJ Year Club G fG% n% REB AS! STl BLK PIS AIG 1987 88 Portland !I .!/l£ III III 46/ 203 11 111\ 11 0 1988 89 Portland 18 .191 199 .1> 450 III ;.> l11l 111 \ 989 90 Portland 1990·91 Port l,nd .. 81 .481 />1 54. l5J 14.1 (,IJ 1/9/ 11 51991 92 Ponland 16 .470 ./91 ;00 III 10 1911l 1991 93 PortiJnd I ; JI)9 171 ,9\ JI 19. 9 Pt. ftUi! 15t!l 1m .&13 HamUI!!! ! l 1'1 J I'r J i:l;IJ f I il = c> .. • 1 ...i i t I rt 111111115 • I . g" r J• J r i i I ' ...i . · I1 .. i I ;1 ; == • I • III[I' I' f _ Ie! l. = iii 0 i5 ".... .. !i .. ... ii :F !::rr ; ei!rr ' l: ::"j' , ii _. "c .I ;i'l-r=! I.M c ' Q i'EC. • ;r- jI M II -t 1 ,. ifi·i: = • -r::=i=--; :;.f I. i i;;3i"'e So.. ! -,tl- j#: ; ij i'!I'f.l !' a: f .• i t: i' _ :Gi<:i S "-: 0 1: .. ;) a r i't al IT !i !-"I:I.I 1988 89 Phoenix 1989 90 Phoenil 1990 91 Phoenix 1991 92 Ph"n 1991·93 Ph" niI \01 119611 n .m 161 n .IIW 161 il 4i! 1!J5 81 16-1 718 m AJO ll8 's:! l&l 130 til II m 31 1:. 1:)6 40 VI II I 13 JI! 11833 Iii 16 819 III 130 Ul li9 Year Club G fG% n % REB ASI sn Bl! PIS AVG Pr oTtlbls J68 .'GO .1.9 1313 111913/ 161 1m Il9 6
Year CluIJ 1981-88 K I",,, 1988 89 !wlersey 1989 90 1990 91 PortlJ nd 1991·91 1992-93 PofUlnd Pro 101>11 S FG" FT" REB AST sn BLK PIS AVS 10 110 .608 8Jl 1119 Oil 121, IIJ,\ ,\11 66i616 I. i1 l\ >II 13 0 81 10li 800 !I f. )! 111\ 11 6 ill 001 .lUI III 11 47 II 9Jl III &1 601 1>1 101 12 41 901 In S; 511 &l\ WO 15 1 II m lJ !;9 5>4 663 1*<1 1111 858 IIw.I 14 [1;6 141 I .. =111 111if! I i! 1 - IIIit If ... r! .. -' .,. :i i 5 """-,.. 'fear Ctob 1989-911 Pol1l d 11lI-11 Pol1l an d 1991 91 Po l1lDd 1992 9J Ponl"d Pr oTnok S FG % m: REB AST STl Bll PTS m dl 3>1 163 I I >l Tli 9 1 82 103 5\3 311 lS I 18 16 911 111 1<1 4EO 6601 II. 131 6; 101 1016 I/O III 41l 6'Jt 141 ia? 98 III 1310 191 318 .1 >1 r,t3 16: \ II 19> iJl Ilillif! ,.,-{;:. c ITt ; :8 5 l' i ij _ r, Yo ar Club G FG " n ';\; REB ASl SJL BLK PIS AVS • >- -1 !'" .." ,.ow .. :;; 1!!7.tB PortIJ,d 11 , II !.16 17& all rlC II 1211 II ! L lrl ; 'f;r ! 1. :-; :::: iii : ;: ! ,.. t"'" =- : 1991) 91 Pnl1l d 81 .III III 2a1 , 19 IS! II I3BI i !l- F :- "... !; 1991-92 PorII... 17 4!' iIi 111 III 12 1401 ill ..,. .. 1 I 119/-.11 3 Portlaod U.,. $11 m 4!9 101 10 1176 lSI !-1 I i Pro l ol>ll Ole "9 !4a 2311 1781 107l n IOO Dl! 11.5 11"" r e. e. " i f I ;!! i Year Club S FS " FN REB ASI sn BLK 1981-88 Po r1!'" 11 199 1Jle;) 24, 1l161h\ }98 8-89 Porlland :; iii 1989 90 B1 118 , 111 69(. Iii 12I 6lr " 19 SG-91 Portl'''' Il '18 .709 481 121 101 "is 1991 91 Portlan ; IT 101 661 IilI lU 11 _ _ 1992 93 Por1!an; 438 0Jl 1116 111 10 U ProTotn ill) 18.l .93 1491 1605 m \J8 '1011 I) I . ..II il=ptJ I;I Cloib G FG % n% REB ASI sn But PIS lve llii II lin 1,111 81 40 7 .I II 160 119 IJB9-'II Iy'-sA 82 >1 W6 1\9 l iS \8 4!1 10.l 119 16) Im -9/ So,,"III,;. 57 IS; 181 16 5 191 1&92-53 PoI1IJIld 11 m 711 ))1 ; 59 91 1 111 121 II lOi 117 11 800 118 I] III III 14 89 106 II I IH [J] Pro Jetals )\0 jog /Ol lm llOO f' 121! It 9 i .. fl .tIll r .. 111.11 1 1 t I I: F .'lI i; I ; " l ·1 -;:;F ' :=-l .. == .. •i7.:""' ii - ;;;;YeiH Club 199 1-11 IliU!la 1991- 92 AI,b..,. Ii!I· il tlol COllett Jotals G FG';\; FT% RE B lSI STl BLK I'TS AVG j;J 410 .ill'! JlO KIA NfA NfA \\1 168 ]A .U5 .111 IJ8 KIA Nil Nil iOl L9 J 19 10 MZ I3'J 1'" Nil NIA 10 & :It m 611 m NIA NII NfA :1Jl 1!9 tff IIIIIIE i rJ.I.. ; I !!IC"L ... -Fl :--.,. f • 0 Z
yo Ml IIMIII: lSI PO 1 WIMIIIRI. 1m _ tw.1IIItooI1flits '" 1M IIUA rKOtd. It< tI.hlS "' Doole. UIIiv,nily. He 01 ." " _ , wIiIt scrim...... 1I.U..1lAM.l../n. agot•••• ho 0IyIIjIk ·Dr_T • e 1991 nUll CORP "llmD IN u.u. (OPII. @ mlMUPIIOPlRTllS"ltK 'FLEER ml 7'r aIIIR IIMIII: ISI POI YOMIIIO, IN ' " pMy 1htt _ pIvo , c.nwti, Qns iIuoIt" Is • , otI.podoIl! io _pIog .he gIa.s. § fJ '" @ ,")nUI(OftP. PRIMTlD IN U.S.A (OPII.19 1"1 MIA Pllopml(S, INt. mJ I _.T CIIIIIiI: _IIIC AlII IUmI: _II-PIDIll IACIMIIIIO. 1"1 n.1IW1fot,.. f s.-..14 1992lroWl IJipIod Ii••eIoM.dA." Old .1001.' .lIok lis 1991-92 M 1n.. @ 1993 nUR (O«P'. '1!Kf(D 1M U1.A.. COPR. @ 1993 M ,.omnts" tHC ..-; FLi'E 1011:6",,,, l\IW.OI 1I1IIIT:.... WlJGIII, 240 (01.1l0I: OIUIIDIIA IIUmII: 1ST JlHKl1. 'Rowu,lfIl n I.I" lew posl " !hi go He wa ••he Hrs. II 10 , '0" ._ fir•• re AJI-Anterko i. hi. 'irs. three IHI000S. '" Co I fUn (OIiP. PllllfTtD IN UU COPR Cl I993H IJ, PROt' umrs 1II(. KTif.1 a.tA:.I 10111: 11/14/" rJIUIIMIA.,. _Jl",'r WII&IIU7Q COUIGE: 1A IM1I DUrnIl: 1ST Io-m " SAWIUIITO, IHO n. "l-T""" II • ......., .........otI _f..,..,t Despi'. playlog ...u 'orward, he po<" .he Kiags In .abounding , 1992-93. !i' ;;l :';:-!'l;a 0; ;;: Ei iQi:l!i; I': C 1 3 fUl l (OAP " IIKUD IN U.S.A.. cot&. U U iliA INC.IOIIt ,,./65 ftu.tAlf.R lilii1i'i: "S" W8IIIT: fU GIIIIIilI UIIS65 RIJI DUmD: ISTIII-PIDI So GOIIIIII STIIf. " CoW· • 1oI.1Irst1rfp AJ.St. G..1osI ,.._ Ilk .. "' ..... ........... Io"''''posl ........""',.. i1i HHil <3 C 1991 FWR COlt" paootD IN u.u. COH. 19U MIA tl ; • nm
al:l/1j 61 AID1YIU. \( 1lIlGIII:'''' WII6II: '"<DUfGI: GIOIGIA DU/TtD; \Sf IO-PIai 10, SAIl AIIOIIO, Itll *'"' .... 1 IIoisIoos Ws 11 rtCmIIl 10 "'"' '" lilt 1993-9-4 ...,.. ....,......... '0 hi tlrot1lt, _ 100_ 01 tilt _ ""tIt ....... og --t _ ..., _ ; !5i !!! ;;::;:,;,: O': Iii lO: ir;;tj lF 4fJ1 '-"1( '&IIU'r WllGllt2JI (OUIGI: IMY\aI GIIAfIID: ISl D-PKl1. SAOAIIIIIIO, '991 Ie II,"",'" ...,," 4. wa.n aoolu lroo Ielnop _. 1100 Hell"", Hk 76.• PPG "' I II Maryland set I scHol remrd. •...fII'TO !5i :& :& Iii "' ''' 1993 fUU ( DIP PRINT(O IN Ui..A.. COPR G',;) nJ Mil. ptOf'lJms, INc..:"r al:l/U1U IIIW.n I11&III: ft· _ us (1JUIGIo IICIItII UlGUIIA STAll DlAflIII: 4TH ID-Plai 11 DllIOlt fNS w.... 1IoisQ416 1o MIA ist. fa,1, d 100""*" "'" I. sIoow I,,", Modo, ,ke ills ood f • '" fliPt NIA poiol """ C 1993 fUU CORP. IN u.s.A 1993 N: U.n:Of lJlnES l/K. ... "-• 1011119/ 4/67 11OOIl.'II\.1IY 1II16HT: "r WllGltI: 21D (0WGl; 110 COllI&[ DltAflID: 1101 GIIAITiO'S_, ,.....poQ to HI. IodwoIH 11.,.10 ,lit CIA, USII" GIoIooI h'IooI1 'Io. IItw ZooIaU. "" 6'7" po/III pr ..tdoup oiFt-lU' I., .,.,.."" oIs. 101M: S/IS/ " CNKAGO, IL HIIGIfI: "10" WUGHI: 235 (0l1lGE: D!PI\UI DltAfltD: III D-PlCI 1, 5." DIIGO, 1m 1\, '- MIA Rookit 0' lho Y ,w.-,'" AI-51• f k vohnlly frIO! I _-I".'tMog bto., 10 1992-93• ."..."" III·aId,...·· ;elil .:0 ;,i.!i..-;..:c:i 10_11: 7/23/61 OIILAHOMA an o. HIOII1:&'9" WI1GHT: lSS (0WGl: WKHIIA 5Wl DIlAfllD: 1SIlO-MI DIllIon. I'll Un 04 neditll, ill 1992-93. H.lloIsko. 10,. ill ,ke.1o fG po,ml", while "m" ,... II II power f.n••"I IS Oavid Roo"",' rtIi.I" Ii' is l:<!!:1:'.'li5 :ll :;; if« (1 1993 lUll (ORr. IN U.S.A 1"3 Fl(£R COltp, Pl IN1(D IN US.A. o "3 lUll ( Oftp pRINnOINU S.A.. ( oPt 0 1993 MIA f'ROf'[IITIES, UK (OPII. @ I'nl lil""' OP[tmS,INt (or .• 1'9 3 "'" !'tomms, 11K. :r r:iTaY.1 . :t,. .
I IS IPlIIIiIIlJ M _, ll.U u. lIIIilIU'5" WUGIfI: 1&$ _liB' 'II" '11116111; 115 totJJGfo NOI1II WOIIIA IWI DUfIm: 2110 11)-"0 2' DlA/TID: NOI DUmD SAtltUlOOo, 191. , "iu4 of llot • Adnohl" .ff ,lit • S" , • ioII n hhtcl-.M. flo,d'. I ,... of 199,.,1 I. Iht"., Al ".. ,lie ,. fotl big CIIIII .,...1 Ii I Dol N .,..,1"" Hili plll1 •••ff.uIv ,1ft, lit I(",d 26 poilu (22 11 .1 lhe 1992-93 _OIl .. O'''''!lint 8 6 ,111 1* ,.... ",oed HIlI "lib Ii" hb Iht Sp • start;', poi'" .p 1Sa. AI, Moy 21.•ode, Coo,. J. 101 otI ,",!sHl I"" ' Iop fT ,,",,11f. l"J lli£i COl PflUtTro IN US.A. (OPR. O 1993 ",APlOPEtll( S,!tIC I0Il11: 5/11/'1 TlIJIIOIt ill IIIGHU'r WIIGllttlO <OU.IGI: Ii 0IWt0IU STAll DIAffiD: 2110 IO-PKl21, amon, 1'116 ....... ....,-,.,­ IIoeIlocris. 1\0 8 HIA Jl..o.Iw.iv. 1W11te. lIoe.lllOIlII, iolm 934estoi1 20 goontL $ 5ii tz Ci:i C 1m nna OOIP 1't1fT[D II u.s..&. COf'I. (.) ,ft3 I'IOm.ll£5,1It. :;';:='::.r=;= :;; !:l 5!;,Hl",158 i ::l o "9) fUER (OIP. 1'I:1Imo IN USA 1M<. . I • 10111: l , l'lS mwm, n HIIGIfI: r l" MIGHT: 215 (0UIGf: IlAYI DUIltD: ISIID 'KI \. SAlUlfIOIIIO, "" TIlt _II 01"""",.II1II I Dtf_ Ploy fIIo.,.. _""'td •. ,.. .Iarting IfII'" f., .... W,.,' , 0111-5, for • ,W,d "nIP' ....... !:l ::l ::; :1 ::llOj 'lOj 0 '991 fUU (OR P, 'IIHUD IN U.S.A.. (Ort ,O l f9 3 IQll'iOP£fITIIS UK 8 !:l o 1993 FlU. ( ORr 'llfifTID IN U.S.A.. ( OPl! .:c 199] "'" 11K 'Fi.EER w... lOtH: 3/SI / " YlRGlIIIA alAO!. VA HIlGIIB " WIIGHT; US (0UfGfJ HOIlII WOlIIIA IIUP PKlS, OIUlOm, 1919 TW. 1988 otyoo,Ion ..-md hh , ,,,Iv,' Sao ""' ...",." •• 1."0110, ,.... ' . '''''1"1". He ntf.,..,24 1 PPG I ,•• s,..n and "'I) , " 06-1 , Ii: ::\:"" ," 1:;3 crJ1?S:'!;l :HI!!!" &< 1iil "";;: i:!: Cl l"lflElIICOIP.PRUlT£DINU.S..l. COP' CI 1") 1tI"" OPERTI£S,IMC,.
J 1 1 It • 11" WIlGIIl: mCOlLIVl: _ OIUDS IIWIlD: 1111lI-1'ICI U, SIAIIU. 1"30."". It .e, pIoyolg WgIo uMoI bo,kelbol l 014 wolliog 0 y.o,-aa4 11a1f oft" ,,""ito 10 , o<o H10 ,oIlege, J won4 '" 0 ' New Orlta , ' oil-lime I.oellog rebound." SEATTlE SUPERSONICS 1'"3 Rut <0.' ptlltnO IN us (OPII Co' 19t3 MIA PIOf'Tln£\ IMC. I" Gill , 10 tho Soti< • • llot .ff &.I tIoa1 t Eddie J D Borr •• 'a!Itt Hor An ..a..1 del de" Gill i oIlhe be., his position in the gam• tillWlilil SEATTlE SUPERSONICS CoD .:-,.", • ; a S 1i! :;; !1! '" 1993 HlII (OI'.l'IlMllD IN U s.A COf'lt .O l"lMU .:..-: I '11m "IIUGIIT: WIlGIII: m (OIUGI: IAN OIlGO sun "'Am\): 11110- rKI LUUPPl ll, 1914 AI illportltl spo•• Iar'or 01 ,m DIll lorwwd lor \onin, Cage i•• til ••ough "" de, he off lve boord i as. low ",1401 _ , SEATTlE SUPERSONICS 1991fUIJ (01' u.u (0f'I.4!J' 1"1 M:1m£\.DK.. ....:J 'FrEE t1II NATE McMILLAN 10111:1/3/1>4 IAI1 1GH, IK HIIGIII: M IGHT: IU ( OWGI: " "''" CAROUIIA sIAn DIA/l1'D: 2ND I D-PtOI 3D , IIATTlI. 1916 Ieoltle' , ,ourt fleld geoerol IN lite league it 'leoHo-_ ,ali. (' .24) and flnidlod f••,1t! .'IHI.whilelplilt iog lilno"tw ... poial guao:d 004 n forward. SEATTlE SUPERSONICS ,. :;; ; S i'i",!;:j lil :;; ill :z oj DERRICK McKEY 10ft 10/10/" IIOI11W1, lIS HIlGIII: 6' III" WIlGIII: 215 (OIUG(: AUIA.U ountl): 1ST IO-PlCI9. IIATTlI. 1911 Sootlfo'. co-toptoio i 1 "" , fiIos • variety 01 ,ole. "" lite cI""He ,. delood My'" Ir Pri<e I.R '""" ...-SEATTlE SUPERSONICS o I") fUll CDIP PDmD. u..u. (OPL O I"l l'lOP'lIlWl. SHAWN KEMP toIIN: 11/26/n nlHAI!, IN 1II1G11T: 6'\0" WDGIIT: 130 (0ll!6£: TRINITY (llXASI DRAfTID: 1ST AD-Pl(K 17, IIATTlI. 1919 1101 Sook' nnl NIA AlI-St dlKl 1989, KOOIp m pnfl sIo:ybo.d alhltllds a big _ HI i. only ono .1 II. ,Ioym 10 1IOiI. il to th HIA wilh •• t ,oIIosio l' upefic nle. SEATTlE SUPERSONICS t; S 1<1= ;<; 1;;: § = ;:;;:;;Z'" 1991 rull (OR' PRINTED IN UU 00Pl.. C Ittl N1A ' ROPI mrs,
PIE CE • It 54 n HIlGIIl: , S" \OIDG.I!T: ti l (OUEC-I!IKE OilArnD: 1ST 10-00 n, DmOIT, 1912 A1 limo SI.lh Man .1,110 wi nner, Pittn hos Iftrind Sl a,l " fO( lhe Saokl, I"ding rhe cMo It ".rlng '" h of lhe paSlI SEATTLE SUPERSONICS ; -:!: E; o If'll fUl' (ORP. PRIMTlO IN U.S.A. ( OPtl O 1991 NU rt OPUlnlS IMC. IilTt1LEE .:_: Il.1U IBiKI: 6... WII5II: m <OtIEI'£ 1lOII1I WOIIIA 0UJ1lI): ISlID-rKI 4, OmAS, " ,.,. pt"YirIt I(Ofing .nd at ,he [tille' pO$iliotl, Pe.ti•••upplled the good. in 1997093, o. lot helpe4 Il00.1 rhe Sook. I. lhe We.,.", """er e r SEATTLE SUPERSONICS Bi S 5 s;t:1;:;::l'o1sn:: ;e:= • UI f.> 19931Ul11c:D1P rIt!fmOIHu.u.. (Of'l. CI 1993 MIA PItOI'UOl\. IH(. ' fill • YTO .. a 1/T:6' ' WOOIII: 1111 COlU6I: OI£GOH SIAn ourno: In lD-rKl l. lunu, 1990 AhNvy waR ,oglmtn btlor• Ih. 1992091 c"""""", paid big dl Yidud.l" the lor llt, Oregon Slat e ,Ia, lit li.isht d "" tbe Teem in assists and .illth ill Ihl leag e In Sleals SEATTLE SUPERSONICS :r; E I @ 1993 fUr. cotf' 'RIIO[O 1M US ( OPR C j,n Nil PROP£RlII S IIK li.E R mJ DAVID BE NOIT 1011: 5/9, '1 1AfAmn.1A 1IIIGIfI, WIKillT:221 COIU6I: AIAUIIl DlAf1IlI: IIOT DlAme "" """"II. IMy ,",-Ii......,.4 9.• "6 II 21 s,lrt lost , 1It Ihtleggtd --'os, tfftrts of lS ,.., 4 VI rho loUr '"'" 14 ,tIooIotIs •• Nov. 7 y rh. DalasM rid<•• :tlAii. f8 c,Q EHI IS AA C AUSTIN IOIIt 1/1'/" IBtItU IIIlGIm 6'10" WIIGIIl: 1'0 COU1GI: UIZGIIA STAT! DlIf1IlI:.ID-Ml VIAll I"' "".Iou ......... ""' ..... •• ., •••• 1"3-94 • ht._iod.rho _ alit, """ Iojont1 '" 1992-93. The ool".-wide 1Iod, led Ari.- '" "Driog '"'" , ..rlll9 O$ ._Ior• C; sa ( OPl @ 19'3NLl'IIOP£RTIH IM<.. ::0 Q.. e; lil ..." 0 1" TOM CH AMBERS I0Il1: 6/11/S' 0G0tII. VI HIIGHI: "10" WIIGIIT:'I30 (OWGI:UWI III.VIQI: 1ST ID-OO SAIl DUGO, , , cw.." fri.l'r. IIIA_I.tb <I odi pI.y ul tlit 211t1 _ '",oIIl[ ptrf",_ In MIA 1ri<lory [;;1;;;:8::1"':' 3 fUll ((llr. "INU.!) lit U,s.A. '" "'I) MIA I"IOPEIlnn. 11K. !I' EiIili1 'FLEE
f. IO§ oIalI1, u 1II8I.'J" WIIGIl lIS COlIfQ: «l1l)I&00 IIUITID, 1ST ID-MIl. rMOOIll, 1984 H..,.,it.mnw th 1m 1" 199M3 no. lJoIy.,tJly of Color_ ,,041<1 i 0' I" c.latode 5pttI1 Hall .f f _. C. 1"3 fliER <01 ,lInD IN US..&.. Con.. C '''3 HU fl OrUn£5 ItK.. =c ri'!i'A JOHN STOC KTON lotN:ll2'IU S"'III.WA 1IIJ6IIt: .'1' WIIGIIT: 115 COW6l: GOIWG.t. tIIAfT(D: lIT ID-PIOlI 6 IlTAH,ItI4 no. ,..aVP ., I" 1993 NI A AJt.S Gee c.l.dttlloU sixlll ' wll NIA 1.1 11111 1992·93. Tho J _.rrol. joI.IIH f pia, ill NIA foI.lar, 10 8,000 (areer assisb. 0 1993 nUl (OIIP. 'IINT!D IN U.U<o'• C \991 IlU 'IO,tm(tlitC. bt-.. NIA Del ""'" of tIw Y . -,..""", ............. ....",..,.b .........d aI """, rtjoIIor 10 Ioklor, ., I" t- (:t064) 125 boIIIod I AlIdoI ·J"w,•• .Jl!{lffAH . : [1A7!1L.. KA RL MALO NE 10111: 1/24,., -anu 1A IIIIGIII: WI1GIIJ: 254 COUIGf: lOUlSWlA lKM tllAITID: 1511D-P101110 UWlltlS TIIl v." ... 1993 IlIA AJ.51. G.o ,he Itape "aria" .ixlh 'hooling , , ood Hillin :il f2 in OS 5 o If" f Ull <Ol' , 'IIKTIO 1MU.S..t. COfI.. C lU31IitA '"OPEllnrs,INC. ri!in c.w. h _" " ,.. Il00 ....,...,..,...,...... Jan _ ioo for tIoo 1992·01 ,00IpIIgIt. Ie il :;; ;;;: 5 a :il ii;!:! JEFF MA LO NE 1OI1t'",m 110IIII. AI 1II1GK1: •••• WDGIII' lOS COW6l: IIlSSlSSlWI SUII tIIAITID: 1ST It-PKIIIO WA5HIMGIOII, "Il ,,"uttl l" IS.OOO-polort , "" _ 1992-93 fWsIootI n lilt , _' .......1eadIag H. was a1.0 "'1., Jon I" Ir iii "" •...,. <.Ill .,.,Dr <T' ::i: 111 i
.. !ii...... Year Clu! 1992· 91 W.siIottt on Pro Tntals G f ej; mr; REB ASI Sll BU: PIS AVe 81 41£ b« i al ,.. 1# 31 IIBI III 42\ t;j.l 111 l1li [il 3\ 1111 147 J8 ;E8;Zi!!! 0 ! 1-. i :'i IjI:a . t ! r' (;')'i Q -1-=1: i .1"11 1 ,.. .. (5,ttl .. ! [ J § i3 s; .,,_.... Ii ..... ;:;; Year Club 1'99·90 Sacr amenta 1'-10 91 W.W!jt1l 1991 92 1992 93W.""'Kl," Pro G e.,. n .,. REB &Sl Sll B1.I\ PIS li e 34 441 0;>8 196 [5 Ii \I 111 Ie 16 S!J f.IIJ 181 101 1' / III 104 \l! III 110 190 61 111 IlIl H 101 I3J 111 1\ 108 111 1l.4 12\ jli !i91 .14 m 4!ij IU l ;; . g - C I ;;; "" r": WIll !l'1" -... to p::Q iii "I E: t; '" r::: L",= i!-11S' ;O=;:!1 '"" r;;· r ' !l." ::11:; r,.. ,.. e i i .3 i .l;: -i I' if I' = 1111 0.. .". e::: . l'"-' ···I i ,-•.. Year Cl ub 198)·88 P,rtIand 19U-89 p,nlan d 1969 !IlJ P, rtIand 19911 91 POJ1Ion j 1891 91 P,i1I>rn1 1992·93 PlI<1II n Pr aTntal s G FC.,. n .,. REB AS"! SII Bl PIS !Vli 'i 496 110 II. 10 31.!1 IIll ISg I 79 m .III m !ill 56 .1'1 14J1 lSi !1 .IAU IO'i 91 15 J.! 1121 162 ' .1 431 771 511 as 3J jJ 1m 1\3 , !1 1il 591) III 9!1 JS J 88:J 101 14 (JII I)) J81 10 39 129 99 III 414 14, >J1a \OJ 160 1% 12lliH f '". 111 !i;· !l.lil"r i!Sill§!."J Fr.!. !. f L· ,.·'I§I·­ '­a-a:.----r" -S=o"• I"i- l!::Q s:;-:1 c: '"aEI-" lil: ro o r f-X r 1II1:g Yea, Club e fe ,., rn; REB AS"! STL B1K PIS AVC l :. ... " . 0;; 1989 90 1ndl2fl \/1 7ID III HII H' A 49\ U I I i r.j. _ .! . ::t ' ii5 19911 ·91 indIO" jJ \96 WI 183 134 m I:a !!.Zoe i · - r 3J 121 800 Isti Hit nil = i !" = • :;ii 1991 92 Ind",. 1\ m 113 Nil 78\ c: j !" I" 1'1 ;.: i i'l' Ir-_.., c 1991 93 lru1iru ' .. " .. l!l .5 59 }9(J III N/A HfA Hil 1613 199 i f - i!! 1"1.1- t r'" j l" ! : 111 J.' -i ••·iJ;illYear Club G n REB AST STL BlK PTS A'tIrt ""'" -: !:. -,. .m · 0; 1!81·88 0.",,, "I ..., , "" t.,. 101 1• :; 1989 90 Dmor II W !50 ill 191 3 1221 II.! WIll '" ' • !ill -: a'Iiif.:, d 1990 910"", 06 J94 819150691 W 6 1151 c: rIf!-f if I 1991 ·91 Wash i>jton 11 .m Jog l iD 194 141 J 1408 18I !'Ooor,. t-} p"r,I.11 SlJ '14 9j! ;0 WD 159 ,.. i::::... J:: 1992 93 W " "'"iI" 439 110 i16 100 I IDlI lU ;r:"" f ! _ 111 ; ;J., It z c: ! i l i !;I=lJl ;• ... w- ! :a..llIir ,. iii i IYm Club :::i::: ;:::::::: .. Ii Colle28 Totals ···· .. ---------------'
J.I Scottie Pippen NE W JERSEY HITS -' Moses M e l one -' 17 1. rim Pe rr y ATLAN TA HAW KS -' :J I. St a cey AugmOn -' 15. SCOII Williams ...J 137. .K e nny Anderso n ::J 2 Mockl Bl a ylock ..J 138 Benoit BenlOmin -' 172. Clar&f1CII!! WeatnersPOOn Cll VElAH D CAVALI ERS::J 3 Do ug EdwClrds -' 39. Derr ick Colemo n PHOENIX SUNS-' 3<1 Terre ll Brandoll::J .. Du o rllD Ferrell ..J 140 r n'lon GIII .c m Donn y Al ng:l 173. u S. Pa ut Gr ahol1l 37 Bro d Doughe rty-' ...J 14 1 Ri c k Mohorn 38 Da nn y F e r r y -' 17• Char les B ar Kley-' :J 1' 2. Chris M orrisD 6 Ad a m Keefe -' 175 Cedri c Ce ba ll os U 7 J on K oncak 39 Tvrone H ili-' :J 1' 3. R umen J Robln,or"l 176. .C. Gr e n40 Chris Mills-' ...J 1d4 Rex Wo lters .1. Lor r y Na nce -' 111.0 8. Domim q ue W,lk Ins Fron k .JohnSo n :J 9. K evin Willrs -' -' 4? Mark Price HEW YORK KHI<KS -' 178. K("v i n John son BOlTON (ElTI<S -' '3, Ger o l d Wi lk ins ...J 145 Gre g A n c ny -' 179. K nig ht ...Jo nn Will ia m s ...J 146. Ro l on do B l o ckma n -' 180. Ma l colm M aCk e y :J 11. Dee B r rJwr'I 'J 10. Aloa A bd eln bv -' 'J 147. Ton y Ca mp be ll -' 18 1 D o n Mo i erle DALLAS MAVERI(KS CJ 1'8. Huber t Oa v is -' lB2. Oli e r I' ille r'J 12 Shermo"n Dou g las 0 13 RiCk Fox -' ' 5 Terr y Dav is ..J 149. P atri ck Ewi ng 183 Mar k west J <6. D erek Harper -' 150. Ant hOny Mos an0 14 K ev i n G a mb l e PORT LA ND TRAIL BLAZERS4 / Donal H odq e'-' -' 184. Cly de D r ex l er15 Xavi er McDoniel -' ..J 151. Cha rle. Oa kloy ,1 8 J im Jac ks on-' -' 152. D oc R ive r$ :J 49 J omol ash bu rn U 16 R a r f P a rish -' 185. Chr is D udl e y::J 153 ChO rI •• Smlih (HARLOm HOR NETS -' 50 Sca n Roo ks ::J 15' John StorkS -' 166 orv e y Gra n t -' 187 Je r om e K e r sey'-' 17 M u ggsy BegueS -' 51. DOu g Sm ifh ::J 155 , H erb W ill iam s .:J 188. Te r r y P ort er'J 18 Sco tt B u rrell DENVER NUGGETI ORLANDO MAGI< -' 189 Clifford R obins onJ 19. Del l Cu rr y -' 52 a hmo ud A bdu l Roul N ic k An derson :J 190 James Ra Di nso nU 156. -' 53. Kev i n B r ooks -' 191. Rod Stri c k la nd ::J 20. Ke nn Y' Gotll.son o 157. A n rho ny Bo w ie -' 54 LoPhon so E llis U 158. Litt c riol Green :J 192 , Buck Wllll oms 0 21. H e r Sey Howkln 0 22. Eddie Jo hnson 0 23 L o rr Y' J ohnson -' 55. Mork M ac on U 159 A nf ernee Har dawa y .:J 56 Di k embe Mu t ambo SACRAML NTO KINGS (J 24 , Alo n z..o M o urning U 160. Shoq uille O'Ncol .J 57 Rod ne y R oger s -' 193. R ndy Bro w n r,J 16 1 D ono 1CJ Roy al0 25 Jo hnn y N ewman :J 194 Duanf' COIJ5we i l5$. r ya n Sli lh -' 195 Bobby Hurle Y'U 26 Da v id Wi n gate -' D 162. De nnl Scalt 59 Wllilom s (HICAGO BULLS 01 6' Je ff Tu r o r -' o 163 Sca li Sk iles -' 196 itch R ich mond DETROIT PISTONS -' 19/ Lionel Si m m on s. ,::l :J 60. J oe Oumars PHILADELPHIA 76ERS -' 198. W a y m on Tls do le CJ 27. B.J Ar m Slrong 28. Cor ie a 'ou nt -' 61. Sean Elil al' U 165 Don o Bor r as :J 199 Spud Webb0 29. Bi ll Ca r tw ri gh t 62 8ill L a i m bcer illicms :J 63 Ter ry Mill'0 30. H ora ce Gront -' u 166. Sha w n Br ad ley -' 200. Wal l J 167 J o h n ny Daw k ins .J 6•. Olden P o lyn.,cU 31. Sta cey K i ng SAN ANTONIO SPURS:J 168 G r eg Graham 65. A I In R obertsonl.l 32 J ah n P a xso n J 201. Willie And enj,on::l 169. J e ff Hornoce"k. .J 66 Isioh Tho m as 0 33 Mic ha el Jo rdon -' 202. An l oinc Ca r r -' 203. Terr y urnmm Qs -' lOA Ll oy d Doniels
U 134. Chris Smith Doug West Q 1" ·T _ CIIIIR IMlUI IUIIII: 15t1.- I9, Il00 110. '1wIiot MIA n4 pndIaIIr of lois ,. 1II1II I "Hl. 110,....."'.' _ 31 ,... 'J. , 01, lAw 19. '" :;; ::::l '" !ii !P.lj! Ii! == I I u "" ! G I<l93fl[{l(O IlP PIIUm DiH U.S.A. CO'R. G :.. 1. IH!CI '"I !.solo ,..e.a .... I••M "'"10 '''2-93, ,"""'"' '''' II berlo por4.polS. 0 ,KWdttI • I bIeIo'a sl •• """,""I , A.,"';o anO I (0f'J ." 1993 N• • ",OP{IITIE'S. IHC tr I:i't:"A ..... ,,,..,... lIIIS1GLl ....Iw Iloo hIot.lII '"1093.ill "'H';.., .-, oft ,... """" .. Iook_o'," .h Aoldron IN doL C1 Q 1993 ruu (OIP. PlIlNnD IN lJ.U rr r.;t;t:I U 205. V inn y Del Negro ..J 239. C h eck li s t 0100. Lo y VoughtGOLDIN ITAIE WARRIORI I.J. 206. Sl eepy Flo yd ..J 240. Check list 0101. John Williams0 67. Victor Alexander .1 207 Avery Johnson a 68. Chris Galling\E(OND YEAR ITARI LOI ANGElEI LAKERI0208. J.R. Reid 0 69. Tim Hardaway() 1 of a Tom Gugliotta u 102. Sam Bowie':; 209 David Robinson HII$HT:.'r WIIGIIT:ntU 70. Byron Houston02 of 8 Jim Jackson U 103. Elden Campbell'::J 210 Denni s Rodmon :J 71. Soru n os M orciulionis COURil: COP"" STAnu 3 of 8 Christian Lo e ttner U 104. Doug Christie .1 72. Chri s M ullin DlWI!: JI01' '*MTIDllAIllE IUPERIONICI 04 of 8 Oliver Miller 105. Vlode Divoc :J 73. Billy Owens:J 211. Michael Coge o 5 of 8 Harold Miner '::J 106. Jam e s E dwardS :J 74. Lotrell Sprewell:J 212. Kendall Gill ::J 6 of 8 Alonzo Mourning u 107. George Lynch ,_ ... ...,."......1 75. Chris Webber:J 213. Ervin Johnson :l 7 of 8 ShOquill€' O'Neol U 108. Anthony Peeler U 2 14 Shown Kemp ...1 8 of 8 Woll William s HOUlTON ROOITI .J 109. Sedole Threatt _odIHIne"-""!-1 ,.1 215. Derrick McKey U 110. James Worth y _51 1:J 76. Scott BrookslLAM DUNK HEROEIU 216 Not e McMillon ':J 77. Matt Bullard IiohH4 _fir In IN U 1 of 8 Pot rick Ewing MIAMI HEAlJ 2 17 Gory Payton .1 78 Sam Cassell wiIIr I .54S 1iIg 0218. Sam Perkins o 2 of 8 Lorry Johnson 0111. Bimbo Coles o 3 of 8 Shown Kemp 0 79. Mario Elie 0112. Gront Long ,... 11 ft fIoo,.1 219. RiCky Pierce 0 80. Carl HerreroI..J 4 of 8 Korl Molone 0113. Harold Miner 0 81. Robert HarryUTAH JAZZ US of 8 Alonzo Mourn i ng U 1 14. Glen Rice I.J 82. Vernon Maxwell.1 220. I sooc Auslin U 6 of 8 Hokeem O o iu wan :J 115. John Solley j 83 Hokeem Oloiuwon • .1 221 Dovid Benoil CI 7 of 8 Shoquille O'Neal o...J 116 Rony Sciko l y .J 84. Kenn y Smith.1 222. Tom Chombe rs o 8 of 8 David Robinson 0117 Brion Shmv U 85 O li s Thorpe;:, 223. T y r one Corbin '::J 118. Ste v e Smilh c.:> <>GAMElREAlIR l.1 224. Ma rk Eaton goIIiDlAIiA PAClRI SOlaf 8 Charles Barkley MILWAUKEE BUCK I 0225 JOY Humphries '::J 86 Dole Da v i s IJ 226. Jeff Malone 2 of 8 Tim Harda way '::J 11 9. Anthon y Avent :;:0 87 Ve rn Ftemingo 3 of 8 Ke v in Johnson "::J 120. V in Boker 0227 K a rl Malone .1 88 Sco lt Ho sk ino 4 of 8 Don Mo ierle U 121. Jon Barry ::g: c::U 228 John S to ck ton '::J 89. Reggie Millero 5 of 8 Scotfie Pippen Cl 122. Fronk Brickow sk U 229. Luth er Wright e; :n!;;" g­0 90. Sam Mitchell'=.J 6 of 8 Mork Price Cl 123. Todd Day 0 91. Pooh RichordsonWASHINGTON BUllEII U 7 of 8 John Storks :J 124. Blue Edwards '::J 92- Dellef SchrempfI.J 230 Michoel Adoms (J 8 of 8 Dominique Wilkins J 125. Brad Lohous .J 93 Malik SealyI.J 231. Colbert Cheaney :J 126. Lee Mayberry '1.»1ROOKIE ITANDOUTI u 94 Rik Smits0232. Kevin Duckworth U 127. Eric Murdock Olaf 8 Vin Boker0233 Pervis Ellison 0128. Ken NormanlOI ANGElEI (UPPERIo 2 of 8 Shown B rod leyD 234 Tom Gugliotta .1 TerrY Dehere95 MINNf50TATlMURWOlVEI...1 3 of 8 Colbert CheaneyU 235. Buck Johnson w 96. Ron Horper U 129. T hurl Bofleyo 4 of 8 Anfernee Hordo".".OYU 236 Doug Overton 97 Mark Jackson Mike Brown <.l:I :t;? --;U 5 of 8 Bobby Hurley U 130. o 237. LoBrodford Smith .1 98 Donny Manning I:J 131. Christian LoeHnero 6 of 8 Jamal Mashburno 238 Lorry Stewart .1 99 Stanley Roberts U 132. Luc LongleyC] 7 of 8 Rodney Roge rs H ....; 133. Chuc k Persono 8 of 8 Chris We b be r i! .... ..., ] fUll (Oln" P"RIKf UI /il u.u.. \ IIK k .:.. Ji • TEWAR 1011111/2 1/"

On playgrounds aCross America, kids reach deep into their basketball imaginat io ns and dream. On May 22, 1988 a game tor all kids dreams was played Game Seven of Ihe 1988 NBA Easlern Conference Semilinals: Hawks vs Cellics As Ihe game moved Into the fourth quaner, no one could've e)(pected the shootout that was about to take place. Trading shots like old Western heroes, Larry Bird and Dominique Wilkins kept the country on ed ge, matching each other basket-for-basket. Thelf batlle occupied center stage in a war finally won by the Celtics, 118-116. 'Nique's 47 points (16 POints in the 4th quarter) wasn't enough to savor victory over Bird's 34 pOints (20 in the tinal frame).


Alonzo has helped Charlotte establish a lew franchise milestones , one of which came on January 22, 1993 when the Hornets defeated Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in Chicago 105-97 snapping a 17-game lo si ng streak against the Bulls Alonzo's play was pivotal ; he nol only controlled the paint for 19 paints, but he also cleaned the glass for 14 rebounds. Yet, this terrific nighl wasn't fini shed The reas on Charlotte drafted Alonzo became evident; he set a franChise-record with nine blocked shots to help secure the victory



There 's not much lime letl on the clock; Larry Johnson has the basketball in hi s hands Golden State is clmglng to a one-point lead Johnson powers_ turns shoots, the ball's floating it's on it s way-irs good! Charlotte has taken the lead Oh, my! What a clutch performance Larry Johnson has lilted the Hornet s 10 a 1 11-110 victory : he put his team on his back and carried them in the 4th quarter. And what a quarter to remember Fourteen points, giving him 36 tor the game, Including 18-01-19 from the free throw hne. Toss in 14 rebounds, and you ve just seen one whale 01 an individual effort.

4/ 27 / 84 AI OETROll VS NY KNICKS

For 13 years , ISlah 's been the Pistons ' catalyst. the li ttle tln gine that could light up the scoreboard or thrill I he c rowd wi th a dazzling assist. In a career lilled With shillin g moments , Isiah was never any brighter than on Aprr l 2 7 198 4. The st ag e was Game 5 of the 1984 NBA Playoffs agains t the NY K nd<s In the fir st round. Fourth quarter. Isiah scored ' 6 pOi nt in 94 secon ds to rally the Pistons. Even thoug h hlS am g eUo n d id " I spel l victory




tlBA Rookie Record IIBA Ro okie Record YEAR GP fG"i> fTh, AS; sn. aLI( I.vG 89-90 Gold en 51 79 <71 .764 3 10 689 65 12 7 Tim mar be small In statu m ",k e hIs fe Jl ?w Uruve rs lt y of Paso alum Nat e "Ti ny Archib ald, he s a giant on the COllrI Follo win g a c oll ege ca ree r fh at s w him pas s Arch ibald as Ihe sc hoo l's aU-li me scor r (1 586 ) an d p ic k up Ihe Franc es Pom eroy N3.Jsm l1h Ba ske tba ll HaU 0 1 Fame Award as the nal on 's be st pl a yer IJ ll der 6 0 (MQ w a s: 5 11). Tim ma de an Imp act wit h I hQ Wa rr Ior s. He becam tne sec o nd rooki e In NBA his tory 10 lead a 103m In a ssIsts IB 7 apg ) a l eal n Ihalled the leagu e in sc ori ng. He led all rooki es In aSsis ts, stea ls {2 1 spg ) and ' was sec ond In sconn g ( 14 7 ppg ) to D av id Rob ins o n T he s e a cc om p llsh rn en t s ma d hi m on e 01 Iwa una n mou s c hOic e s fo r Ih e 1989-90 NBA A il Rook ie First Te<l lO. '(EAR TEA M GP FG'. Fl" AST BlK o. ltOIt 82 Ai! .198 11 9 300 I 9.4 The Pl slo ns. foun d stab ili ty, co nsi ste nc y and sconng whe n the y sele cted Jo e Du mars. At McNee se St he wa s til e Sou thlan d Con fe re nc e' s lea di ng scorer three years (1 9 82 198 4 & 1985) wtli le ea rn i ng All Co nferenc e hon o rs a ll fou r years He 1115 col leg e career w ilh an Impr ess rve 22.5 ppg aVeJ age plati ng hi m a mong tna nat io n s top 20 all li m le ad in g sc or ers. Th iS co ns is tency and sco ri ng ab lli!y m ade him a soJJ(j contn butor to a stro ng Piston team H e p lay ed In a ll B2 games and averaged 9.4 ppg Wi th a of 2 2. earn ing him a spa! gn the 19&5 86 NBA Ali-Rookie Firs l Team 50 TEAM GP FG S11- aLI( AVG 86,87 Cleve l",'" 67 408 43 4 6.9 In 67 games ptayed (13 were missed to an appendectomy) , Mark averaged 18.2 mpg. He scored In double -li gu res 16 time s Including a season-high 27 against Phitadetph l a on 12/13/86. Mark s rise 10 the NBA followed a successful career at Georgia Te ch , whe re in 1984-85, he helped l ead the Yellow Jackels 10 liS IirSI regu lar season ACC title. Mark left Georgia Tech as the school's all-time l ea di ng scorer (2 193). p laol ng h im 10lh In ACC histor y He s afso the on l y freshma n to have led the ACC in scoring ,
an average of 20 3 ppg 20
for Detroit
In aT } fa IlS a round' the nauon
treated to an amazing pertormanc
fi / l / 93
If irs true thaI yo u can t judge a player's value to hi s lea rn by analyzing the bo)( score, then Dan MaJerle s worth to the Phoeni)( Suns must be Incalculable On the night of June I, 1993, fans across the nation witnessed a shooting exhibition of tremendous propor tIO ns Dan Majerte was a man possessed. "Fire" was nal a hoi en o ug h description of his performance. He set an NBA Playo H record by hilling eight three-pointers (34 pOints tOlal), many from what appeared to be the New MeXICO border, in a 120-1 1 4 win over Sea ttle in Game 5 of the NBA Western Con ference Finals "Thunder OanM truly lived up to his nickname m thai In credible 47 -m inute pertormance. 57 11/20/92 AI CHARlOTTF vs I ND IANA On l coo l Autumn eVen l" Reg gi.e Mill er W;l S on tIre hgntlng up It'1e CtladOlle Cohseurn to the tune 01 a franch S8 beSI 57 POlot in a 34 -1 2 2 v Ie t ry ove r th e hOS f HDrnOlG , Ha sh ot if SIZzlIng 16 (01 29 tr om t h.P. (InCluding 'O-UI th ree p Olnte(tii) an d blazed a t ra i l at tho tr ee thr o w line , 21 01 -2 3 all EtrTIpts fo r an overall co mbm c d sh ooling performance 01 37 lOr· 52 " stu 71 perce n t. Imagine w MI he c o uld hove cIoo e II he h d p1ayod mom Ihan:38 mmutes .. 75 9 45




round of Ihe

In himself and the team. as eVidenc ed by his game-winning shot 10 defeat Boston in the

Playoffs. Confidence in a young team is a strong indicator 01 success to come.

NfW mSfY vs5/7 / 93 AI
Derrick Coleman has a habit 01 notching double-doubles Perhaps hiS tinest one came in Game Four of the first round of the 19 93 NBA Eastern Conference Playo!ls against Cleveland Derrick was simply outstanding Power grace muscle. finesse abo ve the rim , beyond the three-point arc ; he put on a major. l eag ue display H e l ogged a ll 48 minutes. and on 9 of·18 shooting Including 2 lor 3 from three-point. totaled 2 1 points He dominated the g l as s l o r 14 boards and con tr o ll ed the paint defensively b y swan in g nine shots Derrick also con tribu ted two stea ls and eight assists in this marvelous perlormance 0:rnmt3. 39 5/8/91 AI lA lAmS vs mm SIAl[ On May 8, 19 9 1. rim Hardaway ca ls p ulled 100 Gol d e lal e Wa rnors 10 a , 25-124 b reathtak ing vlcl ory o v er the Los Angeles l a keTs In Game 2 o f Ihe NBA Weste rn Co nfe!el')ce Se m rhnalf., like a p in ball, TIm scoOled across the fl oor In a ma dcdp display 01 he a rt a nd r es ilionce He pu mped In 28 pO ints d fShed ou t 1/1 assists an d played thie f to tho rU l19 o f an N BA Playoff lying o!Qht s teals In 4 4 m in t,! as T im h el d th e L a ke rs' e xpl osi v e guard Byr o n sca n to Ju,!;t fi ve pOints . T hiS was truly a Iremen d ous 0111 effo rt College Record YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% REB PTS AVG 89-92 LSU 90 ,610 ,575 1217 1941 21.6 NBA Rccord FG", fT' REB AST sn sue; Ave; 562 592 1122 15? 00 286 23 4 562 592 1 122 152 j;I) 286 231 O nly 22 S ltaq'!1 d ovelop m ent is prog ress in g expo nentially , Th e trademark monster d un s ar e shit bou niliul. bur h l5 repertous g rowI09 A low POS1 turn -ar ound hall- hook ban k Silot was add ed lOIS ye a W ha t a b o uJ next yea l ? A nd the v ears to come ? Frightening isn', It ? Especi ally w h en o ne con Sl def s ho s made his s&c ood Ifl P ta the N8A A ll Stur Game a s a s ta rl e r lo r EaSfern C on le rljtl c e Bn d th o l he's," the Top 10 In roints reboun ds Ileld-g oa perce nt age a nd bloc k ed shots 0 :rnmt3 . 70 Every garne in every city. fans come·to w itn e ss the p owerful arTi stry Shawn Kemp pUIS on disp l ay In 19 92-93. he led or sha red the team lead in reboundin g 56 ti me s. f i nis hi ng Ihe s ea son with 45 double-doubl es He set the tone for the season on open ing day in Japan where the " home Houston Rockets suffered a 111- 94 defeat at the h ands of the SuperSonics S h awn had 29 poi nts an d 2 0 rebounds nme of w h ich were o ff e nsi v e boards In 3 9 mi nu te s of action He also had two a ssis ts, one stea l and a blocked shot. 15 4/1 8/ 89
II's hard 10 argue with subtle con sis tenc y, Night· in and n ight-oul, J oe deli vers : minutes defense points a ss is ts. rebounds hu stle a nd h ea r!. Perhaps Joe 's def in ng momen t c a m e o n Apri l 18 1989 al the Richlield Co l is eum He poured In a then career-h ig h 42 pOlnls inc lud ing 17 s l ra ighl point s in the th rd quaner 10 hel p the Pistons c inch t h e NB A s besl record by defeating t he Cavaliers 118- 102. This brillia nt n ight was the impetus for Joe·s te rrific perlormance In the 19 89 NBA Finals , where he earned the MVP Award by averaging 27 3 ppg rnnum . 51 College Record YEAR TEAM GP FG % FT% REB PTS AVG 120 566 ,7 54 1032 2001 16.788-92 George1own IlSA GP FG FT REEl AST STL BlJ( AVO 92 9 3 CharlOlle 78 .511 78 1 805 76 27 2 71 21.0 27 2 1 D lEAR 'IliA 78 \11 7lI1 "8 lI' A l onzo h as esta b li shed himself as the H ornets ' man 10 the middle Rarel y is hi s p re se nce nol e ll for il he ' s nol blocking the sho!. then he' s certainly a lt e ring it. It l ook A onzo onl y 49 games 10 become C harlotte s aU-lime shOlbtOCker Ye l his game is much more than de fense. He ' s developing a beau tifu l jump shot from outSIde the paint that will open Ihe m lddte for l arry J ohnson and other strong offensive rebounder s. Most importanlly, he"s
openi ng
1992-93 NBA
0:rnmt3 . 4 Sleve·s off co urt passion for magic has crept its way into his g ame , for It he's not increasing his scorlOg average , then 11e's lind i ng the open man with another of his team-reading assists. On February IS 1993. Steve delivered the who l e p aCkage agains t the Denver Nuggets , giving the fans a glimpse of the lalent s unfolding In this futur e NBA All-Star. He recorded his. first career tr ip le double (a nd th e seco nd in Hea t franchise histor y) With 21 points 12 assists and 10 rebounds In a thrllhng 130- 12 9 double-ov ertime v Ictory .",.. 12 / 12 / 92 AI CUVHANO vs mill[ Ma rk Ii i up th e sky on December 12. t 992 ag a i nst th e Seatt le Super Sonic s In Side dn ving throug h , h e pai n t. twi s trng turn ing a contortioni s t wi th a running on e Ilander or d rillin g tile rock 'rom 23 9 ". Ma rk was unstoppable, a sma ll packa g e o f fitew ork s. He burned Sea ttl e for liv e-of-seven treys and S z zled as u s ua l. ( 6-fo r 6 ) from the chan l y s tri pe. Mark's mag nllc nt n ig h t ended with a c areer high 39 po nts on 14-01-20 sho o ting College Record YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% REB PTS Ave 87-89 Od JC 70 ,652 ,769 810 1822 20 ,0 89-91 UNLV 75 .643 .789 837 1617 21.6 liSA Record VEAR TEAM GP Fe FT' REB 9' 92 Ch",lone 82 .490 829 92·93 B2 526 76-7 864 tlBACAREEA 164 >09 7'17 I "OJ W ith lhe addi tion 01 A lonzo M c um rng Larry"S l alanlS hav e sur1ac ed He ca n fin e sse an opponerl t ooards ar he can p ower past a n oppo nent v"lh a n t!:lfecl e and shoulder fake He·s stro ng and d-elermloo:<! Cry t e boards. He led the Hornets in reboun d ing In 1992 93 w,!n 66-1 H e noods the Hornets · record for po ints In a Wl1h 1 8 0 EmOl,j-n is os c a talyst behind l arr y Jo h n soo W hen he 5 ha ,n ".m ·tle Hornet s usually r oll 10 vIct ory. Unfortunate r,. Lar mlss&d a arge part of the 199 3 ·94 wrt l'l a nerve an(! gone With him was the spark Inat III i3 fI re lor HomelS !Vc.:ess L9mmm . m 27 21

Miam i Heat were 55-54 wit h S te v e in Ihe l i neup a nd 19-36 wit hout him His p lace In Heat his tory is secure ; he was Ihe lirst to g ive an aSSi st ma ke a f ree throw block a s hot and dunk in

NBA Pl ayo ff h ls lory

Coll ege Record Co llege Reco rd Co llege RecordYEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% REB PTS AVG TUM GP YE AR TEAM GP FG'!. FT% REB PTS AVGFG'!. FT% REB PTS AV G 79-8 1 Ind iana 63 534 756 22 1 968 15.4LA 122 .5 47 GOOfgla 7ll 530 699 588 1688 21.6836 509 2095 17. 2 NBA Record NBA Record NBA AecordYEAR TEAM GP F(l', FT'> REB AST STl BlK I.vG GP FG • FT· YEAR rEAM GP FG. FT-, REB A5T STL BLK AVGREB AST n BLK Ava 88-89 80 .464 .818 273 663 133 20 18. 2,79 ij 88·89 Mania S{) .464 .844 553 21 1 117 52 26.2292 227 93 29 16 0 89·90 Detroll 81 4J8 775 308 765 139 19 18.48, 51' 668 295 311 110 18 246 90·9 1 Delroil 48 .435 .782 160 446 75 10 62 89-90 Mam a 80 484 807 52 1 200 128 47 26 .7 82 90-91 Atlama 81 .470 829 732 265 123 65 25 95'2 918 281 33 ' 109 13 226 91-92 Dell o;I 78 446 772 247 560 I 8 15 18 5SOl 91·92 Alia Oi a 42 464 835 295 158 52 24 28182 858 318 314 lOS 26 201 92 93 Delron 79 .4 18 737 232 671 123 18 17. 6479 92-93 AII anl a 71 468 .828 482 22 7 70 27 29 982 880 258 262 120 26 212 NBACAAEEA 921 454 762 3318 8662 1793 2'3 19 5 W U" "72 163-1 1577 ;90 13 192 NBACAREER 833 469 ell 58" 22fl7 1182 566 265 Alth ollgh th e Pi ston s didn't enjoy 9rea 1 success in 1993-94 , Isiah 9': agains t ,he Delr oll Plsl o ns bf1came Ihe You want o ffense? You got It. How 'bout exc itemen t? You got it.Th omas continued 10 put up imp reSSive numbers A twelve- ti me ill lime, combine d AB AIN BA Je a d lo g sc o rer passm g Throw in so me defense? Fine You 'v e gOI Dominique Wilki ns,N8 A AII,Slar , Isiah , once again , pu t up respectable numbe rs in • -..qnrs 1 ,780 pOints . A nd on Ma rch 12 19 94. against one of the NBA s most dazzling p l ayers eve r The H u manassis ts and po ints To gain perspective , ISlah is the Pis i o ns ' aU­ .I.,lI@ "e became 1Ile ourth pl ayer 1 NB A hist o ry I rec ord Highlig ht F ilm ow ns n umerous H aw kS' records , among them ,lime leade r in poin ts. ass ists and sleals He 's sco t e d alm ost ? made UHee-poln ter. A 192 ppg sc ore r, Aeg g R lota l career point s, games played and steals On February 2419,000 career poi nls. an d was the MV? of the 1990 NBA Fina ls ...,.,., another fine season ,n lea di ng th e Pace rs tn 1994
Dominique and
a lirsl-rou nd co
ndilional draft In
(the Pi stons de fea l ed POrtland) Li ke a fme wine , he IUSI gets5 .,13 Irst,ca l catcg orie w hil e m oving up Ule la do ef in D 1994 or 1995 were traded to the LA Clippers lor
Danny Mannmg
belter with agePacers: all Illne reef cal ge nes 3476 Colleg e Record REB AVGFG% FT% PTSrEAM GP Did NO I Play!Ufttud<y TnnIIy Va ll ey CC Old Nol Play NBA Record Ft;'. Fl"o REB AST STL BLK .419 .7 36 346 26 41 10 65 661 79 144 77 123 15 a 504 748 665 86 10 124 155 178 498 708 2523 I 313 403 130 492 .1 12 833 155 11 9 1411 "ree seasons 01 de ve l o pm en t. S h aw n b ecame the '0tCf!' we now know h lln 10 be T he reboun ds and Ihe :.i, e In bunclles , the c o nf idence 10 c levat e hi S ga me ii@ aaqv ehl e rn an ll ested Ir: the S omes hna l 24 regu la( • fS 01 1991 92 Shawn led them in rebound ing 20 .M"O scorng SI X "mes Now there s no s ::<.V'WO tum!::.!:!1 1 IQ make alo r str ides In tb e Sanie s a lt (21£1g1r:t 50 tor rebounds and bloc ks. And he was v oted to IiIK'01"d ,ralph' NBA A ll -Star Game as a sl a rte r for the Limm!i3. 16', TI''' 'U Ol'l'l , -'I00I u " ." faAl Coll eg e Record YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT'4 REB PTS AVG 87-91 Mi chigan Slate 122 487 .756 740 2263 18. 5 NBA RC!COrd rEAM GP Fa-. fT" REB AST sn BlK AVG 91·92 Mla ml 61 .4 54 748 188 278 59 19 12 0 92·93 48 .451 .787 197 267 50 16 16 0 IO!! 452 m 385 545 109 15 137 Despite m issing valuable time his lirst two years, Sie ve was still c hosen the Miami Heal MV? l or 1992-93 by the fans His va lu e is obvio us when one co nSid e rs Ih al in hIS li rs ! two yea rs, l he
20 College Record YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% REB PTS AVG 83-88 Centra l Mich igan 94 536 631 834 2045 21 8 NBARecortJ YEAR GP FG. FT". REB A5T STL Blk AVe 88-89 54 419 61 4 209 130 63 14 8 6 89 90 ""," nIX 73 424 .762 <130 188 100 32 III 90 91 77 484 762 418 2 16 106 40 13 6 9 1 92 Phoen ;, 82 478 756 463 274 131 43 17.3 92 ·9 3 Phoem, 82 .464 ns 383 3 11 138 33 16 9 NBACAREER "168 60 1913 1119 $)1 1 2 13 He 's gO I incredible shooling range H e logs tremendous And he se t the N8A Playoff record lo r a 7 ·ga me se nes shOaling 20-0 1 42 from the three poinl r a nge against the S ea ttl e Sup e rSonics in the 1993 NBA W estern Confe re nce Fmals Da n has accrued qU ite a repu t at io n f or w anting the ball i n c lut c h sit ua l ions He s a lso gal h is own candy bar. T o say the leas t. Dan 's game ha s become qU ite a confection for Suns ' fans .• .• 58 Coll ege Record 3- ." GP FG% FT% RES PTS AVG4 su:. 116 462 788 48B 2612 22 5 "SA Record FG FT ' REB AST STL BLK AVGS05 850 72 390 63 5 7 2<180 900 21 2 368 63 2 17.8<8 1 B90 187 443 89 7 86 1 188 375 71 12 19 9.466 864 148 308 78 7 23 5 13g3 3013 600 64 167 College Record GP FG '!. fT"k REB PTS AVGVEAR TEAM 126 487 850 33 1 2193 17.482-8 6 G«Ky' Tech IlBA Record AS1 STL SUI AVGYEAR TEAll GP FG- FT REB 631 11 5 7 '8 988 89 Cleve land 75 526 90 1 226 251 666 114 19689 90 Clevilland 7J .459 888 909 1 Cleveland 16 952497 45 166 42 2 6 9 9 1 92 CIovIlland 72 488 94 7 173 53 5 94 12 17.3 484 201 89 11 18.292-93 C land 75 948 602 '193 J282 590 5J 10 3NBACARUA .sa From three-poi nt or fr om the fou l it M ark 's acc ur acy 's deadly In fact, he 5 t he NB percentage leader fr om the free th rOw hne and lhe ti m e de fending NBA Long Distance S hOol Dut Champion: talen ted pa sser an d smart f loo r l eader. Mark 's al so a le mflc de fende r who does n't m ake a lo t of m istakes Coll ege Recor d YEAR TEAM GP FG '!. FT% REB PTS AVG 86-90 Syracuse 143 568 .684 153 7 21 43 15 0 NBA Record YEAR TEAM GP FG"" FT" REB ASr STl BlK AVG 90-91 N Jerse y 74 467 .7 31 759 163 7 99 18 , 91-92 N Jersey 65 .S04 763 618 20S 54 9B 19 e 92 93 N Jerser 76 .460 808 852 276 92 207 ',BACAAEER al5 475 no 222 ..... 21 ' UO '9 , Detrick had another sup erb yea r l ea d 119 me N ets In pOi nts. rebound s and block s. His consiste nt play ano weo hl Ol 10 amass plenty 01 pOin ts fro m th e tree thr ow line a nd hi S a rd work helped him 10 accum ul a te nu erous double· oubl es He was rewarded by bei ng named a s l arte r t o t he 199 4 NB A Easte rn Conference AII· Sta r Squad, te stamen t tha i hiS unself iSh aU-around p lay is leadi ng New Jersey i n th e ught direc ion ,_ 40 ' us22-



"He grabs the offensive rebound Head lakes Pumps again He turns, spins, shaols and it goes l Whal a We 're certainly becoming accustom ed to that l ow post pa l ie nce and m u sc l e displayed by LJ. In fact, Grandmama is such a powerful force in the post. he's often double teamed And this is a guy giVi ng up two or three inches to most assigned to defend him EM!Ij"liJ3 . 11
W it h c at -like quickness Domin ique slashes into the paint a nd slams down a windmill jam Whe n he gl ides throug h the defense with the basket In sight , he simply rea ches into his well-slacked arsenal of aeria l bafllement and th r ills us with a new slam. 360 deg rees, Windmill , In Your Face : the list is tong and impressive In the repertoire of the "Human Highlighl Film." ,. ""' , 35 " NOI IN MY HOIISE " SwatL Swal!... Gel cutta' here! Another cer tihed block courtesy 01 Alonzo Mourning The sound 01 a hand rejec l ing leather IS music 10 hi s teammates ears Co me on in He dares you There s no AI Your Own Risk " sign but none are necessary II's becom ing common knowledge not ',0 Zo in the pain\. or Ih is supsr sophomore might Just depOSit another fuli le sho t in Ihe stands. 5 " ONE nN ONE " Time's 01 the ess ence You 're down by one Your op tions are limiled Do you : A ) Lob it in to lhe big guy and hope he makes the turnaround or the cor rect (81urn pass B ) have your 2 guard wo rk all a double-screen and ook lor the open shot from 15 ·20 leet. C) play P ic k n Roll with your powe r forwa rd , Or 0 ) leI your point guard iso l ate his man in a '-4 offenSive set? The answer's easy if you have Isiah Thomas " [1.' Gi ve him the ball, move out of the way , and watch him go to the hoop lor two ""'" 47 YEA R TEAM REB PTS AVG OS-a9 UTEP 124 484 710 321 IS86 12,0 NSA Rocord YEAR TEAM 89 90 Gold"" I. 90 91 Gold"" SI. -g 1 92 GOIa Oll SI. 92·93 Gelden SI. GP 79 02 0 1 66 FG'>. fT'I> 47 1 / 64 .476 803 .461 .76 6 44 1 74' REB 3 0 332 3 10 263 AST 689 793 807 699 STL 165 2 1 164 116 BLK 12 12 13 12 lVG I 22 9 23' 21 5 NBA CAREER JOe 404 7/Il IllS 1\>88 6$. 49 20.0 After missing 16 games in 1992 93, Tim s ullered an even greater setback i n 1993 ·9 4 as h e Wi ll have missed the en tir e season wIth a 10m ligament in his left kne e Tim reached 5 00 0 point s and 2 ,500 assists faster (262 games) lhan any player in history except Oscar Roberts on (247 ) Lj!!!Um . " AL LEY-O OPI" Oh my ! He re h e co mes w th a full h e a d of SiS In. It c an o nl y m e a n o ne th in g Sh aq A lfa Q'· In Ihe lo w po st. 1h o d elen der s on hiS back be lly in g up I h lnk lng to himsel f 'I 'va g al th e big m an co ve re d An d w hile he's bu s y thin k in g Sh a q 's ra ili n g a ll me et In g t he he a d- on And the n, with und orou s oval lon h sl ilm s the ro ck throug h lo r an e asy I NO give s a me naCl tl g gla nce 10 all in Ihe viCin ity an O s prr nts down court as the rim nutters feebl y. Lj !i'lj"!'lD " WHOOMP '" " BOM BS AWAY " "MR [ l UTCH " "Whoomp ! There it is!'' In your lace! The man child has done it When the gd me is on the ' In-e he t 0 pla)'fWi reac t- dirEp II"ISIOeOowntown- has been given new meaning sin ce Dan Majerle again Slam! Shawn fini s he s the fasl break with domin a nt started tighting up NB A scoreboards Perhaps zip code" fo r o n e more rmrac le , m at s '."J"al separalp.;;. ,"em from In. 0..1,:)0: authority Only 24, he 's already garnered a reputation as one 01 the a bil it y 10 t lm e- and· again astOl,.lno us wIth athl@fJC brt lrancamight be more appropr i ate, Since hiS range s eems to stretch the most athletically powerful players in the league He can run W Io n II mo st COOl r\ti. To th S de cree ReggiE I'ms; to lDr fT1()lt!pas! n eighboring cilies Is il that 23' 9 " isn't challenging? Might the lIoor, sco re, rebound and block shots. He's led the Sonics in 26' or 27' be more suitable? No one 's e xactly su re the o uter th an onc e, w lt n !he ba ll In hi's hllnds ar.d lIme fi IJ c rebounds and blocks for three straight years, and is cu rr ently clock , he has CO l le In ro ugn Wllh points In Ire c ulct'! Oi?spole ali mits of Dan 'S comfort zone, yet one thing is certain. irs a long leading in those categori es again. Bu t nothing whips th e crowd Ina ta len t on 0 , am Tea m II whHn II Ii llme inr a, leI": s' a Isway (a the h oop, and he has an uncanny sense of accuracy into a frenzy quite like a monsler du nk at the receiving end of a Ml l leH 4me perfectly timed pass Wham In your face! Lj !i'lj"!'lD Lj !i'lj"!'lD17 _" .......... 59 64 71 77
• G/ F
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Gual/O BOSTON cnTles
CELTICS • Fl c •
F'?!lWARD _
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=--;;:--::j' LOS JlNG£LE5
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76£R5 •
Go";' HighGaono. IIigIo Dwok Playt4 DPGA' Play..! o..ks Game R DPGA' 91 92 81 9. 11 1_21 Dub Go . .... 0001<.91-92 80 92 18 LIS H_Totm 364 347 0_95Tol.l 407 537 U2 i' r j lt9 l ner..l.,' 1''3 PUll CXIIt. PlIITIt l1li u.u. '1"" .. _I" 1 9JW1'" co..,,-.. 1", lUll UIIr I'IImOIfilU S.A : '"1 RIll COlI., rIIlffrlD lI'Ui 1M, c ImMAP'IOI'IIm IllK (0f'tI l" llUlIOrUllIS,1IK.(Oft C It9J_I'HPIm:S. lK. ......J," \1Ith_'"''' ''''''''' '''" .' .. .. ., ... . . • • ". oJ , _ ,. """f , ' L , "';r "" • • 0_ Duok.91-92 Dunk. 101 101 DPGAIS 1.23 1.23 00. Ws OPGA ' ..... DPGA' 79 99 14 1.25 W.91-92 80 9. 16 1.225 402 1.02 :. S-V T.1eIs 407 652 1.60 " 1 (Ifill { OIP m D IN 1I u.. I'U mB (OIP. "1fIlI u.s.A. I ' "1 91 l t9l ftlUCDltr, fIQIlIU IIIU U eOPII 0 1"3 IIOff"'\' •. "- ' ,. , 1 _w, .t ,..1 cora. m! 11M l oPlni, II(. . .." . '," .... ... .. . , . .'. II--(. L'- ' _ ..J' __ • _ _ .-., ' .P ,_, 't I ' ,li!" \ • It! c. " Gaonts High Dnk GarMS High D kG.t. Higil o..k Play..! Dunk. c;.. Ra. DPGA' Play..! Du.k. G_ Ranll OPGA'W. G Rank DPGA'Play" OUftk.91 92 80 120 12 LSO rr r .91-92 80 124 11 LS5 , Dunk. 91-92 82 116 13 1.41 rr r 2-Yea, Totals 156 208 1.33 S-Y , Total. 398 510 1.28 :4-Y T"oI. 248 212 0_85 ' r ',"J fUll (OR', ,.0010 1M US.A.L_.i. R-'ko.l".l C/" t1 '-'. , r-...,..\t8t11 _ ,.... !-!" l_ t'IIIOf!{,T1U 11K ·1 1M r..... 1"3 fUll cow ".,..ILU. t " • • ,..l.. Ci1661 COPI. C I" 3NU ,.crU rl S ",, n ,. c;.. 1 RIll COl .MltRD II ' SA. <Or'- " l lllU"OfItfTll.\. lHC. c ,.·' #"'" II • •• " • • ". ;.'" •• # • ' . ' "'/',.. .. ' .. "".,11 .., .... 1-." __ " • __• '"
DPGA' Ga.. High Do.kGa o;;r-" Ployed R_ DPGA' D_.91-92 77 132 8 1.11 Dool.91-92 13 121 5,Y..,T.,4 Y 1.'01. 312 402 1.29 341 312 ItU RW CQItP PlIImD I" U.S .l '''t HW.' S ,_....,. .f ' . ii'. # .... 4. : (OPt. 1'tf3!ftt " ort 1. 1 ". ", if f· , 1 _ r 1 , "; ' ,-' , vti· \, . .1 \. ..., . Ployetl Da.ks Game RIIIIk DPGA' 1.66 Donl.9J.92 65 106 10 1.63 0,90 .2·Y.., 1 1. 139 210 1.51 L-! " ] RIEl (OIP. P'IINtflD IN U a 1" 1 nat <DIP rtlfTll_ UU(01'1 ,1"11U '"1 .1 J '., carL l it] IUftltI '. .. • '.",' . _ G fl PI.yetl o.nk , Higlo D k Go ROIIk OPGA' s;;;;- High Do.kGa High om R _ OPGA' Ploy etl Donk, Game R DPGA'Ployed Do.k. 6aIM o..ks 91-92 15 136 1.81 Donk.91·92 66 11.5 1.14D."I 91-92 64 111 1.83 5 rea, 1.,.1. 380 80S 2.12 116 225 1.283'YIO,I' IIII, 226 355 1.51 "31W1 (OIr, P'IIIfJID IN U.s.&. '............ 114ln.U'(_PUJI"iI", 1I Gl"l.l"i (OPL I'tUNUI.rtP'I \_ ... p. ..' f • 1.- r .... "" . ....,...1 ,...,. ' , fj),@ !l Game. High Dunk Duak Gomo. Oook R_ Ronk DPGA' Gam.. HighPlayed Dunl. Gam< PIoyeti Donk. Ga DPGA'PI.yetl Dunk. G_ RoO DPGA' ..... (OPt '9tlt (OI'.I'lIrfID IfU.U <tIP'L ·, ,.1 PIaft 5.'....,.,11 , "'" ( Ot't.. Imllu , . . ," .. . . .r/' ., ,, _. h ; • t'f 2. 21 Dunk. 91-92 82 162 1.98 l-Ye;" otals 11 151 2.21 ' r s·y.., I.,.i. 369 622 1.69 Dunk. 91·92 11 151 D k.91 92 10 129 1.84 L! 5-Y , 1.,.1 . 410 776 1.89 t_ r l lffl l UUI C-Q RP "-INllD u..u.... • 19"·.1,.... '. '-,....... r..w;. I l U lMllhr ro.. 1"' llfllctar. "'.I.U
.J 29 , Stacey Kin g CJ .J 29 John Paxson .J ..J JO. Will P e rdue .J .J 31. Sc.olHe Pippe n ..J .J 3 2. SCOII Wil liams .J .J ..J .J .J .J .J .J .J .J .J .J CHARLOTl1 ItO S .J IT MU911 5Y 8 .J 18 Del Cu rr .J 19. Ken n y G o t !lOll .J :Ill K.,uloli GfII DE NVER N UGGETSoJ 21 L o rry Johnson .J 22. J oh n n y Nt!WJt1an .J 9. Wins to n Gorland .J 23. J .R Reid .J ,j</ Chris Jockson .J so. Marcus Liberty CHICAGO BULLS .J 5 1 Todd L lcht l .J 24. B.J A.rmsln>n9 .J Sl. Mark Moeon J 25. Bi II Curtwright .J Mutomba .J Ho race Grant '-' $4 Reggie WUlloms .J 27 Ml thoel Jor d a n .J .J ..J .J J .J .J .J .J .J ZlS Corey Wil l iClms 'J 252 C H E C K LIS T N 0 3 7 J CHECKLIST NO 374 CHECKLIST NO 37S CHICAGO BULLS DENVER NUGGnS MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES NEW TORK KNICKS UTAH JAZZ CHECKLISTS .J 236 Rodney McCray .J 250 Kevi n BrooM J JOJ. Lance Si an $ .J lIB Eric An derso n J 361 Isaac:: Aus tin :I Check lis t OJ Zl7 Trenl Tucker LJ 25 1. Lo Phansa E llis J JO,t Chr lsUgn Lqatt".,r .J Rolando Slack man J o h n Crufty .J 374. Checklist J 305. Marlon /Vi<D<ev ,.J Tony Co m p oo ll Step hen Howard Q 315 Checklis t .J 3Di\. Bob M cC o nn .J C h uck Par "'" oJ • .J 315 .J 316 .J l11.
CHECKLIST NO 200 CHECKUSlS J 199. Cbedli.t J 200 C/1eckh., : " '..' ,,-. CHECKLIST NO. 199 Dl TROIT PISTONS M Mort< Alauirre 56. Joe Bill Lalm beer 58. Dennis Rodman 59. Thom as ro Dor rell Wa 6 1. Orla ndo Geo rarMCOoud ReggJeMll1e1' Dellel Sen r o"",' Rlk Smits • UlSoI Tho mPSOl. LES CLlPP IJI S ron t MIAMI HEAT J ." Willie Bu r'lon .J 98 V&met l Coles .J 99 tU1vln EcIwords J 100 Gram lon9 'J 101. Glen Rice J 102 Ronv Selkalv J 103. Brian Shaw o 104. Steve Smll" c;.., WH'"Ploy'" W. G.o .- DPGA' 0 ,91·92 68 ISS 2.21 . l·Y..-rDt.l, 212 569 12 US ; '" I 92W,' '- I"] fUll celt. PItITUI. u.s.A \ta llr.. ,..' ,.., O"" (OPt I"JleA P'IOftIfl\.1M \I , • • . '.. .-.,' . . 11(, ' l.., , " . _ HOUSTON ROCKUS LOS ANGELES LAKERSPHIL ADEII'HIA 76ER5 NBA JAM SESSION ATLANTA HAWKS J )31 G reg Gron t .J '3.47. Ron dy Brow n .J 26 1. Sc ot t Brooks .J 285. AI • Black well .J 20 1 Davi d Robinson J 121 Mookl e Bloylock .J 3l2. Je H Ha r na c I< J 348 Pel<! Chllc.u tt .J 268. Mall Bull a r d .J 286. Duane CooPer -' 202. Oikembe Mutombo J 222. Greg Foster J J33. Androw L a '19 J 349. -I 260 , Win ston Gaf1and .J 28 7 J 203. OI ls Tho rpe .J 223. l3< :J .J 204. %2>f .JllS :J .J 205. 225 .J .J 206 ..I 226 SACRAMENTO KINGS .J .J 211. Tim P..J 119 .J 21 2 0 n J ::.; .J ' 13. ScoW .J J..c. TIm ::J .J Robe r!! Por l h .J 215 Stoce Aug .J 216. Michael Jfl( ..J 217. Karl Malo Cl 2 18 J ohn Will iotns .J .J.Q. J ef"f'i :.0 .J 219 Hor""" Grant T rIXY J El mo re Spe nce r J 120 Or lando .J W R nd Strickland J Kl ki Vam!ewegh e lee May be rry J 2113 John Willi a m .J 301 Eric Murdock J 284. Randy W ood s .J 302. Dan Sc hoves I

Guarantee of Aurhell/icily




995/9(i ChiLi/go

I herehy certify that
L.:f1fXT Deck 1\1
Chicago Bulls FIN 70- ViLlllr)
L.lrd ongl1l.11 illld :lUt/lcnllC II commemorates the I
BulJ\ re cl'nl 01 ll\ cr 7() Wins Ifl a smgle B A the record of 69 11 hdd b) Ihe 1'171/72 Lo\ Lakcl'; 11U\ (ard I . pan or i1 IImiled l!Llition "I only 15 ,(100 plcles AUlhl'nl!t: alion hv "Qh11P" Jamc\ Bloomington \1 ,' 55·P U Nichola J Hruycr Director. Prdcrrcd eu Wmcr S n:ll'c 841O-BlILL)7(lWIN

Guarantee ofAuthellticity

I hereby certify lhallhe <!nclusetl ppt'r DeckT I AUlherlllC,lll'd Chic,igo Bull 70 Villor) Seas!," onglnal and ;JulhenlIC It wrnmernorates the J ()I)5/Q( Chicago Bulb rC(llrJ 01 l'\er 70 WinS In ,\ single. B A surpasslnl! the previous record of 69-13 held h) the 1971172 Angeles Laka l'aru I pan oj a limned cuitiCln 01 only I 'i,(KJO PICCl'\. AwhentlcallO!1 11\·

Nichola J Uru)cr Director. Preferred Cu II mcr Servile"Q!ftotlO' AVt'nue Bloomingwn. ':54


A true ambassador of the game, Erving influenced today's style of playas he was one of the fi rst players to perform acrobatic in game dunks that ushered in the con cept of playing above the rim


James Worthy had a season filled with ca reer mile sto nes durin g the 199f-92 campaign, the tenth ot hi s NBA career Wort hy only th e filt h in tea q: history to score t 4, OOOp\lint s as a Laker. lJ.e also coIec1ed his 4,OOOth ca ree r re bo un d and had his 900th ta reer steal. In t 982, he was se lected 10 his seven th COflSecutive NBA AII·Star Game, and he Jellied nine points an d toor rebounds Worthy Md his be st NBA AII ·Star Game in 1987, wn en he made 10 oj 14 shots and fi nisl1ed with in 29 minutes.


In t 992 , Hakeem Ota)lNJOn was se lecte d 10 particlpale in a Rockets·record 6eventh t-jBA All · Star Game ;lnd in 20 minutes, he scor ed se en poiOlS Olaju\'on ranks second on the JlIi ·time NBA AII Sta r Ga me' lis t witil 13 shots, tr aili ll<} only Kare em Abdul·Jabbar. finisilOO th e 1991·92 NBA see son sealnd in !i ocked sho1G with 4 3 per game Tha i ma rked Ihe eig hth co nseCUlive seaso n he has finished among tile top tOIW only Abdul Jab ba'r ha s had a Iooger streakJJ11ne, from 1973·74 to 1981·82).


In hi s 16·year NBA car eer. Milwaukee 's Moses-fJ.a ion e has been sele cte d !O12 NBA All· Star Ga mes, in whiclT he ha s I 1 6 poin ts and 9.8 reboonds per 9ame. Malone 's firs t AII· Sta r app earanc e, howeVer, was in the 1975 ABA AII·Star Game as a member of I/.tah Stars. (l1 t 99 1 92, Maione sco re o , ,279 po mt s, givi!1g him 27 ,0 16 ca ree r poinls enough /lr propel /)in1 pasl Jolin Ha vlicek and Osca r Robertson irHo fourth place on tHe NBA 's all-time sco ring list He is also Ihe NBA's tilth all time leading reoounder l'lith 15,894.


A week before the 1987 NBA All-Star Game in Seattle, it looked as if the game would not feature any SuperSonics players for the hometown Seattle fans. However, when the Rockets' Ralph Sampson, voted in at center for the Western Conference suffered a knee injury, SuperSonics forward , Tom Chambers was added as a late replacement for the game. If there were any who questioned the move, they were silenced by game' s end; Chambers , a graduate of the University 01 UI3h, proceeded a game-high 34 points, including lour in overtime, to lead the Western Conlerence to a 154-149 victory in the highest-$coring NBA All-Star Game ever He added lour reboundslInd a game-high four steals in 29 mimJles. Chambers earned the MVP Award and proved he was certainly deserving 01 his selection to the game,

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