ICLI News June 2004

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I.C.L.I. News

An Update from the President!

Asalamu Alaikum. Welcome back! I hope you and your family had an enjoyable summer. As we start a new school year, here are a few highlights from ICLI’s summer initiatives.


of Properties:

We are pleased that the Jaymie drive properties were rehabilitated over the summer. The new basketball court has provided our youth a good outlet for sports and social activities. Thanks to our ‘professional’ volunteer landscape crew led by Br Habeeb and Imam Hafiz Ahmed the garden looks beautiful and was once again recognized by the Central Westbury Civic Association as a Lawn of the Month.

and Hamza Byas on this accomplishment. I have been invited to present the accomplishments of ICLI at a session where three communities will share there experience—“Models of Vibrant Muslim Community”.

4)Institutional Dawah—Elderhostel Program - Building Bridges to Islam:

ICLI was picked at the NYS site for this national initiative launched by the Elderhostel organization. On Aug 10/11/17/18 we had close to four hundred attendees, for the entire day learning about Islam and interacting with ICLI community. The accompanying pictures provide a brief overview. All of the speakers— more women than men- worked diligently and gave succinct, lucid presentations which received great reviews. The volunteers were absolutely magnificent. Several families provided cultural/artistic artifacts which resulted in an excellent exhibit. A particularly popular aspect was writing the names of attendees in Arabic. We have also taped the presentations for those who like to hear them.

2)New Web Site: www.1icli.com: Br Naveed Siddiqui and a core group of young members have created a beautiful new ICLI web site. We encourage you to visit the site and give us your feedback. Br Hamza Byas is in charge of the web site.

3)ISNA Presentations:

Six presentations from ICLI are scheduled for presentation at the annual ISNA convention in Chicago, over the Labor day weekend. Our congratulations to Srs Homaira Mamoor, Rafia Hamid, Reema Siddiqui, Brs Habeeb Ahmed

A Publication of The Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury.
We’re on the web at http://islamicvalley.com/icli
the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
(Continued on page 2)
News: President’s Message (Summer Highlights) Letter of support
part II
Neighbors on Web cast Islamic Heritage: Introduction to the Qur’an and ICLI’s Calendar The Student Health Watch: Osteoporsis Educational Section: Sunday School News PTO News Youth Section: Editorial and more!! Community Round-up: Ask the Imam? Inside this issue: Volume 2, Issue 1
Center of Long Island
from Calvin Butts Act
Iraq & ourselves
Cynthia McKinney at ICLI
September 2004/Rajab 1425 - Sha’ban 1425
835 Brush Hollow
Westbury, NY 11590
Tel: 516-333-3495 Fax: 516-333-7321 Email: icli.icli@verizon.net
Br. Habeeb (center) and his merry men on their prized
Elderhostel members with ICLI volunteers

Here are some excerpts from the large amount of letters sent by the attendees:

Daniel and Marilyn Brown of Dix Hills: Wrote to Mr Larry King at CNN requesting him to interview ICLI leadership on his program so that a larger audience can hear the American Muslim point of view.

Joan Kovacs from Bayside wrote: “I attended with three Catholic friends and we are still talking about the day and the insights we gained”.

Carol King from Bronx wrote: “I went as an America guilty and apologetic for the violation of the civil rights of American Muslims. The men, women and children who welcomed us were loving, caring and forgiving. You are indeed living according to the Quran”.

Joan M Sterber from East Northport wrote : “Speakers were warm, welcoming, informative. I felt very comfortable at your Mosque and the lunch was yummy, too (Turkish). I look forward to reading Imam Feisal’s book and your maintenance man was most gracious to escort me to my car which was parked across the street. Please thank him.”

There were many more thank you’s and comments. The sample above provides a glimpse of this very unique event.

The executive committee looks forward to continuing with new unique creative initiatives and we look forward to your suggestions, critique and contributions.

May Allah bless you.

Dr. Faroque Khan Email: Faroquekhan@yahoo.com

Letter of Support from Calvin Butts, President The college at Old Westbury

Newsletter Created by:

Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi email: m.nabi@verizon.net

Youth Section: Emraan Khan email: ekhan17@hotmail.com

Printed By: Five Star Printing (Flushing) (718)-353 4711

Bring the Muslim Community together By Advertising your BUSINESS in the I.C.L.I. Newsletter Contact: Mohammed Sohail Nabi m.nabi@verizon.net Phone/Fax: 516-868 9568

An Act of Healing for Iraq and for Ourselves - Part II

This report is a continuation of our ongoing effort to heal some of the wounds of the body and soul being perpetrated on the innocent civilian victims of this brutal war in Iraq.

Since September 11th 2001, we have seen many Americans attacking Muslims and the Islamic faith, out of ignorance.

Many media pundits and some unscrupulous politicians are further inflaming the already emotionally charged situation. The official arms of the Bush government are not far behind in harassing innocent Muslims. According to Mr. Denyse Williams, the head of the New York State chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union," The FBI is seeking lists of the law abiding American Muslims.” Mr. William said racial profiling and other forms of discrimination against Muslims have stemmed largely from a “climate of fear that comes down from the attorney general of the United States.”

The Federal Transportation Security Administration, which handles security at U.S airports, is targeting Muslim passenger’s searches unproportionally as compared to other travelers. Out of 1,262 passengers who were searched in so called random searches, 740 happened to be Muslims.

But there are also voices of reason, hope and tolerance out there too .One of them is the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington. In February, 2004, one of their member Mr. James Rupert who happens to be Deputy Foreign Editor of Newsday approached us to do a joint project for the innocent children of Iraq. In March, members of the ICLI and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington (UUFH) got together to prepare a small project. We assembled and packed about 230 “baby care kits”—with blankets, soap, wash-cloths and hair brushes—to be distributed to families in Iraq who lack the basic supplies to care

for their newborn.

This project was not aimed only to bridge a divide between Americans and Iraqis but also an effort to bridge the divide which has arisen within our own country.

In this ongoing effort to bring our communities closer and to understand each others beliefs and points of view. We visited UUFH on May 16th, 2004.and attended their service.

During the service what surprised me was that few speakers dwelled mainly on the Iraqi conflict... They mentioned about the American’s non compliance with the international law and the frightening reality of the war crimes being committed in Iraq. They were outraged and appalled at the testimony of Defense Secretary Mr. Rumsfeld, in which he stated that “public disclosure of the atrocities is more heinous than the atrocities themselves and that the greater good is not the

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on page 4)
Sajid Shah with other members of the Healing for Iraq and For Ourselves project

(Continued from page 3 total elimination of the torture but the total elimination of public knowledge of the torture.” ASTAGFERULLAH ! May Allah (SWT) forgive us?

We were given a very warm and heartfelt welcome and a ceremonial check of $1000.00 was given to us for the “baby care kit project.” We were given a tour of their beautiful garden, a part of which is used as a cemetery where the ashes of their deceased members and leaders are buried.

seen the pictures have been very moved by them.

I am dividing the artwork into about 20 packets, each of which I hope to deliver to a school in Baghdad or Fallujah. Each school will get about four pictures/letters to post on a wall or otherwise display to their children, along with an explanatory letter saying something like the following: “These pictures have been drawn by young American children to express their concern and worry about Iraqi children in the current time of conflict and war in Iraq. The children who drew these pictures are from families of the Islamic, Jewish, Christian and other religious faiths”.

"These American children are from towns near New York City, where many families lost loved ones in the attack of 11th September. We are sad to know that even more Iraqi families are now suffering even greater losses”.

"We pray to hear soon that life in Iraq is returning to peace, and we intend to work for justice both in America and in Iraq to make that happen”.

I am especially keen to get a number of these packets into schools in Fallujah, where the battle of April has taken a terrible toll and where America is seen these days overwhelmingly as a brutal foe. It is uncertain when the schools there might reopen. (Tens of thousands of Fallujah residents fled the city and only now are starting to re

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We were deeply touched by this evidence of the good will and the sincerity extended to us .Our thanks to the UUFH, the members and to all who spoke on the plight of the Iraqi people.

We missed our good friend Mr. James Rupert who is in Iraq on his assignment but we will share with you his email which he has recently sent us from Iraq. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To: ICLI and UUFH friends

From: Jim Rupert

Re: Our children's messages reach Iraq

Friends, as-Salamu Aleikum! As many of you know, I am back in Iraq to do some more reporting, Insha'allah, on the terrible situation here. In my first few days, I have been in Baghdad and Fallujah, where most of what I have seen and felt has been very troubling.

One of the positive things, though, has been to have in my backpack a folder with about 80 beautiful drawings and letters that our children made in February to convey to Iraqi children their love and concern over the conditions here. Several Iraqi teachers and other friends who have

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on page 5)
Dr. Safdar Chadda and Hansen Lee receiving a check from UUFH members

(Continued from page 4) turn.) But in my first tour of the city on Saturday, I met and was welcomed by three teachers or administrators of Fallujah's schools, and I plan to put a number of these packets into their hands.

Iraqis have told me that school-children here will want immediately to respond to our messages with their own drawings or letters. This of course will be a natural impulse that must be encouraged. Having sent a message and extended a greeting, we will need to be prepared for the response. I am now seeking advice on how we might make arrangements here in Baghdad to receive messages in response from Iraqi kids and get them into the hands of children in our congregations and perhaps more broadly in Long Island.

I am sure that there will be more work to do back home in Long Island on this issue, and we can be thinking about that in the days ahead. So that is the update on the children's project; all suggestions welcome. I will keep you posted!

best to all... Jim

Thank you very much for your report from Iraq. I am glad that you were able to distribute those beautiful messages of hope from our children to the Iraqi children. These tiny flickers of hope are crucial for the sanity of those living under constant terror and fear.

I wanted to tell you that today we visited the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington at their invitation and we also attended the service. I was surprised to hear, speaker after speaker condemning the war in Iraq.

You remember Sheikh Mohammad Sadiq, the Imam from Brooklyn Mosque. He also addressed your congregation and was given a standing ovation. We met some very nice people but we really missed you. I was given a ceremonial cheque of One thousand dollars for the Iraqi infant care kit program.

Please convey to our brothers and sisters in Iraq this message, "We believe liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty." InshaAllah, they will be free soon. We the Americans should remember that the greatest menace to freedom is an inert people; that fear breeds repression; and repression breeds hate. Our government policies are not encouraging but we take encouragement and inspiration from people like you and your congregations at UUF. We have the greatest admiration for Mary Beth Guyther and all other wonderful people we have met. . May Allah (Subhana wa talla) keep you safe and sound.

Sincerely, Safdar Chadda

"Allah: There is no God but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there that can intercede in His presence except as He permits? He knows what is before the people and also what is hidden from them. And they cannot comprehend anything of His knowledge except whatever He Himself pleases to reveal. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme." (Qur'an, 2:255)

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Cynthia McKinney visits

“Our Muslim Neighbors” on Web cast


We had a very uplifting and informative get together at ICLI. For those unable to participate in person here are the highlights and all those who helped in making this event a success are listed on this message:

1.Br Saed Moujtahed from California accompanied Ms McKinney. He has taken three months leave from his work to help with this campaign.

2.Several individuals who were unable to attend in person contributed. Thanks to ALL. There was even a donation from Florida !!!.

3.Several ICLI neighbours--Mrs. Campbell, Little, Sweat, Clarke participated in the conversation and follow up.

4.This election has National implications and July 20 is the key primary date. Some attendees from yesterdays gathering plan to go to Georgia on that day and help bring out the vote for Ms McKinney.

5.Dr Hafiz Rehman, after completing his office schedule joined the group and brought donations from several folks from Bayshore area. Thanks Br Hafiz.

6.Ms Mckinney was delighted with her visit and interaction and to paraphrase her: "When I take the oath of office in Jan 2005, it will send a powerful message across USA, in fact globally , about the rising power of the millions who supported my campaign", Insha Allah.

7.We have taped the event, if anyone wants a copy let us know.

8.We met our goals, in fact EXCEEDED the target. Thanks to the generosity of all those listed on this message and some who's addresses I do not have.

9.Some Ethnic newspapers plan to give prominent coverage to this event.

10.Final thoughts: Q 13:11--Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.

By sitting on the sidelines, complaining and not getting involved one perpetuates the status quo. As famous a Anthropologist Margaret Mead stated--"Never doubt that a few individuals can change the destiny of a nation. Indeed, it is only the few who have changed the course of the world".... Ms C. McKinney would certainly belong in that category.


Father Tom, Telecare staff and ICLI group after a "brainstorming" session

“Our Muslim Neighbors is also being broadcasted on web cast. Which means that you can see the program on the Telecare website during the following times: Tuesday 11:30am (EST) Wednesday at 9pm (EST) Thursday 10:30pm (EST)

To see the program go on the internet to the following website: http://www.telecaretv.org/

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Islamic Heritage

Introduction to the Qur’an

And ICLI’s Islamic CalendarYear1425

Qur’an (“Qor-Ann”), the Holy book of the Islamic faith is a revelation from the creator of this universe to all human beings. Qur’an is the Message from Allah to humanity. It is the actual word of God revealed through Archangel Jibreel (Gabriel) to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during the almost twenty-two and half year period of his prophetic mission. Qur’an has the unique quality of being undisputedly totally preserved from the time it descended upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to this day, by parallel processes of memorization and recording in writing.

The book is divided into chapters, or surahs, each composed of verses, or ayat. There are 114 chapters, and 6226 verses, containing 99,464 words made up of 330,113 letters. The language of the revelation was Arabic, which became therefore the language of reciting Qur’an even for non-Arab Muslims. Qur’an has been translated into many other languages only to explain it to non-Arabic speakers, but no translation can ever replace the original text in Arabic.

Allah has guaranteed that He will protect the Qur’an from human tempering, and today’s readers can find exact copies of it all over the world. It is the only book on the face of this planet that has been completely memorized by millions. Memorizers range from ages 6 and up, both Arabic and non-Arabic speakers, blacks, whites and Orientals, poor and wealthy.

What is the Qur’an: The Qur’an comprehends the complete code for the Muslims to live a good, chaste, abundant and rewarding life in obedience to the commandments of Allah, in this life and to gain salvation in the next. It is the “Chart of life” for every Muslim, and it is the “constitution” of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It is the eternal contemporary of the Muslims. Each generation of Muslims has found new strengths, courage and inspiration in it. It is also a “compass” in the turbulent voyage of life.

It has created an all but new phase of human thought and a fresh type of character. It deserves the highest praise for its conceptions of Divine nature in reference to the attributes of Power, Knowledge, and Unity.

It was Qur’an which transformed the simple shepherds and wandering Bedouins of Arabia into the founders of empires, the builders of cities and the collectors of librar-


Revelation of the Qur’an during the life of the Prophet (PBUH) (570 – 632 CE): “Read in the name of thy lord who hath created: Created man out of a clot of congealed blood. Read! And thy Lord is most bountiful, He who taught the use of pen, Taught man that which he knew not”. This is the first revelation (in translation) that Gabriel taught Muhammad on one of the odd nights of the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, since then known as “Lailat-ul-qadr” (the Night of

(Continued on page 8)

(Continued from page 7)

Power). A brief interval after the first revelation which left the Prophet (PBUH) shivering then waiting in anticipation, Gabriel appeared once again before Muhammad in the cave of Hiraa also, and presented to him the second revelation which translates as : “O Thou wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and deliver thy warning! And thy lord do though magnify” .

This commandment from Heaven was the signal to Muhammad to begin his work. Gabriel expounded to him his new duties the foremost of which was to destroy the worship of idols and false gods, to plant the banner of Tauheed – the doctrine of the Unity of the Creator – in the world; and to invite mankind to the True Faith – Islam. “Islam” means to surrender to Allah, the one and only God.

The first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was in 610 CE and the last revelation was in 632 CE. During this time, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) moved from Mecca to Yathreb (since then known as al-Medinah, “the city enlightened with the prophet”) then returned to Mecca shortly before his death. Of the 114 chapters, 86 were revealed predominantly in Mecca and 28 in alMedinah.

The first revelation of Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was in the mountain cave of Hiraa, three miles in the north-east of Mecca, where he was in the habit of spending much time in meditation and reflection. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 40 years old when the call came to him to declare the Unity of the Creator.

ICLI’s Calendar for Year 1425 AH

In creating this year’s calendar, ICLI decided to use the services of Mecca Graphic based in Queens (www.meccagraphic.net), who have been producing Islamic Calendars with beautiful photos of the Qur’an, Islamic Art, Nature of Islam and Islam for children. ICLI decided to use the beautiful photos of the copies of the Qur’an made around the world and now held in museums and institutes.

As each month is over, the high quality images of the Qur’an can be cut out and framed to hang on the walls around the house or given as gifts to family and friends.

Also, under each month’s image is a brief description of the of the Qur’an and it’s revelation to our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH). See below:

1. Al-Qur’an was revealed by Almighty Allah (SWT) to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Archangel Jibreel over a period of 23 years starting on a day in Ramadan. The first revealed work was “IQRA” (Read)… (Read, in the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clinging clot. Read! Your Lord is the most bountiful, He who taught the use of pen, Taught man that what he did not know).

2. Al-Qur’an was first memorized by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and then by his companions. It was also preserved on skin and stone. Shortly later, it was compiled into a much more bonded form, of which copies still exist today in Tashkent and Istanbul.

3. Al-Qur’an teaches five basic subjects: Onesness of Allah (SWT) - Tawheed, Worship - Ibadah, LawShariah, Historical examples - Qasass, and Universal phenomenon - Kawneyat.

4. Al– Qur’an was revealed in Arabic, a language that Arabs had mastered with great eloquence at that time. It continues to be the language of the Qur’an today. The Qur’an is memorized and recited in Arabic by Muslims of races.

5. Al-Qur’an contains information of scientific discoveries , universal phenomenon and mathematics not known then. Only recently modern science has confirmed some and the rest will son unfold.

6. Al-Quran was revealed geographically in two cities: Mecca and Medina. However, it was revealed in about 46 separate situations. For example, rules of engagement was revealed when the Prophet (PBUH) was riding. Rules of family were revealed when the prophet (PBUH) was with his family.

7. Al-Qur’an was passed from lip to lip by Huffaz (those who memorise the Qur’an) to this day with an unbroken chain. Al-Qur’an can be memorized at any age. Seom of the companions started to memorise at the age of 52.

8. Al-Qur’an must be in the mind, heart and spirit of every Muslim.

9. Al-Qur’an verses have been written in at least eleven different art forms of calligraphy.

10.Al-Quran can be recited in seven dialects, called Qerr’aat in Arabic.

11.Al-Qur’an is a book of absolute history revealed by the Almighty Allah (SWT).

12.Al-Qur’an contains a chapter titled MARY— MARYAM (RAA), mother of the prophet Jesus (PBUH), but not a chapter on AMENA (RAA), mother of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The calendar also contains our beloved Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Sermon that he delivered on the 9th day of Dhul-Hujjah 10AH (632AD) in the valley of Mount Arafat.

If you do no have a copy please pick one up from the ICLI office. Donations towards itss production are much appreciated. Jazak Allah Khairun.


The Student

The student is the central component of the Islamic education system. It is their responsibility to acquire education that is obligatory. As a vice-regent or viceroy of Allah, the life of humans can be seen as very significant roles needed to be played in order to establish and maintain peace, justice among other things. Muslims have an additional role to play, "Ye are the best party (Ummah), evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong" AlQur’an 3:110).

Education that provides knowledge and wisdom of "what is right" and "what is wrong" and gives the power to establish the "good' and demolish the “wrong" is compulsory for Muslims. On their journey to education, students must face difficulties with perseverance and resolve. In Islam, there is no age limits in the process of gaining knowledge, it is a life long process, from birth to death.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) often prayed "O! my Lord! Enhance my knowledge" Becoming educated was never an easy task. In both old and modern times, it was a bed of thorns. There are a lot of hindrances: internal, external, psychological and otherworldly. Satan constantly works to divert the attention of a student who works in the way of a "good purpose" to a "bad purpose."

Only the attachment and love of Allah, a strong will power, and an iron commitment, can help the student to withstand the satanic onslaught. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "If a person acquires knowledge in which Allah pleased, but he acquired the knowledge only for selfish worldly needs, that person will not even smell heaven."

To acquire the pure and required education, one must be obedient to Allah. Imam Shaafei (the great scholar of Islam and founder of one of the five main schools of law of Islam) said that "I complained Imam Wakee about my forgetfulness, he advised me to abstain from sins and said the knowledge is the light of Allah and disobedient can't get the divine light." Most of the scholars of Islam advise students to purify their purpose of education, make commitment to Allah, and pray to succeed in acquiring knowledge. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said "a person who came out from the home to seek knowledge, he is a soldier (Mujahid) in the way of Allah until he returned home"-Tirmidhi.

Another Hadith explains: "In respect, angels spread their wings in the path of student"-Abu Daud. According to yet another Hadith, of Muslim: "Those who travel to seek knowledge, Allah will ease the way of heaven for him."

These concepts of great rewards left no excuse for anybody says that since they do not have a teacher or madarsa in their city or town, they cannot learn Qur’an and Hadith. No! There is no excuse. You must take this particular hardship and overcome it in order to learn the knowledge that is mandatory, Farde Ain.

If you learn the history of Muhaddesin (collector and compiler of Hadith, sayings of Prophet Muhammad -- PBUH), these people traveled hundreds and thousands of miles to meet and study person who remembers Hadith. In general, at

least 20 years of their life spent in journey only to seek knowledge.

I can give several examples of the dedicated students from the history of Islam who faced extreme hardships in the way of seeking knowledge.

A few examples from the history of Muslim India: (References: the late Professor Syed Muhammad Saleem) Maulana Shibli Noamani (1856-1914), a great scholar of Islam of India of his time, and author of a very famous book on the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) "Seerat Un Nabi," when completed his formal education, he wanted to learn Arabic literature. Maulana Faiz ul Hasan Saharanpuri, a teacher of Oriental Collage, Lahore was the famous Arabic poet and man of literature of that time. Shibli Nomani requested him to teach. Maulana excused that he had no time other than the time he spends on walking from and to his college every day. His college was at the distance of two miles from his home. Enthusiastic students accepted this time. Every day Shibli would reach the home of Maulana Faiz, and walk with him to his college. During these walking periods, he would take Arabic language lessons. Whether sizzling summer or chilly winter or stormy rain, Shibli remained steadfast and punctual in attend his "walking class" for several years and completed his Arabic literature.

Maulana Syed Abul Aaala Mawdudi (1903-1979) A great and world-renowned scholar of Islam asked Maulana Abdus Salam Khan Niazi, a prominent scholar of Maaqoolat (Philosophy & Physical Sciences) to teach this subject. Maulana Niazi who had no time but couldn't refuse Mawdudi due to his respectable family background asked Mawdudi to come at dawn and finish the lesson before Fajr prayer (the prayer before sun rise), if he could. It was an extremely hard condition and synonymous to refusal. But a zealous student like Mawdudi accepted this challenge. He attended his class for a very long time and finished his lessons before the Fajr prayer.

Munshi Tek Chand, a Hindu, non-Muslim student, a product of Madarsa, presented a unique example in the history of learning. He was writing and compiling a Persian dictionary "Bahar e Ajam." Nadir Shah of Iran with his force attacked Delhi in 1739. It was a "golden opportunity" for Munshi Jee to learn Persian from Iranian soldiers. Daily from the early morning, he would go to the camps of Iranian military and do research on Persian words, phrases, idioms, jargons, and vocabularies. Even at the day when Nadir Shah ordered the massacre and bloodshed in the city (on March 11, 1739, from 9 am to 3 pm), Munshi Tek was as usual doing "research of words" in the middle of a massacre.

The importance of learning for students gave them a sense of high respect of their teachers. After Allah (the Creator) and parents, teachers receive the highest respect for every one. Students did their best and put in a lot of effort to please their teachers. To make teachers angry meant the invitation of anger of Allah; and a student who was seeking the mercy of Allah couldn't afford it. A teacher, Maulana Abdul Haq Khairabadi (1898), once became angry with Hakim Barakat Ahmed Tonaki (1928). It took Hakim Barakat two years to please the royal temperamental teacher. He pleased the teacher by becoming his student.



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Osteoporosis is usually diagnosed by evaluating the medical history, physical examination, and bone density testing. Early diagnosis of osteoporosis is very important. If you are at risk for osteoporosis, you need to be screened before symptoms, such as broken bones, occur.

How is osteoporosis treated?

Treatment for osteoporosis includes eating a diet with sufficient calcium and vitamin D, getting regular exercise, and taking medication to reduce bone loss and increase bone thickness. Even small changes in diet, exercise, and medication can help prevent a broken bone.

Can osteoporosis be prevented?

The process of bone thinning is a natural part of aging and cannot be completely stopped. However, osteoporosis can be reduced or delayed through healthy lifestyle, such as not smoking, eating a nutritious diet, and getting regular exercise, which helps build and strengthen the bones early in life. Although it is best to start during the teen years, adults who follow these habits can prevent or reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis.

Although you cannot totally prevent the natural process of bone thinning, you can delay the onset of osteoporosis by building strong, healthy bones while you are young. The thicker your bones are, the longer it takes to develop osteoporosis. Parents can help their children (especially young girls) delay osteoporosis by encouraging them to eat a

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nutritious diet and exercise regularly.

If you are an adult and have osteoporosis or are at risk for the condition, you can slow the process and prevent problems, especially broken bones, in the following ways:

Get enough Calcium This is one of the first steps to try to prevent and treat osteoporosis. The recommended daily calcium intake for adults is 1,200 mg per day. Calcium is found in many foods, including dairy products such as milk or yogurt. Women over 51 years of age who are not taking estrogen replacement therapy may need 1,500 mg of calcium each day. Women who do not get this amount of calcium from food each day may take calcium supplements.

Get enough vitamin D , along with sufficient calcium, is one of the first steps toward preventing or reducing the effects of osteoporosis. The recommended daily intake for vitamin D is between 400 and 800 IU per day. You can get the amount of vitamin D you need each day if you drink at least one glass of milk or eat other dairy products that have vitamin D added. You will also get the amount of vitamin D you need if you are outside in sunlight for at least 15 minutes each day without sunscreen. People who stay indoors, older adults, people who live in areas where the winters are long, and people who do not drink at least one glass of milk each day may not get enough vitamin D and may need to take vitamin D supplements.

If you are taking medications to treat osteoporosis, take calcium and Vitamin D supplements.

Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, stair climbing, or lifting weights stimulate new bone growth by working the muscles and bones against gravity. Develop an exercise program that fits your lifestyle and is easy to follow. Stop smoking. Smoking puts you at a much higher risk for developing osteoporosis.

SOURCES: News release, Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, April 2003. Web MD.

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Educational Section

Sunday School News

Asalamu Alaikum.

On Sunday, May 23rd the Sunday School year ended with the Graduation ceremony and a fun filled afternoon for the families. The graduation ceremony comprised of each class doing a presentation for all the parents:

Class Pre A - Q & A of What is Islam?

Class A - Sang the beautiful Nasheed “Tala’a alBadru Alayna”

Class B - Did several short plays on the Five Pillars of Islam

Class C - Sang “The 99 Names of Allah”

Class D - Read verses from the Qur’an and related Hadiths

Class E - Presented the life of an Islamic Scholar

Class F - Did a presentation why Sunday School and the ICLI community was important to them.

Each student was given a graduation certificate. However, the students from Class F who will be leaving us to go to college also received copies of the Qur’an to take with them.

All the teachers were given gift certificates as a big thank you for all their hard efforts during the year.

After the ceremony and Zuhr prayer, the children and their families enjoyed the BBQ and fun filled activities. However, unfortunately due to the unexpected large gathering we ran out of food. We sincerely apologise for this mishap and ensure you that, Inshallah, next year we will be more prepared and not let this happen again.

Even though the Sunday School is closed for the summer, the Education Committee will continue working hard to implement the Strategic Retreat Goals agreed by the ICLI Executive Committee and Board along with preparing for next years registration, teacher recruitment as well as reviewing class structure and curriculum.

If you have any suggestions or questions please contact the Co-chairpersons on m.nabi@verizon.net

Have a happy and safe summer. Inshallah see you all in September.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) News

Al Hamdu-lilah, this school year has been one that has moved us forward in many ways. In sha Allah, the events that the PTO organized this year, the Iftar Party, Eid Party, Iraqi Health Kit Drive, Writing Contests, and Graduation Party have served our community well. It has been our pleasure and honor to support the Education Committee as parent volunteers during registration, in the classrooms and at morning assembly.

The PTO feels strongly that supporting and growing the services that benefit ICLI Sunday School students and families is a worthwhile aim. We are grateful to have been able to do so this year and look forward to continued growth of educational, cultural, social and spiritual programs for our youth.

It is our hope that next year, many more parents will support the Sunday School by joining the dedicated parents who have served the PTO over the last two years. Until then, we pray that you all enjoy a peaceful and joyous summer vacation.

Teachers Wanted Are you a committed, hard working individual with good knowledge of Islam and Arabic? If Yes, then join the ICLI Sunday School teaching staff and help teach our children all about Islam. Contact the School Office (516) 333 0299 Teachers Wanted

Y Y outh outh Section Section


On Saturday May, 15 2004 the Youth Group at the I.C.L.I. planned on having a fund-raising carwash from 11:30 to 3:00 pm in order to raise funds for the Six Flags trip and for general youth group activities. The car wash was initially supposed to be held on Sunday May 9 (one week before), but because of what was supposed to be inclement weather it was postponed to the next Saturday (the 15th). On Sunday May 9, I decided to make the announcement that the car wash was to be next Saturday and went on to plan who was to bring what. Some were to bring food and drinks to sell, some were to bring ready made signs to hang up and everyone was to bring buckets and rags. Because of past experiences I thought it would be prudent to ask kids to write everything down (including the times to show up). Everyone complied and most everyone said they could show up.

During the break I went to talk to Sis. Ellen and notified her that the car wash was to be moved to next Saturday and it was fine with her. I also had a talk with Br. Hamza to discuss where the accessible hoses are located for the car wash, he said there were one by the office and two on either side (Br. Habib, he assured me, frequently uses it to water the plants). I also talked to Br. Irfan, who ironically works part-time at a car wash, as to where and how we should direct the cars to go and how we could go about washing them. Finally I talked to all the kids in class F and in the youth group. I explained that they should expect an email and a call from me during the week and that upon receiving the message they should send out an email or call reminding other kids to come, etc. etc.

On Wednesday May 12, I sent out that email reminding every student to show up on Saturday, bring all the necessary supplies and to also notify as many other kids as possible. The next day of that week I called a couple of people (in order to get the telephone chain rolling) including the vice president of the youth group. She explained that she had not gotten the supplies yet but planned to go with her parents on Friday to get them. Also, she added, she would call a few of the girls and also remind them to come. At this point things seemed to be moving smoothly.

I left the house to go to the Masjid at 11:30. When I went there no one had shown up yet. My brother and I decided to immediately unload our car and start searching for the hoses and where to have it. There were a lot of cars in the parking lot so we figured we should have it out front. After only finding one hose (of which the nozzle was flattened so no sprayer could be screwed on) I called Br. Hamza. He told me it was in seven Jamie drive (where the library was) and I should check there. I could not find any. Finally he told me to call Br. Habib because he did all the watering, so I did. I called him and he told me to go to five Jamie drive where the reconstruction was being held and take that water hose and attach it to seven Jamie drive. By this time I might add it was around 11:55 and two kids had shown up. I

went to Five Jamie drive but the nozzle that was attached to the house had to water coming out. Since there was flooding in the basement someone apparently turned the water off, but the door was locked and I didn’t have the key. While this was happening it came to my attention that there was going to be a wedding held in the basement because the people who made the cake kept coming up to me and asking where I should put the cake. By now it was 12:00 and only two people are here and the guardian of one is asking me if the car wash is still on because if she leaves she cannot come back to pick up the girl for a couple of hours. It is about this time (12:05) that the V.P. shows up with the food and some supplies. I explain to her the problems we are having as we both wait another ten minutes for kids to show up (which no one does) and we decide we have no choice but to cancel it and try to have it on Sunday May 16. In the end three kids show up (out of the 31 in the Youth group) and the day is wasted.

Now why have I told you all of this? I assure you, it is not to complain, seek your sympathy or blame anyone (even I could have done some things better), but instead to recommend certain steps be taken so that in the future such inconveniences can be avoided and the Masjid can operate more smoothly.

1) More adult supervision and involvement in youth activities

2) More communication among different facets of the Masjid (i.e. Wedding and Car wash same day?)

3) More parental involvement in the programs and events concerning their children.

4) Less centralized leadership and more widespread effort.

5) Self responsibility

It seems everyone would like to see change, but no one would like to take action.

But more generally, I recommend that in the future if we in the Muslim community want to accomplish something we have to learn to stay organized, stay disciplined, and above all keep responsibility for ourselves and our role in the community.

I guess the expression goes: “live and learn”. But at ICLI, I feel we do enough living, but just not enough learning.

Managing Editor of Youth Section

(P.S.) If anyone has any comments or advice directed at me or the Mosque in general, please feel free to email me.

For more Info. contact Emraan at eKhan17@hotmail.com


The Mosque in Medina was not only a place of worship. The belivers assembled here to learn. When the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was present, they heard his words of wisdom, his elucidation on the verses of Quran and benifitted by his counsel. And when he was not there, other faithful companions taught what they had heard from the Prophet of Allah

Once the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) entered the mosque before the prayer time and found two groups of people. One was busy in acts of worship while the other group in a corner was learning. They learnt how to read and write and discussed the teachings of Islam and their application to their daily lives. Looking at both, the Prophet said: "Theyarebothengagedinusefulpursuits.ButIamateacher.Ishalljointhegroupassembled to learn”.

The Prophet’s Gift

Whenever the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) followers reaped their first harvest, they brought early, fresh fruits to him. Then he would distribute them among those who sat around him. One morning, a poor man brought one fruit from his small farm and gave it to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) accepted the gift, tasted it and then went on eating it alone while the companions watched. One of those present meekly said: "OProphetofAllah,youhaveoverlookedtherightofthosewhowatchwhileyoueat?"

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) smiled and waited till the man who had brought the fruit had gone. Then he said: "I tasted the fruit anditwasnotyetripe.Had1allowedyoutohavesomeofit,someonewouldhavedefinitelyshownhisdistaste,thusdisappointingthepoormanwhobroughtthisgift.Ratherthanmakehimfeelbitter,Iacceptedthebitterness."

Congratulations! Congratulations! WHEN:Sunday May 13, 2004 WHERE: ICLI Parking Lot WHO: Class E and F WHY: To raise funds for the Mosque youth group. WHAT: OVER $200 WASRAISED INTHREEHOURS!!! MUSLIM YOUTHOF L ONG I SLANDS MUSLIM YOUTHOF L ONG I Teachers Wanted Are you a committed, hard working individual with good knowledge of Islam and Arabic? If Yes, then join the ICLI Sunday School teaching staff and help teach our children all about Islam. Contact the School Office (516) 333 0299 Teachers Wanted
Story time

Community Round-up

Ask The Imam?

If you have any religious questions or would like to clarify any issues please email the imam at imam.icli@usa.com

Q: I work for the US Government. Specifically an agency for the Dept. of Defense named Defense Contract Management Agency. My job Title is Contract Administrator and I basically resolve contractual problems that the Defense Contractor has (Such as payment problems). Since I'm basically indirectly helping the military arsenal of a Kafir country (who is at war with Darul Islam), is my job HALAL? I want a definite answer Imam saab, Haram or Halal? More info of my Agency is at http://www.dcma.mil/about.htm

A: AAWW. There is a difference between following an order to kill the innocent, which is very grave and other Makrooh acts which include indirect help of an existing institution whose main function is legitimate [e.g. legitimate defense] with cases of possible abuse. Your particular job is too indirect and remote to worry about, especially that there may not be many alternative means of living available. WAWW (Jamal Badawi).

Q: How can the Muslim discipline himself Islamically, especially if he has shortcomings with regard to his religious commitment, which Allaah knows best about?

A: Praise be to Allaah. Acknowledging your shortcomings is one of the first steps in disciplining yourself. Whoever acknowledges that he has shortcomings has started on the path to self-discipline. It is a sign of Allah’s care when a person tries to change himself and develop, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, Allaah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state themselves” [al-Ra’d 13:11] So whoever tries to change for the sake of Allah, Allah will help him to change.The ways in which a Muslim can discipline himself are as follows:

1. Worshipping Allaah, keeping in contact with Him and submitting to Him. That is done by paying attention to doing obligatory acts of worship well, and cleansing your heart of any attachment to anything other than Allaah.

2. Reading Qur'an a great deal, pondering its meanings and seeking to understand it.

3. Reading useful religious books that describe the ways of treating and cleansing the heart; reading the biographies of the salaf and learning about their attitude and behavior.

4. Attending educational programs such as classes and lectures.

5. Making good use of your time and using it to do things that will be of benefit in both worldly and spiritual terms.

6. Not indulging too much in permissible things and not paying too much attention to them.

7. Keeping company with righteous people and looking for righteous companions, who can help you to do good. Those who live alone will miss out on a lot of the characteristics of a good brother such as preferring others to oneself and being patient.

8. Trying to act on what you learn and put it into practice.

9. Checking closely on yourself.

10.Having confidence in yourself – whilst relying on Allah – because the one who has no confidence cannot act.

11.Despising yourself for not doing enough for the sake of Allah. This does not contradict the things mentioned above. Man has to strive hard whilst still thinking that his efforts are not enough.

12.Practicing withdrawal or isolation as prescribed in sharee’ah. You should not mix with people all the time, rather you must have some time which you spend alone, in worship as prescribed in Islam.

We ask Allaah to help us and you to discipline ourselves and submit to that which Allaah loves and is pleased with. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions. imam.icli@usa.com

Services Offered By ICLI (516)-333 3495

Marriage/Nikah - Performance of Marriage/Nikah ceremony and Matrimonial Service Funeral Arrangements for Islamic Burial

Hall Rental - For family and community functions

Qur’anic Discussion - Sundays

Interfaith Meeting and Seminars - To promote better understanding of Islam as a complete way of life

Distribution of literature on Islam and Muslims

Public Lectures on Contemporary Topics Every Sunday 10AM - 1PM. September to June

Visits to ICLI - First hand introduction to Islam and Muslims offered to groups or individuals

Media Consultation - On Issues relating to AlIslam and Muslims

Letter Writing Campaign - Every Friday during Salaat-ul-Jummah and Sunday 12 noon on human rights or other issues of concern to Muslims, (MAKING OUR VOICE HEARD).

Library - Has a large selection of books

Prison Support Group for Muslim Inmates

Youth Programs - Organized by Muslim youth of ICLI throughout the year

Planning for College Seminar - An Annual event for High School students and their parents in November

Al – Zakat - Collection and Distribution

Community Iftar - Every Saturday evening during Ramadhan

Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC) - Hotline (516) 942 2081 Free and strictly confidential counseling


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S a l a a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y . J u n e 2 0 0 4 J u m m a h K h u t b a h s t a r t s a t 1 : 1 0 P M ( N o t e : Z u h r w i l l b e a t 1 : 1 5 P M e v e r y d a y ) ABS Travel Treat, Inc.  Hajj & Umrah Packages  Worldwide Flights  Domestic Flights  Vacation Packages Contact: Saeed Hassan 347 Fifth Avenue - Suite 807, New York, NY 10016 Tel: 800 335 1717 Tel: (212) 447 1717 Fax: (212) 447 1285 Email: info@traveltreat.com FIVE STAR PRINTING & COPIES  718-353-4711 7 718-445-9304 BUSINESS CARDS 4 COLOR PRINTING RUBBER STAMPS T-SHIRT PRINTING OFFSET PRINTING XEROX COPIES WEDDING INVITATION COLOR COPIES SIGNS & ENGRAVINGS 41-29 MAIN STREET, FLUSHING, NY 11355 T u e R B T 1 2 J u n 1 4 : 0 8 a 5 : 2 5 a 1 2 : 5 7 p 6 : 0 4 p 8 : 2 3 p 9 : 4 0 p W e d R B T 1 3 J u n 2 4 : 0 7 a 5 : 2 5 a 1 2 : 5 7 p 6 : 0 4 p 8 : 2 3 p 9 : 4 1 p T h u R B T 1 4 J u n 3 4 : 0 7 a 5 : 2 4 a 1 2 : 5 8 p 6 : 0 5 p 8 : 2 4 p 9 : 4 1 p F r i R B T 1 5 J u n 4 4 : 0 7 a 5 : 2 4 a 1 2 : 5 8 p 6 : 0 5 p 8 : 2 5 p 9 : 4 2 p S a t R B T 1 6 J u n 5 4 : 0 7 a 5 : 2 4 a 1 2 : 5 8 p 6 : 0 6 p 8 : 2 5 p 9 : 4 2 p S u n R B T 1 7 J u n 6 4 : 0 7 a 5 : 2 3 a 1 2 : 5 8 p 6 : 0 6 p 8 : 2 6 p 9 : 4 3 p M o n R B T 1 8 J u

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