ICLI News Jan. 2004

Page 1

Inside this issue:

ICLI News: President’s Message (Rabbi Rosen at ICLI)

SALAAM, SHALOM AND PEACE for a United Holy Land Visit to Massapequa High Domestic Harmony Committee

ICLI Gets NPHC Grant Telecare Update

Islamic Heritage: Imam Jafar Ibn Mohammad As-Sadiq (A.S.) Part 2

Health Watch: Flu Facts

Educational Section: Sunday School News Girl Scouts Break Fast (photo) Schedule for Jummah Khutbahs

Schedule for Sunday Adult Sessions

Qur’an Classes information

I.C.L.I. News

January 2004

Rabbi Rosen At ICLI

President’s Message:

“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

Qur’an 49:13

Dear Fellow Muslims – Asalamu Alaikum

In this month’s message I want to share with you the details of a very special event ICLI hosted on the evening of December 11, 2003, which brought into focus the Qur’anic verse 49:13.

President, World Conference on Religion and Peace. The Long Island Branch of AJC and the Long Island Council of Churches helped facilitate this visit.

Also in attendance were key religious leaders from several Christian and other denominations of Long Island. We heard candid, brief comments from:

In my previous message in the December 2003/Shawwal 1424 issue of the ICLI Newsletter, I had mentioned that on October 21, 2003 Imam Hafiz Ahmad and I signed, on your behalf, a document supporting the Alexandria Declaration, which had been developed by religious leaders of Abrahamic faiths in the Middle East asking for a peaceful resolution of the ongoing painful conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Well, to follow up on this historic ICLI participation we decided to invite and hear from one of the architects of the Alexandria Declaration, Rabbi David Rosen, the Israel-based director of the inter-religious affairs for the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and

A Publication of The Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury.
We’re on the web at http://islamicvalley.com/icli
In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
(Continued on page 2)
Volume 1, Issue 5
Community Round-up: ICLI Services 1424
Msgr. Donald Beckman Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer for the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Rev. Tom Goodhue Executive Director of Long Island Council of Churches Rev. Mark Lukens President of the Long Island Chapter of Interfaith Alliances Rabbi David Rosen

There was a common theme in these presentations, basically stressing the importance of introspection, self critique, exchanging views, dialoguing and developing common positions, and agreeing to disagree in a civil manner.

In my introductory remarks, I emphasized the urgency and need for a just and quick resolution of the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis. I outlined my reasons as to why I, as a Muslim-American, feel connected to and concerned about this conflict.


Any resolution must result in free and unfettered access for all Muslims to Jerusalem, which Muslims across the globe are attached to.


This unresolved conflict provides ready ammunition for extremists who exploit the situation to propagate their own agenda. I suggested that a just resolution of this conflict will be a big boost for our Homeland Security.

Financial Drain on U.S. Taxpayers

While over 40-million Americans have no health insurance coverage, affordable housing on Long Island is almost non-existent, and public education is in crisis, our government is pouring BILLIONS of our tax dollars into the Middle East. I suggested that I would like to see these financial sources used here in the USA first

I also reflected on the long-shared history of Jews and Muslims, and how, as a Muslim, I feel proud of the tolerance shown by Muslims towards others when Muslims were the rulers. I gave as an example the historical fact when Caliph Abd Rehman III, in the year 929, appointed a Jewish Rabbi named Hasdai as the Prime Minister of the Caliphate in Andulasia (Spain). From that civilization emerged great scholars of all faiths,

Newsletter Created by:

including Jewish scholars like Maimonides.

Rabbi David Rosen, in his eloquent remarks, described in some detail the numerous efforts among Palestinians and Israelis involved in building bridges of understanding, unfortunately most of these initiatives do not make the news. He encouraged everyone to be involved in advancing and supporting peace initiatives and stated: “Whatever we can do to advance trust and cooperation and reconciliation is not only good for relations between Muslims, Christians, and Jews living here, but good for the whole world”.

He described the Long Island Muslim community as a “beacon of hope and light.”

In a lively question session, Rabbi Rosen was asked pointed questions, such as: Why are Israelis walling off the West Bank? Why do Israeli soldiers subject Palestinians to collective punishment?

Why do they restrict Palestinian Muslims from traveling to some of their holy sites?

Rabbi Rosen was quite critical of the current Israeli government and felt the current policies of the Israeli government were shortsighted and, in his view, not in the best interest of Israel or Jews.

He was warmly supportive of the Geneva Accord and felt it had already led to a change in thinking in Israel.

Rabbi Rosen described himself as a Zionist Orthodox Rabbi who also is pro-Palestinian.

On December 15 th , Newsday carried a very positive article regarding this event titled: A Rabbi’s Faith in Peace – Forum with Muslims Offers Hope for Unity

As I reflected on this unique event, I felt that we had actually witnessed the beautiful Qur’anic verse 49:13 in action. We certainly developed a better understanding and got to know each other better.

Elsewhere in this newsletter are some special announcements and descriptions of several programs currently in place, and some scheduled in the near future. With my very best wishes,

President, ICLI E-Mail: Faroquekhan@Yahoo.com

Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi email: m.nabi@verizon.net

Islamic Section: Kaleem Ahmed email: kkamboj@nyc.rr.com

Education/PTO: Margaret Iamunno email: margaretaiamunno@msn.com Youth Section: Emraan Khan email: ekhan17@hotmail.com

Printed By: Five Star Printing (Flushing) (718)-353 4711

PAGE 2 I.C.L.I. NEWS (Continued from page 1)
Dr. Herman A. Berliner President, Long Island Chapter of American Jewish Committee

SALAAM, SHALOM AND PEACE For A United Holy Land State

Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, for which we must collectively realize and work at, as one.

I, like Martin Luther King, also have a dream of a peaceful Holy Land, where Israeli Jews, Christian and Muslim Arabs could live as equals, hand in hand.

And say to each other: Cousins, your fears and sufferings, we do understand. The same GOD, The Only ONE, created all of us as equals. We are, therefore, brothers and sisters in humanity who became cousins, do you comprehend?

Cousins, you say that GOD promised Prophet Abraham: “To Thy Seed I Give This Land.”

Well cousins, Abraham’s “Seed” must include Ishmael, his first-born son. So please don’t say you didn’t know and please don’t pretend! So I invite all to realize the dream of a Peaceful State, to be named, The Holy Land.

Jews can call it Israel, Christians and Muslims can call it Palestine. It is written in Holy Scriptures, The Torah, The Gospel and Al- Qur’an. GOD, The Judge, will question all of us: “What Have You Done to My Land?” (x2)

Because of your greed and wars, orphans’ cries continue to the Heavens, ascend!

So children of Adam and Eve, work for peace and justice before you return to sand.

Jews, Christians and Muslims can share with equity Jerusalem and The Holy Land.

After all we share the same earth, moon, air, water and even genes, all God’s gift to woman and man.

Selfishness, arrogance, military occupation and economic strangulation, how long will they stand?

Injustices with violence will continue to breed counter resistance and violence, listen to me friend!

If you, honestly, want peace then work for justice before all of us face a horrible end.

So let us realize the dream and share equally “the milk and honey” in the State of The Holy Land.


At the invitation of Ms. Noel Hauser and one of her students Shah from Massapequa High School, Dr. Faroque Khan and Ms. Shireen Khan went to give an Islam 101: The Very Basics talk to two of Ms. Hauser’s social studies classes.

Each class had about 15 students who had written their questions the day before and handed them to us when we got there. Dr. Faroque Khan started both lectures with the pre-written question “Do you know Saddam?” (answer: no) . Then he briefly talked about the Quran, Sunnah, the Five Pillars of Islam and why they are important to Muslims.

Both Dr. Faroque Khan and Shireen Khan answered the students’ pre-written questions as well as ones they had during the presentation. Many of their questions dealt with women and dress code. But a lot of the questions were related to cultural differences or misunderstandings of Islam and other South East Asian religions.

For example:

“What do you eat?”;

“What language do you speak?”;

“How is your country different from the US”? (Ms. Khan’s answer: “This is my country. There are many Muslims who were born/raised in the States and consider the US home);

“Why do you wear a dot on your head”?; or

“How come you all wear turbans and have long beards”?.

The feedback Dr. Faroque Khan and Ms. Shireen Khan received at the end of the session from Ms. Hauser was very positive. Ms. Hauser has invited us back to talk to more of her social studies classes in the hopes that we could educate even more students about Islam and Muslims living in America.

Shireen Khan (center) with Ms. Noel Hauser and students from Massapequa High School Ghazi Khankan

ICLI’s Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC)

Happy New Year!

Domestic Harmony Committee, would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. May Allah (swt) bring us love, happiness, and mercy among our mates, children, family and friends.

“And among His Signs Is this that He created For you mates from among Yourselves, that ye may Dwell in tranquility with them, And He has put love And mercy between your (hearts)

Verily in that are Signs

For those who reflect”

learn first hand basic computer skills right here at our own ICLI !! Unfortunately we had to turn down more applicants for the class because of the computer shortages. We’re actively seeking for your old Microsoft Window computers, if you’re thinking of investing a new one for yourself or your office, maybe…. with the new year and after-holiday sales it’s a good time to do so, and donate your used but working/ good condition computers to the Sisters class at ICLI.


A time to bring those we love close to our hearts and our minds, whether they are living in our homes, in our community or across the country.

DHC would like to thank friends/members of ICLI and supporter of Domestic Harmony Committee for their generous contribution toward DHC/children of Domestic Violence (DV) Eid fund. Our Direct appeal was a successful one, with the blessing of Allah and kind hearted members and supporters like yourself, DHC was able to bring joy and excitement of Eid-ul Fitr to the homes of 18 families/children of Domestic Violence survivors. DHC’s direct appeal toward this cause was to bring the attention of ICLI Community to the plight of some of our Muslim Families (Domestic Violence Survivors) living in Long Island who are not fortunate enough to feel the excitement of Holidays…. due to their economic and social circumstances living with a single parent without any or insufficient income….DHC is committed and urges WE the “community” to help bring a smile and excitement of holidays to these underprivileged families, especially the children who undoubtedly deserve to feel the joy of the blessed holidays. We encourage friends/members and supporters of ICLI to make this effort a continuous success throughout the year, so we can bring the joy of holidays to our underprivileged but most-deserving Muslim children/families. Please write your check to ICLI and at the memo write DHC/Children of DV Eid Fund and kindly drop it off at the office of ICLI or hand it to Sr. Zubaida Lunat.

With the start of the New Year, our sisters began their new computer classes on Dec 12, 2003. The ladies were very eager and excited to be enrolled in such a class and

DHC’s interfaith, Love & dinner women’s support group will be starting at the last week of January, at Islamic Center of Long Island at the same time there will be Children’s Art Therapy group. For further information contact Sr. Amal Wahab at 516-884-6477.

Mother’s Support Group meets every other Friday, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The group has scheduled exciting and educational sessions with guest speakers. For topics and suggestions please contact Srs. Laura Maksoud or Shaida Khan at DHC’s office.

Are you a Victim of Domestic Violence You are not alone You are not to blame You do not deserve to be abused. Call hotline: 516-942-2081 Shireen Khan, M.Ed. Counselor/Therapist Independent Consultant Specializing in: Stress, Time, Anger Management Academic and/or College Counseling Confidence/Self-Esteem Issues using Art/Play Therapy Phone: (516) 681-6063 Email: SKNY73@Netscape.net ALL CALLS CONFIDENTAL WILL COME TO YOU
Homaira Mamoor

ICLI has been informed by North Shore - LIJ Health System Foundation that it’s application for participation in the Nassau Partnership for Healthy Communities (NPHC) Peer Education initiative has been ACCEPTED.

Srs Shaida Khan and Homaira Mamoor along with a large number of volunteers led this grant application effort. This is a major breakthrough for our community on Long Island and a recognition that ICLI is a proactive contributing member on Long Island and beyond.

Here is a succinct summary of what this grant means:

a) ICLI will nominate individuals who will be hired by North Shore University Hospital to implement the grant requirements, i.e. create jobs.

b) Members from our community who are not currently enrolled in health plans or have no access to health care will be identified and "plugged" into the system. Hence be provided with health care.

C) ICLI will be paid for it’s services to the community! In addition we will, Inshallah develop new contacts, network and in the process improve the image of the Muslims.

More details will follow on from this great news. In the meantime we CONGRATULATE Srs Shaida, Homaira and the volunteer group on this great achievement.

Dr. Faroque Khan (ICLI President) attended the taping of the fourth segment of “Our Muslim Neighbours” show which focused on the Life and Legacy of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Alex Kronomer, Imam Feisal Rauf and Prof Dan Varisco from Hofstra University did a superb job supplemented with excellent footage from the documentary ‘Life and Legacy of Prophet Muhammad’ produced by Alex Kronomer and Michael Wolfe.

to Dr Faroque’s email address: faroquekhan@yahoo.com

We have now reached the midpoint of this planned ten part series and need new ideas and suggestions as to how to proceed further. Please
ICLI Gets NPHC Grant Telecare Update HABIBS Hair & Beauty (Full Unisex Salon) Bridal Make-up Facials Waxing World renowned! Largest chain of Beauty salons in India! Now in Hicksville Call for appt. with Ginni 516– 935 6210 13 W. Nicholai St., Hicksville, NY. Women’s Haircut Only $14.99 Eyebrows Only $3.00 With wax or thread Men’s Haircut Only $9.99 1 Hour Herbal Facial Only $25 With coupon Not to be combined with any other offer West Nicholai St. B r o a d w a y Habibs St. Ignatius church www. habibsinc.com Treat yourself like a queen or king! Waxing Special $35 arms and legs Friday, March 19 to Sunday, March 21 2003 Grant Writing Workshop Sponsored by ISNA and SAMSHA WATCH! Our Muslim Neighbors Television Ch. 29 Tuesdays – 11:30 am Wednesdays - 9 pm Thursdays – 10:30 pm

Islamic Heritage

Imam Jafar Ibn Mohammad As-Sadiq (A.S.)

This is a continuation of the first article published in the ICLI newsletter of December 2003, about the contributions of Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (A.S) to science, philosophy, literature and religion.

Inshallah we will share further his endeavors to enhance and enrich human life in general and Muslims life in particular.

His firm conviction was that learning of science and literature was personal and social duty of every Muslim and Muslima if not his or her religious duty.

He strongly believed that acquiring this knowledge will make the Muslim nation as a whole stronger than other nations of the world. It was due to the endeavors, which he made for spreading knowledge among Muslims that the 4th century of the Hijra became the golden period in Islamic history. Even the West benefited from the scientific achievements of the Muslims.

Geological concept of Mountains Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (A.S.) is reported to have told his students that stones of the mountains, which they saw in a solid state, were once upon a time red hot and molten. Gradually they cooled down and solidified. Till the end of 18th. Century scientists were in doubt whether the earth was hot and molten in the beginning. Before that time all of them believed that the earth had always been in a solid state as it is today.

In 12 distinctive verses, the Quran outlines the basic geologic concepts of mountains and their stabilizing affect on the earth. For lack of space, I will just quote couple of those verses: “ HAVE WE NOT MADE EARTH AS A WIDE EXPANSE, AND THE MOUNTAINS AS PEGS.” (78: 6,7)


Time and Space

Giving the definition of time, Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (A.S.) has said that it is the distance between two known events. It has no independent existence. It is only we, who feel that it exists. Greek philosophers, who believed in the

physical existence of time, have said that it is composed of very small particles. Those particles were so small that they could not be seen or touched. They were always on the move and no one could feel their movement, but the changes made by their movement were noticeable in all plants and animals.

Many scholars of the 19th. Century did not believe in the physical existence of space. They held the view that space depended upon the presence of matter. If there was matter, there was space, otherwise not.

Isaac Ossinoff , the Russian scientist, has propounded a new theory about space. He says that space is nothing but matter and its waves. According to the theory of Dr. Ossinoff light waves create space. They themselves are space. If they stop flowing, the space would disappear from our sight.

Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (A.S.) had said 1200 hundred years ago that space has no physical and independent existence and is also subject to change.

Expanding and contracting Universe:

Imam Jafar as- Sadiq’s interesting theory is that universe is not always in one and the same condition. In one periodit expands and in the other it contracts. We find in the Quran

The great Muslim Scientist, Philosopher and religious scholar.
(Continued on page 7)
Evening of
Legacy and Contributions Of Malik Shabbaz (Malcolm X) Special Guest Ms. Ilyasah Shabbaz (Daughter of Malik Shabbaz)
Saturday, February 21, 2004

this verse, which says “ And the sky We built it with might and We expand it wide.” (Sura 51, Verse 47).

It was in the beginning of the 20th century that Abe Lemaitre, noticed that many galaxies are gradually receding and scattering in different directions.

Recently Edwin Hubble, for whom the space telescope is named, discovered that the light from distant galaxies shifted towards red wavelengths; the more distant a light source, the greater its red shift. This means that the galaxies are not fixed like grandiose chandeliers but are rushing away from each other. Einstein in his theory of relativity fabricated his calculations to prove that the universe was stable and eternal; but later on admitted that he was wrong and his equations actually proved that the universe is unstable and is expanding.

System of medicine of Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (A.S.):

During the 2nd and 3rd centuries of Hijra most of the physicians in the East followed the methods of diagnosis and treatment prescribed by him. Imam had suggested that a small incision should be made in the body of the person to confirm that the person is dead or alive. If the blood comes out it was a sign that he was alive.

We know that there is no consensus about when the life ends. In fact an article appeared in the Reader’s Digest of August, 2003, which says that determining the precise time of death is medically and scientifically impossible. Medically

we call it a clinical death when breathing and heartbeat have stopped. A person might still be able to be resuscitated with CPR or other means.

In brain death, the lower brain or brainstem, which controls automatic body functions, stops working. A person can be kept alive only with the help of life support machines.

In death of the higher brain i.e. the persistent vegetative state, the brainstem still functions, keeping the heart, lungs and digestive system working, but the sensing, thinking part of the brain has shut down. In this condition, it may be possible to keep the body functioning for long periods with the life-support system…

In whole brain death , both lower and higher brain functions have ceased to function.

So our society has come up with various legal and social definitions to give us a sense of our finality. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq on the other hand prescribed a simple test to our finality.

Advice to Mothers of Babies: Imam has advised mothers that they should put their new born- babies to sleep on their left side. No body knew the rationale behind it.

In 1865 Ezra Cornell, a philanthropist of America, who had suffered great hardship during his childhood, founded Cornell University in New York. Here he set up and institute for the research on New Born and Suckling Babies.

A research scholar of the institute, who traveled to different parts of the world, observed that mothers in every country carried their babies in the left arm. Those, who carried them in the right arms, were lefthanded and they needed their left arm to do chores. No women could give him satisfactory reply as to why she carried her baby in the left arm. Majority of the women were surprised that their babies could find out easily their left breasts in the dark, when they were hungry. Researchers also discovered that babies, who are put to sleep on the left side of their mothers, sleep soundly and peacefully but those who are put on the right side wake up every now and then and cry.

After great deal of observations and collecting data from various parts of the world, it was established that it was a general and universal rule, which applied to babies of all countries and all races of the world, black, white, yellow and colored etc; etc. Further research in vitro and vivo continued. The holographic pictures of the unborn babies revealed that heart beats of the mother, which resounded throughout her body, reached the ears of the baby in the womb. All experiments, including the experiments on the animals confirmed that whenever the heart of the mother stopped beating, the fetus became restless and agitated, because it feeds on the blood, which comes to it with each heartbeat.

from page 6)
(Continued on page 8) PAGE 7 I.C.L.I. NEWS NRS Accounting Services Inc., 105 Hillside Ave, Williston Park, NY 11596. Phone: 516 - 873 0530 Fax:516 - 873 7275 Contact: Bashir Kapdi A full service Accounting firm serving many areas of business. Small Business is our Specialty Corporate formations, Business forms and letters. Small Business Consulting Services Trade Administration Services/Franchising. Some of the other services are: Tax Returns for Individuals, Partnerships, Corporations, Estates & Trusts Payroll & Sales Tax forms Offers and Compromise Proficient in Quick Books and Peachtree We are the "Friendly" accounting firm Please call/sign up now for 2003-2004 Accounting Services. 5 % of the fees will be donated to Islamic Centre of Long Island (ICLI) Westbury, NY.

A newborn knows heartbeats of his or her mother quite well and that is why they sleep comfortably and peacefully, when they are on the left side of the mother.

To further confirm this, an experiment was conduct, One room was equipped with recorded heart beat sound and the other without it.

Babies who were in the room, where heartbeats were heard, remained calm, quiet and peaceful, but those, who were in the other room, started crying.

The research in the Cornell University was instrumental in confirming the importance of the advice of Jafar as_ Sadiq (A.S.) that mothers should put their babies to sleep on their left side Theory of Germs:

One of his students named Jaber ibn Hayyan once asked Imam “ What are your views about sickness. Imam replied: “ Diseases are of three kinds. Some are from Allah (SWT), some are of our own creation and some are caused by tiny living beings.”

“ Old age is a good example of the sickness, which is from Allah. There is no escape form it.

“We suffer from some diseases due to our ignorance and following our false desires. We have been warned in the holy Quran not to indulge in excessive eating and other excessive.

“Many diseases ate caused by the enemies of human body. These enemies are very tiny.

They are so small that we cannot see them with our eyes. To protect us and to fight against these enemies, Allah (SWT) has provided us with large number of guards. Our guards are inside our bodies. They are so small that they cannot be seen with our naked eyes. When they are successful in their fight we recover from the sickness.”

One can say how the Imam knew about these invisible creatures when in his time microscope was not discovered yet. Professor Emeritus Keith Moor, one of the World’s prominent scientists of anatomy and embryology, once wrote in his book on history of embryology, “ That there was no history of embryology till the microscope was discovered.” Some body wrote him that the Quran clearly mentions the stages of human development: “ Human Being, We did create form a quintessence (of clay); Then we placed as (a drop of sperm (nutfah) in a place firmly fixed; Then we made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood (alaqah); Then of that clot we made a (fetus) lump (mudghah); then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then W developed out of it another creature. { Qur`an 23:12-14}.

Professor Moore`s amazement grew into admiration for this revelation and guidance. He has now inserted the appropriate references in his book.

As we have mentioned in the part 1 of this article about “The Leap Of Life” a concept presented by French philosopher Henry Bergson “ Every cell of human body knows what is in the world and the leap of life of the genius is much higher than that of an ordinary person. He can make use of the knowledge, which lies in the human cell.”

According to the followers of Jaffaria fiqh, Imam Jafar as- Sadiq was endowed with Divine Knowledge (Ilm Ladunni). Allah (SWT) knows best.

Most of the information in this article was obtained from a French thesis published by The Research Committee of Strasbourg, France, about the contribution made by Imam Jafar as_Sadiq (A.S.) to science, philosophy, literature and Irfan (gnosticism).

Friday, January 23, 2004

Imam Siraj Wahaj

Jummah Khutbah


(Continued from page 7)
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ICLI Newsletter will, from time to time, share health updates and features with its readers. This months article is about Influenza (Flu) contributed by Dr. Isma Chaudhry MD.

Flu Facts

Influenza (Flu) is a viral illness. The flu is not the same as common cold. The symptoms are more severe and may lead to serious complications. It has specific symptoms, and it tends to occur at a particular time of the year (late fall and winter).

Here are some of the commonly asked questions about flu.

headache or low grade fever for about a day after vaccination. The flu shot is made from killed flu viruses which cannot cause the flu. The viruses for flu vaccines are grown in eggs and can cause serious reactions in people who have severe allergies to eggs .

Why do we need a flu shot every year ?

Preventing flu is hard because flu viruses change all the time .Every year the flu vaccine is updated to include the most current flu virus strains.

Will a cold vaccine ever become available?

Probably not .There are too many viruses that can cause the common cold for scientists to prepare a vaccine to protect against all .

How long the cold should last ?

A cold shouldn't last longer than one or two weeks. If it lasts longer make an appointment with your doctor.

Can cold medicine hurt in pregnancy ?

Some medications can hurt the developing baby .Some symptoms, such as high fever, aren't good for your baby either. So if you catch a cold or the flu, call your doctor to discuss your symptoms and don't take any medication without his or her approval.

Who should get the flu shot ?

People 65 years of age and older. Residents of nursing homes and other long term care facilities. Adults and children with Diabetes ,kidney disease, or chronic heart or lung disease. adults and children who live with someone in a high risk group.

When is the best time to get a flu shot ?

In the United States ,flu season usually occur from November until April. Most people get the flu between December and early March. The best time to get the flu shotbis between September and mid November. It takes about 1 to 2 weeks after you get the shot to develop protection.

What are the side effects of a flu shot?

The flu shot does not cause side effects in most people. fewer than one-third of those who get the shot have some sorness, reddness or swelling of the arm where the shot is given. These side effects last up to 2 days, and rarely interfere with a person's daily activities. About 5 to 10 percent of people have mild side effects such as

Health Watch
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Educational Section

Sunday School News

Asalaamu Alaikum.

The first exams were administered in all classes on November 30. Class F’s exam is still to be administered and all make-ups should be scheduled with teachers as soon as possible.

As most of you know, The Education Committee has been working on expanding our Islamic Library. As part of this initiative we plan to include a "Media Center." Teachers will be able to take their classes to view Islamic presentations. Sr. Isma is working diligently on enhancing our materials so that our students will be exposed to a myriad of Islamic literature, arts, culture, history, etc.

The Education Committee has developed a strategy for emergency Sunday School Closings, i.e. bad weather. Before leaving home, please call the school office (516-333 0299) and listen to any school closure messages.

We are very excited about the creating of a new Pre-A Class. The new class structure will be:

Pre-A (3-4 years old -- Pre-school) Srs. Sana & Samah Class A (5 years old -- Kindergarten) Sr. Amina

Class A1 (6 years old -- 1st grade) Sr. Fifi

Finally, we welcome two new additions to our Sunday School teacher family. Sr. Inur will replace Sr. Reema and will be co-teaching with Br. Magdy in Class E . Sr. Amina will head our new Pre-A class, children ages 3-4 replacing Sr. Khaleelah. Sr. Inur is an ICLI Sunday School Alumnus and Sr. Amina is a currently studying Preschool/Elementary Education. These two young ladies make a wonderful addition to our talented, dedicated staff.

Teachers Wanted

Are you a committed, hard working individual with good knowledge of Islam and Arabic?

If Yes, then join the ICLI Sunday School teaching staff and help teach our children all about Islam.

Contact Sis. Cathy Khalifah (516) 333 0299

Jummah Khutbahs

Khutbahs on the dates below will be performed by the following brothers

Jan 2nd Dr Mohammad Sameen

Jan 9th Syed Zafruddin Syeed

Jan 16th Dr Faiz Khan

Jan 23rd Imam Siraj Wahaj Jan 30th Dr Faroque Khan

Schedule For ICLI Sunday Adult


Time: 10:00 - 13:00

1. Tafseer Qur’an by Dr. Mozaffar Partowmah

2. Discussion of current and contemporary topics by Br. Syed Zafuddin Syeed and guest speakers

Qur’an Education Classes

Classes are offered from beginners to Hifz level and are held weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 4pm till 8pm. For more information, please contact Dr. Samina Qureshi (516) 364 9082

Sis. Peggy Iamunno with Girl Scout Troops 1595, 1597 and 3098 of ICLI shared Iftar together in an evening dedicated to their love of Allah (SWT) and their interest in Girl Scouting


Community Round-up

Services Offered By ICLI (516)-333 3495

Marriage/Nikah - Performance of Marriage/Nikah ceremony and Matrimonial Service Funeral Arrangements for Islamic Burial

Hall Rental - For family and community functions

Qur’anic Discussion - Sundays Interfaith Meeting and Seminars - To promote better understanding of Islam as a complete way of life

Distribution of literature on Islam and Muslims

Public Lectures on Contemporary Topics Every Sunday 10AM - 1PM. September to June

Visits to ICLI - First hand introduction to Islam and Muslims offered to groups or individuals

Media Consultation - On Issues relating to Al-Islam and Muslims

Letter Writing Campaign - Every Friday during Salaat-ul-Jummah and Sunday 12 noon on human rights or other issues of concern to Muslims, (MAKING OUR VOICE HEARD).

Library - Has a large selection of books

Prison Support Group for Muslim Inmates

Youth Programs - Organized by Muslim youth of ICLI throughout the year

Planning for College Seminar - An Annual event for High School students and their parents in November

Al – Sachet - Collection and Distribution

Community Iftar - Every Saturday evening during Ramadhan

Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC) Hotline (516) 942 2081 Free and strictly confidential counseling

I.C.L.I. Newsletter Classified Do you have a job vacancy in your business? Are you looking for a job? Do you own a business? Are you thinking of selling your car or house? Are you planning a tag or garage sale? Bring the Muslim Community together By Advertising in the ICLI News
m.nabi@verizon.net Cell: 646 286 0060 HELP WANTED Staff Pharmacist Positions available at our two Queens locations. Full time/Part time, flexible days and hours. Highly competitive salaries and benefits. Friendly family-oriented working environment. Contact: Hossam Abdel-Maksoud Manson Pharmacy Full Line of Pharmaceuticals And Home Health Care 137-69 Queens Blvd Briarwood, NY 11435 Tel: (718) 297 4424 Fax: (718) 526 6104 mansonpharmacy.com
Contact: Mohammed Sohail Nabi
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