ICLI News May 2006

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President’s Spring Message

Assalamu-Alaikum All.

Spring break is over and Masha'Allah, alot of young brothers and sisters spent time at the masjid in their spare time. They played basketball and attended prayers. It was a good feeling to see our youngsters present at the masjid more often.

Alhamdu-Lillah, the elections are behind us and the results are as follows:

1st vice president: Dr. Isma Chaudhry 2nd vice president: Dr. Nasir Gondal

Three board members: Dr. Fahim Butt Br. Syed Zafar Sayeed

Sr. Seemi Ahmed

The Islamic center has issued a statement regarding the Abdur Rahman affair and apostasy. Please visit our website, www.icliny.org, to read the full statement. I thank Br. Ibrahim Negm and Br. Zafar Sayeed for their contribution in preparing the statement. Masha'Allah, Br. Negm has finished tafseer of half the Quran, and he will be in Egypt visiting his family for 2 months. He will return in early July and we will continue the Thursday night Qur’anic tafseer when he does, insha'Allah.

The Islamic center has reached an agreement with Talbot corporation and has leased the property for the benefit of the masjid. Masha'Allah, three of our student guests are now staying there, and the yard is being cleaned for the use and enjoyment of all who come to the masjid.

We are in the process of working on a speakers bureau so that all of our speak-

ers (which are sent out to churches, schools, etc.) are on the same page in terms of the information they provide. This is to prevent conflicting statements and confusion among those who get information about Islam from us.

As Spring is in full swing, Hafiz Ahmad and his group regularly meet Friday and Sunday morning between 6-8 AM for breakfast and yardwork around the masjid. I invite all of you to join us.

Insha'Allah, May 6th and 7th, the Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) is going to hold their meeting at the Islamic Center of Long Island.

May Allah guide us all. Jazakallah Khair.

Habeeb Ahmed jifsha@yahoo.com

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
ICLI News: President’s Message Domestic Harmony Message Holy Land Trip Update
with Nassau County District
for Immigration
is Family
With Differences
Volunteers at INN shelter for the hungry and homeless
Loving Allah Community Services/Salat Times Inside this issue: Volume 3, Issue 8 May 2006 /Rabi' Al-Thani 1427 CONTACT US 835 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590. Tel: 516-333-3495 Fax: 516-333-7321 Email:1icli@optonline.net Website: www.icliny.org “I C” KIDS PRESCHOOL AT ICLI Ages 3 to 5 Mon – Fri 9:30 – 12:20 Mon – Fri 12:30 – 3:30 An enriching, educational and spiritual environment. Our priority is preparing your toddler for success. Please come and visit our NEW state of the art facility. For additional information please contact Hoda Spiteri 516-333-3495 ICKidsPreschool@yahoo.com ICLI SPRING BAZAAR Sunday April 30th 10:00AM - 3:00PM Lots of food and items for sale from vendors and ICLI Community. Come and join us!
Attorney Community
Necessity of

The hardest to bear isn't the slap or the shove, It's the sting of the words, like a black velvet glove.

It tears at your soul and your heart cracks in two, What you've become is not really you. You know that you're good, and you know that you're kind, But you feel like you're going out of your mind. The look of disgust, the names and the sneers, Has this really been going on all these years?

It started so small, just a fight - some name calling, You couldn't see the black hole into which you were falling. He took all your dignity, who you were, and your pride, In your shame and your pain, all you could do was hide.

Hide the fact that the man who promised you love, Took it back and replaced it with the black velvet glove.

Grievance Governance Committee

If you have any Grievances and Suggestions, please leave a note at the ICLI office.

Editorial amendments are welcome.

Nazir Mir


Islamic Center of Long Island Westbury

Page 2 ICLI NEWS May 2006 /Rabi' Al-Thani 1427
Mohammed Sohail Nabi Cell: 646-286 0060 email: msanabi@yahoo.com Printed By: ACCURATE PRINTING & COPYING 962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010. Tel: 516-775-8060 Fax:516-775-8070 Email: accuprinting@aol.com
Page 3 ICLI NEWS May 2006 /Rabi' Al-Thani 1427
Violence Domestic Harmony Committee Hotline: 516 942 2081
Muslim Wheel of Domestic

Holy Land Trip Update

In April newsletter we wrote about the experience of the trip to Holy Land and included comments from Rabbi's Berman and Sternstein and Father Williams and Eichner along with some impressions from three participants, Khadija Byas, Meher Mamoor and Daanyal Khan. Two of the participants Asad Baig and Hira Ahmed's impressions are reproduced below. Other developments from this trip included:

A.God Squad TV Show--A half hour special TV program was aired nationally under the auspices of Telecare and the hosts Father Tom Hartman and Rabbi Marc Gellman. Hira Ahmed and I represented the Muslim participants

and Catholics are planned for the future, Insha Allah. Below are Asad’s and Hira’s impressions on the unique trip to the Holy Land, which were not printed in last months newsletter:

Asad Baig:

The journey that we took to Israel was truly a life changing experience. It was amazing to be able to visit many of the holy sites in Israel and Palestine. What was really great was the way that everyone in our group of 16 Muslim, Christian, and Jewish teens, and 5 different religious leaders were accepting of each other. We bonded together, forgetting that before the trip we did not even know each other. What was most special for me was being able to visit Masjid-Al-Aqsa and the Dome of The Rock. Being there made me feel elated and it was really

B.First Reunion at ICLI on Monday March 27th- Over seventy attendees including the students who attended, their families, guests, sponsors and clergy attended a very lively uplifting get together. Thanks to Sr Homaira Mamoor et al who managed the set up, ambiance, food we had a spectacular get together. For many of the seventy plus attendees this was their first visit to a Mosque and they all witnessed the Isha prayer as well. The tour sponsors Dawn Azrak and Darlene Buonauro of Custom Tours and Events received tokens of appreciation from the five ICLI youth participants. The clergy - Rabbi Berman, Father Williams and Eichner spoke glowingly about the five ICLI participants and how through their behavior and actions they--clergy-got a much better appreciation about Islam and Muslims. The documentary crew which accompanied the group also attended this session and interviewed the various participants. Plans are to have this experience prepared as a documentary for general distribution and further regular re-unions for this core group of Muslims-Jews

special to be in the same location as the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was when he ascended to heaven. Being able to pray the Jummah prayer there was also a very special for me. Jerusalem was my favorite city, but the part of the trip that was most fun for me

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was the trip to the Dead Sea. After a very hot, long stay at the Masada, we went to the Dead Sea, where the 16 of us got to experience the Dead Sea. The Sea itself is so salty, that instead of sand, there is salt on the shore leading up to the water. I unfortunately got some of the water in my eyes, and the highly concentrated saltwater burned my eyes greatly. I was helped by Janet, a member of our camera crew to a freshwater hose, where I washed my eyes out. After that experience, we all decided to take Dead Sea mud, which is supposedly very healthy, and throw it at each other. This was an intersting experience, and again, it felt like we all knew each other since before the trip. This trip was great, and I thank Allah (swt) for giving me the opportunity to go on this beautiful trip. I also thank Dawn and Darlene for organizing this trip, and I would also like to thank the members of the clergy as well as the Christian, Jewish, and other Muslim kids who accompanied me on this trip and helped me learn more about Islam, Christianity and Judaism. This was truly a great once in a lifetime experience that I was fortunate enough to have shared with an amazing group.

Hira Ahmed: My Interfaith Sojourn to Israel

“It is an extraordinary time in an extraordinary city- a place where both armies and souls contend, and where hope coexists with anxiety,” (on Jerusalem) –Steven Erlanger.

As I sat on my couch trying to write up something that does justice to all that is Israel, I realized I was failing miserably. So I resorted to the gargantuan piece on Jerusalem in the Travel section of the Times for inspiration. There I found this quote on the holiest of holy cities and think to be the epitome of all that the Holy Land is: a city plagued with a constant subtle tension.

The clergy and sponsors of the trip had agreed that this trip would avoid the subject of politics. And they acted on this consensus, no one meddling too much with the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Yet still I, and hopefully others as well, left that part of the world being beyond familiarized, even beleaguered with all the death and destruction that resides in Holy Land.

For every wonderful peace, love, and happiness moment we had, there was also a crazy lady outside the Western Wall discouraging our interfaith efforts, or a keeper of a mosque not allowing the non-Muslims of our group to enter.

To learn, by means of this trip, the significance of Israel, and then to be exposed to all the conflict and disagreement that Jerusalem is comprised of is overwhelming. But it also makes evident as to how crucial interfaith efforts such as ours are.

The next time someone says something about the Jewish people on a whole, or makes a generalization, I think, of my friends, Josh, Ari, Sadie, and Dana. Who consoled me

when I lost my camera and immediately made me CD’s of their own pictures. When people talk about Christians, I think of my Catholic friend, Erin who lent me her bathing suit at the Dead Sea. It’s no longer a big blurb of theology, it’s people first, and then their faith, which is a part of them, which is something you come to understand and maybe even appreciate.

My uber cheesy Wonder Years thought is, what my Israel experience was? It was shnizel, and temples, and churches, and camels. But more importantly, it was an understanding we developed of each other, something the previous generations failed at, and hopefully our understanding of one another will contribute to a more peaceful future in Holy Land.

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ICLI Meets with the Nassau County District Attorney

On April 9th Br. Habeeb Ahmed, led a delegation of individuals from ICLI and other Nassau County masjids to meet with Ms. Kathleen Rice, the Nassau County District Attorney. Br. Habeeb, and the others wanted to share our communities concerns as they relate to Ms. Rice’s areas of authority. Ms. Rice along with several of her staff shared the mission of the District Attorney’s office, which is to investigate and prosecute violations of law. In addition, Ms. Rice’s office is involved in crime prevention programs geared toward educating youth, family and community of the potential dangers of predators on-line and otherwise that are a threat to our children, immigrant community and elderly.

All of the masjids represented overwhelmingly communicated to Ms. Rice the need for sensitivity training of investigators and prosecutors who work for her office. The representatives shared that an understanding of the religious and cultural traditions of the Muslim community would help our community feel safe and understood by her office. In addition, sensitivity would inspire a more cooperative relationship between our community and Ms. Rice’s office in pursuing criminal matters.

Topics raised included concerns regarding perceived racial profiling, language barriers, identity theft, and Internet safety. Ms. Rice shared that she fully understood our communities concerns and offered that individuals from her office would visit ICLI to share some of their crime prevention and educational programs. As well she agreed with the concept of sensitivity training. We look forward to seeing movement on this topic from Ms. Rice’s offices.

It was a highly informative meeting, where our delegation was met seriously and with respect and good will. If you want to learn more about the role of the Nassau County District Attorney and the programs and activities of Ms. Rice’s office, please visit, www. Nassauda.org.

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HELP WANTED “I C” KIDS PRESCHOOL AT ICLI Ages 3 to 5 Mon – Fri 9:30 – 12:20 Mon – Fri 12:30 – 3:30 For additional information please contact Hoda Spiteri 516-333-3495 or ICKidsPreschool@yahoo.com
ICLI Attends Interfaith Passover Dinner On April 6th, ICLI members accompanied Dr. Faroque Khan for the annual Interfaith Passover Dinner at Temple Beth El. ICLI Members with Temple Beth El Members at the Interfaith Passover Dinner.
Br. Habeeb Ahmed, with delegation of individuals from ICLI and other Nassau County masjids to meet with Ms. Kathleen Rice
Fall 2006 Registration Deadline May 21, 2006 Open House From 1:45 pm - 3:00pm, Friday May 5, Friday May 12, Friday May 19. “I C” KIDS PRESCHOOL at I C L I Monday – Friday Ages 3 to 5 An enriching, nurturing and educational environment. Our priority is preparing your child for success. Flexible Days, Schedule and Reasonable Rates Please come and visit our NEW facility & meet our State Certified Instructors. For additional information please contact Hoda Spiteri 516-333-3495 835 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590 email: ICKidsPreschool@yahoo.com web: www.icliny.org

Rally for Immigration Rights April 10th 2006

Al-Hujurat (The Dwellings)

49:13 O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is allknowing, all-aware.

“What do we want?” Legalization!!! “ When do we need it now!!!” What do we want? “Amnesty” When do we need it now!!!. Was some of the outcries at the march for Immigrant Rights which took place at the World Trade Center to City Hall. People were marching against the proposal to pass the HR 437 Bill which would make being illegal a felony. People were also protesting against the guest worker program, which would only grant illegal immigrants a temporary work visa but then later they would have to reapply and but would chance having to return back to their native countries before being eligible to reapply again. Ms. Nativwad Hernandez Vice President of the Coordinator of the United Center Coalition stated that “ The guest worker program resembles a form of slavery in modern day times.” “On top of that they are proposing that each person pay a penalty fee of $2,000 dollars before they can be granted the visa. Now if each person has five people in their family that is $10,000 who can afford that!!!” Renea a migrant from Honduras said she was forced to come to the US illegally because the US government exploits her country. “ The US government wants to punish us for coming here illegally but they left some of us with no choice when they established unfair trade agreements with our countries thus forcing us not to have a means to earn a living in our own country.”

It was a day of unity and solidarity. On the way to the march a moment of togetherness was experienced on the E train. An African American drum group boarded the car with us and the Hispanic Coalition group. They started to play drums while the Hispanic coalition group shakened their cups with raw popcorn shells to add to the flavor of the music. TV1 New York was also on the car and started to film it. It was then that I had one of my “I Love New York moments.”

At the march many people from all over the world came out to support each other in their belief against the immigration proposals. Queens Antiwar Committee who was against keeping the troops in Iraq, Philippine Forum, Filipino American Organization, and many others

all showed their support for immigration rights. “Cannot understand the attacks on immigrants, on Arabs, Muslims, South Asians without understanding the way in which racism is used to justify what the government is doing overseas.” Stated a member of the Queens Antiwar Committee. When asked what he thought was a fair trade off in legalizing illegal immigrants he stated that” Cooperation’s in this world are granted amnesty all over. Americans, American cooperation's, and American military can go anywhere. They do not need paperwork to go to other countries.” “ I feel like people should be free to come and go as they please. The reason why people come here because their countries have been destroyed largely by US cooperation's in search of cheap labor.” Lenny whose parents are from Italy stated that “I support the March because my parents are immigrants came to this country to earn a better living, they raised children in this country and everybody should have the same opportunity as us.”

Ababakar Thiaw from Senegal believes that if the bill was passed it would have a detrimental effect on the Muslim community as a whole. “If the Muslim brothers and sisters who came here from other countries were to leave this country it would have a negative impact on the Muslim brothers and sisters who were born here.” “I say so because we have worked as Muslims from the continent of Africa to try to unite with the Muslim brothers and sisters who are here. Also we have succeeded in exchanging viewpoints with each other on the ideology that Islam is one. We have succeeded in talking about it to the point that we are living our Islam the right way. Even though it is hard to practicing our Islam in a non-Muslim country we are able to adapt and practice it here.”

El-Haji who has a radio show called Our Africa expressed his frustration with immigration policies “ I have been here for sixteen years and I work and applied for my work authorization legally, and they have not given me any permanent resident status. I have applied for it but each year they only grant a work authorization card which I have been renewing every year for the past sixteen years. That is $180.00 multiplied by sixteen.” “We all come to this country and Allah chose this country for opportunity for all of us. In this country especially New York you find people from all over the world and it was Allah who chose this country to make it the melting pot that it is.” “My country Senegal has good relationship with the US and Americans can go to Senegal without a visa but we cannot come here without a visa it is unfair and selfish.”

The rally had an estimate of 150,000 supporters. The HR 437 bill is still being decided on and until then many more people will continue to protest until there is a fair agreement on how immigrants both legal and illegal should be treated.

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is Family

Imam Ibrahim Negm

49:13 O men! Behold, We have created you all out of male and a female and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is allknowing, all-aware.

The whole universe is masculine and feminine and it is the natural order of things, was the main ideology behind Elder George’ speech Patriarchy is Family. He expressed that the West trying to promote the idea of an independent woman is wrong. The reason why God created both male and female in all things because it is the natural order of things. He expressed how the planets all revolve around the sun and Allah created natural balance in that all things male and female depend on each other. “The Quran teaches us how to take care of women, children and widows.” “ Everything operates on a system of male and female and if we do not operate on these principles and try to change them then we get into trouble.” He stated “ A perfect example “ Did you know that the number one illness of the American woman is depression. And who is the major one in the group? The single middle class white woman. The reason behind this because the Western culture does not operate under the principle of the extended family.” There are about 11 million women suffering from depression in America and there are about 3 million young girls suffering from depression.” “ I do not know if depressed mothers are raising depressed girls or girls are growing up to be depressed women” We also have the most violent young men in the world are in this country. “ In my life time I have seen the unwed motherhood rate go from one percent to 33 percent. This is not progress when it comes to the growth and development of our families.” We have given up the natural structure that was created for us we have build another world outside of the one that god has made for us and that world is falling down.”

We are now living in a country that homosexuals filling out joint tax returns one of them can file head of household but a man who is married cannot file head of household. According to the law a man can only be head of household if he is divorced from his wife. That is not the natural way of things. This country wants all the Abrahamic faiths to be moderate so that we do not have any more principals in our religions. That is why I feel it is time for men to stand up and take action against these things. The reason why most women end up divorced from their spouses because the men did not stand up to do anything. “ I did a survey last year and 80 percent of the women that were interviewed divorced because women felt that the men were not doing enough.” “ Most

women want to be with a man who is responsible and is constant and provide the type of environment that is necessary for her to bring life into this world and be able to nurture that life.” Being a man does not mean being a brute.” “It means just being a man that god intended for you to be which is difficult in Western society.” Elder George offers male empowerment programs that empowers men to be men. He feels that this society and the European culture is a feminine and materialistic culture and this type of culture strips away the manhood in men in this society. The government is trying to eliminate religion an a world were men have no authority. They are trying to make it a one way socialist government. This was the closing remarks for his speech at Jamaica Muslim Center.

Elder George is a columnist for Muslims Weekly and has published many booklets and pamphlets including Patriarchy The Natural Way of Life; Why Marriage? His organization in which he named Men’s Action to Rebuild Society has many objectives which includes:

I. Rebuild the family

II.Establish a community based tribal structure.

III.Promote a spiritual and material balance in social values and activities.

IV.Foster respect for the environment and a life style that results in health and well being.

Objective I: Rebuild the family.


A.Create an awareness that the only natural form of human association is patriarchy, and that family is patriarchy.

B.Conduct male leadership training seminars and programs with emphasis on family and community responsibilities.

C.Develop a spirit of camaraderie among men.

D.Conduct single sex youth education programs and develop in each sex their unique ability and responsibility to the family.

Objective II: Establish a community based tribal structure.


A.Have street representatives address the personal and community concerns of the residents.

B.Work with residents to inculcate in all people, but especially youth, respect for the rights and property of others.

C.Cultivate a respect for elders and involve elders in the counseling of members of the community.

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(Continued from Page 9)

Objective III: Promote a spiritual and material balance in social values and activities.


A.Cultivate the realization that the purpose of the economy is to provide for the nurturing of the race, that it is not an end in itself.

B.Illustrate that all material things become obsolete, and that it is the unseen values that endure.

C.Promote multiculturalism.

Objective IV Foster respect for the environment and a life style that results in health and well being.


A.Promote a toxic free environment.

B.Support organic farming.

C.Promote vegetarianism.

D.Promote holistic health

You can find more details about Elder George’s organization and order his pamphlets through his website at www.mensaction.net.

Page 10 ICLI NEWS May 2006 /Rabi' Al-Thani 1427  WEDDING INVITATIONS  RUBBER STAMPS  SIGNS & ENGRAVINGS  COLOR COPIES  OFFSET PRINTING  FAX SERVICE  T-SHIRT PRINTING  BANNERS  BUSINESS CARDS  BINDING 516-775-8060 962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010  516-775-8070

Dealing with Differences

Today whenever we Muslims discuss our problems, we touch on many things locally and globally. Whatever the topic of the day, the one issue we never miss, implicitly or explicitly is the lack of Muslim unity and the staggering rise of fragmentations and divisions we Muslims have along the ideological, geographical, ethnic, social and indeed the so many other considerations. It is indeed ironic to see these divisions happening to an Ummah which was originally founded on the principles of unity, togetherness and tolerance.

Everybody agrees that this sad situation of the Ummah has to be addressed and efforts have to be made seriously to prevent the further deterioration and weakness and to bring about the desired unity in the body of the Ummah. One thing we have to understand is that we are all responsible for where we are now and we are all responsible for where are going to be in the future. There is a saying that the longest journey is from the head to the heart. We know, of course that physically, only a few inches separate the head from the heart, but emotionally and psychologically, it could be many miles, or measured in time, trying to connect head and heart could take months, years, or even forever.

The journey from the head to the heart is a long and difficult journey. It’s a journey from what we think and say, to what we really believe and do; from the world of thought and speech, to the world of action and commitment. We must shorten that journey, if we want to develop the healthy strong Ummah of Islam. There is a clear and unmistakable link between our inner world and the world outside. Look at any family or community, and you can read the contents of the head, heart and soul of its members.

Here I am offering few tips that will help us put things aright:

1- Unity does not mean uniformity. We do not have to look the same, speak the same, dress the same, and share each and every opinion unanimously. There are two kinds of unity, which we must try to understand and distinguish clearly:

There is a unity of purpose, and unity of opinion. As Muslims we should always be united in our purpose that is, seeking to please Allah, and serving the advancement of Islam. But we must not be distressed by minor differences of opinion. It is humanly impossible to always have unity of opinion. As long as we keep our purpose clearly in view, there can be many opinions as to the best ways of achieving our goal.

By mutual consultation, sharing our knowledge and experience, we can move forward. If we must disagree on some matter, let us remember the right way to disagree.

In a debate, a Muslim’s attitude should always be like what Imam Shafie used to say: I think I'm right, but I might be wrong; and I think you're wrong but you may be right!

If we kept this attitude in all our dealings with one another, no one risks humiliation or hurt feelings in any disagreement. We can debate and disagree in a most agreeable manner, where we always maintain mutual respect and dignity. These are the building blocks of real, lasting Unity.

2- Unity is very much connected with the strength of Iman in our hearts and division is very much connected with the weakness of Iman in our hearts. The stronger our Iman is, the more unity we going to have and the opposite hold true as well. Remember how Rasuallah SAAW united the different tribes of Arabia whom other civilizations considered so wild, barbaric and beastlike human beings. Rasullah SAAW molded them into a nation of civilized, tolerant and unified Ummah based on the unbreakable bond of Iman.

When we Muslims served Allah SWT and subdued our vanity, we became masters of the world. As soon as we started indulging our vanity and forgetting Allah SWT we lost everything and we became divided.

3- Muslim Unity is not some miracle that, one-day will suddenly fall from the sky. Muslim Unity, the unity of the whole Ummah, will be the reward for much effort, and the culmination of a long process that begins with individual Muslims, and I mean you, and me. We must start that process. We must seek to unite our own mind, body and spirit. We must not say one thing, and do the opposite. Our goal must be, a Unity of thought and feeling, word and action.

Allah Most Gracious reminds us in Sura Ar-Ra'd [013]: verse 11:"Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves."

The unity of Muslims will only be as strong as we individual Muslims are strong. We are taught that the best Jihad…is the Jihad against one’s ego, Jihad al Nafs. We need to tame this beast within our breast, our pride. We will then, begin to see the unity of purpose that underpins the wide diversity of Allah’s creation. We will see the good things that bind us together, without being distracted by the petty things that divide us. By keeping our ego under control, by cleansing our hearts of all vanity and false pride, we actually make room for Allah’s divine wisdom, which must follow if we are sincere in our quest for knowledge and understanding.

O Allah, please plant within our hearts, the desire to improve ourselves. Let this desire for self-improvement grow, and give it expression, so that we can constantly refine our own character. O Allah, help us to strengthen our families, to uplift our communities and to unite the

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Ummah. O Allah, please strengthens our resolve, our Iman, and give us courage and patience to endure hardship and overcome evil. O Allah, help us to build a strong foundation for Islam in America so that we may, as your ambassadors of Islam, become excellent role models for our children, and for those who have not yet received your message.

ICLI Volunteers at INN shelter for the hungry & homeless

A group of people from ICLI helped serve lunch along with a group from Temple Beth El of Great Neck, at the INN shelter for the hungry and homeless, on Easter Sunday. Around 250 guests were served. It was a truly amazing and wonderful experience for us all and reinforced the realization of all that we have to be thankful to the Almighty for.

The group from Temple Beth El had organized the donation and distribution of all the food (which included 22 turkeys, pasta, corn, bread, sweet potatoes and rice pudding and fruit for dessert). The volunteers had cooked most of the turkeys themselves. The guests were served the meal and then we made plates for those that wanted to take some food home.

I hope we will be able to continue doing this in the future with participation from more volunteers from our community Inshallah.

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Page 12 ICLI NEWS May 2006 /Rabi' Al-Thani 1427
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Necessity of Loving Allah

Al-Baqara (The Cow) 2:165 “Yet there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with Allah).: They love them as they should love Allah. But those of Faith are overflowing in their love for Allah. If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty: that to Allah belongs all power, and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty.”

Shiekh Sa’ad Jallo inspired us with a message in his speech this Saturday’s evening lecture with a topic that we all need to be reminded of “Loving Allah above and beyond worldly things.” He stated that according to the Quran and Hadith “One of the acts of worship is putting your love for Allah above your love for your spouse, your children, your material things, and your job.” He stated that “ One cannot equalize their love for Allah with these things and when you reached the stage of loving Allah above all of these things then you have reached the most spiritual stage of a believer.” Allah told us that parents, children, a job and your beautiful house can all be taken away but if you love Allah then when these things are taken away from you then it will help you to be stronger in dealing with the loss of these things.” “ This is part of the jihad of self. People always associate jihad with war but the real jihad is Jihad-Al Nafs the Jihad of self and control of self and ones emotions and inner desires.”

He gave an example of this in relationship to a business owner and prayer time. “One who has a business and the call to prayer is heard at the busiest time of the business for that day, one who loves Allah will close his store and not delay his prayer even though it came at a time when he has received the most customers for that day.” Allah will bless that person with more business because he obeyed Allah by closing his shop to answer the call to prayer.

“Loving Allah is not only loving him but one has to love his messengers and his books in addition to loving him.” According to Quran and Hadith Sheik Jallo stated that whomsoever loves Allah and his messengers and his books then Allah will place him among those who are righteous. A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (saws) and asked him about judgment day and the Prophet asked the man what did you do to prepare for that day and the man answered nothing but perfecting my love for Allah and his messenger and his books.


the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah fearing.

“Part of ones love for Allah also comes along with fulfilling the five pillars of Islam.” One has to fast, give zakat, pray regularly, and also be good and kind to others.”

Those who love Allah also will choose their Islam above their parents, business and other worldly things. It is not always easy but Allah blesses those who are righteous and continue to strive in his path. One cannot also associate themselves with those who contradict these teachings and beliefs. “ There are also some Shaytans and Shayteens who are enemies of the messengers.”

Those who will be victorious over these Shayteens take Allah as their protector and their helper. He ended his lecture with this point and a dua.

Al-Hujurat (The Dwellings) 49:7 “And know that among you is Allah's messenger; were he, in many matters, to follow your (wishes), ye would certainly fall into misfortune. But Allah has endeared the Faith to you, and has made it beautiful in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you Unbelief, wickedness, and rebellion; such indeed are those who walk in righteousness.”

(The Cow)

2:177 It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for

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Curry & Tandoor Serving best quality food since 1993 Catering for all occasions at very reasonable prices Contact Abu Syed 127 East 28th Street New York , NY 10016 212 - 685 0808 ext 224 2nd Location (Near United Nations) 148 East 46th Street New York, NY 10017 212-490 1277 WE SERVE ONLY HALAL MEAT

Community Events

Sunday Adult Educational Program

May 7, 2006 - 10am - 12:00

Early presence of Muslims in pre-colonial with Imam Ayub Baqi

12:00 - 1:00pm

Dr. Hassan Fadal Chairman of the board of Islamic Medical Association

May 14, 2006 - 10:00 am - 12:00

Muslim youth and sprituality with Imam Siraj Wahaj

12:00 - 1:00 pm

Celebrating our Mother's, An Islamic Prospective with ICLI Girl Scout

May 21, 2006 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Sunday School Annual day celebration. A fun filled day for all the family.

Sunday School Graduation Day is on Sunday May 21st

Page 14 ICLI NEWS May 2006 /Rabi' Al-Thani 1427
There will be
by graduation
for each
salat, lunch will be served. Please make every effort to attend this wonderful gathering. Please check your child’s backpack for more info. More Info: 516-333 0299 Bring the Muslim Community Together By Advertising your BUSINESS in the I.C.L.I. Newsletter Contact: Sohail Nabi Email: msanabi@yahoo.com Phone: 646-286 0060
2005 at 10:00AM
presentations from
classes followed
child. After Zuhr

S a l a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y .


M a r r i a g e / N i k a h P e r f o r m a n c e o f M a r r i a g e / N i k a h c e r e m o n y a n d

n i a l S e r v i c e F u n e r a l A r r a n g e m e n t s f o r I s l a m i c B u r i a l H a l l R e n t a l F o r f a m i l y a n d c o m m u n i t y f u n c t i o n s Q u r ’ a n i c D i s c u s s i o nS u n d a y s I n t e r f a i t h M e e t i n g a n d S e m i n a r s T o p r o m o t e b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f I s l a m a s a c o m p l e t e w a y o f l i f e D i s t r i b u t i o n o f l i t e r a t u r e o n I s l a m a n d M u s l i m s P u b l i c L e c t u r e s o n C o n t e m p o r a r y T o p i c s E v e r y S u n d a y 1 0 A M 1 P M .

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5 : 5 9 p

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8 : 2 2 p

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S e p t e m b e r t o J u n e V i s i t s t o I C L I F i r s t h a n d i n t r o d u c t i o n t o I s l a m a n d M u s l i m s o f f e r e d t o g r o u p s o r i n d i v i d u a l s M e d i a C o n s u l t a t i o n O n I s s u e s r e l a t i n g t o A l I s l a m a n d M u s l i m s L e t t e r W r i t i n g C a m p a i g n E v e r y F r i d a y d u r i n g S a l a a t u l J u m m a h a n d S u n d a y 1 2 n o o n o n h u m a n r i g h t s o r o t h e r i s s u e s o f c o n c e r n t o M u s l i m s , ( M A K I N G O U R V O I C E H E A R D ) L i b r a r y H a s a l a r g e s e l e c t i o n o f b o o k s P r i s o n S u p p o r t G r o u p f o r M u s l i m I n m a t e s Y o u t h P r o g r a m s O r g a n i z e d b y M u s l i m y o u t h o f I C L I t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r P l a n n i n g f o r C o l l e g e S e m i n a r A n A n n u a l e v e n t f o r H i g h S c h o o l s t u d e n t s a n d t h e i r p a r e n t s i n N o v e m b e r A l Z a k a t C o l l e c t i o n a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n C o m m u n i t y I f t a r E v e r y S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g d u r i n g R a m a d a n D o m e s t i c H a r m o n y C o m m i t t e e ( D H C ) H o t l i n e ( 5 1 6 ) 9 4 2 2 0 8 1 . F r e e a n d s t r i c t l y c o n f i d e n t i a l c o u n s e l i n g Q u r ' a n C l a s s e s O f f e r e d f r o m b e g i n n e r s t o H i f z l e v e l a n d a r e h e l d w e e k d a y s ( M o n d a y t o F r i d a y ) f r o m 4 p m t i l l 8 p m . C o n t a c t D r . S a m i n a Q u r e s h i o n ( 5 1 6 ) 6 8 1 6 2 5 6 o r e m a i l s s q 8 5 @ o p t o n l i n e . n e t S u n d a y S c h o o l O f f e r i n g c o m p r e h e n s i v e I s l a m i c S t u d i e s f o r 4 y r s t o 1 6 y r o l d s . C a l l ( 5 1 6 ) 3 3 3 0 2 9 9 o r e m a i l i c l i s u n d a y s c h o o l @ y a h o o . c o m f o r m o r e d et a i l s . p T h u

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