Survival Guide 2018 by ESN Portugal

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S U R V I V A L G U I D E for your international mobility

EDITORIAL ERASMUS STUDENT NETWORK PORTUGAL Editors: Communication Committee of the Erasmus Student Network Portugal Copyright: Erasmus Student Network Portugal Edition: 11600 units Coordination: Luís Morais, Luís Ribeiro, Teresa Marques e Hugo Silveira Gouveia Design: Teresa Baganha Content: Carlos Costa, Cláudia Aragão, Gabriel Rodrigues, Jéssica Alves e Patrícia Alexandra To the fourteen ESN sections across Portugal, thank you for your contribution.




W E LC O M E TO P O R T U G A L Welcome note by ESN Portugal Welcome note by National Agency What is the Erasmus+ Programme What is the Europass Mobility


THE ERASMUS STUDENT NETWORK What is ESN? Which projects do we have for you? Which services do we have for you? Which events do we organise for you? ENM Welcome & Spring Editions


SURVIVING IN PORTUGAL Healthcare Accommodation Mobile Services (Vodafone) Finance and Post Services Learning Portuguese Getting around: Transportation

D I S C OV E R I N G P O R T U G A L North


Centre Lisboa And The Tejo Valley Alentejo Algarve Madeira Aรงores



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Dear International students, I would like to welcome you to our lovely country, on behalf of the Portuguese volunteers from the Erasmus Student Network Portugal. As a former Erasmus student, my advice is to enjoy your mobility period as much as possible. It will be one of the best years of your life! You will make a lot of new friendships, have awesome adventures, get in touch with various cultures and learn different forms of education. By the end of this journey, I guarantee you that you will not want to go back home! Our local sections will strive to make your staying in Portugal an unforgettable experience. Throughout the academic year, cultural activities, trips and social events will be organised. You have no excuse not to meet other international students, know Portugal by travelling and learn things about other cultures. I can only thank my hosting ESN section, while I was abroad, for making my Erasmus period so much better! In this Survival Guide, you will find everything about ESN (specially our projects, services and events), small secrets and tips from all the regions in Portugal and general information about healthcare, accommodation and mobile services. Make sure you take all the advantage from the discounts that we have for you! And do not forget: Join your local ESN section when you return to your country. Besides extending your Erasmus spirit, you will be able to work on improving the staying of the international students in your university and city. Welcome to Portugal and make the best of your time abroad!

1 LuĂ­s Morais, President of ESN Portugal




The Portuguese ERASMUS+ National Agency – Education & Training welcomes all that have chosen Portugal to live their ERASMUS experience. We hope you have the opportunity to get to know our cultural singularities as well as recognise the quality of our higher education system, and develop your linguistic skills in Portuguese or any other language. Enrich your food taste with our seducing gastronomy, fall in love with our varied landscapes while listening to our enchanting music. After this, you will certainly feel inspired for your future, and it is in Portugal that it begins! The PT NA takes this Programme very seriously dealing everyday with thousands of students’, graduates’, professionals’ and institutions’ futures working towards a better Europe and a more balanced world. From the PT NA you may expect the best possible practices and procedures. You are now an active part of this great exchange and a real European citizen living this unique right of yours to freely move around within our continent to study, work and live! CONTACTS A: Praça de Alvalade, 12, 1749-070 Lisboa - PORTUGAL T: +351 210 101 900 E:



Erasmus+ is the EU’s Programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe, since 1987. In a constantly changing world, EU wanted to equip its citizens with better education, skills and creativity to face the challenges. The programme can develop the educational systems through opportunities for students (volunteering, jobs, studies, traineeships) and for staff (professional development activities and workshops). Also, it can increase: • Cooperation between institutions; • Cooperation between companies and higher education institutions sharing knowledge; • Cooperation outside the EU through joint projects to modernise teaching methods and materials. Erasmus+ is the Programme for boosting skills and employability providing opportunities for over 4 million Europeans between 2014 and 2020. It also offers the possibility to go beyond the European borders.


T H E E U R O PA S S M O B I L I T Y ?

It is a document to register knowledge and skills acquired in another European country, for the purpose of education or vocational training: an internship; a study period or a voluntary placement. It provides information on the experience acquired; facilitates a job search and/or a learning opportunity in the EU, by giving greater visibility to the results achieved; is a personal document that contains individual information and can be an annex to the CV. This document is recognized in all countries of the European Union, European Economic Area and candidate countries. Where can I get the Europass Mobility - To obtain the document, the applicant must participate in a learning pathway mentioned above, carried out in one of the eligible countries as part of a project agreed between two institutions - the sending institution and the host institution.




The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation founded in 1989 to develop and promote student exchange. ESN is the biggest student association in Europe, working with more than 800 Higher Education institutions in over 39 countries, gathering around 34.000 young volunteers (active members and buddies) under the motto “students helping students”. ESN operates on three levels: local, national and international. It works for a more flexible and mobile education environment, enhancing student exchange and providing a multicultural experience to those unable to have a period abroad (“internationalisation at home”). ESN works towards the interests of international students, improving their social and academic integration, representing their needs and rights and motivating students to study abroad. Most of our members are former exchange students. Their understanding concerning a foreign environment is what makes them suited for helping, thus, improving the experience of incoming students. In fact, many ESN sections were set up by former exchange students. ESN aims for a more cultured and experienced young society, ready to make a change in Europe’s future, motivated and open-minded. Therefore, every action contributes to the development of the network, as well as its volunteers.



ESNportugal esnportugal ESNportugal ESNpt Erasmus Student Network Portugal




SOCIALERASMUS SocialErasmus is an international project by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) that promotes a social attitude among young citizens participating in mobility Programmes, to facilitate their integration into the local community while gives them the chance to make a long lasting social change in society through volunteering activities.

M OV I N ’ E U R O P E The aim of the project is to promote mobility opportunities using the strength of ESN, namely our capacity to share real-life experiences. We aim not only to promote Erasmus mobility Programmes but also a wide variety of opportunities targeted at young people, students and young graduates (volunteering, internships, traineeships, student exchange, travelling, etc).

E XC H A N G E A B I L I T Y ExchangeAbility is a long-term project of ESN whose main aim is to promote mobility opportunities and accessible Higher Education possibilities for students with disabilities. Additionally, ESN also wants to provide the conditions and opportunities for students with disabilities to actively participate in student life as well as raise awareness of the local communities about the topic.

R E S P O N S I B L E PA R T Y Responsible Party is a project run across Europe with more than 174,000 students participating to date. Using the peer-to-peer approach, students and ambassadors organise activities during parties in a fun and engaging way with the aim of raising awareness on the harmful health effects of alcohol consumption.





HOUSERASMUS+ The project aims to identify the challenges and best practices around accommodation for international students and trainees. Based on these information, we will make concrete recommendations and advocate for an improved situation for all mobile students and trainees in Europe.

ERASMUSINTERN provides a service where organisations and companies can publish their traineeships, to which students can apply or search for opportunities abroad. It aims to bring to light international traineeship opportunities and integrate students in the European job market.

E S N B U D DY ESNbuddy is a project which will reinforce one of our fundamental values: “students helping students�. The main aim of the project is to bring the Network together by sharing best practices of how local buddy systems are managed.





LO C A L E V E N T S Staying at home is not an option facing all the weekly ESN events happening around the country. Every section has its own Programme, but you sure can count on sports and cultural activities, trips, pubcrawls and eurodinners in each one. There is also a Buddy Programme, to which international students can apply, getting a local student to help with their integration. A Tandem Programme is also available for language exchange in a teachand-learn concept. Be a part of all of this and make the best out of your exchange experience!


E R A S M U S N AT I O N A L G A M E S Erasmus National Games is our national sports event, gathering teams of exchange students from every portuguese ESN section for two days of healthy competition, fair play and fun. You can join the local team or simply cheer for your mates. The winning team will represent Portugal in the International Erasmus Games, so hurry up and start warming up!


April 25th - 28th

ENM - Erasmus National Meeting: Yes, around 1000 international students gathering together in a Spring break concept for four days of sun sports, beach activities and parties. The best time of your exchange experience, some would say. So talk to your local section and get your spot for the best event ESN Portugal has prepared for you!


The ENM Welcome Edition is an international students’ gathering similar to the Spring Edition. An immersive cultural experience into a natural environment. Those last rays of Summer cannot go to waste. In this event, you will get to make the most out of it. Describing it as an unforgettable experience is not enough.



Citizens from the EU member states benefit from the same treatment and costs as a portuguese citizen within the National Health Service (SNS) by showing the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If your country is not included in this category, you must get some kind of medical insurance or health benefits arrangement throughout your stay in Portugal or, after 3 months living in Portugal, you can also apply to the National Health Service Card in any local Health Centre or Loja do CidadĂŁo, getting the same healthcare as any portuguese citizen. To get an appointment you must go to the nearest health centre or hospital, carrying your EHIC. Although hospital treatments have a small fee associated, any other examination such as x-rays and lab exams may be charged aside. Dental treatment is usually not under the portuguese public health Programme. There is always a pharmacy open at any hour and you can check the ones open at Sundays or during the night on the green cross or on the information posted at the entrance of the nearest pharmacy.



Every portuguese university has offcial student residences/dormitories for which you can apply as a student and live the college life along with many other students. You can also look for a room in a house of your choosing but try to get someone trustworthy to help you find a good and safe place to stay. Bills and rent costs may vary depending on the region. Another issue in finding a house is that many landlords probably don’t speak english so it can be hard to get a good housing contract on your own.

Some tips on finding a place: • Check the local newspapers or accommodation offers in your university or ESN section (it may have a deal for Erasmus students) or websites in house renting; • It can be hard to find a place with a formal contract that provide a legal agreement; check if the bills for water, electricity etc. are included in the renting price; • Be aware of the house policy towards late hour noise, pets and daily task agreements; • Do not trust most agency photos of the house but go look it up in person.


MOBILE SERVICES Te x t . . . .













Portugal integrates the Eurozone so, if you come from a member country, you won’t get any trouble with the currency. If not, you can convert your currency to euros in any airport or banking agency. As a student, it might be easier for you to open an account since you can do it for free and be able to top up your phone, pay the bills and withdraw cash from any ATM machine without paying any extra fee charged by your country’s bank. Portugal has a state-owned postal service called CTT spread all over the country in the city centres. You may also find many red mailboxes to drop your mail off. Concerning parcels, you have several companies with which to send, therefore you can choose the one that




GETTING AROUND Did you know that Portuguese is the 6th most spoken language worldwide? And that it is also the 3rd most widely spoken european language in the world? Here you have your answer on why you should learn Portuguese. Since the times of the reconquest, Portuguese has been spread over 3 different continents. If you originate from a Latin language, it may not be that hard for you to learn portuguese. If you are not included in this category, don’t worry - it is all a matter of practice! There are even Portuguese words with no translation – like “saudade” meaning a deep nostalgic feeling towards someone or something that might never return, far from “missing someone/ something”. Portuguese is extremely passionate and meaningful, filled with singing-like sounds. You will not want to leave your Erasmus life here without learning at least the basics! As a student and a young person, there are special discounts in public transportation, such as bus and train passes that you can purchase for a comfortable price and which can be used monthly or in any other option, depending on the region and season. There are railways and bus routes throughout the whole country. Hitchhiking is not very common in Portugal, so if you are willing to try it, take note that most drivers are not used to giving people rides. Be cautious with whom you travel. Remember to check with the nearest ESN section to get the best discounts. Portugal is waiting for you!


A รงores Ponta Delgada Pico


M adeira

F unchal

World Heritage Site ESN Section




V iana


C astelo


B raga G uimarães

P orto

V ila

A veiro


V iseu

B ragança

Vila Nova de Foz Côa

G uarda

C oimbra C ovilhã C astelo B ranco

L eiria Batalha

T omar

Alcobaça P ortalegre

L isboa S etúbal


É vora

B eja

F aro


E S N Po r t o : ErasmusStudentNetworkPorto


ESN Minho ( Br a g a & G u i m a r ã e s) :

esn_porto esnporto



esnutad esnutad esnutad




B ragança B raga

G uimarães

P orto

V ila R eal

E S N Br a g a n ç a :



It was in the North region that Portugal was founded in the 12th century and the Portuguese became a people and a nation. Porto, a World Heritage city, is the gateway and departure point for a journey across the natural and cultural diversity of the region. It is known for the Port wine which is shipped from here all over the world, but also for a heritage which combines ancient churches and monuments, such as the Cathedral and the Church of São Francisco, and modern buildings, such as Casa da Música and the Serralves Museum. And also for its School of Architecture which bred names like Álvaro Siza Vieira and Eduardo Souto de Moura, both winners of the Pritzker Prize. The region is crossed by the River Douro which enters Portugal between the ravines and mountains of the interior to flow through the entire World Heritage landscape where the Port and Douro wines are produced, near Vila Real. It is from here that the wine is sent to the lodges at Vila Nova de Gaia, as the cruises touring the region make their way upriver.


In this area of mountains and natural parks, the region’s heritage is seen in its castles, such as the one in Guimarães, and the shrines and churches which are the stage for pilgrimages in the summer. You will find the Baroque architecture of Northern Portugal in its stone and gilded carvings side by side with rural chapels. In its cities, which retain a human scale, such as Viana do Castelo, Braga, Lamego, Chaves and Vila Real, and in the manor houses and stately halls, you will find the genuine Portuguese people, who like to share their table, their customs and traditions. In the North of Portugal, the joy and gratitude for all we have and are is experienced in the most spontaneous way.

D I D YO U K N OW T H AT. . . The North was inhabited by the Celts for many centuries. Some of the cultural traditions have Celtic roots and the Caretos are one of the best representations. Men disguised as colourful devils run the streets making noise during Carnival.


C h e c k w h e re yo u h ave d i s c o u n t s w i t h yo u r E S Nc a rd T R A N S P O RTAT I O N : w w w. t u b . p t




BOM JESUS DO MONTE SANCTUARY It’s the symbol of the city, where art and nature meet, making it a sacred and relaxing place. The church is an example of the neoclassical style. The city is connected to the sanctuary by monumental staircases and a funicular. It’s the oldest funicular moved by water in the Iberian Peninsula.

SAMEIRO SANCTUARY The construction of this sanctuary began on June 14th 1863. This sanctuary is the second largest centre of Marian devotion in Portugal, after Fátima. The temple, completed in the 20th century, stands out inside by its main altar, as well as by the tabernacle.


BASÍLICA DOS CONGREGADOS The Congregados Convent was designed by architect André Soares and built in the 16th century, being finished only in the 20th century.


“Older than Braga’s Cathedral” is a popular expression used to emphasize the seniority of something, which shows how old the cathedral is. According to lore, the diocese of Braga was created on the 3rd century, but historical records go back only 400 years.


MONASTERY OF ST. MARTIN OF TIBÃES The old base of the Portuguese Order of St. Benedict is located on the parish of Mire de Tibães. It was shut down in 1833-1834 due to the extinction of the religious orders and its assets and properties were sold to the public. From the 70s, the monastery lost its assets and was abandoned.

THEATRO CIRCO Opened in 1915 and took three years to build. With capacity to hold 1500 people, it’s one of the most charismatic concert halls of the country, with a Programme that obeys to a criteria of high quality and eclecticism.


ARCO DA PORTA NOVA The gate was built in 1512 to connect the medieval city to the exterior of the walls, when the city was expanded. It was the last gate to be opened in the city walls. The arch was built in 1772.



Watch the sunset from Pio IX statue in the mountain of Penha

Discover the interior of all the churches of Guimarães

Eat a jesuíta (pastry)

Discover the town’s history in the Alberto Sampaio library

Relax in the Vila Flor Cultural Centre gardens

Enjoy an amazing dinner in the terraces of the Oliveira Square

Walk from the dowtown part of the city until the Penha sanctuary

Take part in the cities running marathons

Discover all the city’s cloisters

Invade bakeries at dawn and ask for a cake

Participate in the vegetable garden of the community of Guimarães

Visit Citânia de Briteiros

Take part in one of the cities sunset parties at Santigo Square

Visit the Platform of the Arts and Creativity

Participate in the Afonsina Fair

Find the courtyards in the older blocks of town

Drink Macieira shots at the city bars

Enjoy Pinheiro Street Festivity

Take a cable car ride to Penha Montain

Learn the pronunciation of Guimarães


C h e c k w h e re yo u h ave d i s c o u n t s w i t h yo u r E S Nc a rd T R A N S P O RTAT I O N : ww ww. w.ctm u -bb. p r atg a n c a . p t /p a g e s / 1 1 4




CITADEL OF BRAGANÇA Located in the heart of the old town of Bragança, it encloses Bragança’s Castle, Santa Maria’s Church, Domus Municipalis - were nobility gathered discuss polytical matters - and the Iberian Museum of the Mask and Costume. Perfect to visit in the summer during the medieval fair.

SÃO BARTOLOMEU It’s one of those places you can’t miss in this city. The place is known as Santo and provides to its visitors a fantastic view over Bragança. It’s also the place where young people gather to make barbecues and have fun.


SÉ VELHA The main square and church are located here. Around it is the center of commerce of the city. It’s also the place where every year the Serenata Académica is held. It marks the beginning of the Queima das Fitas.

CASTRO DE AVELÃS MONASTERY The church used to be part of a Benedictine monastery from the 12th century, it is known for its unique shape and brick positioning. Certainly, it is linked to the churches of the order of Cluny and the Road to Santiago.


GRAÇA MORAIS CONTEMPORARY MUSEUM Inaugurated in 2008 due to the cooperation between Spain and Portugal regarding culture. It houses a permanent collection by painter Graça Morais, composed of evoking portraits of the natives of Trás-os-Montes, as well as more abstract works. Additionally, temporary expositions are included too.

RIO DE ONOR VILLAGE This is a typical village split in half by the border between Portugal and Spain, inside the Natural Park of Montesinho.


PARQUE NATURAL DE MONTESINHO This a natural park where you can find nature in its purest state. There several habitats such as oak forests inhabited by Iberian wolves, red deer and other animals. Sometimes it gets visited by brown bears from Spain.



Visit the Castle of Bragança

Visit the local markets

Drink and sing at Lagoa Azul Karaoke Bar

Burn the devil in the traditional celebration (1000 devils parade)

Take a selfie at Domus Municipalis

Make a picnic in the river beach of Azibo

Take part in the wild nature tours in Bragança

Take part in the academic events in NERBA

Eat the famous posta/steak in the Abel (restaurant)

Take part in a Bar’s Rally.(Rally das Tascas)

Take a selfie in Miranda do Douro, Mirandela, Macedo, Moncorvo, and Foz Côa

Hug a friend while “Amigos para sempre” is being played by Real Tuna Universitária de Bragança.

Travel with Student Travellers

Take part in IPB Erasmus Week

Travel up the River Douro, (UNESCO World Heritage), by boat until Régua

Take a selfie underwater in our Pool Party Visit all the museums

Eat an ice cream in MyIced

Visit the traditional village Rio de Onor

Try charabanada drink


C h e c k w h e re yo u h ave d i s c o u n t s w i t h yo u r E S Nc a rd T R A N S P O RTAT I O N : w t uw g .w. c otmu.b p .tp t




CASTLE OF GUIMARÃES In the middle of the 10th century, the Countess Mumadona Dias had a monastery built here, to protect the monks and the local Christian community. On the 12th century, the Count Dom Henrique and Mistress Teresa moved into the Castle of Guimarães, where Dom Afonso Henriques was born.

PALACE OF THE DUKES OF BRAGANÇA Its construction was ordered in the 15th century by Dom Afonso. It was then converted to barraks on the 19th century, abandoned, and then restored and converted to a museum in the middle of the 20th century.


SANTIAGO SQUARE It was possible to find here a small chapel from the 17th century devoted to Saint James, which was demolished by the end of the 19th century. It’s easily located in the square, by a paved granite flooring.It’s one of the main places for gathering and socializing between residents and visitors.

CITY PARK The city of Guimarães has this space of 30 hectares for sports and other recreational activities, equipped with sports devices, footpaths, picnic areas, and a restaurant/bar.


OLIVEIRA SQUARE On this beautiful square you’ll find the Nossa Senhora da Oliveira Church. You will also see Padrão do Salado, an historic and unique monument due to its shape and architecture. There is also the Domus Municipalis, a majestic monument which was the castle of the parishes at the end of the 14th century.

PENHA MOUNTAIN It is the highest point of Guimarães. In it’s top there is a statue of Pope Pius IX, from where you can see magnificent views that stretch all the way to the ocean.


SANTA MARIA STREET Throughout this street you can see several houses with amazing architecture: Casa do Arco (n. 28), Casa dos Peixoto (n. 39), Casa Gótica dos Valadares de Carvalho (n. 9), Casa dos Carneiro, that currently harbours the Raul Brandão Municipal Library (n. 58), and many others.



Watch the sunset from Pio IX statue in the mountain of Penha

Discover the interior of all the churches of Guimarães

Eat a jesuíta (pastry)

Discover the town’s history in the Alberto Sampaio library

Relax in the Vila Flor Cultural Centre gardens

Enjoy an amazing dinner in the terraces of the Oliveira Square

Walk from the dowtown part of the city until the Penha sanctuary

Take part in the cities running marathons

Discover all the city’s cloisters

Invade bakeries at dawn and ask for a cake

Participate in the vegetable garden of the community of Guimarães

Visit Citânia de Briteiros

Take part in one of the cities sunset parties at Santigo Square

Visit the Platform of the Arts and Creativity

Participate in the Afonsina Fair

Find the courtyards in the older blocks of town

Drink Macieira shots at the city bars

Enjoy Pinheiro Street Festivity

Take a cable car ride to Penha Montain

Learn the pronunciation of Guimarães


C h e c k w h e re yo u h ave d i s c o u n t s w i t h yo u r E S Nc a rd T R A N S P O RTAT I O N : ww ww. w.lti nuhba. npdt a n t e . c o m / l i n h a s . a s p





Igreja dos Clérigos (Church of the Clergymen), a Baroque church built in the 18th century, was the tallest building in Portugal at the time of its construction. Its bell tower, Torre dos Clérigos, considered as the ex-libris of Porto, can be seen from various points of the city.

RIBEIRA The medieval riverfront district of Porto is the atmospheric and colourful area of the World Heritage city centre.


SERRALVES MUSEUM The most known contemporary art museum in Porto. Two buildings which are as much a work of art themselves as the collections exhibited inside them, both surrounded by a magnificent park.

CASA DA MÚSICA World-renowned architect Rem Koolhaas rocked the musical world with his crystalline creation – the jewel in the European Capital of Culture 2001’s crown. Minimalist, iconic and daringly imaginative, Casa da Música is the beating heart of Porto’s cultural scene.


SÃO BENTO TRAIN STATION This historical station, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, is known for its azulejo panels depicting scenes from the history of Portugal. They are the work of artist Jorge Colaço and date from 1916.

PONT E DE D. LUÍS The iconic double deck iron bridge of Porto allows for breathtaking views over the river Douro, downtown Porto and the Port wine caves of Vila Nova de Gaia.


JARDINS DO PALÁCIO DE CRISTAL This beautifully landscaped park is dominated by a huge domed pavilion built in 1956 which replaced the 19th century iron-and-glass “Crystal Palace”. It is surrounded by a lake, flowerbeds, and roaming peacocks, all overlooking the River Douro, from which you can get superb views.



Cross the upper deck of the Luiz I bridge

Visit the museums and gardens of Serralves

Watch the sunset in the beach of Matosinhos

Check out the Vitória observation point

Attend a festival of tunas académicas

Visit the São Bento train station

Gorge on a francesinha

Visit the Lello library

Visit the Port wine cellars

Visit Casa da Música

Visit the Palácio de Cristal gardens

Watch a football match between Porto and Benfica

Go on a tram ride

Take part in Queima das Fitas

Spend a monday night in the bars of Ribeira

Go to the top of Clérigos tower

Take a surf lesson

Go all the way from Ribeira to Foz by bicycle

Drink a beer on Passeio das Virtudes

Go up the bar on the 17th floor of the Hotel D. Henrique, late in the afternoon


C h e c k w h e re yo u h ave d i s c o u n t s w i t h yo u r E S Nc a rd T R A N S P O RTAT I O N : ww ww. w.ctourg b .opbtu s . p t




PARQUE DO CORGO The Central Park of Vila Real. There you can hang out with your friends, go for a run in the maintenance circuit or just chill for a bit. You have 33 hectares to explore: discover the old mills, swim in the pools and enjoy the fresh air in lung of the city!

PALÁCIO DE MATEUS Designed by Nicolau Nasoni, a great Italian architect from the 17th century, the Palácio de Mateus is one of the ex-libris of the city! Visit it and become fascinated by the marvelous gardens and interiors of the palace.


FISGAS DE ERMELO One of the largest waterfalls in Europe (200 meters high) is here! Take the day to explore the Alvão Natural Park and cool off in one of the lagoons that this waterfall forms.

VILA VELHA VIEWPOINT This observation point is located behind the romanic cemetery and near Vila Velha’s Museum. You can feel chills here, but the palace is not haunted (we think).


SANTUÁRIO DE PANÓIAS Built in the transition of the 2nd to the 3rd century by the Roman senator Caius Calpurnius Rufinus, this sanctuary is dedicated to the Infernal deities and to the deities of the Lapiteas, indigenous ethnic group of the region. Have fun exploring the ancient history of Vila Real.

BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY The whole campus of the university is a botanical garden so take your time to explore and observe all the species of plants that exist here.


ALVÃO NATURAL PARK 7220 ha of nature to explore. Discover the waterfalls, the most incredible viewpoints and enjoy the mixed hardwood forests alternating with exotic plantations. Do not be intimidated by cows or goats passing by but be careful with wolves or snakes.



Taste pito, covilhete and gancha

Explore the Douro Valley by boat or train

Try the francesinha at Cardoso and Amadeus and then decide which one is the best

Listen to the Serenata in the beginning of the Academic Week in front of Capela Nova

Explore the Alvão Natural Park

Visit the Vila Velha Museum

Watch the races in Vila Real

Visit Panóias

Go to tenda during Caloirada aos Montes or the Academic Week

See a Tuna Festival (Real Academicvs, Festa Ibérica or Clave)

Go to Pioledo and enjoy the night out

Go to Pena Aventura Park in Ribeira de Pena

Try a traçadinho at Taberna do Estudante

Celebrate Friday the 13th in Montalegre

Go to Barragem do Sordo

Go to Trajano Bridge in Chaves

Visit Palácio de Mateus

Go to Rock Nordeste Festival

Go to Barraquinhas

After a night out, go to Tujeira and eat a Pão com Chouriço


E S N Ave i ro :

ESN Coimbra:

E S N Cov i l h ĂŁ :









ESN L e i r i a :

E S N C a s t e l o Br a n c o :





esn_cb esn_cb

A veiro C oimbra

C ovilhĂŁ L eiria

T omar

E S N To m a r : ESNtomar esn_tomar

C astelo B ranco



In the countryside, there are mountains and villages of granite and schist. By the sea, fishing villages and cosmopolitan beaches with water sports set the pace of the day. And everywhere centuries old heritage proudly displays the history of the region. Some of these places are so important for humanity that they have been included in the UNESCO list of world heritage. This is the case of the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha, the Convent of Christ in Tomar and Coimbra University. But there are other unique features that are well worth discovering. For example, the historic villages and castles that defended the nation’s borders. The Schist Villages and the towns of whitewashed houses, like Ă“bidos, a treasure within walls. The cities, where modernity is combined with tradition Coimbra, the university city, Aveiro between the Ria and the sea, and Viseu, Guarda and Castelo Branco, in which the stone architecture retains traces of an immemorial past.


Serra da Estrela, the highest peak in mainland Portugal, is the star of the mountains, with its endless landscapes and glacial lagoons. But there are also the Lousã, Açor and Caramulo ranges, where you can discover nature by hiking or by bike. Here you can also try rock climbing, abseiling, rafting or canoeing, for example in the Naturtejo Geopark, a preserved area where several species of birds and animals live. The crystal clear waters that rise from the thermal springs balance the body and soul. And the beaches! River beaches surrounded by forests and coastal beaches open to the Atlantic ocean, provide certain freshness on hot summer days. They are also well known spots for surfers from around the world, who come for the perfect waves in Peniche, and even the giant waves in Nazaré. There are flavours for every palate to comfort the stomach: cheese and sausages, bouillabaisses and roast suckling pig, honey and convent sweets; and for raising the spirits, you can rely on the excellent wines from the demarcated regions. They are all the product of the know-how of the people, who are genuinely welcoming in receiving their visitors with the best they have to offer.

D I D YO U K N OW T H AT. . . The West Coast is rich in big waves just waiting to be surfed. In 2011 the Hawaiian Garrett McNamara surfed a wave it almost 24 metres high near Nazaré, This record was recognised by the Guiness Book as the highest wave ever surfed.


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MOLICEIROS It’s the name of the typical boats present in the Ria de Aveiro, the lagoon region of the River Vouga. This vessel was originally used to catch seaweed to fertilize the fields, but nowadays it is mostly used for touristic trips.

PRAÇA DO PEIXE The construction of the “Fish Market”, an unique example of the iron architecture in Aveiro, appears in one of the most typical spaces of the city. It´s also the center of Aveiro’s night life with the surrounding bars and clubs.


BARRA BEACH LIGHTHOUSE The Aveiro lighthouse is the tallest lighthouse in Portugal (62m). It’s located in Barra Beach (Praia da Barra), in Gafanha da Nazaré, Ílhavo. It is the 23rd biggest of the world, and it is still the second largest of the Iberian Peninsula.

COULORFUL HOUSES OF COSTA NOVA These were the first houses built on this beach in Ílhavo. They had only one room that was initially used to store fishing tackle. They are all turned to the lagoon, making that area a huge palette of colours, with a white background and stripes in green, red, yellow and blue.


SALINAS (SALTPANS) The production of salt in this region started when the Ria de Aveiro lagoon didn’t yet exist, and Aveiro was a coastal town. The 1st document referring to Aveiro and its saltpans dates back to 959, before the foundation of Portugal.

PARQUE INFANTE D. PEDRO Commonly known as “Parque da Macaca” (The Monkey’s Park) it was built in an area that used to belong to Franciscan monks. Here you can find a linden tree avenue, a tea house and a fountain with tilework.


UNIVERSITY CAMPUS One of the largest campus in Europe, spanning an area equivalent to 92 football pitches, all the of the Campus buildings were designed by Portuguese architects, such as Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto Moura, which have been awarded with Priztker Architecture Prizes.



Taste ovos moles

Visit the Santiago campus

Go out in Praça do Peixe on a Thursday night

Climb all the 271 steps of Barra Beach Lighthouse

Got to Águeda by Vouguinha (the small train)

Go on a bike trip along the natural canals in Salreu

See the salt evaporation ponds and the salt pyramids

Go to São Jacinto Beach by Ferry Boat

Cross the footbridge (Ponte do Crasto) over the saltmarsh on the campus

Take a walk in the Infante D. Pedro Park (aka Parque da Macaca)

Drink a shot called traçadinho

Visit the Museum of Aveiro

Discover all the Art Nouveau façades scattered throughout the city

Catch and eat a flying cavaca during the São Gonçalinho festivities

Spend a day at Barra Beach and at Costa Nova Beach

Visit the oldest bridge in Aveiro: Ponte de Carcavelos

Explore the city riding a BUGA

Sing “Aveiro é nosso” with university students

Eat a tripa de Aveiro after a day at the beach or a night in Praça


Take a picture at the “I (love) Aveiro” staircase.

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CASTLE OF CASTELO BRANCO A Medieval castle in the hilltop of the city, known like “Templar’s Castle”, although very damaged is still possible to see the remaining towers and the beautiful view of the city.

CARGALEIRO MUSEUM The genius of one of the most outstanding Portuguese contemporary artists, Manuel Cargaleiro, born in Castelo Branco region, has proved to be a creative genius of painting and ceramics.


GARDEN OF EPISCOPAL PALACE This Palace Garden called Jardim do Paço is one of the most beautiful Baroque gardens in Portugal, dominated by balconies with iron guards and stone balusters. It has five lakes with ornamented edges. Here you can find Steps of the King, amazing fountains and water features.

CITY PARK Located in front of Garden of the Episcopal Palace, the city park was the former kitchen garden of the Palace, a great leisure space with fountains and varied trees and plants to spend an afternoon with friends.


CATHEDRAL OF CASTELO BRANCO Also known as Church of St. Michael, this is a Roman Catholic cathedral. Was built is the Renaissance style in the 17th century and since 1978 it has been protected as one of the National monuments of Portugal. F R ANC IS CO TAVA R ES P RO EN Ç A JÚNI O R M US E UM

Founded in 1910, the basis of this museum is the archaeological collection of Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior, but it has been increased with ancient art pieces from the Episcopal Palace collection and continual additions from archaeological collections.


ROTUNDA EUROPA This is the biggest roundabout in the city where you can find a big waterfall. This roundabout is the centre of some events and celebrations of the city.



Visit the castle at night

Taste a regional wine

Visit all the museums

Make friends for life

Visit the city lake

Visit Serra da Estrela

Go out in the Old Town

Visit Monsanto

Go to Senhora de MĂŠrcules

Go to a traditional fair

See the Bordados de Castelo Branco building

Look at the clock tower at midnight

Try a typical cheese

Go to Latada or Enterro

Enjoy a concert in Cine-teatro Avenida

Eat a traditional dessert like tigelada or papas de carolo

Visit the six schools of IPCB

Listen to a typical tuna acadĂŠmica

Go to the City Park and Garden of the Episcopal Palace

See the Rotunda Europa at night


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UNIVERSITY OF COIMBRA The University of Coimbra was founded in 1290 by the King D. Dinis, it is the oldest university in Portugal and one of the oldest ones in the world. Here you must visit the Joanina Library, the Tower of the University, the Chapel of São Miguel and the Capelos’ Room.

SÉ VELHA E SÉ NOVA The Sé Velha was planned by the French Master Roberto in the 12th century. The central gate has Moorish influences and the lateral gate has an elegant Renaissance style. About 400 years later Sé Nova was built, a baroque style temple, that is the head office of the Diocese of Coimbra


CONÍMBRIGA Populated since prehistoric times, Conímbriga was occupied by Roman troops in 139 BC. After the barbaric invasions, a lot of the population on the town moved and built what we now call Coimbra.

SANTA CRUZ MONASTERY A church that catches the eye due to its architecture: gothic style and an entryway reminding the fados de Coimbra, characterized by morena stones. Dom Afonso Henriques, the first King of Portugal, is buried here.


PENEDO DA SAUDADE It’s a park and viewpoint in Coimbra, built in 1849. Here you can find a diverse flora, a lot of commemorative plaques of events linked to the academic life, and also poetry of some students. The oldest one is from 1855.

BOTANICAL GRADEN OF THE UNIVERSITY Planned by Marquês de Pombal to help in the studies of Biology and Botany, it’s a place of outstanding beauty and one of the most important places of the city of Coimbra.


TOWER AND ARCH OF ALMEDINA The Arch of Almedina was the main door of the wall around medieval Coimbra. Its oldest segment dates back to the 9th century. The Tower of Almedina, built over the Arch of Almedina, was used to watch and protect the city’s main access point.



Eat a pastel de Tentúgal at O Afonso

Go to the beach at Figueira da Foz and Surf in Cabedelo

Ask a Portuguese friend to be your “padrinho” and go to Latada Parade

Go to a Fado Night at Fado ao Centro or Diligência Bar or at À Capella

Go to the Serenata Monumental at Sé Velha, during Queima das Fitas

Ask a Portuguese student to take a picture with his “Harry Potter style” cape

Hold your beer with your right hand and see what happens

Drink a Laranja Mecânica at Moelas

Eat a bolinho de bacalhau at the Municipal Market after a late night out

Enjoy the poetry and romanticism of Penedo da Saudade

Go for a dinner at Zé Manel dos Ossos

Join the Academic Traditions of Coimbra

Have a picnic at Parque Verde and get your Picture taken at “Pedro e Inês” bridge

Ask for leitão at the restaurant Rui dos Leitões or in Mealhada

Live the best day of your life at Queima das Fitas parade

Enjoy the wonderful sunset of Serra da Boa Viagem

Go to a Jantar de Curso of your department

Enjoy the shows of Salão Brazil and TAGV

Go jogging in Choupal


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MUNICIPAL SQUARE Located in the heart of Covilhã, you can visit the City Hall, the Theatre, Misericórdia Church and Santa Maria Church. There is also a monument paying homage to the trip of Pêro da Covilhã, a diplomat and explorer of the 15th century.

PORTAS DO SOL Here you can enjoy amazing views of the city and landscapes. You can also check out the sundial on the ground.


CARPINTEIRA BRIDGE This is the tallest bridge of Covilhã and it was nominated for European Awards! From this place you can see the whole city, the landscapes surrounding Covilhã as well as Serra da Estrela and Serra da Gardunha. During the night this bridge is lit.

SERRA DA ESTRELA This is the most touristic place that you should visit! Serra da Estrela is the second highest mountain in Portugal and the nature involving it is simply amazing, here you have beautiful landscapes, rivers and parks that will take your breath away. During the Winter, Serra da Estrela is full of snow, allowing you to experiment winter sports such as snowboard and ski as well as playing on the snow.


WOOL MUSEUM In this museum you have the chance to get to know more about the main industry in Covilhã, textiles. It presents information about the history of this type of industry due to the fact that it was the economic pillar of the city.

CHAPEL OF CALVÁRIO This is one of the oldest chapels in Covilhã. The roof and its triumphal arch are lined with gold. The roof is also covered with several biblical paintings.


MOUNTAIN BOTANICAL GARDEN Here you can see a wide diversity of flora characteristic to Serra da Estrela as well as the mountainous areas of Southern and Central Europe and North Africa.



Don’t miss the Academic Week parties organised by AAUBI

Participate in traditional festivals around Covilhã

Have a walk in Rectory Gardens, the most beautiful place in the University

Take a swim in one of the rivers and waterfalls of Serra da Estrela

Go to Lake Garden (Jardim do Lago), take a swim in the pool and chill

Go to the most beautiful waterfall in Serra da Estrela, Poço do Inferno

Visit Jardim Monumento à Nossa Senhora da Conceição and see the amazing landscape

Do not miss the sunrise in Covilhã, also known as the sea of Covilhã

Visit the historical villages and towns around Covilhã

Go to the cake factory after a party and eat a pastry

Visit the modern Goldra Garden (Jardim do Goldra)

Go to Torre, the summit of Serra da Estrela

Attend the Student’s Serenade at the Chapel of Calvário

Have a botellón and chill in the Public Garden (Jardim Público)

Build a snowman

Participate in a Tunas Festival

Have the best day of your life and take part in the Latada Parade

Practice snowboard or ski at the summit of Serra da Estrela

Play in the snow in Serra da Estrela with your friends.


Taste Serra da Estrela cheese

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LEIRIA CASTLE A medieval castle, artistically and architectonically representative of several construction and reconstruction phases since it’s construction began until the 20th Century. There were several battles to try to take it over, after which it had to be rebuilt in 1190 by the King D. Sancho I and in 1325, by the King D. Dinis.

MIRADOURO DA NO SSA SR.ª DA ENCARNAÇÃO This observation point, located at the summit of a steep hill climb, east of the beach, provides beautiful views over the cliffs of Cape Carvoeiro.


MUSEUM OF LEIRIA The Leiria Museum is an open window to the memory of the city. Its concept was designed during the time of the Liberal Monarchy but its construction only started with the Decree of the 1th of November 1917. It’s located in the Convent of Santo Agostinho. Here you can see amazing views of the city and landscapes. You can also check out the sundial on the ground.

RUA DIREITA It’s one of the most famous streets in Leiria. The Rua Direita (Straight Street), as it’s always been more commonly known to this today, got the name of Rua Barão de Viamonte in 1881. This straight street that is actually crooked, has been crossed by the writer Eça de Queiroz.


SÉ DE LEIRIA At the request from D. João II to Pope Paul III, the Leiria diocese was created on the 22nd of May 1545. Due to the small size of the temples in Leiria at this time, the construction of a cathedral fitting for the new status was ordered.

RIVER LIS Along the river Lis you can find many parks and beautiful nature with the possibility to observe many species of bird.


LAPE DO VALLEY Vale do Lapedo is a limestone canyon where there was a find of fragments of the skeleton of a neandertal and modern human hybrid boy dating from 24500 years ago, making it an important archaeological site. Here you can visit the Interpretation Centre of Abrigo do Lagar Velho.



Go to the door-to-door festival

Visit the River Lis springs

Join Night Runners for an evening jogging

Visit Bacalhôa Buddha Eden Garden in Bombarral

Have a surf lesson in Peniche

Experience leitão at Boavista

Go to the May fair

Visit the Leiria Football Stadium

Eat Brisas do Lis

Visit the Ervideira Lagoon

Ride a Mobilis

Visit the João Soares House

Spend an afternoon at a terrace on the Rodrigues Lobo Square

Experience the largest waves in the world in Nazaréx

Take a picture on the windows of the Leiria Castle

Go to the José Lúcio da Silva theatre

Visit the Sanctuary of Fátima

Visit the town of Óbidos

Participate in the historical reenaction “Viagem à Leiria Moderna”

Go to the Santana Market


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CONVENT OF CHRIST AND TOMAR CASTLE Historical headquarters of the Knights Templar and the Order of Christ in Portugal. Here are represented several architectural styles from the History of Portugal, including its biggest example from the Manuelino style, unique in Portugal: the Janela do Capítulo.

RÉPUBLICA SQUARE Praça da República is the main square in Tomar and where the Town Hall and the Church of Saint John the Baptist are located. Both buildings were gifted to the city by D. Manuel I, King of Portugal and Grand Master of the Order of Christ (16th century). The statue in the centre belongs to D. Gualdim Pais, fourth Grand Master of the Knights Templar in Portugal and founder of the city, who ordered the construction of the castle, the Convent of the Christ and the church of Santa Maria do Olival.


FOREST OF SETE MONTES A park in a forest planted by the Order of Christ, with several pedestrian routes, recreation areas, and monkish monuments.


An island in the River Nabão transformed in a recreation Park. There we can find the iconic Wheel of Mouchão, an example of the moorish influence on the Portuguese agriculture.


PEGÕES AQUEDUCT Close to the city, it’s one of the largest aqueducts in Portugal. It is used to supply all the water to the Convent of Christ and it has been considered one of the most beautiful views of Tomar.

SYNAGOGUE The oldest synagogue in Portugal and the only surviving renaissance example. It houses the permanent exhibition Religious Life Artifacts of the Jewish Communities Around the World.


LEVADA MUSEUM One of the oldest factories in Portugal, transformed in a temporary exhibition venue. It has been constructed on an artificial island in the River Nabão.



Go kayaking on the Nabão River

Kiss someone on the Banco dos Namorados

Drink a Cágado at the Taverna Medieval

Watch the sunset at the Pegões Aqueduct

Ask a local what is the secret of the Gualdim statue

Eat a croissant at Pastelaria Tropical

Climb the steps od the Nossa Senhora da Piedade before sunrise

Take the obligatory picture near the Ponte Velha, witch the city as a background

Watch the sunrise at the Christ Convent Viewpoint

Taste the Bitoques do Fernando

Cross the Pegões Aqueduct

Attend the Baldada

Cross the Sete Montes Forest by foot

Try placing a Tabuleiro on your head

Take part in one of the medieval re-enactements during the Festa Templária

Drink that last beer at Republica Square for the Festa dos Tabuleiros

Try the Fatias de Tomar and Beija-me Depressa

Find the Treasure of the Templars

Taste the Mouchão Liquor

Before saying goodbye, listen to the Tuna Templária singing “Adeus Tomar”


ESN L i s b o a : ErasmusStudentNetworkLisboa esnlisboa esnlisboa

S antarém

L isboa

M afra

S etúbal




Lisboa is Portugal’s capital and the hub of a multifaceted area that appeals to different tastes and senses. It is bathed by the Tejo, a river that divides and unites a region famous for its wines, fruits, the horse-riders “Campinos” and the dolphins in the Sado estuary. It’s capital has been influenced by many different far-off cultures over time, there is still a village feel in each historic neighbourhood. Stroll through the Pombaline grid of streets in the Baixa district that opens on to the Tejo in Praça do Comércio, then follow the river to discover some of the city’s most beautiful parts: the monumental area of Belém with its World Heritage monuments, the medieval quarters and the latest contemporary leisure spaces, such as the Parque das Nações. If you continue to the mouth of the river, you’ll understand why we say that Lisboa is the centre of a vast resort. Along the coastal road you’ll find beaches and beach resorts that combine villas and hotels from the beginning of the 20th century with marinas, terraces and excellent golf courses. Further along the coast you’ll come across world-renowned surfing beaches, but also the palaces scattered across the cultural landscape of Sintra, a World Heritage Site.


Fado is another expression of what it is to be Portuguese that has also been awarded World Heritage status. You can hear it at night in a fado house or in a traditional neighbourhood. But go, as well, to the lively bars and nightclubs, to find other types of music. Santarém, the capital of the Gothic style, is a natural viewpoint over the immensity of the Tejo, where cows rest along its green landscape. The West is the home of the Pêra Rocha, a Portuguese and delicious type of pear. Finally, down south and guarded by the magnificent castle of Palmela, the Setúbal area is famous for its beaches, wine and fresh fish.

D I D YO U K N OW T H AT. . . During World War II a hotel in Estoril, a neighbourhood in Cascais famous for its Casino, was filled with spies conspiring for their countries. The Casino is closely linked to James Bond and it was the inspiration for Ian Flenning’s first book, Casino Royale. In 1969 the movie “James Bond”. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” was partially shot here.


Palmela’s Castle

Setúbal - Dolfins


Arrábida’s Mountain

Arrábida’s Beach

Cabo Espichel

© all rights reserved Entidade Regional de Turismo da Região de Lisboa



Make a gastronomic weekend or a wine dinner

Go Maritime Museum of Sesimbra

Go to the “Cheese, Bread and Wine” Festival in March

Doing the “Crossing the Bay”

Go to the Medieval Fair of Palmela in September Go to Palmela Wine Jazz in July Go to the Christmas event in Palmela in December Make the route Vineyards Gardens and Cork Whistler

Doing a Sailing of Aiolas Go to Honey Fair Go to Quinta in Moagem Attending Summer Animation at Fortaleza Attend the Carnival parade Go to Révellion in Sesimbra

Make the Route of the Vineyards of the Dust, from the Oriente’s Station in Lisboa

Doing Walking Tours

Visit the Museum of Mechanical Music

Read a book in the Beach Libraries

Participation in Palmela Run in June, or Pinhal Novo Night Run in July


To go sailing


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SENHORA DO MONTE VIEWPOINT The highest viewpoint in the city of Lisboa is located in the neighbourhood of Graça. You can spot some of the most spectacular sunsets from the best viewpoint in the city, with a beer and some guitar music as background.

BAIXA - CHIADO Baixa literally means low, thus named because this group of streets stands between the hills of Bairro Alto and Alfama. This area, with lots of restaurants, cafés and souvenir shops, was built in the shape of a grid after the city was destroyed by an intense seaquake and ensuing tsunami and fire in 1755.


BAIRRO ALTO Bairro Alto, on top of a hill, is a neighborhood filled with bars and pubs making it the starting point for many good nights in Lisboa.


Also part of the reconstruction of Lisboa after the 1755 earthquake - Praça do Comércio, also known as Terreiro do Paço, is a majestic square facing the river. It is connected to the Baixa area by a triumphal arch and at its centre you can find the statue of King José I.


ALFAMA Alfama is the oldest neighbourhood of Lisboa and also one of the most traditional. It encompasses the Castle of São Jorge, the flea market of Ladra and many viewpoints. The breathtaking views and the sound of the trams are the most distinctive characteristics of this neighbourhood that resisted the 1755 earthquake.

CAPARICA BEACH Caparica is a 15 km long beach, popular both for swimmers and surfers. It is located on the other side of the river in Almada, beyond the 25 de Abril Bridge, and it is also a location for many parties and festivals during the summer.


SINTRA This town, part of the Greater Lisboa area, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1995. Many monuments can be found here, such as Palácio da Pena, Palácio de Queluz or the mysterious Quinta da Regaleira.



Visit Castelo de São Jorge

Get lost in Bairro Alto

Try Portuguese’s most delicious pastry at Pasteis de Belém

Eat caldo verde and pão com chouriço after a late night out

Drink one Erasmus Pack with ESN Lisboa members in Bar do Esteves

Order a bica instead of a coffee and an Imperial instead of a beer like a real Alfacinha

Go to Santos Populares and buy a manjerico

Go to a tasca and listen to some Fado music

Ride the 4 elevators of Lisboa (Stª Justa, Bica, Glória e Lavra)

Drink a ginjinha with locals in Rossio

Try surfing in Costa da Caparica

Fall in love with Lisboa

Discover the many viewpoints of Lisboa

Watch the sunrise by the river in Cais after a good night out

Visit casa Fernando Pessoa and Fundação Saramago

Bargain your way to the cheapest price at Feira da Ladra

Enjoy a bifana

Find the tile panel saying “BOA VIAGEM, LISBOA ESPERA POR TI” and take a picture with it on your last day of Erasmus

Sing and dance Pimba music Eat some grilled sardines


E S N Évo r a : ErasmusStudentNetworkUEvora esnuevora esnuevora

P ortalegre E lvas

É vora S etúbal

B eja



The plains that extend as far as the eye can see start close to the Tejo. While to the north, the pace is set by the green of the flatlands, further south the landscape combines with the sun, the heat and a slower pace of life. This is the Alentejo. To the north, the pastures of the marshlands; in the vast interior, unending flatness, and fields of wheat waving in the wind; at the coast, wild, beautiful beaches waiting to be discovered. The vastness of the landscape is dotted with cork oaks and olive trees that withstand time. Here and there, you find a walled town, such as MarvĂŁo or Monsaraz, or an ancient dolmen to recall the magic of the place. Around the hills, low, whitewashed houses stand on small knolls, castles evoke battles and conquests and the yards and gardens are witness to the Arab influences which shaped the people and nature.


In the Alentejo the power of the land marks the time and cities like Elvas and Évora, listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, show the tenacity of the people. Perhaps this is the reason that culture and spirituality take on a singular character here. These memories of the past are also shared by other cities, such as Portalegre and Beja, and in the former Jewish quarters, particularly in Castelo de Vide. The flat land makes hiking and cycling easy, though horses are also part of the landscape. You can combine these rides with birdwatching and, in dams such as Alqueva, with the tranquillity of the waters or stargazing. But you must also explore the coast. The landscape here is hilly and rugged, with small sheltered coves between the cliffs, many of which are ideal for surfing. You will also breathe the scents of the countryside here, the aromatic herbs that season the fish, seafood and other regional fare to be accompanied by the region’s excellent wines. Indeed, the entire Alentejo lives according to the rhythm of the earth.

D I D YO U K N OW T H AT. . . Alqueva is the biggest artificial lake in Europe. The dam that gave origin to it is now the place for water sports and one more reason for a cultural visit to the nearby castles of Monsaraz and Mourão.


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HISTORICAL CITY CENTER City of an outstanding beauty, filled with historic memories. Its architectural and artistic heritage is so omnipresent and impressive that this alone guides the steps of anyone who loves strolling around with no fixed direction: from the Roman to the Neoclassical, by way of the Gothic and various expressions of the Manueline, the Renaissance and the Baroque, all the epochs of history are documented. Classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 1986.

SÃO FRANCISCO CHURCH This is a church of Gothic-Manueline architecture. Built between 1480 and 1510. The construction of the church is closely tied to historical events that have marked the period of maritime expansion of Portugal. Inside the church we can find the Bone Chapel.


DOM MANUEL PALACE AND PUBLIC GARDEN The Palace was built by King Afonso V in the 16th century. The Palace was inhabited by several Portuguese monarchs, losing the use from 1895, having been sent to destroy in 1619. The present building at the public garden is only part of the former Palace.

UNIVERSITY OF ÉVORA Our University is the second oldest in Portugal and has a long history. Have a look around and see the library, the “centre of the world”, the cloisters and learn about our academic tradition.


ROMAN TEMPLE The most important landmark of our city, our Roman temple is in city center and the garden right beside it has an amazing view.


In the basement of the church of São Francisco you can find a chapel with its walls all lined with real human bones and skulls.


CATHEDRAL OF ÉVORA Exhibiting the Romanic and Gothic architectural styles, the cathedral of Évora is a majestic building which will impress you by it’s size and detailed features.



Walk around the city center to see the monuments and important landmarks

Enjoy the view from the Cathedral and from Jardim de Diana

Live our University parties like Recepção ao Caloiro, Arraiais and Queima das Fitas

Hold a glass with your right hand in a dinner and learn how to sing “mão direita é penalty”

Visit Alto de São Bento by sunset

Listen to tunas - a type of academic band

Visit the megalithic monument - Cromeleque dos Almendres

Have a botellon at Sé or Jardim Diana

Taste our traditional food and desserts

Take a photo with a student’s traje cape

Spend a sunny afternoon at the public garden

Throw or show up at a house party

Drink bagaço

Spend an afternoon in BARUE

Go jogging at Ecopista

Eat a bifana

Learn how to roast a chouriço

Photograph a peacock

Taste and learn about Alentejo wine

Go try Lavrador’s toasts


ESN A l g a r v e : ESN-Algarve esnalgarve

A ljezur

P ortimĂŁo S agres

F aro



It was here that, in the 15th century, the Portuguese set off on the epic journey that led them to discover other peoples and cultures‌ and it is in the Algarve that we cheerfully welcome many of our visitors. Even the climate is mild and sunny all year round! There’s no shortage of high quality beaches either. Sandy stretches as far as the eye can see, framed by golden cliffs, virtually deserted islands marking the boundary between Ria Formosa and the sea, and small coves sheltered by the rocks. The ocean, in every shade of blue and mostly calm and warm, invites you for long swims and to indulge in water sports. And there are also the mountains, where people live in harmony with nature and maintain traditions that they love to share. And the cities. Silves preserves traces of its Arab past and Lagos from the time of the Discoveries. More cosmopolitan Portimão and Albufeira are bustling towns by night and day. Tavira is a showcase for traditional architecture and Faro, the gateway to the region, deserves a long stop to discover its beautiful historic centre.


To relax, you can have various treatments in the spas and thalassotherapy centres and in the Monchique Thermal Baths. There are also many internationally acclaimed golf courses where you can enjoy a spot of exercise. And hotels, tourist villages, resorts, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. In short, a varied array sharing a genuine love for hospitality. You can use footpaths and cycle trails to get to know the region, such as the Algarve Way inland or the Vicentine Route along one of the best preserved coastal stretches. And boat rides are another ecological way to observe the flora and fauna. At the table, you will be delighted with the fresh fish and seafood, either grilled or in a casserole. These are divine flavours which you can enjoy on a simple beach terrace or in the most refined Michelin-starred restaurants, where chefs turn out new versions of traditional cuisine. They are further experiences not to be missed on a visit to the region.

D I D YO U K N OW T H AT. . . Every year around 1000 international students from all over the country go to the Algarve with ESN Portugal for four days of great activities during the Erasmus National Meeting. The event takes place in the region because it has arguably some of the best beaches in the world.


C h e c k w h e re yo u h ave d i s c o u n t s w i t h yo u r E S Nc a rd T R A N S P O RTAT I O N : ww ww. w.ptrox u b .ipmto . p t




ARCHAELOGOGICAL MUSEUM OF FARO Was the second to be created in Algarve. On February 2, 1894, it was built to to honour Infante Dom Henrique, on the occasion of the 5th centenary of his birth.

CARMO CHURCH It is one of the most important aesthetic manifestations of religious and artistic heritage of the Algarve region. It was founded in 1713 by Bishop D. António Pereira da Silva.


ALAMEDA DE JOÃO GARDEN It’s the largest green area in the city, here you can enjoy the diverse flora namely some century old trees and several animals, the highlight goes to a façade, set on a former slaughterhouse and a good example of the neo-Arabic revivalism architecture that allows access to the Municipal Library.

LIGHTHOUSE BEACH Is located in the far west of Culatra Island. Here you can find the Santa Maria Cape, an important milestone for navigation. The beaches have a length of approximately 7 kilometers to the eastern point. The beach near Nova Barra has lifeguard surveillance and support. The restaurants in the island are very appreciated for fresh fish and seafood. A small paradise.


FARO BEACH Also known as Faro Island, this stretch of sand is part of the Ancão Peninsula, which borders the Ria Formosa to the west. From where you have a great view of the mountains and the city of Faro.

ESTÓI PALACE Built in 1840, this is a magnificent palace, now converted into a hotel. Inside of it you can find gardens with orangetrees and palmtrees, as well as beautiful sculptures, paintings and walls covered in blue and white tiles.


BELMAÇO PALACE This is a two floor building, except for the tower with 3 floors. It was commissioned in 1912 by a wealthy tradesman: Manuel de Jesus Belmarço. The project was designed in 1912 by the architect Manuel Joaquim Norte Júnior being considered an interesting manifestation of Revivalist Architecture.



Watch the Sunset at the Sagres Fortress

Eat the best hamburger of Faro in Hamburgueria da Baixa

Drink the best cocktails in Faro at Colombus Bar

Have a cocktail and enjoy the sunset view in O Castelo bar

Canoe or paddle and attend a surf lesson with AMAR in Faro’s Beach

Visit the old market in Olhão and buy fish and other seafood

Go to the top of Faro’s Cathedral and enjoy the view

Go on a boat trip along the coast of Algarve

Visit your Erasmus Corner Call In and drink a shot

Visit Faro’s Beach and enjoy the best toasts in Cais 73

Visit the Municipal Market of Faro on a Saturday morning

Watch a local football game of SC Farense

Enjoy the Santa Iria Fair in October and eat a fartura

Enjoy some typical dishes, such as bacalhau and arroz de marisco

Party in Semana Académica in May and Recepção ao Caloiro in September and enjoy our student traditions

Visit the Silves Castle and go to Fóia, the summit of Serra de Monchique and highest point of Algarve.

Swim to the Benagil caves and enjoy the sun in Praia da Marinha in Lagoa

Enjoy the Salsa classes and Erasmus Parties every Friday in Património Bar

Visit the old town of Tavira and Pego do Inferno waterfalls.

Watch the most beautiful sunset at Marina de Faro


E S N Ma d e i r a : ESNMadeira esn_madeira esn_madeira

P orto S anto

F unchal



Right in the middle of the Atlantic, the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo are a haven of natural beauty. The exotic colours of the flowers stand out from among the blue sea and the emerald green vegetation; this is an archipelago where two thirds are a protected area and where the largest Laurisilva forest in the world is located. The springtime temperature, felt all year round, cries out for open air activities. You can go for a walk along the network of levadas (irrigation channels), visit the city of Funchal and discover the heritage associated with the Discoveries or roam freely around the island. Boat rides are an excellent way of admiring the coastline from a different perspective.


In such a naturally welcoming environment, balance and well-being are taken for granted. Madeira offers various tourist complexes and accesses to the sea with prime conditions for leisure boating and scuba diving. The island of Porto Santo, in particular, is the ideal place to escape from stress and undertake a thalassotherapy Programme, or a beach holiday combined with a spot of golf. Popular feasts, which take place all year round, are opportunities to appreciate traditional gastronomic flavours and see Madeira partying, especially for the Carnival parades, the Flower Festival, the Atlantic Festival and, above all, the end-of-year fireworks display.

D I D YO U K N OW T H AT. . . Levadas are typical water transportation systems that you can find all around the island. They were created to bring water from the North of the island to its South, thus allowing agriculture and city growth. Take some time to explore them and walk around the island following its pathways.


Porto da Cruz

Porto Moniz Lava Pools

Santana - ‘Rocha do Navio’ cable car

Santana Ponta do Clericos

Colombo Festival Porto Santo

Ponta Delgada

© all rights reserved Associação de Promoção Madeira

Desertas Islands

Desertas Islands

Desertas Islands

Ilheu ChĂŁo

Porto Santo

Porto Santo


C h e c k w h e re yo u h ave d i s c o u n t s w i t h yo u r E S Nc a rd T R A N S P O RTAT I O N : ww ww. w.htourba.rpi ot s d of u n c h a l . p t




PICO RUI VO Visit the highest peak in Madeira island and gasp in awe with all the beauty


Cool off with a swim in the natural pools formed in the lava that once flowed down to the ocean.


MADEIRA CAR CABLE Visitors can enjoy a half-day programme riding the two tourist cable car routes up and down the green slopes of the island’s south coast and see some beautiful hidden scenery.

CABO GIRÃO VIEWPORT It’s the highest cape in Europe, with an elevation of 580 m which is famous for its suspended glass platform.


LEVADAS Walking in reinvigorating, exciting and highly rewarding trails named “levadas” (man-made waterways across the mountains) of Madeira is a challenge as well as an unique experience.

FANAL LEISURE AREA This area integrates a public barbecue grill, which is ideal for a picnic with friends, surrounded by nature, particularly the laurissilva forest. It’s also a great starting point for some walking trails.


FARM ER’S MARKET This venue features all kinds of products mixing colours, sounds and smells. You will find fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and traditional handicraft.



Dance with a group of Bailinho da Madeira

Visit the volcanic caves of São Vicente

Try a new fruit at the Farmer’s Market in Funchal

Take a ride by cable car in Monte

Eat honey cake and queijada

Drink a Coral beer

Try poncha and niquita

Go for a swim in a levada

Go on a catamaran trip to watch dolphins and whales

Go to Pico Ruivo and watch the sunset or the sunrise

Visit the botanical garden

Take a photo in Cristo Rei

Visit Wine Lodges

Go to Porto Santo

Swim in the natural pools of Porto Moniz and Doca do Cavacas (in Funchal)

Drink brisa and laranjada

Visit Monte Palace Tropical Garden

Eat bolo do caco and espetada


Visit São Lourenço point

Check out the New Years fireworks

H orta

A ngra

L ajes



H eroĂ­smo

P ico P onta D elgada



Mother Nature has created a land full of natural beauty, ready to be explored, in the blue immensity of the Atlantic Ocean: the Açores. To the East, on the island of Santa Maria, the beaches of warm white sand are inviting, and the vineyards covering the slopes like an amphitheatre resemble giant staircases. São Miguel, the largest island, is seductive with its Sete Cidades and Fogo Lagoons. The power that emanates from the earth is felt in the geysers, hot thermal waters and volcanic lakes, as well as in the tasty “Cozido das Furnas” slowly cooked inside the earth. In the Central Group, the islands of Terceira, São Jorge, Pico, Faial and Graciosa are set harmoniously in the deep blue sea, where whales and dolphins can be spotted, to the delight of visitors. On Terceira, the World Heritage town of Angra do Heroísmo, as well as its festivals, is steeped in history. Faial is the cool blue of the hydrangeas, the marina painted colourfully by yachtsmen from all over the world and the extinct Capelinhos volcano, which resembles a lunar landscape. In front is Pico, a mountain that emerges from the sea, with vineyards planted in black lava fields, a unique culture that also has World Heritage status


On São Jorge, the highlights are the Fajãs and the cheese, a unique specialty with an unmistakable flavour. Graciosa, graceful in both name and appearance, is an island of green fields covered with vineyards that contrast with its peculiar windmills. In the Western group, on the island of Flores, the beau ty of the natural waterfalls and lakes carved out by volcanoes is dazzling. The tiny island of Corvo has a broad, beautiful crater at its centre, and attracts many species of birds coming from both Europe and America. These are the Açores. Nine islands, nine small worlds that have as many similarities as differences, but where the friendliness of their inhabitants is shared by all.

D I D YO U K N OW T H AT. . . The only tea plantation in Europe is in the Açores. Black tea and green tea are produced here and shipped to all over the world. If you are into something sweeter try the pineapples from the island of São Miguel.


HELPFUL TIPS H O W TO R E G I S T E R YO U R E S N card To r e g i s t e r y o u r E S N c a r d , p l e a s e c r e a t e an account at: and a c t i va t e yo u r c a rd by a d d i n g i t s n u m b e r t o t h e fo r m . If yo u h a d a n ot h e r E S Nc a rd b e fo re , yo u c a n simply add the new ESNcard number to your user account.


Yo u r E S N c a r d n u m b e r i s w r i t t e n o n y o u r E S Nc a rd u n d e r t h e “ E S N s e c t i o n” b l a n k . It c o n s i s t s of 7 d i g i t s a n d 4 c a p i t a l l e t t e r s (t h e l a s t l e t t e r c a n b e s o m e t i m e s re p l a ce d by a n o t h e r d i g i t ) .

T h e c o s t of m e m b e r s h i p (a n d t h e E S Nc a rd ) varies from one ESN section to another d e p e n d i n g o n t h e b e n e f i t s t h ey of fe r. The card is valid for 12 months from the d a t e of a c q u i s i t i o n . T h e a c q u i s i t i o n d a t e i s w r i t t e n o n t h e E S Nc a rd by t h e s e c t i o n t h a t d i s t r i b u t e s i t t o yo u .

You St e p



a r e r e a dy to g o ! !

En j oy yo u r j o u r n ey i n yo u r i n t e r n a t i o n a l mobility country!*

You can check all discounts on D e p e n d i n g o n t h e s e c t i o n s , yo u c a n u s u a l l y t a ke p a r t i n E S N eve n t s a t a re d u c e d p r i c e with the ESNcard. Contact your ESN section fo r m o re d e t a i l s . As long as your ESNcard has not expired, yo u c a n u s e i t fo r a l l E S Nc a rd d i s c o u n t s i n Eu ro p e .





Re g i s t e r i n E S Nc a rd . o r g . A s t h i s d a t a w i l l b e u s e d t o va l i d a t e yo u r E S Nc a rd d u r i n g yo u r f l i g h t b o o k i n g p ro c e s s , a s w e l l a s yo u r E S Nc a rd n u m b e r.

G o t o myRy a n a i r a n d s i g n - u p o r l o g i n i f yo u a l re a d y h ave a n a c c o u n t . Ad d yo u r d e t a i l s i n t h e “ Er a s m u s ” t a b of yo u r myRy a n a i r d a s h b o a rd .



Ma ke s u re t h a t a l l d e t a i l s m a t c h yo u r E S Nc a rd u s e r p rof i l e d a t a . Wa i t u n t i l yo u r E S Nc a rd a n d o t h e r d e t a i l s a re va l i d a t e d . T h i s i s n o t a l i ve va l i d a t i o n , s o i t m i g h t t a ke a fe w d ay s ( Tr y re f re s h i n g t h e p a g e a f t e r yo u a d d e d t h e d e t a i l s) .

O n c e i t i s va l i d a t e d , u s e t h e b o o k i n g w i d g e t a t t h e b o t t o m of t h e Er a s m u s s e c t i o n of yo u r myRy a n a i r d a s h b o a rd . O n l y b o o k i n g s m a d e u s i n g t h i s w i d g e t w i l l b e c o n s i d e re d fo r t h e discount.


You St e p

a r e r e a d y t o g o ! ! B o o k yo u r f l i g h t a n d s t a r t yo u r j o u r n ey ! *

* Ke e p i n m i n d t h a t yo u m u s t b o o k yo u r t i c ke t s w i t h a t l e a s t 2 8 d ay s i n a d va n c e . Fo r m o re d e t a i l s g o t o : E S Nc a rd . o r g /r ya n a i r


More information:

Get your ESNcard with our local volunteers :

SOS Estudante is a cultural section from the main Student Association of Coimbra (AAC) that has the objective of contribute to the academic community’s well-being by promoting cultural and intellectual integration among students. In addition, we offer everyday from 8 P.M. to 1 A.M., a helpline that gives emotional support for those who feel like talking to someone prepared to listen empathically (service only in Portuguese). Contact us at 915 246 060 / 969 554 545 / 239 484 020 / Skype: SOS.Estudante






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useful contacts

Ne e d t o k n o w a p h o n e n u m b e r ? Call 1820

808 24 24 24 the first number you need to c a l l i n a n y h e a lt h i s s u e .

I n t ox i c a t i o n : 808 250 143 V i c t i m’s S u p p o r t : 21 358 79 00 To u r i s m i n fo r m a t i o n : 808 781 212 w w w.v i s i t p o r t u g a l . c o m /e n Co n s u m e r ’s s u p p o r t : 808 200 145 w w w. d e c o . p ro t e s t e . p t

112 ambulance

C i v i l P ro t e c t i o n : 226 197 650 w w w. p ro c i v. p t Ju s t i c e S u p p o r t : 808 200 084 w w w. p rove d o r- j u s . p t W h e re i s t h e c l o s e s t p h a r m a c y ? w w w. a n f. p t

117 firefighters


calendar S epte m ber

O ctober

N ove m ber

.We l c o m e Mo n t h

. Er a s m u s Na t i o n a l Me e t i n g ( We l c o m e Ed i t i o n)

. Er a s m u s Na t i o n a l Games .Vo d a fo n e Me xe fe s t

D ece m ber

J anuar y

F ebruar y .C a r n i va l .We l c o m e Mo n t h

M arch

J une . S a n t o s Po p u l a re s

A pril

M ay

. Er a s m u s Na t i o n a l Me e t i n g ( Sp r i n g Ed i t i o n)

. Ac a d e m i c We e k s

J uly

A u g ust .Vo d a fo n e Pa re d e s d e C o u r a

Ma ke t h i s c a l e n d a r yo u r o w n !

# T H I S is E S N

Š 2018 Erasmus Student Network Portugal

Praça Gomes Teixeira, Reitoria da Universidade do Porto 4099-002 Porto, Portugal

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