ICLI News Feb. 2006

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ICLI Volunteers Make All The Difference

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Asalaamu Alaikum.

VISION STATEMENT OF ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG ISLAND: To be a center of excellence for developing and sustaining a vibrant Islamic Community and a nurturing environment for the society at large.

MISSION STATEMENT OF ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG ISLAND: To serve and engage Muslims by promoting the progressive values and teaching of Islam and to advocate inter-faith harmony in a multicultural environment in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.

I am pleased to share with you that our newly installed Executive Committee for the current term has begun its regular meetings. We are very excited about the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead of us. Building on the strategic planning initiative our community undertook in 2004 which included developing the vision and mission of the center

(above), the current Executive Committee will take a course that insures ease for all in attending our center’s diverse activities. Our directive for ourselves and all other operating committees within the center will be to foster communication and sensitivity to our members by being accessible and accountable.

We look forward to sustaining and growing our vibrant and capable volunteer staff who make up our essential committees such as Education, Domestic Harmony, Spiritual Development, and Zakat to name but a few. The dedicated individuals who run the programs and services that ICLI offers through the committees are indispensable. Often it is an individual with a passion that ends up developing the infrastructure necessary for us to fulfill our vision and mission. Let me give you a few examples. This school year under the auspices of the Education Committee, Sr. Rosanna Perotti revived our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The PTO and its dedicated volunteers, helps fulfill the vision of developing and sustaining our Islamic youth. In anticipation of Eid ul Adha, the PTO partnered the students of Classes E & F (our Senior Sunday School Classes) with our Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC). The students acquired donations of toys and clothing, wrapped the items and gave them to the DHC. The DHC directed the contributions confidentially. Together the youth, PTO and DHC fulfilled a mission of zakat and made a more festive Eid possible for a num-

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
ICLI News: President’s Message: Volunteers
James Yee at ICLI Dr.
Khan visits Earthquake Region ICLI’s new home on the web Ask Asma New Year, New Plans, New Self Muharram Sunday School Update ICLI Services and Salaat Times Inside this issue: Volume 3, Issue 6 February 2006 /Muharram1427 CONTACT US 835 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590. Tel: 516-333-3495 Fax: 516-333-7321 Email: 1icli@optonline.net Website: www.icliny.org “I C” KIDS PRESCHOOL AT ICLI Ages 3 to 5 Mon – Fri 9:30 – 12:20 Mon – Fri 12:30 – 3:30 An enriching, educational and spiritual environment. Our priority is preparing your toddler for success. Please come and visit our NEW state of the art facility. For additional information please contact Hoda Spiteri 516-333-3495 ICKidsPreschool@yahoo.com Spirituality Group

ber of families.

Alhamdu-Lillah, we celebrated Eid ul Adha on January 10, and had three prayers. I would like to thank the countless volunteers who helped us. Another example of how individual dedication grows our infrastructure and fulfills our mission is the creation of Long Island InterFaith Teens (LIIFT). LIIFT is the result of efforts by Dr. Isma Chaudhry. She is highly involved in our informal speakers bureau and makes a particular effort to choose speaking engagements where youth are involved. She has developed an ongoing relationship with an interfaith community that includes Jews, Christians, and other faiths. LIIFT’s first meeting was at ICLI on January 21st, attended by thirty or so teens from various faith communities, including our own. The topic was what is it like growing up on Long Island and how one’s faith helps with the challenges and opportunities.

LIIFT’s mission mirrors closely that of ICLI’s advocating inter-faith harmony in a multi cultural environment. Regular meetings to foster understanding, knowledge and service initiatives are planned. I would like to specially thank our youngsters who participated in this initiative. They were Rubina Azam, Nimat Idris, Fawzia Syed, Tooba Tamkeen, Yumna Tamkeen, Faraz Ahmed, Imran Ahmed, Obaidullah Ahmad, Rohail Hamid, and Saad Yousuf.

Currently, we are awaiting the filling of the posts of 1st and 2nd Vice President of the Executive Committee. Shortly elections will be held, and the positions will be filled. We look forward to having a full Executive Committee in place, at that time we will be able to share more information with you regarding all of our committees’ plans for the upcoming year, how the plans fit into our overall vision and mission, and how we’ll need your help. In closing, I pray we will work together to serve Allah (swt) and to support each other. Please know that I and the rest of the Executive Committee are available to answer your questions, concerns and hear your ideas. Working together, we can make a difference. May Allah guide us all.


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Yusuf Yee Promotes His Book For GOD And COUNTRY - Faith And Patriotism Under Fire CAR DETAILING ATTENTION TO DETAILING DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE CARS, MOTORCYCLES, VANS, WASH, WAX, COMPUND, BUFFING, AND MORE CONTACT ARFAN ARIF TEL: 631-831 5073 SADAQAH JARIYAH Al Sadaqat al Jariyah - The actions which outlives you! Give a copy of Qur’an to someone and each time they read from it, you will gain hasanaat. Participate in the building of a mosque Share constructive reading material with someone
in educating a child
Chaplain James (Yusuf) Yee visited ICLI and promoted his book “For GOD And COUNTRY - Faith And Patriotism Under Fire”. All who bought it had it personally signed by the chaplain.

Dr Faroque Khan Visits Earthquake Region ICLI new Home on the World Wide Web (WWW)

As a member of the executive committee of Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) and representing Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA), I attended the two day meeting in Islamabad and our hosts in Pakistan (PIMA), took us on an extensive tour of the quake damaged areas in various cities of Azad Kashmir (Bagh/Abbottabod/Balakot/Muzaffarabad).

It was an extremely beneficial trip in that we saw first hand the excellent work being done by a variety of predominantly Muslim NGO’s and various international and local relief groups. It’s hard to comprehend that over three million people in the space of a few minutes became homeless and it’s estimated close to 200,000 including many children died in the quake. (Long Island has a population of three million)!

In the midst of this devastation witnessed some miracles like bibi Naqash, a 40 yr old woman who was pulled from the rubble after 64 days on Dec 12 2005. I examined her at PIMS hospital on Jan 2nd.

I have also been invited to give a key note presentation at the annual convention of FIMA scheduled in Jakarta in July 2006 which is focused on disaster management with lessons learnt from tsunami, Katrina and earthquake.

Grievance Governance Committee

If you have any Grievances and Suggestions, please leave a note at the ICLI office. Editorial amendments are welcome.

Dr. Fakhi Ahmed GGC

Islamic Center of Long Island Westbury


ICLI has a new website (well it’s been available since November 2005!). Please visit the new and improved website. It has lots of useful information about the center, as well as printable versions of our monthly ICLI News newsletters and the newest feature online Donations.

Now you do not even have to live in the NY area to keep abreast of our exciting Islamic community. Just visit the website and see for yourself.

Encourage your fellow brothers/sisters, friends and neighbors to visit it. It is time we unite globally as Muslims and with technology we can now make Islam a global village.


Created by:

Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi Cell: 646-286 0060 email: msanabi@yahoo.com

Printed By:


962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010. Tel: 516-775-8060 Fax:516-775-8070 Email: accuprinting@aol.com

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Dear Asma,

I have a daughterin her late teens now attending college in the freshman year. .Apparently she was in a group of girls and somehowthe groupdecided to drop my daughter. Her best friend went along and thus my daughter lost her. She is devastatedstarted doing poorly in her studies and alsowants to quit school. How can I help her to get her to realize this is not the end of the world and to move on. Thanks, Worried sick mom

Dear Worried Mom,

The situation you described is all too common at this age. Starting college is a significant change in a kid’s life. They are at the threshold of a new more independent life and yet still insecure and vulnerable leaving home and the guidance of family and teachers.

Friends are many times more important than family at this age. Groups provide the all too important feeling of ‘belonging’. Starting college is perhaps the most stressful period in a teenager’s life. Being rejected by her friends is a very traumatic event for your daughter. It probably enhances her feelings of insecurity and low self esteem.

What is very hard for your daughter to realize is that she needs to be happy with herself, her body image, her mental health and having her life prioritized (academic, nutritional, family involvement) before anyone else can really add to her life. Social life in college, in America especially, is so important…do not undermine this for her. Very possibly this group is not good enough for her (obviously, she does not see it this way right now…but she will). There is always a reason people stop being friends with other people. Once she decides that their reasoning is not good enough to destroy her self-image then she can conquer any social situation or infiltrate in any clique she desires. But, remind her that she will never truly be happy until she is stable enough within herself to stay grounded regardless of what happens with friend groups, family friends or even boys she likes. She is perfectly normal and so is this situation. At this time she does not need therapy or any extra complaining time…just to become a stronger individual and remember everything that does not kill you will only make you stronger.

In case she does not bounce back in a few days you should encourage her to see a good therapist. Your family doctor can assist you with this. Most colleges have a psychologist or psychotherapist affiliated with the student health center.

Asma and Hina.

Dear Asma,

Please advise what I can do to motivate my teen who is entering puberty and seems to have lost interest in everything. He seems bored with school, sports and other activities in general. He does not want to talk or spend time with the family. Is this normal? Should I give him his space? How can we as parents make this transition easier for him? What can we do to build his self esteem and make him feel more confident? Thank you in advance for your advice.


Dear Concerned

Life is confusing and leaving the shelter of one’s childhood is traumatic on some levels. Running to your parents for advice all the time and staying in and watching TV on a Friday night is not acceptable to one’s peers anymore once they reach puberty. To be quite honest, your son is probably beginning to think about girls and may or may not be associating the same with his regular group of friends. Have you gone to see him perform in sports activities (are his skills lacking…are the other boys growing faster than he is and he feels out of place?...is the pressure of dating affecting him because he is Muslim and not allowed to date and it has consumed all the rest of his classmates’ minds). Remember how hard it is for Muslim teens in America. Even teachers act as if dating is healthy and normal. He is probably feeling isolated and does not want to talk to you about it in fear of getting in trouble. Every problem has a solution. Try to relate to him on his level. There definitely is something he has interest in: music, a particular TV show, or live sporting event or car show. Do these activities with him and show him that you too still have an interest in pop culture and remember what it is like to be a teenager. He may open up to you more and then without losing your cool you can talk to him about all the things he is having issues with regarding dating, his friends, his body changing and peer pressure. If you bring up taboo issues first, he is less likely to hide things from you in the future.

Dear readers, please keep on sending your questions and I ( with help from Hina ) will continue to try and provide helpful answers. Hina recently graduated college and is very good with teenage and young adult issues.

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Domestic Harmony Committee of Islamic Center of Long Island

Invites you to a one day conference February 18, 2006 10:00 am -6:00 PM At Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury Opportunities/challenges, Facing American Muslim Women

Key-note speaker: Dr. Ingrid Matteson Vice-President of ISNA and Professor of Islamic Studies and Director of Islamic Chaplaincy at the Macdonald Center for Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, CT.

Morning Program:

Women and Islam unity/equality in the spiritual context Women’s place in the mosque a contemporary issue Women and the governing body of the Mosque

Afternoon Program: Opportunities/challenges Facing American Muslim Women

Muslim Marriages and contemporary issues Harmony within the family

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10 Tips for Self-Revival

1. Take the initiative. Change is a verb. You have to first change to see the change.

"And that human can have nothing but what he does (good or bad), and that his deeds will be seen." (An-Najm 53:39-40)

"Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves." (Ar-Ra'ad 13:11)

2. Don't procrastinate Start from this moment. The companion Abdullah Ibn Omar (Allah be pleased with him) used to say, "When the evening comes, do not wait for the morning; and when the morning comes, do not wait for the evening." - Collected by Al-Bukhari

3. Start with baby steps and achievable goals.

The Prophet (PBUH) said to his companions, "Is it difficult for any of you to recite one third of the Quran in one night?" This suggestion was difficult for them so they said, "Who among us has the power to do so, O Allah's Apostle?" Allah Apostle replied, "'Allah (the) One, the Self-Sufficient Master Whom all creatures need.' (Sura Al-Ikhlas 112 verse one to the end) is equal to one third of the Quran." - Collected by Al-Bukhari

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Is one amongst you powerless to get one thousand virtues every day." Amongst those who had been sitting there, one asked, "How one amongst us can get one thousand virtues every day?" He said, "Recite sub-hana Allah " one hundred times for (by reciting them) one thousand virtues are recorded (to your credit) and one thousand vices are removed." - Collected by Muslim

4. Be consistent. A small step a day, but for everyday.

A'isha reported Allah's Messenger (PBUH) as saying, "The acts most pleasing to Allah are those which are done continuously, even if they are small." And when A'isha did any act she did it continuously." - Collected by Muslim

5. Make sure you are changing towards the right direction.

6. Have a support group for your change.

7. Be patient.

The above three tips are mentioned in Surah AlA'sr 103.

"By (the Token of) Time (through the Ages),

Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy." (A'sr 103)

8. Never give up. If you trip, start again

"Allah accepts only the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and foolishness and repent soon afterwards; it is they to whom Allah will forgive and Allah is Ever All Knower, All Wise." (An-Nisa 4:17)

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "All children of Adam are sinners, and the best sinners are those who repent."Collected by Al-Termithi

9. Keep your eyes on the prize - achievement, triumphant, and satisfaction

"Verily this is the supreme achievement! For the like of this let all strive, who wish to strive." (AsSaffat 37:60-61)

10. Always ask Allah for help Allah's Prophet (PBUH) used to say, "O Allah! I seek refuge with You from incapacity and laziness, from cowardice and geriatric old age, and I seek refuge with You from the afflictions of life and death, and I seek refuge with You from the punishment of the grave." - Collected by Al-Bukhari

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Year, New Plans, New Self
NRS Accounting Services Inc., 105 Hillside Ave, Williston Park, NY 11596. Phone: 516 - 873 0530 Fax:516 - 873 7275 Contact: Bashir Kapdi A full service Accounting firm serving many areas of business. Small Business is our Specialty Corporate formations, Business forms and letters. Small Business Consulting Services Trade Administration Services/Franchising. Some of the other services are: Tax Returns for Individuals, Partnerships, Corporations, Estates & Trusts Payroll & Sales Tax forms Offers and Compromise Proficient in Quick Books and Peachtree We are the "Friendly" accounting firm Please call/sign up now for 2003-2004 Accounting Services. 5 % of the fees will be donated to Islamic Centre of Long Island (ICLI) Westbury, NY.


Muharram: The Start of the Islamic Calendar

Muharram is the month with which the Muslims begin their lunar Hijrah Calendar. It is one of the four sanctified months about which the Holy Qur'an says, "The number of the months according to Allah is twelve months (mentioned) in the Book of Allah on the day in which He created heavens and the earth. Among these (twelve months) there are four sanctified".

The month of Muharram has certain other characteristics peculiar to it, which are specified below.

Fasting during the month: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said: "The best fasts after the fasts of Ramadan are those of the month of Muharram."

Although the fasts of the month of Muharram are not obligatory, yet, the one who fasts in these days out of his own will and choice is entitled to a great reward by Allah Almighty. The Hadith cited above signifies that the fasts of the month of Muharram are most reward-able ones among the Nafl fasts i.e. the fasts one observes out of his own choice without being obligatory on him.

The day of Ashurah: Although the month of Muharram is a sanctified month as a whole, yet, the 10th day of Muharram is the most sacred among all its days. The day is named Ashurah.

According to the Holy companion Ibn Abbas. The Holy Prophet (pbuh), when migrated to Madinah, found that the Jews of Madinah used to fast on the 10th day of Muharram. They said that it was the day on which the Holy Prophet Musa (Moses) and his followers crossed the Red Sea miraculously and the Pharaoh was drowned in its water.

On hearing this from the Jews, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, "We are more closely related to Musa than you" and directed the Muslims to fast on the day of Ashurah. (Abu Dawood)

It is also reported in a number of authentic traditions that in the beginning, fasting on the day of Ashurah was obligatory for the Muslims.

It was later that the fasts of Ramadan were made obligatory and the fast on the day of Ashurah was made optional. Aishah (ra) has said:

When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) came to Madinah, he fasted on the day of Ashurah and directed the people to fast it. But when the fasts of Ramadan were made obligatory, the obligation of fasting was confined to Ramadan and the obligatory nature of the fast of Ashurah was abandoned. One can fast on this day, if he so wills, or can avoid fasting, if he so wills."

However, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to fast on the day of Ashurah even after the fasting in Ramadan was made obligatory.

It is established through a number of authentic hadith that fasting on the day of Ashurah is Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and makes one entitled to a great reward.

According to another Hadith, it is more advisable that the fast of Ashurah should either be prefixed or suffixed by another fast. It means that one should fast two days: the 9th and 10th of Muharram or the 10th and 11th of it. The reason of this additional fast as mentioned by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is that the Jews used to fast on the day of Ashurah alone, and the Holy Prophet (pbuh) wanted to distinguish the Islamic-way of fasting from that of Jews. Therefore, he advised the Muslims to add another fast to that of Ashurah.

Some legends and misconceptions of the day of Ashurah : that have managed to find their way into the minds of the ignorant, but have no support of authentic Islamic sources, some very common of them are these:

This is the day in which Adam was created.

This is the day in which Ibrahim was born. This is the day in which Allah accepted the repentance of Ibrahim.

This is the day on which the Qiyamah (dooms-day) will take place.

Whoever takes bath in the day of Ashurah will never get ill.

All these and other similar whims and fancies are totally baseless and the traditions referred to in this respect are not worthy of any credit.

Some people take it as Sunnah to prepare a particular type of meal in the day of Ashurah. This practice, too, has no basis in the authentic Islamic sources.

Some other people attribute the sanctity of Ashurah to the martyrdom of Husain (as) during his battle with the Syrian army. No doubt, the martyrdom of Husain (as) is one of the most tragic episodes of our history. Yet, the sanctity of Ashurah cannot be ascribed to this event for the simple reason that the sanctity of 'Ashurah was established during the days of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) much earlier than the birth of Husain.

On the contrary, it is one of the merits of Husain (as) that his martyrdom took place on the day of Ashurah.

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Educational Section

A Word from the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

How do Muslim children celebrate Eid al Adha? At the ICLI Sunday School, Classes E and F celebrated this year with a service project: “Adopt a Muslim Family."

Each student brought a gift for a child in one of more than a dozen needy Muslim families in our area. The ICLI students were eager to help, many of them "adopting" more than one child and wrapping and decorating their treasures. PTO moms packaged the warm jackets, purses, coloring crafts, cars and dolls into beautiful gift bags, and Domestic Harmony volunteers delivered them to the families. Many thanks to Classes E and F, their supportive parents, their wonderful teachers, and the hardy PTO moms who helped. You created some big smiles on kids' faces this Eid morning.

Classes Pre-K, K, A, B, C, and D, meanwhile, began working on a project to help beautify the Masjid. Children in these classes have been coloring "Kabah Bricks" and "Mother's Feet" to be assembled and arranged in the display cases in the lower level of the Masjid. On the bricks, students wrote their impressions of the story of the reconstruction of the Kabah during Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) time. On the footsteps, children wrote their thoughts about Hajira (May Allah (swt) be pleased with her) and her search for water for her son Prophet Ismail (pbuh). How many footsteps does it take to run between Safah and Marwah? Find out by keeping an eye on the lower level display cases!

ICLI Sunday School students celebrated through theatre arts as well. On January 15 and 22, Class C presented its very own reenactment of the Hajj for parents and younger students to enjoy. Parents, teachers and stu-

dents created the scenery, costumes and script for this masterpiece, and every student in Class C had a chance to become part of the fun. Encore!

Finally, not to be defeated by the snow, students had a chance to participate in a Hajj Competition featuring questions relating to the Hajj during an assembly January 22. It was tough going among Classes B, C, D and E, but E students were the victors, getting the most questions correct and earning for themselves a pizza party. Many thanks to our Class E teacher, Qamar Baig, for collecting the questions and "emceeing" the event.

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Class C Hajj Presentations Class C Hajj Presentations

Hajj is an integral part of our beliefs in Islam. It constitutes one of the five pillars. It is a pilgrimage to Makah in Saudi Arabia to carry out certain acts of worship. The Muslim believer is obligated to perform this ritual at least once in his or her lifetime during specific days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. It is a tradition which was passed down from the time of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and performed once a year in one central location. Over two million people gather in what is to be the most heavily populated event of the year. It is a very auspicious occasion for believers to cleanse themselves of their previous sins and a chance for supplications to be readily heard by Allah (SWT).

around the Ka’bah seven times; Sa’ee, which is to go back and forth between the hills of al Safa and al Marwah; and also the Qurbani done after the Eid celebrations. They were also creative in constructing wonderful props and images signifying various places and milestones during Hajj.

Some of the props during the presentation included prayer rugs, a replica of the Ka’bah, the two hills of Safa and Marwa and also the Jamrat, the pillars representing Shaithan. Every group presented an image of what Hajj may be like. It was a great 3-dimensional model of what to expect. It served to educate and enlighten the students, the teachers, parents and other brothers and sisters who were in attendance. The students chanted the du’as and physically performed the rites, such as circumambulating the Ka’bah and throwing the stones at the pillars to ward away the Shaithan. It was a great performance and a feast to the eyes and imagination.

The students of Class C at ICLI Sunday School, which is comprised of 9-11 year old students, performed mock presentations of the rites carried out during Hajj. Students delightfully made group presentations of the various rites. Some of the rites include Tawaf, which is to go

Sis Nasira and I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to all the students and their parents for doing a great job. All of you put your best foot forward. More importantly, I hope we all learned from this experience for ourselves and our future insha’Allah.

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Teachers: Tanbeer Bhuiyan and Nasira Rafick Teachers: Tanbeer Bhuiyan and Nasira Rafick
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835 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590 Tel: 516-333-3495 - Fax: 516-333-7321 - Email: icli.icli@verizon.net Website: http://www.1icli.com January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006 January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2007

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG ISLAND
The President, The
‘Alaikum: I and the following members of my family, hereby apply for membership in the Islamic Center of Long Island (ICLI). I/we will make every effort to work actively to achieve the aims and objectives of ICLI in cooperation with its Executive Committee. Please make checks payable to ICLI. (Islamic Center of Long Island) Enclosed are my/our membership dues of $_______ for a period of 1 yr 2 yrs Signature:_____________________________________________________________________ Date_______________ PLEASE PRINT NAME:________________________________________________________________Occupation ____________________ First Mid. Last (Optional) SPOUSE: ______________________________________________________________ Occupation ___________________ First Mid. Last (Optional) Senior Citizen:Yes No ADDRESS: _____________________________________ _______________________________ _________ _________ House Number & Street Town State Zip PHONE(s): (___)__________________ (___)________________________ FAX # (___)_________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: CHILDREN’S NAMES DATE OF BIRTH ATTENDING SCHOOL 1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________ (USE BACK OF PAGE IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS NEEDED.) APPLICATION STATUS: NEW RENEW YEARS WITH ICLI _________ MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES: MEMBERSHIP DUES: General Member(s) (21 years or older) Individual 1 yr $100 2 yrs $175 Married 1 yr $150 2 yrs $275 Student Member(s) (16 years or older) 1 yr $ 25 2 yrs $ 35 Credit Card: Type: Visa  MasterCard  Discover o AMEX  Card No.: ___________________________ Expiry Date: ____/____ (mm/yy) Name on Card: ______________________________________________ Please do not write below this line. ACTION BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Paid Cash $______Receipt #______Check #______ Amt $______ Rec’d by ______Date_____ Membership # ____ MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM
of Long Island 835 Brush Hollow
Westbury, NY 11590 Asalaamu

t r 1 2 : 1 3 p

M a r r i a g e / N i k a h P e r f o r m a n c e o f M a r r i a g e / N i k a h c e r e m o n y a n d M a 7 : 0 4 a

4 9 5 M U H 2 F e b 1 5 : 3 1 a

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 : 1 5 p

5 : 1 6 p

3 : 3 1 p

1 2 : 1 3 p

7 : 0 3 a

5 : 1 7 p

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3 : 3 2 p

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6 : 4 2 p F r i

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6 : 4 9 p F r i

3 : 4 2 p

1 2 : 1 4 p

6 : 5 3 a

5 : 2 8 p

M U H 1 1 F e b 1 0 5 : 2 2 a

6 : 5 0 p S a t

3 : 4 3 p

1 2 : 1 4 p

6 : 5 2 a

5 : 3 0 p

M U H 1 2 F e b 1 1 5 : 2 1 a

6 : 5 1 p S u n

3 : 4 4 p

1 2 : 1 4 p

6 : 5 1 a

5 : 3 1 p

M U H 1 3 F e b 1 2 5 : 2 0 a

6 : 5 2 p M o n

3 : 4 5 p

1 2 : 1 4 p

6 : 5 0 a

5 : 3 2 p

M U H 1 4 F e b 1 3 5 : 1 9 a

i m o n i a l S e r v i c e F u n e r a l A r r a n g e m e n t s f o r I s l a m i c B u r i a l H a l l R e n t a l F o r f a m i l y a n d c o m m u n i t y f u n c t i o n s Q u r ’ a n i c D i s c u s s i o nS u n d a y s I n t e r f a i t h M e e t i n g a n d S e m i n a r s T o p r o m o t e b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f I s l a m a s a c o m p l e t e w a y o f l i f e D i s t r i b u t i o n o f l i t e r a t u r e o n I s l a m a n d M u s l i m s P u b l i c L e c t u r e s o n C o n t e m p o r a r y T o p i c s E v e r y S u n d a y 1 0 A M 1 P M . S e p t e m b e r t o J u n e V i s i t s t o I C L I F i r s t h a n d i n t r o d u c t i o n t o I s l a m a n d M u s l i m s o f f e r e d t o g r o u p s o r i n d i v i d u a l s M e d i a C o n s u l t a t i o n O n I s s u e s r e l a t i n g t o A l I s l a m a n d M u s l i m s L e t t e r W r i t i n g C a m p a i g n E v e r y F r i d a y d u r i n g S a l a a t u l J u m m a h a n d S u n d a y 1 2 n o o n o n h u m a n r i g h t s o r o t h e r i s s u e s o f c o n c e r n t o M u s l i m s , ( M A K I N G O U R V O I C E H E A R D ) L i b r a r y H a s a l a r g e s e l e c t i o n o f b o o k s P r i s o n S u p p o r t G r o u p f o r M u s l i m I n m a t e s Y o u t h P r o g r a m s O r g a n i z e d b y M u s l i m y o u t h o f I C L I t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r P l a n n i n g f o r C o l l e g e S e m i n a r A n A n n u a l e v e n t f o r H i g h S c h o o l s t u d e n t s a n d t h e i r p a r e n t s i n N o v e m b e r A l Z a k a t C o l l e c t i o n a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n C o m m u n i t y I f t a r E v e r y S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g d u r i n g R a m a d a n D o m e s t i c H a r m o n y C o m m i t t e e ( D H C ) H o t l i n e ( 5 1 6 ) 9 4 2 2 0 8 1 . F r e e a n d s t r i c t l y c o n f i d e n t i a l c o u n s e l i n g Q u r ' a n C l a s s e s O f f e r e d f r o m b e g i n n e r s t o H i f z l e v e l a n d a r e h e l d w e e k d a y s ( M o n d a y t o F r i d a y ) f r o m 4 p m t i l l 8 p m . C o n t a c t D r . S a m i n a Q u r e s h i o n ( 5 1 6 ) 6 8 1 6 2 5 6 o r e m a i l s s q 8 5 @ o p t o n l i n e . n e t S u n d a y S c h o o l O f f e r i n g c o m p r e h e n s i v e I s l a m i c S t u d i e s f o r 4 y r s t o 1 6 y r o l d s . C a l l ( 5 1 6 ) 3 3 3 0 2 9 9 o r e m a i l i c l i s u n d a y s c h o o l @ y a h o o . c o m f o r m o r e d et a i l s . 3 : 3 0 p

6 : 5 3 p T u e

3 : 4 6 p

1 2 : 1 3 p

6 : 4 8 a

5 : 3 3 p

M U H 1 5 F e b 1 4 5 : 1 8 a

6 : 5 4 p W e d

3 : 4 7 p

1 2 : 1 3 p

6 : 4 7 a

5 : 3 4 p

M U H 1 6 F e b 1 5 5 : 1 6 a

6 : 5 5 p T h u

3 : 4 8 p

1 2 : 1 3 p

6 : 4 6 a

5 : 3 6 p

7 : 0 0 p

5 : 3 7 p

M U H 1 7 F e b 1 6 5 : 1 5 a

6 : 5 7 p F r i

3 : 5 0 p

1 2 : 1 3 p

6 : 4 4 a

a c t H a f i z A h m e d 5 1 63 3 3 6 9 3 0 f o r d a i l y M a s j i d S a l a a t T i m e s ) S e r v i c e s O f f e r e d B y I C L S u n r i s e Z u h r

M U H 1 8 F e b 1 7 5 : 1 4 a

3 : 5 1 p

1 2 : 1 3 p

6 : 4 3 a

6 : 5 8 p S a t

J u m m a h K h u t b a h s t a r t s a t 1 : 1 0 P M 1 4 2 7 A H 2 0 0 6

M U H 1 9 F e b 1 8 5 : 1 3 a

M U H 2 0 F e b 1 9 5 : 1 1 a

6 : 5 9 p S u n

M o n M U H 2 1 F e b 2 0 5 : 1 0 a 6 : 4 2 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 2 p 5 : 3 8 p 7 : 0 1 p T u e M U H 2 2 F e b 2 1 5 : 0 9 a 6 : 4 0 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 3 p 5 : 3 9 p 7 : 0 2 p W e d M U H 2 3 F e b 2 2 5 : 0 7 a 6 : 3 9 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 4 p 5 : 4 0 p 7 : 0 3 p T h u M U H 2 4 F e b 2 3 5 : 0 6 a 6 : 3 7 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 5 p 5 : 4 2 p 7 : 0 4 p F r i M U H 2 5 F e b 2 4 5 : 0 5 a 6 : 3 6 a 1 2 : 1 3 p 3 : 5 6 p 5 : 4 3 p 7 : 0 4 p S a t M U H 2 6 F e b 2 5 5 : 0 3 a 6 : 3 4 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 3 : 5 7 p 5 : 4 4 p 7 : 0 5 p S u n M U H 2 7 F e b 2 6 5 : 0 2 a 6 : 3 3 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 3 : 5 8 p 5 : 4 5 p 7 : 0 6 p M o n M U H 2 8 F e b 2 7 5 : 0 0 a 6 : 3 1 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 3 : 5 9 p 5 : 4 6 p 7 : 0 7 p T u e M U H 2 9 F e b 2 8 4 : 5 9 a 6 : 3 0 a 1 2 : 1 2 p 4 : 0 0 p 5 : 4 7 p 7 : 0 8 p

n F a j r

P l e a s e c o
3 3 3 3
S a l a a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y . F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 6 D A Y
5 : 2 2 p
6 : 4 7 p W e d
M U H 9 F e b 8 5 : 2 4 a
6 : 5 7 a
1 2 : 1 3 p
5 : 2 4 p

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