ESNE Undergraduate and graduate programs

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The biggest Design campus in Spain

Undergraduate and graduate programs

Welcome to ESNE We are a University Centre, which is highly regarded for providing integrated training in the areas of design, innovation and technology, contributing to the invigoration and advancement of the Creative and Digital Industry. To date, 1200 students have received specialised official training in our classrooms for more than a decade. ESNE academic staff meets the level of excellence demanded by ANECA. Our lecturers have a full range of experience in the creative and technological industries. ESNE also carries out intensive research and technology transfer through its R & D & I and its links to cutting edge companies in each design field. Our passion for creativity, combined with new technology, is also demonstrated in our specialised state-of-the art facilities, making ESNE a leading University Centre in the training of the designers of the future.

International One of ESNE’s key attributes is the ability to offer students a truly international education, boosting their mobility abroad, as well as integrating English into our academic program. Students can enjoy the unique experience of being part of the Erasmus Program or one of the international agreements, which offer the chance of an exchange with different European or non-EU universities. They also have the opportunity to travel abroad as part of their academic training. Added to this, the students can also participate in an exchange program for young entrepreneurs. This program offers them the chance to work for a company in the European Union, reinforcing their necessary business development skills.

Madrid is the political, financial and cultural capital of Spain. The academic, leisure, and sports facilities make it an icon for young people. Besides headquartering many companies, it has the biggest Google Campus in the world, so its commitment to the creative industry and multiculturalism make it the perfect place for students worldwide to enjoy the best university experience.

‘Design the future you imagine’

University-Company Our University-Company relationships are vital to the professional success of the students. That’s why ESNE has signed more than 500 working agreements with different companies, and has developed an ecosystem of businesses and institutions that collaborate with the academic activities. They offer their advice and an exchange of experiences, with the involvement of professionals in projects developed by students, participation in events and in the exhibition of each program’s final project. There is also an entrepreneurial space which acts as a hub for projects and business acceleration. Students are able to acquire competencies and skills that help them enter the job market with their own projects.

Design & Technology FabLab “The space where ideas are generated” ESNE’s FabLab is a workshop and research laboratory with state-of-the-art digital manufacturing equipment and machinery such as 3D and sintered printers, thermoformer, laser cutter, oscilloscope, digital embroidery machine, weaving machine, electronic welding kits, revolutionary virtual design technology Shima Seiki and a CNC digital machining centre. In short, an innovative space with machinery at the forefront of technology, unique for a leading centre in the training of the designers of the future.

Virtual Reality “A new future for video games” VR is revolutionising the way people play videogames. Devices such as PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Live or Samsung Gear VR allow the player to experience a sense of total immersion in the game. Likewise, VR is being applied to other areas such as education, simulators, health or cinema. The Bachelor of Arts in Video Game Design and Development is constantly being renewed and adapted to the reality of the business world, incorporating the teaching of this avant-garde technology into its curriculum.

High Tech “Digital University Centre” ESNE has 7 high performance computer laboratories, adapted and updated according to the rhythms of technological evolution. The classrooms are equipped with 22-inch Wacom Cintiq graphic tablets, HP Z230 Workstations with expanded hardware for optimal performance in digital graphics and Mac OSX computers equipped with a virtual machine to work with programming-oriented Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server and creating apps.

MediaLab “The multimedia laboratory that brings projects to life”

Materials Library “Design with innovative materials”

Thanks to an agreement with Material ConneXion, ESNE is the first University School Fully equipped with Canon, Nikon and JVC digital which has a physical archive of materials and video and photo cameras; spotlights and flashes, innovative and sustainable transformation processes. This means the students have microphones and sound recorders, poles, access to the exhibition of 300 materials every chroma screens, tripods, Oculus Rift virtual year, selected by an international jury of experts, reality glasses, video mapping software, etc. The and to an online archive with more than 7,000 lab allows the student’s ideas and projects to be materials further enriched with 40 new items transformed into audio-visual reality. each month and classified in several categories. This is acomplete catalogue, which allows students to incorporate cutting-edge materials into their academic and professional projects. Shima Seiki “The fourth technological revolution” The Japanese software and hardware Shima Seiki allows to obtain a virtual prototype of a fabric or garment before its preparation, after designing a pattern in three dimensions on an avatar, thus saving production costs before sale. ESNE is the only university centre that has invested in this revolutionary software for the technical training of new professionals in the textile industry.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Fashion Design The creative talent of designers and the strategic vision of major businesses have placed the Fashion sector in the international limelight. ESNE, deeply conscious of the potential and market demand, was the first to offer an official Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design, placing ourselves at the forefront of the sector.

In our University School students develop their skills to strengthen their professional abilities in all areas of Fashion: cutting, dressmaking, pattern making, scaling, styling, fabrics and materials, marketing and communication. Everything is within the theoretical-practical context, which increases their creative capacity and artistic sensibility. Experts in the world of Fashion have to develop an integrated vision, which would allow them to understand the entire creative and production process. Therefore, the Degree Curriculum meets the needs of a professional sector that demands new, more qualified and specialised profiles; responding to a competitive industry, where art and creativity merge with communication and business realities. “ESNE has given me fashion training with a global vision, uniting design, technology and business.” Elena Bermejo - Student of ESNE Fashion Design Program

ERICK BRANDON Aekuus, Final Project [4th year]

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Interior Design “Participating in real projects, competitions and international workshops prepares you for a future in Interior Design.” Carlos Vivó - Student of ESNE Interior Design Program

Interior Design is currently a growing sector since it has become fundamental in the process of responding to a consumer who, when acquiring products or services, aims for authentic experiences and emotions. Also, the demand for interior designers is expanding rapidly because of the important added value they bring to organisation, design and communication areas. This professional profile works in different environments to provide them with functional, liveability and aesthetic qualities. Students on the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Design at ESNE combine their ability to create emotional highly connected environments and utilise design languages connected to brands and users with excellent technical training: modelling, 3D rendering and video editing.

RAÚL CADARSO Necrópolis, Final Project [4th year]

Furthermore, the student works with all aspects of space: scale, proportion, configuration, figuration, lighting, materials and colour; in order to develop environments adapted to human needs: commercial premises, offices and catering, housing, film sets, television sets, museum projects, stands or events. Students will be able to work on all scales, to operate in public space, to devise virtual environments or design pieces of furniture.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Multimedia and Graphic Design A Graphic Designer is a key figure between a brand or company and its customer or consumer. Their design is the engine of the economy and essence of the productive and cultural development of a country. All companies or organisations need Graphic Design for international growth and expansion.

The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Multimedia and Graphic Design is structured in five major areas of knowledge to stimulate and develop the following competencies: thinking, analysis, research and creation; graphic creation, including related disciplines such as illustration and photography; video creation, 2D animations, 3D and advertising postproduction; web design and apps; advertising, both in the creative area and in the art direction. Students also work with real briefings developed by companies.

The current market demands multi-skilled designers and ESNE thoroughly prepares their students to be able to face even the most complex design projects, which require the knowledge and use of all multimedia techniques and tools. “The future is set by innovative talent. ESNE gives me all the tools I need to achieve it.” Nerea López Student of ESNE Multimedia and Graphic Design Program

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Product Design

MARTA ZORITA Chaise longue sketch, 15th Andreu World Contest [2nd year]

“From the very first year we have been able to successfully produce our ideas for internationally recognised businesses.” Amaya Steensma - Student of ESNE Product Design Program

MARÍA DE MIGUEL Vasik, Final Project [4th year]

Product Design is a discipline that combines art, science, technology and business strategy, and is aimed at improving the user experience and adding value to everything that surrounds it. The Product Designer is faced with the need to define everyday objects, in a constant process of redefinition. This is why, during their training, the students acquire competences related to geometric control and mastery of the behavior of materials and their different industrial production methods, technological innovation and interaction. Because of this, the analysis of the life cycle of an object and the capacity for complex spatial thinking also become necessary basic competences. In addition, the Product Designer must identify brand positioning, manage and develop their creativity, analyse their potential consumers and be familiar with the latest innovations. ESNE is the first and only university centre in Spain to offer a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Video Game Design and Development

The video game industry goes beyond the development of cultural products for entertainment and leisure. Video game developers present themselves as professionals capable of providing creative solutions for sectors as diverse as health, education, architecture or engineering. ESNE pioneered offering the world of video games the scientific and academic status it required, creating the first Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Video Game Design and Development.

III BONES STUDIO Steam Force, Final Project [4th year]

“In ESNE I’ve found what I was looking for: the creative and technical environment to train me for the professional world of video games.” Irene Espejo - Student of ESNE Video Game Design and Development Program

Students acquire and apply their know-how of state-of-the-art computer and design tools to be able to carry out all kinds of applications for computers, mobile devices, consoles or the Internet, both inside and outside the video game industry. This therefore multiplies their potential job opportunities. Students also accrue highquality academic and professional experiences thanks to work training in business and the creation of portfolios full of real projects. ESNE’s experience and trajectory have the endorsement of the video game industry and explicit recognition with prestigious awards such as the Sony PlayStation Awards.

Official British Certification

Animation The Official British Certification in Animation immerses the student in one of the most booming and internationally-growing creative industries within the cinema and video games field. It aims to provide the students with comprehensive training, allowing them to master character, environment and effects design, thanks to artistic specialisation and the use of professional software used within this industry. The curriculum combines classic and digital 2D Animation with 3D cinematic techniques, allowing students to master the art of animation. From the outset, the student will develop individual and group projects in which they will enhance their creativity to control the entire process of creating animations, both for video games and for the audiovisual industry. Some of the key trends in the field of animation are the importance of educational content, stereoscopic 3D, social television, transmedia, storytelling and digital licensing, amongst others.

DIEGO PORRAL Old Tech, Animated 3D Short Film [2nd year]

ESNE has the best conditions to develop a technical and artistic vision and, thanks to an agreement with the University of Wolverhampton, students complete their training in the United Kingdom during their last academic year. “In ESNE you find that what you previously admired about others is equally possible in yourself; there is no limit when you appreciate it.” Aurora Martínez - Student of ESNE Animation Program

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Master Degree

Master Degree


User Experience

Applied Technologies and Digital Business

for Product Design and Digital Services

ESNE offers the only Master’s program in Spain that combines Fashion Design and Digital Business. This graduate program has been effectively granted by the Education Department and is valid at an international level.

User experience is decisive in the selling of goods and services, responding to new professional demands. There are disruptive factors based on the new technological uses and communicative practices among new generations, which force the adaptation of the design of products to innovative and dynamic guidelines in line with these transformations.

This challenging course emerges as a response to the new paradigms of the sector and the need of training professionals who are abreast of the latest technological advances. The ever-evolving Fashion Industry is currently experiencing its fourth industrial revolution and a boom in digital marketing and e-commerce. This new reality requires specific training like the Master Degree in Fashion: Applied Technologies and Digital Business, preparing new technological professionals and digital entrepreneurs, with management and leadership skills, with a global vision of the exercise. Design, Technology and Company meet in a single program to lead this new digital era.

From the conviction of the need to adapt to the references that mark the technological and innovative fashions, the Master Degree in User Experience for Product Design and Digital Services is born. Its main objective is to train qualified professionals in one of the most demanding areas of work within the digital content industry. This Master is a pioneering response in Spain, consistent with the avant-garde alliance between ESNE-University School of Design, Innovation and Technology and TelefĂłnica R & D, a leader in the creation of user experience teams (UX). The result is a training program adjusted to the growing demand for employment in aspects previously neglected by Higher Education: Design focused on User Experience. In addition, the program is an innovative model in terms of University-Company collaboration, while activating the necessary transfer of knowledge between both sectors and combining the rigor of university education with cutting-edge professional practice in digital content companies.

Undergraduate and graduate programs

Facilities 8000 m2 designed for learning and practice

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Programs

+400 computers with specific design software

Fashion Design

1200 m2 of workrooms

Multimedia and Graphic Design

Dressmaking and Pattern making workroom

Video Game Design and Development

Leather workroom

Interior Design

Shima Seiki classroom

Product Design

FabLab workroom and research laboratory

Graduate Programs Master Degree in User Experience for Product Design and Digital Services

3 Drawing Studios Cintiqs Classroom

Master Degree in Fashion: Applied Technology and Digital Business

400 m2 Chill-Out Zone

Associate Degree in 3D Animations, Games and Interactive Environments

Multispace Room / MediaLab

Official British Certification in Animation

Campus based in the centre of Madrid Avenida Alfonso XIII, 97 28016 Madrid (+34) 915 552 528 Metro: Colombia, Alfonso XIII, Av. de la Paz Bus: 40, 7, 87, 11 esne_es esne

400-seat auditorium Library / Screening Room Cafe / Rest Area Student’s Store

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