ICLI News Sept. 2004

Page 1

Volume 2, Issue 1


I.C.L.I. News


Islamic Center of Long Island

835 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590

Tel: 516-333-3495 Fax: 516-333-7321 Email: icli.icli@verizon.net

Inside this issue:

ICLI News:

Update from our President! Fundraising Dinner Info.

Domestic Harmony Update

A day with Father Tom Song of an Angel Islamic Heritage: Month of Rajab Month of Sha’ban

Educational Section: Sunday School News Khutbah Info

Adult Session Info

Qur’an Classes

Ask the Imam?

Community Round-up: Letter from an Inmate ICLI Services

September Salaat Times

An Update From Our President!

Asalamu Alaikum.

Welcome back! I hope you and your family had an enjoyable summer. As we start a new school year, here are a few highlights from ICLI’s summer initiatives.


of Properties:

We are pleased that the Jaymie Drive properties were rehabilitated over the summer. The new basketball court has provided our youth a good outlet for sports and social activities. Thanks to our ‘professional’ volunteer landscape crew led by Br Habeeb and Imam Hafiz Ahmed the garden looks beautiful and was once again recognized by the Central Westbury Civic Association as a Lawn of the Month.

and Hamza Byas on this accomplishment. I have been invited to present the accomplishments of ICLI at a session where three communities will share there experience—“Models of Vibrant Muslim Community”.

4)Institutional Dawah—Elderhostel Program - Building Bridges to Islam:

ICLI was picked at the NYS site for this national initiative launched by the Elderhostel organization. On August 10/11/17/18 we had close to four hundred attendees, for the entire day learning about Islam and interacting with ICLI community. The accompanying pictures provide a brief overview. All of the speakersmore women than men - worked diligently and gave succinct, lucid presentations which received great reviews. The volunteers were absolutely magnificent. Several families provided cultural/artistic artifacts which resulted in an excellent exhibit. A particularly popular aspect was writing the names of attendees in Arabic. We have also taped the presentations for those who like to hear them.

2)New Website: www.1icli.com: Br Naveed Siddiqui and a core group of young members have created a beautiful new ICLI website. We encourage you to visit the site and give us your feedback. Br Hamza Byas is in charge of the website.

3)ISNA Presentations:

Six presentations from ICLI are scheduled for presentation at the annual ISNA convention in Chicago, over the Labor day weekend. Our congratulations to Sis Homaira Mamoor, Rafia Hamid, Reema Siddiqui, Brs Habeeb Ahmed

A Publication of The Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury.
We’re on the web at http://www.1icli.com
the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
(Continued on page 2)
September 2004/Rajab 1425 - Sha’ban 1425 Br. Habeeb (center) and his merry men on their prized lawn Elderhostel members with ICLI volunteers

(Continued from page 1)

Here are some excerpts from the large amount of letters sent by the attendees:

Daniel and Marilyn Brown of Dix Hills: Wrote to Mr Larry King at CNN requesting him to interview ICLI leadership on his program so that a larger audience can hear the American Muslim point of view.

forward to reading Imam Feisal’s book and your maintenance man was most gracious to escort me to my car which was parked across the street. Please thank him.”

Joan Kovacs from Bayside wrote: “I attended with three Catholic friends and we are still talking about the day and the insights we gained”.

Carol King from Bronx wrote: “I went as an American guilty and apologetic for the violation of the civil rights of American Muslims. The men, women and children who welcomed us were loving, caring and forgiving. You are indeed living according to the Quran”.

An audience with Sis. Seema

Joan M Sterber from East Northport wrote : “Speakers were warm, welcoming, informative. I felt very comfortable at your Mosque and the lunch was yummy, too (Turkish). I look

There were many more thank you’s and comments. The sample above provides a glimpse of this very unique event.

The executive committee looks forward to continuing with new unique creative initiatives and we look forward to your suggestions, critique and contributions. May Allah bless you.

Dr. Faroque Khan

Email: Faroquekhan@yahoo.com

ICLI Volunteers with the exhibits Elderhostel members holding their names written in Arabic Elderhostel member having Henna put on her hand
PAGE 3 I.C.L.I. NEWS You are Cordially Invited To: ICLI Fundraising Dinner On Saturday, November 27th 2004 Where: Huntington Hilton 598 Broad Hollow Road Melville, New York 11747 Donation: $500 per person $5,000 per table of 10 Children over 8 years of age and seniors $125 (Please NO children under 8 years) For Further Information, please call: ICLI Office 516-333 3495

ICLI’s Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC)

The DHC would like to welcome all the parents and students for a new School year and wants to keep the community informed about our work and outreach programs through our monthly newsletter.

It was a rather busy summer for us, with increasing number of calls on our hotline, and keeping up with them has been a busy task. DHC is in need of more funding from our Muslim Community in order to continue our mission and expand our program in various levels, especially in the area of family immigration law and women who are in desperate financial need. The DHC is in dire need of some pro bono lawyers who could help with family and/ or immigration law.

Our mission is to promote family peace and harmony within Islamic context, and ending the exploitation and violence within Muslim family, especially against Muslim women, and girls who were and are the victims and survivors of domestic violence. The Committee works to empower Muslim women through, advocacy community outreach and education, leadership development, and organization.

In the past two decades, there has been an increase in the Muslim immigrant population in the New York area. There are about one million Muslims in New York State; Long Island has about 71,000 Muslims, in which Nassau County has over 51,000 and another 20,000 Muslim families live in Suffolk County. In response to the social, psychological and emotional needs of this growing Muslim community, the Committee of Domestic Harmony was established in 1992. The committee members are multilingual and multi-ethnic, who are specialized in counseling, therapy and are either social workers, MD psychologist and M.D in other specialties such as internal medicine, pediatrics, endocrinologists etc. There are also community activist and homemakers. All of them work as volunteers and are trained in handling cases of domestic violence. Problem could range from crisis resolutions to providing help and advice in legal consultation, emotional support, mental health evaluation, language interpretation services and for additional support referring for legal assistance to state and local agencies. There is an emergency hotline - (516) 942-2081 - monitored by the members of the committee on a rotating base. All calls are handled in strict confidence.

Call for Pro Bono Lawyers

DHC is actively recruiting private lawyers who specialize in family and immigration law. We are in need of practitioners to take on referrals on a pro bono basis.

DHC’s outreach during the summer DHC members, Nazli Chaudhry and Rafia Hamid, visited Family and Children’s Association in Hicksville Counseling Center in July. Family and Children’s services is one of the largest helping agencies on Long Island with more than 40 programs spread over 25 locations. Geryl Pecora, the director of the Center gave DHC members a tour of the facility, introduced them to the staff, and gave a general outline of their services. Hicksville Counseling Center’s services include drug and alcohol counseling, Family and Marital counseling, Anger Management, etc. In addition, they have a domestic violence program “SAGE” (Spousal Abuse Group Education), which is specifically designed for men who abuse their partners. This

program aims at “educating” participants about their abusive behavior with the goal of helping abusers “acknowledge” their problem so they can change it. Major emphasis is placed on anger management strategies and understanding “control and power” in relationships that perpetuate violence.

The Hicksville Counseling Center has few Muslim or South Asian clients. Ms. Pecora expressed interest in understanding cultural and religious aspects of the Muslim community. She stated that many of these issues are either not known or misunderstood and invited DHC members to provide “cultural sensitivity” training to her staff.

DHC’s participation in Manavi’s project: DHC actively engages in collaborative discussions with different organizations that aim to end violence against women. This month, we were approached by Soniya Munshi of Manavi to participate in the development of a manual/workbook that looks at different strategies implemented by organizations like DHC to affect community responses to end violence against women. (Manavi is a New Jersey based organization that concentrates on issues of violence against South Asian women). Participants included Dr. Kushal Ahmed, Sr. Shaida Khan and Sr. Rafia Hamid.

you a Victim of
Violence You are not alone You are not to blame You do not deserve to be abused. Call hotline: 516-942-2081

Ms. Munshi informed us that the workbook would outline some of the following aspects: 

Challenges inherent in working with South Asian women in light of specific cultural, religious and political issues that pertain to this specific group.

Different types of community-based strategies that can serve as models or examples for organizations that address issues of South-Asian battered women. These strategies may include aspects of education and mobilizing and organizing resources within the community.

Reasons for using those strategies, resources needed and lessons learned.

Key themes or recommendations.

An in depth resource list. These aspects were addressed and discussed in our meeting. We particularly discussed issues pertaining to immigration and other legal matters faced by many battered women. Different aspects of accessing legal help were discussed and it was felt that we still need more help in this area. Ms. Munshi felt that our model is clearly unique in the sense that it has been initiated from a religious institution and has had significant success in outreach and advocacy. In the coming weeks, we’ll remain in touch with Manavi to follow up with our discussions.


Law Office of LUTFY & LUTFY, P.C. 595 Stewart Avenue, Suite 520, Garden City, NY 11530. Tel: (516) 542 8800 Fax: (516) 542 0472

We have over 15 years experience handling all types of Personal Injury cases including:  Automobile Accidents  No Fault  Slip and Falls  Construction Accidents  Train, Bus and Taxi Accidents  Wrongful Death Please call for a free consultation. We will be happy to answer your questions.
except whatever
NEW FOR FALL 2004 “IC” KIDS PRESCHOOL AT ICLI Ages 3 to 5 Hours of Operation: Mon – Thurs 9:30 – 12:20 Friday 9:30 – 12:00 An enriching, educational and spiritual environment for your toddler to learn and grow. Please contact the ICLI Office for more information 516-333 3495
"Allah: There is no God but He, the Living, the
Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there that can intercede in His presence except as He permits?
knows what is before the people and also what is hidden from them. And
cannot comprehend anything of His knowledge
He Himself pleases to reveal.
Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme." (Qur'an, 2:255)



As I got off the ferry in Fire Island with my daughters, I was both a bit anxious and excited to spend a day with Father Tom as his guest. Since I wasn’t sure where to go from there, I was a bit nervous. To my surprise, I saw Father Tom and Mary Cassidy waiting for me at the dock to greet us and take us to the party. After a warm and friendly welcoming, we walked to the beach house. Mary took us for a tour of her three level beachfront house and introduced us to the guests.


The girls immediately started their exploration of the Island by going off in opposite direction of each other. One went to the beach and the other to the playground. I decided to take it easy, enjoy the nice beautiful summer day, have lunch at the balcony with Father Tom and others overlooking long Island sound and just mingle with the guests. After a delicious barbecue, I joined Mary and the girls for a walk to the beach and around the neighborhood. During walking Mary met one of her neighbors, who was not feeling very well. Immediately upon our return to the beach house, Mary filled a beautiful basket, with all the goodies and brought it to her sick neighbor. Her act of kindness left a deep and lasting impression on me.

Upon departing as we were getting further and further away from the dock, I could still see Father Tom wav-

ing goodbye and my youngest daughter waving back and asking me, when are we coming back to the beach house, I gave her a hug and asked her to open the gift that Father Tom gave me, as we were leaving. With an excited face, it took her a second or so to tear off the gift-wrap and open the box. With a happy smile, she said “ OH mommy it’s an angel... it’s a beautiful gold angel”. The card read “ thank you for volunteering your time for Cure for Sure fundraising event” I smiled back to her and said “ just like you, maybe next time when you volunteer for a good cause, you’ll get one too and we might even come back to the beach house next year”

Sitting on the ferry enjoying the beautiful view of the famous fire Island sunset with the summer breeze tickling my face, I couldn’t help but wonder, when our community will start treating our volunteers with a little bit of appreciation and recognition even if it’s only a pat on the back with a smile saying “ thank you for a job well-done.”

Father Tom
Father Tom and Sis. Homaira Mamoor
Newsletter Created by: Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi email: m.nabi@verizon.net Printed By: Five Star Printing (Flushing) (718)-353 4711 Bring the Muslim Community together By Advertising your BUSINESS in the I.C.L.I. Newsletter Contact: Mohammed Sohail Nabi m.nabi@verizon.net Phone/Fax: 516-868 9568
Sis. Homaira Mamoor with Mary Cassidy



In the Beginning God created man two-fold:

Of both sense and mind.

Then He said to him: ‘be’ O’ blessed is He, The Most Merciful, the Most Kind (Rahman, Rahim).


Then Lo! He creates man from an extract of fluid – from His infinite Bounty, And we submit our will!

He brings forth light from a single germ Clothed in the blood of life – from His Mercy, And we submit our will!

He fashions clay from Earth, and breathes His inspiration into man…

And to His will, we submit.


He gives man lips which speaketh His name, Ears that heareth His inspiration, And eyes that bear witness of His power, Yet! Our Lord sayeth: “How ungrateful are ye!”


And when Our Lord revealeth to us, the knowledge of ‘Adam,’ We (the angels), prostrated to him (Adam), in submission….


Islamic Heritage

Month of Rajab

Rajab - Is the seventh month of the Islamic Calendar. It is a sacred month and has a special status. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Violate not the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah, nor of the Sacred Month…” [al-Maa’idah 5:2]

This means: do not violate their sanctity which Allah has commanded you to respect and forbidden you to violate, for this prohibition includes both vile deeds and vile beliefs.

So we should pay attention to the sanctity of these four months, because Allah has singled them out for a special status and has forbidden us to commit sins out of respect for their sanctity, for sins committed at this time are even worse, because of the sanctity of the time which Allah has made sacred. Hence in the ayah quoted above, Allah has forbidden us to wrong ourselves even though this – i.e., wronging ourselves, which includes committing sins – is forbidden during all the months of the year.

Events of Rajab:

Hadhrat Bilal Ibn Haritha (R.A) brought a congregation of four hundred men named Banu Muzeena in the presence of the Holy Prophet(PBUH). They all embraced Islam and became followers of the Prophet (PBUH) in the year 5 A.H  The battle of Tabook took place in the year 9 A.H. This was the last battle which the Holy Prophet(PBUH) participated in.  The second Oath of Aqabah took place in Rajab, 12 A.H.

Deaths in Rajab:

Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) passed away on the 15th of Rajab 150 A.H. 

Imam Shafi'ee (R.A) passed away on the 14th Rajab 204 A.H. 

Imam Muslim (R.A) passed away on the 24th of Rajab 261 A.H. 

Imam Nawawee (R.A) passed away on the 14th of Rajab 677 A.H.

Month of Sha’ban

Sha’ban is the name of the eighth month, and it is so called because in this month the Arabs used to disperse (tasha’aba) in search of water, or it was said that they dispersed to carry out raids and forays. Or it was said that it is so called because it sha’aba (branches out or emerges) i.e., it appears between the months of Rajab and Ramadan. The plural forms of the word Sha’ban are Sha’baanaat and Sha’aabeen.

Our Prophet(PBUH) has said, "Sha'ban is my month and Ramadan the month of Allah (SWT)." (Daylami)

Events of Sha'ban:

"Qibla", the direction to be adopted within salah, was changed to the "Ka'aba" in Makkah (after being converted to Baitul Muqaddas in Jerusalem). This took place two years after Hijrah on the 15th of Sha'ban.

Fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan was made compulsory two years A.H. on the 25th of Sha'ban.

Three years A.H. Hadhrat Hafsa (R.A) was joined in matrimony with the Prophet(PBUH).

In this very month forty two years later Hadhrat Hafsa (R.A) past away.

The birth of the Prophet's(PBUH) grandson Hadhrat Hussain (R.A.) took place, four years on the fifth of Sha'ban.

The battle of Banu Mustaliq took place in Sha'ban.

During the above mentioned battle, the "ayah of Tayammum" (Purifying with sand before salah) was revealed, five years A.H.

The daughter of the beloved Prophet(PBUH) Umme Kulthum (R.A.) past away, nine years A.H.

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Educational Section

Sunday School Starts September 12, 2004

With the Grace of Allah (SWT), we had yet another blessed summer and we were able to enjoy every bit of it. As we prepare to start Sunday School Program for 2004/2005 school year, we are very excited about the prospect of presenting a revitalized and robust program for our children. The Education Committee of ICLI has been busy over the entire summer in planning the program.

Our overall mission “to strengthen and nurture our present as well as future generation” remains the driving force behind our efforts throughout the summer. Sunday school aims to provide a well rounded religious knowledge to all of its student body. The children attending our Sunday school represent the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Muslim population in the towns across Long Island. Our school is guided by the following principals:  Faith in Islam is the central principle of our lives; it defines our identity.

 Moral values espoused by Islam are the foundation on which we strive to build our personal, family and social lives.

 Youth must be empowered to succeed using the guidance of Islam.

 Provide children an environment conducive to learning, sharing common faith of Islam and cultural interaction with the community.

 Inculcate tolerance and respect of people of other faiths in our youth.

During the summer of 2004, Education Committee actively worked towards creating a Sunday school program that is dynamic in nature and encourages our students to gain a more balanced and deeper understanding of our faith, Islam. Members of the committee also became part of Strategic Retreat initiated and organized by Dr. Faroque Khan. The Retreat resulted in concrete strategic initiatives covering all aspects of ICLI including the Sun-

day School Program.

Educating our children remains the highest priority activity for ICLI and as part of our commitment and duty towards the community. The Education Committee, among other significant steps, took the following initiatives during the summer of 2004.

Addition of New Teachers: Teachers are the key component of our education program at the Sunday School and as such a sustained effort was made to invite individuals from our community to become teachers for the new school year. The effort resulted in creation of faculty that is qualified and ready to impart Islamic knowledge to our youth.

Curriculum and Lesson Planning: Entire curriculum of Sunday School is designed to balance all aspect of Islamic learning including Arabic language and Qur'an recitation. The education provided by the Sunday school in a span of three hours on a weekly basis is geared to equip our new generation with sufficient foundation so as to enable them to practice Islam and integrate religious teachings in their daily lives. Education Committee reviewed and, where necessary, revised the curriculum for each and every Grade. New books were added to make the syllabus more dynamic and comprehensive.

As in case of any endeavor, cooperation and support of our parent body is vital. During the school year, Education Committee will continue to engage with parents of children and listen to any concern or take positive feedback to make the program even more successful. To make the process more focused, a Suggestion Box will be made available in the Education Committee Office for parents who want to be part of growth of our program.

Key Dates to remember: Registration Friday, Sept 10th after Jummah Sunday, Sept 12th at 9:00AM*

Opening DaySunday, Sept 12th.

* Registration after September 12, please contact Sister Ellen at Sunday School Office 516-333 0299.

Looking forward to a great school year.

Rizwan Qureshi and Sohail Nabi

(Co - Chairmen Sunday School) Tel: 516-333 0299 Email: iclisundayschool@yahoo.com

“Lets work together to nurture and educate our children; Our future”

Ask The Imam?

If you have any religious questions or would like to clarify any issues please email the imam at imam.icli@usa.com

Q: Some people plant things such as Indian fig trees (Opuntia ficus-indica) on graves, based on the claim that the Prophet (PBUH) put that on the graves of two of his companions. What is the ruling on that?. A: Praise be to Allah. It is not permissible to plant trees on graves, whether they are Indian fig trees or any other kind, or to sow barley or wheat or anything else on them, because the Messenger (PBUH) did not do that to graves, and neither did the Rightly Guided Caliphs who succeeded him (may Allah be pleased with them).

With regard to what he did to the two graves when Allah showed him the torment of their occupants, by planting palm stalks on them, this was something that was for those two graves only, because he did not do that with any other graves. The Muslims have no right to make up new acts of worship that are not prescribed by Allah, because of the Hadith mentioned and because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Or have they partners with Allah (false gods) who have instituted for them a religion which

Jummah Khutbahs

Khutbahs on the dates below will be performed by the following brothers:

Sept 3rd Dr. Mohammad Sameen Sept 10thBr. Syed Zafruddin Sayeed Sept 17thImam Shamshi Ali Sept 24thBr. Faraz Ali Hameedi

Qur’an Education Classes

Classes are offered from beginners to Hifz level. Time:Weekdays (Monday to Friday) 4pm till 8pm. For more information, please contact: Dr. Samina Qureshi (516) 364 9082

Allah has not ordained?” [al-Shoora 42:21]

Q: Do the agonies of death reduce a person’s sins? Does sickness reduce a person’s sins? Please advise us.

A: Praise be to Allah. Yes, everything of sickness, difficulty, worry or distress that befalls a person, even the prick of a thorn, is an expiation for his sins. Then if he bears it patiently and seeks reward for that with Allah, as well as the expiation of his sins he will be rewarded for the patience with which he bears the calamity that has befallen him. It makes no difference whether that is at the time of death or before. Calamities are expiation of sin for the believer. The proof of that is the verse (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much” [al-Shoora 42:30]

Since that is because of what our hands have earned, this indicates that it is an expiation for the things we have done. The Prophet (PBUH) said that no worry, distress or hurt befalls the Muslim, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allah will expiate his sins thereby.


Schedule For ICLI

Sunday Adult Sessions:

Time:10:00 - 13:00

1.Tafseer Qur’an by Dr. Mozaffar Partowmah

2. Discussion of current and contemporary topics by Guest speakers


Community Round-up

Letter from an Inmate at Pleasant Valley State prison

As Salaamu Alaikum, First, Let me let me thank you for the two wonderful books:

1. Muhammad, his life based on the earliest Sources by Martin Lings.

2. The Man: A Strange Creature With Diverse Qualities, by Sheikh Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al-Mo’taz.

When I had requested these books from your masjid I was unaware of all these events that took place in the Prophets (PBUH) life, yes, have truly been a blessing to me, Thank you.

Second, Let me apologize to you for not sending you a response much sooner to let you know that I received this package and thank you.

My understanding has now been enlightened, and I’m feeling more responsible for my actions by the things I’m now learning and I would greatly appreciate very much if you can continue to further my growth through materials you may have.

There is so much that I must learn about this new way of life that I’ve been led to, it is rather difficult at times to get this type of information in places like this, so yes, when we do receive good Islamic materials, it is truly cherished and appreciated.

If a man wishes to benefit in this world and the hereafter, he must seek the company of someone who will command him to do what is good and to dissuade him from doing evil. I am aware that this is a life long journey but that’s Okay because whatever you can do to help me understand my new way of life much better, that would be truly accepted and appreciated.

I pray that Allah continues to bless your masjid and all of the brothers and sisters who attend it.

May Allah continue to be merciful and bless us with the gifts of this world as well as all the blessings of paradise.

Hope to hear from you soon, As Salaamu Alaikum.

Rodney Wade AKA Amaan Fareed

Services Offered By ICLI (516)-333 3495

Marriage/Nikah - Performance of Marriage/Nikah ceremony and Matrimonial Service Funeral Arrangements for Islamic Burial

Hall Rental - For family and community functions

Qur'an Discussion - Sundays

Interfaith Meeting and Seminars - To promote better understanding of Islam as a complete way of life

Distribution of literature on Islam and Muslims

Public Lectures on Contemporary Topics Every Sunday 10AM - 1PM. September to June

Visits to ICLI - First hand introduction to Islam and Muslims offered to groups or individuals

Media Consultation - On Issues relating to AlIslam and Muslims

Letter Writing Campaign - Every Friday during Salaat-ul-Jummah and Sunday 12 noon on human rights or other issues of concern to Muslims, (MAKING OUR VOICE HEARD).

Library - Has a large selection of books

Prison Support Group for Muslim Inmates

Youth Programs - Organized by Muslim youth of ICLI throughout the year

Planning for College Seminar - An Annual event for High School students and their parents in November

Al – Zakat - Collection and Distribution

Community Iftar - Every Saturday evening during Ramadhan

Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC) - Hotline (516) 942 2081 Free and strictly confidential counseling

If you would like to donate to this great cause please send your checks to ICLI and mark the envelope: Prison Support Group for Muslim Inmates

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1 2 : 5 7 p

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: 5 4 a

e p 8

J B 2 3


7 : 1 6 p

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R J B 2 4 S e p 9

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8 : 4 3 p S u n

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R J B 2 8 S e p 1 3

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8 : 3 9 p T u e

R J B 2 9 S e p 1 4

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8 : 3 7 p W e d

R J B 3 0 S e p 1 5

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1 2 : 5 4 p

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5 : 0 3 a

8 : 3 5 p T h u

S H B 1 S e p 1 6

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1 2 : 5 3 p

6 : 3 7 a

5 : 0 4 a

8 : 3 4 p F r i

S H B 2 S e p 1 7

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5 : 0 5 a

8 : 3 2 p S a t

S H B 3 S e p 1 8

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1 2 : 5 3 p

6 : 3 9 a

5 : 0 7 a

8 : 3 0 p S u n

S H B 4 S e p 1 9

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1 2 : 5 2 p

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8 : 2 8 p M o n

S H B 5 S e p 2 0

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1 2 : 5 2 p

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5 : 0 9 a

8 : 2 6 p T u e

S H B 6 S e p 2 1

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1 2 : 5 2 p

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8 : 2 4 p W e d

S H B 7 S e p 2 2

6 : 5 2 p

5 : 0 2 p

1 2 : 5 1 p

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5 : 1 1 a

8 : 2 3 p T h u

S H B 8 S e p 2 3

6 : 5 0 p

5 : 0 0 p

1 2 : 5 1 p

6 : 4 4 a

5 : 1 2 a

8 : 2 1 p F r i

S H B 9 S e p 2 4

6 : 4 9 p

4 : 5 9 p

1 2 : 5 1 p

6 : 4 5 a

5 : 1 3 a

8 : 1 9 p S a t

S H B 1 0 S e p 2 5

6 : 4 7 p

4 : 5 7 p

1 2 : 5 0 p

6 : 4 6 a

5 : 1 4 a

8 : 1 7 p S u n

S H B 1 1 S e p 2 6

6 : 4 5 p

4 : 5 6 p

1 2 : 5 0 p

6 : 4 7 a

5 : 1 5 a

8 : 1 5 p M o n

S H B 1 2 S e p 2 7

8 : 1 0 p

6 : 4 4 p

8 : 0 8 p

4 : 5 4 p

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4 : 5 3 p

6 : 4 0 p

4 : 5 2 p

1 2 : 5 0 p

6 : 4 8 a

1 2 : 4 9 p

6 : 4 9 a

1 2 : 4 9 p

6 : 5 0 a

5 : 1 7 a

8 : 1 4 p T u e

5 : 1 8 a

S H B 1 3 S e p 2 8

S H B 1 4 S e p 2 9

8 : 1 2 p W e d

5 : 1 9 a

S H B 1 5 S e p 3 0

T h u

S a l a a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y . S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 4 J u m m a h K h u t b a h s t a r t s a t 1 : 1 0 P M ( N o t e : Z u h r w i l l b e a t 1 : 1 5 P M e v e r y d a y ) ABS Travel Treat, Inc.  Hajj & Umrah Packages  Worldwide Flights  Domestic Flights  Vacation Packages Contact: Saeed Hassan 347 Fifth Avenue - Suite 807, New York, NY 10016 Tel: 800 335 1717 Tel: (212) 447 1717 Fax: (212) 447 1285 Email: info@traveltreat.com FIVE STAR PRINTING & COPIES  718-353-4711 7 718-445-9304 BUSINESS CARDS 4 COLOR PRINTING RUBBER STAMPS T-SHIRT PRINTING OFFSET PRINTING XEROX COPIES WEDDING INVITATION COLOR COPIES SIGNS & ENGRAVINGS 41-29 MAIN STREET, FLUSHING, NY 11355 D A Y 1 4 2 5 A H 2 0 0 4 F a j r S u n r i s e Z u h r A s r ( H ) M a g h r i b I s h a W e d R J B 1 6 S e p 1 4 : 4 8 a 6 : 2 2 a 1 2 : 5 9 p 5 : 3 2 p 7 : 2 9 p 9 : 0 2 p T h u R J B 1 7 S e p 2 4 : 4 9 a 6 : 2 3 a 1 2 : 5 9 p 5 : 3 0 p 7 : 2 7 p 9 : 0 0 p F r i R J B 1 8 S e p 3 4 : 5 0 a 6 : 2 4 a 1 2 : 5 8 p 5 : 2 9 p 7 : 2 6 p 8 : 5 8 p S a t R J B 1 9 S e p 4 4 : 5 0 a 6 : 2 5 a 1 2 : 5 8 p 5 : 2 8 p 7 : 2 4 p 8 : 5 6 p S u n R J B 2 0 S e p 5 4 : 5 1 a 6 : 2 6 a 1 2 : 5 8 p 5 : 2 6 p 7 : 2 2 p 8 : 5 5 p M o n
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e p 6 4 : 5 1 a 6 : 2 7 a 1 2 : 5 7 p 5 : 2 5 p 7 : 2 1 p 8 : 5 3 p
u e R J B 2 2
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