ICLI News Feb. 2004

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I.C.L.I. News

Volume 1,

Inside this issue:

ICLI News:

President’s Message (Tribute to volunteers)

Letter from Msgn T. Hartman

Domestic Harmony Committee Why Jerusalem and Palestine Are Of The Utmost Importance to Muslims

Islamic Heritage: History of Hajj Hajj Rites in Brief Hajj at a Glance Prophet Muhammad’s Last Sermon

Health Watch: “A” for Allergies

Educational Section: Sunday School News

Why Send your child to a Weekend Islamic School PTO News

Schedule for Jummah Khutbahs

Schedule for Sunday Adult Sessions

Youth Section: Editorial Islamic Stories

Community Round-up: ICLI Services


In this message I want to provide you a glimpse of “behind-the-scenes” activities at ICLI. Some months back I walked into our ICLI office and observed a large stack of big brown envelopes being prepared for mailing. When I inquired as to the contents and recipients, this is what I learned.

Each month, on an average, ICLI receives about 50 letters from inmates from prisons across the USA. The following is a sample of the types of letters received, with direct quotes (exactly as written, with no editing by Br. Nabi or me).

September 9, 2003 – Inmate C.T. from Missouri: “Will you send me information. I need to build my faith as Muslim? I also need Holy Quran, prayer rug and Kuffer”.

October 2003 – Inmate D.E. from Missouri: “I was hoping you can send me a Holy Quran, and a cap, along with prayer rug, prayer book and how to pray, also some information on the prophet”

October 2003 – Inmate M.J. from Florida: “I have taken my Shadah. I am a striving Muslim and in great need for some Islamic material. I need a prayer rug also a Kufu all the other brothers are wearing there white hats. P.S. My head is big so could you make my Kufu big”

October 2003 – Inmate A.B. from California: “I am an incarcerated Muslim who is in great need of Islamic educational material. I have not the financial means to purchase such items”.

October 2003 – Inmate H.T. from Florida: “I am writing to you to request you, if able to, send me every and all Islamic material that you may have for a young striving Muslim. I have one Kufis but no prayer rug”

September 2003 – Inmate F.P. from California: “I am an incarcerated Muslim who is soliciting donations for our Jamaats Islamic

library we are establishing here in PVS Prison in California”. (accompanied with a list of books requested).

What happens to these requests?

A well-kept secret at ICLI is the fact that a very large number of dedicated volunteers put in long hours, quietly, discreetly, for the pleasure of Allah-helping families through difficult times, preparing and washing bodies for burials, sorting out mail, helping with parking and traffic, responding to speaking engagements, putting together the monthly ICLI newsletter etc— the list is a very long one.

One such volunteer, Sr. Ismat Siddiqui, sorts out the inmates letters, catalogues them, procures the requested items, prepares appropriate material for packing –prayer rugs, Kufis, books, etc., etc. – and arranges for the mailing of the material. I took this picture on a recent Friday at ICLI, and you can see some of the material which was being mailed that day.

What happens after the mailings?

Several individuals acknowledge the receipt of the material, and here are a few

A Publication of The Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury.
We’re on the web at http://islamicvalley.com/icli
In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
Issue 6
2004 / Zul-Hijjah 1424
Sr. Ismat Siddiqui, prepares appropriate material for packing to send to inmates.

(Continued from page 1)

samples with direct quotes.

October 2003 – L.S. from Missouri: “I greet the Islamic Community of LI with the beautiful greetings of love, peace and paradise of : As Salaam Alaikum. Received your prayer rugs, calendars, pamphlets, just to let you all know that we received your shipment and to show our gratitude to all of you”.

3 Shaabaan 1424 – D.C. from Florida: “I thank you for the materials that you have sent me in the past, it was very much enlighten. I enjoyed it very much. Please consider donating to me more Islamic literature that I may study and share with the brothers at this facility”

R.J. from Missouri: after acknowledging and thanking the brothers and sisters at ICLI for the gift package, R.J. writes: “ I would love to learn our universal language (Arabic) so if you have a book list in which I can use to purchase the books please send me the list”.

October 2003 – A.N. from Auburn, NY: “I read the 3 booklets you sent to me. I am very interested in Salih Bukhari and Salih Muslim . . . . I am asking you to send the material so that I may strengthen my understanding of Islam. Thank you. All Praise Be to Allah, The Merciful, The Most Merciful”.

October 2003 – D.A. from Riverhead, NY “I just want to thank you for the book that ya send me. May Allah accept your Zakat. I am still locked up but I pray to Allah and I am asking his forgiveness. You brothers just don’t know how happy I got when I received this books. One more time Shukrun. Insha Allah when I get out I am gonna come visit you in the mosque”.

As I am writing this piece, (on the coldest recorded date in over a decade) I was reminded about the experience of Malcolm X – Malik Shabbazz who, during his imprisonment underwent a huge transformation, and after release became an icon in US history. I was wondering how many of our current ICLI recipients would follow the path which Malcolm X – Malik Shabbazz followed.

We are planning a special memorial in honor of Malik Shabbazz on Sunday, February 22nd, from 10am - 1pm and we will Inshallah, welcome his daughter, Ilayassah Shabbazz, as our special guest of honor.

Some Final Thoughts:

Historically, it’s the individuals like the folks in prisons, the poor, the underprivileged, who have made major con-

Newsletter Created by:

tributions in the growth of Islam. As outlined in the Qur’anic verse 9:60, Alms for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds);

For those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to the truth);

For those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (Thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom

We are ordered to extend a helping hand to those in need with our human and fiscal resources. Sr. Ismat is a great example of faith in action. May Allah bless her and other volunteers who help at ICLI.

My best estimate is that each package costs about $20 to $25 in materials, postage etc. For the approximately fifty mailings each month it costs about $1000 and about $12,000 per year. I was informed that this ICLI initiative of prison outreach has been in place for years. If you would like to contribute your Zakat towards this very important Dawah work, write a check to ICLI with a memo for Prison Dawah.


2. Dr Rudolph Clark, Mr. Alphonse Campbell and Mr. Kenneth Little - Three of our very good supportive Christian neighbors passed away recently. I and several members of ICLI attended the services for the departed. I was reminded of the incident when Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), stood as a sign of respect when the funeral procession of a Jewish

Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi email: m.nabi@verizon.net

Islamic Section: Kaleem Ahmed email: kkamboj@nyc.rr.com

Education/PTO: Margaret Iamunno email: margaretaiamunno@msn.com Youth Section: Emraan Khan email: ekhan17@hotmail.com

Printed By: Five Star Printing (Flushing) (718)-353 4711

(Continued on page 3)
Telecare Telethon - January 10 &11 2004. Dr. Faroque Khan with Msgn Thomas Hartman

(Continued from page 2) woman passed by, implying that it is the Prophets sunnah that ALL human souls should be respected in life as well as in death.

2. Iran- Bam Earthquake Relief Fund: Received a thank you note from Dr Farhad Talebian, President Iranian American Society of New York for the $3000 donation ICLI sent for the earthquake relief effort.

3. Massapequa High School—Follow Up: Seems like the presentation by Ms Shireen Khan and me to Ms Hausers social studies class was well received. We have been invited back to conduct in depth workshops for the entire Massapequa school district teachers in 2004.

4. Invitation From Police Commissioner James Lawrence - All ICLI youth are invited to participate in the youth explorer program with the Nassau police department.

Message from Msgn Thomas Hartman:

To: Dr. Khan

Re: Eid Message

Thank you, thank you, thank you! When we met last summer to plan “Our Muslim Neighbors,” Dr. Faroque Khan introduced me to some of the finest people I have ever met. What challenged me and what challenged them was to make the wonderful religion of Islam understandable and inspirational to people of other faiths. We all agree that this would take a super effort but we felt with Allah’s help that we should try. I believe that you have seen the early results of our working together.

When Ramadan came, on Telecare, we were all invited in the morning to begin the fast and in the evening to end the fast for the day. We at Telecare are proud of using television to announce holy events and grateful for all of the work that the Muslim community put into making this a success.

I can’t thank you enough for all the cards and prayers you sent me when it was revealed that I have Parkinson’s Disease. I also thank you for sharing so generously at our Telecare Telethon. I read so many Muslim names with pride. Bishop Murphy commented to me that he was pleased to see that so many from the Muslim community were proud to be a part of the Telecare family. We have only just begun. We need to know more. And with Allah’s help we will all be proud of the work we are trying to do together.

5. Telecare Telethon: Msgn Thomas Hartman and I thank all those who participated in the Telecare Telethon on Jan 10th and 11th 2004, in support of our TV show Our Muslim Neighbours. It was a refreshing change to hear the names of Muslims broadcast live on TV Ch 29 and 55 in a positive light. Don’t forget to watch the show Our Muslim Neighbour on Ch 29 -Wed 9pm, Thurs 10:30 pm and Tue 11:30 am. Telecare plans to tape six new episodes in the next three months, Inshallah.

With my best wishes, Faroque A. Khan

Email: faroquekhan@yahoo.com

Thomas Hartman

Director Telecare TV Program, Archdiocese of Rockville Center Bring the Muslim Community Together By Advertising your BUSINESS in ICLI Newsletter Contact: Mohammed Sohail Nabi (m.nabi@verizon.net) or Cell: 646 286 0060
Police Commissioner James H. Lawrence as a guest speaker for the Adult Program on Sunday, January 11th. WATCH! Our Muslim Neighbors Television Ch. 29 Tuesdays – 11:30 am Wednesdays - 9 pm Thursdays – 10:30 pm

ICLI’s Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC)

On December 19th members of the Domestic Harmony Committee and the Mothers Support Group met with Ms. Jan Figueira, Vice-President of Training and Education, Planned Parenthood Nassau County and long time resident of Westbury. The group met at DHC’s office at ICLI. After a light snack and introductory session the group had a very enlightening discussion about Planned Parenthood, talking to children about how not to give in to peer pressure at school, gatherings, and among friends and especially issues common to all teenagers. Ms. Figueira was very interested in learning the Islamic prespective of parenting and wanted to inculcate them in her program when she has further meetings with the group.

Sister Abby our wonderful computer instructor puts the success of The ICLI sisters’ computer training program this way. “We got off to a great start. Seven sisters enrolled in the Microsoft Windows class. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn made the class a tremendous success. The sisters emerged from the class confident that their intelligence was greater than that of a computer. They felt a lot more comfortable using a PC after having acquired the basic skills needed to proceed with more advanced computer training. Some of the sisters are going to continue to increase their computer literacy by taking the Microsoft Word class, which is scheduled to begin on 1/23/04 at 7 pm."

“Congratulations” to our Chairwoman Shaida Khan to serve on the board of The Long Island Fund for Women & Girls Foundation LIFWG is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to improve the status of women and girls on Long Island by highlighting the issues adversely affecting women and girls; encouraging a philanthropic response from corporations, individual donors, and government to address these issues; and making grants and developing a permanent source of support for these purposes. She attended the first board meeting last week “My meeting with the LIFWG last week went very well. After getting acquainted with each other and being givensome understanding of the kind of work the LIFWG does, I was extremely impressed with their working to improve the lives of women and girls on the Island. I was also very impressed with the professionalism and efficiency they work with. The board comprised of a group of approximately 13 women of different backgrounds with regard to ethnicity and profession. I must not forget to mention that the LIFWG has been very generous in funding the Domestic Harmony Committee for the last five years. Last summer the LIFWG received a special grant to do a program

about Women in Islam and it was from this grant that came about the successful event Women in Islam, Many Faces Many Voices”.

Are you a Victim of Domestic Violence

DHC is initiating a new program called “Soul Food” This support group is every women’s motivation to learn, teach, explore, support, and be supported. Group will be using Discussions, Creative Art, Visualization, and Relaxation. The group goals: Improving personal and social functioning Increase personal autonomy and motivation Confidence building, self validation, and realization of one's own potential Express feelings, emotions, and conflicts Insight, self-awareness, and reflection Relaxation

At the same time a Children's Peer Group will be on going. A relaxed, recreational environment to promote discussion of relevant topics such as issues at school, family & friends, stress, time, and/or anger management Group decides topics. Activities may include arts & crafts projects, card or board games, or outdoor activities (weather permitting). Homework help will probably be provided.

The support group meets every Thursday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at 5 Jamie drive, Westbury. The group is open to the ICLI community and community of Westbury and neighboring towns.

DHC News!

Mother’s support group meets every other Friday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. 2nd session of computer class started 1/23/04 Women’s Book Club and Family Movie night starting soon!

Homaira Mamoor

Call for Pro Bono Lawyers

DHC is actively recruiting private lawyers who specialize in family and immigration law. We are in need of practitioners to take on referrals on a pro bono basis.

are not alone
are not to blame
do not deserve to be abused.
hotline: 516-942-2081

Why Jerusalem and Palestine Are Of The Utmost Importance to Muslims

Most people know that Jerusalem is very important for Jews and Christians, but few know why it is also of the greatest importance to 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, more than six million of whom are Americans. Since the negotiations at “Camp David II” did not take seriously the issue of Jerusalem, we feel that it is time for all concerned to study and appreciate the reasons why Muslims have such a profound attachment to Jerusalem and Palestine, especially since the media, generally speaking, does not cover these reasons:

1. The significance of Jerusalem in the Holy Land of Palestine for Muslims is evident by the many references to it in both Al-Qur’aan, Al-Islaam’s Divinely revealed scripture and Al-Hadeeth, the personal statements of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

2. Jerusalem is one of three holiest cities for Muslims, next to Makkah and Al-Madeenah. It is the City where many prophets of Al-Islaam, including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Moses, Zakariah, Jesus and Muhammad, may God’s Peace and Blessings be upon them all, preached throughout Palestine.

3. Jerusalem in Palestine was the focus of Al-Israa wal-Mi’raaj, the miraculous Night Journey during which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was transported, by the Will of God, from Makkah to Jerusalem, and from there he was ascended to the Seventh Heaven, where the five daily prayers were established by The Almighty. The Prophet (pbuh) was then returned to Makkah through Jerusalem. Al-Qur’aan’s 17th Chapter, verse one reads in the English translation of its meaning:“Glory be to The ONE (God) Who took HIS servant (Muhammad) on a night journey from Al-Masjid Al-Haram (in Makkah) to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem), whose precincts were blessed by God, to show Muhammad some of God’s signs for God is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.”

4. The greatest significance of Jerusalem, Palestine for the Muslim people is that it also contains both Al-Masjid AlAqsa and the Dome of the Rock Mosques. It is from this “rock” that the ascension to Heaven began and ended. It is also the place where Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) led a prayer as “Imam” for the other Prophets, may God’s Peace and Blessings be upon them all.

5. Jerusalem, Palestine was the first “Qibla” (direction to which Muslims faced when praying) during the entire Makkan period and the first 16 months of Al-Madeenah period.

6. Muslims consider prayers in Jerusalem’s Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa Mosque equivalent to 500 prayers in any other ordinary mosque.

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7. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Travel for worshipping purposes (and pilgrimage) is restricted to three mosques: The Sacred Mosque in Makkah, my Mosque (in al-Madeenah) and Al-Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem)”. He also said: “The person who starts procedure for pilgrimage or ‘umra from Al-Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem) shall have all his/her sins forgiven.” Also “Whoever goes on pilgrimage to the Jerusalem sanctuary and worships there for one and the same year, shall be forgiven all his/her sins.” He also said: “It (Jerusalem) is the land of the ingathering…go to it and worship in it, for one act of worship there is like a thousand acts of worship elsewhere.”

8. Another reason why Jerusalem is very important to Muslims and will never accept it to be occupied by military force is this: a tradition in Al-Islaam also states that Jerusalem’s area of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Haram AlShareef in Makkah will be connected together at the end of time – The Day of Judgement. As-Sakhra or the dome of the Rock Mosque is a place of special proximity to Heaven. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also associated the Rock with the ascention to Heaven of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), thereby Muslims believe that the Rock would become the place of the final junction of earth and heaven. For this reason, Muslims pray and wish to be buried in its vicinity. Prophet Muhammad, pbuh said “Whoever dies in the sanctuary of Jerusalem is as if he/she had died in paradise, and for the person who dies close by, it is as if he/she had died in the City.”

9. The various Qur’anic revelations and Prophetic statements concerning the blessed land of Palestine endeared the land to the companions of the Prophet. The second Khalif (successor) Umar ibn Al-Khattab declared that all the land of Palestine be part of Islamic Waqf, charitable foundation. Waqf lands under Islamic law cannot be negotiated away by any government.

10.If Jerusalem, Palestine is important to Jews and Christians, it is thrice as important to Muslims, because Muslims believe in all of God’s prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus and their original teachings are accepted and revered by all Muslims.

Unless the above points are taken seriously, peace negotiations will lead nowhere. We hope that you are now more aware of the reasons why Jerusalem and Palestine are of the utmost importance to 1.2 billion Muslims in the world.

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(Continued from page 5)
Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Surely, He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. And who is truer in statement than Allah?
Surah An-Nisa(4) Ayah 87:

Islamic Heritage

A History of Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Hajj literally means 'to set out for a place'. Islamically however it refers to the annual pilgrimage that Muslims make to Makkah with the intention of performing certain religious rites in accordance with the method prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Hajj and its rites were first ordained by Allah in the time of the Prophet lbrahim [Abraham] (AS) and he was the one who was entrusted by Allah to build the Ka'bah - the House of Allah - along with his son Ismaa'eel [Ishmael] at Makkah. Allah described the Ka'bah and its building as follows:

sacred precincts of the Ka'bah was like a circus. Men and women would go round the Ka'bah naked, arguing that they should present themselves before Allah in the same condition they were born. Their prayer became devoid of all sincere remembrance of Allah and was instead reduced to a series of hand clapping, whistling and the blowing of horns. Even the talbeeyah [1] was distorted by them with the following additions: 'No one is Your partner except one who is permitted by you. You are his Master and the Master of what he possesses'.

Sacrifices were also made in the name of God. However, the blood of the sacrificed animals was poured onto the walls of the Ka'bah and the flesh was hung from pillars around the Ka'bah, in the belief that Allah demanded the flesh and blood of these animals.

Singing, drinking, adultery and other acts of immorality was rife amongst the pilgrims and the poetry competitions, which were held, were a major part of the whole Hajj event. In these competitions, poets would praise the bravery and splendour of their own tribesmen and tell exaggerated tales of the cowardice and miserliness of other tribes. Competitions in generosity were also staged where the chief of each tribe would set up huge cauldrons and feed the pilgrims, only so that they could become wellknown for their extreme generosity.

"And remember when We showed Ibrahim the site of the [Sacred] House [saying]: Associate not anything [in worship] with Me and purify My House for those who circumambulate it [i.e. perform tawaaf] and those who stand up for prayer and those who bow down and make prostration [in prayer etc.]."

[Surah Al-Hajj 22:26]

After building the Ka'bah, Ibrahim (AS) would come to Makkah to perform Hajj every year, and after his death, this practice was continued by his son. However, gradually with the passage of time, both the form and the goal of the Hajj rites were changed. As idolatry spread throughout Arabia, the Ka'bah lost its purity and idols were placed inside it. Its walls became covered with poems and paintings, including one of Jesus and his mother Maryam and eventually over 360 idols came to be placed around the Ka'bah.

During the Hajj period itself, the atmosphere around the

Thus the people had totally abandoned the teachings of their forefather and leader Ibrahim (AS). The House that he had made pure for the worship of Allah alone, had been totally desecrated by the pagans and the rites which he had established were completely distorted by them. This sad state of affairs continued for nearly two and a half thousand years. But then after this long period, the time came for the supplication of Ibrahim to be answered:

"Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite unto them your aayaat (verses) and instruct them in the book and the Wisdom and sanctify them. Verily you are the 'Azeezul-Hakeem [the All-Mighty, the All-Wise]." [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:129]

Sure enough, a man by the name of Muhammad ibn 'Abdullaah (PBUH) was born in the very city that Ibrahim (AS) had made this supplication centuries earlier. For twenty-three years, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spread the message of Tawheed [true monotheism -SA]the same message that Ibrahim and alI the other Prophets came with - and established the law of Allah upon the land. He expended every effort into making the word of Allah supreme and his victory over falsehood culminated in the smashing of the idols inside the Ka'bah which once

(Continued on page 8)

(Continued from page 6) again became the universal centre for the worshippers of the one True God.

Not only did the Prophet rid the Ka'ba of all its impurities, but he also reinstated all the rites of Hajj which were established by Allah's Permission, in the time of Ibrahim (AS). Specific injunctions in the Qur'an were revealed in order to eliminate all the false rites which had become rampant in the pre-Islamic period. All indecent and shameful acts were strictly banned in Allah's statement:

"There is to be no lewdness nor wrangles during Hajj." [Surah al-Baqarah 2:197]

Competitions among poets in the exaltations of their forefathers and their tribesmen's' achievements were all stopped. Instead, Allah told them:

"And when you have completed your rites [of Hajj] then remember Allah as you remember your forefathers; nay with a more vigorous remembrance." [Surah al-Baqarah 2:200 ]

Competitions in generosity were also prohibited. Of course, the feeding of the poor pilgrims was still encouraged as this was done in the time of Ibrahim (AS) but Allah commanded that the slaughtering of the animals which was done for this purpose should be done seeking the pleasure of Allah rather than fame and the praise of the people. He said:

"So mention the name of Allah over these animals when they are drawn up in lines. Then, when they are drawn on their sides [after the slaughter], eat thereof and feed the beggar who does not ask, and the beggar who asks." [Surah al-Hajj 22:36]

As for the deplorable practice of spattering blood of the sacrificed animals on the walls of the Ka'ba and hanging their flesh on altars, then Allah clearly informed them that:

"It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is Taqwaa (piety) from you that reaches Him." [Surah al-Hajj 22:37]

The Prophet (PBUH) also put a stop to the practice of circling the Ka'ba in a state of nudity and the argument that the pagans put forward to justify this ritual was sharply rebutted in Allah's question:

"Say: Who has forbidden the adornment [i.e. clothes] given by Allah which He has produced for His Slaves?" [Surah al-A'raaf 7:32]

Another custom which was prohibited through the Qur’an was that of setting off for Hajj without taking any provisions for the journey. In the pre-Islamic period, some people who claimed to be mutawakkiloon (those having complete trust in Allah) would travel to perform Hajj begging food the whole journey. They considered this form of behaviour a sign of piety and an indication of

how much faith they had in Allah. However Allah told mankind that to have sufficient provisions for the journey was one of the preconditions for making Hajj. He said:

"And take a provision [with you] for the journey, but the best provision is at-Taqwaa (piety)." [Surah al-Baqarah 2:197]

In this way, all the pre-Islamic practices, which were based in ignorance, were abolished and Hajj was once more made a model of piety, fear of Allah, purity, simplicity and austerity. Now, when the pilgrims reached the Ka'ba, they no longer found the carnivals and the frolic and frivolity that had once occupied the minds of the pilgrims there before. Now, there was the remembrance of Allah at every step and every action and every sacrifice was devoted to Him alone. It was this kind of Hajj that was worthy of the reward of paradise, as the Prophet (PBUH) said: "The reward for an accepted Hajj is nothing less than paradise." [2] May Allah grant us all the ability to visit His House and perform the Hajj in the manner of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


1 Labbaik Allaahumma labbaik... (Here I am present, O' Allah, I am present...) This is the chant which the pilgrims say when they are going around the Ka'ba.

2 Saheeh al-Bukhari (Eng. trans. Vol. 3 p. 1 no 1)


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Hajj Rites - in brief

On the first day of the Hajj, pilgrims sweep out of Makkah towards Mina, a small-uninhabited village east of the city. Pilgrims generally spend their time meditating and praying, as the Prophet (PBUH) did on his pilgrimage.

During the second day, the 9th of Zul-Hijjah, pilgrims leave Mina for the plain of Arafat for the wuquf, "the standing," the central rite of the Hajj. As they congregate there, the pilgrims' stance and gathering reminds them of the Day of Judgment. Some of them gather at the Mount of Mercy, where the Prophet (PBUH) delivered his unforgettable Farewell Sermon, enunciating far-reaching religious, economic, social and political reforms. The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have asked God to pardon the sins of pilgrims who "stood" at 'Arafat, and was granted his wish. Thus, the hopeful pilgrims prepare to leave this plain joyfully, feeling reborn without sin and intending to turn over a new leaf.

"the Festival of Sacrifice."

Men either shave their heads or clip their hair, and women cut off a symbolic lock, to mark their partial deconsecration. This is done as a symbol of humility. All prohibitions, save the one of conjugal relations, are now lifted.

Still sojourning in Mina, pilgrims visit Makkah to perform another essential rite of the Hajj: the tawaf, the seven-fold circling of the Ka'bah, with a prayer recited during each circuit. Their circumambulation of the Ka'bah, the symbol of God's oneness, implies that all human activity must have God at its center. It also symbolizes the unity of God and man.

After completing the tawaf, pilgrims pray, preferably at the Station of Abraham, the site where Abraham (PBUH) stood while he built the Ka'bah. Then they drink of the water of Zamzam.

Another, and sometimes final, rite is the sa'y, or "the running." This is a reenactment of a memorable episode in the life of Hagar (PBUH), who was taken into what the Qur'an calls the "uncultivable valley" of Makkah, with her infant son Ishmael, to settle there.

The sa'y commemorates Hagar's (PBUH) frantic search for water to quench Ishmael's (PBUH) thirst. She ran back and forth seven times between two rocky hillocks, al-Safa and al-Marwah, until she found the sacred water known as Zamzam. This water, which sprang forth miraculously under Ishmael's tiny feet, is now enclosed in a marble chamber the Ka'bah.

Just after sunset, the mass of pilgrims proceeds to Muzdalifah, an open plain about halfway between 'Arafat and Mina. There they first pray and then collect a fixed number of chickpea-sized pebbles to use on the following days. Before daybreak on the third day, pilgrims move en masse from Muzdalifah to Mina. There they cast at white pillars the pebbles they have previously collected. According to some traditions, this practice is associated with Prophet Abraham (PBUH). As pilgrims throw seven pebbles at each of these pillars, they remember the story of Satan's attempt to persuade Abraham (PBUH) to disregard God's command to sacrifice his son.

Following the casting of the pebbles, most pilgrims sacrifice a goat, sheep or some other animal. They give the meat to the poor after, in some cases, keeping a small portion for themselves. As the pilgrims have, at this stage, finished a major part of the Hajj, they are now allowed to shed their ihram and put on everyday clothes. On this day Muslims around the world share the happiness the pilgrims feel and join them by performing identical, individual sacrifices in a worldwide celebration of 'Id al-Adha,

(Continued on page 10)
Sunday, February 22, 2004 10:00am - 1:00pm Legacy and Contributions Of Malik Shabbaz (Malcolm X) Special Guest Ms. Ilyassah Shabbaz (Daughter of Malik Shabbaz)

Hajj at a Glance

These rites performed, the pilgrims are completely deconsecrated: They may resume all normal activities. According to the social customs of some countries, pilgrims can henceforth proudly claim the title of al-Hajj or Hajji.

They now return to Mina, where they stay up to the 12th or 13th day of Zul-Hijjah. There they throw their remaining pebbles at each of the pillars in the manner either practiced or approved by the Prophet (PBUH). They then take leave of the friends they have made during the Hajj. Before leaving Makkah, however, pilgrims usually make a final tawaf round the Ka'bah to bid farewell to the Holy City.

from page 6)
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(This Sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Zul Hijjah 10 A.H in the Uranah Valley of Mount Arafat)

All Praise is due to ALLAH, so we praise Him, and seek His pardon and we turn to Him.

We seek refuge with ALLAH from the evils of ourselves and from the evil consequences of our deeds. Whom ALLAH guides aright there is none to lead him astray.

I BEAR WITNESS THAT THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH, the One, having no partner with Him. His is the sovereignty and to Him is due all praise. He grants life and causes death and is powerful over everything.

THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH, the One; He fulfilled His promise and granted victory to His bondsman, and He alone routed the enemies of Islam.

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I do not know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds.

ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit adultery.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship ALLAH, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.

You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white - except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim that belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefore do injustice to yourselves. Remember one day you will meet ALLAH and answer your deeds. So beware: do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words that I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QUR'AN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly.



"A" for Allergies

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system. People who have allergies have a hyper-alert immune system that overreacts to a substance in the environment called an allergen. Exposure to what is normally a harmless substance, such as pollen, causes the immune system to react as if the substance is harmful.

affects the whole body. It may begin with sudden itching of the eyes or face and within minute’s progress to more serious symptoms, including:

Varying degrees of swellings that can make breathing and swallowing difficult

Abdominal pain


Vomiting and Diarrhea

Mental confusion or dizziness.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Allergies are a very common problem, affecting at least 2 out of every 10 Americans.

Allergy symptoms can be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe.

Mild Allergic Reactions Mild allergic reactions can include:

Rash or hives

Itchy, watery eyes


Mild reactions do not spread to other parts of the body, as they are local.

Moderate Allergic Reactions

Moderate reactions can include symptoms that spread to other parts of the body, including:


Difficulty breathing Severe Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis)

Anaphylaxis is a rare, life-threatening emergency in which the body's response to the allergen is sudden and


What Types of Plants Produce the Most Allergenic Pollen?

The type of pollen that most commonly causes allergic reactions comes from plants (trees, grasses, and weeds) that typically do not bear fruit or flowers. These plants produce small, light, dry pollen granules in large quantities that can be carried through the air for miles.

Common plant allergens include: Weeds, such as ragweed (including the marsh-elder, desert

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broom, feverfew, dog fennel, chamomile, chrysanthemum, and marigold families), sagebrush, redroot pigweed, lamb's quarters, goosefoot, tumbleweed (Russian thistle), and English plantain.

Grasses, such as timothy grass, Kentucky blue grass, Johnson grass, Bermuda grass, redtop grass, orchard grass, sweet vernal grass, perennial rye, salt grass, velvet grass, and fescue.

Hardwood deciduous trees, such as oak, ash, elm, birch, maple, alder, and hazel as well as hickory, pecan, box, and mountain cedar. Juniper, cedar, cypress, and sequoia trees are also likely to cause allergies.

2. What Does a Pollen Count Mean?

A pollen count is the measure of the amount of pollen in the air. Pollen counts are commonly included in local weather reports. The counts are usually reported for mold spores and three types of pollen: grasses, trees, and weeds. The count is reported as grains of pollen per square meter of air collected over 24 hours. This number represents the concentration of all the pollen in the air in a certain area at a specific time. The pollen count is translated into a corresponding level: absent, low, medium, or high.

In general, a "low" pollen count means that only people extremely sensitive to pollen will experience symptoms. A "medium" count means many people who are sensitive to pollen will experience symptoms, and a "high" count means most people with any sensitivity to pollen will experience symptoms.

Although the pollen count is an approximate and fluctuates, it is useful as a general guide when you are trying to determine whether or not you should stay indoors to avoid pollen contact.

3. Should I Consider Moving to Decrease My Allergy Symptoms?

No. Moving to a different geographic climate will not help "cure" allergies. Most people who relocate to get away from pollens that cause their allergies tend to find that they eventually develop allergies to the plant pollens in the new area.

4. How Can I Tell if My Child Has Allergies or a Common Cold?

Symptoms of allergies and colds can be similar, but here's how to tell the difference:

Occurrence of symptoms:

Both allergies and colds cause symptoms of sneezing, congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, fatigue, and headaches. However, colds often cause symptoms one at a time: first sneezing, then a runny nose, and then congestion. Allergies cause symptoms that occur all at once.

Duration of symptoms: Cold symptoms generally last from 7 to 10 days, whereas

allergy symptoms continue as long as a person is exposed to the allergy-causing agent. Allergy symptoms may subside soon after elimination of allergen exposure.

Mucus discharge:

Colds may cause yellowish nasal discharge, suggesting an infectious cause. Allergies generally cause clear, thin, watery mucus discharge.


Sneezing is a more common symptom of allergies, especially when sneezing occurs two or three times in a row.

Time of year:

Colds are more common during the winter months, whereas allergies are more common in the spring through the fall, when trees, plants, and grasses are pollinating.

Presence of a fever: Colds may be accompanied by a fever, but allergies are not usually associated with a fever.

5. What Does It Mean When a Product Is Labeled "Hypoallergenic"?

"Hypo" means "under" or "less than," so "hypoallergenic" means a product is less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

Many products that we use every day, such as cleansers and soaps, deodorants, makeup, and even mouthwash, have ingredients that can irritate the skin or act as antigens (substances that trigger an allergic reaction). Exposure of the skin to these ingredients -- most often fragrances and chemicals used as preservatives -- can lead to a condition called contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis appears as areas of redness, itching, and swelling on the skin, and sometimes as a rash or blisters. Many manufacturers of cosmetics and cleaning supplies now market their products as "hypoallergenic," meaning the products do not contain ingredients that are known to cause irritation or allergic reactions.

It's always a good idea to test any new product before you use it, especially if you have had skin reactions in the past. To test it, simply put a sample of the product on your inner wrist or elbow and wait 24 hours to see if a reaction occurs.

There is no cure for allergies, but there are several types of medicines available -- both over-the-counter and prescription -- to help ease annoying symptoms like congestion and runny nose. These include antihistamines, decongestants, combination medicines, corticosteroids, and others. Allergy shots, also called immunotherapy, are given to increase your tolerance to the substances (allergens) that provoke allergy symptoms. They usually are recommended for people who suffer from allergies more than 3 months each year. They do not cure allergies, but reduce your sensitivity to certain substances.


Educational Section

Sunday School News

Asalaamu Alaikum.

December was a short month for our ICLI Sunday School due to two snow days and a two-week winter break. Despite our shortened month, there are a few exciting newsworthy events to report.

First, we are excited to announce a new, special guest presenter, Br. Ghazi Khankan, who will co-lead our Sunday School assembly program. Brother Ghazi will be periodically leading our assembly, which begins at 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., with Br. Ibrahim El-Kilany whenever his schedule allows. Because of the positive response after the first co-presentation, we hope Br. Ghazi’s schedule will allow him to join us often as this proved to be quite a dynamic duo and a real treat for our students and parents alike.

In addition, on Sunday, January 25th the PTO, in conjunction with the teachers and Education Committee, had the Eid Al-Adha celebration during the 3rd period for all classes. The first two periods the students received lessons on Eid Al-Adha and Hajj in their classes. Third period, upon returning from break, students took part in some fun activities to test their understanding of the Eid and Hajj and reinforce the lessons by the teachers. Refreshments were also served.

Finally, volunteers for all events and others Sunday School activities are always welcome and very much needed! Just stop by the Sunday school office if you would like to find out how you can become part of our Sunday School Education Team!

Why send your child to a weekend Islamic school?

“A father can give his son nothing better than a good education” (narrated by Ayyub Ibn Musa and collected in Tirmidhi). There are numerous advantages for parents both in this world and in the hereafter, when they provide proper Islamic education to their children.

Options for parents who decide to formally educate their children about the deen of al-Islam are:

1. Send them to a full-time Islamic School 2. Private tutoring 3. Send the children to a weekend Islamic school 4. Educate them at home

Some reasons cited that parents send their children to weekend Islamic school are:

Despite the growing number of full-time Muslim schools, the majority of Muslim students still attend public schools. The majority of Muslim households have both parents working outside the home; therefore, it becomes difficult for these households to take out enough time to instruct on their own about Islam.

Many parents lack adequate Islamic knowledge to teach their children about Islam.

Advantages of sending a child to weekend school include:

They will study subjects like: Quran, Seerah of the Prophet, Al-Hadith, and History of Muslims/Islam

Qualified, dedicated teachers

Reasonable tuition compared to private tutors

Islamic environment

Get to offer their regular prayers in a Masjid with Jamaat

Prevent our young people from melting away into nonMuslim society where they will be just another minority without an identity.

Most parents who weigh all the options for their children’s Islamic Education come to realize that Weekend Islamic School is the best option to educate their children on Islam.

Reference: http://soundvision.com “Why Send your child to a Weekend Islamic School”


Parent Teacher Organisation (PTO) News

Celebrating Eid al Adha at ICLI

Al Hamdu-lillah, the PTO has enjoyed partnering with teachers, students and the Education Committee in a day of learning and festivities centered around the Hajj. On January 25 instruction for all student levels from Kindergarten through 12th grade included the rituals associated with the Hajj and their historical and spiritual significance. Emphasis was placed on the effect of the performance of the Hajj; Unity of our Ummah, the leveling of all humanity in the eyes of the pilgrims and Allah (swt), the giving up of self in the contemplation of the Divine. Younger students, guided by their teachers re-enacted the Hajj rituals together. Older students festivities included related videos and educational games re-enforcing the lessons. All students enjoyed refreshments.

PTO Meetings

PTO meetings are a great forum for parents to provide support to their children and community. It is in this meeting that we decide upon and coordinate social, cultural and spiritual activities for the students. As well, concerns and suggestions regarding curriculum can be provided here for submission to our Education Committee. Please, join us and have your voice heard.

Some of the projects we are working on are:

ICLI Spring Fair (May 2) – Educational presentations by the students for the students, crafts and games, and PTO fundraising tables - bake sale, plant sale, Islamic materials, etc.

School wide Charitable Project Field Trips.

Student art and writing contests. Graduation Ceremony and festivities. PTO Fund raising to pay for student, social, cultural and spiritual activities.

Student Council and Youth Group Support.

Development of Eid packets for secular schools (similar to Kwanzaa, Hanukah and Christmas packets our students learn from now).

PTO Meeting Schedule

Feb 8, 22: Mar 14, 28, April 11, 25, 16.

Sunday School Media Project

The Sunday School is asking for donations of new or used Islamic Videos and DVDs that can be used by the teachers to supplement their lesson plans. If you have material, please drop it off at the Education Office or contact

Sr. Isma Chaudhry at kair4211@aol.com for further information.

ICLI Girl Scouts

Girl Scout Meetings will be held on Friday evenings from 7-8:30 on the following dates: Feb 13, 27, Mar12, 26, Apr 9, 23, May 7, 21, Jun 4, 18. Girls learn to be leaders while having fun and adhering to their faith framework. We participate in many Nassau County Girl Scout Trips and offerings. If your daughter is interested in joining, please contact Sr. Peggy Iamunno at margaretaiamunno@msn.com OR just show up at a meeting.

ICLI Boy Scouts

We are very interested in providing this program to the boys and young men in our community. We require a few men who are willing to help out, if you have Boy Scout experience, or have an interest in this initiative, please contact Sr. Peggy Iamunno at margaretaiamunno@msn.com. Meetings will be held on Friday evenings from 7-8:30, at the same time as the Girl Scout Meeting and Mother’s Group Meetings.


Khutbahs on the dates below will be performed by the following brothers Feb 6th Numan Ali Khan Feb 13th Zafar Sayid Feb 20th Imam Lateef Al-Amin Feb 27th Imam Ibrahim Neghum Schedule For ICLI Sunday Adult Sessions: Time: 10:00 - 13:00 1. Tafseer Qur’an by Dr. Mozaffar Partowmah 2. Discussion of current and contemporary topics by Br. Syed Zafuddin Syeed and guest speakers Qur’an Education Classes Classes are offered from beginners to Hifz level and are held weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 4pm till 8pm. For more information, please contact Dr. Samina Qureshi (516) 364 9082


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Stop me if you’ve found yourself in this scenario before; your parents throwing you the line, “Oh you can’t do that, what if an uncle or auntie see you.” How many times have we found ourselves prevented from doing something acceptable in Islam, but culturally incorrect? This scenario is either very common to some kids, or very rare to others. Being a first generation Muslim is a hard ordeal because we find ourselves torn between our religion, our parents’ culture, and the American culture.

Not only have I seen, but I have also experienced this tiff between religion and culture. More so because of the ever popular “double-standard.” Being a Muslim girl seems to be a curse some times, but it shouldn’t. The mixing of culture and religion has left us asking, ‘where does religion end and culture being.’ This mixing not only confuses us, but also limits us from our full potential. In the eastern culture, a girl is a very delicate part of the family, and her reputation is held in esteem. This cultural aspect has caused many of us girls to suffer, not because we are prohibited in Islam, but because we are prohibited in culture. In Islam education is highly respected and sought after, yet in some cultures, young unmarried girls are discouraged to obtain this higher education, if it means leaving home. Yet Muslim boys are encouraged to go away to college, and gain the full experience. Many adults fear the backlash and bad talk of their community, so in return they just oblige by the cultural norms. It is a sad truth that if a young Muslim girl, or boy, were seen outside a function in a mixed group they would be judged right off the bat. No one would care to find out why he or she was there or what he or she was doing. These negative assumptions lead to the spread of false information and a tarnished reputation. Any parent would fear this for their child. So in an effort to protect their child, the parents place cultural limits on them. The fears sprung from society and of losing ones religion cause our parents to hold fast to their culture. Being thrown into the American culture, they fear the loss of their identity, so to make sure their children know their background, they live by their cultural norms. We only have one life, and this too is a test from Allah (swt), we can not live it in fear of what other people might say or think about us. Letting our culture dictate our lives spurs from our fears of what other people will think. But we have no control over what other people think, say, or do; we only have control over our own lives. We will be judged on what we did, not on what someone thought we did, so the line between religion and culture must be made clear. Another take on this situation is when parents totally abandon their culture and try to assimilate into American society. This action is on the opposite side of the spectrum from the first scenario. In this scenario, people want badly to fit into society, to be seen as ‘one of gang’ so they abandon their culture and embrace the American way of life. This total abandonment of ones culture can prove to have negative side effects because then your identity would suffer. Culture expressed moderately, and when it does not interfere with our faith, is when it is best.

We as Muslims first have an obligation to our faith. We must draw a line to enable ourselves to distinguish where Islam ends and where culture begins. We must never let our culture limit our faith nor must we abandon our culture. The best solution would be to define Islam, follow our culture moderately as long as it does not interfere with Islam, and not let culture dictate our lives. We must always remember this life is a test, and we must not act for others but for Allah (swt).

Many Faces of Islam

Omid Djalili is an entertaining Muslim on NBC’s Whoopi. In the show, he plays Whoopi’s handyman, Nasim. Omid is a BritishIranian comedian. He has also appeared in many “big hit” movies such as, “The Mummy,” “Gladiator,” “Spygame,” “Anita and Me,” and the James Bond movie “The World Is Not Enough.” Be sure to catch him in his new and upcoming movies, “Deadline Beirut,” “Calcium Kid” (with Orlando Bloom) and will appear in the role of Kaji in “World of Tomorrow” with Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Ahmad Rashad is one of the best NBA journalists right now. Before converting to Islam, his name was Bobby Moore. He used to be a very talented running back for the Minnesota Vikings. Right now, he is the host of one of the most viewed sports shows, “NBA’s Inside Stuff.” Rashad has been voted one of the most likeable sports broadcasters last year.

Well, Muslims are pretty good boxers. Next to Muhammad Ali and Hasim Rahman is Prince Naseem Hamed. He is the WBO Featherweight Boxing Champion (since 1995) He likes to dance in the ring a lot, and although his ring entrances usually take longer than his fights, he is an outstanding fighter. He is a very talented boxer and is fun to watch.


adith of the Month H

A neighborhood is one of the most important institutions in our society. Islam has stressed the importance of family (parenthood), kinship, and neighborhood. When the institutions which give rise to a system breakdown, the whole order collapses.

Untitled Untitled

As I walk to my class in Syosset high School,

I think to myself… how tough, how cool, am I, with my friends, my grades my courageous attitude.

My accomplishments, all I think of, like a supercilious fool.


Then I see her, walking alone through the halls.

Barely, she reaches, five and a half feet

Hadith of the Month

Rasulullah (pbuh) has attached great importance to the neighbor. He told his followers to safeguard the rights of neighbors, to the extent that good neighborliness is a show of faith and a prerequisite to salvation and a measure of one’s love for Allah (swt) and His messenger.


Books in her hand and gaze to the floor, all eyes are on her accompanied by whispers, snickers and more.


Immediately I am startled, I am humbled, you see. How can I explain what this has done to me?


I am in shock, no in awe at such an ironic sight,


a girl so seemingly small yet wielding such might!

She seems to say to everyone, standing up tall

“Look at me! For my heart and brains, that’s all”


Who is she? you ask, what is all this farce?

Why it’s the girl, who fought against the odds,

And chose to wear, day-after-day, a black head scarf

He is not one of us (Muslims) who eats to his fill and enjoys a sound sleep at night while his neighbor goes hungry (and he is aware of it).
A poem of Inspiration by Emraan Khan

Islamic Stories

Belief In Allah

One day Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and a group of his followers were passing by a place. They saw an old woman working with her spinning wheel.

Prophet Muhammad went up to her. After saying 'Salam Alaikum,' (Islamic greeting which means Peace be with you) and asking her how she was feeling, he asked her, 'How did you come to believe in Allah?'

The old woman let her spinning wheel stop. She thought for a while, then replied, 'Do you see this small wheel? It does not spin unless I move it. How could it be possible for a universe this big to spin by itself?

Who changes the night into day? Who changes the four seasons? There must be someone doing all these things.

The One who preserves and controls the whole universe is Allah who is All-Knowing and Almighty.'

Prophet Muhammad turned to his followers and said, 'Consider how this old woman has come to know of the existence of Allah. You, also, should have as strong a belief in Allah as this old lady.'

The Prophet's Gift

Whenever the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) followers reaped their first harvest, they brought early, fresh fruits to him. Then he would distribute them among those who sat around him. One morning, a poor man brought one fruit from his small farm and gave it to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) accepted the gift, tasted it and then went on eating it alone while the companions watched. One of those present meekly said: "O Prophet of Allah, you have overlooked the right of those who watch while you eat?"

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) smiled and waited till the man who had brought the fruit had gone. Then he said:

"I tasted the fruit and it was not yet ripe. Had 1 allowed you to have some of it, someone would have definitely

shown his distaste, thus disappointing the poor man who brought this gift.

Rather than make him feel bitter, I accepted the bitterness."

The Beliefs Of A Muslim

The facts in which a Muslim believes and acts are: That Allah is one who has no partner. He is Everliving, All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Hearing, All-Seeing and Ever-existing.

That we can't see Allah with our eyes. He has no physical body and is not confined in some place. He never sleeps nor becomes sick or weak. He is perfect and pure of all sorts of defects.

That Allah does not need anyone or anything but everything is needy to Him.

Allah is the creator of the universe who gives it life. He has not created anything without a purpose. Everything in the universe is created with a system and order based on wisdom. Allah is just. His works are based on justice and righteousness. He is kind to all. He has shown people the right way. He does not make people do bad things nor does He like anything bad for them. The wrongdoers, due to their own choice of doing bad deeds, will face punishment. Allah will give each person his reward or punishment.

A Muslim believes in the truthfulness of all the prophets who had taught the Divine Guidance to mankind. Muhammad is the last prophet and after him there will be no other prophets. Allah chose him as His messenger to teach the whole of mankind His guidance regardless of any color, race, or locality.

A Muslim obeys Allah's orders and puts them into practice in all his activities. He believes in the Day of Resurrection, paradise, and hell. On that day people will be brought to life again and will get their rewards with regards to their bad and good deeds.


Community Round-up

Services Offered By ICLI (516)-333 3495

Marriage/Nikah - Performance of Marriage/Nikah ceremony and Matrimonial Service Funeral Arrangements for Islamic Burial

Hall Rental - For family and community functions

Qur’anic Discussion - Sundays Interfaith Meeting and Seminars - To promote better understanding of Islam as a complete way of life

Distribution of literature on Islam and Muslims

Public Lectures on Contemporary Topics Every Sunday 10AM - 1PM. September to June

Visits to ICLI - First hand introduction to Islam and Muslims offered to groups or individuals

Media Consultation - On Issues relating to Al-Islam and Muslims

Letter Writing Campaign - Every Friday during Salaat-ul-Jummah and Sunday 12 noon on human rights or other issues of concern to Muslims, (MAKING OUR VOICE HEARD).

Library - Has a large selection of books

Prison Support Group for Muslim Inmates

Youth Programs - Organized by Muslim youth of ICLI throughout the year

Planning for College Seminar - An Annual event for High School students and their parents in November

Al – Zakat - Collection and Distribution

Community Iftar - Every Saturday evening during Ramadhan

Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC) Hotline (516) 942 2081 Free and strictly confidential counseling

I.C.L.I. Newsletter Classified Do you have a job vacancy in your business? Are you looking for a job? Do you own a business? Are you thinking of selling your car or house? Are you planning a tag or garage sale? Bring the Muslim Community together By Advertising in the ICLI News
m.nabi@verizon.net Cell: 646 286 0060 HELP WANTED Staff Pharmacist Positions available at our two Queens locations. Full time/Part time, flexible days and hours. Highly competitive salaries and benefits. Friendly family-oriented working environment. Contact: Hossam Abdel-Maksoud Manson Pharmacy Full Line of Pharmaceuticals And Home Health Care 137-69 Queens Blvd Briarwood, NY 11435 Tel: (718) 297 4424 Fax: (718) 526 6104 mansonpharmacy.com
Sohail Nabi

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: 3 5 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 3 : 5 7 p 5 : 4 3 p 7 : 1 1 p


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5 : 0 3 a 6 : 3 4 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 3 : 5 8 p 5 : 4 4 p 7 : 1 3 p


9 5 : 1 1 a 6 : 4 2 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 2 p 5 : 3 7 p 7 : 0 6 p 2

: 0 2 a 6 : 3 2 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 3 : 5 9 p 5 : 4 6 p 7 : 1 4 p

: 3 1 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 4 : 0 0 p 5 : 4 7 p 7 : 1 5 p


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5 : 0 9 a 6 : 4 0 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 4 p 5 : 4 0 p 7 : 0 8 p M U H 7 5

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M U H 6 5

H F r i

H 2 8




S a t


: 0 7 a 6 : 3 8 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 5 p 5 : 4 1 p 7 : 0 9 p 2 9

S u n

S a l a a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y . F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 4 J u m m a h K h u t b a h s t a r t s a t 1 : 1 0 P M ( N o t e : Z u h r w i l l b e a t 1 : 1 5 P M e v e r y d a y ) ABS Travel Treat, Inc.  Hajj & Umrah Packages  Worldwide Flights  Domestic Flights  Vacation Packages Contact: Saeed Hassan 347 Fifth Avenue - Suite 807, New York, NY 10016 Tel: 800 335 1717 Tel: (212) 447 1717 Fax: (212) 447 1285 Email: info@traveltreat.com Five Star Printing & Copies 41-29 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 Tel: 718-353 4711 Fax: 718-445 9304 Specialties include: Desk Top Publishing High Speed Copying Mail Box Service Fax Service Offset Printing Resumes T-Shirt Printing Personalized Mouse Pad (just need a photo) Your One Stop Service Bureau D a y F e b r u a r y H i j r i F a j r S u n r i s e Z u h r A s r M a g r i b I s h a S u n 1 Z H J 1 0 5 : 3 1 a 7 : 0 5 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 3 0 p 5 : 1 4 p 6 : 4 5 p M o n 2 Z H J 1 1 5 : 3 0 a 7 : 0 4 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 3 1 p 5 : 1 5 p 6 : 4 6 p T u e 3 Z H J 1 2 5 : 3 0 a 7 : 0 3 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 3 3 p 5 : 1 7 p 6 : 4 7 p W e d 4 Z H J 1 3 5 : 2 9 a 7 : 0 2 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 3 4 p 5 : 1 8 p 6 : 4 8 p T h u 5 Z H J 1 4 5 : 2 8 a 7 : 0 1 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 3 5 p 5 : 1 9 p 6 : 5 0 p F r i 6 Z H J 1 5 5 : 2 7 a 7 : 0 0 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 3 6 p 5 : 2 0 p 6 : 5 1 p S a
Z H J 1 6 5 : 2 6 a
6 : 5 9 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 3 7 p 5 : 2 2 p 6 : 5 2 p S u n
Z H J 1 7 5 : 2 5 a
6 : 5 8 a 1 2 : 1 4 p 3 : 3 8 p 5 : 2 3 p 6 : 5 3 p M o n
Z H J 1 8 5 : 2 4 a
6 : 5 6 a 1 2 : 1 4 p 3 : 4 0 p 5 : 2 4 p 6 : 5 4 p T u e
1 0
Z H J 1 9 5 : 2 3 a F r i
6 : 5 5 a 1 2 : 1 4 p 3 : 4 1 p 5 : 2 5 p 6 : 5 5 p W e d 2
1 1 Z H J 2
Z H J 2 0 5 : 2 2 a S a t
6 : 5 4 a 1 2 : 1 4 p 3 : 4 2 p 5 : 2 7 p 6 : 5 6 p T h u 2 1
1 2 Z
Z H J 2 1 5 : 2 1 a J 3
6 : 5 3 a 1 2 : 1 4 p 3 : 4 3 p 5 : 2 8 p 6 : 5 7 p F r i S u n

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