ICLI News Aug 2005

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Volume 3, Issue 1

September 2005 / Rajab-Sha’ban 1426

Inside this issue:

ICLI News:

ICLI hosts Transnational Video Town Meeting for Peace

ICLI Press Release condemning London Bombing Fatwa against Terrorism Book review & Tsunami Relief Update

Ask Asma

Islamic Heritage & Islamic Issues Tips for Muslims Individuals, Families and centers

Educational News

Community Round-Up

ICLI Services & August Salaat



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Dear Fellow Muslims, As-Salaamualaikum.

As we get ready for start of Sunday School on September 11th, 2005. I am pleased to inform you that the volunteer group supervising this vital ICLI program has prepared a revitalized and robust program for the children. The Education Committee has added parents with extensive educational and legal background to the planning group.

The pre-K is also all set to start in the newly designed and renovated space. The “IC” kids preschool at ICLI for ages 3-5yrs will provide an enriching, educational and spiritual environment for your toddlersinshallah.

Imam Charles Bilal at ICLI on Wednesday August 17th 2005.

We welcomed Imam Charles Bilal, a candidate for NYC council seat from district 28 to ICLI. We heard from Imam Aiyub Abdul-Baqi the work American Muslim Alliance is involved in with the goal of empowering the 800,000 Muslims in NYC, Imam Talib Abdur Rashid representing the American Muslim Task Force spoke of the need for an intelligent coordinated effort in ensuring an appropriate “voice” to the Muslims in the political sphere. Imam Siraj Wahaj outlined his approach in selecting candidates for support. Candidate Imam Charles Bilal spoke of the need for increased grass roots mobilization of Muslims to ensure appropriate representation in the public sphere. He also gave an upbeat assessment of his campaign and reflected on the lesson’s learnt in his previous campaign in 2001 when he lost by 700 votes. For those who like to obtain further information regarding Imam Bilal’s campaign you may contact him at 718-3229703 or cell 646-529-1925. The campaign is preparing for a primary contest in Septem-

ber 2005.

ICLI Participation at 42nd ISNA Convention in Chicago Sept 2-5 2005

The following ICLI initiatives are scheduled for presentation.

 Institutional Dawah: ICLI reaching out to the community speakers: Asma Ejaz, Nazli Chaudhry, Shaida Khan. Moderator: Zubedia Lunat.

 American Muslims Response to Tsunami Disaster: Trikantikaningsih (Kiki) Byas will be presenting the ICLI tsunami relief effort.

 Growing up in America: Challenges Faced by Muslim Adolescent Girls: Speakers: Inur Manoor, Rafia Hamid, Kushala Ahmed. Moderator: Shaida Khan.

 In addition I will be moderating three sessions and presenting at two; while Hamza Eric Byas will be moderating a session as well.

Inshallah on September 11 th we will be presenting the highlights of these presentations for the benefit of those who are unable to attend to ISNA convention.

Personal Note:

Recently a member of our family had to avail of the services of the Washington cemetery, a first for our family. On this very sad occasion it was gratifying to see how the procedures and programs developed by Br Basir Kazi and other members of the bereavement committee came in handy and made it possible to have very quick and comforting funeral and burial. May I remind you to make sure you have arrangements for burial plot, a living will, power of attorney and a will, all ready and easily accessible to your family. If you need

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
CONTACT US 835 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590. Tel: 516-333-3495 Fax: 516-333-7321
1icli@optonline.net Website:

any assistance in any of these matters do not hesitate to call the office at 516-333 3495.

On a final note may I remind everyone that if and when you have a concern or an issue please feel free to contact a member of the executive committee or me directly so we can address any issues that concern you. The multiethnic and growing community of ICLI expects to face issues which may be problematic and we need to follow the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah in addressing such issues with an open mind, in a civil and professional manner.

Jaka Allah Khair. With my Best Wishes.

Sincerely Yours, Dr. Faroque Khan

E-mail: Faroquekhan@yahoo.com


On Friday, July 15, 2005, Islamic Center of Long Island issued the following statement after Friday congregational prayers at ICLI., addressing recent revelations that British nationals were responsible for the London terror attacks. The statement reads:

"We were shocked and saddened to hear of the recent identification of native British Muslims as having been responsible for the horrific attacks in London last week. These barbaric attacks are made all the worse because they were apparently committed by British citizens. In addition to the Islamic principle that totally prohibits and condemns the taking of innocent lives, Islam teaches that citizens of a community have a duty to uphold and respect the laws, security, and interest of that community. All of these principles were violated on July 7th.

"As a thriving Muslim community in the Long Island area, we want to express our deepest condemnation of such a breach of trust and senseless violence against innocent people, and to assure our fellow residents of the Long Island Area that we stand united with them against any possible tendencies in our communities, and will do our utmost to stand at the vanguard of protecting this community which we call our home from those who would disrupt our security and peace.

"To those who seek to divide us and spread fear between us, we pledge that we will not allow those who promote hatred and violence to defeat the voices of unity, goodwill, and cooperation. Our condolences, prayers, and hearts go out to all those affected by these deplorable acts, and pray for the voices of peace and reason to prevail, here at home, and abroad."

Are you a committed, hard working individual with good knowledge of Islam and Arabic?

If Yes, then join the ICLI Sunday School teaching staff and help teach our children all about Islam.

Resume can be emailed or faxed: iclisundayschool@yahoo.com (516) 333 0299



The Fiqh Council of North America wishes to reaffirm Islam's absolute condemnation of terrorism and religious extremism.

Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilian lives and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram - or forbidden - and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not "martyrs."

The Qur'an, Islam's revealed text, states: "Whoever kills a person [unjustly]. it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he has saved all mankind." (Qur'an, 5:32)

Prophet Muhammad said there is no excuse for committing unjust acts: "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil." (Al-Tirmidhi)

God mandates moderation in faith and in all aspects of life when He states in the Qur'an: "We made you to be a community of the middle way, so that (with the example of your lives) you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind." (Qur'an, 2:143)

In another verse, God explains our duties as human beings when He says: "Let there arise from among you a band of people who invite to righteousness, and enjoin good and forbid evil." (Qur'an, 3:104)

Islam teaches us to act in a caring manner to all of God's creation. The Prophet Muhammad, who is described in the Qur'an as "a mercy to the worlds" said: "All creation is the family of God, and the person most beloved by God (is the one) who is kind and caring toward His family."

In the light of the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah we clearly and strongly state:

1. All acts of terrorism targeting civilians are haram (forbidden) in Islam.

2. It is haram for a Muslim to cooperate with any individual or group that is involved in any act of terrorism or violence.

3. It is the civic and religious duty of Muslims to cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the lives of all civilians.

We issue this fatwa following the guidance of our scripture, the Qur'an, and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him. We urge all people to resolve all conflicts in just and peaceful manners.

We pray for the defeat of extremism and terrorism. We pray for the safety and security of our country, the United States, and its people. We pray for the safety and security of all inhabitants of our planet. We pray that interfaith harmony and cooperation prevail both in the United States and all around the globe. FIQH


1. Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi 2. Dr. Abdul Hakim Jackson 3. Dr. Ahmad Shleibak 4. Dr. Akbar Muhammad 5. Dr. Deina Abdulkadir 6. Shaikh Hassan Qazwini 7. Dr. Ihsan Bagby 8. Dr. Jamal Badawi 9. Dr. Muhammad Adam Sheikh 10. Shaikh Muhammad Al-Hanooti 11. Shaikh Muhammad Nur Abdallah 12. Dr. Salah Soltan 13. Dr. Taha Jabir Alalwani 14. Shaikh Yahya Hindi 15. Shaikhah Zainab Alwani 16. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah 17. Dr. Mukhtar Maghraoui 18. Dr. Nazih Hammad

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Book Review

A Page From History

Sermon on the Mount Arafat

The Sermon on Mount Arafat- The sermon delivered by the Prophet on the occasion of the “Pilgrimage of Farewell” is one of the greatest pronouncements in the history of human liberty and laid out the founding principles for a Muslim community. Farewell Sermon was delivered by Muhammad to nearly 150,000 Muslims on 7th of March, 632.

In this sermon Prophet enjoined, among other things, that:

1. Life, property and honor of everyone is safe and should be honored;

2. No one has a right to cause any hurt to another;

3. All Muslims are brothers henceforth “neither the Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor nonArab over an Arab;”

4. Usury is forbidden; the Prophet revoked the interests, which had been accrued on the debts, that day.

5. Vendettas and taking law into one’s own hands are forbidden;

6. Women should be treated well as they are man’s boon companions, and they have just as much right to exclusive private property as men;

7. Equality of man without any consideration of race or color;

8. Slaves should be treated as if they were members of the family of the master;

9. Heirs and orphans should be given their legal share of property;

10. All debts must be repaid and whatever is taken by way of loan must be returned;

11. Adultery and everything that may lead to a breach in family life is forbidden;

The Quran was the greatest legacy left by the Prophet.

Muslim Political Thought and Administration by H. K. Sherwani (p 262).

Tsunami Relief Team Update

The members of Tsunami Relief Team (TRT) of ICLI and Co-Chairs of Cultural Competency Committee of Family and Children’s Association set up a table at the FCA employee fair at Hempstead on June 29, 2005. Sr. Kiki Byas and Sr. Homaira Mamoor represented the ICLI Tsunami Relief team at the fair. The group distributed informational flyers and answered many questions regarding the ICLI Tsunami Relief Fund. The fundraising campaign, which was started by the Family and Children Association for ICLI’s Tsunami Relief Fund, will end on July 15, 2005.

The Family and Children Association has sent out a letter to all of their 400 staff and Board members explaining their desire to show support when a tragedy occurs. The letter reads “The Cultural Competency Committee at Family and Children Association had already begun a relationship with ICLI when the Tsunami hit Indonesia. While we want to show our support when any tragedy occurs, these are our neighbors whose house of worship we’d visited and whose members had visited us and made referrals to our programs. We feel especially compelled to help”.

At the Fair, ICLI TRT met with about one hundred FCA staff, Board members and Executive Committee. The Fair ended with a very positive attitude toward ICLI and the Fundraising campaign effort.

and Sr. Homaira Mamoor ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICES IN THE ICLI NEWS Contact: Sohail Nabi m.nabi@verizon.net 646-286 0060


Dear Asma, I have a simple question for which I have had no clear resolution so far. My child is a fifth grade student. Next semester the school is going to have discussions about sex education for their class. I don’t want my daughter to be exposed to this. Should I stop her from attending these sessions? I am told that this is mandatory. My friends do not know what to do either. In my old country we did not talk about these things and this is all new to me.

Worried Mother.

Dear Worried Mother,

I can understand your concern. A fifth grader is generally 11 or 12 years old. Even though we do not talk to our children about these matters at home, it does not mean they don’t hear about such things in school. In fact children this age are usually very curious about this subject and many times get wrong information from their peers. Unfortunately the media i.e. TV programs and movies expose the children to inappropriate and promiscuous materials all the time.

In this day and age, when there are so many health related risks, it is important for children to get proper information from professionals. The teachers who deal with this subject are trained to impart this information to the students in an appropriate manner and are able to answer questions which children may be hesitant to ask their parents.

It is important for young kids to learn about responsible behaviors and to be aware of risky situations. We should also teach them about the religious aspects of this subject. Hopefully with proper education on this topic, in school and at home, they will grow up to be chaste and responsible people. It is very necessary for young girls (especially) to be aware of all hazardous situations possible in their social lives.

I would suggest that you meet with your child’s teacher and discuss the contents of the class with her, and ask to see / read the materials they will be using so that you are able to be a part of this education, and help your daughter with any questions she may have for you. It will help your daughter to have confidence in you and bring her problems and concerns to you in the future as well.

Forewarned is forearmed.


Please keep on sending questions to: askasma@aol .com Together we can make this column a useful resource. Thanks and may Allah Bless us all Asma A. Ejaz, MD Chairperson Domestic Harmony Committee.

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Islamic Heritage

A hero of Islam : Salahuddin The Man Behind The Legend

Last month we reviewed the achievements of Salahuddin Ayyubi (Saladin) and what he did for Islam. This month we want to take a look deeper into his character and focus more on the Man behind the legend.

Salahuddin Ayyubi is revered as one of the greatest Muslims in history. Muslims and non Muslims around the world have either heard or learnt about this warrior, shrouded in legends of gallant bravery and a true example of one of the most humblest and pious men ever known. But what are the facts behind such a legend?

Salahuddin Ayyubi became one of the world's greatest warriors. He was born in Tekrit in 1138 CE when his father Ameer Najmudin was the ruler of Tekrit. Much of his upbringing was by his father and talented uncle, Asad-uddin Shirkhu.

Salahuddin was a highly intelligent and noble person. He loved peace and never enjoyed fighting battles. However, Salahuddin was ordered to go to Egypt with his uncle. He frequently fought in Egypt with his uncle to battle against their two biggest adversaries, the Franks and the Batnids. Shortly after his uncle's death, Salahuddin became the commander and Vizier of Egypt.

Salahuddin Ayyubi’s incredibly simple life was lived out in a small house near the mosque, as he refused to stay in the Palace quarters. Salahuddin’s passion to ‘defend’ Islam was indeed strong, as the vizier and general of Egypt he tried hard to root out the ever-emerging ‘invading’ Crusaders. For this purpose, he built up and maintained a large and well-equipped army.

He established ‘peace and prosperity’ throughout the country. From the beginning, many prejudiced Egyptian ministers disliked him. When it was apparent that he was winning the hearts of the Egyptian people, the ministers plotted against him many times but they always failed due to Salahuddin's incredible wisdom.

When the Fatmid caliph Al-Aziz passed away, Salahuddin became the ruler of Egypt. Salahuddin famously captured Damascus and the people opened the gates of the city and greeted him warmly.

However, the Crusaders were not happy by Salahuddin's increasing power and success and felt threatened and uneasy. Uniting their forces, they planned a decisive attack on a Muslim area. The famous Battle of Hittin then took place. Muslims won under the leadership of Salahuddin

Ayyubi. By avoiding bloodshed, his army had taken the Crusaders as prisoners. Salahuddin treated the prisoners with tolerance and great care.

In 1187 CE, Salahuddin conquered Jerusalem. Thousands of Crusaders were arrested during the campaign. However, when their mothers, sisters, and wives appealed for their mercy, he released them. Many crusaders were ransomed. However, he paid for many of them and in addition, he provided them transport and looked after their well-being. He allowed neither massacre nor looting. He gave free pardon to all citizens. He even arranged their needs to be catered for.

He granted freedom to Christians to leave the city if they paid a small tribute. Salahuddin paid it himself, for about ten thousand poor people. His brother paid it for seven thousand people. On Friday 27th Rajab 583 AH, Salahuddin entered Jerusalem.

After entering the city, Salahuddin ordered his men to cleanse the Mosque. For the first time in more than 80 years, the people of Jerusalem were able to hear the daily Azan from Al Aqsa Mosque.

The Sultan devoted the rest of his life to public welfare activities and built hospitals, schools, colleges and mosques all over his dominion. But he was not destined to live long to enjoy the fruits of peace.

A few months later, he died on March 4, 1193 at Damascus. ‘The day of his death' remarked a Muslim writer, ‘was for Islam and Muslims, a misfortune such as they never suffered since they were deprived of the first four Caliphs’.

The palace and the entire empire was overwhelmed with grief, the whole city was plunged in sorrow and followed his bier weeping and crying. Thus died Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi, one of the most humane and chivalrous monarchs known to mankind. In him, nature had very harmoniously blended the benevolent and merciful heart of a Muslim with a matchless military genius.

The messenger who took the news of his death to Baghdad brought the Sultan's coat of mail, his horse one dinar and 36 dirhams which were all the property he had left.

Indeed Salahuddin was a true hero of Islam, his contemporaries and other historians are unanimous in acknowledging Salahuddin as a brave, kind, tender-hearted, patient, affable person. These are the qualities that truly reflect Islam.

Fighting for the cause of Allah (swt), not to make war but to make peace.

Source(s): www.albalagh.net


Islamic Issues

The Brain In Islam

The human brain is a highly organized organ that contains approximately 100 billion neurons and an average mass of 1.4 Kilograms for adults (2 percent of the total body weight).

It is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the human body and for interpreting the vast amount of information it receives.

The brain is responsible for many of the qualities that make each individual unique. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, talents, memories and the ability to process information.

For study purposes Scientists divide up the brain into various functional sections, called lobes. These sections or brain lobes are termed as the Frontal, Temporal, Parietal, Occipital, Cerebellum and theBrain Stem. Each section has a specific function as described below:

Frontal Lobe

The frontal lobe is associated with problem solving, initiation, judgment, inhibition of behavior, planning and anticipation, self-monitoring, motor planning, personality, emotions, awareness of abilities and limitations, organization, attention and concentration, mental flexibility and speaking (expressive language).

Temporal Lobe

The temporal lobe is associated with memory, hearing, understanding language (receptive language), organization and sequencing.

Parietal Lobe

The parietal lobe is associated with the sense of touch, differentiation (identification) of size, shapes and colors, spatial perception and visual perception.

Occipital Lobe

The occipital lobe is associated with visual processing.

The Cerebellum

The Cerebellum is responsible for balance, co-ordination and skilled motor activity.

The Brain Stem

The brain stem is associated with breathing, heart rate, arousal and consciousness, sleep and wake cycles, attention and concentration.

The Brain In Islam

Allah (swt) said in the Quran regarding one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from praying at the Kaba:

Nay! If he (Abû Jahl) ceases not, We will catch him by the naasiyah (front of the head), [Al-Quran 96 :15]

A lying, sinful naasiyah! [Al-Quran 96 :16]

As we can see, Allah (swt) has specifically mentioned here the front of the head as being lying and sinful.

What is the significance of this?

Why was the front of the head specifically mentioned as being lying and sinful?

As mentioned earlier, the frontal lobe of the brain is associated with initiation, planning and behavior, both good and bad. We can therefore see that this description of the front of the head as lying and sinful is correct.

Considering Scientists have only recently discovered these functions of the prefrontal area of the brain, it is another example of how Allah (swt) has already mentioned this fact to mankind over 1400 years ago in the Quran.

As Allah (swt) tells us in the Quran: Or do they say: "He (Muhammad PBUH) has forged it?" Say: "Bring then a Sûrah (chapter) like unto it, and call upon whomsoever you can, besides Allâh, if you are truthful!" [Al-Quran 10:38] Nay, they deny that; the knowledge whereof they could not compass and whereof the interpretation has not yet come unto them. Thus those before them did deny. Then see what was the end of the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)! [Al-Quran 10:39]


Those who deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and the Meeting in the Hereafter (Day of Resurrection,), vain are their deeds. Do they expect to be rewarded with anything except what they used to do? [Al Quran 7:147]

When you are considering a good or abad deed, just remember that it is the frontal lobe of your brain that is associated with that action and that Allah (swt) is well acquainted with what your intentions and actions are.

All praise is for Allah (swt) who has given mankind guidance and has clearly distinguished truth fromfalsehood.

Source(s): www.khaleefah.com www.biausa.org


Tips For Muslims Individuals, Families and Centers

Muslim communities in England and the United States are bracing for a backlash following the terrorist attacks on London.

At this time when emotions are running high and the terror alert level in the US has been raised, there is a chance that misunderstandings may prevail. For this reason we request Muslims, their families, mosques and Islamic centers to take the following precautionary safety measures:

Tips for individuals and families

1.Fortify security systems in your home. If you have an alarm system, double check that it is working properly. Make sure all main doors have secure locks on them.

2.Keep doors locked at all times.

3.Avoid sending your children outside to play for the next two to three days. This is especially important if they "look" Muslim (i.e. wear Hijab or Kufi or may be considered one because of skin color or origin).

4.Everyone in the home should avoid sitting or sleeping close to windows. This is because if someone wants to throw something through the window, family members will be hurt by the weapon and the shattered glass.

5.Practice the fire drill <http://www.kcredcross.org/seasonal/fall/fire_drill.html > in your home.

6.If you are being attacked or witness someone being attacked, contact 911 immediately. Help the victim if he or she is injured, provide comfort and file a police report of the incident as soon as possible.

7.If you are verbally harassed, remain calm and patient. Ignore the comments and remove yourself from the situation immediately.

8.At work or school, if somebody tries to engage you in provocative arguments and a confrontation, say "Peace" and walk away.

9.During the weekend, remain extra careful. Since people often drink alcohol to relax, they are more likely to engage in dangerous behavior. Watch your back and avoid being outside alone, whether you are male or female. Travel in groups and in cars as much as possible.

10.Establish a phone tree system <http://www.soundvision.com/info/terrorism/phonetree. asp> with your neighbors and friends.

11.If a violent incident occurs in your home, make sure to first call 911, then contact the person in your phone tree. Make sure that they call your relatives, the police and the media.

12.Sisters: if you are single or living alone and you feel threatened, call your local Masjid, the Muslim Students' Association or relatives and stay with a group of

people for the next few days. Even commuting should be done in groups. Practice good safety habits <http://www.soundvision.com/info/terrorism/sisterstips .asp> .

Tips for mosques, Islamic centers and Muslim schools

1. Form a security committee whose members will patrol the premises for the next week, especially during the evenings.

2. Contact local police and arrange for more security patrols of the areas surrounding the institutions. Remind them that you and your community are more likely to be targets of hatred and violence in the aftermath of London¹s attacks.

3. If the police are not responding to your need for extra security, contact the police chief and the mayor and demand the same.

4. Report all incidents of harassment that take place on the premises to the police in person or by fax.

5. Record in a specific notebook or file any threatening phone calls or messages on voice mail. For calls, use your telephone's trace features to try to get the telephone number of the caller.

6. Record all incidents of harassment that occur in your Masjid, center or school. Write it all down in detail, providing the who, what, when, where and why of the incident. Send the completed copy to the following organizations:

National ACLU Racial Profiling Hotline: 1 (877) 6PROFILE Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) (fill out their incident report at www.cair-net.org/ireport) American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Call (202) 244-2990 or e-mail: legal@adc.org U.S. Commission on Civil Rights(800) 552-6843

7. Make sure that no member of your Masjid, center, school or MSA is left to go home alone. Arrange for escorts and whenever possible, arrange for Muslims, male or female, to travel in groups.

8. For Juma prayers at Masjids and Islamic centers, have extra security ready. Have police at the door, checking who is coming and going. Also, make sure that the building's parking lot is closely guarded too. Watch out for any suspicious vehicles.


Sunday School Starts September 11,

With the Grace of Allah (SWT), we had yet another blessed summer and we were able to enjoy every bit of it. As we prepare to start the Sunday School Program for 2005/2006 school year, we are very excited about the prospect of presenting a revitalized and robust program for our children. The Education Committee of ICLI has been busy over the entire summer in planning the program.

Our overall mission “to strengthen and nurture our present as well as future generation” remains the driving force behind our efforts throughout the summer. Sunday school aims to provide a well rounded religious knowledge to all of its student body. The children attending our Sunday school represent the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Muslim population in the towns across Long Island.

Our school is guided by the following principals:  Faith in Islam is the central principle of our lives; it defines our identity.  Moral values espoused by Islam are the foundation on which we strive to build our personal, family and social lives. 

Youth must be empowered to succeed using the guidance of Islam. 

Provide children an environment conducive to learning, sharing common faith of Islam and cultural interaction with the community.

Inculcate tolerance and respect of people of other faiths in our youth.

During the summer, the Education Committee actively worked towards creating a Sunday school program that is dynamic in nature and encourages our students to gain a more balanced and deeper understanding of our faith, Islam.

Educating our children remains the highest priority activity for ICLI and as part of our commitment and duty towards the community. The Education Committee, among other significant steps, took the following initiatives during the summer of 2005.

Addition of New Teachers: Teachers are the key component of our education program at the Sunday School and as such we are in the process of recruiting new teachers to replace the ones who have left ICLI.


and Lesson Planning: Entire curriculum of Sunday School is designed to balance all aspect of Islamic learning including Arabic language and Qur'an recitation. The education provided by the Sunday school in a span of three hours on a weekly basis is geared to equip our new generation with sufficient foundation so as to enable them to practice Islam and integrate religious teachings in their daily lives.

As in case of any endeavor, cooperation and support of our parent body is vital. During the school year, the Education Committee will continue to engage with parents of children and listen to any concern or take positive feedback to make the program even more successful.

Registration Sunday, Sept 12th at 9:00AM Opening DaySunday, Sept 12th

We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome two new members of the Education Committee, Nadia Pervez and Humma Qureshi. These two members setup the “Mommy & Me Club” at ICLI and have extensive educational and legal background. Looking forward to a great school year.

Rizwan Qureshi and Sohail Nabi

(Co - Chairmen Sunday School) Tel: 516-333 0299 or Email: iclisundayschool@yahoo.com

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Community Round-up

A Thoughtful Letter from July 18th Newsday

"Open minds need open borders"

Sadness. Anger. A profound sense of loss. That's how I felt upon hearing of the London bombings.

As a New Yorker for 34 years, I had that ominous "here we go again" feeling.

As a reservist in the Air Force for seven years, I wondered if the war on terrorism could ever be won.

As a physician for 14 years, I reflected on how precious life truly is.

As a Muslim-American, I also know that I would have to double my efforts to explain to the uninformed that 99.99 percent of Muslims abhor violence and that Islam stands for peace.

You can imagine my dismay in reading James P. Pinkerton's xenophobic column "Can we learn from Britain's mistake?" [Opinion, July 12], in which he paints with an extremely broad brush the dangers of immigration.

Few nations would argue against keeping "openly hostile foreigners" away from their borders, but to say that we should not let New York become a "New Yorkistan" is not only a slight against Muslim-Americans living in New York but a disservice to the millions of Americans - aren't we all immigrants, after all? - who have come to this land yearning to breathe free, to escape oppression, to seek better lives and to speak their mind.

Pinkerton has spoken his mind. I hope few listen.

Humayun J. Chaudhry

Editor's note: The writer is a board member of the Multifaith Forum of Long Island, an organization sponsored by the Long Island Council of Churches.

Feedback to the ICLI Press Release on London Bombing

One of the many responses I received to the bulletin we put out on Friday regarding the London bombings. Dear Friend, Excellent, wise, pertinent, and needed communication. Many thanks.

There is a world of difference in the response from moderate Islamic leaders following the London bombings and the period following 9/11.

Then there was some reticence to speaking out against fellow Muslims, no matter what they had done.This is a clear distinction not only of Islamic teachings, but what neighbors can and should expect in daily practice.

I should add, no matter what the supposed cause or provocation.Perhaps you have seen the political cartoon by Clay Bennett in a recent Christian Science Monitor. It shows four figures; the first represents the US with a looped ribbon with 9/11; the second, Spain, with a dated ribbon; the third, London, with a dated ribbon.The fourth figure is set apart, representing Iraq, totally covered with dated ribbons.

None of the monotheistic religions teach "Kill everyone who does not agree with you.Wipe out everyone you hate, and anyone else standing around." And nobody believes it either.Murder is a crime, period.And those who have been duped into believing otherwise were in for a big surprise in that instant of transition. I pity them and ask God to forgive them; they really did not know what they were doing.

This week "PEACE: THE MONOLOGUES, Palestinian and Israeli Young Women Share Their Stories," will be presented in Santa Fe. Sixteen Muslim, Christian and Jewish teenage girls. We are looking forward to the evening together and give thanks for every peaceful effort everywhere.

Cordially, Karen James



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In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG ISLAND
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5 : 5 8 p

1 : 0 5 p

5 : 5 7 a

4 : 3 2 a

R J B 1 A u g 7

S u n

8 : 0 4 p

5 : 5 7 p

1 : 0 5 p

5 : 5 8 a

4 : 3 3 a

9 : 3 0 p M o n

R J B 2 A u g 8

8 : 0 3 p

5 : 5 6 p

1 : 0 5 p

5 : 5 9 a

4 : 3 4 a

9 : 2 9 p T u e

R J B 3 A u g 9

8 : 0 2 p

5 : 5 5 p

1 : 0 5 p

6 : 0 0 a

4 : 3 4 a

9 : 2 8 p W e d

R J B 4 A u g 1 0

8 : 0 1 p

5 : 5 4 p

1 : 0 4 p

6 : 0 1 a

4 : 3 5 a

9 : 2 7 p T h u

R J B 5 A u g 1 1

7 : 5 9 p

5 : 5 3 p

1 : 0 4 p

6 : 0 2 a

4 : 3 6 a

9 : 2 6 p F r i

R J B 6 A u g 1 2

7 : 5 8 p

5 : 5 3 p

1 : 0 4 p

6 : 0 3 a

4 : 3 6 a

9 : 2 5 p S a t

R J B 7 A u g 1 3

7 : 5 7 p

5 : 5 2 p

1 : 0 4 p

6 : 0 4 a

4 : 3 7 a

9 : 2 4 p S u n

R J B 8 A u g 1 4

7 : 5 5 p

5 : 5 1 p

1 : 0 4 p

6 : 0 5 a

4 : 3 8 a

9 : 2 3 p M o n

R J B 9 A u g 1 5

7 : 5 4 p

5 : 5 0 p

1 : 0 3 p

6 : 0 6 a

4 : 3 8 a

9 : 2 2 p T u e

R J B 1 0 A u g 1 6

7 : 5 2 p

5 : 4 9 p

1 : 0 3 p

6 : 0 7 a

9 : 1 9 p

7 : 5 1 p

5 : 4 8 p

1 : 0 3 p

6 : 0 8 a

9 : 1 8 p

7 : 4 9 p

5 : 4 7 p

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7 : 4 8 p

5 : 4 6 p

1 : 0 3 p

6 : 1 0 a

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5 : 4 5 p

1 : 0 2 p

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7 : 4 5 p

5 : 4 4 p

1 : 0 2 p

6 : 1 2 a

9 : 1 3 p

7 : 4 3 p

5 : 4 2 p

1 : 0 2 p

6 : 1 3 a

4 : 3 9 a

9 : 2 1 p W e d

4 : 4 0 a

R J B 1 1 A u g 1 7

R J B 1 2 A u g 1 8

9 : 2 0 p T h u

: 4 0 a

u g 1 9


4 : 4 1 a

u g 2 0


4 : 4 1 a

u g 2 1


: 4 2 a




4 : 4 3 a






a t

o n

7 : 4 2 p

5 : 4 1 p

1 : 0 1 p

6 : 1 4 a

4 : 4 3 a

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1 8

7 : 4 0 p

5 : 4 0 p

1 : 0 1 p

6 : 1 5 a

4 : 4 4 a

9 : 1 2 p T h u

R J B 1 9 A u g 2 5

7 : 3 9 p

5 : 3 9 p

1 : 0 1 p

6 : 1 5 a

4 : 4 5 a

9 : 1 1 p F r i

R J B 2 0 A u g 2 6

7 : 3 7 p

5 : 3 8 p

1 : 0 1 p

6 : 1 6 a

4 : 4 5 a

9 : 1 0 p S a t

R J B 2 1 A u g 2 7

7 : 3 6 p

5 : 3 7 p

1 : 0 0 p

6 : 1 7 a

4 : 4 6 a

9 : 0 9 p S u n

R J B 2 2 A u g 2 8

7 : 3 4 p

5 : 3 6 p

1 : 0 0 p

6 : 1 8 a

4 : 4 6 a

9 : 0 7 p M o n

R J B 2 3 A u g 2 9

7 : 3 3 p

5 : 3 4 p

1 : 0 0 p

6 : 1 9 a

9 : 0 4 p

7 : 3 1 p

5 : 3 3 p

6 : 2 0 a 1 2 : 5 9 p

4 : 4 7 a

9 : 0 6 p T u e

4 : 4 8 a

R J B 2 4 A u g 3 0

R J B 2 5 A u g 3 1

9 : 0 5 p W e d

S a l a a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y . A u g u s t 2 0 0 5 J u m m a h K h u t b a h s t a r t s a t 1 : 1 0 P M ( P l e a s e c o n t a c t H a f i z A h m e d 5 1 6 3 3 3 6 9 3 0 f o r d a i l y M a s j i d S a l a a t T i m e s ) D A Y 1 4 2 4 5 / 6 H 2 0 0 5 F a j r S u n r i s e Z u h r A s r ( H ) M a g h r i b I s h a M o n J M T 2 5 A u g 1 4 : 2 8 a 5 : 5 1 a 1 : 0 6 p 6 : 0 2 p 8 : 1 3 p 9 : 3 5 p T u e J M T 2 6 A u g 2 4 : 2 9 a 5 : 5 2 a 1 : 0 6 p 6 : 0 1 p 8 : 1 1 p 9 : 3 4 p W e d J M T 2 7 A u g 3 4 : 3 0 a 5 : 5 3 a 1 : 0 5 p 6 : 0 1 p 8 : 1 0 p 9 : 3 4 p T h u J M T 2 8 A u g 4 4 : 3 0 a 5 : 5 4 a 1 : 0 5 p 6 : 0 0 p 8 : 0 9 p 9 : 3 3 p F r i J M T 2 9 A u g 5 4 : 3 1 a 5 : 5 5 a 1 : 0 5 p 5 : 5 9 p 8 : 0 8 p 9 : 3 2 p S a t J M T ? ? A u g 6 4 : 3 2 a 5 : 5 6 a 1 : 0 5 p 5 : 5 9 p 8 : 0 7 p 9 : 3 1 p
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R J B 1
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R J B 1
R J B 1
A u
T u e R J B 1
A u
W e d R J B

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