NFL Score 1990

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ye.-.q T[4.¥ NO '(Os. A,G D ke 'US BURS ll: CI ]I I CAAEfA; rOT.\,-S 121i :14 j. 53 .(95 9 .3 1 Brild :ougn,.Jlnefupcu..rrGdlt_ ",.e..naattlf'lgful 89 ·,FL.seaton heel\Oedlne5easoo.nlnele,,,, swcono Clal 'l/IM 327 'OS r"I 82 CAtnft fhad al:lQ 1..,..tM:l Maand 01" 'f)e SeMI; v. In ..ghl IItt.d Id nAA A CO P: PeT .,oS TO I"" RA.lI'W PAC!(EA$ 5" l51 58 9 1 3'1& 21 '0 r:: 1 16. 33.2 -)12.if 183 82
ram rEAM "'-\iQ 10 l Si'll I'ACM£AS 13 l':.IJ J t./IREEA TOTALS 2J)Sa" 2: and .n :excel/en! ' 5 c')l3td aM'(;OfId. DttJ on Ittp lE'urI Jell aboh. CIdo-!lB CIUf'II re turns.•'/etilglng ;:2 "1"fo.ort30m".-n1l ' FUll yE41:! TOJI VE.:.A IIEe OS 1"9 I. IONS liM 1. 1 n", CAFlE.f:RTO ! .US .. ,U " ""-- .-.....Io N '. 11(- ""'" c. !!"$: 'SeOOf1C In Me
t9l9 COW ' VIKrNGS :l5D 03 0 01:2:3 '06 l CAflEEFJ fOTA LS 911 '&, 057 2 Z2' 1 4to 10. l'fers<:he.wa"IIac.o,oOlc 1/1_ IN Co'\OO)'S I"!tI'I!d.()tlobotf 89 tte endod ItleHj!SCf1wvanm '" 1111 tUShlng t!In .ttl calC"f)ft Il/'Id ImaHe(I 3?t fM,fe • on 1,3 ItlCkolt ,"I\tl ltte S:? •• ' rcQlt'SS ff[ C .43­ 10' t n 1 1 Q 1 uflCOIICE'd .;e-., ProSoYoi :f1 89 '"ie ,he BtOV'l'l'lS IIf1 133 "hll8df1 len$lf\g lJ IlIr.d r mil l 'O ua.1Qr'J hi toPP"d I-'eI&!=I Mnon1:aCit. Ie"!Clue a"CI98,,, (17 OiA.!lGEFlS ----_.... .. ......, w.s=t'/:: Y r 6ll'1 :-'1 W'I"2ii) Bam 19$3 \'j·tcenI It Orilfl"" Je'l was lhe eystOrteol the Dolphins' 6Uen$lVe line (hal old not anow a sac...: H'I '89 unltl wee a mall;lng il a recofC 19 51ralg"\ game, wllhout aS3ck against it Sirong and I.OU9h he took aver 10< AII'PIGeen,,,, DwIgi1! Stephenson whD had 10 '88 and has been an Imp'8S$lVtt at celller ever SU'IG:e As asenlo r !arm al W,sconSln. JeU was named 919 Ten OfrenSive unemal'1 of Itte Veal and AIt-AmeJl(:.3 , .z: 0 In 89 Irlai!\·17w,nO:¥-."hlJo.t'1 ram tMC.I.;..w terri b Seor 91.i COWBOYS CARE.M TOT,lLS TEA.U NO tOS AVG. TD r. O FIE 19U SEARS JO 10.0 !!..A C.Af\E.ER " OTALS "0 tl:l '0 n,....,.. 701 f:l1'I: Strong (WC:lo lIad -s0l*fV I'll ItCIInt NFL tI\erI xx ftIlIl l'!\tee" 1",1I1ft YvP f(Ift(W'4.
NO '1OS AVO TO 1919 JET5 1 14' CAREER lOUG 111 qoger • DW "0 Tun",r w"'tO on OMX a.nd Ylcn pt$.M& , .",• .u 1Ieccoa n &9 He at5OU",;hIJ..! patte, eat 2..11 • tot ert loucnd(wm. !0Qpt0 1 Ie¥" I 87 r-. tht-Gf'I nt@ V£.oR 1'" SA !l lOT ALS '" r>;EFS CARf.ER TOTAL5 00 G.O 00 )0 ten ,J. TlbOtS .: " g "O"A1.S O!:) &Dr IJ '7 Aat"
r ,anMtdHCCl'ldon IfIOJ t lnrw. I19. I,2ear.,..IQfIl3 g·YJlltaa.,.r-oe .rI 89 r'e 5!SO 2';'1 y.rtb I e 'urn In 81 P\tI J.!I tNaN(fOCl saan. (Jil'to(le"'se tOt
19M P.lI.TAtOTS ISC .5.152 )7 zt '9l CAFleE.R TOtALS JJl 1 191 J .a ':'9 1 0 f'lOOo!11 l'unflQrWlln9000Nn<fS ranottodM'OOnO On ,h PMlh(llS IQ(Itle. ucond liega NMl 56-2' "'iilIOS on ISOc.arnet IOf a m·Jf,lldl,.,3 7 ytf'd 1'oe."aQ!!!: F\oo.@:n M50C-.ugt129 hJI vartt' snd :-·,.rcla 'age If" "Sa l'Ie IQ',"*d.:..:.s ),rlO. futhll"Q £;.,I" .k.Itfl( fl71 SCOR lCi YEAR n,ul PAT ,.\T4TT FG FGAn TP Ua8 srEEl ERS 2:. 21 21 -30 J 1 CAAEER t OTAl. 750 16J' ," l"il a 18 •• m V{O(d(alCi Ctam!!: OUIII14;iI It IIfT'"e 'KQJ1D' ... CAfH::i:.R TO".l'S "2 1.5" 1 • ".-.ef d'Jose" IPI' rwr:e Pro aoo.''l ,,1'ks.1 m m Ua:tons '" 83 ".&:60 rr.sM4onfy"·' IfQqJ1TIfla nrurj In ""10 -Or\! '!'lit 14ia ,..nkec "f-'/)' ,nll"'.e!eagd....-rll n,m 8llAIP Il'lfl'nt"et 'ore.G loll""-l"IIe'§. ::103­ 23ii "'""?,3!'O jS4 t:it.e-w- .!. .z:saI cru...., orge3 ST'E:rtCEP ! 0J6 SAC':S F4..tM Yet.;: Ti:.Ut fiO 1'05 "''-to TO Rte 19t5 C!iAR'GeRS t - t ;; Q: l ! caq£EFl"TOTJ.U: I · P 1. I) aMrPa-i 2.5
uw TEAM ArT COUP PCT ro nIT RAtiNG "8' 526 280 Sl J 3. Ut ,I 10 J ' 1 REe CAREER TOTALS 169 5\ 9 6. 144 ZI at 61 1 Ov .aa2• .,"H, flUlflR1"¥'lbntOl.yaroagell1lhe NFL !'ban &!fl"lfol.JoeMOIllana Jot".n Etfliay Boom", Ealator. and Jun McMahon" Ole aamt -oe HIs. ],459 '1il1d$1n 1tA,:arutee him IIfCh In the NFC." ClJd hts2ftO A. vef· O'I,. t...., pi ,n J 4s.31Ca to IhA 4t.s eoatge 'lWrc.m G.:oII!tJI!'.AuftINI£ Ii, ,iD1 2JCIMayl!,,g.;u WGICCI 901-" \,OWJ:SU:nA. SCO",HG RfCEJIJ Q TEA" NO "fOS AVe; T D NO REC fUll PAT PAr ATT F'c FGAn- tp YEAR TEA'" ftC ,US A'iGi TO '"'0 VO'S. "\'lei TO l ua 8EHCAALS a 0 0 0 1 5 t8n Otl..EflS 40 40 25 31 tiS , 919 REtJ'SlC.DlI u.. of, 1 I 61 1. 15" a CAREElnOTAr..S 0..0 J CARfiRTOTAL ITT \ P ' 10 1:5 .sa1 CAREfA tOT.J.LS I 1M. '.COS 01.2 113 1 45 1 1. 5 a Si:JOQ/:RIItaDQ1a5tuUlOo.i.-.w tllfndfOfTJ"IeBenpb;fI't '89. II' B'9 Tony /leO a 29-1.atodd a.. rtCO"d tor ;oN' Itl Co, .-..mJll'll:anl"...T1oP'C'In ·.IN GAnIIr"'."Ilo'at • .am"k1INo
ec..n .22: 1Sl151) ea:-.,'" jim wno was aranea '" I/1e lim """'" In 8:1_ t>..!n the Bears oHenSlvecaDlalnSlnCe'1>I Ade>aSta1 "IIs!r.!JgIl!-dlIeadOlOcl<ef atlO pass d.e'e.ndef he "'as pe.--ad as an Pro In :as and '£6 and sla"ed Iflille Pro 50\\1 iilIer both seasons In 1>1. Jim was AlI.p", non<><abilt ,-.1ItId '0 83 mace NFl.AII-Roo,,,,, learn He 'GS as pj where lie_All Amencahcwr OI'S two bmes and allowEd only three saek.S in Imae seasons. ea."",,, Bubba. """ I, one 011"., player. n lhe NFL tor foree II left tad!!: in prOlecung Jot' tn Good on "a. RAIDeRS H1 na .4 D 'I 0 pass set and with hIS hand.s he: Quarters f/tI ttl S:.e;.e CAREER TOfALS 160 a 41 15 101 Wallace. .llOthBr huga IDCkle BubDa "nose 9''''' name '" Sla O\,lt$'IO\I1gbk:!o;ar. neIpId JPfI''O 8oiOClU'tot "*'rllilf t'lJl fUO!lln Wllrlam/ was lhe ""gers firsl Cl'rail choice tn '62, bUt mISSeD tne I,vhofe season ."el In,Wtng IS '-$9 nghr kn-Ba In a pre-seaSOl\ gamtll W J.t.n.fIQ luIRMdC Oft 1M HI!bII'ty lMlnt· naIIOnIII I.-n. tl.e He was an AU·BIg Ten offenSive lackle as a. S8J'1tOt at MIChigan IOC!III. n 'Ol 1m. rtlt Jael"., Iha seniO< member and capl81n 01 tne Ram, anchored eto"". ooe of the NR's ""' aII>;nsP. IaCI(J$S. was piC edlorJohn. 'l/ho Iscalled ""mbo,' I. "". oIlha b6I dnve blOCkersthe learn's oHen "" In '89 An oUlsiandlfl9 blOCker n. Was .n IIIe NF L Latge. S!rong and aggressIVe, he came oIo(Ig In a "'S In Pro BowIm 89,arclnsfifln"'8n>wchasen for the Pro Bowl lor Ihe """ year in a row and s",n In Ih. on-onel>loc erWllh ••piooMIpowe< hev.a'P8rt""heboglradowayal lell laeldolor theG"",',"" '89. As a rookie on '88,Jumbolasl seven years In 87. Jackie '10'.0<\ NFC lJneman 01 ,he Ihat &em John EfWay 10 the Btoncos when bolh Inplayee In all 16 game•• wIlh I ",.lartS ., boIh guard and laclde. Year "" Ihe second SlrBlghl season Durable and Inion Iw '83 Tharyear Q'rJsbeCamelllehl$lroo!cJ.llnernan 'O<c:hosen.-'- r_ &,,0. ,100 .01 '-Jr:.(' anll Ihe taarlJ. u- t CI T
CoNge 6oIL1or1 Cc;J&Iega oltn til 5,'1· .'If 11)3 SOrrr " '4 t96S" 0it90. DrIIttlO COomoys.-ss 1981 RECS'..-.NC;; TUJ,I. 'iDS ",vea Ttl 1H'9 COW80YIiI '. 1.4 Ci CAREER tOT415 100 l5-g 1J.- r I.tllrned 12}o otts. 80rTr ,Ief! AU$liING RE CE ING VEAR ruM HO VDS 4VG TD NO 'OS 4VGo TO YOS AVG fD 19ti SAINTS ;tu 1..}&2 3 7 1.1 52' 1ii14 • ..9 5 120 IS I CAREER iOTALS l"fl l 01l J I lC 12& t 220 !I.' 7 50 151 O.tonhJQBlfMrlsndou:s........, lOt 1M Sl!t<ts ift '81 In 1a 89 Aspeeoyf.all_ ..,,_.... ...,_ fl_ _ .,.,...... ...., I
ru TEJ,II ItO lHI Q1AHTS CAFt(£A rOf&.l.S '". t hilllIet OUIlI*V" tICi" tnlW'.nO'o.' HN ChIrW..-.dthee:&adtsam , IaC:l.Ie5 DIot:IUId B tu.U iNlIOtOld. 1911 RAlO£RS 0 CAREER TO" All n AA anan ,."u', HQ'WJ ,tf'I: I, SXIrI sod NM. for M oalhP,o BowIIW"4II' f't .....noltn.V*"fW'IJ QmDf&.c.tl1d 0,e!t .8... oaa::s nt U'l 2. ... .. 121n. CAREERl'OTA.LS 16l,2ft Donald .___ OQ_I I'InII.rowtmtIr • bc;deQ
H1 6'0 I 22< FU" Oratl.ed, AEC AECflVlNG 5 0 YEAR TL\IO PAT PAT An .., Y<lS o\IIQ NO ..'" G TO JI-! -' ... PACkERS U 'J 22 "' .. .­ 'a.. 11 • It on U CAfl..E.£RTOT.\L. .2 t2 U CAII£l1I TOTOLS I tfl' U &IJ .,J.fa .. " 6of" r::..:: SCOtOlIO<l Y£/l R lEAU 1981 SAINTS PAT Plot ATi FG Fa A.TT TP U 4!t 20 It 104 PA,;s1HG T'E.AIII _" CO" Pel YO; TO T RAtiNG \9:M' OI..ERS t&.l 1.111 2'J 1. II , 2 1 1.1l' 5lJ tI..JOO .ot II 7S'
::&Coin . .
,.t.nnelQla 81h tit &"3. VI(, 2:)0 8ofn,September1 1960 SHlUI,Wu.hlf'ltj1tM Dript<! Btonco:I'JtO · J98:3 INTERCEPTIONS SACKS FUM TEAM NO YOS AVG TO NO REC 1989 BRONCOS o 0 0 0 7 5 TOTALS 128 25 6 47 0 Kart was "a.iTtd Aft.Pro roc the ttlrd 11m. 'U ana .u p6cked '" nil P'oBCMt n f,ve)'UC'& Attr1'!fIc: ,unJtopperwhoClDl"r'et ,n hatdOf'llheDldz.he arorcos pr."...,. d.e1endet. In '89, Kart fIOPOId fnoe t8IIt\ wm143!addes ana fcur hsmbI. rl(OVenH and hac 7 5 'or 19 .,.ardt. mtoues. INTERCEPTlmlS SACKS FUM YEAR TEA M NO Ave TO NO REC l Ui OILERS 0.0 8 S TOTALS 0.0 31.5 11 14, 5/Ofln. fOlJ "liNaon1n,ro; Ray NFL AlI·Aoo ae ChoK;:f' YEAR TEAM ,,"0 yeS AVG TO NO VOS AVG TO 1989 BE'NGALS S3 29:3 3.5 10 119 11.9 CAREER TOTALS 1.179 " .0 S 103 1. 00 9.7 011 and an ,.U.lf1\Itd anomer 93 yAldS for a TO an Stlpef8OWt):X'1I1 II ttlete'l 1ft U'lJI,j"9 b6tO an thts dub. Irs SIW'fOtCl aaId co.ctt Sam W><1'e 79"OEFENSIVE END HI 6'0' ,to> ''3" V" 2S5 ..".. _1$_ SMu",C>' o..r-.S '960NTERCEPTIOlolS FliM FUMSACKS FWoIMO YC!S AYG TO REC YEAR TEAM YOS AVO RECYEAR TEAM NO >l)S AVO Tn NO REC , eo 30 0 2 0 01959 SEAHAWKS 0 0 l .O , 1i89 STE"ElERS , 3U 1• 9 2 0 .0CAREER T01'ALS .2 46 0 79.0 .. CAAE:-P TOTALS E 401In r
RUSHItIG RECEIVING YEAR TEAM NO 'IDS Ava TO NO Y OS AVG TO l Ui BENGALS 98 391 4.0 3 44 7.3 CAREER TOTALS 98 391 4.0 44 7.3 Ene !ooko,,* ror th.1nJUfifd IckeyWODdJ.,·89 ana r&n!Ol78 yardSM 18 catftes In a VIC1.ClI)r OW!" U'Mt BrOWN; M Ob::her wlth good aOHCl hi tnOtd LIP seconcton 1M w!tft;»,rr:!CIs tWl'ttl"tQ AI ttl!$hma" .II UClA. OW lHT EACEP IOHS FUll Y£ AA TEAM NO yes :"VG TtJ REC 1989 EAGLES 38 4.8 CAREER TOTA LS 13 s s Ene. ..a8 tKkla and .115 for his IIrIt Pro Bowt as: • (1MfVt tn as. tOIlS t' sea..ICIft. Ene ,at\''\ecI H'o'enl In the N'FC .nd MCOI"4 on the Born ,. RUSH ING PUNT FlETUANS KICK OFF RETURNS YEAR TEAM NO YOS AVG TO NO YOS AVG TO YEAR TEA M '"'0 'IDS AVO TO NO YOS AYG TO 1989 srEEtERS '8' 621 J J 8 ... 271 8 • • YE AR T vas AVO TO 1989 SEAHAWKS 12 87 7 3 0 22 511 23 2 1 ,... ''0 CAREER TOTALS 359 1 33': 3 7 9 1 855 9 <; VOUNGS .;2. ii9>t 16 5 CAREER TOTALS 12 87 7 l 22. 5 11 23 2 CAREER TOTALS 111 2 2:;' 19 ' 12 .,IarnesOtOve<J'Obillva.luabl• H&I.uJn lee1!!!V.
College: MAlml YMI 2na Hi ' 6'1" '.'It Z2S &tn' F9bruaty 2. 196$ M.-lml Aoridil OnLItoa- Bfonec, "80 1ge5 RUSHING RECEIVING YEAR TEAM NO yes AVG TO NO YDS AYG TO 1989 BRONCOS 30 lOS 3.6 10 69 6 9 3 CAREER TOTALS 30 108 3.6 1 10 69 6.9 3 leeel"", QUI 01 1M * rlekl and a "",*,al funne, Melvin: became., In pla:,'OF/ w'n 0'1.1 Ih. SIHlsrt YEAR TEAM NO YeS AvG TO NO AVG TO YEAR TEAM NO 19S9 BENGAl,s 29 CAREER TOTALS 232 1 leO S O 17 21 9.5 0 lart'litll' nailfIAI: 29 OJUiIH....nBn nil otIf k-r Ihl!' ""'tttI • 10m In iV5 .letl: Irn In WH 2.. A, t tOOkA In '86 h& Mro as hI!!' !Q ceieCtlir. Wlm IS :OUthdOwm CcIIege. CdotIOO 'tKr 7}1­ HI 6'0'" '.\t... 1tl 80m Apr"4 rl.. t9IS2 FotJ CoLtns. CoIOralXI Oftned. 1984 INTERCEPT IONS FUM YEAR TEAM a yes AyG TO REC ,9S9 OILEAS a , 0.0 a CAREER TOTALS 59 5.0 8 among Oiter ae'anff. ill baed a7 whGe delenstnO , paues. and IumblolTI NG Ises aa.tS C:'RE ER TO"TAl.$ no FU hI Ace Lanvpt'OWlOto-DII:r-'!IClndtDtN HaHee 1ft en. HB had sal "! 'as !eASOII 11'1 ill COO!racl • !d3 r-ns f"'..$\njI ,n 13, eamet ItIId INTEA C-EvnoHs NO FU", yes YOS AVG TO RECYEAR TE AM AVG BlK 1989 COLTS 75 29'3 00.0 1 S2 525 11).1 3 12 6 0 19.9 CA RDINALS .;-3.4 0 CAREER TOTALS 389 1.79g " .6 IS 148 1.539 10 4 6 CAREER TOTALS ,.. " 2 5 53 '.8
RECEIVING YEAR TEAM NO VDS STEELERS " MIS AVG TO 16 3 , CAREER TOTALS 28 455 16,3 1 ;..s. rookJ. tfl,Irckoutld $OleCoo Ottlkcame:mrough lot lI'Ie Sleeter" .11 89 ana sscond 11ft .'oI8"sgl!l Yllr¢i (T!,3) ptf ulen ln lJnIt,.y.., o.reer ill An.zona OIJelteaugltt 11SpasMlPOt' 1 9$3 IIrdt .1"1(1 1 louOhdO'oIY'" RUSH!NG RECEIVING RE"CEiVING YEAR TEAM NO 'fO S AVG TO 1969 SEAHAWKS 77 1 063 13.8 CAAEERTOTALS 117 1.145 14.9 13 'n OI'llV tllS 5I!'COIlO Mason In m. 8nan • cl.&.m U Of"Q of the molt lJIen'f/ 89'Mth 'n '\dr"M!BIt .. . .. ,,,.,. UH ERCEPT fQN S FUM. Bngham Yooung YaM· !lth HJ 5'9 W, t91 1002 NLJlo.u· AlOIa. OI.lt8(t- CtNlnaJt t9C!fi PUN'T RETURNS KICKOFF RETU ANS YEAR TEAM NO yeS AVG TO NO yes AVG TO 1989 CARDINALS 37 433 11. 7 0 43 87'; 20 3 0 CAREER TOTALS lS7 1,845 11.8 3 1372,957 21 6 0 Vateoot"ui!Gto.a.nowtJ W4Hes Ind Io.lCk(lft re!wnetJ It! IN NFC in'as HI rll'lUd Ul;lJI1 In I1'Ie _ On 43 IdcItott retull'tl J411""OCW In "M'. • • • .• po.ed fgc lfie Pro Bowl A.ECEIYlHlJ P'O YDS Ava TO NO YOS AVe; TO 23 11 1 U a J.4 312 ,o.9 1 2'l 121 0 24 372 10 9 ; InCI S 3 YW\iton 23earnes ItW' ",,",s • 10 i-yatc lOt R SHlHG YEAR TEAM NO VDS AVG TO NO VDS AVG TO YEAR TEAM NO V9S AVO TO REC VEAR TS-I.M NO VDS AVO TO 0 YDS AVG TO 1969 CHIEFS 216 ,.. 19a9 eESGAI.S :5 4.5 , 1SS9 OII.ERS 12. 53' ,. 201 11.2 2'3 2' 9.' CAREER TOTAlS 6S 2 694 4 ' 1,1'"25 CAREER TOTAI.S 12 ' 2 6 S , CAREER TOTALS 2 51 1 101 ... '" 387 11.4S W theMst 0 $ '0 , " .. III ., , "A" ""IO''''''
FUM INTERCEPTI ONS PASSING ATT COMP PCT YOS TO INT RATiNG 1989 OILERS 65 16.3 1989 BROWNS 23 9.7 YEAR tEAM NO YDS AVG TO REC YEAR TeA M NO YDS YEAR TEAM 1989 4gers 92 54 69.5 1,0 01 120.8 CAREEATOTALS 4 65 16.3 1 CAREE.I:! TOTALS 16 1 8 7.:­ CAREER TOTALS 763 ":22 55.3 5,468 32 27 77.3 ;.. I as.a IOOklliilll'l 'eg. Eiubbs WaGS IClUQf Int .eeondllry FrEUtl: all 1-1. rwltd .secor-.d Of! tn. 01*" WIth. as Ind I.,,,t PfO BrurJ as;s:.g'tlTleN '" 'M ..\ he AIao tw::lt., m.IftgUfl Pla)/l"ng &econd fidd&tlOJoeoMonW'la WI neton'OlJ.ed .nrirCiElr;ldons. Subba,.'pUIJI'I IErdhllt9t' Vl......n higMt' paul rilbng (120 8) lhan illld &!Ife:1'I-.l 11 "" 'M, frank Joe's reoootd liZ" to one gam_, tit eompti!'red hdfif11 ID p.uU'S orw.ll'I ay 10 t"", T01: +r 5:.oIa ¢" •• a,:- Z1S '961 0niatIn::F.A. J51e6'\t has been a :stan!" W.IM U16 61Ds ever Since Ihey stgned rom as a I, m 8Il altBl rhe VSFt /ale"" • USFL -Slar In '85, ana was cllase. tor n,s st'eOnd Slfaighl Pro 8cYII 8S i3i resef\ie III '89. Kent was only the ,jrsl BtlTs' oUenswe ltn!m!lnseJect8CJ in ntnf! years An outs.tandinQ run bJoc"ker. he nas- 001 missed a Imasl In lhe AFC. tE RCE.PT ION S FUMStrong and sman , Ray rankS as one of the league's; top cen · lers In '69, he was PiCked'OI his !ounh fre 6aw1ln arow, the 'y EAR TEAM NO y Ds AVG TO REC YEAR TEAM NO VDS AVG TO NO VDS AVG TO ast ttlre-eas a statter. A davaStafl/lg run and Ray 19S5 VIIUNG:3 5 7Q 1 0 1989 GIANTS 582 12.7 27 577 21.4 iSlllaleade, ollh. Colis· olfensl<le line He Ms ne,er mlssoe CAREER T OTAlS '25':15"5 lQ 5 nCAREER TOTALS 5 62 12 7 27 577 21.4 game because ff31;OJded hIs E1UUV1t.".(i auleloC Oave maaaou 1•• rOOihtl 1n'BS! 0
I I ..
__ CocIeg9.; Noue [larne 'fem: 111 0'6­ 'M 2:62eo," JanwaJ')' 1 1007 f=&lttu "lfOlnll O,a,jtecl "Seah.a';.vbJtI!i , IQ9'9 As a rook!EI in '89 Andy was a Slaner lor Ihe Seanawks for much 0' the season An excellent pass and run blocker he S\'Iitched from light end 10 offensive tac1de 81 Notre Dame 10 'sa and became an AH·Amerlca for the natlOnB! corteglate cham· pIons Andy holes lor the yards n.lshlng per game On top ot U'I81. the NOire Dame offensive line gave up only seven sacks. 80m' t9S2 Mike lr:le Oilers oUlslandang left gU81d was selecteD lor hts fil II Pro Bo 1 In six year• •n 89, He and lellOw roghl QUaId Bruce ..tauhews also were as Ihe glJatd tandem on the AII.AFC team. Unusuany quick fot such a bIg Mike. a Penn State AU·America ancno.ted the Oilers offenSIve fine that allowed only N sacks .n '88 Ihe loun h lowest 10lal1l1 111. league, In'87, hewasanA!l·Pro, andin'85 he made seccnd team AII·Pro CAREER TOTALS 120 ACUietl tIIdNe fUfelandt. C\ennlsga / 81Tle 8dr1 pienlYCM'ciUs ,:r 1965 FU'" YEAR NO A VG TO AEC 1989 .;8 a.o I CAREER TOTALS 19 267 1';, 1 .; "ttfy I".. Flam!ii 1fJ.ltiKf t\II: tounn StlJl9hl Pro Batlol ISalgnrneolrn 89 I1e led 1fl81eamW1n tiT solo IK\SIS I7V IOIIt) mIlt· tl 1C'-l were Jerry duyan fOCll'bf,if UJCI Rams defB1"31Y8 Frr'll 5 VI YEAR TEA,.. NO YDS AVG TO NO YDS AVO TO 1989 EAGLES H2 3A 68 721 10 6 0 CAREER TOTAl s 578 1.972 15 172 1,641 9 6 5 Cdlege gnus Year: filh HI Ei'tY' '111 130 80m M8i't:h N , 196J CaWorllla Drlihoo. R«\t:k.!"Ui 1150, 1986 trfn::RCEPT IONS FU M YEAR TE AM lW yeS AVG TO REC 1989 4 58 1';. 5 I
9om' IJHERCEP n ONS FUM YEAR TEA M NO "' OS AVG TD REC 15189 RAIDERS 233 ti 2 0 CAREER r OTAl S '2 85 35 1 2 A JOOg:h hard tuU" EctcWlec:IlhiI II1lGJ'ctrpI/OnIln 89 and ran y&lt11tOf'.1Ql;r.hdown Edcbea.:ao'M'ked secondOfllhORswiII.s I1IKklesi&8)1Qr II'!. 41CQ!'1dseason "a m-N PAS SI NG YEAR TUM AfT COMP PCT YOS TO INT RAT ING 1119 STEEl.ERS 342 187 s.t.7 2 315 9 10 73.1 CAR EtR l" OTALS 78J '3e1 "'9 4 5,310 20 29 84.$ CC*gt MzcrsS-.-. '$ar 3ro Ht e.; 1(., m In only hts5eCOl'ld$60S00inlhs Ft. Randa,' was PIC ed n '89 asa stattet Jorlhe NFC", l/lePro Bowl Silang and a,ggresslve, lineman piCked In 1M 88 -c.ollege dralL He was an Ail.America a1 Arizona Stale ancI was 8n Igl ,yards per game 6cfn eli· 1986Botn 1911 FlECElVINGA devaSIBling blo<:kor wl,h greal and Instincts, Jay IS SCOR I NG 'fEAR TEAr.! NO VOS AVO TOIhe besl cenlO' In pro looillaliloday In 'M , he was chosen lor YEAR TEAM PAT PAT :.fT FG FGATI TP 1In CO,LTS 63 919 14 6 4his 1IIIh $l.8rt1ng ben" .n lhe Pro Bowllln<l as an AlI Pro ,'" the 1989 JETS 30 21 5eCOnd year ma row Be he e It Of not. Jay was not picked rn the CAR EER Tot AL S 233 3.5'3' 1$.6 t" CAREER TOTAL "6 2' 522 255 " 363'SI college dra' even lhough he,was AiI.Big ren hi s 13511WO The CoI.1. gmnary oeep ttlf"' .".IOOped me lH111 'or IN'QUf1h ta11 F "
ANTHONYMUNOZ 7a·OFFENSIVE TACKLE CoIIrtQe usc 'Year. 1Un I-:lI 15 e wt.. a;o,.. tg, '951 Om-anr:.. c.u.romlol Orltted Bttr-gal't '990 For the OInlh year In arow in '69, Anthony was plcS<ed as an AIIPro a,...,d lor lila Pro Bowl. One of 1he gfC3atesl O'UmSI\l8 tackl@s .Vllr 10 play, 15 a remarkabloalhlelelor a man hisslte In '81 01 Ihe Year "The guy probably Iile greatest piayer ever to put 00 a Ba ngaf unl/orn'l." saJd line coacn Jim MCNelly RECEIVING YEAR TEAM NO YDS AVG TO 1989 CA RQINALS 33 jtlo CAAEERTOTALS 114 1 J 40 1' .8 10 A ""rulOrv1Jnn I ,ml .nd tCll360Va:lo:!t ,,, as- HeBom r.\Md1 -'12. \WS INTERCEPTIONS SACkS FUM YEAR TEAM NO YOS AVG TO NO REC 1989 BROWNS 25 25 Q " 0 2. CAREER TOTALS " 154 14 0 37.5 13 CclIeylJ 805lon CCJlMgcJ Year" elh HI- CS'r .vr 169 Bc.m Odobm ", ,96(1 DAtted" fA- 1982 INTERCEPTIONS SACf(S FUM NO 'l'OS AVO TO IfO REC 1919 SEAHAW KS o 0 0 0 8.0 o O CI 0 3 8 5 had ItwM lOfQOd '.mlbIes &0 ""Ii e<eQll Moil ct l1li Joe bIoelWd flV roeia goii .twmgc. chInn; Ir season. In 85 ne had Ii l;&reer·"'ot\lWlesarti rNTe !=tcEP ffONS N'O VOS AVG 1 0 SAC-!( S NO 8ROSCOS 0 0 0 .2.D CAREER TOTALS 1 4 0 :11 5 A rlwel SiI:rJor'lIOpDed tt. EVOI'ICOS _ncj 'In"k..e<l 05tdJet&t!d • d.f.tt3fV. ana.. Dut 51'rltl:h..a fO O1tnd.OO¥rOtlltcrfd1. '" 1M IHgue
----- ----
LONZELL HILL 87-WIDE RECEIVER CoV.ege Wbtllt'lgton 'tHr .suo, HI e."O. 'I., aom- a5. Sl(Id:IOI'I C;W,torr'l, tml1"ed 5.\inl' MO · 1981 REC£iv tHG VEAR TEAM NO YDS AVG m lilt S.A INTS "" Bla 13.3 " CAflEER TOTALS 133 ' ,661 1U 13 lOn:.n fatl;cecl seoona on Ute SUd wrtn I5JiS ,was Oft 46 eatco" In 89 TO!.1 lotm.r.h tZlh In!ht W:C /3100 I9tNI'" lhe Lonzelllll5d stot 11 'IN", (..:.etO • • wolh,rorOClij)tJOll>l1kJU: • end rt1Umlll'd 1CJ punt , 06 :fIf\1:i 39-FULLBACK 8or...- .117· RU SHINQ RECEIVING 'fEAR TEAM NO YDS AVa TO NO YOS Ava 1 0 Iiall FlAMS 11 l&1 7 3 4 3:3' 9 a CAREER TOT,lliLS t t2 115 • 64 546 11) 1 TOMRATHMAN 44-FULLBACK College t4ebruka 51!! HI o·t· "-" 232" Sotn oeoe.'1 Ot¥ltJlst&l\d fJebtb -4S11n454- T. RUSHING RECEiVING OREWHILL 85-WIDE RECEIVER Ooin'g:&a fec.n 'fear. IIUl 111 n .., '10 Born fDuary 5.. tS:S06 N GeorglJi O"aI1ea_ Ram:!;,.:328 RECEIVING NO vos Ava Tn tHt OILEJtS .. ... CAflEERTOTALS :175 M96 11 $ In :3 crOWfj. rte w.u III !I'te oont WI '88 IIn Itwa tr.O,1WIr INTERCEPTIONS FUM YEAR TEAM W YO'S AVO TO REC 1915 aENGALS 81 I O g 4 CAREER TOTALS 20 115 8 8 6 &g incl'PfinI"Ct.t. , 'a9wl1tl 107 t.aulet Me' "",
_ YEAR TEAM NO TO HO AEC , 98& SAINTS 0 0 0 0 1.0 CAA EER TOTALS g 18 3 ',0 PAWl and' ",I:! ()('It sack. Vaugn.." OJ&o was; Nl4K"I4!'d kif hl:ll f,11t Pro e.c-,..1 !". '88, IOppod the Saln,s.: 111 lKk.las fOt I""" MCDnd "I. \1 MUOn jn 11. 1990 IIHEACEPTlO NS S ACKS H I,. VEAB TEAM H O YOS AVe TD .NO 11iI89 a i:ARS o a 0 0 7,5 t w.lh os l6Q;r.t '1'0 1 5 A:U. SIft*. tM>brnlt Pro Bmt.1 pUyer fE!ld lrJe aCllt. lh 11 .:, s:aekS .st-. IodiJdItlg tt'!.r-n In 0f'I1I garn•. and mltlO' 88 !adele$. RECEIVING YEAR TEAM NO YDS AVG TO 1989 EAGLES 4S 60S 13.4 11 CAREER TOTALS 89 I ,4S0 16 3 19 rClQI'\1\' H." tc.uc/lOOWnc.alChnHKfthe team.nd "''E.I'IiI'm..d Inthet'<lFC In 'as, CnSloopM 'Cr I '5 a l)ilreo VllY, tDoCtToown '" e YEAR NO 1989 BIL.LS IHTERCEPTIONS 'fOS AVG 46 23 0 TO FUM REC CAREER TOTALS 192 2 1 3 7 MWlil:5 tradeod to them "'!.no 'B8IoM1On. 18-'111 leonard aWl anlelCeQltd IwOSACk S FUM 't'EAR TEAIw' NO YOS .vG TO NO REC 1989 1I0 S a 0.0 5.0 CAREER TOTALS a o a 5 0 Tough to beat on8-on-one, Tom anchOfed Ihe Ram offensive tme In 'S 9 He wu I2IC::ked as en All Pro and as 8 Slaner In IhlJ Pro Bowt fOl 'he second 'lear. Tom, who Is 8 tri&-o maodous sll n::tund blocker, also a athlete he funs lhe 40 In 4 68, verucaJ leap' 34 inches and bench presses .:1M f'V'UI""" 'n'117 T '" • 1
Bonl INTERCEPTIONS SACKS FUM RECYfAR TEAM NO YOS AVG TO NO 21989 FALCONS 0 0.0 5 0 t;.nClrlniIti HI 6'0' wt: 1&1 BOlm 01 196J $1 I4enly. OhIO CtaMeO ,,'..2. •9& OtuoSla1e 'fett:(irtl HI. Be I;'h 28EI 80"" Mky 23 '959 Sar«n OhIO Oflf1;td FA · '961 SCORINGJim had an Impfess· e :!Ie-OSlO" af len 1ackralor the Aedsklns In 'S9 as he Yielded M sacks and was penalized only once For YEAR TEAM PAT PAT ATT FG FG ATT TP "IS s,andoutalfgns, he wQ ",,*ed "" IhlM AII-PIO learns and 1989 VIKINGS 27 28 31 3. 120 was il !il st learn "HatlasaUlhealhfol!c lools 27 1 282 232 775 !O be 11 great one:' srud ne.w ea,dinai coach Joe Hugel. "He da.nce with yc-u; he' s a greaJ. pass Orocker. Jim's a naturar 300 pounas, a Supe.r athlete, andne's gol greal nEACEPTJONS YEAA TEAM NO YOS AVG TO 1989 EAGLES 0 0 0 a CAREeR TOTALS 0,0 81.0 6 Regg;.eWAS 11'1. IIMman on the6eaoue.n 89 H. WM AJI·PtC) eftoMn lOr tne: Pro 8M 'or Ihe fOWl" 1"-' in a tOW.•'Id lad IhaEaglet wI,h 78 nwta"-klbeltle o-f8l1SfYe: IIt\tnl4I1'I r'tll I!mI:r ,q":said Ea;fe coach Buddy R}.1U't Ytat 1.2ttI HI US lNl 270 Bam W. tiS7 t4 ,m INTERCEPTIONS SACKS FUM YEAR TEAM NO YDS AVG TO YE ,AR TEAM NO YOS AVG TO NO REC YEAR TEAM NO YOS AVO TO NO REC 1989 FALCONS 58 8.2 U.9 1989 LIONS 0 0.0 9.0 1989 BEARS 0 0 0'0 Q 2.0CAREER TOTALS 0.0 0 12 0 3CARE!:A TOTALS 58 862 CAREER TOTALS 0 0 0 0 57.0 10 A bfg phlY on defense lot Lhe! Lonl JO«y was p<ktdi rOt Il'1e Pro saw, 0ne0il1Ae IlItIInIS:W!(! 12g1.tM1lf'1 89Yin.n hto I\M rn""''1''1 r1'I'I'0L'te0ftic lurOU'V on tIC1h It 1t'1Ir" Io'r'I_
PASSING YEAR TEAM ATT COMP PCT YOS TO INT RATING 1989 LIONS 232 117 50 4 1 671 6 12 6L2 CAREER TOTALS 262 134 5 T.l 1 907 13 63 3 lor '0"1 lfl1U1ed Rooney 1M' lrutw" -.arn"'NlnnUto 75-yarCi TO OUt I" ana!het oame. he oa.ased Par 34. YJlros CoItege FlOncIa Year 2t'CJ HI 6"2 'M 22'G 80m 9 t960 Bello Rond. oran.a: Ooiptllf\s.2!). 1m INTERCEPT tONS FUM TEAM NO VDs AVG TO A!C II U OO LPHLNS 32 8 0 0 CAMER TO TALS 32 1,0 0 PUNTING YeAR TEAM NO YOS AVG BlK 1989 AEOSK1NS .2 2 663 43 0 CAREER TOTALS 35' 15, t 90 "'2 9 Aft.., com'"g ftcn\ the Chargers 1ft. pt.....aten. Raill gave In. AedP'ns much n..d.t ouna.'f'Ig In eg He ,arJi.ed fl1th II'! me Nq 'l'rlt/'l • 431).'(Wd a\wagII RaIl pt.1ctd 20 pur!l.$ w 1"'11'1 I"e 2O-y8Id ne and rtad onty 3-t returned f"'88 ao.o -"ICOOd on lhe lt8:9UO 44 l·ytid 1'101'19' v., YEAR TEAM NO 1989 DOLPHINS 64 1,011 CAREEATOTALS 405 6,565 16 2 63 • MC(ItI(tlelnelettgoe..M:arit ".36ttc:tw- : 1"9.,'areb In '84 aut alto a mark YEAR TEAM NO au< 1989 LIONS 82 3 538 "3 t f CAREER TOTALS 545 23 f :£2 42".4 4 J IJlltedb
7 lI O ror.l ",/'OtIQQitH"Ire RUle"-" B9 A Pl., e If" poclted up 1ft the .tMSOO trom Ih. s.ckj lr:tUI H IlIftlflJ Tem's .nf." n ,l1l!llXe\loOU$ IIYO UlMOC!t YEAA TEAM 1989 LIONS10 CAREER 101 ALS 'fEAR TEALl Hili" P ATRIOTS C.AREEr. TO TALS If'I,ougn rn".ge n.-n f1'W1.HCI 10 Pima'S DeQlUM ole t.m Aft'(! nile 11'\ "epc Su"l1ti 'r(W'I Me on a AQtu't1IIht-CU'IS. $ hid ,j strl.igl'll compjetlOr!i.Mld 3!! 'f'MthI ptStIhQ NO " YOS 748 AVG 18 2 TO 63 1 011 16 4 ., ... INTERC£PTfOftS PASSING y EAR TEAM NO 'YOS AVO TO REC YEAR TEAM Ar. COMP PCT vos TO INT198.9 RAMS &I 11.0 1989 UONS '9S 52 a 1.419 67 0 CAREER TOTALS ,9S ' 03 52 8 1.479 67 0 CAREER TOTALS 10 2'2..! '.3 A :ougI' _(NaN. hInt!' A,a",. ll'Ifit.::ldalll'ldbtoll. uO fr '9 Da!3eS. J. Iftlerceotlno I'WIA In 'AQ II w_ • .",... -..... 1
Bam 1987 PASSINQ VEAA TEAM CO"." peT yas TO (NT RATING BEARS 11' , II 152 4 1.204 .5 9 10 5 CAREER TOTALS 28& UI6 5" 0 1,780 5 I I 66 .2 l-vepa,,,"1J't "89»4Jei recotdbVCO!tiplellr1g62 "Pt1'COnIOff'rtJep;nsli HohAG hal- blts1 g.!fTHI' W7IIBn ". '1oIe'\'!8d _ TQr.lCZalIJ'f'.·.· e.garnal.lheRltl" • 11'It' 'IICOtt 3-J ..Ilm corrrp(efed lOot IJ CI "."'IOIl20·IO\\t'I CoUeqfJ'" P",IQue 'Ye3I HI 5"9" 1,.... 80m M,.a, 'IS. 1951 '.'J iat"3tW'g.VII!J!n1a O'faI,edS3.:1I1U"'2Iul)· PUNt RETuRNS KICKOfF AE'TURNS YEAR rEAM NO '1"05 AVO TO NQ yes Ava TO 1939 LIONS 11 t6 6 t 0 ;H 640 26 7 0 t OTALS SO 13.3 11 22 , 11 7 2 11 1. 2-4 0 \tatg., It:;tgt..e c,ap)ud., 139 f'renhe'Jr;n\\lft( lI n ullICOpchllOt'loJ1 ftee agen! n lhetlU $6IS(II'l H. lilpPed II:!. NFC Ind f."kecl MCOt1d TIl me NFL I,. .• Z.;'or!)4()Y91ct1 •• ..,... eott.g. VNt 2nd HI 151 VII. QS BClJo· Ftbru 'Y 27 lt1t' Columba-I Souln c"rQll 0rat1B!l fA· 1M? SCORlNQ "tEAR TEAM PAT PAT ATT FG FG ATT TP ]' 1'*'9 RUSHING RECEWI NO O:ldege. \t ami 111:." 2n<I HI '-J 80m 15tia Sr Mml'9.iQt;.1 Or,af1l!d Coowcoop. NipPASSlNQ VEAR TEAAI ATT COMP peT YDS TO RATINO YEAR rEAM NO 'YO' AVG TO NO YOS Ava 1"0 lOU fALCONS S"2 102 l 9 3it!Iill COW80YS 21 1 110 50,"2 1, 371 SO !1i11t BRONCOS ",,0 '11 " .10 CA"EEf9 TOTALS 52. 202 1.' , 396 t. '7CAREER TOTAL 40 '7 33 CA.FIUR TOTP,LS 119 11 0 50 .2 1 371 OO.!5 As aHlO';__ " 'S9. Kaclfttl"PlMlbolst.-tTll"
\94 INTERCEPTIONS ruM lEAR TEAM NO .,OS Ava TO AEC 19a9 PACKERS 31 10 3 0 CAAEEATOTl.1.S 14 111 n s 12 ;/\ • wNJ gt,,1 lllOte'l'Ig aq.aJnsl lhe n.m, Ieojlr. HCond.ty and was 1,",-d or; 1hOUI '" In '49He "10 4eJ.iHd n no pessa ana nad • C&lMf-hiOl'" paue\_ In '84. he leo Paduin y, ttl,... eoIo IldIlU Vat;""" '«rar:ilh HI tl '7.:ii eorn £>ec4Imbt.Izz. 1951 'j""pon IiIlG'tkJ. Onsrted.. fA ,990 INfERCEPTIONS FUM yEAA TEo\M HO VOS AVa TD AEC IiIII UONS 77 12 8 CAAEER TOT41"..$ I T 2155 I S.6 Ille 'etM SIlt MId 15 to,kio. A ''''\H!mt uSFl Jfp\, paun deflt'lled I'IliIIlr'lg &9 0 86. YEAR TEAM 'U9 BENOAI.S CAREER TOTALS NO 55 0 RfCElVINQ 'rOS Ava 1.2. 11 18.6 2.681 111s,.4 TO " TO ltat BRONCOS 28 4415 I S..9 CAREER TOTALS 138 2.472 119 11 ImMlotrxl compe;uve:. MlJx nils keme rKSous oonc.N'IIfA1io11 in rH"l'lWt Year&th H'I 6"1: WI 232 Bam 1" tM-l; WJ.S(:Qf'IS!/1 R.ICId$ W, DolptIlns.-$.2 196ti 'tEAR TEAM l iu DOUJHIHS CAA£E'R TOTALS IBIiI!:I ttst BENGALS NO ImEACEPTIONS SACKS FUM VOS AVG TO tfO REC o 0..0 1. S 16 5,3 S 5 0 0 3,0 0 0 20 .5 I.
--YEAR TEAM AiT COUP TO tNT RATING 1989 Vlt(INCiS CAREER TOTALS 1.397 n5 55 S to, ISS 54 57 14.5 nuse<la iii '89 blitca.w.i4ot. br .", "nger, bu1 itUJ ltWIage<l tocom*!e 194 pasaea: lor 2M3 yJ»tdt; was ham PI4t to lop his sa SIlUC'f'I 1'*1 ". ltd ","'Fe 'Mfh • 91 OntapottOitt ','/Ddt"61 loon DftCW '.agewa.u,e DeS! 'n I;' UFl YEAR TEAM 110 1!in CARDlHAlS 0.0 CAREEA TOTAI..S 0 0 "In DrnI' a. U'!e Ie'''' brtgtd $pCC' lor 1"_ <;.a.-CINl.a in drsapcwnr.g 8s se.aaon In !It''Jy his )'eat. nflOppl'-d tS.v:1 o'It!h sst:., Jot 56 )4rds In 3t\CS fllll1ccc:l 9OCOr'I1l 110'111 120 tacloh!s A ccmuaru.llon of 9fNt Ilrenqlh IInIl spMC.. he rn3de 1S t.c. in Itt ancI ,,.; ," .nctl'Itr ,and slf@ngth dominaled olayttrs across I/)B line hIm Ron lun and pass blocker. Ron lraded 10 the E.agles by i/Ie Sea· prfor 10 the 'sa season and was an Iffimedl.i1es;arter COIlt9' Mlam. "r'lIiiJ!: ",n HI 87 'HI 2BS SGrt, t9M l!!IlOOil.WIUa. ROndo o.lIl!.ed INTeRCEPTIONS SAC'KS FUM "feAR TEAM NO VOS AVO TO NO MEC TEAM NO ves Ava T\) 1989 EAGLSS 0 0 0 1) 10 5 '2 '989 STEEL.EAS 50 111 '3 CARESA TOTALS 07 19.5 l .., , CAREER Tot,l1..SJ.,OI'I_ wno1SS QI:mInlllnalOtC-eC'O Ihe E-iglaCl,ft1 nJlVt: ,." w.u\ll1fG Ilf'>
"6 5,9 12' "15.8 3.a Ke,," IdHI tor ff\e '" uDl t(P8 oren"!n a9 as. f\jOO'ng!laC': v. 10 COUld D&oc..: ancH.:alC:'l Jht roou.rtouc 01'''' bac!dleld. t1. rjln)o',ed onli'lettam ga.,n., 273 IVthIng In. '#\ '" 0\'$1' 1tJe Bf:¥'S. I(lPIItl I'\6d Y.,Coris'118 'hatlJ1 "I"!;:al ..\1" Ht e "fI' 1M 220 &om No\W1IDI" 1 BI'tIOII.'yn. r+ew 'JbOo; DnI"lIId -, 1981 In 89 , JD It became Ine 1lrSI fookle ever to stan at center lo r Ihe YEAR TEAM A. TT COMP PCT YOS 'To ,NT R4TINO PASSING Dolph1nsm a game He made hIs '1'61 Slarf In Week 2 ltea BUCC,ANfER$ 480 251 53.1 3. 133 '20 22 51 9 and was Ihe regular Dolphin ceru&r (he ces( oIlne way AQn who has gr ••! bodyslrength, speed and qulek r•• ,l. an excellt!n1 drive blOCker He was a four·year Slarter at guard andCAREEA TOTALS 1 111 551 49 6 1,"U ,38 n 59. 1 he
'949 fALCONS CAAEVI TOTALS hepiayv.! Ie(. w- "'h.r.rd and AII,flla"$: ItMOael(er lopped.,.!e3J"l I1, IIl\IlS:OOIITIQ 18:]!.. I?tlftn..mlDbl-40 83 " YEAR TEAM HO AVa TO 1989 BJLLS 101 16 8 a CAREER TOTALS 19 l 06 16 1 .a Mart. "O" '''t91CO't' tofI"IaM In., 811 In 19 Ilmd MU(11'11f'I :tr'8f'OtJlllCoBl. kom r. A ttafd h.u.r Uh TO CAREER tO TALS 165 2 273 13 '2 Jonrog Ole O1oe1 b. 'ree agaat ut.l!f IN! 89 aNaor: began Pel. w..-...
l!i1!O PASSING. YOR TEA" ATT COUP PCT 'OS Tn 11<1" AI\TTNG .... 5E.A.HAWK5 "n ,.. 57) >lOt " 26 74 C,A!=fEERTOt4.i.,& 2.JHl 'S,.. .2:0.851 1" ,,5 t.., RUSHlUG RECENrNG YEAR lEAU NO YOS A.lIQ Ttl NO YD'S AVG TO 1181 BUCCAN£ERS liT '-IJ 3 5: a 11 15 6-11 CAAEEA lOiAI.S 2:i:9 J.1 II II II 1. 1 $lraJ9.flt.....". HIS Lwa tQu{1n • Jr:Vs.:':'rt= • TU.1I NO till BGUS CAR"EER TOTALS !..1 1'0 tl!l $ 2 4 ]I !) p 16.5 -UC"-S let Jo,t tthJtn If! 11101 NFL H. ' 5t.,-eo lKkJitlilP'Id was::+oo&en 1fW",20·f3",,,,,, OO' IOl'F,aIcon:t."Wh.alt'l' UCf<SoifIQ CLr ./'1"$$ 4 s..-nl coeeh ,.JU!\
RECEIVING NO vos AYG TO 9 795 t 6 2 9 7SS 182 s -'Son-.o' NOt-ft!Oel' an In 89, 7W6)'11ds WIG A (he Illso WM OI'altea b't me W 18 Soru "",.UI Q!'ut l ablrly ". wu AI'" Ameticli ilt rnl;liIhoma t'nd 1M hr." 1\. INTERC£PTlON'S SACKS FUll YEAH TEA" NO YDS A.Va m HO AEe t 989 STEELEAS 49 16 3 I) 7.4 1 CAREER TOT ALS .q 16.3 7 ,..5« nallVpuym iii fui os 'lieS! sw*.q"'iP'!lo.JlJ4de Te!:JtaaMM Ver. 1'1' 10 'NT Z'D 8orr,- StoI.1'I'\b« 23. 1%? SalllUS C;al.tGlrw. Or.lJr9(l EAQlts'31 YEAR TEAM 1989 EAGLES CAAEE1I10tALS RECElVtNO NO YDS AVG 10 NO VOS Ava TO In 582 " 3. 19 T24 1 5 0 501 1 &.$2 l S 13 105 1.198 & 15 INTERCEPTIONS yEAR TEAM NO 'tOS ,4VQ -rO ReC 1989 VU(lNGS 2 0 0 CAREER "rOTALS 21 280 £-I't.• YEAR TEAM "ag STEElERS CAREEA TOTALS INrEACfPilON$ S ACKS NO YDS AVO TD NO 23 OJ 71 1.< 2.0 '.0 FUM ROC I' J. r" g",.11 rftP.Id. Hoe tl'Olac:oa MaJl at fl .ns 11...a.c-L-..- 1.:..- '1'1. SfHr.,. ", "e.a .-1d na'!l IUI'\I"'.BS 8-. '$ 011'. ,d ,tJoo11fC" 1J'I48.:1 iIOIo& Aqalntl" BlC)l1O!)a t-,..·l!OQdItered h.ogIl '01 tacIIm 'lEAR TEAM NO "89 GIANTS CAAfEA TOTALS RECElVlHQ .DS AVG 12 :1 t3 1 TO
FGATT TP )4 103 37 56 17, .lttt wuanoeherPt.anBtra.agenI¥ofIIOPlldolfklrhCtnew:e.m.,'89 ed I,tln lin th.AFCWlu\ 103 poInlS and hid • iC:I!.of 5Oyan;m. Two 0( h" I\eodpls.....,.oame MInets It1CfIJdmg a 2&-yafC* In_lelt1ht8toncm: 16-13 .JetP.aobOClled Iouri"a YEA R TEAM Tin VOOHGS lS 5015 CAREER TOTALS 30'9 .t ON St '.-no. one of tbe moll tf'IWCtNt bQh1.nd11n h NFL. wapided fOf She Twa.team1eader, he rtV\lo«IlOt,#1ft - OI'lt/WV\klrIgI: . !06 yarc.s &rri 1'19 caugh1 mote pates lor more any OCher Llgl\t ena." 1'II.5&ory "-00 s... _&00 aT • &m AIJ1 Q?'M3 Ca-"lIOn. ClaIfIIId·I9SS I(lrk has W>to one 0I1/le lop cent01$ln lite league In '89. hr was PICked asrt>e second team I·NFC cenler and lhe yea bolton> was name<! lIonorable mentJon NFl AlI,Pro. A t.naaousblac he was one aI the key m.mbe eflheV, ing oltens e I,,,., thel ran ed tnud ,n NSh.og ,n 89 In 'S7, Ki was Joe youngesr center n the league As a seNor at OhIO Slate. he was a second leam All· Amonca ceruer YEAR TEAM '(0$ AVG TO REC IN9 JETS o. I• 8. B ' -


;=r "Marc is unique. Yo u might see a kid like him every JO or 20 years. He exempfifies what defensiv e foolbalf is all about. He's hungry 10 play foorbalf. and he's a guy who dictates tempo. !,fare's nothing bur determined " Frank O Alanzo , Pittsburgh assistant coach Although only 20, Marc sk,pped hi • • njoe ye., at Pllt and declared fotlhe 90dran Sirong(bench p<es 410 pounds) and Inl9nse he can play low and conlrol the fine. As a freshman in '87 , Marc ranked second on the PanlMrs wllh 106 tac los and • as named Ihe ECAC Rookie 01 the Veae Knee Inlurles hampered him his nexl two seasons 292 ROOKIE ANDRE WARE QUARTERBACK 210 " Andre has a strong atm. hIS emotiona m akeup IS gre3t and he IS ve ry iflt e lli'geor If you b!o'N a fog horn In h i s eal at 3 A ,vr and there is cov efage au t the r e. he iff kno w what i! s and how to go alter it " John Jenkins. Houston head coach '89, Andre became only ninth juniot PO 55 yeal.lowln the Helsman Trophy RUfll1lnO a wide open rUn-and·,hoot oHense. he set 26 NCAA ceeocds as ne •••raged 427 yalds paSSing per game ArT1OO9 Ihem were one-season marks for completions (365) and yards (4.699), Andro's4S TO passes were IUS! OM shon allhe NCAA season ri!COld In one game, he completed 41 passes: .n anolher he gained 517 yard• 296 ..:sciiRE. ROOKIE RENALDO TURNBULL DEFENSIVE END Wal Vllglru YNr. 1st t1, 6' 5 VII 245 Sori:r hlmar;!. 1iOti Thocnat WQ!".ISlaI"ClJ " Aena l do IS not only an outstanding player. but a fine human being He was rea ll y a great a il· roun d guy for us 4nd he was the best big-play delens f'l e player we h ave had in 10 years at West Virginia." Don Nehlen Wesl Vlrgi n'a l'Iead coach Renaldo made quite an tmpre3sion 00 NFL scouts with his play In the '91) Senior Ba 1as he ",ade live laekles and tWO sackS, Bog. With initial ql.uckne-ss and 4 55 spee<J he covers an extraordinary am(lunl of ground , e ther tushlng the passe! or dropping Inlo co"erage On top 01 Ihat Renaldo nu grea, reach and jumpmg abihty In his lasl lVt'O seasons at Wesl Vieginia, he recorded 20 sack. and made , tatl<les 297 293 ROOKIE RAYAGNEW DEFENSIVE END CoI4iot Nantt Sti:e VAt 64· \YI. : 2!0 9. 1967 W IlgM Catc*'l. " Ray ISPOSS' oIy tI'Ie 005 ccached. He has aU lh e i ntangible s He' s i! 9,eat :", d a n d he $ got geed war!': habits. Ray h as been a SlOtJgEconsJs:letI t d urable p l ayer l OllJs -.5te'Ye Robertson former NQrth Carolina State defensive line coach Ray was one 0' Ihe nanon"s. h.ghesl rated <:IetensIV8 hnemen beiore Ihe ' 90 dral, Strong (bench presses 500 pounds) e.· plo a and powerlully 00111, he plays hard ane! hojJIays hun , In '89, Aayhad caceee-h;ghs PO lackles (87) and sacks (6), He also _ regfslered l' quarterbackhlune. • ' and Jed Ihe ACe With 17 tackles '. beh,nd Ihe hne of 9CtUl\mage 294 ROOKIE ,/OEL SMEENGE DEFENSIVE END 'Nt 25& 'n .Joel, you ha'leoro3 oItfl.3 rapd€ !enSNe players we Ve e'lf!! seen in the Mid-American H"3 ra Aks tt·i-J! u p there ' Ith Jack Lambert and Jo hn Offerdahl." Herb Oerom:e-dt Central Mfehlgan head c.oach OUick , lough and fiard·hlllln9, Joel wason. 01 III nallon s mool Impressive deleosiv. ends In '89 His 4 65 speed made h'm a dang"lous pass rusher and explosN. tackler. Joe! was an All· Micl-American Conference oulside linebad<ee as a sophomore ,n '" I . r r .lveendrhe 290 .4CiiRE.. CHRIS SINGLETON OUTSIDE LINEBACKER ROOKIE REGGIE REMBERT WIDE RECEIVER = 'Regg fe ;s the best rece rv e vtrg lo /a tras e ver had h i S saeed and siz e fe w can march hlm anywhere " , 000 Nehlen Wes' Vlrglnia ttead coach RegSi. was rat"" Ihe top prespeclln the 90 NFL dreh bjllne Na· Itona/ Football Scoullng comb,neand was Ihe most pnzed ",.de recejveron everyone's IIsl A huge-target, hets 8 superb leaper w'th excelien' bOdy control and .'Iremely lough to bring AII.Amenc selectEon his sanlor year, caught 41 He h as avreo D/J· "Ai e:tJIc E- rjher<.s ', O/1a1d s rd' _ -Diu Tom!!" AJUnNII he-a!f c oach Chns, an OU1>Ulnd"'\j PCO$pECI, has exceptional S\f8ngth and agolly NI be""" presses <SO pouOdS. squalllllS 58(l and has a ""'p. P"",.r'ul.nd .'plos",e, he rarely gt:[S nocked on hiS feet Isagaressive at the poin t 0' anacI< Chns uses hands ",....u to COfltrOf bIocI<ecsand h1t.s hord , As e nlO<' ,n 89, h. reco<ded 10 sad<s and 90 two lime Pac·IO selectron, Clms registered .; 5 see s. 8 IaCktes and 1M! forced lumbles as a jul1IOf 291 ROO LYNNJAMES WIDE RECEIVER = Iii " Lyno p ro (0 be a VaJUd !J1ii: memoe :- of oor offense The m os t im p ress fve th ng to me r.shis Qursta d ng agJ!rty and hand s YclJ expe":t a flank er to speed. bw Lynn s ability to an d adju st ro (he pass being fS as ge o d as anyone I \te e -':er coached
Larry Marmle Srate Meld coach
Big, Issl and fluid, lynn as one of Ute highest raled ",ide receiv· ers In Ihe nauon In '89 A Itansler from SMU he showed greal • 4 do ,..,,.i"" -'
305 304 4CffifE,. ROOKIE TONY8ENNErr OUTSIDE LINEBACKER OoIlegl! M urU!ppl "fltar 1S1 Ht.. 0":2" '24D 6of1'\ Jcdy : 1967 Ali1lJa:11X, Tony has all th e physica l tools He can change d rection and rush (he passer. Pl us. he's a good k id you oan 'f say enougtl about for h is intangibles." Walter J ull ff 1 Cowboy sco ut Tony. ,Nt1O Is 9Utlng and asupefb athfete has expIosiV€ quickness and sp"ed(40;n 4.581 , lie us•• h,s well and,. • devastallng Dloc••r ond tacklar In '89 TO{>y ployed bOth out si de and def.""",,, end tor 01. Miss. and was nominated for bOth the 8uOcusand Lombatdl Awards 1m his out standing plav He registered T7 tackles inc1udi.J1g " bel'llnd the IJne, made Ihres sacks and Ie·rBrm covered two tumbles In 'sa ,Tony had seven sacks and 61 lackles_ P£RCYSNOW INSIDE LINEBACKER '/ can '( believe there's anyone who rrKi re th has a career In co i/ ege footba il wh o IS pJa y m;; n g ht nO N tnan Percy -Geo4"gf: Perle.s MSU ht!!ad coach Pare'! a constm,$Us AII-A.m8f1Ca In as a.nd la9 1 COfl.slder8{j the coneys senior msidelinebaekerm the Big, meat'! and Ihlckly built. ne has explosive hitting power and 1& a depe n dabl. open·field tacoler Porcy an MS.U record with 164 tackles as a JunJor in 'sa and recorded 163rn 89 for a careertolaJ 01464_ He won bOlll the prestogoUS Lombardi and Butkus Awards and was the highest oon-beckfreldram vote gener for ,M '89 Helsman Award as he irnishBd eighth 00 peopH3 ca n r wh ere h e is a n d c a n a very aggressiV e, d c rrt,l na nl player '.'/ ,'-' 0 m a;";es Jo ts c f b /{j pla y s In hiS lirst season as a slane r m '39, JUnlw:eame:d AIf·Amertca honors and ,,-as voted In.. PaC·l0 Defensive player of the Year Only a jun;or he was th. SlnJ<l<,j." Trolan of ,hem all (bench proSS", 440 pounds) and one cf tlle speediest (40 in 4.6). Junior, wno exp!Cldes on the. blitz, registered 19 sacks lor 119 yardS In lOsses made 72 tac neeted 12 passes forced fumbles and recovered twO 303 00 also ranked second on Irle liurncanas W Ih 6 5 and 16 qUar1erback P""""''''' RICHMOND WE88 OFFENSIVE LINEMAN Vd;- • HL.67" '1M 2fIiO 80<" -..... n, 967 """Richmond is a q u a.'i t'J as 't'" as a orl the offensive fine. He s one of rh '3! Tro st p layers 'Ie e had and can play either offens r.1e ta cHe or g ua r a', He p o ssesse s good knowledge a t the ga me and h as exc e.J.Ie m \ ·ori{ h abits. " R.C Slocum Texas A&M coach Ona 01 the lOP offensive linemen In coUege looltlaJHn '89, Rich · filond gained AIt-&>uthwest Conference honors tor 'he second sUaigh1 year as asenior Hi! isquJck and 'ast tor suCh a big man 4CiiifE. ROOKI W! :-a ROOKIE PATTEHRELL FREE SAFETYColI. 0anM Year.l.Il tit,; oS'U" \Iw.: 2dO ESorn ' f'.ol.l!tn IS. \DIS8 SL Pel!tBOOl'fl FJoridI "Pat made as man y athle tic plays in h is two y ears in the secc ndary as a coach cou!d ask lor, He's th e kind of atll/ere you 10'le rc have an your s ide. He can cove r he g Fves you run suppon and he makes the big play " Lou Holtz. Notre Ca-mo coach Pat , a hard hitle r who play:s the run well was one of Ihe hTghest rated felies In Ille '90 co4lege draft J;e has good size e.coJlen! speed (40 in 4 .:>5). range andJumprng ablhry As a samorin '89 Pat was an cholco, and le d With nJnrI passes broken up while ranking on the team wnh live mtarcep lIB rf.ons OogmaJJyawrderEtCEHV8faS- ,. • , a sophomo:e he also regIstered • , 44 tackl 22 5<110._ 302 ROOKIE JUNIORSEAU OUTSIDE LINEBACKER CiofIo9o;II:>C '" Jaoo..vy ,g. t9I59 s.a., o.go. car'bniL\ " Ju n io r s a r eal fo rce 0I1lh91le#c1 "Ie uy wmove him a r ound so t d ou b l e u p cn h im He's to Larry Smllh USC lIe<od coach de two MOHAMMED ELEWONI81 GUARD CoiIogoo Bog"" \'eu<Ig __ HI : 5 • 2909om _ ,. Tafk about a ,ot7} s i Ga ! Moh a mm ed s s o mefhin9., HIS best Icotba H rS m tro n r Of him , pot€ nV a,1 !:n iun fte d. h f ohammed is a great ,exospec r who w.- be a nourstar.c,nQ{)(O some day. " John Rals.ton , Se:ani1wk !ccut It 's liard to believe, but 1989 was the flTSt year that Mohammed \Yes a cotfege fOOlball8!,.".r H. """er played in high schOOi and was a backup as a Junior De""t. hoslimlled 10000ait bacl<groond he won 1/>" OUUand Trophy rn '89 and was one naJion:s 298 OOKI JEFFALM DEFENSIVE END 210 ' " mi nk Jeff ce'/eloped a rea l i nten si ty for the ga m e, He a l'llaj'"'S n ad excellent phYSical Icofs, He gIV es yc u g r ear p u rs ui t, hiS inl e rcep uons prove '.'Iha! h e 's capab l e c.f doing in Ihat area an d Ir e's a .'.ff(J lfy diffic ult ro handl e ','" he n he g ets h s !,ands up in the pass in g Janes ' LOLl Holtz NOlTe Qame head coach Jeff's gceal neigh!, long .arms, 9000 coo'dln.3uon and athletic abffily make him a [error al baUlng down passes. A dornmali"9 player , he IS qUIck on [he ball and can Itte line ot scrimmage Jeff an AI) A"1srlca chOICe registered 74 and bmke. up six passes In '99. In hiS two yea,. as. sta"lngdeiensive end, hemad@14tac:kl8sfOfbsse$, 299 .4CoRL ROOKIE CORTEZKENNEDY DEFENSIVE TACKLE ' 'Cc 1'ez \· 8:9 th e a b :; J '<1 dOm .tete d ,'OoIb-E g a :ne 2 1 any Dn7-& [)finn 5. tarm coach Conez wflohas sup;!rb speo<I (40 OJ 4 B7j for tmprass;ve size good bulk and exoellenl low,., I>Ody is a pUnIShing .c ler whO dtsrll;>ls offens;2S Ha eil:Olly spbta dOObl eam blocks.. Art AR-Amenca. selection-as a 6(tnjor in 89 Conez led "'arm In tacI<Ies benInd Ihr! no of """"""'9B wltn 5 lor 51 yams In losses. and 51 lmemenWlth 87 t_ Extrl><lleJy qurck olflll""ne '" 300 .:&mE. ROOKI 8LAIR THOMAS RUNNING BACK 'l'Rr lJil 5'10 \\"1: i3 ''B /a fr I S JUS! a ,a:aye r r'e ga l srm nger as the ga m e goes on Oor- ehlen We51 head coach Blai r was one 01 the most axcitrng baCI($ JOme n.allon in '89, Otrid<. wilh supe\D lateral as !Y and body control, he showed marvekWs moves and 4 45.spe.ed Biah. wholosllhe 8l1lire "S8 season to a ssvS1e io!nee 'nJury came- bac 1n a bfg way In '8910 ehaJk up 'ght l00-yard rUShing games and t ,3411OtaJ yards_As t •• rushing and 1






310 .4CORf ,. ROOKIE 8ENSMITH SAFETY " If tnel ewas a terret deiens t'l e back in rhe countIY in 1989 I don 'r know who it as. Ben was the g ue t o o ur enti re defense and hi$ freedom at safery oreated conrin u ous problems for opp-osln g defenses And /",;e neve." seen a harder hi tter. " Ray Goff Georgia nead c'03ch Be n a tremendOusone--on-one coverage man in the secondary wa;one of the ,op ranked defenSIVe players In conege football In '89, An AJ).Soulheaslern!action as asenklr he red the conference and ran ed Ihird In IMe natiOn 10 (",ercoption. Ben IInl.hed founh • on .he BulldogS with 95 tackle<! ' Bnd forced t9Ur fumbles, 314 (Cord 0112) RATING : 77.6 PHil SIMMS " Phil is a great quarterback, prcbabfy one,of the In the He can make things happen. It you him In the pocKe. and don't defen51'1e end Phil gained ""er3.000 yardS paSSing in '89 for Ih. fi fth lime1" s1> seaSOns as he led .he Giants 10 the NFC Eastern DiviSion Iitle. Strong and extremely compelillVe, he ranked sixth on Ihe AFC In pass rating and linh in a".,rageyards, Phil in Super SOWI XXI thre-e yearS earlier when he compll8tad 22 01 25 passes incillcling to straighl, lor 268 yards and .hree touchdoWns ln ""atfng the Br0nc0039-20. AnAJINFL,Aookie,n '79, Phil holds. GIant caree r record s tor pass altemPts (3.658), completions (1.980) and yardage (26,235). 311 (em! I 0112) :SCiiiL HOT RATING : 112.4
Joe is p roba bly the rep q'.J ene.r.oacl( ;n (rtf: NFL, He also has the l OP peopJe In rne le ague aro und ftim Tha! gives him so mantI opTions maJ< es h 'm IS fie knollS how to utilize those 'I."eapons He kn fJ!lol4 what to do Wi th them and when to go to them These thfn gs c om bined m ake him a cremendous threat'· Chri! Spr.lman, Uonallnobaoke, Smart and poised, Wl.h ill. <1uic esI III pro Iootball, J<le led Ihe 4gers.o th." second str.:ghl Super 8ow1 enampionship In '90 and fourth '" nine Y"ars. He was the Super Bowl MVP for a /o<:ord 1M" lime as ne completed 22 0129 pesses (Including 13 str81ght) TOr 297 yard:5 and a (ecord hve touchdoWns Joe set another mark <luring th e rag· ular season when he registered an astonishing 112.4 pass r'iIf09 3 12 ce.2 11 RATING: 90.6
" When I thmk ofJ,m , I Thin Dl oneol rh e tap t',o,U Of U1rSe quarterbacks in thE' NFL. J h e ha s a lJ th e loo l s ro Of o ne oJ the greats." --Ronnie Lon 4gers free safety Rl< the second season ;n e row, Jim topped the FL In.tooehdOwn passes (29) In '89 (he 31 in '68). Young and .lfong ·arm ed wuh smarts and 'S lz e, his pass 18111lg has impnwed in each 01 his four NFLseasons.1n ' 89, Jim becamel"e In'St Ram quarterbacl< aver 10 gain over 4.000 yards pass1ng as he ranked second 1n the NFL wilh 4,310yards. The he also "n'shed second with 3.964 yards During the '89 son JIm se' a team rocord I f f"O CII " Ali ,. 313 (Card30112) GUN RATING : 88.1
" lv:ark played exceptionally weI} against There were times when We had his recei'lers cC'lered and he stili got them rhe ball When rhfl'l were open midd le Hnebac)c£r Mark lOOk aver for veleran Doug WiIHams, whO mIssed pracolcaJly the whole season with a bad back In '89 and lmp re ssed all with his conslstenl pl ay, He ended Ihe year Ihlra In the NFC In pass rating, passing yardage (3,768 on 280 compl.tlo(1.S) IInd-aver«l!" ya/ds per pass (7,92), while tossJng 22louchdown pas••• (41h n lhe NFCI. Stanlng wlln a 38-14 viClO<y over the Be.,. In which he had care e! high s in complellons (30 in 47 anempos), yards (40t) and .ouchdowns(4), M.,k led Ihe _ Reds Ins 0 live v1doriBS 1" ii (OW •. i n their last rive games RATING : 82.3 DON AJKOWSKI "Don sees the field 'Jery w eI! and J1as a strong ar m , o u t also has a goed couch He is the spark beh ind the Packer s (h e reason they did so '.'.'ell in 89 He 's cheir best faotor for success they will continue ta be a good team in (he future wrrh him as thesr q uarterback." Mm Robi nson , BocC1Ineera strong SAfety In hIS 11rs! season a. the Packers No , qua rterbaok In '69, Don piJl up SO me remarkable numbelS- He lOpped the NFL In anempts (599) comptetions (353) and passing yards (4,316) whlle ranking Ihird In touchdown. (27) Morelmponanl, Don led .he Paoker.'o an NFL-record (ou, one coint Victories. A hald and a 307 .4Ciiiff.• ROOKIE;. 'llt th :-6'O ' \VI Born' ApIIII :). 19169 Teas "We "Ie had eight runmng backs in tne last eight years who are now in the NFL. and Rodney is the best sInce Herschel I,Va/ker. His versatrUty sets him apart He can run with {XJ ' ',;-er. has great speed, can catch and has the abifity to make cackl ers m iss. " Ray Goff J Geotgia; nead coach Rodney a powertul runner with superb speed , deCIded to !klp hIS senior season In '90 Aflhough hampered by inju"e. as a Jun lo"n '89, he rushed IOrl 059 yards to ranklhlrd in the SEC. In '87, Rodney gamed 890 yards and averaged 7, t yards as a bad<up IiIiJbad<. Overall, he amass·IIII'IIII!:!!I ed 2,668 career yards '0 rank Ihird an the 8ulldogs list , 308 BABRY FOSTER FULLBACK 00Ieg«: til 5-'10 V. 2,7 " Barry h as tr.e. uppar bOCfY s.!nmg:; 0 <a and rh e- regs of a sra 10 Tha r m ak es 'fTI fLar'i ro an a lOcomofIY e. " Jacl Crowe >\r1cansas head coaeh Sarry $I Ipped tns _ year to play .., lhe NFL, he ranked """" on lI1e Ar1<ansas _ ru.'fng !lSI WIth 1,977 yards ' oHmwllsYt III J,008 yaJds AsaJumor in '89, he galnod 833 yaIds rusning an<lawtaged 22 3-yards tor 20 kickoff relUmS Sarr; wnose speed and "re"glh made him one of the nalion's prami fullbaCkS. ended his oollege caree, aI Atkan bj nush ng tor 102 yards and IWO louchdowM in tbe 1990 Collon 8ow1 game 309 ROOKIE JOHNFRIESZ QUARTERBACK _'" Ml " ""-mBorn' Ii \i5i " Joh n ma y be th e- be st p..!5. 'fi:r e'ler to ,oo y In th e B1g Sk y Con· ference H;s !Je"sr sttr Oill €: ;s tha r he ' a n AJ1 Amerrca eft ;he field as w ell 8 50f'l it. " John l. Smith Idaho head COEtCh AUhoughlime known east of Ihe Roe.Icles, JOhn's ey&-popping credeOliafs ha<I SCOuts/an ngllim oneof rhe lOP quarterback. in ttle '90 draft Big and sman wUh an abOve-.average arm and a good le et tor readfng coverageo, he was lhe NCAA DI\o1..,n I·M Player of,the In .'8.9 and a three-lime 819 Sky Conference


G .-...,

RATING : 80.3







ruShIng and scored a 17 yard touchdown With \'03 remaming to bea the l&. tO WIle" he piled up a can,,,Noigh128yard in Wee '5 In a VIctOry ever he CardiMls, he became the flrsl BronC() rookle_rtog.mover 1,000 yards In one season II was also h, Ilfth tQO.yard game Bobby ended the season Nil" on the IIFC With t tol yards l\I$hing. fl e alsoGaughl22passas. was named Dftfl're, MVP



Ihat he hasn't r ached Jus potenrfal yet."

ChnSiJ." became !he hrst Kansas City runner """, to be picl<Bd '01110. ProBowt an<l "'load the NFlon /'\J$hing. Along the way, he set or tied sewn learn reeorQS Among them were most OO·yatd rushing games (8), most gamerushing altempls (38), mOSt sea son anemplS (371) and most Y:Ws. Ihls

In Just two season s, Tht.,lrman has becOme one the teague's most ",ollft. oll5nslVe forc He led Iha league In tClal yards from scrimmage wilh t,913 in 'S9as hega,ned 1,244 yards rushing and 669 yards. on pass recepttons. Thorman r811kec! Ihlrd In lM AFC In ru.shlng (298 carrie. lor a 4 2·yard all9rage) e""U.d for t3th with 6Ocatches(I1 2'ya rd av.,age) , His pass reception yardage ranked flrsl among an AFC runnong backs while his 12 lauch downs Ued for firsl prace Also a solid blocker. Thurman had toll9 lOCI-yard rushing games In 89. In Ihe Bills 34-31 lOss 10 Ih. Growns Inan AFCpl8'lQIfgam., he caught 13 pass fer '50 yaJds and tl'o<> touchdowns. Ea,Ue, in the season Thurman had 'Zl carnes for 148 yards in a 31·17 vlc, tOlyOVerlheOolphins
In 'SS, he led !he 8111s in rushing -Mth 881 yaros on 207 carries Jam es had his $88son In hiS ntne-year p.roeareer In '89 a$ he se' a BangalI am record woth 1,239 yaJds rushing Thai ran1<Od him fourth In ,he AFC, while hls5.&y.IId per carry put him on 'opohhe conlerence ln add,lIon, James' r&Cep\J9f\S 10< 306 yard. gave him 1.545 tCIaI yBlds frOmscnmmal)e. the second beSI t>eSI Gay of the '89 season wh h. rushed fOr 131 yardS on 17 carrtes in aWln OtY8rthe anOChtu game, he romped 65 yard$1or alOYchtl<mn For hIS season·long heroICS In the Bengal bacl.ITeld, James was selected lor the Pro Bo" llor the Ihtrd time in lour years A n""round draH, pock by Ihe Charge", In 'SI, he waJIu.ded to 1M Bengals ", 64. James lOPped Ihe NFL WIth a 5.J.yand averag.e per calry In "as as he gained I,Of!l yards on _
a rooki8 in '89) Bobby get4 a Uetr.e{JClGus to the B ron 00 oflense. A tough. run"", h good ana s ure hands. he was eXlremefy boIh InS#(fe and outSIde
his lirs! start In 5. Bobby ga,ned 102 yaIds
3 19 l!:atd9ot12)
nor bok;r.g smOC{I'l Of fiuid. Bem.'e fU S!S the fOb dene, and that's the b ottom line. He's su cces5fui and ettecrt e us ing his a.-m st'jle. and h e's an ewe mefy If1leJ!ige nl a rtd res.oufc 'f!lu t q uarterback," Rod Woodson Steelers FQr ,he Ihrrd lime in lour seasons i(\ '89 Bernie gained over3.000 y.,ds passing o""led the B/OWnS IIlIO the AFC p!a;<lffs. One of the best quarterbac!ts 8119[.' com,ol, e played WAh sore righ l elbow a good pan at the season yet sllil managed 10 hmsh lounh ,n Ihe NFL woth 303 completions (In 5138I1empt.), ana threw 18 ,ouct>dOWt'l passes In a Monday n,ght vletory OVe' the Bears, Bern,. ,_ a !IT'yard TO pass Ie, o team,ocord and thelOngesl In the Teague in four years, 320 ICard 10 D1 12) .::SCiiiiEN RATING : 76.9 DAN MARINO Dan poses o::rw;ty He h as a Qu ick an a b& rl to m ad a the Mm srre ,!9 th ar;d accurac/ necessary (0 hr; d ant .rect:il"ef a nd a s tl'On g O"I ln to Win. You are fc' batt1-e 3 nytim e hft is Q'l ,he ft'e,"(j ." Duane Blcbtt CoIls Ilnl!hacker Dan WhO.hOlds t2 NFL pasSing lecords. bed ano er Nfl mark In '8S , 1\ef1 he gaon"" .,. r ¥>OO yards 10, lhe siXlh Slraighl s ea· son. He also ",ached 200 passing touchdowns In I"""r games (89) lhan any OII1Or q.aJlOfIlact\ In hlslory Among Dan's more I prosslve fIIFl records are most TD passes In one season (48), most C()mp!6\Jons In on. season (378) an<j most passIng yards In one se..."n (5,084). aifln 1984 He was All· FL Rookie ," 83 a"" All· Pro fhs: next three ye aIS
NOOlh", I\Innlll9 bael<lO tile NFL has tile power, size and speed that Chnstian has. In '89 ooly.ox years an.r he played h s very Ilrst Iootbailgame, he topped he Sue wth 1.480 yards rushing Oui.e a remar'<abIe ecxomplisnmenl, And, as Choefs coach Many Schottenlle mor $Oid, uT/oe fnghl 1ng thing Is
316 (!:ard 6 of '2) ,:Sciiin,. HOT RATING : 92.1
" Boome r is as dangerous a q u arterback as a n:./ in the l eag u e H s p ia'l actic rI is 5 0 effective, he fre9zes rhe secondary He c a n rifle the b a ll or he can add so me rOU Ch , Bud Car:son Browns head: coach Boomer had ar\olhel supenor In '89. He topped lhe AFC In pass raMg k)llhe second.succ.essrvs veal as h1192 t rahng ranked second In Ihe NFL only to Joe Montana's racord.bre akmg 112,4 Boomer also finished first In the AFC and s.eeond in the leagu9 wllh 28 TOs, an<IlIe gaIned ave, 3.000 yards passi ng lor lhotfihh ""aSOfll n a row. The pteVtOu. Boomer was VOIed Ih e NFL MVP as he led tile Bengals 10 the Super Bowl 1'1081 seeson he rank&d first Fn Ihe league with a III 9.21'ya.rd aveta\le per pass and iii:. : '.. ' tied for second ""th 28 TO passes. ttl : : "ol; 31 7 (Canthll l ) Fe x nglu 81'OWrt£ sirong silf.ety Wanan raJlksjlS-beninCSJiOe l..ol"WlaaslhebeSl medium ra.nge passe, mpro """!>all. In ' 89 ne """'" \of """" lhMo 3.000 yatds'or the thllOUme In his...,..,.,,,, I{FL career as he Iinosher:I S8<Ofld In theAFC wr1h 3.631 yards. 7.e3yO<lope:p=and an S8.9 pass ing In a game agaJf>Sl tne B..,.,1I$. Warren had carft(·hlghs -Mlh 32 compJoIiofis (m ;, anemptS) fO< 414 yards. A Pro e=1 seIec1_fO< tne second veal In a fflN. he has led 1M 0hefS to thr: cor>secutM> Me playoll benns. 318 1tm1llllZl RATING: 86.2 JIM KELLY 'Jlm hasa wt'lifl a go,.-;;gcnU1!rnn " oI im H e can find the right right T"Je end tt­ him so m u ch m ore d ifflCtlh mc.'f {i. Ars.o. h"e 'snDI 'a frtDd rorUlfilhehas to a nd that makes hm IE!Mm r.-lOnt nr;etoc.Is, ,. -John-otterdahl DolphIns linebacker O@spile missing thre& games wit" a shouJeer separation, Jrm gained CMlr 3 000 yards pa5S)ng far the _ success,ve sea..,n In '89. HerankBd firsllnthoAFCwoth an 8.O.-yard avetag<l secQRO Wllh 25louchOowns.RO \h,rd Wllll an 86.2 pass ta"ng. In a:\4.30 loss ""he BtOWflS in an AFC I game Jim completed


BOll)' lipped through NFL lin In ' 89 as easrly as h romped 10 ,ecord crellklng yardage ar Oldanoma Stale .n 'sa e."emely '!rang speedy and 'augh to taC I• he lopped lhe NFC and rank·


yU,H ruu 1'10 CAREtR TOTALS 0 o 0 0 • .0 JC) S AEC 1m SEAHAWKS 0 to !! A.U$K1HQ R"fCElVINO 'tEAR rEA.... NO YOS Ave TO NO "tUS Ave; TO ' tn DOLPHINS 20D 8511 J 1 i 7 II 11.1 a C;'FIEER TOTAlS :oa &51 II • 1 0, ,t. GREG BELL Fo, Ihe .ecor>d season In a _ Greg gained ove, I fJOO yards ushlng farlhe Rams n 89 HiS 1 137 yards on 272 car,losrank· ed toorth ," Ihe Fe. whole h<a 15 N$IIong louchdoY. os lOpped 1110 FL. Greg g8ine<l almosl hall 01 hIS season yardage n jusllWO game In a 41.38 vraoty <>Jer lhe Packers he scampered fO, 221 yards on 28 attempts, lY'ng h"" for Ihe smgi&1lame yardage in '89. And In the lUI game 01 rhe season. a 24.2Owln co.'!!' thePalri<Ks. Greg romped 10,210 yards on 26 carnes !he third best '09 ,0Ia!. He was tno only player to goowr 2OOyardo NShl"9IWlCedu'mg Ineseason Greg e)so r$d 'n IheN FCWIId Card Game as he earned Ihe ball V ume, for 124 )'ards and one m tn 8 21 7 win oYer ''''' Ea;Jes Asatooi<Je ln '84 Greg rlIShe<! /0, 100 yards and was named." FL AII-ROOIu• •
Roger Is 0 rough de<ermlne<!,ul'l1Ml' who goes at lull throWe all l/1e "me<lnd IOfI"""'hlsbk><;;..el$ tt He IS e)so one of Ihe besl pass calCh, baCks ,n pro hIsIory In '89, Roger galneC mote !han 1OOOyardsrushmg lor the thlrd bme In hiScareef 8S h810lalJed 1,054 on 271 carnes. When ,473 teC8lV1ng yards on 49 were added in, he had 1.527 to!aI yards from scrimmage Ihe fourth bes1lotal ln Ihe NFC. A money player Roge ' Up 125 ards ano ono TO on 18 carnes in Ihe 41-13 NFCplayoff _Oil' """nne VikIngS. Then• •n Super 8oYI1 XXIV, he twO IQlJC/ldC>Wns 10give him a record,ying lOUf in hIS Career In '85 Roger beca.m e Ih hrs1 and only p layer ever 10 Qaln I ,OOOyards rushing and lfJOO yards pass recewlng. ThaI season. he 'opped all NFl pa colcher Wl lh 92 ,eceptions and scored 15 touchdowns.
ed .econd.n Ihe NFL wilh 1 470 yards rushing '0 gain honors as a ConcenousNFL All Pro Barl)' also was p.c"",, Ioc the Pro Bowl and was VOled 1M N FL Oflensive RookIe of Ihe Year " His leg strength IShke of e young Walter Payton," s.aKI Viking head (oach Jerry Bums " He's cette' Ihan I was " said Payton Barry s 14 rushing TOs tied lOt S8Cond in the leagu9 While his yardage and TOs $081 lion season records. Asslunior In 88, he won the H.,sman Trophy and seI or lied 24 NCAA ma,ks Among Ihem were 2 628 yardS rushing In a seaSCIn, a 238.9-yard average per game and 37 season touchdowns. Neal Who became the ee.,. ","/WIg tnreal alte r Waller Payton rew..:! ",med Pa)lon 89 as Ihe only Choeago runn,ng Dad- e.rtu to ha' <e -fO-tiadI: 1DOO-yard se asons rU5nl1lg Speedy \'oM a sfasnong SIy1e 01 ru n/WIg e finIShed second In lhe NFC and Ioun" '" NFL wrth 275 yards rush10g on 'Z74 carnes.. Neal, wno pb....:l lor IMs s8Q)tlCI successr Pro Bo<o.I. also lOPped Ihe Bears wllh SO -.pcoonslor .134 yards He :otalIe<! 15 touchdowns, and garnered 17091Olal yards lrom scnmmage 10 rank In In. con:er./lC$ and fourth In Ihe league. In '87. he lad Iho Bears ,n 00!h NS!ung (sea \'atds) and recoll/,ng (47 eatche s ) hi$ FirSI seasotl as a rh e n e:x year Nealgi1unEtd 1 106 yaJ<!s rusNng (41h In NFC) on 249 caughl39 pa (2nd on team) 10f 371 yards 80 JACKSO 6o cando lI In '89,affer tw>g 32'>ome rUns and arNing In 105 N ns In lhe ".mericafl "" jclne<! tIleAaldals Jl W..,k 6 and ent 00 10 gaIn 950 yards Nsntrl!Ion 173 cames. tile SIX1h best total In Ihe liFe. H s 5.!;-yard rag e ran ed s«ond m lhe AFC and Ihird in the NFL " So;U$1addsa newd me.nsion he ean make OUI of nO!hing:' ...a teammale SuM! Beuer1ein "He's one 01 the few guys whO can cut on a dime and aocelGiate 10 lull speed In aboul one second " In Bo s Iourth game.o 89.• 211-7 win over Iho Sengals. hecel ' lledOl1'Y 1311meslocaseason-tllgh 159 yards and lWO IOOCIldowns. Included In his total was leam-locOrd 92 yard TO ,un " 60 Is as adverused " I>engal h•• dcoach Sam "He rsone 01 DALTO HILUARD oahQrl really exploded 10:0 one of p<O Iootb4l1's premier running DaCM In 89 He lopped 1.000 yards rushl"9 /or the nISI limo 'n h<a oare$( as he PICJ(ecI up-l 262 yards on 344 ca,rIe. and SCOred 13 10uchdowns This POI oallon In Ihltd plill:e In the NFC and in rotlh place UI th e NF He also ranked second on Ihe SainlS Nllh52 COlches lor 514 ya,d and hve Os and was selec!ed lortlle Pro Sowl In add!. IIon oalton s 1.7761oo1l yards from scnmmage iedlhe conference and we re runner-up In the feague wh ile his 18 IGla louchdowns lOPped Ihe N Fe. Allin all Dalton accoun:ed 101 65 pe,ce n 01 th e Saints rushrng yardage He was parlicutarly rough on lhe Falcons In one game., Oalton SCXIred 1\','Oaouchdowns, the le51 Wllh 2:12to
YE,AR TEAU ATi CQ4.1P I"T FUTiNG 1'9ti AAlDERS CAREEfi TOTAL.S .aS5 213 -'8 .fI 3.l:l0 '2' f6 122 51 dfa no! glli WO much PIaVfOG Pm8 "89.u hto-a.ll on UJiI' berKh behind J iI .'1"" btCat'II'1Lno (he se.uon and Iiller bad a 10m Dl'NlntrJ YEAR iE.v RQ 1m P"TRIOTS.ft t :" c,e.'A£Eft TOT 6.LS l' i7 rum"""Qf." JPIM'l' He 'lrnsec:onc on the 17 ""fII44*'OI,n 'eg th.iI :5B3SO(I of a fractured leg. the P trIOW earN' lIt(tef .rt'I '&89 00lPt4I'tS 51 ill ,01.. la.. iiM.M;:rlll)lo.-;tSlCODd III the AFC aM !hltd lin \hi un • 25 tor 2.( btt!:ctt rehuM
quickly PaUl has beCOme one oj I.he bet,fer sl ve lackles He Wil3lhe rirst oflsflSrlfS lmeman piCked In me ae AYG TD TUIIdraf. and .nded Up on 1M NFL AI.·Roo • ",am as he allowed 1111 YWC1 HGS I OA la • onlv Beven sacks Big and $uan.Q. he has exceptional CAJlEER •• CAREER TOTALS l'S" 1'Z lS 1 12trol "He hates loget beal," saId teammate Robert Go!L " en 10SSICJI:I; 1'1 III dop.s "9 becomes more ag as.s 'llirm gOO mad!! 4.8 tacldti lII"as If. SUClfltnQ' oats MId Wi"I' Slowe<Itrt d5Ol1t.a rTIInC!f"C'1fI"'DI't
1189 AWS1(INS 51JO' l CAREEFI TOTALS 1 2.13 ,a Earne!it. whO runt bIOtU ItIId C01"thosPUS$t.Wllh tIr.! besl..)ftHm,.(;Cl1IN!! to 1M RedsiiMon Dral't Ort 89 lit\td \M....ot1 fiIOOf'd (If\ 1M 1M1r1 ==!;I;'ildica"f c.haL EaJftttlWU1'" 1eamng rusher and 0IL!:5 recetvar YEAR TEAM NO TO lUI B£NCALS )J 1 1" ,!-7 CAREfA TOT AlS 601 " 7 30 lor 11'1. a9Pro NFL OIkM1!iiMt Ac:;dJe 011'" Vt., YCAR nAlrIII ptQ 1981 DOLPHINS 66 1 6 15 2J;] t l CAFlEE:AtOfAL5 306. 1. ,'" , •• l 2J 1 lf 1 1 Ttl. 00ICIf\If\l" grouno QIllT18 !ioJllere(l a teYero 1ft '89 wnen Trovvrn: Jest nfthllr_lnWw.? & V£.&n TU'" TO REC IUS SAl 1$ I) 00 0 7 5 CAMER Tor,t.LS I T Ii 60 12 5 10 Rk:tteyhaoS1M11G YEAR TEAM NO YOS Ava TO 1§l1.9 CrL..E.RS .55 7'"" " ot CAREER TOTAI..S 229 3.7M 'i ' 17 Iw.a sec:::ond on the FU.\I YUR 1YAJf REC t to BUCCAHE:ERS O",.a J CARtEl TOT"'-S 1 a. a 1 .5 ") Etw!Qmi!!oag. 8im:.n 114 &otn a.n .13· 198-04 One 01 the prrme reasons Ihe 4gers ra.niced first In local offense in lhe NFt'n 'S9wasGuy Ill<> eam'sSlrQllg 510rlm9 leh guard he was seiecJed the Pro Sowl as a reserve for tfte fTrsl lime A la'eI1led lineman who has 1m,
L t9i9 STEEt.£AS 0 0 "lEAR rEA"" NO l ias CAROINAlS 0.0 CAREER TOTALS I 17JJ lB 3' 33 yltctt In IOaH lnod had 4.8 At I r'IOM liJC'lo:le In ',9.3 O' ICIMCI. o Desplle hi' youtn Coulltley emeJged as.. IItul NFL conler In '89 AI 2 1 ho was !he yotJl>geSI player in I"o.eague and one 01 Its belte, oHensivB ijnemen Counn"" became Ihe Chargers startIng center from Game 1 and ended lhe season as a.n NFL AII·Rookie choice. An aggressive cirive blocker will! excopllonsl41;t,..nnlh h. _11 ,.. ,.,. t 9 89 10 CAliEEflTor 1S Htl 2 1. 2 8,0 ShOWong 01 NI\. Peppet fegtS,e'" &:I ttdtJH In 89 _ D.D TS Rr. .rtet\ll(.;.llN.,...,llI1WlOftNtReo &I"!'I .bri'lrank.l!tdliiCldtf 'llll'llhi7.fV; .."
SCOAlftG YEAR rEAU YEAR TEA"'- NO AVG TO YEAR '£All PAT PArAn fG FGAn 1981 DOLPl1 ,S 41 1ill QlAHTS 0 G a 1.--5 t"' Dr US J,.i l!I: }4 II lOt,., CAREER TOT4LS "'" 11 5 CARea. TOTALS 2 ,oS 60 0 CAREER T01AL 13I n-s itl 1 013
•• " O•• n, one allhe e,lers'I••ders on oltense, had his most con , siSlenl season ;" "89 Inlense and powerful wUh good 3pe!ed YEAR row kG 'r0'S TO .HO AEC (40'" ' 7). he llaitens defender5 when. he leads sweeps.. Dean 19t1.9 BAONCOS 0 GI 0 0 1 0 2 , i!!lt BENGALS 0 0 CAREanOTALS a 0 0 0 1.0 3 CAftEEATOfM.S :u 5..50 1 0" • • ..aL. nl"Q
• 1967 Hams added more 'lIeng,ll and you.h '0 the ollensive hne In '89 He STarled hIS r.,l. game as a rookl. In 87 and be· came a regu lar starle( In '88. Harr's who posillOf'lS himself well, can pull and hook. He al$O provide. plen,y ot ."ength and power at the octnl of attack Only second hneman selected , !I1 'he 87 dralt, I-larri$ ended up an NFL As a senior, • he won.he ACC Outstanding Of. fenslVe Lineman Award. • " UfTEA&E?TKmS SAC<S FU M YEAR f'EAM NO VDS Ave. TO REC 1981: Bu CCANEERS 0 0,0 0 0 CAREE.r, TOT AlS a o 70' Ioy!m:ort '/IIIf'IOhn-9OOd
lHi BROWNS 11 tag TOTALS 201 3 • T I'n.\Saet&Qc IUJIt.ed..: Mo rJ.difVlStat,ng5ACJ D'OeI\tfanciM ruIlSNn,be­t«..., ll1e tx)(M1 In 89 nm 'Itlked s«onO 01' lhe Bfown. 2&9 ru,hlng And , lboWlnQ good a. 35 y.rddash ,. fOOilUe! In '87 ,)otOSCOlIl,HiUO DN Ma<k Ihe Bears SOlid proiecilon allell guard In '89 A $Olld ."Blghl·line blocka'. he sels UP QUickly and hiS slranglh l'Ieli Mar alSO has good speed and " an exoellenl change-of. direction blo<:ke, In lhe open field A starter since '84. he was picked IOf Ihe Pro ·8l! firsl Beargu!"d so honOfed 80m Gary who has me aM mobilIty ..s an overpov.'enng force on the ViSungs offenSIVe hne. A flawfess run blocker, he hIlS qUloklyand has a milmllou. sensa 01 umlng In '89 tor Ihe Ihlrd s"'lIght season Gary was as an NFL AlI·Pro and $larled In Ihe Pro Bowl Ha Slatted aI tackle lor two seasons in Ihe USFL and also handled long snapping dUlles 1o, Ihe Los Angefes Express. whO 'IIfOn lhetr '84 c>:." : SACI{$ FWA NO AECTDYEAR TEAM NO 2.0ltag CCW60YS 2 U CAREER TOTALS t3 III 15·D W' ilDO IWi!oV [he Cowooys bet, ottlnsr._" Nr/aSl 1 "rMt :5," "'t n 26fJ DRted CrQ 'WIt'':SIUP l9a-: Derel< Is SO big and strong mal i1 ts sa,Jd ne comple18ly walls off Ihe inside of the oflenswe hne. Despite his sJze. he $ qUIck and explodes Into nose tackles.. Derek spent hiS Ilrst f'.A.O pro sea. SOns in th. USFL as a slarting guard and plaYed his 1;,sl year Wllh Ihe cardinals as gU1l1cl. In '86, he .h,lled 10 cenlel and has C.-eloped InIO on. 01 Ihe YEi\R ITAII 18S9 JETS league's bail In '88. Oerek weS Ihe CardlnaJs' only offensive line· man 10 play every down <ffJ CAIlEER TOTALS I Troy • Itejanaer an(Ia nato lIoCIduIr boMtI tt. -..0
l1li '('il! t3m Hl 67" 1- m Bot,. 1956 Dra!'!Ad:. .'3 · 1918 Mike who lias good size sII'ength aglhty and technique. was once again one ,01 1he league's outstanding offensIve lackles 10 "S9, A strong dnve blocker and an GxceUent pass protector, he l'Ia$ tho oldest Falcon 34. sull pulls well to lead IIJns and executes with finesse He v.'aS an NFL AU·Rookie in '7s, an AII·Pro in ' SO and • hve· Ime Pro Bow l seledion startmg in SO161m Mike played In tll£ Rose 60wl hi' test 1wO soeasons 81 MIchigan .... o 1·0!l .:.. "2lO101l.n. .araB!"" F U SCCfllrfG TOM TO NO RECYEA" lEAM PAl PATA" i'O FCiATT T. 1889 PATRroTS 17,. 1989" SIJCCANEEIIS 1 0 .. CAA.E.E1tTOTAl ... " 15 22 " 31 l oa C4.REEIt lOT'Al5 Il 2: , P''f''''''"", .,..
YEAII TE AU 1989 F "'LCO NS 0.0 CAREEA TOT ALS 2.& 93' fiand 13iI$M't de!emed. and tw:3 a r..",gn 18 ;1iPk's. As a rooo. .., 1U 8obO)o llantd all 16 g&nt$.IOd '«i t.I)e Fak»n. '1'1 rl'ltefoeplKlN. iKCE!VING 'YEAR TEAI& ..a YIIS to 'rOS AVO iOYEAR TEA U NO TD NO T O UIU BROtlCOS U a 15 .ue '6_6 J191i cttA RGEAS 114 J II HI IS 2eA fl EER TOUlS '12 I IZ!' t'J .a 11CAREER TOTAI..S I 19'1 J I 19 "53 <131 11.1 &pE1lmoMottll"Equattvtirlt'lel'llUatHOC:!trnorulitJ.3CkOl' a I'U!lfCS ffnoch.ari
FUIA lUM NO TO REC 30 1:1.0 2 caREEA TOTALS 71 10 I -..:? "I: : uo:wad on lh te-am WIll! 108 r.ckles $ha.ul AtIO ft(lO. f'fea TWO rumo&ti JncI .,..,;Ott-; '"'6 Utancr ewn.-,-..... . f9S1 Huge iI!16dlltllbie !( nas been • key memwollhe Bears' offenSNe line lor nlne}le.afS He nas compi16d 119 Clireer stans and hilS nu.ssed only w.-en heYtaS a rookie," '81. A hne and bSOcKe:r tie 1"11$ large size and 50und mechanics to good adva"",ge. Kellh "as a big Pail of Ihe ollon",,,,, lo ne lila! gave up onlysack$ In 86. He was an NFL AU· Roo rB '" '81 and (he Itn.eman p,Cked n lhe 'S t drall" awn \t.e«1'I We!llern Jesse made the Iran$ltlon from guard [0 center smOOthly In '89 as he ,eplaced vete,an Randy C,oss, who ,o",ed A sturdy bloc sr and pass protectol, he seemed 10 be a natural at center Jesse whoW8sn l drafted untilihe l11h round In '83. had a solid rookie season Then. he $uttered a senes 01 tnJsttahng set· backs In '84 Jesse IJ8Clured hl$ Iell toot twu:e, 1O '85 he r.fractuJ· ed It and In 'S6l>tok" hlS ,efl log Resul!: one game tn Ihree y<t8JS
VEAR T£A,l.' NO 1"9 RAMS CAREER 'OTAJ,..S f5 3" wno l'IUellcellllfTlW* tawt«il ya,dtIll'IOISS"'" a OtOIo-eup".n. $t,ntr ,1r'N::e' 85_ Th&J &tOn tit had carearhlG",, MI" 12-5 sacKt fOr tIl Vat61 W\ lOsM$ and 97 SOln FUU VEAR TEAM NO YOS AVO TO REC It" CHIEFS n "a a CA REER TOTAlS 'J 817 ''' 3 13 t9" 11 CAREER l%"8:) '''aJ &9 17 I)" .W-Jot" bul br(II. COiLIIOoneln Game" Md'1lf'l4 OT.ttofICCIonIOtttheM){I",negam-es wa"MGantsNo ld.!"atltel«UOn '87 eon.g. Netltu v•• Srt'! HJ Wi "2" dom t '961 Cilmoen Jarw-, Or/ltlr,' o.'l!t'$ '7wp· 19&4 REC!:IYING YEAR TEAM NO 'tDS AYG TO NO VOS AVG TO VEAn AVO liSg RAlD£RS 0.(1 i O9ag OILERS 88 30 '3 .4 "1 28 1 0 0 CAREER T01ALSCAREEA TOTALS 900 3,3;'; 3. a 27 75 595 7 9 u " Art".........- IJrworv l'1l'i f.ft4tt bltl0t9 Game ;l t.nullKl 10 301 ItQI 87. Henry tan1.ed !att.tM on
W£VIN FAGAN 4gers",
0:1Ie98 uClA 9:" kf 6. Wt 260 (tot1 '6. 19610 [)tat!tod CIn1inaQ .'!4 '982 SACKS FUMLuIS .ltal""d his nee In Week 9 allhe '89 season and mIssed cwo games IIOroJ<e nls stnng 011 0 consecuTive stans. NO AEC he was picked as a Pro Sovwl/esef'\'e alief sian· 100 2 .ng the preYlC)USIWO year$ (hoe was an alternate In '83 and "84) 8.0 2 tO 5 An awesome combination 01 suength. quICkness and Intell,· Jon nohlS 1"1 89_"- f't9S'tftc'l hts beu 1e.!)I'O Thec.o.u gence. luIS Is one ollhe lOP pass If; lOci blockers In the business. He was 6" '" me wtond ,8311"" row It rrlf'l'ltf'\OOUl tote. ega nst , I\f1"'I n. an NFl AII·Rookie In '52 and a Of't'.cI\]urfumdes.."dAU·AmertC:aasasenlor. I."tTEACEPTlCNS FUM SACK S I=UM YEAR TEAM NO YOS AVG TO NO REC TEAM NO REC VEAR TEAll YO"0 1989 RAIDERS 0 0 • 10 5 1989 CHIEFS 0 tUg PATRIOTS 164 8 0' 0 --.-",6 .... ,. CAREER TOTALS " ...CAREER TOTALS CAREER TOTAL S ... to.S ct. ."
) .of!! J."!+ A " 'H08£Rlln££ ' .. OILERS,,, ,
CctIega Awtlwr' YIfIIJr 2T'IO HI 65 wt 230 2iQro'l 2Q t9Si 'e, "'aDa"'", Ora'ted ell)wns -3\ ,SM! RECEIVING VEAR TEA ',.! NO YOS AVG TO 1989 BROWNS 70 11. 7 CAREER TOTALS 70 i 1 7 Sl"'JOh, Aa too ln 89dOOnorql Lawrermarv,' _ to &nOw o tt JJI,u.. He hal1uPIKD Spe«I Size. '100 olPI"I980I"" lr'Id\l.j rteM.r'I!'a'fw; Of I 51)1, ,..'89 toVOWfilI As-a"MtIICII ufKlmln. B8 nit wn a M<.OnrJ YEAR "l £AM /'{O "!'OS AVG 1989 BeARS 2 11) SO CAREER TOTALS tlO 1 9'J ••,..tlC. ,apas:sesde'ernea t1elleUTml:e e·e-."6 Muon iIdO hasbrllttN' ngIt.I cc.r Vestee.161m YEAR TEAM NO YDS TO NO REC .!989 PATRIOTS 0.0 CAREER TOTALS l2 00 72.5 10 Vary qUlelly. Bruce nas de',;e[opea mtO 0£l8 oj Ihe Sangrus' valuabl.e oflenshte IInemen_ A strOng run blocl:el .s a hafd WOric.ef wi1h af') excellenl auuude He's tGugh and lough me.ntally." said astnstanl coacn JIm McNally. He a b19 lumbel'lack kind at GUy He.'s 9D11tM)stt jong arms atld ne 19 one 01 1M besl pass prOl<!ClOIS In the _ NFl- BfU"" Is VOIY va)uable. he • can play guard ortacllle, and gelS • Ih" lob done at both OOSIllons.' · 'tEAR TEAM NO Ava TO YEAR TEAM NO aLK 1989 BILLS 1 C 1989 EAGLES 5 7 CAREER AL­
TEAM NO JETS 29 322 4 ,8 19 070A m'llIC CAREER he I.,.. ., !lfth .nlhe AFC ,'n 70 IecepllOnt II)( 8OS),mK '" l!!J Mo.oy fl.ct • CJl, -h.I.lO'76oaJehn ht!. 00 2a 4% 17 9 0 1«n\.W\."C- IwtLMl'ftI. ,'''.,19->I Md 1:10"- .krIr 1"S.."1 Bruce moves 11 'n pass protecllon, and has good qu,c'ness M1d feet 10.- run blocKIOg_ A Se<:ond·round (lfaft cnolce in he gives Ihe RaIders a young of!ensrve Imemon who can pfay or CatJt;le Bruce beCame a regu r start.&r In -sa and kas en a rOlce for Ihe _ R&ders SInce A tou,-year c.on.g. s.yto." l'toii1 Ii: H! 6.c 1 270 8aro ':'"-yw tkatl BlXUr " 5. 1M3 Harcs-nosec ana hard-working. RanOy has steaotly tmp'ov9CI Ove r the Vears 10 become one ollhe league s OUlstandfng cen. ters He tS the 5emOi' membero11.r.e BUCcaneers' offenSive hne Randy became a staner late In 8d and has been pushing dearound ever smce :and quack he was n alternate lor the '68 Pro Bowl In '85, Randy was 'he. xey mBmb f 0' Ihe Buccaneer offens.Jve hne That gave uc an NF'Clow 40 saCj(s FUM "EC ...
!arm 19B9 19 CAREER T OTALS n:; 7.0 ,a'fer-o_ rOl' 109 rellolr\a Na..:. !so had • 13.a.jatd rlVtf1ttep(lGns.. tie mCl..:!! Mike Qu.eit',," NC Slat. eafMlf KlJrd 'I'Mlt '31 In lou,'" YEA R NO AVO TO FlE e 19B9 RAIDERS 3 46 5.3 • YEAR TEAM NO YOS AVG TO G 00 CAREEA TOT AlS 23 1 ?' _ . -ga."H IIT1lMtCl. I-;! Old. $0 tl'l81 whItft (!Ie Sol. Vli111hwt UJI)' 11'1 r6T'1c:tIQ"n"Qrl mol ram \Ifr '''; 881.1<: YEAR TEAM NO 19B9 JE"TS SO 350? .: .! 31 ll O 10 0 CM:fHRTOTAlS 1. 505 4 S 30 256 2 521 9 B 12 J 11111,uijtQmjln '$9 YEAR I EAY. 1101$ j"sra (C H the '.mt "IgR.lshM hot'Jlw 7SOl'l.U'lS lNTERC cPTIO S NO Y05 AVG FU M TO REC VE .:cR "lEA', NO AVG TO REC,<1989 GIMHS < 7 1989 8RmrCOS 6 10:; 17 2- 2 C AREER TOT AlS CAREER TOT AlS 14 75 5CAREER TOTALS 109 13 6'" '" ---'" 0
YEA R TEAM NO vos AVO 1989 COWBO YS o 0.0 CAREER TOT AtS 12-'5'5 '8 ' ftJ.)' 0*'" !fI_ an lUP«1enc:eG wt'l.", ft. itgl"ed" 'II St.rafw;ac;.&lt1$tttlerun. he • ."O/..W.1!'\41"'O II e,. wOO hiM orell , antJ W\hC'DI>" '10ft Rill'I'I.o:«!sacondOllI.'"mWl'" - , 7 ,ACJ;t. As a fblJlI.le In 83. flE! nild.a ° (Btell II'" .- TE A" YEAR TEA 140 AVO TO RE C SAIUrs 930 I'!! 1989 SEAH.AVIkS 5 a ,. . AAT ltiG •• 57.0 •.0. SS.] CAREER TOT AI.S " 13 1 0 3"';.5 101. 527 11 7 84 3 .... ._- -, 92 0 " '" R'iNFL ,'rMUfR!'v"""'"
YEAR TEAM 19a9 COLTS 39 537 CAREER TOTALS 3' '5 168 53 _7 2 158 10 'nee Game 3 Jt1"llX:t,..;l CluijDt.llofacnon lorlr:, fHlolfl 89iiSa!Olt BIg rno)b/oti ,,(Id' ff'lllli1llc n'lh. hy, !"'4IlUf\ UUOf', NHIX'l h 119 p.1DI'S on 233 tv. , 8t) rare) aNI i!o9M' ren I TERCEPTIOSS SACKS FUM TEAM ,0 'OS AVG YEA A TE AM 110 YEAR i EAY. VOS VG TO NO RECAVG TO , a '.0 1969 0 a.o , 0 1989 OH ERS 0.0 1989 PATA IOTS a.o 3 0 .0 2 1.0 .,0.0 .; ;; CAREER TOTALS CAREER TOTA S 17 .0 )ohon i' ooen--I eld tt eat nilh,11l JiC '" 89. tt. CAREER TOT ALS
INTERCEPTIONS vEAR TEAM NO VOS AVe TO REC 1989 PATRIOTS 31 6 2 o CAREE.R TOTALS 31 1i 2 .l.$, ,..t" t"klicorntibKk tofm. P.altllQ.. H41dnosed ..and rouch tI. hu OJ {4Q In " oil} fbtnd't ptftS 32Qpot..;nd!i) "'.unCO '4-nortg:rsli1'fCld501 tole 1ft In. rum -w'I1h. pusn diMenMt) INTERCEPT IONS VEAR TEAM NO vDS AVG TO 1989 0 O.G Q CAREER TOT ALS IS 1 5 LAllY .vhO tl83 enI1 a:rengti\. t.carftll. ""89 u he lJ-y...," H.endto AttbOug,. loUry "'*' Wj twO UIIU on hIS tnltwONFl.M.atorl& haJlitl'lIld.,.....,.., mallflyon specIAl IHmSRUSHING RECEIVING VEAH rEA.'o1 NO '(OS A'iG Ttl NO VOS AVG TO , gag PACKERS 17 69 J 1 .fa 3 72 • J 3 CARECRTOT AlS 85 g.; 3. : 112 1. 160 10 4 .....-anQllM p.K ers •• 8Gm tin INTEACEPTIONS SACKS VEAR TEAM NO YQS AVG TO NO 1989 STEELEAS 0 0...0 a O CAREER TOT ALS 0 0 3. 0 -n"&9 ,Jtiral'ac:.I1.., ""'-­ -a.. "'"­ ." iIMIIW G!-o llOYd HI titO Nd I Nt VIKI NGS CAAEEFI TOTAlS 7 70 3 5 14.0
1989 RAIOERS CAREER TOT AlS I 7 0 1 2 Oi'tnf Ralclers'cter.nt.rwllP"t1hNn MoAgnedU Pt.t.1I BI"'ao-n.t'-' '89 He!' .nded' rhn'd \'oj kotfh 10 TKIOn IiQMW In. erw.IL YEAR TEAM NO CotJ.,. Ah:OtIiI SWi 'l'eM ttl. 6'5· Born StpftmDef 21 1964 NooiJ;IJ L Anwna OrIn,. .,,:.l. 1ge:7 l IT ERCi:PTlO NS SAcks FU',., TEAM NO yo AVG TO NO Danny, woo carrIes hIS 3QO.pJus pounds vIOl I. IS 1he guy WhO'S got the beet on the Ie', SIde ot ,he PatrIOts' oflens,ve hne He is a "EC massive run blocker. and can p.uU and lead downfield wllh YEAR TEA M CHTEFS 0 0 0 0 ,,' .,1989 Of Ihem. Danrty beeame.a Slanar In Game 8 of his rookie CAREER l"O TAlS 0 9 0CAREER TOTAlS'tr! season and along wilh nghllae'r!l1l!.. AfmstrOflg oj the ,.... war\j"'"
YEAR TEAt.! NO 1989 AAIDEAS CA REER TOTALS 7 .• tn A8 Tefrybec:lme N roo!oe 10 sW1 In sec:onduy In 17)'t'1fS Uf\l'tllPC)llty Oame2.NS.uOUlwe rn loth.,.. YEAR TEAM NO 1989 STEELERS CAREeR TOTALS 0 0 For Ina MCOOCl MUOc' In. ((nIof O M1 s.o IN W. WI'" s,. laOJes.A tougI1 Itftflgth he Get41d can .any pee. on rblt o.!"" INT EACE PT IONS FUM o ves AVG TO NO REC YEAR 1989 CHIEFS 2 1 2 1 0 2...0 C AREER TOTALS , 2 1 2 1 0 6.0 Oen lumeo OI.IJ 10 Do ono.of h QUI Dot/gllt\f IJ'I1QtIog Pfan 9 tGenll aI1 '89 Born Feotvary .5C) 1980 ltv IS not overpowenng hJa Size, but he sustains weIland " d,lf,cullto gel a,ound In 88. he was a large part oIll1e reason Ihe Rams offenSIve lIne held opponeors:o only 28 quanerbaek sackt Sman wuh good teet. QUlckneS$ and excellent upper Dody sirengih Irv IS rarely called /01 a penalty He became a • 1_4 .,l '1E'AA TE AM YO$ AVQ TO 1$59 CHIEFS 18 221 12 7 '2 CAREi:Fi TOTALS ].I 842 ", .: Jonilt,.,.,..tI.a'lbMnl! r1 tPNI AECEr',lJN-G
YEAA TEA'" All CO.M P p e T TO SCOAI 'ItI.. IlD IH v YEAR TEAM NO YOS AVG TO 1989 GIANTS 325 1.023 3 1 14 28 268 ; 6 CAAEERTOTAL.S 2 ,274 9 317 4.1 69 2 8'82 8 3 5 m ranlrolor9 u ,he oIcMtr rum'"'109 b:IQ. WI IhI '.fl M32, Otlt1 RUSHING YEAR TEAM NO yeS AVG TO 1989 VIKINGS CHARGERS 8 7 321 " 8 0 38 380 10 0 0 CAREER TOTALS 979 4 2 13 4 3 16 2632 388 9 1 5 99. but dedrI«i : _ as .1UI*tt runnt( he ranked see38"t¢NI and s •
'TEAR m.s AVG TO 198a R.IdIS J.4L1 17_0 CAREER TOTALS .;8 ¥30 , g, ':' 8 A.irOft....s HenryEIraLdIft e) 21 1..,1IfI3....-.g.."...Q.q,'2epHSiItJ tn 67 ,y! Z'3 80t" 'l:&G KPJo:I;D'I ,,51 198-4feu RUSH INC RECEIVIr-oG Ib. TERCcPi KJ" t-;S FUM VE .4R TEAM NO 'Y DS AVG TO NO '(os I\VG TO 'tEA R EAM HO Yi)S D 00 Fl Ee:1'389 BILLS 1S-8S BRONCOS 110 351 3 2 2 14 9' 6.5 a 19S9 OH.E: R3 0 0 0 6 0CAREER 1''''TALS 'UP 48 5 12 CA.REER TOTALS T.4SJ' 5 301 3 1 31 1&0 1,157 6 4 I} Q.O '0- ':':: ,5 5An l1Ohad 14 5 saekll*'ICti \4'1 one season WIll'll'" ChJet., made !5 1 IaGl\ht.s tOt* >89 Ht':Ii 72..$
AnZCN Slate Yea" 1111'1 Ht 6''5"' \Vt 21'0 195tJ a..f19Of MJlnt 1m 80m YEAR TEA INTERCEPTIONS SACKS FuM NO YOS A'IG T O NO AEC Alter 15 HalloO'·Fame seasons wnn me Steere,s. MIke at 37 t 989 EAGUS jOined lhe Chiefs in '89 Perhaps: the best Bver 10 center the C AREeR TOTALS ball. he started all 16g.1me. to "ft h is tareef game total to 236 and provided sawy leadershIp 'Of .he offeosivallne Mike. who IS lough Slrang and aggressIve. was an AII·Pro tOl SIX COnsec. utive years III ntne-time Pro BOWl sefecrJon and an Integral mem· ber of Ine Steeters 'our Super Bowl championshlp 'eam. o tMQlC(nI .,.., O !J CohIgo. RondL Y'1itI'! 01 H V" 280 Born-.N1"8 Tfj; t961 "t.::tJH PuvrrHGSACKS FUM A lorn IIgam""," I,..lell _kepi Dan"'" 01 aClion for pat\ Of y EAR NO AVG TO 1<0 REC TEAM NO yaS AVO SlK Ihe 89 season Huge lough and I!J<"Bmely ."Ong he as 1989 .. 25 • .... '989 BRONCOS TT ).IH a dIlve b!c)c.ker and lS one of the pnme ,easons rus1\eB nllely CAREER TOTALS It 102 g, 11.0 14 CAREER TOTALS 16,300 '; 1 • gel to quallerback BernIe Koso, Dan wIlD under conllol -....10 "'" and " seldom In Ine


Not on l y does Jerry h ave g re at h ands he has sUpeI speed (00 Hi s ab!Jity to bleak sway from th6pack 8fter ca*chf,.,g the 6aJJ mal!es him a very dangerous (eo&Iver. " Sea,. comerback ShJmn Jerry is 1he premier wide receiver I" Ihe He can ouHeap and out·time just about any delensive player, and Is an awesome 10ng-dlstanCl9Uueat every tIme he ".tCh""U". bali In '89. Jerry outi/ained ""Bey other wide receiver in the league as he picked up 1,483 yards an 52 recept.ons (tillh II) the NFL), filS 18.I·yard "erage elsoranked high in Ihe NFC.ln Super Bowl XXIV. Jerry caughl 8 record Three touchdaNn passes. TIte year belore in Super eo..i XXIII, he caughl 11 paSS&! for 215 yards ana one TD a""was named The geme's MVP ':A rt b :g , he 's q l..llckMtdhe- has ca ugM almost 700 passes In "areef with the Redskm s Sa it p re tty m lJ ciJ g ees w r:hciJ( SCPfl ng he 's pretty rou gh ro jo r anyo ne." Glanll camelback Mark Collins Abtg,lOugh tatge!, Art gained O'N l.oooyaldsfonhetounhftme ,n x seasons in '89 as he lied lor 1111111'1) Ihe league wllh 86 receplions lor 1,186 yardS and eighUouchdoWns. TWIce he cough! n"", passes in ana gam" Art, wtlollas aoIt hands and """""Iou$ culling abifilY, climbed Chadey Taytor '''''' third piece on the aiHlmaliSl of pass receive'" with 662 He S8\ Ih. NFL record lor carches In one seaSllO m '8-1 wilen he ilaU/ed down an 106. and wenl over 1.000 yards fer the first lime Art an AI1,Pro in '64 an(! an NFL AJJ.f\oollJe In '80.
THOMAS game Thelft.nprl'talf11a' ".,.etit'3.t?ge He"5. one of tho .or m"" r,g ill;) P/1If 170m ItHlba s rk Lions running back Barry Sanders As tt1eonly Iin<!bacI<Br _dral1ed by tl1e CI1telsjn lhefin;t round, OemckpmvedOl'efandOYef again In '89IheWlSdOm otthet&am's choice. In only h's second NFL "arne h nogi$l8fed 2.5 sacks. seven tackles and a _ tumble In a 24-19 victory oyer the R_IS At _ s end, 0err1ck topped the CIt•• WlIh 10sacIcs for ss.s yards m _to 1T"lsh lied for _nth in Uta AFC. He also forced three tumbles and had 751aCk1es Extremely qulcl< and speedy. Demok was- VOIBd Ihe FLXI"renstve 0111,. Year and was picked 10< tha Pro BaNI Mike rates a """ ot lhe fineo:linebac:l<.e<s IIlI11e game IodeyQuick end SI1OI19, he pIa)s with Intensi1y and closes quICkly on lhe polo: <II aIladc. n '89 '\awaspicteclas an AIIPro and for Ihe Pro BaNI lor 1Ile _ season1n • toN. H. aIsc toppedtheBearswf1h t51-'malangd"'IIIJIstralglllyears heff.-llr.iI.ocsecona.,,"I"' was named NFl. Defensive PI,,- ot Ul8 Year as he led the Be wllh a cat"",-/I;gn 111) IackIe5 and had • career-llogll16 UlCkIes In game IWICB " Mar" is it!IIIt1 se andso loaJs«J OiI>IVMlhe w"""'''' ttCCoInpltlll Thar intenSJty Oil tUlII1IOg l1te r/ghI anti "" ,<:Img /00 bell -EiJII!u ".ad CQiU;" B uddy Ryan separafN h lfn fre m 0lMI Lawre,- WhoJUSl may De pro IOOtbelrs rnoIII gII1e4aU1te1e, was Ingainiltg hi. lis AIl-Proseleo<JOn ,n 89, , finaBywasrecog. _ns cornerback Sean Case a u"BnIlTlOtl._lorth AJl.NFL l63m 01 the '80s.. He -. an Mar , ho runs metJCtlIoos roo!l!S and", _ely eluSMI at"" nlzed lor wtw he 1$ """ 01 pm loaIbaI's most feated _ NFL AlI.J1col<Ie '" 81 and AII-Pro elgh! _I" nII>e......,..., as a catch hasqulckly o! the leagUe's top I'!!Cei\IBtS.ln wei as a I1Jt1OHIm8 Pro BaM seIea>on 1n 'l!5, lI!mBoce..,."YOled '89, he lied lor third ,n th. NFL and second", Ihe NFe 86 t\JshelS He ran""" seoona In Ihe league III 19.5 sackS for 128.5 'he NFl MVP iIl\et IGedIt>g the league 20.5'-' lor 137 catch His 1,C22 yanls !linked third ,n belli lIle NFL and the yards in losses ancI regos:arad 721i1ck1es.Tm also lad IhePadoJrs yards in _ and malong 105!ack1es.. Eldromely 'as< and ex NFC. Both 1OlaI. sel 8ucameer a50n f8C0rdS, and hIS "JOe with lour fumbles; wh, • maJring three fumble recoveries cepClonaJIySlI'OnQ he sa domltlalll force'" artygamel)e plaj'<i. IOuchdowns a toam m"" Mar!< also led lhe league wflh nine and 17 quanelback humes. i" '89 UlWttnca ranJ<ed ." ",th in !he NFL WI1h 15sacks forAgainst Ihe Fal00ns. had Iowsac and aga.nst the Uoos. - ,­


Th. blW defensive beck In Ihe I gu& Oavid excels in stopAlJ-F',o saletyfcf filSlllme and gained Ills seccnr.t;;;ghl Pta Bowl berth, The team's mosl dependable taci<ler, h. led Ihe I07lackles, InclUding 161non. game, and tl6d/orsecond in the NFL wllh eighlln:orceplions. David alaowas Ihe AFOOefensive Player 01 1M Week Ihree urnes. " Most defensive baclcS would be I!lheytla<i III lIIl<eon an oHens!ve lineman at c!ose ordlnalOl' Dick leBeau , 563 (Can! 11 .' 121 HOT RATING: 75.5
CU NINGHAM "He dae!ll'lltlSl wSJl110 be gO<ld. He wan", /0 be groat And he's ( 0 mud ro be fhat :.",';q.' Eagt"" "".d cooc!h BUddy Ryan Randall ·s """ 01 tho IIl<CIling player> In tho NFL, Passing on Iho run Or keepmgu,e bellond 6Campetlng down 'reid. h. is a Ir."",ndousfy dangerous oIf.r\Si Ihraa!, In '89, Randall became !lie filSl NFL quarterbsck to lead his learn In rushing Ihree S!raigIlI seasons as he ranked 11th In Ihe leaglfll with 621 yards and averaged. whopping $I)( yarcls pet carry (first In NFL) Fqr Ihe second year In • lOW he passed for more lhan 3,000 yards. lWic:e. Randalf threw tOT more .tOO rn one game InelUdlng a l"""""",ool447 yards and five touchdowns In a 42-37 vtCtory over the Reosklns.. 'Ot!is IS fnght "'11 n 8 or He's a -y pow<;!' lui runner M><1_......,. "11'""" caJli1Mb; """ ul.IV LaMie Young OU,smaoeal>ealt-.mrmg_on'S!l.Abec! p running backrn '88, hebi!came1l>O JocusollheG'anlS runnlnggamein '89 _Joe Mom. _..,.. fortheseason 'I/l /r4Ury. PI. 32. lhe _ $IdC\mg ""'"" III!/1e rFL. Ollis &qual 10 his 1aSl<. He gamed ""'" 1.oooyanls larmo fitst "me., 1M> yeacsandJWlk, e<lSOlCIIt InlheNFCll'lrushng""''' 'JI23yatds. OM.a_ru". ner who had beet1lhe NFL Rookie ollhe Yeattn 79wt1en nerushea!of acareer-lloglll.605 yards. ThaI was lhe sIart 01 Is Siring 01 seasons""')6IB for the C8rdiinaI5. " Andre m igh t h ;;4l8lhe beSI h an ds In me le ague1 n e can c atch a p i n in a snOlov Storm. Them s nodo:J b t. 1 think h e l.s one 01 Ih e best reGeivP<s In pro IaotDaN " .1215'''''' saleI)' Etl k McMII"'n SoI<l and Andre dOflllnated AFC pass COIIlhlng stall !Ies tn '89. He lOpped Ihe conference in recepllons. receiving yattls and catches in ",,"gacr.., (13 10< 157 yardsagalnSl the Br0ncos) His 1,312 """"",ng yards filth in the teague, while hi. 88 "",opllon. hnlohed second. and 9lClendecl Ih" Bilts' stngleseason warn ml1!\ he set In 'sa Thai seasan. Andre. who IS one 01 lhe beSt in Ihe NFl at calching tne Dall In IraffiC. frnlshed Ioonh In lIle AfCwlth n raoepIi<lna lor 968 yards. In '81, he ",oked Ihud in tile AFC WIIh 57 catches. 'S!IorlInp ",w"),! T "na_t:>e/l<8$Slnl. no:::::.c;:" . -V COfTRfta<:" can lee Stetl;ng reacred peaal hIIqu r. 89 lie Hall of one 3nd Ja:rras lo!Ian S """-<IId rna:1r lor se!lSOn -'ll'rQ)'Sl'dagO. Hos9CI"""""'klpOedtha ""QuI><mdttlS 1.423 yards seoond. Soe<ii:>g 1he '01 Padr.e< _!lie NFL in tecepIQlS since HuIson If\ and M dO:I.1n only 1Is_ j)Co _.I:laIameIySl""'!l atId spaeay WIlli gama.bre.ltlng qurcl<ness. ha """""""" AJ.Pro seIootI>OIl and '" p4dcsd '" fmrt Pro 90ft game RATING: 73.7 JOH ELWAY HERSCHEL WALKER " Wilen pre parillg 10 pIB', aga ilst JolIn )')is have to r_.I1Il!Iei!Ibe< ,hal ti>e p/iif _ teI#y begIrr ile=t.9«> S<n/71 H is SO iJ.g iV>Ifao , ,.'" PJnchv among Fo<Ils." bl. C4whoys del "'" ...,0 JIm Jeffcoat untlf!he w hlsl1e blows. " 490n 'ree saloly Ronn • lollAn aggre$$ive hdter "h axcellem speed, agility and bodyecn · Irol, Jeny Is one of Ihe fin come_In the gamo.ln '89, he He!$Cl>e!e.ce ad as. runnet.p;!SS""lChet-and kIcJdf tellrmer No one In tt'ltl NFllhrowson the run asweU asJohIl ln leadlOgpld<ed as an Alt-Pro oo<net1>ac '''' the fir'SlUme and was In 89. He ranked sevenlh In "'" NFC With 915 yards rusl\'J1g.Ihe Btoows to their Ihlrd Supei' Bowl game If' lour ..,a:sons. heselected /or nis fourth conseclll Pta Bowtgam•• Jerry ended .aught 4Opas>eS /or 423 yardundIiada 28.8-yard """"'9& on up Ihe Pta Bowl MI/P when he 0C0<ed on. S1,yarclinierceptiOl1 b<>camelhe only playerlo gain """,200 yards rushing and 3,000 13 kickotIIOIUms. A rremendaUsSlra'ght,aIM!ad runner 'Nllh su· yards passmg lor five sttaighl years TO ·8ll.ln lhe AFCchamp.on­ perb speed. belanceand body comrol. Her1ic!hoIIad tire NFC and sh'p VICtory over Ihe Browns. he campleled 20 pasoes for 385 ranked second in ,he lea!!"" wllh 1,514 )'lIdsrushm9 In 'sa InDuling It::; season. Jerry IOJlped Ilia Rams" Ih or solo tackles yards and Ih TOo.. John. who has a lremendously lively arm Ihree hegaiJted5.562yardsrushu>g andH>AItIMQ:\Iol<A41<::Af'YM t_ wt I.' I.. .'11:' r • n.
_ Reggie dominalss 8 g8fl18 as Ihe pramler pass rusher In the E.lremely strong, explosive and speedy (40 in 4.6) he was picked as an AII·Pro and lor Iho Pro Bowl (or the founh oeason In a rCNI Aher leading the NFL In sacks lor""" Slraighl years. Reggie flattened quarterbacks 11 times In '89. fle lOlalied 18 sacks and a career·hlgh 133laCkles In '88, bill was eveo more awesome in '87 when l1e reg.i$ered 21 sacks, one shorI or the record, In only 129am and was named NFL Defensiva Player of Ihe Year. " He can di<:lare!he I&mPO cI. game" said Parriot guard Ron Wooten, "When you can do Ihar from Ihe del.nsive line. Ihar's saying a 101 it's IlOl oIIen Ihal)'OU !lave a del SIV8 player diClBling ID an offense," Lawrence IS a lremondously gified alhlele and on. the mosl more. Lawrence was selected (or the Pro _I lot Ihe nlnlh year In a row. The NFl:saJHime sad< leader with 11. lot 908.5 yards In losses. he "",ked _nIh in lhe lesguo in '89 wllh 15 sacl<s to< 114 yatds In losses. Romarl<abry Slrong and speedy, Lawrence pu,"ull. and Is a dominating pass rusher and ranked Ihltd In !h. NFL wllh 15.5 despno foIjr game. cllhe oeason In '86, lBwr8rtCe WlI$ \he NFL MVP when he had 20.5 sacks and 105lackles. \/ery qulddy. llIl1 bas estaoIshed """'" as cne 01 the Ft', lin In '89 onIyhisrhl<O season asa stan"" he was picl<>!d let his firsI AJ..Plo 1ea1D1UId &$I Pro Bowl. Huge. wI!h good up/"lOIdquid<nesS. 1m 1$. pass rusher He finjshed second In the Ieaguo and lOpped !he /or tile Iout1h S1laIg/1I BC8lI!Et"""" 'I95_1or 128.5yat1!Slnlosses. rtm also led the learn W\1lIIcur _1umbIes. and regis\eIed 17 hurrio5, Jhr8e fumble and 7213C1<1ea. In '88, TIm had 135 _10 rank fifth 11\ the 1e<!!J1>8 and 111 UlCkJes. '"Hams IooIbd smart," SSId Bengal oIflciaI Fran SmoIIs« "He lines "" 5 pa!l1 01 PUB'" 11\& IDSlanlthe play_. 01)5. and he "'" keepS<:omong." lor the Pro _I 'or Ihe Ihitd year In a row and ilis second lIme as a SlaIter. AIb<>n has marvelous rec:awrySpee<I and gr831 speed A Iotmldable bump player, he hu ITnfe wa51ed malton and Is a premier pass defender. In '89 Albel1 tied foe the leam lead wrtlt four inlateepllon., raising his IWlIo 28. He also topped !he Chiefs in passesdelenseCllarlho lhird sIJafOII season -" 17, and Iorced tnree fumbles. had one sack ana mode '57 L8cldes. In • win over It-.. Oilers, Alben blocked his finh =- pant. which was IecoYered lot a IOUOhdoWn, l<erth'a remarl<able 5peed and ""icl<ness /tim 10 shoal !he gaps and cIIarVe <in!ci!y aI quanect>aclc$.AS 008c1 the!he NfL most agile linemen, he ranlold third !he Ft in '89 with 18and had 34 yatlls. 0lNe was one of only lwo Sacks, I/1e most by • defellSlVe r.ocIiJe In 18 years. AI this despuerookie. to be named AIl·Pro (as a punlMumet) exlremely last being oonsIani/ydO<lble and lIiple-teamed. and playing Ihelast(40 In 45) and ala he te!u" d a pel"I 76 yatds lor a Ihfl>ll gam wah a sligIUly sepatatBd shOuIde1.louolldown , re!umedallOlhOr 24 yards andhed a <3-yatd Iuel<off one eight-day p8nod, Kefth ga,nered.sewn sacks. thrrelurn In a 34-17 """"Yowr Ihe Raiders, agamst!h. lions and lour agaln51 lhe Packers. Forhls heroics,Eve.rytime there's a punt rlOWt we'Je aU up on Ihe Sidelines. _"'- •• he was named NFL Defensrva 0111\& '!'uLandwas All-Pro
r Quick. with Sll1Ingth and agllHy, Jayadded 10 hi. as.he best eenter In the NFL with hi. second selocUon In • «:NIin '89, A ferocious bloeke<, he also was picked 10< his fifth stralgN Slalting a$SlgnmenUn Ihe Pro Bawl you go! to be a ditterant kind 01 alhieUI at nter:· aeld lNm"""" i<el.h IIan Home you got '0 be quick and be able 10 go Ihls wrr: and thal wirf, I don'l know how Jay does iI but he does it well. • Jay became a stSrtermldway through the '83 season alter 211z years as a backup center and has a string 01 tOO non· sUl ke staN ","cathen AlthoUgh hewas an AlI·BIg Ten pick and hono<8b1e merlJon AI1-Amo!rica his lasl two seasone 81 Iowa, he was noc picked in Ihe 81 college dratt Bruce • oupetb pass and !\Ill bIod<e, who can pull, !tap bloc\< and gel 00t on Iinebaekera has developed Into one 01 the teag ""'"' dominant guards. In '89, he was plclced S$ an and as a storie, 81 nQl1l guard fn Ihe Pro Bowl 10< the second SIIlIIghl year.Bruce. who has played eJlliw oIIensNe tine f1OOltJons in his year pro car_ also handles mosI 01 the Oilers' long snaps from cenl Despite hlsS'5" heigh!. he manages 10 ge.low and apply the same leverage as .horte, playe'" The key '0 lhe Od_ sttong· side Often , Bruce has great Sltength, balance and bodyconuol HewesaunanmlOUS at USC In '82 and an NFL AJI.f\ookJe ,n ' 93. A speedsm and a tough, multHalented a1hlelS, Rod showec plenty 01 naSh "!turning klckotfs and punts. and hamme<ing opposing Wlde r&CeMlIS In ' 89. He led Ih. NFL In yanll per kickoff a loueh<lown. As a punl relUme< he amassed 2f1I yards on 29 returns for • 7,,.yard rage As one 01 the league's batter comertlaCks, Rod. who has_banal closing speed, topped Ihe Sleelet$WI1h lout _ fumbles. and had three intercepuons,lhree lumble recoverieS. de/ensed and 80 lackles He gained his nrstAJI.Proseleclion (as a kJck ""u'net) S'rong.lm!'! and U(t!lapOaIlIe. &IGoe compieG an amazJng>usual kiCkIng 1M!< It pas! -. Of 101 _ - 59Explosrve, wi.h great sttenQ\h end body cooUoI lbm ,s.he cIriv1ng extra-poort ademplll and "-2 rieIcI Q08I ortemJltS ne rmssed onlyfOtce on Ihe Ram' dominali,ng offensive line. He Is>.oIlO!he Ihree tn boIh 88 and 89, he booIed 20 rieIcI goals III 21 attemptsQIOUnd and goes all Out on every p,tey, "Tom can get lOW enough ' 0 twice equal Matk Moseley's 1982_ 1or hoghesI season'0 play handball against the curb, ' Is the way formar Ram guard Eddte had .SI/8al(ClI191ie1d goals ,n. _"""n heDennis Harralt pul II missed hIS only one In ' 89, afn '89 10m, who Is atmost ImposslDle 10 beat one-o<l.()ne He had nine lrom 40 yards or longer. wotn a hlSgained his second suaigN selectlon 81 an AlI·Pro guard end as longest. FelIne Cd<f101ed Ihe I..!On" in scor·a _ in .he Pro Bowl. A lamlic all-round athlel he can lun the AIII "., A etA _A-1I:.tIo_ "''''' ''''''''''''''_' '
Sieve Largent ended hi.9 magnificenl 14-year career as the most prolific po"" caleher in NFL history In '89 he added the career touohdOWn reception record 10 his list wilen he caught hi. tOOth to break Don Hutson's 44-year.old mark of 99. II came In Game t4 on a 100yard p••' hom Oave In a 24-17 win over Ihe Sangels tn the same game, SI",," became the first recel_ ever to top 13,000 yards In a career. the firsl receMl< since Hutson.n t945"lo hold IIIe Ihree major NFL nlCei\<\ng records ,.multaneously. Su also setlhe records lor conseculive games e ealeh (177), mOSl seasons wijh 1.000 or more receiving yards (8) and most seasons wnh 50 or mora reoepbons (10), As one 01 the fastest Rams, Willie "Flipper" Anderson. a secondyear W1(Ie recerver. has 4.42 speed. grealleap;ng abMyand soli hands. tn Geme 1201 tile 89 season he made history as ha S6I an NFL record lor sfngle-game rece'''ln9 336 yard, on IS receptions In 820-17 overtune VIClOfyOYe< lhe Semis. " -rou"",,", Ihlnk )<)u'lI have a day like lhls," S8Jd flipper "l lh.nk t got un· conSCIOUS. Eve<ythong J.m Everetl threw I caugtt. I Ian I couldn'l be $lOPPed When the baD was comlng I lu'l knew I d mark was 309 yeJ09 on 819m cBlehn cy Ina Cilia"" Stephone Pa'ge egainst Ihe Cf\allJ<lf$ In 191>5. Bofare Ihe record had stood lor 40 yean! .t 303 yards by Jim Benton 01 the Browns ·'Amazing ,·· said Everett •'TIle baD wasattracted 10 him Fl1pper can f1at..,ul run." Before is OY&r.Joe Montana m,ghl hOld ""'1'\1 record In the books.. In '89 he was the most .melentpasser'" hlsIoIYas he thealngle- ranog mark 011104 set 29 years eattl'" by the S'' Mat PlU"1 in 1960. Joe roll"" up a dazzling 112 4 nltill9 as he comp/eled 27t passes In 386 attempts foI3.521 yards and 2610uchd0w Wllh only elghl Interceptions. He also his cateer pa rating """"d to 94.0 as the Dolphins' Dan Manno. in second plece slipped 10 8!13. Wllh the Bengel ' Boorner Esiason.ln Ihltd at 87.3. AiIotheratHlme mark held by Joe is care.r compl&uon pelCl!f1lage, whlch na puslted


602 * oor£l"' * (1 967 1990) On January '0. 1991. tneAFCarnt NfC CtlarnQlOllSWdl compete m SlllM'r Bowl .II Thmp<t Stadium In Tom"". 1'lot'<iL H.", are Ihe tooteSBnd In.e MVP s for Ihe t:rl124 VlnceLombarwTroptlYWTnper.L I em Ul IS I!A !AS el11'10 lill 35 WlW II II 33 II JII prmam. 31 lD$ mEW I' III III IITS 1511UIICif 1 l' omAn l7 fIIlLAnE1I1I11 II UIIW crrm I DOli 7 111 lAl fIIIIICISI:lI21 II CtM 1I1 n I BAm.OII lumlS Ll IWII II'.liHII&TIl 27111 r 17 YI D.\IIAS 11 MIIIII I 11111 L\ III m U MWI GTO , ill llA.. 14lW el1l 1 IIX flUtJsallUlIII.1 Ii 1111 .11 1 24 I IaSOlI 1 II CMIUl:O 'UEW U pmnm" 1611 IISOIl 6 II I I' ClAm l! DEJnl lO I Plmum ZI DALLAS 11 lIU 42 OEm. 10 JI 4lWJfD lllllllSall II 11111 $I 1 Cltel An 16 111 IIllW 27 Dum 10 1111 W 10 MOST VA LUABLE PLAYERS I BlIlS rr G enRl', XIII TerrySr.HIWN.l'Il15Iwtgn II San Green s,,;, XIV ",fT)' 9nlOWN 111 Joo Ilam:Uh Jel$ XV J,m PbHm oa • IV l.efI Oawsoo.1WIsas XVI Joe MooI San mnCisoo V Chut;l(H""tey.D'iiJS XVII J<lhftfl,gg".s, \\'is/lono Q/I VI Rovel SlaUbad> oa.... XVIII Ma",", Alle. LA Ralders VII JaktScon M,.ml I(JX JneMOjIIaII SanfIll1lOSC<l '1lILalryC_I ;lmIi )I)( R,,;llanlDe1!l .ChldOO franca H:!IlI>. Plnsourg/l XXI PruI S"nms, GtalllS x Lynn &,,'"n Plll.\.bIIIgh )1)(11 Oouo'li Ii!JTO$, IOI'slllngtQII XI Fled Bdetnol<oll 0 ,tid leXI Ii Jell'! RICO. San FrancISllo YII Rand\lWhoI. , Hu;"" !lin C )l)(IVJNMOIII s.nFranoosco 603 LOMBARDI THE LEGEND The l..omcerClj lIopIly whocn IS k) Ule winne< oIlhe Super Bowl each yea!; IS """topna1ely nameo. It QMIn In honor of Coa(:h lombamrwas 8 caIIeQltguasd ar Fordnam Wherl!ne.WBSoneoithe legeodaJy SevenBlOd<sol Gramte",n IlJaearty '010<. BIn Mdnltad omo oI>scuI\ly as a Ngtnchooleoacll and as an assistanl coach ar Wesl Po",!. Final aIt.r ..,lWIg • sunt as an assIStant coach lor t Giants ('54-'58), u:u"baldJ became a head """"h III lhe pros 1II<l!J8 45 WTIeII he 1001< <1Ve< lhe woetol Pacl!ers 11.10-1 the prSVlOUo yeal ) '" 1959. DEmanding I<l!al d_ ftOm hIS pIays<s, lllmbarol mBde befiewrs and, more Imponantty, 'nn@tS OUI ot them hYov re wllh,n two seasons, he won his gfS1 0' RV8 FL championshIPs. HIS sUPQrtlly coached Packer reams complied a remarkable 99..314 reco,d In nine )'ears ana won nine of 10 playoH " Winmng isn' t evefythlng," he saW 1 'It's lhe only thIng .' Coach LOmbard, retIred as coach of tim Packers aft., Supor Bowl II and serwo as Packe, GM in 'Ga He then coaChed the Aedsklns to Ihei,firsl wIM ln9 seasOn (7.;;'2) 'n 16 years in 69.
diadolcancer tim next year H,s b<!lllance as a coach and h "ao'd<nary record Will be rememberad, how when As the leadel of P,usIlurgh'S 'SleeI CtJrtain" delense. Jaei< was a major Io,ce on the Steelers'five AFC title games and four Super Bowl YiG10ries In his 1t·ysarcareer(7 ·84). Toogh quK:k. durable and smart, he had greaT lange ""d speed as one of I"" game', best , middle linobacktH$. Jack was Ihe NFl De ens"'" Rook.e oIlh. Veat In '74, an AII Pro selectJon seYen urnes.. a starter In moe consecuuve Pro 8ow:ls and NFl DeI.l1$Ive Player olltle Vear In beIIh '76 and '79 "Jact< demanded Iota! eHon h'Om 0Yet)'0tIe." sa,d Sleeler p"",Klenl Dan ROOtley "He look oj our CalfedlM MOIl SlaoIc""""""'seolhisgaf1!!lyIrarne(6'T ' 23S pounds) and all-out style 01 'led """"r m.issod. game III his l5-year """"" ('69-'113) Ih the CoIls. Packers and SIlOOg and /:as. he """a_--....nng ladd0l8"(IC.n,,," PI" (oct ball slinesl'llroebad<e goat and 1iX1nI·JXII(II.aIl8mpIs(25 UlIIIS career) He also $COred a tour sa las. Ted p(11)'1id 111'_ AFC \olle Q3ml'S. r;jqtll Pro Bowls ana was an Ih. ";nlllng leam In I'Ovr Sllp!!r BawlS. He was" IfmiIS, FConee and an AJI.Pro ,"'1'1 (as a C<JII) 74 (as a!'ad<e!1 and '80 and 82 las a Raider). NO c.vtEERTOTAlS 3 'V U • The first pfayer"-ed In tnIl'83AFldra 1051& al defensive teekl ,,,, 13.s;oasons ('63-'75) wt11! llul CIliols. Ex rr ely fast (40 In 4 9) for ch (87' 275). he "'''gadtrom S1deline 10 sideline mal<!ng and Inlrmiclabng qOlll1e< backs_ In 'fiT, Suet< balled down 16 p_s at 0( behind Ihe ' me ofscnmmag! Tough and durable, he mJ:SSeO only one game In hiS career Buct< AJl.AFlIOUf 5Ira'!lhl"'asons and In 70 wh"" flECBVI G YOS CA.Ra:R TOTALS l.1-t9" 1-2.t2O 4.1 V1 )(17 2.37 104 9 Franco the Sleel.",' big-yardage, clulch runn'ng baCK lor 12 seasons ('72·'83), ended his fflustrrous 13-year """'Or thlrd on Iheall-tJme IlIsfllng fist wllh 12. 120)'BIds In _ 0/ his first eighl seasons, he hOld over 1.000 yards rushing. wllh a high1.246 1/1 75 Franco In 77 and uey 10 Ihe Sleelers' lOur Super Bowl vlctones In Game IX, he gamed 158 yards rushing aod was narnOld MVP BUI Franco WIll alway. be remembered lor his "Immaculate Reception" Ulal won a ·72Illa)'Oflgame. "funcocoOId II up." said Steele, coach CIluck.Noli " Hogotildonewhen Ih•• h,ps were on Ihe line." LB.II and """,um, a <XJmII\andfng figure on ilia 10m pr&5KIed<Mlt' the CowIJoo,"1or He was tlmre",1Ien tho I m _ lIS NFl.. season I" 'so, and he IDol< 1110 Prom.nence as "Amooca'sTeam" urrI1l hIS d.!smisaI lhe '88 season During hiS l6nure. !he hac 13 dMSio/lalldJe•. nve NFC cIIampionsh psand IWO SlIDe, Bow! viaotIes. Tom, wha was a superb teclvvcaJ Innovat'Ot, ranIoo tIIlrd on tne an.llme coaching IoSl W1th 2lOwrr.s (1J!jaoIlSI178iossesand 6tie$) "To me, he was, is and tie specjaI-. man apan !rom othel men," said Iotme, eo....boy quarterback Roger S!aubach "What mao. him be)o>nd hIS bnUoant lechnical grasp 01'!Ie Iroplly hl5n ame is presentOld 81lne end onhe S,lver -.-1-1_4_Iho Ch"'fs jooned the Fl. H.ol.Yed in .ox Af'L AII-Sf"r (''''''''''
f it


Smooth, strong and tough





Richmond who was picked ninth in the nation in the '90 draft by the Dolphins, was the first offensive lineman selected An All America, he is quick and last, with good balance and excellent athletic ability Richmond knows how 10 use hIS hands, and can pull and trap i s a stea dy" hard workeI with the size, s/J9nglh, mobility and (f/sc/plms 10 be an asset this yesr. He should p lay in the NFL for a long lime."


Tough and durable Bern was the highest

center In college lOObali ln '89. Drafted 23«1 by the

in '90 he was only the second offensive lineman selected An 'exceptlonal blocker on run and pass plays Bern superb balance and can make the long snap " Brostek has combined sae and slrenglh wilh quickness, He has pro pass bIocWng ability and is strong on runnrng plays as wen He can adiusl and sustain and i s a lough

610 _ .8EiiiiE" THE "CLASS" OF 1990 REGGIE REMBERT
, Reggi e was selected 28th In the '90drall by the Jets He was rated by the National Football Scouting Combine as the top prospect in the draft. An excellent leaper with oulSlanding speed and quickness, Reggie caught 47 passes and set Mountaineer records WIth 11 touchdowns and 850 receiving yards
Rembeft l s a gl&al blend 01 size and speed He i s a dang erous deep threal
can oul-jump sma/illt defensive back$. He showed
w ill make the tough catch In /J9/fic ."
Nallonal Football Scoullng
Combine 611 . .:SCiiiETHE
Nallonal Foolball Scoullng Combine
compe/r/Ol" Nallonal Football Scouting Combine 607 THE "CLASS" OF 1990 ANDRE WARE the '89 Heisman Trophy winner Andre was drafted seventh by the Lions in '90 Cool and exciting, he set 26 N CAA records while passing lor 4 6gg yards and averagIng 427 yards passing per game Andre also threw 46 touchdown passes " It\ere is a vetY productive, s trong-armed quatterback w i th m obili ty who will lit into the Lions run and-shoot offense He gIVes DelfOit a solid foundation al quafterback end a ch a /lengllt for Ihe slafti ng job. " National Football Scouting Combine 608 THE "CLASS" OF 1990 BLAIR THOMAS Blair the second player picked In the '90 draft (by the Jets). Is a _satile back who can block and catch passes as well as run wilh exciting moves in '89. he gained over 1.000 yards rushing for the second time in his exciting Penn State career " Thomas is a quality young man He is \I8ty compefiriveand an aH-round beck with quickness. speed and slrength He is always a thr&81 ins ide or outside, and can go /he fljslance. " N.tlonal Football Scouting Combine 609 _ ACiiF THE "CLASS" OF 1990 ERIC GREEN EriC who has tremendouS 5!Ze "oMds and sur prising quickness "as 'he pass caICl".e< and the 21st overall pick in the 90 d ra'l ,/:It '''e Sleeters) A Slope rtl athlete he was a" A ·Amenca n '89 as he C2"9ltt 62 passes lor 905 ,-aros and '0 a strong. &gnI ena WIlo 'las me size to compete in IraltoC. He has sUfI! " e" make big plays and his bioc"",!/" on National Football Scoullng Combi ne 89-WIDE RECEIVER Y'Nt 4tl HL8'O \o\'t 182 RECaVIHG YEAR TUM NO YOS Ave; TO ltat BUOCAHaRS t ft2 .6 7 CARE£R TOTALS tit 2.,8'5 11 7 17 .\I , raa:bI TOUJ& lopped IttQW w,ln I'IIM prtts\"tDtrdI ., "87 lhe 'jNI1'Ie 1M Jt-.e 8da:' maJ'\ IOf 1eaft'v'9 /2 12) 1ft 0fW!Pm606 THE "CLASS" OF 1990 PERCY SNOW Soild and mea:" Perc):t>e "':xx rile presliglo l.or!'bard ana Bu: us Marcs as PiCked in IlaIiOn by tt>e CI>oeIs :ra't A ("'CHime All. Americ a. he as I e best serno' ins d in COiIege " I e " Snow has qwcJ< SCE8d t"l a t>l3s1 !o< rIf"Oe. He plays both /he "'" a."IO /fie pas$ IOTt" ability.He Is a heavy /"JfJIN ",1>0.. !BaIT' well /1J {)ono Ha"'-II and DenicIr Thomas: National
Football Scoullng Combine







619 .8Ciiiif" ROOKIE leROYBUTLER CORNERBACK Born" Flof1dI Sta!e Year 111 Ht "11 VoII _ 192 .1 " LeRoy s qu ick 85 a c ar and has a fierc e GOmpe riNve drive t h- ' 0w: co mes a lot Other than p unt return s. he played berter year Hamada m Ofe things h appen and Florida SI.I. heed coach 80bby 80wden Tough and agg ressive, LeRoy Sw1lched from free safely to corn&rback to roplace Sanders In '89, and tinished llth ln Ihe natton wlIn seven Inlercepllons tor aochool record 139 yards In letUrns He also legISI.,ed !/'I1.ckl leRoy Is oxtlemely quick wI.h excellen. speed, le.plng ability , E""' and 'tteng.h , He Is a deva.I.,' ng lackler and breaks on the ball well, 620 . ,8ciiiff ROOKIE 80m: April I' 061 ffl · .990 " A.,.,., is one oI.he mo3l """"",1k1g;o p/ayl!l$we " viii' ha lf at Texas A&M. His II _SO is O<Itst8ndlng and he I. • tre ftJfJ(f(JOU$ pass rushIN• To A&M head cOlICh R.C Slocum Insllncuve, wrth uemendOUs speed (40 in 4.45) and a.hletic abilly, Aaron excets In bllwng the quarterback a senior In 89, he led the AWl" with 10 5 seeks to Increa his school career record to 42 O.spite. toe Injutythat hampered him the first half ollhe sea50n , Aaron made 89la.kles and 22 quarterback pr." sures. He was 8 consensus All· Southwest Conference choice tOt the$8COnd .lrBlllht Ve• r 616 · ..­ .. THE
a punishing tackler with greal speed. was Ihe IIrsl player selected in the '90 dra/! (third in the nat.on by Ihe Soahawks) An AII·America as a senior in ' 89. he led all Miami down linemen with fIT taCkles and ranked second on the leam with 6.5 sacks.
has a strong inside pass rush with excellent quickness. Ha has block awareness and reads schemes well. He is sn intent. hardworlrerwho wiUmake an impact." National Football Scouting Combine 617 THE "CLASS" OF 1990 KEITH
is a perfect mixlure of oulSlanding speed. temarkable quickness, greal Sirengih and Impressive size was Ihe firsllinebacker and the fourth player picked In the '90 draft (by Ihe Buccaneersl· He was a unanimous AII.America and Ihe runner· up tor ttle BUlkus Award as a junior in '89, 'McCants fits the mold of the pro li" et>lICMl He comes to play. He has intenSity and ell the tools 10 be a sttlndoul in the NFL lor many years " _ National Football Scouting Combine OOKIE ANTHONY THOMPSON RUNNING BACK 101 aM " To me AnI1!ony • O>taIfoo1ba pio"", lf he '.fIDIC8rrytng lh h e' , 90lIl9 to block I<x ht$ tumm8' es He'sf1Ojl)g .o ti/ tch th e baiL t! e s • ream pla y.' He ' /!<JIl 9ry and he camuantty worl<ing -Indiana head coach 8,11 M.Uory Anthony is 8 powerful runner with superb bOdyCOl"ltrOJ baJa.nce and stamina A1J a senku In '89 he sel NCAA records career louchdowns (64), career poinls (394) and yardage In one game (377 yards on 52 carnes), Anlhony lOPped the NCAA with t, 793 yards and 24 TO, while winning the Maxwell Award THE "CLASS" OF 1990 JAMES WILLIAMS A superb athlele Wllh sizzling Speed (40 in 4 29), James was only Ihe second defensive back chosen in Ihe '90 drah (16th by Ihe Bills) A fierce competilor he ha remarkable leaping abilily (blOcked 11 kicks in Ihe lasl seasons) and IS a aevastaling tackler "Williams has IBIG speed, and outstanding quick leetand acceleratIOn to the ball He has man-COlll!r ability and con. s,.stently makes a good eIIon He also is an accomp liShed kick b1ock8r. " National Football Scouting Combine 614 .=5CiiiP THE "CLASS" OF 1990 MARK CARRIER A devastat ng h.1te-' 1" ,",,!Cie and nteI1.ogence Mark was Ihe filSl iIefens.'Vt! DaO< chOsen and lhe pick in Ihe nation II'\B Beats '>II 90 " rail He was a con se nsus AII·America and .",.,r or' Jan Tno<pe Trophy as Ihe 08SI baC football ·'Carrier has __ "'$I!nCtS and !he oange speed nst»a< Hersadva nced In hIS s/<JUs. aM play and c:ontrCt.1I! : ' National Football Scouting Combine 615 THE "CLASS" OF 1990 RENALDO TURNBULL AenalOc. a nuge_ vr-t speec:.a 4.5S) _1I>e U90 draft (by !lie Bowl as ". ft'.ade t;.e IBCi<IeS and 'totalled 20 sacJcs arcs t3$ tadIIeS r.s l1l5I " TumI:IuI piwrde an pa:s$ __ Ie 1>82 and w ith eticJed IftIo9Itt be • Natlonell'oott*! Scouting Combine 621 ROOKIE ALEXANDER WRIGHT WIDE RECEIVER Born Juty 19iO ' ·Atexan liefls one 01he mosl e,ciling 'ootbahpl ayers in the ga me Icday He can m akB the big catch the big '"" or the big re rum He IS it game breaker at'/d 8 ga m e w mfl8f. ·· Auburn lNIad coach Pat Dye AleXander, who didn't go oul /0. IOOlb1ll1until his senior year In high schoof, Is relatively inexperienced bul IS spegal beCause 01 hi' worfd-cl speed (40 In 4 43) He IIlso has a 3S4nch leap and bench presses """el/lan double his• bocIy 4 , weighl In ' • 189, .:::mEa and $Uf seleCt· e sact<s FlenaIdO SIIB5O"5. $$ /0 Dhys>t;aI /OOt#




m "HarOld s as ra leme das an y runningbackl V&e V8r CQa cned He is b/9 and strong , With great lmiflct ive mCWes once he gets past the line 01 scrim mage He's 4/s0 vety talented at c atch ing th e b all coming out o,f the ba ckfie ld •• J Sou'h Carolina head coach Spartcy Wood. An uPri9h' slashing '"nner, Harold can penet,ate Inside ane 01/1· side Wl.h powe, and linesse As. sophomore In '87, he 88' a G8J11ecock reco,d with 16.ouehdowns as he lu.had lor 1,022 yards On 229 carries In '89, Harold ,ushad lor 989 yards 10 lilt his caree, 10IaI1O 3,00:; yards, second In school hislory 10 lormer All· P,o running back George Rogers 629 4Ciiif' ROOKIE ERIC GREEN TIGHT END Coatge Year: 1t Hl.. fi '''' 'Nt .: 27. 80m: JuM 22 1967 Savannah GtcfV'& Or.t., S!eelWI t21 1m " Ene Is prototype tight end who re minds me of Au Ff8fICIS, He is one of rt10se guys with u emendou. and gre.' ,/hl. ric a/>lity, The kind of arnle r. h. I. lor his she Is whal make. him specIal• -Uberty head coach So:m Autlgliano Ene was the first pass catcher cnosen ill lI'\e '90 draft He s a devastalIMg blocke, whO knock. opponents ofllho hne, On lOP 01 Ihat, Eric has supple hands and can calch lhe ball In lroHIC He can really move lor such a biO man, In ' B9 Eric rankad 161h In .he nallon with 62 ,eceptions lor 905 ya,ds and 10 louchdowns TWice h. caughl 10 pa.sses In • game and he andad up with five 1DO yard games. 630 OOKIE ANDRE COLLINS OUTSIDE LINEBACKER Co3ege Pwno Stai. ,.. H1 6.,· 1M 22.80m:: May tiM CInnemImon New Jetsey 0caftticI· tSl90 ·'Artdlflls as good a HneOack81 as we V'O had 8IOUnd here Th ere IS nobody wno playad any bell8r, l'Ie'"" not e/odwho 's done .., many_ent tl>lngs-bIockp'Jnts, run the show, be t/Je soul 01the defensNe ro am " Penn Silltl head coaeh Jo. Paterno Originally a salelY, AnO,a p'ayad Imell.cker h,. lasl two cotlli9' seasons and excelled. Speedy and qulc , he .$ excellenl on pass coverage and comaming the run, Asa senior In '89, Andre lad lhe N,nany lion. rn IaclcIeSI« lhe seconctsualgh._ wilh 625 ROOKIE
Sottl '* U'rhinkF,.8dJs a g OOda thJs! l3 fot 8 man his size He mo ves weIJ, Chaf)Q6 s c:trecllOl'J well and h a!J good acceleration Wh al makes Fred s UCh il gOOd footbaJlp.'a y s l l s e h ard 'I.'ork er olf and on the field He underSla.1ds trre gam e an d whal If l akes to be successfuJ. " TCU defensjYI! line c.aach $con Brown Frad, whO addad O'JII, 65 poonds 01 muscl. since he was a ',,,,,h man , Is SIrOf1g (7651>ounesquat) end has excellenl mltlal qUickness and speed.. Oe$pJle mlss,ng Ihree games and seetng limited acuon In rhree others as a senler in t89 he made 47 -.1Ivee sacks,.....,., quat. pressures one deflected pass and OI1e lorCad tYmble. 626 1-9-9-0 ROOKIE MIKE BELLAMY WIDE RECEIVER <".. '" sem-JuM2$. 1966 Dr.Itiea ""Ioke ma y not 118\<. had die mosl CaleM s 01 anyone In _ .ge /oolt/an, bulldonl lila, mete w a$ 4m!J1Sttpi/JJrIIC OIfr(>Ia/ receiver las t year U illinois he.d c.oach John MackCVIJc Mike, a lo""el Junk" College spnnl chernpion, has SIZZling speed (40in4.5) and NII$ wei In IIIe open!iaid Aclllich calcher he lad Ihe Flghling Ulilli and lhird In he Big Ten Con· t.rence WIth 5 I reception, '0( 761 yards and seven TDs as • semonn '89, In a Win 0YlI, on., Stale, M • caught 10 passes I« 152 yards IndUCIng a 34-yard tC>tJClldCl'Nn. H. al$O rankad secood m the naJJOII "uh 14 _ relums fO( 432 yards. an ""1><85sIve 30 9-yard lM!'age 627 .:&iiiI" 1-9·9·0 ROOKI MARK CARRIER FREE SAFETY usce!:..bI t<f tWO hasgrear ra nge and 13 B C1"ernencbU's r&" wtw:hI"fteaffSM es a 10101 Olg plays And"," as as mudr me...." as /JifYCOfIege player I've "/Of _ ""ed... usc !lead coach l.Jury Smith Muscul ar and very physical, Marl< was lhe HnI dellnsive bacIc selectad In the '90 draJt. In '89, he was a conser.sus 'America and lhe WIIlne' of the Jm Thorpe Trophy Marl< lopped the f>ac.IO Confe(ence and tied for 11 th In the nation WIth seven Inlerceplions lor 58 yards In relurns, H. also ,.nkad secone 011 the T A -" ..J..I_ 622 OOKIE KEITH McCANTS INSIDE LINEBACKER CoIIogo -.... HI 6"· W'- 2S4 Bcm: -NotembI'f 19 f9Q DrIbd: Hl80 " Keith Is one oJ besf fo otball I h811e U\l er seen Ha ve you lIVer $eefI .! acker as big as Mis? never ha 'i e He (OOkS lik& an elephant and he lUi1 S a deeI ,. lormer Kentudry head cOlCh Je"Y Clalbome Combimng 9 eal .lrength and slza wilh supe,b C)lJlck/leS$ and Keith was one ol.ha nation's mos. feared college pass rushers In '89 A unanimous AlI·Amenca and runner·up lor the BUlkus Award. he lad Ihe Crimson Tide "'1111119 lacldes as a lunlor In ' 89 He also had tOY, sacks, n,ne quarterbeck pressures and lou, deHected passes, Twice tn one game Kellh registered a 161acl<les. 623 1-9-9·0 ROOKIE JIMMIE JONES DEFENSIVE TACKLE RO KlE ANTHONYJOHNSON FULLBACK --.. 210!10M Ocaobw 20. c.. .,. ...., ·MthotryIS and1<'1 '''''4110",," """ ""'de 1TKX6dfl..rou''utoOlJt.bXD= .". g S4I:CI1!t'I'J8n.. calca:trli and he was excelt!Jn1. Oft teams.. ·' NoIn3 D""", _ COKl1lou Anlhony plays Dogger than his sao ane tilSl.l!< lIlan IUS 4().yard lima (4 B) He is a '''''' lul/ba who IS quid< off lhe ball ."., a strong.lough II1SIde runne'W>lh p/;Intyol muscle.. As "'"I\oor III '89 Anthony I>ogenarallvooclhecallcJownne3n


637 ROOKIE VINCE8UCK CORNERBACK Wis.;:."" 1990 "Vince came In and showed a Jo t of leadership and mSlulity even as a freshma n Ir's m rs (01 a od 10 come in r g h t ou t hig h school and s tart eve r; game State head coach BIlly Joe Tough and cocky, Vonce.s a supert> alhlele who reacts well 10 Ihe ball and has a lIuid backpedal He has lremendouss"anglh end excellent ability ($Inch vertJcalleap), along With a good feet lor the bump-and·run V.nce holds the Marauders' career record ""Ih 30 Interceptions and was a first·leam Uille All· Ameriea as a senlo< In '89 He also excelled •• a kickoff (21 5 ave" age) and punl (18 1) relurner ROOKIE MIKEJONES TIGHT END krw ws th at il he ge ttJ 'It does W onc!BfS for a quarterba ck" confideflce to have a guy rike M ike out thet e He provlrJes • b ig I.fg el. and the qullltetbaCk ba ll O<Jt there it IS goin g t o be ug ht Telt4S A&M head coach
R C Slocum
has Ihe tILe speed and olhlerlc ahiflty ro be an oUlstandlng in Ihe NFL He has soh hands and rarely m ssos a pass agile. Mike "resort Ihelone quickly and knows how 10 open downfield As a senior in '89. he caugh! 38 passes for y8lds and three IOUchdown" Mike was a tV> lunlor colleg. AJI·America, and in '87 caughl 46 passes lor 543 yards and six touchdowns.. 639 ROOKIE CHARLES ARBUCKLE TIGHT END " Cnar;e s 's a gi ft ed player 'Nho sr.ould en;o y a fin e NFL Gal eer He h as the speed and ",c eiVln g ro be a big· ,,,,," ptO tJg hl end " UCLA head coach Terry Donahue ••• pIOdes oU the and runs good .0uI0• Fluid and .ur.-handed, Wlrh eluslvupeed 'or a big man(4Q.n 4 61), ne ,d·lu", 10 Ih. ball well and can make rhe aolt.cull catch .n IraH.c alse a dangerous deop Ihreat He came on ."on9 at Iheend '89 S!8son " h. hi!.!'."'" 634 ROOKIE
CoIoIge- 1.R HL! S'.a.' WI. 221 Born 8- JQ17 InmiInI Dr or.d Cob. RiO " Jen heS SIJOWIl .some tlUltfl$ t ready sran<1 out The- mo st r.o l at::J1olSlhat ar e aMlylDbtmgthe- e311JlrombiibJnd Mt lhe lhal mtn[)teJ 01 the game -Illinois Mad coach John ckOYIC Jeff _Iurno. daz2l§d scoulS at pre-dralt wod<OUIS and ended up one No I selection inrhe ·90drall. H. has-asuper-qu/cl<' """ lemiMCefU of Dan Manno and 8 powerlul arm IIIaI can throw ilia ball 70 yardS ""th ease A ctassoc dropback passer Jeff IS a gooo play·action takar ancs stands welt agaIrm lhe rush fn '89. he led the Bog Ten in rotal otl,n" as he averaged 205 6 yards per game AIllold, Jeff completed 2r 6 passes f0<2 417 yards and t9 TO. lora 132.1 pass ra ng 635 ROO E CARWELL GARDNER FULLBACK _lJonzoHig_(OiInJeadil1g rushe'l whOm I move<1/O I COU/drI ' , alfOtd not 10 havellimtouc/l !hebal20 runes. game. Carwa IS lI<gger, fa ste, e/tcJ s tron ger th an Nortzo. , _ LouISVm. head coa<:h Howard Schnellenhergl!f An AU-Soulheastem COnference delenSiVe end Bl Kenlucky befc>re Iransletring to louiSVIlle. CalweU became one 01 the na· lion's top fullbacks in hIS ona year with lJ\e Cardinal A power· tUllnslde rurmer and an 0UISIanding bloc er he led lhe Ieatn wnI> 595 yards eauglll 46 pa ,or 614 yords and taloned 12 toucltdcrtmS as a senior In '89. 636 ACiiP 1-9-9-0 ROOKIE TERRY WOODEN OUTSIDE LINEBACKER " "'"7 Z32Bom_ .. m,* • ""Y"3CaJi He _ pst • • ".... g _ He ' ''*'Ywhal top IiMbat;i<ets ,..,. :s. .and he arks h8ld. He c I>&.-y >peQIII CowboyS ege '11'" 633 ROOKIE DARRELL THOMPSON RUNNING BACK Botn " Havin g DafTaI m ake oelrer on OtIr fOOlb.:!J team AnytJtro e you hBVe B (alb a wt'Io can gain 000 .rdS 11 gN e s yOUr re am a different look Th aI' s wh y you se arciJ so h ard to frn d IflIIm Minnesota head coach Joltn G:IIlekuflOt Dar"," who has speed. is a powesfufl!lSlde runn.rwirh qUlc teet instmctlve moves and fine acceleration He aJs;o is dangerous oulsid"and IseXiremely lough to bMng down In hI. ,ouriea, career 81 Mrnnesota. Casrell gained over 1,000 yards Ih,eelimes and set tho Gopher o.U-time ru.hong record 'Ni1 h4.:;1RU1IM.I" 1I" ·AO' " 631 ROOKIE LAMAR LATHON INSIDE LINEBACKER .,..., t·n 6'3 'M 2.a 80tn O«::eott'# 23. t96T WhIttOn. Tau 00.Ien; 15· 1990 an deYte /0 ge t 10 /f>e ba' lIfI d make e r_He luomebrxty_C3TI realy flll iif)(J ea lo rollTllflgshifDpen on !he /ooIba' __ Houston hneb.acker c.oIch Brvce Davis Although Lamar mISSed all bUl one game 01 rhe '69 season bec8US801 InjUn"•• hesroll ranked high ,n the 90dr.ft one 01 the natlon s premier llnebac1cers AggI&Ssive and Intense he ran<ed th"d on the CougatSWI1h 103lack1es (60..-os) In '88. ,n· leocepled passes for 41 yards in 'alums. d<lftected thtee and recovered two rumbles. AgaJnsl Ar ansaa, lamar reglslenH:I a seaso l1Igh 15 lac f•• RO JESSE ANDERSON TIGHT END ..... ... .paso..,. . "!I am .... ""1 . Slandtng-. /o'/ris • 6 spe«f'imd M po ' • /10' man, pog<ol MCIs c:omtwre e cba.rac::er.:SbCS u II'1 ,ppt Stlte r-.s OOEh Rockev ""Iker Jesse IS .extremely versatile hsvmg p1&yed ItnebaCker as a Ireshman lig/lt asa JUnior and tOOht s!nror. A Jesse led the
646 TIM GRUNHARD GUARDCol. Notte OAIM 'SI Ht. 6'2" Wt.293 80tn M,I) 17 '* Chago Illinois Dlwrtea.. ChIetJ.40 1990 "Tvn is a thro wback to a day when helmets coukJ be/aided up and stuck In Y OUI back pocke t H 'N ould lo ve footb all !i'ol en mor e if he did n t ha l/ eto wear a fa ce mask• NOlie Dame head coach lou Hottz A mosslV8 man who IS tough, aggressweand naslY, Tim can play anywhere on the offensive Ii"" Ha is a particularly ""ceIlenl deep St1apperwunveloCltyandaccuracy 11'\ '89. TIm was a comefStone the InS/1 offensive line that paved lhe way for 287 7 yards rushing per game and a school record 42 rushing touchdown• III Strong and c:ompetitive.. he huslle5 allthaltme and gets good move• man I In hi. run block• 647 ROOKIE RON COX OUTSIDE LINEBACKER " Ron can play for anyboO'Y in the country He has tremendous ,BCce/erelton as a pass rushe r and he IS very, very !ltong. He IS a dom inan t force Wllh o ul quesrJOl1 litany people ta lk about Impact playefs. but Claude Gilben Ron • redshln louMh-year lunior was a fmallst for lhe prestlglou. Butkus Award and one 01 the tOj) defensive playe", fn the nallon In '89 He led the NCAA Wllh 280S sacks and had 98 tackle• • A superb athlete With long. siiong arms, Ron Is an excellent pass rustler"lh outstanding quic!<ness and upfleld accelerauon He tOIaf!. ed 47 sacks In hiS carear 648 .:&iiff' ROOKIE KEITH SIMS GUARD College SIaIo '" tu 67· 31" 110M 17 WoIdulg "-.s...y 0!0I:0d 00Ipt>n0 199O " Th ol e /s not a bellet olfen2:Jve lineman In lIle Big eigh t Con· f erence , and tn ere are no1 many playing better anywh6re else Xeirhis /CJst l<icklllg rhe tBl out 01 """'l'!>odYhe:S piayng /ie 's play· in g tigh,. out ., loW. Stele !lead COlIC" Jim Waldan Versatile and massive, KeIth can play anywhere on the OHBOSJVG lin. guard.laakle orcenler Despite hlo.lze. helS flgillon his feal and vary al"fetlc On 10j) of lhat. Keilh has tremendous strel1llth (bench cresses over 450 ooundsl and Is verv OUlck and OOKIE DARION CONNER INSIDE LINEBACKER eoaog., Jac>:scn StQe _ "' HI · 67' WI 256""""_a,,,,,, _""'­ '21_ " Oanon IS wh a t Y()(J look. for in a lin ebacker He has. sizo , speed quickness and strength. He is a tenBCiOus hmer and his speed enables him to proylde eXf:8llrlnI man- o-man coverage on righ t oM s an d running backs Jackson Stale 1>ead coach W C Comen Darian i$ remarl<ably SlIong, super quiCk and haS OUI anding speed for hi. Size He is an explosive pass r_and he attacl<s a bali ea{rler with fury Ha 100 • and plays like you guessed it-lawrence Taylor fn '89 Danon registered 12 5 sacks and mad. 130 tackles. For the third season;n .r<IN. he was Alf Soulhwestem Athlelle Conf.rance 644 ROOKI MIKEFOX DEFENSIVE TACKLE CoIeoo w...v '" HI n· w. m n. A>guofs. 0h0 mil Aii""." arrJ.nosetS, _tad fDUgh 'OOIDaIpiC i '" I we naa'OO I{S As de/enS-. e go he may be rne OeS! lIe "lo e e ver hed an "'IM se e nd rvenlBd guy WHt VirgInia head coach Don IMhte" Tough and mean. Mlke playo low and controls Ille line Hets hard 10 move out and Udnve a bIoef<et in 0 the _ Mike came • lor 105 yards In Iosse. and rlOCOfded 7 tackles weighed only 215 when he armed al Morganlown and built huns.1f UP With. s tenuous welgh t-Irajnmg proglam It paid of With AU-Eastern College AII1IeIJC ConI 1IonIn. 645 4i3iE' RO E CARY CONKLIN QUARTERBACK ..... 'CaIyhe•• CMaIrI chamma 1hot)""catI t_ He wasbom wttfI Bes.d>s a 01 his talent at if he reeks Wirh oonfidttnoe Wellhlngton ott.....",. coonIinator GIllY Pinkal Cary 1$111. ideal SIZe lor an NFl quane_ and has an remarl<. ably powerlul arm. fxIz&rneIy _. he Is tough and is afusivewhen forced to SClarnble ln ·89. Caryset Hu.'ue season record. WIl/12.589 D8SSU1O vards and 2.052 vord.,n 10101 640 .:SCiiiEe ROOKIE DENNIS BROWN DEFENSIVE TACKLE Born ... "=. " We dId not block Oerams or even tDuCI) It.", Vert mUCIJ l a st ye ar He wa S'" ovr baCl<fieId d ay • ' USC heM! coach LM1y Smith For a player SO rnaSSN8 Denni. tIas good speed"!,d quldcness. Ha IS. fine athlota with excellenf bafance and aglfity Dennis IS lough to block and h., the quiCkness to gel to the quanerback Despite mlsstng three garnesbe<:ause 01. foot Injury In ·89. he recorded 37 tad<fes and had three sacl<s. Tweive of Ius lackles were tor 40 yards in losses As a sophomofe Dennis career.highsln lackles (72) IIJId sacks (9). tnchided In hIS haul were 19 lacklas foe 97 yards III tosses the second best tOlal in HU$kJe hisl01'( 641 ROOKIE JAMES WILLIAMS CORNERBACK 642 1-9-9·0 ROO 8ERN BROSTEK CENTER " Bam t> ben an ou's lXJIIlI<*>gposiliDnlorus....-, ""l' " to COtnrI '" or>d .,. "" goat! iI JfIb" a.-n WosIIOn91on _ ._or Sarn tha oItel\Slve picKBO Ina 90 an: haS pI3yorllGSCiI The 1OIHaled "· in college Bemml$So ed O<Ity one game in his four·) ear_. lie IS •t...._I.. _-J



80IR When Steve get s 8100nd the goal line. he is extra special He has a nose for It an d he Is SO lo w it is harcl to stop hIm w ithout giving up yardage : unless you stop him in Ihe backfield " _ Wuhlngton State hud coach Mike price Steve is sheft. but not small An exP'osNe runner wnh uemen dous speed (40 in 4.45). he has a low center of grallilyand iSlOU!lh 10 bnng down In '89. Sieve who has long arms .nd soli hands, rushed for t.237 y.rds and .,.ughl39 passes fO( 326 yard• • He alSO set a Cougar record wilh 104 poOnlS and had a 28.4-yard kickoff return average In '88. Sieve rushed for 1,280 yards; In ' 87, he caughl 59 passes. ROOKIE
QUARTERBACK a:,. 1990 " Peter Tom ha s 8 stron g 8rm an d Is int eJllgent He alSO has maturity. Wien a couple 01 b rea ks , he c o uld have been (){Jr No. , a coach Bobby Bowden Sman confident and poised , Peler Tom has oUISlanding ac· cu racY and tOUCh He Is. fine scrambler and can Ihrow the balf • mile In '89, Pelar Tom set Saminole season records when I\e completed 211 passe. f0(3.124 yards. He .Iso loosed for20iDs and had SIX games With over 300 yardS passing In Ihe Fiesla Bewl Peter Tom was VOled MVP when he completed 25 0140 p es for 422 yards and five TO•. 652 .4Ciiif' ROOKIE TIMRYAN DEFENSIVE END usc­ 'fer [$ 0'3" Nt... 2!5 1.'/.110 "Tim is cr. e o f aroutld_ He's a gU} who never seems 0 Oe sc'!JS!Ied K 'T f: {JlJshes ItI$ ability to the max rll'n seems (0 .$51goa and he ap:;.ears ready to approach 111 '11 he JUSl ps lip a norch. USC delenslve line coach Kevin Wollllaosen TTmhaslernfic""lInClsfortoolbalJ and goes aU out on every IIlay He has good firsl-Step qUICkness and can play any positIOn on ilia defensive Une In 89. Tim led the Pac·10and sata Trojan I••m record with 20 sacks ran ed Ihlrd on the feam Wllh 103 taeldes for 127 yards In losses. forced three fumbles and recovenul another. 656 657 ROO DEXTER CARTER RUNNING BACK o, FIoncaS.. 're,ar bJ Ht 5'8· 'M 68 BOfA s.ptwnoer 15. '167 Geotgu 0ratt.:I 4geB m TWO " The great ihfrr g a bout Dexler ,s/7e 's \' He n catch the bait and he IS (JurabJ4lorn" srze w e SfNVe s as a challen ge fo h im He bflstles ar sl.l g geslionS th a r he 's roo smajJ .0 Fiend. Slite heac! coach Bebby Bewden DeXier is a spaedy game·breaker mIlCh UKe tM G,ants Dave Meggell He has an e.plos burst and sizzflng Speed (40 in 4.44) 10 ilia outside Elu'M! and &gJIe Dexler also an outstand· ,na oass recerver and klc relumer fn 99 he rushed fe>r 684 653 .",. .4Ciiiff' 00 JEFFMILLS OUTSIDE LINEBACKER "Je/fhaspl8yedrofu'" HaIla, beM a.. do>< yr"tJf:e{1. ed ant) he has done ,t i1 /ht _ 100m and on the rrom 01 the pre$3 TIra , is w"y /I /0/ at peopI8..-1oo1r him _ asaIsw1t c h Tony Samuel Jell. wno IS only 21 , IS prOjected to eact> 81 250 pounds when he finaUy SlOPS growing 1ucI> s bed news for opposing quanerbacks Quick and las II<! reads pIa}'$ well and IS hard "rner In '89. Jell wos an E>ght Con ere""" selectIOn as he ranked th Ird on tile Comhusl<.m wi h 58 tacI<Jes He aiso recorded 11ve8sact<S """ 0 quat.temac _r... 1n ' 88, Jell had 50 tac:kles and I " sacI<s. 654 RO RICKY PROEHL WIDE RECEIVER FiIc>yMs _a'ltmJ AI>d he good """""",alIO!I "',,' /<t!&<:k 01 , I'Ienaste .te s State hoeK coaeh Ok;k Sheridan 649 ROOKIE AUON MONTGOMERY STRONG SAFETY 8'0"' on t9I Soroa Jva, 6" • G«wgII 0I1IaII1 8ronclot _"52 t ggQ rhe5IlOl1g (e lY" eOJgpiayman AI:otI has 4l role " ) H4 q u al,Ue s lilldhis ry top.y /be. run and_ eqw//y wo puI Alton U! a C/ass D)' ·- Houslonder.r1Ol,,"coordlnato,Jlmeddy WOI'O of warning 0 Fl 1de rec;ervel$! on is an exploSIVe oo.....,arrinQ Jade Tatum-type tunor Mean and tough 'Mlh ma"",Jous at/llelJl: alI4hty and long arms. II<! IS. demon againsl tile run and has good range in pass cove"'98-ln '89 Allan had 67 tackles and rve sad<$ He amassed four oj lhem and 10 rackJes. In a Vootn 0'18' '8)(:as For 11" second stral ghl year, Alton was 80 AlI-5WC se1ecuon. 650 .......... .-OKIE GREG McMURTRY WIDE RECEIVER SCD" MITCHELL QUARTERBACK Scon.aredSl> nas :eola ugm end• • potYerlul illXlJla!e _ e ..-. _ a dropOack sou pusen<hO nas a :liCe IOUCn III'IG sets up Playmg rn a o(o-l'lOO oIlense ". t'es Sco< 237 '" U4




Botn "June 7=, The lasl runnIng back selected in lhe 1990 draft, Judd is a steady, aU'rounQ player who comes oft Ihe ball well and can lind holes tnskle A rough competitor he runs hard and sets up blocks nicely Judd, in hi Ihree ye ars as. Tiger , .el school career records for rushing anempt5 (687 yardS), yards (3.109) anQ touchdowns (32), and rankad th d wilh 137 calches Sman and pattenl Judd broke Princeton Bjngle-season marks with 1 347 yards rushing and 14 TOs as a senior In '69 Showing he came 10 play, Judd also lad Ihe leam with r cepllon. lor 351 yards anQ three IOuehdowns He was named Ivy League Play.r of Ihe Vear
The last wide receiVer plCkad In the 90 draft, Ellion h.slO aver· come hissmall size 10 ma1ce II In Ihe pros OtherHise , he is load ed wfth speed run. good patterns anQ has a ma""elous pair of handS A gamKre"er Iype, Elliott averaged 15 2 YBld> as he gainad 1,142 yards and scored elghllouchdov.ns on 75 r"""pb()ns in his ihra...year career wrth lhe Jaguars As a senior In '69 he loppad Ihe learn wilh 30 calches lor 629 yard. and four touchdowns as he avet'aged 21 yards per catch " A3 a receiver Elliot! Is like a w81er bug," said Soulhern receIver Derek Price " Vou Iry 10 $Wal al him and you miss He's always moving and t>e' hard 10 gel 10."
CoIiege LOUiIAtna TIIId) VNr lat H 'M 17'8 Bor n. JInU l!llty 27, 1988 Dill... T-.q Oran.d Ol.nll ,,3:32'. t990 Malt who was drafted Ihird from last In 1990, was rated the No 2 kickerIn the n atIOn In one scouting 5eMC8 An accurate kicke r wllh a vary SlrOng leg, Me bootslhe ball well for dislance Man .el a Bulldog career record wllh seven field goalS of 50 YBlds or more Including a scIIooI reoord57·yarder ogalnsl TexasA&M Ihal Cleared Ihe c rossbar by l le.ol10 yards All laid Ihe he kicked 64 field goals In ee 8uempls andmada 700172 extra poon1S. The only 1WO he mi ssed wera bIOcI<ad Mati slarted 0" ImpressIVely as a freshman when he bocltedllh,'eeof Ihres field goals in hi firsl game Man went on to lead the ream in scoring wUh 62 poln ls TIGHT ENO-RAIDERSTI' CoIteg• ....,.. IS: H1 n 1 1 2'J.5 Boot" Jl:nuaIY 3.. VaAe1o. o,ahId ' 1990 Tha lastptayer chosen In ihe 1990drah Demetrius nonetheless has somelhings going for him He Is. taJenled p85S cotcller whO can run anQ leap onlle baiL A good alhlete, Dememu.can go deep With " uld deceplive slride. and has soli h anQ. II he could bulk up and work On his blocking , he mlghl ba a pleasan t surpnse for Ih8 Aalders. Oemelnu. was AII·Big Sky Conference second team as • senior in 69 , ranking second on Ihe Waif Pac 'NJih 33 recapbons for 539 yards and sevan touchoown. to finIOh on 'h e team Demet rius nad a 69' yard TO c.uch and averaged IS Oyardo, LlNEBACKER-CAROINALS TM Sott);June 1333 · 1990 Ken , who staned at cornerback as a senior for the Sooners In 69, Is projecled as a nlCkel-bac finebaCl<er for the Cordinals In '90, A hard hili'" w,lh goOChpeed { 4 59 In 40) , helotaJled 25 l ackJes ( 16 solos) and danaelad a pass as a slatter to '69 The year before, Ken Slarted al tree fety, rna ng 47 tacktes (37 solos) and deHecting three pa He also had two inlerception.s lor Sl re turn yardS As 8 "",homor. In '67 Ken eamOCl a fetler as a nickel He "" ')Q J_I"''' lac f?'1 .Ann II OJIU A red fUll TO NO Rf:C u • GoD

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