In Time, October 2012

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inflight magazine October 2012

Dali Kask

master of sounds • Gothenburg city for food enthusiasts • Estonian film made in Paris • Many faces of Estonian wildlife 2012/13

your complimentary copy

tero taskila Estonian Airi president President & CEO of Estonian Air

Auhindu noppiv turismimootor Awarded tourism engine Hiljutised uudised tunnistavad, et Estonian Air on lennufirma, mis on pühendunud Eestist algavate lennuühenduste parandamisele pikas perspektiivis. Estonian Airi arengut on kõrgelt hinnanud Euroopa lennundussektori juhid. Euroopa riikide lennundussektori juhtivtöötajatest ja tunnustatud lennundusajakirjanikest koosnev sõltumatu töörühm hindas Estonian Airi Euroopa Regiooni Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni auhinna Airline of the Year 2012/2013 SILVER Award vääriliseks. See on tunnustus meie tegevusele ning paremate lennuühenduste loomisele. Paljuski tänu Estonian Airi jõupingutustele tõusis Eesti Maailma Majandusfoorumi (WEF) hiljuti avaldatud globaalse konkurentsivõime raportis lennutranspordi kvaliteedi kategoorias, mis mõõdab kohalikele ettevõtjatele olulisi sihtkohti ja lennusagedusi, ühe aastaga koha võrra kõrgemale. Oleme nüüd maailmas 73. kohal ja see on meie koduturu suurust arvestades hea saavutus! Eestiga sarnased riigid saavad koduturu arendamisele ja tutvustamisele pühendunud lennufirmast suurt kasu. Estonian Airi pakutavates teenustes peegelduvad kodubaasi väärtused: meil on hea meel esitleda Eestis pakutavat, tutvustada Eesti restorane ja toodete tarnijaid. Estonian Air tahab pakkuda otselennuühendusi Euroopa tähtsamatesse linnadesse. Selleks peame meelitama Tallinna transiitreisijaid Skandinaaviast, Venemaalt, ja Leedust. Soovin Teile head lendu!

October 2012


Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn Telefon: +372 640 1101 Tootja: RKontor Trükk: AS Pajo

As we see from recent announcements, Estonian Air is the only airline committing to improve the flight connections to and from Estonia in a long term. Estonian Air developments have been recognized by European aviation industry leaders. An independent panel comprising senior statesmen of the industry and respected representatives of aviation media from a variety of European countries awarded us the European Regions Airline Association Airline of the Year SILVER Award for 2012/2013. This recognizes our commitments to grow and offer new and better connections between European cities. In fact, Estonian Air developments have already allowed the country to jump one place in Global Competitiveness Report on air transport quality. We are now 73rd globally. And that is not a small achievement, given our overall market size. A country like Estonia benefits from having a carrier that is uniquely focused on developing the market as a destination. Only Estonian Air reflects the values, emotions and brand of our home base and we can be focused on the service we provide. We are happy to have nice Estonian restaurants and other product suppliers onboard to really show what Estonia is about. Estonian Air wants to offer sustainable and direct flights. In order to do that, we need to attract Russians, Scandinavians and Lithuanians to use Tallinn as their gateway to the rest of Europe. I wish you a good flight!

Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air, Reklaam: Nordicom

Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: Dali Kask Fotograaf / Photographer: Laura Kallasvee Meik / Make up: Tiina Leesik Stilist / Stylist: Britt Samoson

in time October 2012

Executive Dual Time Self-winding. Patented time zone quick setting. Black ceramic bezel and 18 ct rose gold case. Water-resistant to 100 m. Rubber band. W W W . U LY S S E - N A R D I N . C O M

S u u r - K a r j a 9 - Ta l l i n n 1 0 1 4 0 - E s t o n i a Te l . + 3 7 2 6 4 1 9 3 3 3

Priit Hõbemägi kolumnist

Paberlennuk ja droonide revolutsioon Aegade algusest on inimene unistanud

lendamisest. A4 paberilehest volditud paberlennuk on lapse unistuste teel alles esimene samm. Kui olin väike poiss, rääkis isa mulle oma lapsepõlve mängulennukitest – vineerisaega ülikergest balsapuust välja saetud detailidest ning õhukese riisipaberiga üle kleebitud tiibadega kokku pandud mudelitest, millele andis lennujõu kummipaelaga käivitatav propeller. Minu jaoks sümboliseerisid lendamist plastmassist lennukimudelid, mis koosnesid sadadest tillukestest detailidest ja mida ma, keel pingutusest suunurgast väljas, kirjutuslaual kokku kleepisin. Kapi peal seisvate mudelite uhke rida aga ei rahuldanud. Tõmbasin üle hoovi pika traadi, meisterdasin lennukite külge silmused ja lasin neid uhkelt kahe puu vahelisel liinil kurseerida.

Minu poja mänguasjade valikusse võib lähi-

ma supermarketi mänguasjariiulilt valida akutoitega lendava helikopterimudeli. Kuid… isegi see väike ime tundub juba vananenud tehnoloogiana. Parem juba interneti kaudu tellida endale droon, millel on küljes kaamera ja mida saab juhtida iPhone’i või mõne muu nutitelefoniga. Drooniks nimetatakse kaugjuhtimisega mehitamata lennuvahendit. Mõnikord nimetatakse neid ka mikrokopteriteks, aga nimetusi on veelgi


rohkem. Tsiviilkasutuses on need tavaliselt suuremat sorti pitsakarbi või keskmise suurusega papist pakkekasti mõõtmetega, millel on neli või rohkem tiivikut. Uus tehnoloogia on muutnud droonid kompaktseteks ja suhteliselt kättesaadava hinnaga toodeteks. Üks levinumaid “mängu”-droone maksab näiteks kolmsada dollarit. Lendamiseks vajamineva arvutusvõimsuse saavad droonid tavaliselt nutitelefonist, mille ekraanilt lennuaparaati juhitakse. Droonihuviliste hulk suureneb iga päevaga. Juba täna on droonid laialdaselt tsiviilkasutuses: need aitavad otsida looduses kaduma läinud inimesi, koguda infot viljapõldudelt, et väetamist ja kastmist teha just vajalikes kohtades; neid kasutavad looduseuurijad; filmitegijad kasutavad droone linnulennult tehtavate võtete tegemisel – üks selline ettevõte tegutseb juba ka Eestis ja üks minu tuttav fotograaf teeb droonil asuva fotoaparaadiga hingematvalt kauneid fotosid Eestimaa loodusest.

Mida veel? Kujutage endale ette vurinal drooniga saabuvat kohvi ja saiakesi koos värske ajalehega, maandumas otse teie terrassile. Iga kuu tõuseb maailmas esimest korda õhku tuhat uut tsiviilkasutuses olevat drooni. Millal tõuseb taevasse sinu droon?

in time October 2012

Paper planes and the revolution of drones Priit Hõbemägi columnist

Men have dreamed

of flying since the beginning of time. A plane folded from a sheet of paper is the first step in a child’s dream. When I was a young boy, my father told me stories about the toy planes of his childhood – models carefully sawn from lightweight balsa wood with wings covered by thin rice paper and a rotor powered by a rubber string. Then there were plastic model airplanes that consisted of hundreds of small details which I used to glue together behind my writing desk, almost too afraid to breathe. For me, the line of plastic airplanes on top of a bookshelf was too stagnant. So I pulled a long wire across the yard, attached hooks to the airplanes and let them “fly” on the route between two trees.

For my own son, I can now buy a battery-

powered flying helicopter sold in the toy department of the nearest supermarket. Once definitely a small miracle, it seems simply outdated today. So let’s go online and order a drone that is equipped with a camera and controlled via an iPhone or some other similar device. A drone is a remotely controlled unmanned


aerial vehicle, also known as micro chopper. Drones that are in civilian use are usually the size of a larger pizza box or average cardboard box and equipped with four or more rotors. Thanks to modern technology, the drones have become very compact and affordable. One of the most popular drone models, for instance, costs 300 US dollars. Drones are operated by a smartphone display that provides the computing power for the vehicle. Drones are getting more and more popular. Those in civilian use help to find people lost in the wilderness, collect information from fields for targeted fertilization or watering and are utilized by nature explorers or film directors for bird eye views – there is already a company dedicated to this in Estonia and a photographer I know takes breathtakingly beautiful nature shots with a camera mounted on a drone.

What else? Imagine a drone carrying a cup

of coffee, pastry and a morning newspaper touching down on your terrace. Every month, about a thousand new drones are taken into civilian use. When is the turn for your drone?

in time October 2012

coming up estonia Fashion and the Cold War September 14–December 31, n  Kumu Art Museum A. Weizenbergi 34, Tallinn The exhibition studies the habits of dressing in Soviet Estonia in the 1950s and 1960s and the dialogue with Western fashion. Fashion was, without a doubt, the most successful border-crosser during the Cold War.

Photo exhibition "Patterns of Life"


presentation by the scientific director of the museum, Heiki Pärt, on local farm architecture as well as a performance by the Estonian Open-Air Museum mixed choir.

Tõnu Talve. "Dances of Life and Those Who Wait"

ings and literature events. The Pan-FinnoUgric Days will be celebrated all over Estonia with thematic school lessons, meetings and folklore evenings. The Finno-Ugric Days' third Saturday in October (October 10) is by now a national holiday – in the honour of the Finno-Ugric Days, the main concert will be held in Tallinn on this day.

September 22–November 7, n  Paide Culture Centre The exhibition displays works by the artist Tõnu Talve. It is not easy to explain the art of Tõnu Talve. The series “Dances of Life” is a new version of Bernt Notke’s “Dance of Death”. According to the art critic Ants Juske, Talve’s works are processual, i.e. the way the artist reaches the completed work is just as important as the work itself. The writer Kerttu Soans has put it aptly: “As Talve paints while listening to music, the works reflect the rhythm and dynamics of the music. If you let it move you without false embarrassment, you can feel almost physically what you like and what you don’t like. And this is contained not in Tõnu Talve’s paintings, but in yourself. Everything you find disturbing in Talve’s works, is inside yourself. Everything that soothes and acknowledges you, is inside yourself.”

8th Theatre Festival "Golden Mask in Estonia" October 2–9 n  The Golden Mask Festival in Estonia is one of the most important theatre events of the year, uniting Russian and Estonian audiences. The festival showcases last season's best Russian performances, which have become the nominees and winners of the Russian Festival Golden Mask. Seminars, masterclasses, lectures are also organized during the festival. All performances are provided with simultaneous translation into Estonian.

Premier of a complete work by Eduard Tubin – Piano Sonata No 1 in E Major ETW 31 (1928)

September 20–October 30, n

October 4, Estonian Theatre and n

Kuressaare Community Centre Estonian Open-Air Museum's photos of Saaremaa from 1958 to 2008. The photography exhibition is part of the museum’s anniversary series “Museum Comes to Visit”. The title has several meanings. In Saaremaa, the colloquial name for the peasant dwelling is “life” – a suitable name for the old and honourable barn with its thick walls made of logs and strong thatched roof, which housed the whole family and witnessed the life phases of its inhabitants: births, deaths, worries and joys, also breadmaking, threshing and drying of grain etc. The display consists of 40-50 photos made during the museum’s fieldwork in Saaremaa from the 1950s until the present day. The photos reflect familiar sights – crooked village roads, high stone fences, thatched roofs of the farmhouses, all of which have become a distinguishing feature for life in Saaremaa. The exhibition is the museum’s tribute to the tough islanders and their lands. An educative and entertaining wholefamily event, “Museum Comes to Visit”, is held on October 13 at Anseküla Community Centre, featuring activities for children, a

Music Museum October 6, Alatskivi Castle October 16, Kuressaare Music School Eduard Tubin's piano sonata in E Minor from 1928 is a monumental 45-minute piece, which features a very complex structure and poses a challenge to the pianist. The pianist Marko Martin accepted the Estonian Theatre and Music Museum's invitation to learn the piano sonata and perform it in Tallinn, Alatskivi and Kuressaare.

Pan-Finno-Ugric Days October 1–30 n  In the course of the whole month in October, the Pan-Finno-Ugric Days will introduce the culture of Finno-Ugrian and Samoyed peoples. Performances by Finno-Ugric folk music bands, concerts, exhibitions, film screen-

Tallinn International Horse Show 2012 October 5–7, Saku Arena, Tallinn n  On the first weekend of October, eques-

in time October 2012

coming up trian sports festival Tallinn International Horse Show celebrates its tenth anniversary. On the occasion of the birthday year, the World Cup event in show jumping together with an international dressage competition are held. In addition to the competitive sports action the audience has the chance to witness a high-quality entertainment programme.

The apple is the symbol of Türi Parish. The symbol for the Apple Festival is in turn a fun and delicious apple from Türi Parish. www.õ

Estonian Photography Art Fair 2012

wide variety of TV projects. For example, during their tour in Argentina, they were invited to his TV show by Diego Maradona. The show combines elements of hiphop culture, breakdancing and modern choreography. Lit up by dazzling neon and luminescent rays, the artists perform dizzying stunts and bring metal to life by transforming themselves into aluminum pipes. The touching, lyrical, energizing, and aggressive sound enhanced by unexpected visual effects hypnotizes both children and adults.

October 5–7, n  Telliskivi Creative Centre, Tallinn The Estonian Photography Art Fair features contemporary photography, new works for sale, guided tours, panel discussions and short films by renowned artists. The fair’s main exhibit, set up for three days, displays more than 20 recent works by Estonian photographers. Guided tours and panel discussions shed light on the works and offer an insight into the artistic process. Visitors also get a unique chance to meet the artists and ask advice from experts on how to start their own personal art collection. The Photography Month also presents an artist’s film programme put together by the London-based curator Rowan Geddis and the Estonian photographer Marge Monko. The programme reveals links between photography, film and video art and introduces short films, which have gained recognition in the art scene in the recent years.

Kihnu Violin Festival October 5–7, Kihnu n  Kihnu has seen the success of several skilled violinists. The aim of the festival is to bring back violin to the status it deserves and make violin studies a natural part of education. The festival was formed in order to revive the broken tradition of Kihnu violin music and to play tribute to old violinists.

3 Türi Apple Festival rd

October 6, Türi n

October 2012 in time

III Artishok Biennale October 10–20, n  Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia Artishok Biennale is an experimental exhibition format that was brought to life by the art and criticism movement Artishok in 2008 in Tallinn. It was initiated by a vacuum in the art criticism of the noughties – especially in the generational young art criticism - but also by a desire to overlook automatic procedures in the art world as well as scatter clusters of symbolic capital and status quo. 10 cutting edge young artists, 10 cutting edge young critics, and 10 intense exhibition days with a new show presenting one work of art and ten critical reviews opening up each morning. The aim was to create a kind of simulacra of an ideal art world in which all its components would be presented at its best: bravehearted artists diving into the waves of criticism, critics with variety of taste preferences and world views, zeitgeist sensitive curator who would not intrude excessively into the work of artists and critics, and last but not least an audience ready for a challenging exhibition experience.

Folk Music Harvest Festival October 12–13, Viljandi n  Performers of traditional music gather in Viljandi in October to sum up the summer. Appearing: Omiri (Portugal), VEM, The Begley’s (Ireland), Marko Matvere, Margus Põldsepp and Jaanus Jantson, Svjata Vatra, Paabel and Meestevägi “Sihi, sihi noori meesi”, Ro:Toro, Puzle, Elof & Wamberg (Denmark).

Aluminum Show October 10, n  Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn The world-famous "Aluminum Show" is taking its light show, which combines music, dance, and visual theatre with two tons of decorations to Tallinn. The opening night of the show, which has already visited the largest countries in the world, will take place in the Nokia Concert Hall on October 10. The humorous show always enthralls children and adults alike. The show is so extraordinary that the artists are constantly invited to perform for a

Tartu Autumn Days 2012 October 15–21, Tartu n  Tartu Student Days Festival offers a unique programme full of culture and entertainment for students, locals and visitors! The festival program is put together keeping in mind the esprit of student life. Twice a year, the Tartu Student Days will bring together Estonian students and international students studying in Estonia.


coming up Together they will take part in fun activities and thrilling events.

Perished Alpinist" ("Hukkunud Alpinisti hotell", 1979), "Last Relic" ("Viimne reliikvia", 1969), "Here We Are" ("Siin me oleme", 1979), "Bumpy" ("Nukitsamees", 1981), "The Adventurer" ("Nipernaadi" 1983), "December Heat" ("Detsembrikuumus"; 2008), "Men at Arms" ("Malev", 2005). Appearing: Sandra Nurmsalu, Marvi Vallaste, Mait Malmsten, Märt Avandi, Sven Grünberg, Artur Talvik, Police and Border Guard Orchestra. Conductor Hando Põldmäe.

TV Tower Music Lounge October 16–December 4, TW Tower n  The colourful concerts take place at the cloud border – 170 m above ground on the 21st floor of Tallinn TV Tower. Season opening concert
16th of October, at 8 p.m.
Vind Project 2
Meelis Vind (clarinet and bass clarinet), Liis Viira (harp), Peeter Salmela (sitar), Arno Kalbus (tablas, percussions), Garmen Tabor (texts) The programme includes mostly the original creation of Estonian clarinet and saxophone player Meelis Vind, renowned both in classical music and jazz. Vind's music is flavoured with exciting harmonies and Indian instruments and mixes texts from two Indian mystics, poets and philosophers, whose influence and importance crosses centuries and connects different cultures. Father’s Day Concert
13th of November, at 8 p.m.
Woodwind Quintet Estica
Anna Kelder (flute), Heli Ernits (oboe), Helena Tuuling (clarinet), Dora Migroczi (bassoon), Meelika Mikson (French horn). The five young ladies with classical wind instruments are a continuation of the 50-year-long activity of the legendary Jaan Tamm Woodwind Quintet and offer an amazing music experience to all fathers and grandfathers! Advent Concert
4 th of December, at 8 p.m.
“Christmas accordion like a little organ“
Jaak Lutsoja (accordion), Meelis Vind (bass clarinet), Virgo Sillamaa (guitar), Taavo Remmel (double bass). Unconventional and internationally recognised accordion music by Jaak Lutsoja. Also, enjoy the arrangements of Bach’s works, made by the performing musicians themselves.

Estonian Film 100: A Great Film Music Concert October 22–26 n  The concert features popular songs from well-known Estonian films. "Hotel of the


Tallinn FoodFest October 25–27, n  Estonian Fairs, Tallinn Tallinn FoodFest is an internationally recognized source of trade opportunities for the food-related industries: producers, wholesalers, retailers, hotels and restaurants in Estonia and the Baltic states. TFF can assist you to tap into the new markets, meet new distributors and importers, create and maintain successful business contacts.

Now you have an opportunity to see the award winning pianist giving a solo concert at home, performing his own music and also pieces from other Estonian authors.

Tallinn Restaurant Week 2012 November 1–7, Tallinn n  The second edition of Tallinn Restaurant Week brings together over 30 restaurants this year, representing local and international cuisines. One week each year Tallinn Restaurant Week invites citizens and visitors to celebrate the wonderful food experience that can be enjoyed in Tallinn and to be the personal guest of professionals that have hospitality engraved in their hearts. Tallinn Restaurant Week is a week of discovery, of eating in various restaurants, comparing experiences, made possible by very accessible pricing – a two course lunch for 10 € and a three course dinner for 20 €. The seating has to be booked via TRW hotline by special number what will be released in October.

8th International Tallinn Salsa Festival November 15-18, Tallinn n  Tallinn Salsa Festival 2012 is a four day event with dance workshops during daytime by fabulous international teachers, breath-taking shows and lots of dancing all through the night to hot DeeJays! Artists’ line-up includes Helio Santos (POR), Dani and Giulia (IT), Eldina and Dani K (EST/UK), Dj Gabriel (FR), and many more. Among others you can learn Mambo, Salsa Cubana, Kizomba, Semba, Bachata, Bachatango, Afro, Cape Verde dances. All dance lovers and any level dancers are welcome. Special program for beginners. Show program on Friday and Saturday with party and dance animations for everybody. See you on the dance floor!

Festival Piano 2012: Kristjan Randalu October 29 at 19, n  Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn Kristjan Randalu, the jazz pianist mostly performing in Europe and USA is one of the internationally best known and versatile Estonian Jazz musicians who works daily with Tunisian oud virtuoso Dhafer Youssef, guitar players Nguyên Lê, Ben Monder and with many famous orchestras.

in time October 2012

coming up europe

Copenhagen Halloween in Tivoli


October 12-28, 3 Vesterbrogade n  Copenhagen's favourite amusement park gets spooky, especially for kids, over the traditional October holiday. Halloween in Tivoli turns Tivoli Gardens into a magical and haunting world full of witches, illuminated pumpkins, chestnuts and other fruits of autumn.

Amsterdam Marathon October 21, Olympischstadion, n

Cinekid Festival October 1–26, n  10 Kleine Gartmanplantsoen The Cinekid Festival of film and television is aimed at children aged between 4 and 16. Based in the heart of Amsterdam, there are screenings of new children's feature films, animation and television programmes at de Balie and Patha City. In addition to watching the films, children can try out the latest interactive games in a hall filled with computers and actively participate in cross-media workshops.

The festival awards prizes for best films and TV shows, and there's a new media award for CDs and websites. The main festival is held in Amsterdam, but around 30 satellite festivals are held in other cities around the Netherlands.

Starting and finishing in the Olympic Stadium, the Amsterdam Marathon attracts up to 22,000 participants every year. The route is fast, free of traffic and – as you'd expect in the Netherlands – flat! Digital clocks and refreshment stands line the route, which passes through the Vondelpark, below the Rijksmuseum, alongside the Amstel River and back to finish in the stadium.
For the marginally less energetic, there's the half marathon and the Menzis 7.5 km run.
Founded in 1976, the marathon is now classified in the Golden League category by the International Association of Athletics Federations – the highest level for road-racing competitions.

Brussels Modo Brussels Fashion Designers Trail October 12–14, 44 Place Sainten

Photo: Martijn Klijmij

Amsterdam Dance Event October 17–21 n  The Amsterdam Dance Event is the gateway to the international electronic music scene. By day, Europe's leading dance music conference, at night DJs and talent from across the dance music spectrum perform at club venues around the city. Hundreds of DJs and dance acts play at the event, with the emphasis on discovering new music and label showcases. An audience of thousands gets down at clubs and parties across Amsterdam. 

It's not all about partying, however.


Catherine The Modo Brussels Fashion Designers Trail (Parcours de Stylistes) brings top designers, famous brands and young talent to Brussels every two years. Visitors browse designs in exclusive boutiques, but also in unusual locations such as car parks and even bakeries. The trail is packed with installations in the most unusual of venues - from art galleries and apartments to churches or bus shelters. 

The boutiques lining the rue Dansaert feature heavily. Here visitors can browse the shops of the most sought-after designers - from Carine Gilson (lingerie) to Christophe Coppens (hats), before continuing to the exclusive Sablons part of town, lined with chic clothes boutiques and antiques shops.

Hannover Infa creatively October 13–15, Messe Hannover n  Organized at Deutsche Messe Hannover, Germany, the Infa creatively gives a snapshot of creative design industry by displaying Gifts, Games, Hobbies, and Toys, Home Furnishings and Interior Design, Textile / Fabrics / Leather / Nonwovens etc. Hosted by Deutsche Messe AG, the fair edges over other in unveiling technologies advancements, techniques and different products and bringing buyers & sellers from throughout the world. Visitors will find numerous exhibitors with a huge range of craft accessories and numerous exciting workshops. Visitors can be inspired by the creative techniques. On the hobby and craft market, they can fill their basket with precious stones, stencils, stickers, punches, needles, wool, fabrics, papers, mats and more.

Helsinki Exhibition of Estonian film poster September 25–October 4 n  The exhibition, put together by Andres Maimik, provides an overview of film posters since the 1960s. The Estonian Institute in Finland celebrates the 100th anniversary of Estonian film. The posters are divided into categories,

in time October 2012

coming up e.g. art posters, staged photography posters, posters about war and revolution, erotic posters, failed posters and posters promoting Estonian film abroad. The posters of the 1950s and 1960s are fairly easy, whereas from the 1970s, the design changed radically, being now influenced by modernist and postmodernist art paradigm, aesthetics and concepts. In the early 1980s the Estonian film poster gradually became an independent field of art. The formats of theatre, exhibition and bands were only a pretext in order to cultivate pure self-expression.

gers of Somers Town who wore their buttons to stand out.

There are still some 40 active families, fundraising for a variety of charities and the Pearly Society holds an earlier Harvest Festival at St Mary-le-Bow.

Jyväskylä Nanoscience Days 2012 October 8–10, University of Jyväskylä n

Helsinki Book Fair

The topics of the Nanoscience Days seminars present a balanced overview of new results, emerging trends and perspectives in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The seminar provides an interdisciplinary forum for presenting and discussing fundamental and technological developments. This year Nanoscience Days precedes the Technology 2012 exhibition at the Congress and Exhibition Center Jyväskylä Paviljonki. Note also Aquatest workshop on 10th October at NSC.

October 25–28, 1 Messuaukio n  A favourite autumn event, Helsinki's Book Fair sees bookworms and industry folk gather at Helsinki Fair Centre for four days of literary endeavour. There are 300 exhibitors and 1000 authors and publishers attending for sessions, workshops and readings.

Skiexpo November 2–4, 1 Messuaukio n  Skiexpo, at the Helsinki Fair Centre, is the largest wintersports fair in the Nordic countries... and that's saying something. You name it, every type of skiing and ice sport is represented over the weekend: downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross-country and more.

London UK B-Boy World Championships October 13–14, 211 Stockwell Road n  An important date in the UK's hip-hop calendar, the UK B-Boy World Championships comes to London's 02 Academy Brixton. The world's best break-dancers go head-tohead in an electric atmosphere in front of 5000 fans. The day before, 02 Academy Islington features the UK B-Boy Championships Knock Out Jam, a high-adrenalin prelude to the main event itself.

Moscow IgroMir October 4–7, 119 Prospekt Mira n  IgroMir is Russia's first exhibition of interactive entertainment, consoles and computer games. Visitors to Moscow's AllRussia Exhibition Centre get the chance to see for themselves the newest innovations from industry leaders including Microsoft, Sony and Sega.

The Pearly Society's Harvest Festival October 17–18, Bedford Street n  The last Harvest Festival of the London Pearly Kings and Queens Society takes place at Covent Garden's St Paul's Church. Gifts of produce are then donated to the homeless helped by the Connections at St Martin-in-the-Fields charity. The Pearly Kings and Queens are as traditional as rhyming slang, and can date their history back 150 years to the costermon-

Oslo Oslo Opera Festival October 26–November 3 n  The Oslo Opera Festival, organised by voluntary organisation Kulturentusiastene,


coming up aims to make opera accessible and appealing to everyone, especially young people. Performances vary from classic to heavy metal opera, and take place across the capital – including some unusual outdoor venues.

Paris Chic Art Fair October 19–22, 34 Quai d'Austerlitz n  Paris's brand new Cité de la Mode et du Design (a multi-disciplinary design venue, also called Docks en Seine) presents, for the second year running, the cutting-edge Chic Art Fair. Expect intriguing contemporary art displays by 50 international galleries.

St Petersburg Boomfest September 15–October 14 n  Paris's brand new Cité de la Mode et du Design (a multi-disciplinary design venue, also called Docks en Seine) presents, for the second year running, the cutting-edge Chic Art Fair. Expect intriguing contemporary art displays by 50 international galleries.

Ellamaa (sculptural glass art); Maret Sarapu, Kai Kiudsoo-Värv, Riho Hütt (level glass art); Mare Saare, Kristiina Uslar, Maie Kikof-Liivik (breathtakingly beautiful glass art); Ivo Lill, Rait Prääts (masculine and powerful glass art); Eve Koha’s strict and accurate works, the more liberal and playful works by kai Koppen, Viivi-Ann Keerdo; Külli Nidermann, Kalli Sein (applied art interpretations in glass); Sofi Aršas, Kateriin Rikken, Kalli Sein, Kati Kerstna (games with light, sounds and movements) and several others. Glass is a material which allows several combinations, and hence the works also employ wood, metal, LED lights, movement sensors etc, which means that the use of material in glass art is becoming increasingly liberal.

October 6 n  Vienna's museums open their doors later than usual for the Long Night of the Museums. Hop on one of the especially laid-on shuttle buses and use your all-inclusive ticket to visit as many museums as you can in just one night.

October 6 n  Although Tjur Ruset ("bull rush" or "bull run") conjures images of Spanish-style machismo, there are actually no bulls present. The 10km endurance race in Stockholm is so-called because competitors require bull-like strength to complete the marshy, or even swampy, course. It's a rather strange Swedish tradition, dating only from 1998 and set up in response to its female-only counterpart (all-women races outside of Stockholm are well known). It's a mixed-sex race that takes place somewhere in the Stockholm region each year. The exact location of the deliberately gruelling run is kept secret up to the starting time. What is certain is that it is 10km long and occurs where the ground is extremely difficult to navigate. Have you the strength of a bull?

September 28–December 2 n


Vienna Long Night of the Museums

Stockholm Bull Rush

Estonian Contemporary Glass Art in St Petersburg This is a busy year for Estonian glass art, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary with several large exhibitions. The selection displayed in St Petersburg is no doubt one of the key events of the anniversary year, featuring 23 artists and almost 80 works. The aim is to showcase the versatility in contemporary Estonian glass art as well as introduce new artists. It seems that there is not one technique in the world history of glass art that the Estonian glass artists do not use. The exhibition features glass art by Kairi Orgusaar, Tiina Sarapu, Eeva Käsper, Piret

the recipe remains the same, with flavours from Scandinavia and beyond. It's a one stop shop to help you create your perfect kichen!

My Kitchen Show November 8–11, 1 Mässvägen, Älvsjö n  Previously known as Det Goda Ket, Stockholm International Fairs' gastronomic show is now retitled My Kitchen (Mitt Kök) but

vilnius TEDxVilnius October 6 n  TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a fourday conference in California 26 years ago, TED has grown to support those worldchanging ideas with multiple initiatives. At TED, the world's leading thinkers and doers are asked to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Talks are then made available, free, at TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Benoit Mandelbrot, Philippe Starck, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Isabel Allende and former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TEDlike experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

in time October 2012

coming up Crazy praising reviews

Badi Assad (Brazil) Oct 24 at 19 Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn Tickets are on sale via Piletilevi retailers and on-line

Badi Assad and the music that defies categorization Musical wonder-woman Badi Assad from Brazil is one of the most passionate, innovative and talented musicians of today. She transcends traditional styles of her native Brazilian music with a mixture of pop, jazz and world/ethnic sounds from around the world. As a result, the extraordinary singer, guitarist, and percussionist is successfully forging an exhilarating genre of music that quite literally defies categorization. She has almost created her own musical genre combining guitar with mouth percussion, sweet melody and rhythmic body movements. As a singer, Badi is vibrant and electric, October 2012 in time

"Badi Assad redefines solo (guitar) pern  formance! Revelatory, a brilliant display of innovation, imagination, and skill... almost hypnotically compelling!" Los Angeles Times "Assad is known internationally as an ace n  acoustic guitarist. She is also a singer – but saying amplifying "also a singer" is tantamount to saying "Charles Mingus also played the piano" or "Sinatra was also known as an actor". Her voice is an instrument – incredibly flexible, capable of soaring à la Joni Mitchell and Flora Purim and getting sonorous & velvety like Cassandra Wilson and Tim Buckley." Jazz Review "At the Clarice Smith Performing, Assad n  proved she is much more than a flower child. The 39 year old with a huge shock of a curly black hair is also a stunning finger style guitarist and an eccentric singer in the Bobby McFerrin mold." Washington Post "Guitar greatness must be genetic. Want n  a proof? Check out Badi Assad, kid sister of Sergio and Odair Assad. This is serious stuff, played with complete command and vibrating musicianship. Add her stunning vocals and mouth percussion, and the result is musical magic." Acoustic Guitar "On her impressive debut album, the young n  and restless guitarist Assad, like Powell, taps right into that fertile cross-musical terrain where classical, folk and jazz sonorities meet on Brazilian soil." Down Beat "Guitar-playing super smooth Assad popun  larized Brazilian traditional and pop forms in her human show. She sings. She plucks the strings with a virtuosity steeped in classical and jazz training. And she busts out with lots of percussive tricks, using her own body as a rhythmic source." Time Out "While receiving high accolades for her n  quick-fingered guitar work, Brazil's Badi Assad is equally dangerous behind the microphone." New Times

responding to her inner passion with deft creativity. As a guitarist, she has inspired audiences and critics worldwide with a unique combination of technical mastery and innovation that has caused many to re-examine their notions about the instrument. Through it all, Badi's adventurous spirit and buoyant personality have become an integral part of her music.

Text: Ingrid Põldoja Photo: Jazzkaar

This October Badi Assad will give a concert

in Estonia, during the Autumn Jazz Season organized by the biggest jazz festival in the Baltics – Jazzkaar.


coming up

“Une Estonienne à Paris” Text: Maria UlfsakŠeripova Photos: Laurent Thurin Nal, TS Productions


The main character of the film is Anne, resident of a small Estonian town, who leaves Estonia for Paris to take care of Frida, an elderly Estonian woman who emigrated there a long time ago. Yet the relationship between the lonesome but demanding lady and a provincial woman becomes complicated and both are soon facing

“Une Estonienne à Paris”, a film about two Estonian women in Paris, will reach Estonian theatres on October 12. Written and staged by the well-known film director Ilmar Raag, the film premiered in August in the main program of the prestigious 65th Festival del Film Locarno in Switzerland where it won the Ecumenical Prize. The film will open in French cinemas on December 26.

events that change their lives forever. Set in small Estonian towns and in Paris, it stars Laine Mägi, actress of the Estonian Drama Theatre and leader of her own dance school, and legendary French film diva Jeanne Moreau, known for her roles in films directed by world-famous François Truffaut, Michelangelo Antonioni and Orson Welles.

in time October 2012

coming up In Time asked director Ilmar Raag to talk

about the making of this film.

For you, “Une Estonienne à Paris” is a personal story. Tell us how it came to you and how long did it take to go from the concept to the final cut? When I was studying in Paris in 1990s I was asked if I knew someone who could take care for one elderly Estonian lady, an ex-pat. I didn’t hesitate and recommended my mother. Only years later, I understood that when my mother came back from Paris she was not the same woman anymore. When she left for Paris she was a relatively lonesome 50-year-old woman who was divorced and whose children had left home. However, the woman who returned to Tallinn was full of joy for life and soon found new love. I think that it requires an internal flame and readiness to enjoy life. To this day I don’t know exactly what happened in Paris. My mother has not told me everything which is why this film is not a documentary, but simply one version of how to find inner love. What’s your relationship with Paris, a city that can be regarded as one of the film’s stars? Love should never be fully explained because this would spoil it just like we stop marvelling at the magician’s tricks once we are told how they’re done. As long as I remember, Paris attracted me first through popular films played by Jean Marais or Jean-Paul Belmondo. Then came the books: “The Three Musketeers” and “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”. So it was not intellectually serious at first. Later I was enchanted by stories about impressionists who were swimming against the tide in the art world and the adventures of Estonian artists who lived and studied in Paris before WWII. The truth is that my relationship with Paris has chan-

October 2012 in time

ged over the years. Perhaps the years spent abroad and in Paris have made me understand that, at the end of the day, I will die as an Estonian. This is strange, but your origin will follow you until the end of your life. As for this film, some of my Estonian friends say it’s very French while the French are convinced that it’s clearly an Estonian film. It seems that for the Estonian audience “Une Estonienne à Paris” is a serious film while the international audience tends to take it as a comedy. Was it meant to be a drama or comedy? The story was originally meant as a soft comedy, without much laughing. But when we were developing the story with the French we wanted to better understand the characters and made the plot more serious. I think that a good comedy should also include a fair amount of drama so that we can appreciate jokes better. Actually, I am glad that I was not entirely serious when I was making this film. Why did you want Jeanne Moreau to star in the film? How was it to work with such a legendary actress? I indeed hoped to cast her from the very start, although I did not expect her to say yes. After all, she is one of the biggest stars of the French cinema. An actress who has acquired her status not only thanks to good looks, but also for playing difficult roles. Yet she agreed. I cannot say that it was easy to work with her because she is very demanding intellectually. For most of the time I was afraid that I would say something stupid. Turns out it’s very hard to work with an actor for whom you have such high regard. But when we were editing the film I was once again amazed by her amazing aura that fills the whole take regardless of what she does.

Director's biography and filmography Ilmar Raag is the writer n

and director of one the most successful films ever made in Estonia – Class (Amrion 2007), which was sold to 91 countries, received a national Oscar nomination, won 25 awards from 70 festivals, and developed into a successful multi-awarded TV-series. Raag has an MA in screenwriting from Ohio University, and works as an expert for EURIMAGES and MEDIA Plus. He has acted as Head of Acquisitions and Chairman of the Board for Estonian National Television, been a national representative at EURIMAGES, member of the Audiovisual Council of Cultural Endowment of Estonia, and Member of the Board of Directors of Estonian Film Foundation. Ilmar is also an acclaimed columnist in the biggest dailies, lecturer, and a popular media consultant.

Main Cast and Credits Directed by: Ilmar Raag Cast: Jeanne Moreau, Laine Mägi, Patrick Pineau, Ita Ever etc. Screenplay: Ilmar Raag, Agnès Feuvre, Lise Macheboeuf 
 Music: Dez Mona DOP: Laurent Brunet Producers: Riina Sildos (Amrion, Estonia), Miléna Poylo and Gilles Sacuto (TS Productions, France) Co-Producer: Philippe Kauffmann (La Parti Production, Belgium)


coming up Freedom Square, Estonia

Estonia vs Ireland, Tallinn

The multimedia time capsule at 11/11/11 Text: Suzanna Dopper • Photos: 11elevenproject

The most surprising and original content: A Korean girl who was n

adopted by an American family in the 80s, goes back to Seoul in order to meet her birth mother and sister for the first time and documented the whole day. A male prostitute in n  Amsterdam is interviewed about his work. A 5 year old boy in Switn  zerland spends the day with a helmet camera recording his day. A man proposing to his n  girlfriend in front of thousands of spectators at a gathering in the USA. 8 months on from the n  tsunami that ravaged Japan, people in a small town talk about how they're still dealing with the rebuilding process long after the media has stopped talking about it.


11Eleven Project invited people from all The team received photos from every

around the world to “share their lives” on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11), through film, music, sound and image to reveal what life was like for them on that day. Project had submissions from 179 countries around the world, many of them from Estonia. Now, exactly a year later, on November 11, 2012, the film will be screened worldwide.

The campaign to take 11Eleven to the world began in October 2010. From a team of one, Danielle Lauren, founder and creative director, the project has steadily grown to over 100 team members, international ambassadors and advisors. With minimal finances for marketing purposes, the 11Eleven Project has utilised the power of social media to promote itself. The aim was to get people capture a part of their November 11, 2011 in video, photo, music, sound or blog and with these pieces create a time capsule of the world that would later be presented in a documentary.

corner of the world reflecting normal every day life, but also weird and wonderful moments as well as music and sounds that were mixed to create the soundtrack of the film. On November 11, this year, the team will be holding global showings of the film and in order to do that, they are inviting anyone and everyone who has access to a location and equipment to bring their local community together and screen the film. These screenings will allow people to view the film free of charge! The project team hopes it will give many people all over the world the opportunity to watch the film and learn a little more about one another so that we can begin to recognise our similarities and respect each other’s differences! Another aspect of the project is that it is a charity initiative, with the profits made from the sale of the film, book and album being split evenly between six charities that the team have carefully chosen: Save the Children; Hamlin Fistula; WWF; Opportunity International; Hunger Project; and Global Voices.

in time October 2012

With a respect and distinguished bearing, with my heart full of endless love I reforged my battle-hardened sword into the tribute for You, my beloved, my soul, my divine

Tornim채e 5, Tallinn

place to be

Historic futurism and the TV Tower Photos: Teletorn

Tallinn’s TV Tower reopened its doors in April and over the summer more than 100,000 people went up it it, despite its maxiumum capacity being just 100 visitors at a time. Now the queues are much shorter to walk out onto the glass floor hanging above 170m in the air and to eat in Estonia's highest restaurant, so it’s a great time to go. Tallinn's historic TV Tower is a symbol of Estonia's independence. Here unarmed civilians faced down Soviet tanks during the attempted coup against Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991, and two courageous Estonian policemen prevented Soviet troops from taking control. Bullet holes that bear mute testimony to the efforts of this nation to obtain its freedom remain visible at the tower’s base.


in time October 2012

place to be

Opening hours

A widely known account tells of a hand-

ful of radio operators who in 1991 risked their lives to protect the free media of the reborn Republic of Estonia. They placed a matchbox between the lift door and its frame in such a way that it wouldn't work, forcing the Soviet troops to climb every one of approximately 1,000 tower steps. The operators also had an oxygen-removing fire-fighting system at their disposal. However, it is not known if the system was operational or if it was a bluff. Putting the system into use would have suffocated everyone in the tower, including those trying to defend it. The 314 m tower was built to televise the sailing events of the 1980 Olympics, which were held in the Bay of Tallinn. Construction started in 1975 and was completed in 1980. The tower body is made up of reinforced concrete rings 50 cm thick, weighing a total of 17,000 tons. The total tower weight is approximately 20,000 tons. The observation deck on the 21st floor, originally designed to have a rotating section, is located

October 2012 in time

170 m above ground and has a diameter of 38 m. The Tower was closed to the public on November 26, 2007. The Vilnius TV Tower has a similar architectural design but features a rotating observation deck 165m above ground.

The Tallinn TV tower was reopened on

April 5, 2012 with a completely new interior design made by KOKO Arhitektid. To celebrate its reopening, the TV Tower hosted its first BASE Boogie, when 50 base jumpers from all over the world leapt off the tower, performing tricks as they descended. The TV Tower is not only a tall building and an unusual place to eat. A modern permanent exhibition with a futuristic design gives an overview of Estonian accomplishments through the ages, all introduced by a 3D film in the cinema. The film, with English and Russian subtitles, is shown every 15 minutes. The exhibition is on the second storey and introduces the history of the TV Tower from its construction as a prestige building to be unveiled

May to September: n

Every day 10:00–19:00 October to April: Every day except Tuesday 11:00–18:00

The 22nd-storey café and restaurant May-September: Every day 10:00–23:00 October-April: Every day except Tuesday 11:00-23:00 Wheelchair access All TV Tower visitor areas are wheelchair accessible.

Tickets: Priority admission: 11 € n

Ordinary ticket: 7 € Discount ticket (children aged five and over, schoolage children, pensioners): 4 € Family ticket (two adults and children aged up to 16): 15 € To the 22nd-storey restaurant: 3€ A total of 100 people at a n  time can be admitted to the 21st and 22nd-storey viewing platform. Visitors are requested to limit their stay to a maximum of one hour.


place to be

A TV programme from Teletorn ends up in Africa The Tallinn TV Tower is the largest transmitter of n

TV and radio in northern Europe. It was constructed for broadcasting purposes and owned and operated by telecom service provider AS Levira. Levira broadcasts to Scandinavia, the Baltics, Europe and even to Africa. December 20 1979 saw the TV Tower’s first broadcast. Levira moved its head office to the Tower in 2005.

for the 1980 Olympic regatta up to its reopening in 2012. In the TV studio on the second storey you can take a few moments to record a video greeting and send it to a friend.

The grandest view

in northern Estonia is a must. From a height of 170 m, ancient Tallinn and the glistening Baltic Sea appear to be in the palm of your hand. The view is enhanced by the observation screens that let you move around in time and space – besides magnifying the view, they show you how the city looked different times. For those not given to vertigo, windows have been built right into the floor, allowing you to feel like you are suspended in the air, 170 m above the ground. In the summer season, you can also defy the heights on the adjacent outdoor deck.


in time October 2012


Estonia is still a tax tiger It is a general perception that the corporate tax regime has served Estonia well in attracting foreign capital and convincing investors to establish their businesses in Estonia. Charging tax

Text: Hannes Lentsius Photos: shutterstock, Pwc

only on profit distributions and granting tax deferral on re-invested profits was a radical change twelve years ago when Estonia moved away from traditional corporate income tax system that charges tax on generated profits on annual basis. Adoption of rather unique and untested tax regime providing tax deferral to undistributed profits enabled the investors to determine their corporate income tax burden by simply deciding whether to distribute the profits or re-investing them to the company. Estonia has chosen a right path in keeping the tax regime simple and uniform with a few exceptions. Flat corporate and personal income tax rate, not many local taxes, limited exceptions and simple tax rules combined with user-friendly online tax reporting systems enable the taxpayers to perform their tax compliance in most cases independently without inevitable need for outside professional assistance. For the last seven years Price-

waterhouseCoopers has conducted comparative studies based on a hypothetical domestic company with typical operating profile to rank the tax burden in different countries ( com/gx/en/paying-taxes/download-order.jhtml). A recent study ranks Estonia fourth among OECD countries in terms of time to comply with taxation. This is a remarkable achievement. Brilliance tends to fade over the time and critics are pointing to some disadvantages of Estonian taxation. OECD ranked Estonia having rather high payroll tax burden when comparing 34 member states in its ‘Taxing wages’ report disclosed this summer ( Ease of tax compliance may compensate higher tax burden but not necessarily always. Despite the challenges the policy makers are facing in maintaining sufficient level of tax revenue it may be advisable to revise the tax policy to restore the glory of Estonian tax regime.

Holding company regime Estonia could serve as an excellent location for holding companies considering that the undistributed profits do not trigger taxation, the dividends received from subsidiaries can be generally distributed without Estonian tax consequences and Estonian legal environment and administrative practice enable to maintain the holding company in a time and cost efficient manner. At the same time Estonia could have its fair share of tax on value added activities performed in Estonia. The obstacle that seems to keep Estonia from becoming a desired holding company ter-


in time October 2012

ritory for the Nordic and Baltic States based companies is argued to be the capital gain taxation. With exception to foreign dividends, Estonia imposes 21% corporate income tax equally on all profit distributions regardless of whether the underlying profits have been derived from Estonian based activities such as providing services or distribution goods in domestic market or foreign income such as profit derived from the sale of foreign subsidiary (i.e. capital gain). Besides the fact that there are number of theoretical arguments to support this, majority of EU countries have granted exemption to such gains and generally enable to distribute dividends on account of such profits in a tax neutral manner. Estonia should consider this opportunity.

ESTONIAN EXPORT DIRECTORY Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to present a practical business guide on Estonian exporters and a selection of investment opportunities.

„Flexible economy, simple tax system; labour costs, which in European terms are low, together with good education and good labour market conditions are an argument, in addition to the euro, why one should invest to Estonia. I invite you to be a part of everything Estonia has to offer.” ANDRUS ANSIP Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia

––– „Estonian companies are eager to widen their geography and recent very active company creation has shown emergence of many very dynamic and interesting new companies. Welcome to Estonia!” Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Payroll taxation Second area of consideration is the payroll taxation that places relatively high tax burden on the companies. There have been discussions on revising certain aspects of payroll taxation that have lead the policy makers to introducing a number of tax benefits such as tax exclusion of certain long term employee stock option plans and educational expenses from fringe benefit taxation. Both of these perks serve well in motivating the businesses to invest into human capital. However, Estonia should go even further and consider payroll tax incentives for start-up businesses as well as foreign specialists assigned to Estonia for a limited period of time considering the EU state subsidy restrictions Besides financial effect, it would enable for Estonia to stand out and combined with a favourable corporate income tax regime reinforce the country’s tax appeal in the eyes of the foreign investors.

October 2012 in time





Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Phone: +372 604 0060 • E-mail: WWW.KODA.EE

Estonian Airi uudised / Estonian Air News

Ajakiri Airliner World tunnustab Estonian Airi

increase the competitiveness of the country. In order to provide better frequencies and new destinations the new business model foresees to extend the home market in Baltic countries and Scandinavia. In addition, Estonian Air was mentioned as one of the fastest growing airlines in Europe in 2011 with 16.4% increase in passenger numbers. Airliner World also praises Estonian Air for its restaurant project and innovative ideas in social media. Estonian Air CEO Tero Taskila commented that international recognition is very important for Estonian Air. “Especially when it comes from such prestigious magazine as Airliner World, " added Taskila.

603 741 passengers, out of which 602 573 on regular flights. The total number of passengers on regular flights in Tallinn increased 76.1% compared to the same period last year. Estonian Air operated 13 136 flights during the first eight months, which is 73.3% more than through the same period last year. In August, the airline operated 1855 flights, which is 80.6% more than during the same period last year. The regularity of Estonian Air flights in the first eight months was 98.9% and the 15-minute punctuality was 83.6%. In August, the regularity and punctuality were 99.4% and 86.4% respectively.

Reisijate arv kasvas esimese kaheksa kuuga 76,1 protsenti

Nautige mugavust ja privaatsust

Käesoleva aasta esimese kaheksa n

kõrvalistme tellimise võimalust. See on mõeldud reisijatele, kes soovivad lennata mugavamalt ning privaatsemalt. Tühja kõrvalistet saab tellida Estonian Airi kodulehelt Igale lennule eraldatakse limiteeritud arv tühje istekohti, sõltuvalt lennu täituvusest. Reisijale, kes on tellinud tühja kõrvalistme, saadetakse selle kohta kinnitus e-posti aadressile üks kuni kolm päeva enne väljalendu ja mitte hiljem kui neli tundi enne lennu plaanipärast väljumist. Kui tühja kõrvalistet ei ole võimalik eraldada, tagastatakse selle eest tasutud summa automaatselt pärast lennu väljumist viie tööpäeva jooksul. NB! Tühja kõrvalistme teenust saab internetikeskkonnas tellida inglise keeles.

Üks maailma loetumaid lennunn  dusajakirju Airliner World tunnustab Estonian Airi kiire arengu, paindlikkuse ja uuendusliku mõtlemise eest. Ajakiri kirjutab Estonian Airi 2012. aasta kevadel kasutusele võetud äristrateegiast ja õige suurusega lennukitest, mis vastavad paremini turu nõudlusele ja toetavad uue strateegia elluviimist. Estonian Airi äristrateegia eesmärk on luua paremad lennuühendused Eestist ja Eestisse lendamiseks ning tänu sellele suurendada Eesti rahvusvahelist konkurentsivõimet. Estonian Airi ärimudel näeb ette koduturu laiendamist eelkõige lähiregioonide väiksematesse linnadesse Baltikumis ja Skandinaavias. Artiklis märgitakse, et Estonian Air oli 2011. aastal üks kiiremini arenevaid lennufirmasid Euroopas, kasvatades reisijate arvu võrreldes eelmise aastaga 16,4 protsenti. Veel tõstab Airliner World esile Estonian Airi restoraniprojekti ning innovatiivsust sotsiaalmeedias. Estonian Airi presidendi Tero Taskila sõnul on rahvusvaheline tunnustus Estonian Airile väga oluline. „Eriti kui see pärineb nii mainekast ajakirjast nagu Airliner World,“ lisas Taskila.

kuu jooksul reisis Estonian Airiga kokku 603 741 reisijat, sh regulaarlendudel 602 573. Võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga suurenes reisijate arv Tallinnast algavatel regulaarlendudel 76,1 protsenti. Kaheksa kuuga tehti 13 136 lendu, mis on 73,3 protsenti rohkem kui eelmise aasta samal perioodil. Augusti tulemus – 1855 lendu – on 80,6 protsenti rohkem kui eelmisel aastal. Esimese kaheksa kuuga oli Estonian Airi lendude regulaarsus ehk toimumise protsent 98,9 ja lendude punktuaalsus ehk väljumise täpsus (15 minutit) 83,6 protsenti. Augustis olid vastavad numbrid 99,4 ja 86,4 protsenti.

Enjoy space and comfort

Airliner World recognizes Estonian Air n One of the world's most popular aviation magazine, Airliner World recognizes Estonian national carrier Estonian Air for its fast developments, flexibility and innovative thinking. The magazine writes about the implementation of the new strategy of Estonian Air in spring 2012 and right sizing the fleet in order to adapt to the market demands and support the new strategy. The aim of Estonian Air's new business strategy is to develop better air connections to and from Estonia and thereby


Estonian Air pakub nüüdsest tühja n

Passenger numbers grew 76.1% in the first eight months n In the first eight months of the current year, Estonian Air carried altogether

n Estonian Air is now offering Empty Seat Option which is meant for travellers who like privacy and wish to be even more comfortable during their flight. In order to book an empty seat go to Estonian Air website Note that only a limited number of options are offered for each flight which is based on the availability of each flight. If you have assigned for an empty seat(s), you will receive a confirmation e-mail normally 1-3 days before the date of departure but no later than 4 hours before departure. If you are not assigned to empty seat(s), the empty seat price for that flight will be automatically refunded to you within five business days after flight departure. in time October 2012

Estonian Airi uudised / Estonian Air News the first time in its history and it is a great honour to receive such an acknowledgement. We are working hard in order to offer our customers best service by being passionate and inventive,” said Tero Taskila, CEO of Estonian Air. The ERA Airline of the Year Award was introduced in 1991 and has grown to become the most widely recognised industry award in this sector. The aim of the award is to recognise the best overall achievement by an ERA member airline over the previous 12 months. Three airlines - GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE are rewarded for their efforts each year. Winner of GOLD is Widerøe and BRONZE went to Atlantic Airways. Winners for 2011/12 were Air Nostrum (GOLD), Widerøe (SILVER) and SATA Air Açores (BRONZE).

Estonian Air on üks Euroopa paremaid lennufirmasid Euroopa Regionaalsete Lennufirmade n  Assotsiatsioon (ERA) pärjas Estonian Airi hõbeauhinnaga, mis anti üle ERA üldkogul 20. septembril 2012. Estonian Air osutus auhinna vääriliseks kui erakordne näide sellest, kuidas toimib edukas koostöö lennujaama ja rahvusliku lennukompanii vahel. Hästi korraldatud omavaheline suhtlemine on teenuseid kasutama meelitanud transiitreisijad, mistõttu ettevõte on muljetavaldavalt kasvanud. Estonian Air ise peab oma tugevuseks selgeid eesmärke ja innovatiivseid lahendusi. Ettevõtte keskendumine sotsiaalmeediale ja tänu sellele kliendile lisaväärtuste loomine, on suur saavutus. “Estonian Air saab esmakordselt ajaloos ERA auhinna ja on suur au sellist tunnustust pälvida. Töötame pidevalt, et pakkuda klientidele parimat teenindust, tehes tööd innukalt ja olles loomingulised,” ütles Estonian Airi tegevjuht Tero Taskila. ERA auhind Aasta Lennuettevõte loodi 1991. aastal ja sellest on saanud üks tööstusharu hinnatumaid. Auhinna eesmärk on tunnustada ERA liikmeks oleva lennufirma saavutusi viimasel 12 kuul. Igal aastal antakse välja kolm auhinda: kuld, hõbe ja pronks. Sel aastal tunnustati kuldauhinnaga Widerøe’d ja pronksiga Atlantic Airways’i. 2011/12. aasta võitjad olid Air Nostrum (kuld), Widerøe (hõbe) and SATA Air Açores (pronks).

October 2012 in time

ERA aasta lennufirma tiitel on väärtuslik auhind eelkõige põhjaliku ja erapooletu hindamise tõttu. Sel aastal osales žürii töös palju lennunduseksperte, endisi Euroopa lennufirmade tegevjuhte ja Euroopa lennundusajakirjanikke. 1980. aastal asutatud ERA on mittetulundusühing, mis esindab 200 Euroopa lennutranspordiga seotud ettevõtet, sealhulgas lennufirmasid, lennukikerede ja mootorite tootjaid, lennujaamu, varustajaid ja teenusepakkujaid üle Euroopa. Estonian Air liitus organisatsiooniga mullu.

The ERA Airline of the Year Award is held in high esteem for the thoroughness and independence of its judging procedure. This year’s judging panel comprised senior industry experts including past CEOs of European airlines and independent aviation journalists from a variety of European countries. Founded in 1980, ERA is a non-profit trade association representing some 200 companies involved in European air transport, including airlines, airframe and engine manufacturers, airports, suppliers and service providers from all over Europe. Estonian Air joined the organization last year.

Estonian Air is one of the best European Airlines Estonian Air was rewarded with Best n  Airline Silver Award at the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) General Assembly in Dublin, Ireland on 20 September 2012. Estonian Air was selected for Silver Award because this airline represents an outstanding example of a successful link between an airport and a regional carrier. Their hub and spokes model has enabled them to attract a considerable amount of transfer traffic, leading up to an impressive growth. Estonian Air distinguishes itself by very clear targets and an innovative approach. Company focus on new social media and their ability to identify added value for their customers constitute major achievements. „Estonian Air was recognized by ERA for

2012/13 31



in time October 2012


Göteborg –

Stockholmi suureks kasvanud väikeõde Rootsi läänerannikul asuvat riigi suuruselt teist linna Göteborgi on pikka aega peetud pisut kuulsama linna Stockholmi väikeseks õeks. Nii arvavad pigem teised, kuid kindlasti mitte göteborglased ise.


öteborg on uhke töölislinn, mis kiirgab küll karmi sarmi, aga mille elanikud eelistavad elu nautida. Linn on nagu väike õde, kes ei pea eriti vaeva nägema lugupidamise väljateenimiseks, vaid läheb läbi elu krutskiliku sarmiga. Puuduvaid grandioosseid kuningapaleesid ja valitsushooneid asendavad muusika- ja kultuuritemplid, mis on parimad maailmas, suurepärased ostuvõimalused ning kaasahaarav ööelu. Kui sellest ei piisa, et külalist ikka ja jälle tagasi meelitada, siis head restoranid ja tipptasemel toit annavad ikkagi põhjust. Soolase veega Põhjamere Kattegattiks kutsutud sopp justkui kallistab linna ning maitsvate mereandide külluslik kättesaadavus on asetanud Göteborgi maailmakaardile kui gurmeeparadiisi. Kõikjale, ka elanike hinge imbunud ookeanilõhn on alati olnud sadamalinna Göteborgi iden-

October 2012 in time

titeedi osa. 1621. aastal Gustav II Adolfi asutatud linn on praegu suurim meresadam Põhjamaades. Linna palgati rajama Hollandi linnaplaneerijad, kes valdasid oskust ehitada asula soisele pinnasele. Seetõttu võib Indoneesiast pärit külaline märgata sarnasust mõne Jakarta vanema tänava või kanaliga. Hollandlased ehitasid kaht linna üheaegselt ning kasutasid üldjoontes sama plaani. Kalurilinn Göteborg hakkas kiiresti kasvama alates 1731. aastast, kui asutati Rootsi Ida-India kompanii ja linn õitses tänu kasulikule kaubavahetusele Aasiaga. Näitamaks Ida-India kompanii olulisust ja göteborglaste jäärapäisust ning stoilisust, ehitati vaid 18. sajandi tööriistu ja meetodeid kasutades valmis ühe Aasiaga kaubavahetust pidanud laeva täpne koopia. 2005. aastal valminud laeva esimene reis viis Hiinasse. Reis möödus viperusteta ja laev oli taas kodusadamas 2007. aastal. Seda laeva nimega Eastindiaman Götheborg saab näha Göteborgis Eriksbergis Pir Fyra 2.

Tekst: Tinka Ullbro Fotod: Karin Wildheim


sihtkoht Iidsetel aegadel linnas elanud kalameeste visadust kohtab ka tänapäeva göteborglastes. See välgatab aeg-ajalt naljades, mis on pisut karmid ja millele järgneb oodatust rämedam naer. Ülejäänud Rootsi kutsub seda Göteborgi huumoriks. Las nende kalameeste järglased ja tuuline linn tervitavad teid hingematvalt kaunis ja lõputult võluvas Rootsi osas.

Rahuldage ostmishimu Poodides ostmas käia võib nõrkemiseni. Göteborg on alati mänginud suurt osa Rootsi õilmitsevas disainiloomingus. Brändid Nudie Jeans, COLOUR WEAR ja Monki on Göteborgi juurtega ning vallutavad maailma sellise Rootsi rõivabrändi nagu H&M järel. Lihtne on taibata, et linn on ostuparadiis. See on piisavalt väike, et käia jalgsi ja linnasüda kanali keskel on tõeline ostumeka, kus väikesed kaubamärgid on suurkettide rõivavalikuga kõrvuti. Inspiratsiooni ja moevihjeid võib leida, vaadates kohvikutes istuvaid rootslasi – alati trendikad, justkui moeajakirjast välja astunud. Jätke meelde, nad on pigem trendi loojad, mitte järgijad. Maalilisest Hagast leiate väiksemaid vintage’i ja disainrõivaste poode. Kungsportsavenynis on esinduslike brändide poed ning koht sobib suurepäraselt vaateakende imetlemiseks. Kohalikud käivad Avenynis poodlemas.



Iga rootslase identiteeti kuulub fika – rituaal juua koos sõbraga kohvi ja ampsata n  kõrvale midagi magusat. Ühegi rootslase päev ei möödu fika'ta. Igal tänavanurgal on kohvikuid, täis kutsuvaid hiiglaslikke muffineid ja kauneid koogikesi. Jääb üle vaid imestada, kuidas küll rootslased nii saledad on. Võib-olla on tõsi, et heas seltskonnas tarbitud kalorid ei püsi kaua. Et Rootsi kultuuri sulanduda, tehke üks kohvipaus kella kümne paiku hommikul või kolme ajal pärastlõunal ning tunnete end osana kõigutamatust rituaalist. Parim paik tõeliseks fika rituaaliks on Hagaks kutsutud piirkond. Munakivitänavad ja ilusad majad kaunistavad linnaosa ning seal on palju vanamoelisi kohvikuid, sisustatud omapäraste mööbliesemetega ning valmis pakkuma maitsvaid roogi. Erilist esiletoomist väärib Le Petit Café Hagas Nygata ja Landsvägsgatani tänavate nurgal. Nautige nendes pakutavat suurepärast Rootsi hommikusööki või brunch'i või astuge sisse, et haarata latte ja koogike.


Linnas, mille ajalugu on sedavõrd merega seotud, peab kindlasti saartele sõitma. Lühike trammisõit kesklinnast (tramm nr 1) ja oletegi Saltholnis. Sealt pääsebki laevaga saartele. Selge vesi ja päikese käes soojaks läinud kaljud ootavad ujuma ning päevitama. Kalurilinnade sadamakohvikud ja -restoranid pakuvad hõrgutavaid kalaroogi. Kerge eine võite võtta looduse rüpest lahkumata. Kui soovite, laotage murule tekk, valage termosest välja kohv ning võtke korvist saiakesed, ja laske hea maitsta. Saartele minek on kindlasti hea mõte.

Teadus- ja lõbustuspargid Göteborg sobib suurepäraselt perepuhkuseks, lapsed tuleb kindlasti kaasa võtta. Iga laps läheb rõõmuga Lisebergi lõbustusparki (www. 2005. aastal valis Forbes selle maailma kümne parima lõbustuspargi hulka. Seal võib veeta terve päeva. Suvel on järjekorrad loomuli-

in time October 2012


October 2012 in time



kult pikad, kuid siiski piisavalt kiiresti liikuvad isegi pere väiksemate ja kärsitumate liikmete jaoks. Kindlasti tasub sõita ainult puust tehtud Balderi Ameerika mägedesse või minna Euroopa kõrgeimale vabalangemise atraktsioonile AtmosFear, kust saab kukkuda 146 meetrit ja kiirus tõuseb 110 km/h-ni enne peatumist. Liseberg on avatud vaid suvel aprillist septembrini, kuid avatakse taas jõuludeks. Talvist lõbustusparki täiustavad uisuväljad ja jõuluturg. Aga kui Liseberg on suletud, minge Universeumi (, mis on kohe lõbustuspargi kõrval. Aasta läbi avatud teaduspark pakub


midagi kõigile pereliikmetele. Uurige kosmost, vihmametsi ja ookeane ühe katuse all. Kui soovite väljas aega veeta, minge Slottsskogeni, mis on hiiglaslik park keset Göteborgi. Suunduge mäest üles ja pargi keskelt leiate loomaaia, kus olemas kogu Rootsi fauna. Ka põdrad ja hülged. Suvel pääsevad huvilised lasteloomaaeda, et tutvuda Rootsi taluloomadega. Loomaaed on tasuta, kuid sõit poniga maksab 20 Rootsi krooni. Slottsskogeni orus on Plikta mänguväljak, mis on äärmiselt populaarne väikelaste hulgas. Göteborg on paljude ürituste kodu, siin toimub kultuuri- ja muusikafestivale ning messe aasta läbi. Seepärast on linnas ka rohkelt suurepäraseid hotelle – igas linnaosas ja majandusliku skaala mõlemas otsas. Üks suurimaid disainhotelle on Clarion Hotel Post (, mis

in time October 2012

sihtkoht avati vanas postimajas rongijaama kõrval. Kuid tõelise disainielamuse saamiseks võiks toa võtta First Hotel Avalonis Kungsporten 9 (www., kus mööbel, valgustus, lõhn ja heli loovad unustamatu elamuse. Avaloni baar on poppide ja noortepäraste kuum kohtumispaik. Linna armsaim hotell on Hotel Lilton Föreningsgatan 9 ( Punases tellismajas on vaid üheksa tuba ning seal peatudes on tunne, nagu elaksite jõuka rootslase kodus, mitte hotellis. Taskukohasemaid hotelle leiab Majorna linnaosast, mis on endine töölispiirkond ja praegu populaarne boheemlaste kogunemiskoht. Alati võib leida ka sobiva hosteli. Kus iganes peatute, veedate ilmselt väga vähe aega hotellitoas, sest Göteborg meelitab tänavatele, saartele ja parkidesse. Linn haarab nii keha kui ka hinge ja kui lõpuks tagasi hotelli jõuate, jääte kohe magama kui kalamees, kurnatuna iginoorusliku linna ilust.

Gastronoomia paradiis On haruldane, et Göteborgi-suuruses linnas on neli n

restorani, mis pärjatud Guide Michelini tärniga. Tegu on gurmaanide paradiisiga, kuhu tasub minna kas või niisama uudistama, mida restoranid pakuvad.

Mõned väidavad, et reis Göteborgi mereande sööman  ta on raisatud aeg. Kõige proovimiseks tasub minna Feskekörka ehk kalakirikusse Rosenlundsvägenil (www.feskekö, kus on fantastiline siseruumides kala- ja mereandide turg. Jalutage lettide vahel ning valige endale midagi lõunaks või õhtuks. Võimalik on roog kaasa osta või nautida seda ülemise korruse lauas kohapeal.

Tõeliselt luksuliku elamuse saamiseks tuleb reserveen

rida laud Fiskekrogenis, ( ja tellida nende peakoka mereannivalik plateau de luxe – see ei valmista pettumust. Ärge kartke lapsi kaasa võtta isegi kõige peenematesse kohtadesse. Rootslased armastavad lapsi. Kuid lapsesõbralikuma toiduelamuse saab Tranquilost Kungstorget 14 ostutänavate keskel ( Sealne toit on Ladina-Ameerika hõngu ja joogidki segatud vastavalt sellele. Söögikoht on tavaliselt täis, kuid piisavalt kannatlikult baarileti ääres jooke nautides leitakse tavaliselt soovijale laud. Göteborgis on meeletult palju väga häid restorane ning n

siin neid kõiki loetleda on võimatu. Kuid tõeliselt luksusliku toiduelamuse saab restoranist Kock och Vin Viktoriagatan 12 (, kus serveeritakse Rootsi delikatesse, mida tehakse kohalikust hooajalisest toorainest. Väikse ampsu või joogi saab sama hoone alumiselt korruselt ja ka väga populaarsest Björns baarist. Kui te ei suuda enam kala ja mereande süüa, minge lahedasse Aasia restorani Hello Monkey Linnégatan 52 ( või proovige teisi Rootsi maitseid Swedish Taste’s St Eriksgatan 6 (

October 2012 in time




in time October 2012



the charming little sister is all grown up Gothenburg, Sweden’s second largest city located on the west coast, has long been considered the little sister of the perhaps more famous Stockholm. That is, by all except the Gothenburgians themselves.


proud, working-cla ss city, she exudes a rougher charm, and the locals a simpler, more laid back attitude to life. The little sister who doesn’t have to perform to gain respect but takes on life armed with a mischievous charm. What she lacks in grandiose royal palaces and government buildings she makes up with a music scene and a cultural landscape that rivals the best in the world, with world class shopping opportunities and a vibrant nightlife. If that is not enough to draw a visitor back again and again, the restaurants and food culture surely are. With the salty waters of the Kattegatt, an arm of the North Sea, caressing the edges of the city, the abundant availability of delicious seafood has truly put Gothenburg on the map as a gourmet paradise. The omnipresent smell of the ocean that seeps into the soul of its inhabitants has always been a part of the identity of the port city of Gothenburg. Founded in 1621 by King Gustavus Adolphus

October 2012 in time

(Gustav II Adolf ) it is today the largest seaport in the Nordic region. Dutch city planners where contracted to build the city as they had the necessary skills to build in the marshy areas around the city. Therefore, a visitor from Indonesia might recognise some of Jakarta in the plan of the older streets and canals. The Dutch built the two cities at the same time using largely the same blueprint. Starting off as a fishing town, Gothenburg experienced its first growth spurt in 1731 when the Swedish East India Company was founded and the city flourished due to the highly profitable trade with Asia. As evidence to both the importance of the East India Company and to the stubbornness and stoicism of the Gothenburgians, an exact replica of one of the trading ships used in the trading expeditions to Asia was built using only 18th century methods and tools. Completed in 2005, it went on its maiden voyage to China and returned without mishap in 2007. The ship, Eastindiaman GĂśtheborg can today be visited at Pir Fyra 2, in Eriksberg in Gothenburg. A trace of the sturdiness of the fishermen that

Text: Tinka Ullbro Photos: Karin Wildheim


destination inhabited the city in the beginning lives on in every Gothenburgian today. You’ll see it flash through every now and then in jokes, for example, that are a little too crude, followed by a laugh that rumbles deeper than expected. The rest of the country calls it Gothenburg humour. Let these descendants of the fishermen and the salty winds welcome you to a part of Sweden that will take your breath away with its rough beauty and endless charm.

Shop ‘til you drop Shopping, shopping and more shopping. Gothenburg has always played an important part of Sweden’s flourishing design legacy. With brands


like Nudie jeans, COLOUR WEAR and Monki coming from Gothenburg and taking over the world, riding on the enormous success of previous Swedish clothing brands (you might have heard of a small chain called H&M) it is easy to see why Gothenburg is a shopping paradise. Small enough to cover by foot, the inner city, the area inside the canal, offers a true shopping mecca, with small brands next to all the big chains. For inspiration watch the beautiful, trendy Swedes lounging in all the cafés looking so relaxed yet always so casually chic and trendy that a glossy magazine is superfluous for fashion tips. Remember that these are the people that set trends instead of merely following them. For smaller shops selling curious, designer

in time October 2012

destination and vintage goods head for picturesque Haga or choose to shop or window shop in the flagships stores and designer boutiques that line the main entertainment boulevard of Kungsportsavenyn, or just Avenyn if you want to sound like a local.

Archipelago In a city whose history is so closely tied to the sea, a visit to the islands is a must. A short tram ride will take you straight from the centre of the city to the beautiful barren archipelago of the west coast. Take tram nr 11 to Saltholmen and catch a ferry to any of the several stunning islands dotting the cost. You will find clear waters and sun warmed cliffs welcoming you to a day of swimming and sunbathing. Harbour cafés and restau-

rants of the small fishing villages serve freshly caught fish. Spend the day soaking up the beautiful scenery and watch the families frolicking in the sun, enjoy the moment when the blanket is spread out and the coffee from the thermos is poured and young and old gather around the buns laid out. So you wouldn’t think for a moment that going to the islands is reason to skip the fika break.

Amusement and science parks Gothenburg is a perfect family destination, so don’t hesitate to bring the children with you. The number one destination on any child’s list will of course be the amusement park Liseberg (www. Voted one of the top ten amusement parks in the world by Forbes magazine in 2005, a whole day is easily spent within its walls. Summer weekends can be busy but the queues are still for the most part doable even for the younger, more impatient members of the family. Ride the all wooden Balder rollercoaster or Europe’s highest free fall attraction AtmosFear where you free fall from 146 meters reaching speeds of 110km/h before coming to a full stop. Liseberg is only open in the summer from the end of April to September but opens again before Christmas for a magical Christmas experience complete with an iceskating rink and traditional Christmas market. When winter sets in and Liseberg closes, head to Universeum ( next to the

October 2012 in time

Esimene lend n

Göteborgi toimub 04.02.2013 Tallinn – Göteborg Hind alates 49.90 eur Göteborg – Tallinn Hind alates 60.63 eur 4 x nädalas

First flight n

to Gothenburg in 04.02.2013 Tallinn – Gothenburg Prices from 49.90 eur Gothenburg – Tallinn Prices from 60.63 eur 4 weekly filghts


destination Fika Ingrained in the very core of the Swedish identity is the concept of Fika – the ritual n

of having a coffee and something sweet with a friend. No Swede can go a whole day without doing that. In every street corner you will find a cosy coffee shop overladen with giant, mouth-watering muffins and eloquent cupcakes that will make you wonder how on earth the Swedes in general can stay so slim. Maybe it’s true what they say that calories consumed in good company don’t stick. So, to truly soak up the Swedish culture take a coffee break in any given coffee shop at around ten in the morning or three in the afternoon and feel how you’re part of a national holy rite that nothing will disturb. The perfect place for a real Swedish fika break is the area called Haga. Cobblestone streets and beautiful houses make up this wonderful part of town where you will find several old fashioned small cafés with mismatched furniture and delicious foods to choose from. One worth mentioning in particular is the Le Petit Café in the corner of Haga Nygata and Landsvägsgatan. Try their wonderful Swedish breakfast/brunch or just drop in for a latte and any of the excellent baked goods on offer.

amusement park. Open all year round, this science centre offers something to everyone in the family. Explore space, rainforests and the ocean all under one roof. For a day spent outside, visit Slottsskogen, the giant park in the middle of Gothenburg. Head up the steep hill in the middle of the park to the zoo, where the fauna of Sweden is represented complete with moose and seals. In the summer months a petting zoo with the most common farm animals in Sweden welcomes young and old to get in close contact with the animals. The zoo is free of charge except the pony rides that will set you back 20 kroners. At the bottom of the hill in Slottsskogen the playground Plikta is a big hit among the youngest visitors.


Gothenburg is a very popular events city that hosts several music and cultural festivals as well as a great number of large exhibitions year round. Therefore, there are a very large number of excellent hotels in all parts of the town and at all ends of the economical scale. One of the newest larger design hotels is the Clarion Hotel Post ( that opened in the old Post Office Building next to the central station. For a true design experience though, book a room at the First Hotel Avalon at Kungsporten 9 (www., where furnishing, lightning, fragrance and sound all play a part to make your stay memorable. The bar at Avalon is a popular place for the hip crowd. The cutest hotel in town is Hotel Lilton at Föreningsgatan 9 ( Set in a beautiful red brick building and with only nine rooms you will feel more like your staying at the house of a well off Swede than in a hotel. For more affordable hotels look in parts of the city like Majorna, a former working class area that is very popular with the more bohemian crowd today or book a bed at any of the several hostels in town. Wherever you choose to stay in this sea city, my guess is that you’ll see very little of the inside of your hotel room. Gothenburg will lure you out onto her streets, to her islands, to her parks. She will feed your body and soul so that when you finally make it back to your hotel room your sleep will be as deep as of a fisherman at sea, worn out by the beauty of a city that will never truly grow up.

in time October 2012


Gastronomic paradise With four restaurants that have been honoured a n

star in the Guide Michelin, very unusual for a city this size, Gothenburg truly is a gastronomic paradise to where a trip is justified just to sample the restaurants on offer.

A visit here without some seafood is a wasted one, n

some would claim. To try them all, head to Feske-körkan or the fish church at Rosenlundsgatan (www.feskekö, a fantastic indoor fish and seafood market, stroll along the stands and choose your lunch or dinner to go or grab a table upstairs and enjoy it straight away.

For a real luxury experience book a table a n

Fiskekrogen ( and order one of their Chef’s Seafood plateau de luxe, you will not be disappointed. Don’t hesitate to bring you children along to even the finest restaurants, Swedes love children, but for a very family friendly dining experience go to Tranquilo at Kungstorget 14 right in the middle of the shopping district ( The food is Latin American inspired and the drinks are mixed to match it. It can be busy but if you’re willing to wait over a drink at the bar a table will usually be cleared for you.

There are so many excellent restaurants in Gothenn

burg that it is an impossible task to mention them all here, but one real luxury dining experience worth mentioning is the star restaurant Kock och Vin at Viktoriagatan 12 (, that serves Swedish delicacies made with local produce in season. For a smaller bite or a drink head downstairs to the very popular Björns bar. If you tire of fish and seafood visit the hip Asian restaurant Hello Monkey at Linnégatan 52 ( or try another Swedish cuisine at Swedish Taste at St Eriksgatan 6 (

October 2012 in time



Dali Kask

ja tants taevastel nootidel


in time October 2012


Merekohin ja kontsaklõbin, sääsepinin ja sussisahin – kõigil neil tuttavatel helidel on erinev ja teadvustamata mõju meie meeleolule. Kui aga ees seisab hüpe, ei – tõus! – tundmatusse kõrgusesse, siis millised helid muudavad selle võimalikult meeldivaks?


ootsis psühholoogiat ja muusikapsühholoogiat õppinud, Stockholmi Kuninglikust Muusikakõrgkoolist muusikaterapeudi diplomi saanud Dali Kask veedab selliste küsimuste üle mõtiskledes oma argipäevi. Kui Estonian Air kuulutas kevadel koostöös Eesti Ornitoloogiaühinguga välja nimekonkursi uutele lennukitele, tulid rahvahääletuse tulemusel võitjateks tuuletallaja, sinirind, suitsupääsuke ning jäälind. Linnunimedel on juba olemuslikult hea mõju, sest erinevalt kahe jalaga maa peal liikuvatest inimestest lindudel ju lennuhirmu ei ole. Juba kampaania väljakuulutamisel tundis Dali, et tegu on ühe tema ammuse unistusega ning hakkas nuputama, missuguse pardamuusikaga võiks inimesi hiigellinnuga maailma eri nurkadesse teele saata. Sellel, mis emotsioonidega lennureisile vastu astutakse, on ehk olulisemgi tähtsus, kui esmapilgul paistab. „Tean juba klassikaliseks kujunenud näidet selle kohta, kuidas üks lennukisse astunud naine noppis tausta-

October 2012 in time

laulust välja enda jaoks fraasi „Darling, I’ll never see you again“ ning lahkus seepeale õhusõidukist. Tema jaoks oli see märk,“ viitab Dali, et lisaks kõlalisele taustale tuleb lennukisse pardamuusikat valides jälgida ka teksti. „Stairway to Heaven“ või „Learning to Fly“ võivad lennukitrepile astudes muigama ajada küll need inimesed, kel lendamine suuri tundepuhanguid esile ei kutsu, aga igas olukorras pole must huumor õige valik.

Tekst: mari kodres Fotod: Laura Kallasvee, Marko Mumm, Best Marketing, Taavi Koppel, Scanpix, erakogu


persoon Estonian Airi linnud ei jää omaette siristama, sest osal neist on lihtsalt väga intensiivne laul. Meeleolu mahendamiseks on plaanis seada linnulaul teiste loodushäälte foonile ja teha seda nii, et ka loodusetundjail poleks põhjust nuriseda. „Tahan, et hääled oleksid pärit lindude pesitsuskeskkonnast. Olen nende lindude hääle ja elukeskkonna üle nõu pidanud Fred Jüssiga, kellelt pärinevad ka linnuhäälte salvestised. Näiteks pesitseb jäälind veekogude ääres ja seetõttu sobib ta kokku pigem ojavulinaga, mitte metsakohinaga,“ märgib Dali ja lisab, et hindab kõrgelt Fred Jüssi teadmisi, kellega ta enne lõplike variantide valmimist kindlasti veel konsulteerib. Eri rahvuste, erialade ja inimtüüpide esindajatega on Dali muusikaterapeudi ja koolitaja ametit pidades igapäevaselt kokku puutunud ligi paarkümmend aastat. Muusika- ning loovteraapiatesse laiemalt hakkas Dali süvenema Eestist eemal, Rootsis. „Loovteraapiate filosoofia põhineb sellel, et inimese enda või kellegi teise looming võimaldab meil iseendaga paremat kontakti leida ja seeläbi terveneda, areneda ja eluga paremini toime tulla,“ üles Dali. Kui mõni probleem või puue piirab inimese tegutsemisvõimalusi, siis teraapia sisuks on sageli luua uusi tegutsemisvõimalusi. Muusikateraapias tehakse seda muusika ja muusikaliste tegevuste kaasabil.

Ristsed muusikaterapeudina sai

Dali peaaegu šokimeetodil. Tema esimesed kliendid olid Rootsi rehabilitatsioonikeskuses täiskasvanud inimesed, kelle puuded ja toimetulekuraskused olid seotud ajutraumadega ning kellega Dali töötas mitmeid aastaid. „Olin just kooli lõpetanud ning mul oli ilus ettekujutus, kuidas me muusikaterapeutidena loome midagi kaunist, nii et inimesel hakkab hoobilt parem olla,“ meenutab ta. Kui Dali kohtus oma esimese kliendiga, oli tollel Serbia päritolu mehel rängast autoavariist möödas juba 18 aastat, aga taastumine õnnetusest tingitud traumast vaevumärgatav. Dali sai lausa šoki ja tal tekkis küsimus: kuidas saab muusika selliste inimeste saatusekoormat üldse kuidagi kergendada? Kõigi inimeste puhul on nii, et töötamiseks vajab aju stiimulit, muidu ajurakud atrofeeruvad ning alaneb inimese võimekus toimida täisväärtuslikult. Väga raskete puuetega inimeste puhul tuleb muusikaterapeudil lihtsalt leppida sellega,


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persoon et võimatut ei juhtu. Teatud juhtudel ei tõuse inimene ratastoolist iial. Küll aga on võimalik parandada tema igapäevast elukvaliteeti. Tulemused on sageli emotsionaalset laadi, reaktsioonid kutsuvad esile mitte puudest vabanemist, vaid tundeid. „Võib olla tohutu edu ja töövõit, kui inimene hakkab näiteks naerma, või vastupidi, nutma,“ ütleb Dali. Tema klientide kõnemotoorika oli reeglina hävinud ja muusika ainsaks väravaks maailma, kus tunnete ja pilkude keeles kaasinimestega suhelda. Pärast mõneaastast töötamist ajutraumaga klientidega liikus Dali edasi arenguhäiretega laste ja noorte juurde. Ühel hetkel aga tundis ta (natuke nagu kirurg, kes on väsinud patsientide lõikamisest ja tahaks hoolitseda pigem haiguste ärahoidmise eest), et soovib tagajärgede likvideerimise asemel tegutseda traumasid ennetavate tegevustega. Dali sõnul sobib talle terapeudina kõige rohkem tegelda täiskasvanud inimestega, kes on elukriisis või soovivad oma loovust turgutada, endas midagi uut avastada ning seeläbi paremini toime tulla. „Muusika ja loovtegevuste üks eesmärke on leevendada stressi ja pingeid, tõsta inimeste elukvaliteeti ja tuua päevadesse senisest rohkem elurõõmu,“ on ta veendunud. Muusikaterapeudi tööd võrdleb Dali detektiiviametiga, sest kuigi on olemas mõned universaalsed põhitõed, tuleb lähtuda ikkagi konkreetsest inimesest ja tema vajadustest. Ei ole võluvit-

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sa, mis töötaks, ja vastupidiselt levinud müüdile ei sobi isegi Mozarti looming kõigile inimestele. Kuna Dali on õppinud ka kunstiteraapiat, kasutab ta töös lisaks muusikale ja vestlusele visuaalseid kunstilisi väljendusvahendeid. „Kuna inimesel võib tunnete ja kogemuste väljendamiseks sageli sõnadest puudu jääda, aitavad näiteks kogetu joonistamine, voolimine või hoopis liikumine tal ennast lihtsamalt väljendada ja hiljem vajalikke seoseid luua.“

Pärast Rootsist tagasitulekut otsustas Dali seal omandatud teadmised ja kogemused Eestis ellu rakendada enda jaoks aga hoopis uuel viisil. Kui ta oma Tallinna roheluses ja miljööväärtuslikus keskkonnas asuvast majast nina välja pistab, on tal viimastel aastatel olnud valida kahe tema jaoks olulise töise rolli vahel. „Otsustasin 2004. aastal pärast Rootsist Eestisse kolimist, et tahan seal omandatud teadmisi ja kogemusi mingil uuel moel rakendada. Kuna loovteraapiate üks peamisi märksõnu on inimese loovus ja loovuse rakendamise tulemusena kaasnev parem toimetulek, panin kokku loovuskoolituse, mis oli mõeldud eelkõige ärivaldkonnas tegutsevatele inimestele,“ lisab ta. Dali usub, et kui inimene loovat potentsiaali teadvustab ja seda ellu julgeb rakendada, leitakse probleemsetes olukordades kiiremini häid


persoon lahendusi ja tehakse enda jaoks paremaid otsuseid. Loovust turgutavat metoodikat on ta kasutanud ka nn meeskonnakoolitustel, mille keskmes on sageli olnud parema koostöö saavutamine ja selgem nägemus nendest eesmärkidest, milleks kokku on tuldud. Nende koolituste kõrval, mis muugivad lahti ja mõtestavad inimese teadlikku käitumist, sukeldub Dali teisegi põhitöösse, mis keskendub taas inimese ajukoore saladuslikele hämaraladele. Osaühingus Artist Siseraadiod, kus tegeldakse kaubanduskeskuste helindamise ja erinevate taustamuusika lahenduste väljatöötamisega, on Dali muusikaline kujundaja. Selles valdkonnas alustas ta kunagi koos kahe äripartneriga, kes mõne aasta möödudes teistesse valdkondadesse suundusid. Hiljem asutas ta oma ettevõtte DK Kreativa ja tegutses mitmeid aastaid üksi, kuni ühel päeval helistas Artist Siseraadiote üks asutajaid ja omanikke Priit Laur ning küsis, kas ta oleks nõus nendega koostööd tegema. „Rõõmustasin, sest Artist Siseraadiotel on võimekus pakkuda terviklahendusi kuni tehniliste nüanssideni välja,“ meenutab ta. Sageli on paras pähkel, kuidas lisaks helilisele kujundusele lahendada eri keskkondade helindamisega seotud tehnilisi küsimusi, sest peenekoelised helilised lahendused vajavad ka häid tehnikavahendeid.

Praegu tegutseb Dali kõrval hea abiline

Dali Kask Sündinud: 21.06.1968 n  Õppinud: Jõhvi Gümnaasiumis, Tallinna Riiklikus Konservatooriumis muusin

kapedagoogikat ja koorijuhtimist ning Stockholmi Kuninglikus Muusikakõrgkoolis muusikateraapiat. Ta on täiendanud end Uppsala Ülikoolis muusikapsühholoogia erialal ja Mentorakademienis HumaNovas, Stockholmis. Dali Kask alustas tööd Stockholmi Eesti Koolis muusikaõpetuse ja eesti keele n  asendusõpetaja ja pikapäevarühma õpetajana. Edasi tegutses ta traumaatiliste ajukahjustuste rehabilitatsioonikeskuse „Fönstret“ muusikaterapeudina. Muusikaterapeudi tööd on ta teinud paljudes kohtades. 2006. aastast on ta DK Kreativa OÜ konsultant ning koolitaja ja 2009. aastal asus ta Artist Siseraadiod OÜ muusikaosakonna juhiks. Lisaks peab Kask loenguid, korraldab koolitusi ja juhtimisprogramme. Dali Kask kirjutas ja kaitses 1997. aastal Stockholmi Kuninglikus Muusikan  kõrgkoolis diplomitöö teemal „Muusikateraapia rakendamisvõimalused Eestis“.


ja tal endal on võimalik rohkem tegelda klientidele muusikaliste kontseptsioonide väljatöötamisega. Kliente on Artist Siseraadiotel üle Eesti, kokku mitusada Narvast Võruni. On nii suuremaid kui ka väiksemaid kaubandus-teenindus-ettevõtteid, sealhulgas kõik Selveri, Rimi, Prisma, Maksimarketi, ETK kaupluste ja Comarketi ketti kuuluvad kaubanduskeskused. Et igaühel neist on oma nägu, tegu ja peamine sihtgrupp, püüavad nad selgelt eristuda ka muusikavalikus. Muusikat uuendatakse iga kuu, kui suurte rahvusvaheliste baaside kaudu oma fonoteeki lisa ostetakse. Igasugune muusika taustamuusikaks ei sobi, paratamatult peab see olema pigem neutraalsemat laadi. „Noortepoodides ja kampaaniate ajal on hoogne muusika omal kohal, aga päris punki me pole tõesti kasutanud,“ tõdeb Dali. Et värskemat kõla tuleks ka väljastpoolt, on Artist Siseraadiod viimastel aastatel hakanud kaasama Eesti artiste, kes oma muusikamaitset rahvale tutvusta-

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persoon vad. Töö sünnib kollektiivselt: kutsutu paneb kokku oma valiku ning selle stiilist lähtuvalt täiendab Siseraadiote meeskond seda sarnase muusikaga. Kui selle aasta emadepäevaks tegi suuremates toidupoekettides valiku Henrik Sal-Saller, pelgas Dali algul, et konservatiivsemad kuulajad ei võta seda omaks. Ka kogemustega tegijal on õnneks hea meel vahel eksida: „Saime palju toredaid kommentaare ning isegi palveid, et seesama playlist võiks veel palju kauemaks mängima jääda,“ räägib Dali. Kommentaaridega üldiselt tagasihoidlikud eestlased kitsid ei ole ja uudishimulikud pöördumised nagu „Vabandage, mis laul eile kell 12 Tallinna Kaubamajas mängis?“ on Dali meilboksis sagedased külalised.


võiks ideaalis olla sama diskreetne, aga sama eksimatult ekspressiivne nagu jalasahin Argentina tangot tantsides. Teisisõnu, see ei pea olema iseloomutu „tapeet“ või liftimuusika, mida kuulates on ainus soov võimalikult kiiresti sihtpunkti kohale jõuda. Dali jaoks on muusikast saadava emotsionaalse laengu kõrval oluline, et sel oleks ka inimeste kuulmismeelt rikastav funktsioon. Ühe kaubanduskeskuse siseraadio võiks olla nagu kvaliteetne tavaraadiojaam ning seega pakkuda emotsionaalset naudingut ning uusi avastusi. „Ma ise olen suur džässilemb ja jõudumööda proovin katsetada nende lugudega, mis tunduvad eripärased ja huvitavad. Üks tunnustatud eesti trummar, kellega teen koostööd ka koolituste raames, kirjutas alles hiljuti Facebookis, kuidas teda üllatas ühes kaubanduskeskuses kõlaritest džässilugu, mida sellisest kohast oodata poleks osanudki,“ märgib Dali. Traditsioonide tasakesi uuendamisest lähtub Dali ka erinevate pidupäevade jaoks muusikat valides, kuid vahel selgub, et aeg ei pruugi olla küps. Ta meenutab, kuidas mõni aasta tagasi tehti ühes keskuses džässilik valik jõuludeks, mis oli küll pidulikumat laadi, kuid ilma traditsiooniliste jõululugudeta. Ja siis selguski, et vaatamata inimeste kurtmisele, kuidas vanad head jõululood on nad surmani ära tüüdanud ning inspireerivad ostma ainult kõige igavamaid kinke, on tegelikult soov ja igatsus nende järele ikkagi suur. Analoogne lugu on ka vaikusega, samasugune eksperiment on Dali juhtimisel läbi viidud. Ühe kaubanduskeskuse aatrium, mis oli muusikapuhkusele plaanitud terveks nädalavahetuseks, pidas vastu täpselt pool päeva,

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kuni helistas turundusjuht ning andis edasi müüjate kaebused: vaikus on nii võõras ja ebamugavust tekitav! Tegelikult oskas Dali seda ette aimata, rahutu vaim aga innustas siiski katsetama. Nimelt on üks muusika funktsioone olmehelide sidumine. „Kui kõik kontsaklõbinad, jalalohistamised ja köhatused hakkavad ükshaaval kostma, siis muutuvad need häirivaks müraks. Koos muusikaga aga maskeeritakse need pehmelt ära,“ selgitab ta. Ent lisaks piiride avamisele on muusika ka piiride tõmbaja. Näiteks subkultuurid soovivad tavapärasest erineva muusikavalikuga just oma erinevust rõhutada. Või võtame näiteks klassikalise muusika, mida kasutatakse sageli eksklusiivsete toodete reklaamimisel, mida aju on harjunud seostama korralikkuse ja rangusega. Dali meenutab, kuidas viidi läbi õnnestunud eksperiment Kopenhaageni raudteejaamas, kuhu oli tavaks koguneda asotsiaalidel. Nende kogunemispaika pandi üles kõlarid, millest lasti ainult klassikalist muusikat. Asotsiaalid lahkusid paari päevaga. Oluline tegur, mida on veel võimalik muusika teenistusse anda, on inimeste liikumiskiirus. Tempoga kaasaminek toimub alateadlikult ja valik sünnib taas koostöös kaubanduskeskusega. On ajad ja kohad, kus tipptunnil on vaja inimesi panna kiiremini liikuma, et vältida pikki sabasid ja liigset rahu. Mõnikord, vastupidi, nõuab tipptund stressi maandamist ja rahulikumat tempot. See kõik sõltub aga konkreetse koha kujundusest, sest inimvoog liigub avaras neljakandilises ruumis hoopis teisiti kui kitsalt ja käänuliselt liigendatud pindadel.

Kuldreegel on see, et mis tuttav, mõjub turvaliselt. Seega on alati kindla peale minek oma lemmikute kuulamine. Etteaimatavus, mida ootame, laseb ajul lõõgastuda.

Kitsaid ja käänulisi teid pidi ole-

me jõudnud Daliga tagasi ühe tema viimase ettevõtmise ehk Eesti rahvusliku lennukompanii lennukite salongide helindamise juurde. Uurin lõpetuseks, mida võiks inimene lennureisil isiklikest kõrvaklappidest kuulata. „Kuldreegel on see, et mis tuttav, mõjub turvaliselt. Seega on alati kindla peale minek oma lemmikute kuulamine. Etteaimatavus, mida ootame, laseb ajul lõõgastuda ja hajutab tähelepanu,“ märgib Dali. Väidetavalt tekitab iga helivibratsioon, mis meie kõrvadesse jõuab, ajus pöördumatuid muutusi. Ka meie paaritunnine jutt Daliga, mis kohe läbi saab. Kui sõnal on tohutu jõud, siis helil on sügav jälg – isegi, kui see on nii õhuline, et me kohe seda ei märka.



Dali Kask

dancing on heavenly music We all know what the sound of the sea, heels or mosquitoes is and that these familiar sounds influence our mood. But how about flying? When you are about to take off to high altitude, which sounds would make it as pleasurable as possible? Text: mari kodres Photos: Laura Kallasvee, Marko Mumm, Best Marketing, Taavi Koppel, Scanpix, privet archive



ali Kask who studied psychology, more specifically music psychology in Sweden and graduated from the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in music therapy, is involved in this issue on a daily basis. When this spring Estonian Air and the Estonian Ornithological Society announced a public competition to name its new airplanes, the winning entries were Kestrel, Bluethroat, Barn Swallow and Kingfisher. Bird names have good influence on air travel already in principle, because unlike people who prefer to keep their two feet on the ground, birds have no fear of flying. Already when the campaign was announced, Dali felt that it was like a long dream had come true and she started to consider which on-board music could accompany passengers on their way to different corners of the world. The key to this question are the passengers’ emotions when starting a flight – this plays a bigger role than we imagine. „A classic example of how important our emotions are at this moment is the story of a woman who was boarding an aircraft and heard a song playing on the background that said: „Darling, I’ll

never see you again“. She aborted the whole trip because for her it was a sign,“ says Dali, adding that when choosing onboard music you must also think about the lyrics. While frequent fliers would probably only shrug when hearing „Stairway to Heaven“ or „Learning to Fly“ during the flight, black humor does not work for everybody. The birdsong project is special also because some of these birds make a very intense sound. To make it softer, Dali plans to mix them with authentic sounds from the nature on the background. „I wanted that the birdsongs would be recorded from their nesting area. Regarding birdsongs and habitat, I have also consulted Fred Jüssi who provided the recordings. Kingfisher, for instance, nests at water bodies which means that the suitable background sound for her is water and not forest,” she says adding that she has high regard for the knowledge of Fred Jüssi and will consult with him again before finalising the tracks. As a music therapist and trainer for over twenty years, Dali has met many people of different nations, professions and people types. Dali started to study musical and creative therapies when she was residing in Sweden. „The core philosophy of creative therapy is that creation, be it your own or someone else’s, enables us to find a better contact with ourselves and heal, develop or

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person cope better with life.” If some problem or disability limits a person’s ability to act, therapy creates new possibilities. In music therapy, it is made with the help of music and musical activities. Dali’s first job as a music therapist was extremely demanding. Namely, her first patients were residents of a rehabilitation centre in Sweden. She worked with these people for several years. Their disability and coping problems were linked to their brain injuries. „I had just graduated from school and I had a beautiful dream of how we as music therapists will create something beautiful and make people feel better,” she recalls. Her first customer was a Serbian man who had been in a horrific traffic accident 18 years ago and had not recovered from the trauma very well. Dali almost suffered a shock herself and started to wonder how music can help a person who had suffered so much already. The human brain needs a stimulus to func-

tion as otherwise braincells die and the ability to work declines. In case of very difficult disabilities, a music therapist must simply accept that sometimes progress is impossible. In some cases people will never stand up from their wheelchairs, but it’s possible to improve their daily life. „If a person with a major disability starts to laugh or, as the case may be, cry, it can be considered a huge success” says Dali. Most of her customers have, as a rule, lost the ability to speech so that for them music is the only gate to the world where they can communicate with fellow persons through emotions. After working a few years with customers with brain injuries, Dali started to work with children and young people with development disorders.

At one point, she started to feel like a surgeon who is tired of cutting patients open and she wanted to focus on preventing diseases instead or in other words, instead of liquidating consequences, deal with activities to prevent injuries. Dali says that as a therapist, she most likes to deal with adults who are in a life crisis or wish to refresh their creativity and discover something new about themselves. „One of the objectives of music and creative activities is to relieve stress and tension and thereby increase people’s quality of life and bring more joy to their days,” she is convinced. Speaking of work as a music therapist, Dali says it resembles the work of a detective: there are some universal rules, but the solution must be tailormade for the specific customer and his or her needs. There is no magic wand and, contrary to popular belief, even Mozart’s music is not suitable for everyone. Since Dali has studied also art therapy, she uses also artistic means of expression in addition to music and conversations. „People may often lack words to express feelings and emotions. In this case drawing, clay modelling or even movement could help them to express themselves and create the necessary associations.” After returning from Sweden in 2004, Dali decided to implement her knowhow and experience in Estonia in a totally different way. „Since one of the keywords for creative therapies is human creativity and better coping through creativity, I developed a course of creative training for


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person business-people,” she explains. Dali believes that if a person is aware of his or her creative potential and is not afraid to use it, it will result in better solutions and decisions. She has often used creativity training in so-called team training courses that focus on improving teamwork and understanding about common objectives. In addition to training courses that explain people’s conscious behaviour, Dali is also involved in studying the hidden secrets of the human brain. In Artist Siseraadiod that develops audio solutions for shopping malls, Dali works as a musical designer.

She started her business with two business

partners who left the company after a few years. Later she set up her own company DK Kreativa and worked alone for several years until she got a call from Priit Laur, one of the founders and owners of Artist Siseraadiod, who asked her if she wanted to cooperate with them. „I was really happy because Artist Siseraadiod was offering total solutions and had the technology to do it,“ she recalls. In designing sound solutions, technical nuances are important because quality audio requires good equipment. Working with an assistant, she is able to focus more on developing musical concepts for her customers. Artist Siseraadiod have several hundred customers from Narva to Võru, i.e. all over Estonia. Among them are both large and small retailers and shopping centres, such as all stores of Selver, Rimi, Prisma, Maksimarket, ETK and Comarket chains. Since all of them have their distinctive image, outlook and main target group, they try to differentiate also in terms of choice of music. The company adds new tracks every month by buying new music through large international music databases. Not all music is suitable for background music because it needs to be neutral. „It’s OK to play pop music in stores and campaigns targeted at young people, but punk music is not our theme,” she says. To find fresh sounds, Artist Siseraadiod is now working with various Estonian artists who offer their playlists. It’s teamwork: the artists compiles a playlist and, depending on its style, the team of Siseraadiod then adds similar music to it. When one of Estonia’s leading pop musicians


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Henrik Sal-Saller put together his Mother’s Day playlist for Tallinn’s largest shopping centres, Dali was afraid that more conservative customers would not accept it. She is not afraid to admit that she was wrong: „We got many nice comments and even requests that the same playlist could be played much longer,” she says. Estonians are not afraid to comment and many e-mails in Dali’s inbox start with the words „Could you tell me what song was playing in Tallinn Department Store at noon yesterday?” Ideal background music should be as discreet and expressive as the sound of feet in Argentine tango. In other words, it must not be like the socalled elevator music that just makes you want to reach the destination as soon as possible. Dali says that in addition to the emotion, the music should also develop people’s hearing senses. An in-house radio of a shopping centre should be like a good quality radio station that offers emotional enjoyment and new discoveries. „I myself am a big fan of jazz and sometimes like to experiment with music that is different and exciting. One well-known Estonian drummer who sometimes assists me in my training courses, recently wrote in Facebook that he was surprised to hear a jazz song in a mall,” she recalls. Renewing traditions is something that Dali

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bears in mind when choosing music for different events. Sometimes she feels that she is ahead of time as was the case a few years ago when one shopping centre decided to play jazz from the speakers during a Christmas shopping season instead of traditional Christmas songs. It turned out that the same shoppers who never cease complaining about how tired they are of hearing the old Christmas songs in malls that inspire them to buy only the most boring gifts actually crave for them. It’s a similar story with silence, as shown by another experiment that Dali was involved in. An atrium of a shopping centre had decided not to play any music during a whole weekend. After four hours, the mall’s marketing manager called her to ask to put the music back because stores’ salespersons were complaining of how unusual and uncomfortable the silence was! Dali said that she was actually anticipating it because one of the functions of background music is to hide noise. „When you start hearing all these heels, steps and coughs, it becomes disturbing. You can hide it all with background music,“ she explains. But music does not only expand borders, it also creates them. Subcultures, for instance, prefer distinctive music to emphasise their diversity. Or take classical music that is often used to advertise


person exclusive products that are associated with order. Dali recalls an experiment made in the Copenhagen railway terminal which had become a meeting place for homeless people. They started to play only classical music from the speakers in the area. In just a few days, the homeless disappeared. Another aspect of music that can be used is its influence on the speed of people’s movement. People subconsciously go along with the pace of the music. There are times and places where it’s good to make people move fast to avoid forming long queues. But sometimes the peak hour requires stress relieving and a calmer pace. Everything depends on the location because people in a large quadrangular space move differently than in narrow, curvy spaces.

Which brings us back to one of Dali’s most recent projects: adding sound to aircraft cabins of the Estonian national carrier. To conclude, I asked her what she thought was be the type of music people should listen to from their personal headphones during the flight. „The golden rule is to listen to anything that is familiar and instils safety. Listening to your favourite artists is always a good choice. Predictability puts the brain into a neutral mode and calms us down,” she notes. It is said that every sound that reaches our ears causes irrevocable changes in our brain. And so does our two-hour interview with Dali that is about to end. The power of the word is huge while the power of the sound is deep. Even if it is hard to notice it at first. Dali Kask Born: 21.06.1968 n  Education from Jõhvi Gymnasium, Kask studied in Tallinn n

State Music Conservatory music education and choral conducting, and at the Stockholm Royal College of Music music therapy. She continued her education at the University of Uppsala in music psychology and Mentorakademien HumaNova, Stockholm. Dali Kask began work in the Stockholm School of Estonia as n  an Estonian and music education substitute teacher and afterschool teacher. Next, he acted as music therapist in a traumatic brain injury rehabilitation "Fönstret". She has been music therapist in many places. In 2006 she started as a consultant and trainer DK Kreative LLC and in 2009 he took up the job of head of the music department in Artist Siseraadiod Ltd. In addition, Kask gives lectures and is mentor in training and management programs. In 1997 Dali Kask wrote and defended thesis on "Application n  potential of music therapy in Estonia" in the Stockholm Royal College of Music.


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Many faces of Estonian wildlife

At wild with computer


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Estonia may not have the world’s highest peaks or the biggest wonders of the nature, but it offers “five” seasons, forest encounters with wolves and bears, swimming in moor lakes, white nights and freezing winters. Text: Signe Sillasoo Photos: Enterprise Estonia (EAS), Jarek Jõepera, Toomas Tuul, Arne Ader, Toomas Olev, Jaak Nilson

Aivar Ruukel who runs and organizes hikes, says that the unique thing about the Estonian wildlife is its diversity. „There is no other place in Europe with so many different types of landscapes, species and habitats in such a limited area,” he says. Tarmo Mutso, head of the tourism development centre of Enterprise Estonia, agrees. He adds to the list the annual floods in Soomaa, bird migration, multitude of islands, short distances and white nights. „We are not the Disneyland of wildlife. Our values are the diversity, silence and beauty,” he adds.

Canoeing in backyards Both men agree that wetlands, i.e. swamps, marshes and bogs are definitely something that should be visited in different seasons. “When you see a marsh for the first time and walk with marsh shoes on a bog, it’s a new experience for everyone who is interested in nature,” says Ruukel convincingly. Soomaa’s annual floods or the so-called fifth season that mainly takes place at the end of March or in early April and where local residents are forced to switch from bicycles to canoes is equally exciting. „When hiking in Soomaa in the summer you can often see marks of springtime floodwater. The 4-5 metres difference of water level is amazing and attracts people to visit the area during the floods,” says Ruukel. He adds that many visitors find it amusing that for local people floods are not a disaster, but a fifth season and a normal part of life.

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Things to do Spot black grouse and bear in the spring (e.g. Alutaguse). n  Driving a canoe in forests, roads and backyards during the Soomaa flood n  Enjoying summer solstice or participating in midsummer fire festivities in n  some village.

Summer swims in marsh or forest lakes, as well as canoetrips in rivers and bays n  (e.g. Hiiumaa). Seal-watching in the fall (e.g. Saaremaa).

Summer orchid tour (e.g. Saaremaa, Läänemaa or Raplamaa). n  Picking mushrooms at the end of summer. n  Riding a bicycle in Lahemaa. n  Visiting marshes in the fall (e.g. Kakerdaja), with hikes, marsh-shoe trips, n  picking cranberries, watching birds and mating elks.

In winters, cross-country skiing on frozen marshes. n  In freezing weather, skating on marsh lakes, sea bays and lakes. n  Source: Tarmo Mutso, Bert Rähni, Aivar Ruukel



Kaali meteorite crater Nature protection areas, 2012 Nature protection areas, 2012

Lahemaa Lahemaa Kõrvemaa




Endla Matsalu







National park (5) Nature reserve (131)



Alam-Pedja Vooremaa Alam-Pedja

EmajõeSuursoo EmajõeSuursoo


Nigula Nigula


50 km 50 km


Karula Karula

Haanja Haanja

Protectedpark landscape (150) National (5) Nature (131) area (344) Limitedreserve conservation Protected landscape Other protected area(150) (622) Limited conservation area (344) Other protected area (622)


Sources: Estonian Environment Information Centre: Environmental Register, Statistics Estonia Sources: Estonian Environment Information Centre: Environmental Register, Statistics Estonia

Also different options to watch animals and birds in the spring and autumn create lots of excitement. Mutso says that the Matsalu National Park is almost like a Mecca for birdwatchers. It is located on the main bird migratory path and its wetlands offer excellent nesting areas for birds and good views from bird watching towers. The record number of bird species seen in the area within 24 hours is 194. „Last fall I was in Läänemaa with a group of Germans and we heard wolves howl. This created very strong emotions. We also saw elks and birds. Or imagine seeing a thousand storks in one place – it’s a sight you will not forget,” adds Bert Rähni, a guide for 360 Kraadi (360 Degrees, a local company that organises adventurous hikes and trips in Estonia). In hideouts you can spot bears or lynx, or observe the black grouse in the spring and elks’ mating games in autumn.

in time October 2012

Estonia Howling wolves and freezing temperatures Besides watching the fauna, in winter you can go on a hike to discover animal tracks. „Estonia is a very special country in this respect. We have snow and lots of wildlife. There is also snow in Lapland, but not so many animals,” says Rähni. „In Estonia, if you leave the path and walk some 300 or 400 metres, you will definitely see something unexpected. And if you have a trained guide, there’s a good chance you can find, for instance, tracks of lynx, explore what they have been doing and sometimes find remains of their catch,” he adds.

Even extreme weather conditions where temperature outdoors drops to -30 degrees Celsius can be enjoyable. „We were planning a hike last winter and the weather forecast said it would be minus 26 to 27. Many foreigners had registered and we were afraid that it will be too freezing for them. What happened was that all foreigners were there, while the Estonians stayed at home,” he says laughing. Rähni thinks that the Estonian wildlife is not intimidating. „The most dangerous thing in our forests is probably the tick,” he laughs. The likelihood of meeting a potentially dangerous big ani-

10 sights to visit Kaali meteorite crater – site of the meteorite in n

Saaremaa that fell on Earth between 4,500 to 7,500 years ago. The impact was comparable to the blast of a nuclear bomb, creating one large and eight smaller craters. Vilsandi National Park – one of the largest nature n  protection areas in Europe. Two-thirds of the park’s area is sea with 150 islands, peninsulas and cliffs. It’s a key stopover during bird migration and one of the most important habitats and mating areas for seals. The park has more than 30 species of protected orchids. Mustjala or Panga cliff – 21.3 km high and 2.5 km n  long, a historic sanctuary where our forefathers sacrificed to the sea. It’s part of the 500-km-long Silurian cliff Lahemaa National Park – one of Europe’s most n  important forest protection areas. It has four mansion estates plus historic villages and former military sights. The centre of Lahemaa is Palmse mansion. Canoe trips, horseback riding, bird watching, etc are offered. Matsalu National Park – wetlands and semi-natural n  landscapes are a birds’ and birdwatchers’ paradise. Matsalu is one of the most important resting areas for Arctic birds migrating between the West and Africa. Tallinn Botanical Gardens – enables to see local n  species together with world rarities. Soomaa National Park – an excellent place for n  a canoe-ride and marsh hiking. The most exciting is the fifth season when roads, fields and backyards are flooded. The natural park is home to lynx, wolves, bears, beavers, eagles, grouses, etc. Suur Munamägi – at 318 m the Big Egg Hill is the highn  est peak in the Baltic countries. Piusa sand caves – this is a former mine of glass sand n  and at present the largest wintering colony for bats in Northern Europe. A visit to caves requires a guide. Otepää Adventure Park and Tehvandi watchtower – n  the tower is part of the new Tehvandi K90 ski jumping hill complex. This is the second highest watchtower in South Estonia after Suur Munamägi. The adventure park offers excitement by being suspended between heaven and earth.

October 2012 in time


Estonia Marshland on South Estonia

mal in the woods is small as most of them avoid direct encounter with humans. „Whenever they sense a human being, they leave. Even when watching for a bear in a tower, you need to be really quiet,” Rähni explains. But Mutso says that the probability of spotting wildlife when hiking is a nine out of ten. He himself saw a bear last year when driving on the roads of Viljandimaa.

Wildlife and modern technology Estonian nature is closely linked to culture and both of them function together, says Mutso. “Nature and culture have grown together like meat


and fat in bacon,” adds Ruukel. You can folkdance until the early morning in the fishing villages of Käsmu, see theatre in Viinistu and Lahemaa or explore the Ice Age centre in Tartumaa that offers a glimpse into the past and a chance to look the mammoth in the eye. Then there are the classical music concerts at the beautiful lake of the Leigo farmhouse and an opportunity to wake up at sunrise for a marshland concert in Suure-Jaani. Moving in the wildlife is made extremely convenient for Estonians and guests. Forests have hundreds of hiking and study trails, public leisure huts for lodging, plus fireplaces and BBQ areas equipped with tables, chairs and firewood. There

in time October 2012


are many tourism farms and guesthouses. “Leisure in the nature does not necessarily mean that you have to spend a week in wet clothes and Wellies. All this can be done in a very civilized manner and by offering high quality services,” adds Mutso. Estonia’s wildlife is well combined also with modern technical systems. Many nature sights already have, for instance, a QR code. „When you arrive there and wish to read more about it, you simply need to scan the code. Codes are usually shown on signs and information boards. This is something that is catching on quickly,” says Mutso proudly. Smartphones assist people at picking mushrooms. „This is a real contrast. On the one hand

October 2012 in time

Hunting hut in Võrumaa



Autumn in Pärnu

Estonian wildlife in figures Estonia has five national parks, each of them unique n  716 trees and 367 rocks have been taken under nature protection n  Estonia has about 1,500 islands, 1,500 lakes, more than 7,000 natural rivers, of n  which only 16 are more than 100 km long

Estonia has about 3,000 trees for every resident n  the coast line is 3,800 km long (islands included) n  about 600 different plant and tree species grows in Estonia n  Estonia holds the record for diversity of species. Experts have found 76 plants from n  one square metre of meadows.

About 25% of the Estonian area is covered with moors. n  370 km is the length of a hiking trail through whole Estonia. The starting point is n  Oandu on the north coast and the finish is Ikla in Southwest Estonia.


you have wildlife and mushrooms, something that many have forgotten. And on the other hand you have your smartphone telling you where you are, where to pick, how to pick and, finally, how to cook or fry the mushrooms,” explains Mutso. Or, alternatively, you can buy a Christmas tree from the forest with your phone. Rähni says that it’s also possible to participate in self guided tours based on GPS navigation where your smartphone guides you to the sight and tells you what to see or where to go.

in time October 2012

Piusa caves

Useful links

App for nature-lovers State Forest Management Centre has an app for smart phones that informs the user n 

about the nearest hiking trails, camping sites, lodging, etc. The app is based on Google maps that show sights in the area including detailed description and driving instructions. During autumn, the app is a guide for people who love to pick mushrooms and berries in the forests. In Christmas season, it helps to find a good Christmas tree in state forests. The application can be downloaded from the App Store.

October 2012 in time


New flavors of Nordic cuisine The history of Estonian cooking is a story of poor people doing the best with what they have. There aren't many spices growing naturally and the cooking technique has usually been in the lines of “boil it until its edible and add some salt”. Newfound popularity of Nordic cuisine however has brought a wave of exploration and experimentation among young chefs in Estonia. Today Koit Uustalu, the chef of Neikid, a small boutique restaurant in the heart of Tallinn, would like to tell you about some of his recent work, namely, barley grain “popcorn” and summer berry soup. First is meant to give unique touch to meat dishes and appetizers and the second celebrates the short but sweet Estonian summer by taking the best ripe berries and blending them together in a lovely light dessert.

Barley grain “popcorn” Heat oil to 220° C and deep fry the barley for 5 seconds. n  Put it on a plate covered with paper towels to drain the oil. Sprinkle with salt and parmesan to add taste and enjoy something different with your pork. Simple as that!

Ko it U

ust alu

Summer berry soup for four

Barley is normally used in making beer and porridge in Estonia. It has a slightly sweet, nutty, wholegrain taste that goes well with meat and salty dishes. “Popping” really brings out that flavor and adds a nice toasted touch. It’s unlikely to replace your standard movie night popcorn any time soon, but give it a try as a side dish the next time you're roasting or grilling pork. For summer berry soup, the most important flavor comes from the fully sun-ripened blackberries and raspberries. Almost everyone who has a garden in Estonia is growing some berries in summer and the taste variations are endless. Don't hesitate to make up your own special combination of summer fruit from the farmers’ market and add anything you like, from vanilla ice cream to toasted marshmallows. Text: Tanel Unt

150 g of summer berries (may be frozen) like strawberries, raspberries, blackn  berries, cherries etc · 100 ml of cherry juice · 6 beautiful leaves of basil · 50 g of sugar · 5 g of vanilla sugar · 50 g of vanilla ice cream · 30 g of white bread · Fresh berries for decoration

Mix berries, juice, sugars and basil in a blender for 5 minutes. Filter the mixture through a sieve to get rid of seeds. Use your fingers to turn the bread into crumbs. Toast them in a pan till they get a nice golden colour. Take a scoop of ice cream, cover it with the toasted bread crumbs, surround it with fresh berries and then pour the berry soup to the plate. It’s as delicious as it sounds!



Wismari 3, Tallinn, Eesti 10136 Tel: +372 660 4581 On Board of Estonian Air in October

in time October 2012

mood / fashion

Tallinna moenädala neli uustulnukat

Tekst / Text: Tanel Veenre, Eesti Päevaleht • Fotod / Photos: Maiken Staak, Maksim Toome, Dmitri Knut, tanel tepper

Liina-Mai Püüa Liina-Mai Püüa on ehk kõige oodatum uus tulija n  Tallinna moenädalal. Kevadisel ERKI moeshow’l pärjati tüdruk Absoluti stipendiumiga, mis garanteeris peale rahalise toe ka osavõtu moenädalast. Liina-Mai on Tallinna tüdruk, kelle tee moeni kujunes ema Burdade ja erinevate kunstikoolide kaudu – loomepisik on teda kummitanud maast madalast. Tema käekiri on põnev segu praktilisusest ja kõige põletavamatest hetketrendidest. Erinevalt paljudest Eesti disaineritest on Liina-Mai joondunud pigem kontseptuaalse minimalismi järgi – ta ei karda olla n-ö vaene materjalis ega siluetis. Tema loomingus on sees tugev nihe ja veidrad materjalide/mustrite kombinatsioonid. Väga ootamatul moel võib kohtuda 19. sajand tänasega, kuid seda kindlasti kargel ja peaaegu androgüünsel moel. Oma uut kollektsiooni kirjeldades jääb tüdruk napisõnaliseks: „Lihtsus, rõhk tehnilistel lahendustel ja rohkelt kangamanipulatsioone.“

Liina-Mai Püüa is perhaps the most exciting n  newcomer at Tallinn Fashion Week. In spring, she won the Absolut grant at the Academy of Art Fashion Show that included not only cash, but also an invitation to the fashion week. Liina-Mai is a girl from Tallinn who found her way to fashion through her mother’s Burda magazines and different art schools: she has been creating since childhood. Her style is an exciting mix of common sense and the latest fashion trends. Unlike many other Estonian fashion designers, Liina-Mai likes conceptual minimalism and says more with less. Her creations combine fabrics and patterns in an unusual way: she mixes 19th century fashion with the modern day, but does it in a practical and almost androgynous manner. She remains modest also when describing her new collection: „Simplicity, focus on applications and plenty of manipulation with fabrics.”

in time October 2012

mood / fashion

Four newcomers at

Tallinn Fashion Week Mariliis Soobard


Mariliis Soobard on sündinud mereäärses Virtsu alevis, kohas, mida teatakse tavaliselt tänu Saan  remaa praamide sadamale. Nagu paljude teiste moeloojate puhul nii oli ka Mariliisi esimene õpetaja tema ema, kes valmistas õmblejana riideid näiteks legendaarsele Tallinna Moemajale. Edasi tulid osalemised koolinoorte moeshow'del, mille kaudu tekkis Mariliisi ümber sõpradest-tuttavatest klientide ring, kes ihkasid midagi omanäolisemat, kui poes pakuti. Olulise vaheetapina Marimo kaubamärgi asutamisel olid õpingud Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli tekstiili- ja rõivatehnoloogia erialal. Mariliisi jaoks on mood oluline kui inimese isikupära käepikendus – rõivastus kui erinevate mõtete ja tunnete konteiner, erinevate väljendusviiside mikstuur. Tallinna moenädalal esitlusele tuleva sügistalvise kollektsiooni Restlessness lähtepunkt on üldinimlik – me ei ole kunagi rahul seal, kus parasjagu oleme. Mariliis kirjeldab seda tunnet nõnda: „Nähes inimesi, ka iseennast, kõrvaltvaataja pilgu läbi, sai selgeks, et mitte miski, mida saavutad või juba saavutanud oled, ei paku täiuslikku rahulolu tunnet. Olles ühes punktis, leiame, et kusagil mujal on siiski parem ning läheme luurele uutele jahimaadele ...“

Mariliis Soobard was born in Virtsu, a n  town known mainly as a departure point for the ferry to Saaremaa. As so many other fashion designers, Mariliis’s first teacher was her mother who as a seamstress made garments also for the famous Tallinn Fashion House. She started to participate in school fashion shows and soon had a list of customers who wanted something different than what was available in the stores. An important stage in creating the Marimo brand were her textile and garment technology studies in the Tallinn University of Technology. Mariliis sees fashion as an important expression of character. For her, clothing is a container of different thoughts and feelings, a mixture of various forms of expression. Describing her fall/winter collection, Restlessness that participates in the Tallinn Fashion Week, she says that it is based on a very human concept: we are never satisfied with what we have achieved. „I have learned that when people see themselves from a distance they don’t realise that things they are trying to achieve or have already achieved are sufficient. We are convinced that it’s always greener on the other side and so we set out to explore new territories…”

October 2012 in time


mood / fashion

Vera Lustina

Vera Lustina on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia neln  janda kursuse moestilistika tudeng, kes jäi samuti moepublikule silma kevadisel ERKI moeshow'l. Tüdruku tõsisest kavatsusest annab aimu seegi, et lisaks stilistikale alustas ta möödunud aastal õpinguid rätsepa-stilisti erialal ja on täiendanud end nii Londonis kui ka Milanos. Moepisik puges Vera naha alla lapsepõlves, kui ta hakkas endale aksessuaare nikerdama. Peagi järgnesid esimesed seelikud ja kleidid, mis said ümber tehtud vanadest ja ilmetutest seisma jäänud riideesemetest. 16-aastaselt sai Vera ühe moekonkursi tarvis maha uhke mustadest sulgedest kleidiga (konkursi võitis küll hoopis tüdruk, kes esines vanaema meisterdatud kommipaberikleidiga) ja oma esimese päris kollektsioonini jõudis ta kolme aasta eest. Vera jaoks on mood aus ajastu peegel, rõivalugu uurides saame aimu kultuuride olemusest. Ta peab oluliseks moe ja vabade kunstide vahelist verevahetust – mõjutused liiguvad mõlemal suunal. Oma Tallinna moenädala kollektsiooni kirjeldades hüüab ta ühe märksõnana välja: „Meri“. Kuid peale mere värvide ja tekstuuride omanäolise tõlgendamise peab Vera väga oluliseks kangaste kvaliteeti ja hingega tehtud käsitööd. Vera Lustina has been studying fashion stylistics n  in the Estonian Academy of Arts for four years. Fashion aficionados got a glimpse at her already in the Academy’s fashion show this spring. A sign of her serious intentions is the fact that she is now also studying to become a tailor-stylist and has taken courses in London and Milan. Vera was bitten by the fashion bug already in childhood when she started to make accessories for herself. It was followed by the first gowns and dresses recycled from old and unattractive garments. At 16, Vera designed a fabulous dress made of black feathers for a fashion show (where the winner was a dress made of candy wrappers), and completed her first very own collection three years ago. Vera says that fashion is an honest mirror of our era as the history of fashion shows the essence of cultures. She considers it important to keep an open mind and mix fashion with free arts. Describing her collection for the Tallinn Fashion Week, she says one word: „Sea”. Her designs show marine colours and fabrics. For Vera, having quality textiles and putting your soul into your work are equally important.


in time October 2012

mood / fashion

Eva Anders

Eva Anders on suurepärane näide 21. sajandi noorest, n  kelle mängumaa on maailm. Ta on sündinud Kasahstanis, teismeliseea veetnud Venemaal (kus omandas kraadi psühholoogias), liikunud edasi Saksamaale ning lõpuks kolme aasta eest maandunud Eestis. Eva alustas siin lihtsalt, teenindades oma stuudios vaid kitsast klientide ringi, kuid tunneb, et nüüd on tulnud aeg julgemalt tiibu sirutada ning liitunud Tallinna moenädala programmiga. Käsitööarmastus on Evat saatnud läbi elu ning just see on ka praegu tema loomingu vundamendiks. Sünteetilistele materjalidele ja masstootmisele vastandudes on ta võtnud lipukirjaks unikaalsuse ja naturaalsuse. Tüdrukut ei heiduta see, et tema lemmiktehnika nunoviltimine on raske ja töömahukas. Vaid kolmest komponendist (lambavill, seep, vesi) sündinud ebatavaline materjal kannab endas tugevat loodusläheduse pitserit, tänu millele kangas hingab ja elab koos inimese kehaga. Eva loomingu tuum ongi inimese ja looduse vahelise harmoonia leidmine. Kord pügatud lammas on ju taastuv loodusressurss, kus protsessi käigus kaotajaid nagu polegi. Ka ei teki sellises disainiprotsessis mingeid jääke. Eva vaatab tulevikku vägagi ambitsioonika pilguga: lähitulevikus on plaanis avada moemaja Tallinnas ning kasutada seda sillapeana ida ja lääne turgude vahel.

Eva Anders is an excellent example of a 21st century n

Tallinn Fashion Week n

toimub 22.–27. oktoobrini Telliskivi Loomelinnakus Ürituse kava: Piletid Piletilevist

Tallinn Fashion Week, n

October 22–27, in Telliskivi Loomelinnak Programme: Tickets from Piletilevi


youngster whose playground is the whole world. She was born in Kazakhstan, spent her teenage years in Russia where she got a degree in psychology, moved on to Germany and three years ago settled down in Estonia. In Tallinn, Eva started very low key, serving only a few customers in her studio. Now she feels that it’s time to span her wings and she has decided to participate in the Tallinn Fashion Week. Her love for handicraft has followed her throughout her life and is also the foundation of her creations. As a critic of artificial materials and mass production, she promotes uniqueness and natural feel. She is not afraid of the difficulty and labour-intensity of her favourite technique – nuno felting. This unusual method has only three components (wool, soap and water). The result is very natural and the fabric breathes and lives as the human body. In her creations Eva seeks harmony between man and nature. After all, sheep wool is a renewable natural resource and a real winwin case also for sheep. Besides, this design process produces no waste. Not surprisingly, Eva is extremely ambitious: in near future she wants to open a fashion house in Tallinn and use it as a bridge between the fashion markets of the East and West.

in time October 2012

pood / boutique Sõnumiga padi Kes sügisel end mõnikord üksikuna n  tunneb, võib diivanikaunistuseks või kaissu võtmiseks osta padja, millel väljakutsuv ja humoorikas kiri „FakkPADI“. 40x40cm padi on valmistatud mõnusast villasest kangast käsitööna Eestis ning tekst padjal on pehme samettrükk. Valge tekstiosa "PADI" helendab pimedas, et lemmikeset lihtsam üles leida oleks, sõna teise poole saab tellida eri värvides. Selline padi on saadaval Eesti Disaini Maja galeriipoes (Kalasadama 8) Tallinnas ja seda saab tellida meiliaadressi kaudu. FakkPADI maksab 22 eurot.

rõivaste komplekt „Eestist. From Estonia“ ja ema „Margaret“. Viimase kostüümid on maalinud üks Eesti tuntumaid maalikunstnikke Epp Maria Kokamägi. „Maria Solei pabernukumaailma“ komplekte saab nii disainipoodidest kui ka raamatukauplustest Apollo ja Rahva Raamat.

Back to childhood Paper dolls and their paper clothes are n  here again. Designer Kristel Lauri who is the author of the „Maria Solei Paper Doll World“ says that she wanted to evoke childhood memories and dedicated her first art project to her daughter Maria Soleil. Products are of high quality and can last for generations, if kept well. The clothing range already includes four parts: „Maria“, „Sophia“, „From Estonia” (inspired by Estonian folk costumes) and „Margaret“ (coloured by one of Estonia’s best-known painters Epp Maria Kokamägi). „Maria Solei Paper Doll World“ sets can be ordered from design stores as well as from Apollo and Rahva Raamat bookstores.

Shining mineral makeup Ontic Minerals is a new luxurious range n  of mineral makeup that is handmade and packed in Estonia. Ontic Minerals offers 100 percent natural cosmetics that comply with the ECOCERT standard. There are 34 tones of eye shadow, each bearing a distinctive name, e.g. „I insist“ or „Give me passion!“. Mineral eye shadow can be mixed to create a unique hue. Products can be ordered online from Price per colour is EUR 9.95.

Personaalne pusa Sügisel on soe kehakate hädavajalik n  ning keda poevalik ei rahulda, võib endale tellida just sellise pusa, nagu ta soovib aadressilt Klient valib tegumoe ja materjalid ning töö tehakse kiiresti valmis. Pusa hind algab 39 eurost, komplekt maksab 75 eurot. Talvepusade hind algab 102 eurost.

Pillow with a message Those who sometimes feel lonely in n  dark autumn nights can now get themselves a special pillow, with a humorous and provocative word „FakkPADI” printed on it. This 40x40 cm pillow is made of cozy woolen textiles by hand and the text is in softprint. To make it easier to find, the second part of the word (PADI) glows in the dark and can be ordered in different colours. FakkPADI pillows are on sale in the gallery store of Estonian Design House (Kalasadama 8) in Tallinn and can be mail-ordered via fakkpadi@oot-oot. com. Price: EUR 22.

Särav mineraalmeik Tagasi lapsepõlve Pabernukud ja nende rõivakomplektid n  on jälle saadaval. „Maria Solei pabernukumaailma“ autor on disainer Kristel Lauri, kes soovis elustada lapsepõlvemälestusi ning pühendas oma esimese kunstiprojekti tütar Maria Soleile. Tooted on kvaliteetsed, nii et mängumaailma tasub alles hoida lastele või lastelastele kinkimiseks. Sarjas on juba ilmunud neli osa: „Maria“, „Sophia“, Eesti rahvariietest inspireeritud


Ontic Minerals on uus luksuslik minen  raalmeigi sari, mis on käsitsi valmistatud ning pakitud Eestis. Ontic Minerals kosmeetika on 100 protsenti looduslik, kasutatud on ECOCERT standardile vastavaid koostisosi. Lauvärvide sarjas on 34 värvitooni, neist igaühel kasutama kutsuv nimi, näiteks „I insist“ või „Give me passion!“. Lauvärve võib omavahel kokku segada, luues kordumatu värvitooni. Tooteid saab tellida e-poest Ühe tooni hind on 9.95 eurot.

Personified sweater Autumn is the season when warm n  clothing is most important. Those who are not satisfied with the choice available

in time October 2012

Nahk siidiseks Siidiseebi põhikoostisaine on niisutav n  oliiviõli. Toimeaine on kosmeetiline siidipulber, mis hooldab nahka ja talletab niiskust. Seebile annavad aroomi ilangiõli ja laanelill. Siidiseebi tekstuur erineb tavalise seebi omast, seep ei mõrane ega murdu, vaid on plastiline, õhukeseks kuludes võib sellest voolida pallikese. Väga mõnus kasutada ja vahutab hästi. Siidiseep on 100 protsenti loodustoode. Koostis: oliiviõli, kookosrasv, palmirasv, rapsiseemneõli, kastoorõli, ilangiõli, laanelilleõli, siidipulber. Müügil kauplustes Eliksiir (Järve keskuse II korrusel), Allikas (Estonia pst 17), Meribelli käsitöösalong (Kristiine keskuses), Mahemarket (Mustamäe tee 3a), Hää Eesti Toit (Viru 23).

If you can dream it – we can build it c ust o m -m ad

in stores can now order their individual sweater from where customers choose their individual style and materials. Delivery times are short. Prices start from EUR 39 and full set costs EUR 75. Winter sweaters start from EUR 102.


efa pr

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Silky skin The main component of the silk soap n

Isikupära meestele Ka ülikonda kandes ei pea mehed oma n  mässavat sisemust varju jätma – mansetinööbid sarjast "Loogiline kell" on väga silmapaistvas steampunk-stiilis. Tooted valmivad peamiselt antiikkellade mehhanismidest, kasutatud on Swarovski kristalle, vääriskive ja muid uuemaid ning vanemaid filigraanseid metallelemente. Iga ehe on ainulaadne ja igal kellal oma ajalugu. „Loogilise kella“ toodete hulka kuuluvad lisaks mansetinööpidele meeste sõrmused ja kaelakeed ning neid saab osta kahest Eesti disainipoest Tallinnas: Les Petites Disain (Müürivahe 28) ning Misu Käsitööpood (Kaarli pst 7), Hind kujuneb vastavalt kasutatud materjalidele – 15 kuni 50 eurot.

is moisturizing olive oil. The active substance is cosmetic silk powder that is tender on the skin and stores moisture. The soap’s aroma comes from ylang-ylang and chickweed oils. The silk soap differs from ordinary soaps for its texture and because it does not crack or break, it can be moulded and rolled into a ball when worn out. Very convenient to use and produces great foam. Silk soap is 100 percent natural. Composition: olive oil, coconut fat, palm fat, rapeseed oil, castor oil, ylang-ylang oil, chickweed oil, silk powder. Available in retail in Eliksiir (2nd Floor in Järve Centre), Allikas (Estonia pst 17), Meribelli käsitöösalong (Kristiine Shopping Centre), Mahemarket (Mustamäe tee 3a), Hää Eesti Toit (Viru 23).

Men’s character Men in suits can now wear their n  rebellious nature literally on their sleeve by getting cuff-links from the „Logical Watch” range designed in very distinctive steampunk style. Cuff-links are made mainly of mechanisms of antique watches, using Swarovski crystals, jewels and older or modern exquisite metal components. Every item is unique and every watch has a history. “Logical Watch” range also includes men’s rings and neck chains. Available in two Estonian design stores in Tallinn: Les Petites Disain (Müürivahe 28) and Misu Käsitööpood (Kaarli boulevard 7), Price depending on choice of materials from EUR 15 to 50.

October 2012 in time

Tekst / Text: Liis Konovalov

AS Matek Pärnu mnt 158, 11317 Tallinn Estonia Telephone: +372 622 0077 Fax: +372 622 0078 E-mail:



tehnika / gadgets ory for Android and the apps, but don’t expect the camera to last for days because Android simply squeezes the battery dry. Nikon itself says that a single charge enables to take only 140 photos. And no, you cannot use the camera to make calls, at least not over a standard mobile network. Skype calls are supported, though.

Nikoni kaamera – Androidiga Oli vaid aja küsimus, mil keegi tuleb n  selle peale, et teha kompaktkaamera, mis kasutaks nutitelefonidelt tuttavat Androidi operatsioonisüsteemi. Esimesena tegi selle valmis Nikon, nende S800c on tehnilistelt omadustelt üsna tavaline kompaktkaamera, sest 16-megapiksline sensor, ISO tundlikkus 125–3200, 10-kordne optiline suum või 1080p videosalvestus uudiskünnist ei ületaks. Küll aga on uudis, et kaamera 3,5-tollisel ekraanil jookseb Android 2.3 (jah, mitte kõige uuem) ja kasutada saab hulgaliselt selle võimalusi. Alates septembrist müügil oleval ja umbes 300 eurot maksval kaameral on sisse ehitatud mälu 4 GB Androidi ja rakenduste tarbeks. Kuid arvestada tuleb, et mitu päeva järjest selle Nikoni kaameraga pilte ei tee – Android sööb lihtsalt aku ära. Nikon lubab, et ühe laadimisega saab teha kõigest 140 ülesvõtet. Uue kaameraga tavavõrgus helistada ei saa, kuid üle Skype'i peaks see võimalik olema.

Mängimine pole kerge Üks tuntumaid arvutimänguritele mõeln  dud hiirte ja klaviatuuride tootjaid Razer on teoks teinud oma teise nägemuse sellest, milline võiks olla mängimiseks mõeldud sülearvuti. Praegusel iPadide ja üliõhukeste ultrabookide ajastul näeb 17-tollise ekraaniga ja kolm kilogrammi kaaluv Razer Blade välja nagu neandertallane ja need, kes tahavad saada täielikku mängunaudingut ükskõik kus, peavad seda endaga kaasas kandma. Inteli i7 protsessori, 8 GB mäluga, 64 GB kiire SSD-ketta ja GTX660M graafikakaardiga varustatud Razer Blade saab FullHD ekraanil hakkama ükskõik millise mänguga: klaviatuuri parempoolsed nupud on tegelikult pisikesed LEDekraanid, millel olevad ikoonid muutuvad vastavalt mängule. Kui palju lõbu maksab? Kõigest umbes 2400 eurot.

Nikon goes Android It was only a matter of time when n  someone invented a compact digital camera that worked on the same Android operating system as the one used in smartphones. The first to make it was Nikon whose S800c is by its specs a fairly regular compact digital camera: 16 million pixels, ISO 125-3200, 10x optical zoom and 1080p full HD movie are hardly raising any eyebrows these days. What’s revolutionary is the fact that the camera’s 3.5” monitor runs Android 2.3 (yes, not the latest version) and offers plenty of its opportunities. The device that will be on sale in September and cost around 300 euros has 4GB internal mem-


play and 3 kg weight. However, those who dream of playing a perfect game anywhere have no option but to take it along. Intel’s i7 processor, 8 GB memory, 64 GB fast SSD disk, GTX660M graphic card and a FullHD display make sure that Razer Blade can handle any game. Keys on its keyboard are actually small LED screens whose icons change depending on the game. And the price? Oh, only about 2400 euros.

Puutetundlikud sülearvutid Oktoobri lõpus ilmuv Windows 8 tähenn  dab seda, et hakkame lisaks nutitelefoni ekraanile ka sülearvuti ekraani sõrmeotstega kasutama. Acer on selleks valmis, kõik nende M3 ja V5 seeria sülearvutid on varustatud puutetundlike ekraanidega. Aceri M3 15-tollise ekraaniga ultrabookid on 22 millimeetri paksused, kuid seest leiab Ivy Bridge protsessori ja GTX540 graafikakaardi. V5 sari on veel millimeetri võrra õhem ja saadaval on ka 14-tollise ekraaniga, mis nüüdsest on uue Windowsi kasutamiseks valmis.

Touch-sensitive laptop displays Windows 8 that will be available n

Playing is anything but easy Razer, a leading manufacturer of gamen  based mice and keyboards has unveiled its new vision of what a laptop computer suitable for gaming could look like. In this era of iPads and extra-thin ultrabooks, Razer Blade is a real Neanderthal with its 17” dis-

at end of October means that we can soon also start controlling our laptop computers by touching their screen. Acer is already ready and all their M3 and V5 series laptops are all equipped with touchsensitive displays. Acers’ M3 ultrabooks with an 15” display are only 22 mm thick, but include an Ivy Bridge processor and GTX540 graphics card. V5 series that is a millimetre thinner is available also with a 14” display that supports the new Windows.

in time October 2012

United Motors


TÄHELEPANU! VALMIS OLLA! TALV. BMW X-seeria soodustus nüüd kuni 10 000 €. Oled uue talve lumisteks seiklusteks valmis? Nüüd on õige aeg otsustamiseks, sest X-seeria mudelite soodustused on: · BMW X1 – 2 000 € · BMW X3 – 3 000 € · BMW X5 - 10 000 € · BMW X6 – 6 000 €

Kõigile teistele BMW mudelitele xDrive nelikvedu aasta lõpuni TASUTA! Tule proovisõidule!

Kampaania kehtib kuni 31.12.2012. Vaata lähemalt või küsi lisainfot müügikonsultandilt. United Motors AS Tallinn, Paldiski mnt 108, tel 659 3700; Peetri, Reti tee 4, Rae vald, tel 663 0000; Tartu, Võru tn 242, tel 730 2870; Pärnu, Tallinna mnt 82, tel 448 1740; Kohtla-Järve, Järveküla tee 22, tel 336 4700;,

tehnika / gadgets miga telefonil on tõelise kompaktkaamera varustus ehk 16-megapiksline BSI CMOSsensor, millel on 21x optiline suum ja võime salvestada FullHD videot.

Android camera by Samsung Windows 8 tahvelarvutid tulevad! Kui Androidi tahvelarvutitega on kogu n  maailm juba üle ujutatud, siis nüüd on käes Windows 8 tahvelarvutite aeg. Otsa tegi lahti Samsung, kelle ATIV Pro PC kohta ei teagi enam, kas öelda tahvel- või sülearvuti, kuna seda saab kasutada mõlemana, sest klaviatuuridokk on eemaldatav. 11,6-tollisele ekraanile on laotatud 1920 x 1080 pikslit ja seadet jooksutab Inteli i5 protsessor koos Inteli HD Graphics integreeritud graafikaga, mälu on 4 GB ja andmeid saab mahutada 256 GB SSD-kettale. Koos klaviatuuriga see siiski väga kerge pole, kaaludes 1,6 kilogrammi. Müügil on 4G-toega ATIV Pro PC alates oktoobrist, täpne hind teadmata.

In spring, When Nokia launched its n  incredible PureView 808 phone with 42 million pixels, it was clear that competitors will soon be rolling out something even bolder. Samsung has now unveiled its Galaxy Camera that looks like a camera, but unfortunately does not have all the features of a Galaxy smartphone. It has a quadcore 1.4 GHz processor, runs on Android 4.1 platform and is equipped like a true compact digital camera including 16 MP backside-illuminated CMOS sensor with 21x optical zoom and enables to record FullHD videos.

Värvikirev Nokia Nokialt on peagi oodata uusi Lumia n

Windows 8 tablet PCs are coming! Since the world is pretty much flooded n  with Android tablet PCs, the time has arrived for Windows 8 tablet PCs. The first to do so was Samsung whose ATIV Pro PC doubles up as a tablet and laptop PC because its detachable keyboard port can be used in both ways. The 11.6” display has 1920x1080 pixels and the device is running on the Intel i5 processor with the integrated graphics of Intel’s HD Graphics, with 4 GB memory and a 256 GB SSD disk for storing data. It’s not exactly lightweight and weighs 1.6 kg with the keyboard. Price of ATIV Pro PC with 4G support that will be available from October is yet unknown.

Samsungi Androidi kaamera Kui Nokia tõi kevadel välja uskumatu n  PureView 808 telefoni, millel on 42-megapiksline kaamera, siis võis arvata, et konkurendid üritavad seda õige pea üle trumbata. Nüüd ongi Samsung valmistanud Galaxy Camera, mis, nagu nimigi ütleb, näeb välja nagu kaamera, kuid telefoni omadusi sellel kahjuks pole. Neljatuumalise 1,4 GHz protsessoriga Android 4.1 operatsioonisüstee-


smartphone supports all new and popular technologies, e.g. Near Field Communication and Mobile High-Definition Link MHL that allows to connect mobile phones directly to HD TVs and displays. Xperia T costs about 500 euros and its Android 4.0 can soon be upgraded to 4.1 Jelly Bean.

Jälle kõige võimsam Tundub, nagu ei mööduks Sonyl kuudki, n  kui nad jälle ei esitle oma kõige-kõige kiiremat ja paremat Androidiga nutitelefoni. Nüüdsest kannab seda auväärset tiitlit Sony Xperia T, millel on 4,6-tolline HD Reality ekraan, kahetuumaline 1,5 GHz protsessor ja 13-megapiksline kaamera. Olemas on kõikide uute ja populaarsete tehnoloogiate toed, näiteks NFC ehk lähiväljatugi ja MHL ehk võime pilti ja heli teleri või vastava toega kuvari ekraanile saata. Osta saab Xperia T-d umbes 500 euroga ja sellel jooksev Android 4.0 on peagi uuendatav 4.1 Jelly Beani peale.

nutitelefone, kuid enne seda lasi Nokia teha Monsterilt Purity HD Pro kõrvaklapiseeria, mis nende uute Windows Phone 8 telefonidega nagu valatult sobiksid. Seda on näha juhtmevabade (kasutatavad ka koos juhtmega) klappide värvivalikust: peale musta ja valge leiab sealt ka helesinises, kollases ja punases toonis kõrvaklapid. Tuleb üksnes arvestada, et need klapid maksavad umbes poole korraliku Nokia Lumia telefoni hinnast – 300 eurot.

Colourful Nokia Nokia that is about to unveil new Lumia n  smartphones has also launched a series of Purity HD Pro headphones by Monster. These cordless (or corded) headphones are designed to compliment new Windows Phone 8 smartphones and are available in black, white, light blue, yellow and red. The set costs 300 euros or about a half of a good Nokia Lumia smartphone.

The most powerful, again It seems that not a month goes by n  without Sony announcing another best and fastest Android smartphone. This title has now gone to Sony Xperia T that has a 4.6” HD Reality display, a dual-core 1.5 GHz processor and 13 MP camera. The new

Tekst / Text: Martin Mets

in time October 2012


Reede, 12. oktoober A. Le Coq Arena Sander Puri

Väravad avatakse kell 19.30

Avavile kell 21.30

EESTI - UNGARI Pääsmed hinnaga 13 ja 11 EUR (sooduspääsmed 8 ja 7 EUR) saadaval Piletilevis! LHV Jalgpallikaardi omanikele pääsmed -10% soodsamad!

Teeme tribüünid siniseks! PEATOETAJA




autod / cars Audi RS 5 Cabriolet’i hakatakse Saksamaal tootma 2013. aasta alguses ja esialgne baashind Saksamaal on 88 500 eurot.

Audi builds a new RS 5 Cabriolet This soft-top four-seater allures with n

Audi tegi uue RS 5 Cabrioleti See pehme katusega neljaistmeline n  kabriolett ahvatleb elegantsuse ja jõu kombinatsiooniga. V8 mootor kiirendab sportauto 0-100 km/h 4,9 sekundiga. RS 5 Cabrioleti puhul tuleb Audi dünaamika eriti hästi esile sõiduki voogavas külgprofiilis. RS 5 Cabrioleti kerge tekstiilkatus ulatub üle avara interjööri nagu madala võlviga kuppel. Vaid ühe nupuvajutusega avaneb katus 15 sekundiga ja sulgub 17 sekundiga ning seda sõidukiirusel kuni 50 km/h. Katus võtab vaid 60 liitrit pagasiruumi 380-liitrisest kogumahutavusest. RS 5-le iseloomulik eristav detail on perforeeritud nahkkattega kolmekodaralise disaini ja “lõigatud” alaservaga rooliratas. Lisavarustuse hulka kuuluva MMI navigatsioon Plus-süsteemi terminal vajab ainult kuut nuppu põhimenüüde jaoks ning Audi drive select süsteemile piisab vaid ühest juhtnupust. Kabrioletti veab kõrgete pööretega FSI otsesissepritsega V8 mootor. Selle 4 163-kuupsentimeetrine töömaht tagab väljundina 331 kW (450 hj) 8 250 pöördega minutis ning maksimaalne pöördemoment on 430 Nm vahemikus 4 000 kuni 6 000 pööret minutis. 4.2FSI, mis pannakse käsitsi kokku Ungaris Györis asuvas tehases, saavutab erivõimsuse 79,5 kW (108,1 hj) mootori töömahu ühe liitri kohta; iga hobujõud peab liigutama ainult 4,267 kg sõiduki raskusest. RS 5 Cabrioleti 7-käiguline S tronic on kahe siduriga käigukast, mis teeb käiguvahetamise eriti sujuvaks. Stardikontrolli funktsioon (Launch Control) on kasulik paigaltvõtu abiline võidusõidurajal. Audi RS 5 Cabriolet spurdib nullist 100-kilomeetrise tunnikiiruseni 4,9 sekundiga. Sõiduki tippkiirus on piiratud 250 kilomeetrini tunnis; kliendi soovil saab Audi suurendada selle 280 kilomeetrini tunnis. Süsteem Audi connect aitab auto ühendada internetiga, reisijad saavad wifi abil veebi lehitseda. Juhile on tehtud mugavaks Audi online-liiklusinfo otsimine ja näiteks Google Earth’i kujutiste ja Street View’ abil navigeerimine.


a combination of elegance and power. V8 engine can accelerate 0 – 100 km/h in 4,9 seconds. Flowing silhouette with perfectly balanced proportions and sharp details – in RS 5 Cabriolet wins the dynamics of Audi especially nice shape. Like a flat, smooth dome, the light soft top of the RS 5 Cabriolet spans the spacious interior, a special foam layer provides high acoustic comfort. Opens by pressing a button and the soft top closes automatically in 15 or 17 seconds, even while driving at 50 km / h. When open, it restricts the spacious luggage room a little – of the 380 liters of volume it takes up only 60 liters. Characteristic of the RS 5 is the threespoke steering wheel with flat-bottomed rim that is covered with perforated leather. The terminal of the MMI Navigation plus system only needs six buttons to operate and the Audi Drive Select system works with just one. As a driver for the RS 5 Cabriolet is a highly rotating FSI V8 naturally aspirated engine with direct injection. From its 4,163 cm3 displacement, he draws 331 kW (450 hp) at 8,250 1/min, 4000-6000 rpm it produces its maximum torque of 430 Nm. The 4.2 FSI with the red painted cylinder head cover, resulting in the Hungarian plant in Györ hand assembly, achieves a specific output of 79.5 kW (108.1 hp) per liter, each hp has to move only 4.267 kg vehicle weight. The Audi RS 5 Cabriolet shoots himself in 4.9 seconds from zero to 100 km/h The top speed is limited to 250 km/h. At customer’s request Audi can raise them to 280 km / h. The average fuel consumption is 10.9 liters per 100 km. RS 5 Cabriolet has a seven-speed S tronic dual-clutch gearbox. Switching is implemented by changing the clutches so fast

and fluently that they are hardly noticeable. A useful starting aid for the racetrack is the launch control. Audi connect including car phone connects the RS 5 Cabriolet to the Internet. The front passenger can move freely through the integrated Wi-Fi hotspot with their mobile devices on the web. For the driver's customized Audi connect, online services are available – from the Audi online traffic information to navigation with Google Earth images and Street View. Deliveries of the Audi RS 5 Cabriolet start in Germany in spring 2013. Price will start from 88,500 euros.

Rekord – 964 Ferrarit ühel rajal! Suurbritannia Silverstone'i ringrajale n  kogunes 964 Ferrarit. Pisut jäi küll puudu korraldajate loodetud 1000 masinast, ent autode hulk on ilmselt piisav Guinnessi rekorditeraamatusse pääsemiseks. Ferraride kogunemise senine rekord – 490 autot pärines 2008. aastast Jaapanist Fuji Speedway Circuit’ilt. Vormel 1 piloot Felipe Massa juhtis auringi 458 Spideri roolis. “See on unustamatu kogemus,” kommenteeris ta. Samuti osales üritusel Ferrari vormel 1 tiimi testisõitja Marc Gené. Ferrari annetas iga kohale tulnud Ferrari eest viis naela heategevuseks Briti organisatsioonile, mis aitab autotööstuse töölisi ja nende perekondi.

Record – 964 Ferrari cars on one track 964 Ferrari cars gathered at the Silvern  stone Race Track in the largest gathering of "F-Cars" to date. The Ferrari brand was going for a Guinness World Record of the most Ferrari's on a race track and it looks like they have that record wrapped up. The target was to get 1000 Ferraris in one place but they missed a bit. The previous record of 490 cars dates back

in time October 2012

autod / cars to 2008 when they gathered at Japan’s Fuji Speedway Circuit. F1 driver Felipe Massa was the guest of honour, leading the parade at the wheel of a 458 Spider. “It was a really unforgettable experience,” he commented. Also taking part in the parade was F1 test driver Marc Gene. Ferrari donated £5 for every car in the parade to BEN, a British charity that supports employees from the motor industry and their family.

McLaren tutvustab Pariisis superautot P1 McLaren Automotive on otsustanud n  esmakordselt rahvusvahelisel autonäitusel esinedes tutvustada maailma uue põlvkonna ülimat superautot McLaren P1, mille hing ja tehnoloogia on pärit ettevõtte rallitiimilt. McLaren P1-l on vaid üks eesmärk – olla maailma parim auto nii tänaval kui ka ringrajal. Pariisis toimuval autonäitusel Mondial de l'Automobile 2012 tutvustatakse P1 kui näidist. Järgmisel aastal plaanitakse tutvustada tootmisvalmis versiooni. Autotootja loodab selle valmis saada 12 kuuga. “McLaren P1-s on kokku pandud 50 aasta kogemused teedelt ja ringradadelt,” ütles McLaren Automotive nõukogu esimees Ron Dennis. “20 aastat tagasi tõstsime superautode latti McLaren F1-ga, nüüd on meie eesmärk, et McLaren P1 kujuneks uueks superautoks.” “Eesmärk pole teha kõige suurema tippkiirusega autot, vaid luua kiireim ja rahuldust pakkuvaim seeriatootmises olev tänava- ja

ringrajamasin,” ütles McLaren Automotive tegevjuht Antony Sheriff.

McLaren introduces P1 in Paris McLaren Automotive will use its first n  ever international motor show appearance to preview its next generation ultimate supercar – the McLaren P1 – which takes much of its technological and spiritual inspiration from the company’s Racing division. The McLaren P1 has one simple goal: to be the best driver’s car in the world on road and track. At the Paris Motor Show, Mondial de l'Automobile 2012, the McLaren P1 is previewed as a design study. Next year a production version, which the company aims to put on sale within 12 months, will be revealed. ‘The McLaren P1 will be the result of 50 years of racing and road car heritage,” says McLaren Automotive Executive Chairman Ron Dennis. ‘Twenty years ago we raised the supercar performance bar with the McLaren F1 and our goal with the McLaren P1 is to redefine it once again.” “Our aim is not necessarily to be the fastest in absolute top speed but to be the quickest and most rewarding series production road car on a circuit,” says McLaren Automotive Managing Director Antony Sheriff.

“Top Gear” pääses rekorditeraamatusse Saade “Top Gear” pääses Guinnessi n  rekorditeraamatusse. Kolme mehe seiklused autodega said auhinna kui maailma vaadatuim faktipõhine telesaade. Saate originaalversiooni näidatakse 212 riigis üle maailma, mis on piisav sellise au väljateenimiseks. Saatemeeskonna nimel käis auhinda isiklikult vastu võtmas Jeremy Clarkson, kes ütles vaid: “Olen väga uhke, et olen seotud sellise faktipõhise saatega.”

DB9 uusversioon saabub järgmisel aastal Aston Martin on teinud DB9-le põhjalin  ku kapitaalremondi. Samal ajal on mudeliseerias loobutud kallimast Virage’ist. Kaheksa aasta vanuse DB9 2013. aasta uuendamisel nii seest kui väljast on inspiratsiooni leitud Virage’ist. Uusversioonil on ka rohkem võimu, mis tuleb V12 mootorist ja Astoni viimasest adaptiivsest summutustehnoloogiast. 5,9-liitrise mootori võimsus on kasvanud 470 hobujõult 510 hobujõuni. Mootoriks on nimelt viimase põlvkonna AM11 V12 seeria, kus on Astoni uue Vanquishi uuendusi.

DB9 upgrade coming up next year Aston Martin has given the DB9 a comn  prehensive overhaul — and axed the more expensive Virage from its line-up in the process. The eight-year-old DB9’s upgrades for the 2013 model year include a new Virage-

October 2012 in time

inspired look inside and out. New version has also more power for its V12 engine and Aston’s latest adaptive damping technology. Power from the 5.9-litre engine has been increased from 470bhp to 510bhp. The engine is the latest generation of the AM11 V12 series and includes updates from Aston’s new Vanquish.

Jeremy Clarkson

Top Gear made it into a record book Top Gear has collected a Guinness n  World Record. Everyone's favorite show about three jokers and their automotive exploits is the most widely watched factual TV program in the world. The original show is viewed in 212 territories around the globe, which is enough to take the honor. Jeremy Clarkson himself accepted the award on behalf of his cohorts and the crew behind Top Gear, saying only, "I am very proud to be involved in such a factual program."


teadus / science Esmase väljundina näevadki teadlased sellise koe kasutust ravimitööstuses, kus selle abil saab täpsemalt uurida ravimite mõju kudedele, mitte lihtsalt rakukultuuridele. Nad usuvad, et tulevikus võib elektroonikaga läbi põimitud elundeid siirata inimestesse, kus need jälgivad elundi tööd ja annavad teada, kui midagi läheb viltu. Või suudavad lausa ise probleemile reageerida ning ravimit doseerida.

Dianne Ashworth

Electronics find their place in human body Successful experiments with robotic n

Elektroonika leiab inimkehas koha Tehissilm ja edukad eksperimendid n  elektroonika sidumisel elusa koega annavad aimu, et tulevikus muutub tavaliseks inimese organismi parandamine elektroonika abil. Esimese bioonilise silma siirdamisest andsid augustikuus teada Austraalia teadlased, kes kirjeldavad saavutust läbimurdena pimedate inimeste uuesti nägijaks tegemisel. Nad viisid päriliku haiguse tõttu nägemise kaotanud naise silma väikese, 24 elektroodist koosneva seadme, mis saadab silma närvirakkudele elektriimpulsse. “Ma ei teadnud, mida oodata,” tunnistas patsient Dianne Ashworth pärast seadme esimest katsetust, “kuid ühtäkki nägin väikest sähvatust – see oli imeline. Iga uue stimulatsiooni puhul ilmus mu silma ette erinev kujund.” Töörühma ühe juhi David Peningtoni sõnul täitis seadme katsetus kõik ootused ja andis neile kindlust, et edasise tööga on võimalik jõuda korralikku nägemist pakkuvate seadmeteni. Praegu katsetatud biooniline silm on alles varane prototüüp, ütlevad teadlased. See töötab ainult siis, kui laboris võrku ühendatakse, ning selle peaeesmärk on uurida, kuidas aju ja silm kujundeid tekitavad. Seade annab teadlastele tagasisidet, mis täpselt eri stimulatsioonide puhul patsiendi võrkkestale ilmub. “Töörühm vaatab sähvatuste kuju, ereduse, suuruse ja asukoha ühtsust, et aru saada, kuidas aju teavet tõlgendab,” selgitab töörühma liige Rob Shepherd. Teadlased töötavad juba 1024 elektroodiga seadme kallal, mis patsendile siiratuna võimaldaks ära tunda nägusid ja lugeda suurt trükikirja. Abi saaksid sellest näiteks pigmentoosse võrkkestapõletiku ja kollatähni kärbumise tõttu nägemise kaotanud inimesed.


Teine samalaadne läbimurre tuleb Ameerikast, kus teadlastel õnnestus esimest korda kasvatada elusat kudet, mille sisse oli põimitud nanojuhtmete võrgustik. Anduritena toimiv võrgustik lubab koes toimuvat mõõta ja jälgida rakkude tööd häirimata. “Praegused meetodid elavate süsteemide jälgimiseks ja nende mõjutamiseks on piiratud,” selgitas Harvardi ülikooli ajalehele uurimisgrupi juht, sama ülikooli professor Charles Lieber. “Saame rakkude või kudede aktiivsuse mõõtmiseks kasutada elektroode, kuid see kahjustab neid. Selle tehnoloogiaga saame esimest korda töötada bioloogilise süsteemiga samas mõõtkavas ilma neid segamata. See on kudede ühendamine elektroonikaga viisil, mil on raske vahet teha, kus lõpeb kude ja algab elektroonika.” Niisuguse tulemuseni jõudmiseks konstrueerisid teadlased nanojuhtmetest kolmemõõtmelise karkassi ning kasvatasid tüvirakkudest koe selle ümber. Nii said nad mõõta näiteks muutusi vere pH-tasemes või südame- ja närvirakkude reaktsioone ravimitele. Artikkel ilmus ajakirjas Nature Materials.

Nanojuhtmetest karkass, mille peale kasvatasid teadlased rakkudest kolmemõõtmelise koe. The nanowire scaffold used for growing 3D tissue. Foto / Photo: Charles M. Lieber, Daniel S. Kohane

eyes and merging electronics to live tissues suggest that in future improving the human body with electronics will be common. In August, Australian scientists announced the implantation of the first bionic eye, describing it as a major breakthrough helping to restore vision for the visually impaired. They implanted a small device containing 24 electrodes into the eye of a woman that had lost her vision due to a heritable disease. The device sends electrical impulses to the nerve cells of her eye. “I didn't know what to expect, but all of a sudden, I could see a little flash – it was amazing,” says the patient Dianne Ashworth after the first test. “Each time there was stimulation, a different shape appeared in front of my eye.” According to Davind Penington, a group leader, the results “fulfilled our best expectations, giving us confidence that with further development we can create devices that permit complete vision”. The current device is an early prototype which only works in the lab and is used to explore how images are “built” by the brain and the eye. It gives feedback that allows doctors to determine exactly what the patient sees when their retina is subjected to different levels of stimulation. “The team is looking for consistency of shapes, brightness, size and location of flashes to determine how the brain interprets this information,” explains Rob Shepherd, a member of the team, to the Australian Cosmos magazine. The scientists are already working on a device with 1024 electrodes which, when implanted, would allow people to recognise faces and read large print. It would be suitable for people who have lost sight due to retinitis pigmentosa or age-related macular degeneration. Another similar breakthrough came from US where scientists succeeded in growing living tissue containing a grid of nanowires

in time October 2012

teadus / science

Juri Milner Photo: Scanpix

Füüsikud said miljonipreemia Vene internetimagnaat Juri Milner tegi n  üheksa füüsikut üleöö miljonärideks, omistades neile enda asutatud maailma kõige suurema teadusauhinna. Igaüks neist saab kolme miljoni dollari ehk umbes 2,4 miljoni euro suuruse preemia, mis on Nobeli preemiast rohkem kui kaks korda kopsakam. Isegi rohkem, kui arvestada, et tavaliselt jagatakse Nobeli auhin-

October 2012 in time

naraha kuni kolme teadlase vahel. Kunagi füüsikaõpingud pooleli jätnud Milneri sõnul asutas ta auhinna selleks, et tunnustada füüsika alusuuringutega tegelevaid teadlasi. Nii ei pea Milneri preemia puhul ootama, kuni füüsikateoreetikute välja pakutud teooria leiab kinnitust eksperimentidega, nagu see on vaikimisi eelduseks Nobeli füüsikapreemia puhul. Näiteks on üheksa auhinnasaaja seas mitu füüsikut, kes tegelevad stringiteooriaga, mis on üks elegantseid võimalusi universumi alusjõudude ühiseks selgitamiseks, kuid mille puhul puudub seni võimalus paikapidavust katseliselt kontrollida. Teinekord väärib radikaalselt uus idee kohe tunnustamist, sest laiendab meie arusaamu vähemalt sellest, mis on üldse võimalik, selgitas Milner New York Timesi vahendusel. Fundamentaalfüüsika preemiat hakkab Milneri asutatud fond välja andma igal aastal. Esimesed üheksa auhinnasaajat valis Milner välja ise ning neist moodustatakse komisjon, kes otsustab järgmise aasta laureaadi.

Vähiravimist võib saada viljatustablett meestele Teadlased loodavad, et on avastanud n  kaua otsitud rasestumisvastase tableti meestele: uus ühend vähendab isastel hiirtel seemnerakkude tootmist. USA-s asuva Dana-Farberi vähiinstituudi teadlased on JQ1 nime kandva ühendiga töötanud mitu aastat, katsetades seda edukalt kopsu- ja verevähi vastu. Kuna ravimi sihtmärgiks olev geen on seotud viljakusega, tuli neil mõte proovida ühendi mõju seemnerakkudele. Selgus, et aine suudab edukalt vähendada nii seemnerakkude arvu kui ka nende aktiivsust, nii et tulemuseks oli isaste hiirte viljatus. Ent kui ravimi andmine lõpetati, taastus hiirte viljakus täielikult ning neil sündisid terved järglased. Tähelepanuväärne on seegi, et ravim ei mõjutanud kuidagi sugukihku. Teadlaste sõnul näitavad tulemused, et meestele suunatud eostumisvastased vahendid on võimalikud. Inimestele suunatud ravimi valmimiseni kulub aga arvatavasti vähemalt kümmekond aastat. Photo: Stock.XCHNG

for the first time. The wires and sensors allow to measure and observe the activity of tissues without disturbing the cells. “Our current methods for monitoring or interacting with living systems are limited,” says Charles Lieber, a professor at the Harvard University to Harvard Gazette. “We can use electrodes to measure activity in cells or tissues, but it damages them. This technology enables us to work at the same scale as the unit of biological system without interrupting it. Our ultimate goal is to merge tissue with electronics in a way that it becomes difficult to determine where the tissue ends and the electronics begin.” To achieve that, the scientists built a 3D scaffold from nanowires and grew a tissue around it from stem cells. This allowed them to measure changes in the blood pH level, for example, or the response of cardiac and nervous tissue to drugs. The research has been published in Nature Materials. Scientists’ first suggestion is to use these results in the pharmaceutical industry to investigate the effect of drugs on tissues, not just cell cultures. In the future, however, such organs merged with electronics can be transplanted into humans. There they can observe the functioning of a particular organ and let us know of any problems or even react to them and release a drug.

Physicists become millionaires Nine physicists became millionaires n  overnight when Russian internet tycoon Yuri Milner awarded them the new science prize he himself has founded. Each recipient was awarded 3 million dollars (about 2,4 million euros) which makes it the biggest prize ever, overdrawing the Nobel prize twice or even more, as the Nobel is often shared between two or three people. Milner, who once dropped out of physics studies, says he founded the prize to recognise scientists studying fundamental physics. To get the Fundamental Physics Prize you do not have to wait until a theory is being confirmed by experiments as it usually is with the Nobel Prize for Physics. For example, several of the nine laureates are working with the string theory – an elegant theory combining all fundamental forces of the Universe still lacking experimental proof. Sometimes a radical new idea deserves recognition right away because it expands our understanding of what is possible, Milner says, according to the New York Times. The Fundamental Physics Prize will be awarded annually. The first nine recipients were personally selected by Milner. Next year these nine scientists will form a committee selecting the next winner.

Cancer drug might become a male contraceptive pill Researchers hope they have found a n  long sought after birth control pill for men: a new compound has proved to decrease the sperm count of male mice. Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in US have been working with the compound called JQ1 for several years, successfully testing it for lung and blood cancers. Since the target gene for the drug is also related to fertility, the researchers wanted to test its effect on sperm. It turns out that the compound effectively reduces both the sperm count and its quality, making the male mice infertile. When the drug is stopped, the normal fertility is restored and they can have healthy offspring. Remarkably, the pill has no effect on sex drive. According to the scientists, the results show that a male contraceptive pill is possible. However, it will take at least a decade before a pill ready for human use can be developed. Tekst / Text: Arko Olesk



Lennukisse mahub isegi teine lennuk Kiireim viis kaup kauge maa taha saata on teha seda lennukiga. Kui soovitud kaup mahub lennukisse ja dokumendid on õigesti vormistatud, võib õhusõidukiga peaaegu kõike transportida. Tekst: mariliis pinn • Fotod: AP/Scanpix, Lockheed, Airbus

Concorde Aviationi







A. W ir th

president ja tegevjuht Alexander A. Wirth on lennukiga kaubavedamise äris olnud juba 18 aastat. Ta ei unistanudki kunagi piloodiks saada, vaid soovis töötada inimestega. Seetõttu liitus ta kaubaveo maailmaga ja naudib seda tegevust. Wirth märgib, et lennukiga saab saata ükskõik millist kaupa, peaasi, et see õhusõidukisse mahuks. “Rõivad, kingad, toit, masinaosad, elusloomad. Olen ise korraldanud kit-

sede, helikopteri ja ükskord isegi Bugatti Veyroni õhutransporti,” teatab ta. Kuidas jõuab kaup lennukisse ja saab lennukist maha? Kauba tee kulgeb agentide kaudu. Esiteks peab klient või kauba saatja leidma veokorraldaja nagu Kuhne Nagle, Schenker või Panalpina ja selgitama, kuhu, mida ja millal on vaja vedada. Edasi võtavad asjaajajad kauba oma hoole alla. Veokorraldaja broneerib lennukompaniid esindava müügiagendi kaudu kaubale koha lennukis. Siis transporditakse kaup käitlusagendile, kes paneb sel-

in time October 2012

lennundus Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

Suurim Maailma suurim kaubalennuk on Antonov An-225 Mriya, strateegiline kaubaveolennuk, n

mille disainis Antonovi disainibüroo 1980. aastatel. Tegu on maailma raskeima lennukiga. Lennuk ehitati, et vedada Burani orbitaalmoodulit ja An-225 on tegelikult suurem versioon edukast Antonov An-124-st. An-225 nimi Mriya tähendab unistust ukraina keeles. Lennuk võib vedada ülisuurt kaupa. Selle “kõhtu” võib panna 250 000 kg või “kukile” 200 000 kg. Lennukisse saab panna kaupa, mis on kuni 70 meetrit pikk. Esimene An-225 valmis 1988. aastal ja teine sama lennuk on alles osaliselt kokku pandud. Valmis An-225 on Antonov Airlines’i teenistuses ja veab ülisuurt kaupa. An-225 veab kuus lennukimootorit, mille igaühe paiskejõud on 23 400 kg. Lennuk maandub põhitelikule, kus on seitse kaherattalist komplekti. Hoolimata tohutust suurusest, suudab lennuk end pöörata umbes 60 meetri laiusel maandumisrajal. 4500 km täislastis reis kulutab 200 000 kg kütust, mis tähendab, et selle hiiglasega lendamine pole odav ega keskkonnasäästlik.

le lennukisse. Kui kaup maandub, võtab järgmine käitlusagent selle maha ja viib kliendile. Vaid Rahvusvahelise Lennutranspordi Assosatsiooni heakskiidu saanud veokorraldajad võivad täita kauba lennukile panemiseks vajalikke dokumente. Lennutransport on kallim, kui kauba vedamine auto või laevaga. Kuid see on palju kiirem. “Tavaliselt kasutatakse lennukiga kaupade vedu vaid hädaolukorras. Näiteks kui mõni masin vajab kiiresti varuosa. Saadetakse palju ka allkirjastatud dokumente ja näiteks filmifestivalid saadavad filme lennukiga,” selgitab Wirth. Kaupa veetakse ka reisilennukitega, kuid reisi-

Antonov-225 Mriya

October 2012 in time


lennundus Suuruselt teine Suurim masstootmises olev kaubalennuk on Antonov An-124 Ruslan. Ka selle autor n

on Antonovi disainibüroo Ukrainast. Lennuki maandumistelik on eriti massiivne, 24 ratast võimaldavad maanduda mitmesugusel pinnasel. Vene armee teenistuses on 28 An-124. Veel 20 on Antonov Airlines’i, Volga-Dniepri ja Polioti teenistuses. Lisaks on Venemaa transpordiministeeriumil kaks säärast lennukit. Neid kasutatakse sõidukite, jahtide, lennukikerede ja muu suure kauba vedamiseks. Sõjaväe modifikatsioonidega An-124 sisse võib paigutada kuni 150 tonni kaupa. Ülemise korruse kokpitti mahub ka 88 reisijat. Ukraina An-124-s astus üles ka James Bond filmis “Surra veel üks päev” (“Die Another Day”), kus lennukile oli paigaldatud alumine vaatlusruum, mida seal tegelikult pole.

jad ei pea muretsema, et pagas kauba pärast maha jääb. Kui lennuki kaal ületab lubatu, tõstetakse kaup maha ja pannakse teele järgmise lennukiga. Kuigi suured kullerid FedEx, UPS jne kasutavad peamiselt oma lennukeid, vajavad nad aegajalt kommertsliinide teenuseid pakkide saatmisel. “Oma lennukeid kasutatakse peamiselt öistel kaubavedudel ja kommertsliinide teenuseid kasutakse siis, kui midagi on vaja päeval kiiresti teele panna,” ütleb Wirth. “Lennufirmad otsivad alati optimeerimisviise ja kunagi pole probleem saata kaup kohale kellegi teise lennukiga.”

Uued lahendused tulemas Inimesed saavad lennufirma veebist osta endale soovitud sihtkohta pileti. Vaid paari minutiga saab ülevaate hindadest ja peagi võib lendu tõusta. Lennukikauba maailm on agentide pärusmaa. Siiani kehtib kord, et kaup peab vähemalt kaks tundi enne lennuki väljumist lennujaamas olema. Kuid Wirth arvab, et süsteem on liiga keeruline ja seetõttu tahab ta pakkuda ekspressteenust, mis tähendab, et pakid peaksid saabuma lennujaama vaid 30 minutit enne väljalendu. See süsteem käivitub peagi. “Tegu on ekspressbroneeringu ja tasumissüsteemiga. Veebis saab broneerida koha oma pakile. Tooge see 30 minutit enne lendu lennujaama ja see saadetakse soovitud sihtkohta. Võimalik on tellida isegi vedu saaja ukseni. Ka on võimalik kõige selle juures arvestada keskkonnamõjusid,” lisab ta. Uus süsteem peaks tööle hakkama järgmise aasta alguses. “Loodan, et enamik kaubavedajaid võtab teenuse omaks. See on kiirem ja lihtsam,” loodab Wirth.

Antonov-225 Mriya carrying the Soviet space shuttle Buran on top


in time October 2012

lennundus Airbus A300-600ST Super Transporter

Lääne lennukid on väiksemad Suurim Lääne sõjaväetranspordilennuk on Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. See on suurim masin USA sõjaväe masinapargis. Esimene C-5 ehitati 1970. aastal n  Lockheed-Georgia tehases. Kõik C-5 lennukid on USA sõjaväe kasutuses ja transpordivad suurriigi sõjalist varustust ning mehi üle maailma. Lennuki mõlemas otsas on luuk, mistõttu on võimalik lennuki pakiruum kiiresti täita. Lennukinina tõuseb nimelt kokpiti kohale üles ja tagumine ramp laskub maani. Täislastis C-5 võib õhku tõusta 2500 meetri pikkuselt või isegi lühemalt lennurajalt ehk tavaliselt laialt kommertslennuväljalt. Lennuki 28 ratast jagavad selle kaalu ühtlaselt. Raskem last, mida C-5 regulaarselt transpordib, on USA armee mobiilne sild, mis kaalub 74 tonni. Maksimumlast, mida lennuk suudab tõsta, on 122 472 kg.

Airbus A300-600ST Super Transporterit, mida rohkem tuntakse nime all Beluga ehk valge vaal, on mahult maailma suurim kaubalennuk. Selle n

lennuki välimus on pehmelt öeldes kummaline, et mitte kasutada sõna kole. Lennuk on justkui kosmoselaeva ja tavalise lennuki hübriid. Lennuki alumine osa näeb välja peaaegu normaalne, kuid kokpitist kasvab välja hiiglaslik õhupall, mis annab lennukile Beluga vaala sarnase ilme. Airbusi tehased asuvad üle Euroopa laiali ja ettevõte kasutab A300-600ST põhiliselt lennukiosade transpordiks. Lennuk tegi esmase õhusõidu 13. septembril 1994 ja esimene lennuk asus teenistusse 1996. aastal. Seni on Airbus ehitanud viis suurt lennukit endale ja nende põhiülesanne on lennukiosade vedamine. Beluga võib näiteks pardale võtta kaks A330/340 tiiba. Lennukit saab ka eri puhkudeks rentida. Näiteks on seda kasutatud rahvusvahelise kosmosejaama osade transpordiks. Beluga sisepindala on 1400 ruutmeetrit ja sinna pääseb 17,2-meetrise ehk viiekordse maja kõrguse esiluugi kaudu. Lennuk suudab õhku tõsta 47 tonni.

Koostöö Estonian Airiga Sel sügisel andis Estonian Air oma kaupade käitlemise Concorde Aviation Cargo Division Managemendi hoolde. Ettevõte otsib pidevalt laienemisvõimalusi. “Nelja- viie täiendava lennufirmaga saame klientidele pakkuda ulatuslikumat teenust,” räägib Wirth. Mida suurem on lennuvõrk, seda kiiremat ja mahukamat teenust on võimalik pakkuda. Üks-

October 2012 in time

ki lennukompanii ei pea samas muretsema ärisaladuste lekkimise pärast, kõik on rangelt konfidentsiaalne. Concorde Aviation asutati 2010. aastal ja tegeleb klientide kaupade lennukile panemisega ja sealt maha võtmisega. Wirthi sõnul on tegu küll väikese firmaga, kuid nad on väga motiveeritud ja pakuvad unikaalset teenust ning parimat klienditeenindust.



Putting an aircraft on the plane

Text: mariliis pinn • Photos: AP/Scanpix, Lockheed, Airbus

An aircraft is often the quickest way to send something a long way. As long as the cargo fits into the plane, and you have the correct paperwork, there are no limits to what you can send. 88

in time October 2012

aviation Airbus A300-600ST Super Transporter aka Beluga

Alexander A

cargo approaches a freight forwarding agent such as Kuhne Nagle, Schenker or Panalpina and explains his needs. From then on the agents take over. The freight forwarding agent books a place in plane through the general sales agent on behalf of the airline. Then the cargo is delivered to the handling agent who puts the cargo into the aircraft. When the plane arrives at its destination, the handling agent on the other end of the line will deliver the cargo to the customer. But only freight forwarding agents approved by the International Air Transport Association can complete the necessary paperwork to allow the cargo onto the aircraft. Air transport is more expensive than sending goods by sea or road. But it is lot faster. “Usually air cargo is used for emergencies. - when some machine needs a spare part quickly, or to send some signed documents or when a Film festivals sends their films,” explains Wirth. Air passengers need not worry that their luggage will be left behind because of cargo being placed in the plane’s hold. If the airliner’s weight exceeds the limit, then the cargo will be rebooked onto to the next available aircraft. Although big courier firms such as FedEx, UPS etc. have their own planes, they also use commercial airlines to transport their packages. “They use their own aircraft for overnight flights and use our services when there is a need to deliver something during the day,” says Wirth. “Air companies always look for ways to optimise and there is no problem sending cargo with other company’s aircraft.” ir t .W


The President & CEO of Concorde Aviation, Alexander A. Wirth, has been in the air cargo business for 18 years. He has worked for several airlines, both large and small. He never wanted to be a pilot because he likes to work with people directly, so he joined the world of cargo where he enjoys everything that the business involves. He points out that you can send whatever you like by plane, as long as the vehicle is big enough to take it. “Garments, shoes, food, machinery parts, live animals. I organised shipping goats, helicopters, and even a Bugatti Veyron once,” he says. But how does the cargo get to and from the plane? By passing through the hands of a number of agents. First the customer or shipper with the

October 2012 in time

The biggest The world’s biggest cargo aircraft is the Antonov An-225 Mriya, a strategic airlift n

cargo aircraft, designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980s. It is also the world's heaviest aircraft. The design, built to transport the Buran orbiter, was an enlargement of the successful Antonov An-124. The An-225's name, Mriya, means "dream" in Ukrainian. The plane can transport oversize freight, up to 250,000 kg internally or 200,000 kg on the upper fuselage. Cargo on the upper fuselage can be 70 m long. The first An-225 was completed in 1988 and a second An-225 has been partially completed. The completed An-225 is in commercial operation with Antonov Airlines carrying oversized payloads. The An-225 is powered by six jet engines with a thrust of 23,400kg each. The main landing gear has seven sets of two wheels. Despite its immense size, it can still make a full turn on a taxiway 60m wide. A 4,500 km trip under full load uses up 200,000 kg of fuel, so flights with this lovable lunk aren't exactly cheap (or environmentally friendly).


aviation Antonov An-124

The second biggest The largest mass-produced transport aircraft is the Antonov An-124 Ruslan. It was n

designed by the Antonov design bureau in the Ukrainian SSR, then part of the Soviet Union. Its landing gear is especially impressive: an array of some 24 wheels that give it takeoff and landing capability on a variety of terrain. Twenty-eight An-124's are operated by the Russian Army. Twenty more are operated by Antonov Airlines, Volga-Dniepr, and Poliot, and two are owned by the Russian transport ministry. They have been used to carry locomotives, yachts, aircraft fuselages, and a variety of other oversized cargoes. Up to 150 tons of cargo can be squeezed into a military-spec An-124: it can also carry 88 passengers in an upper deck behind the cockpit. A Ukrainian An-124 recently made a cameo appearance in the James Bond film Die Another Day, where it was fitted with a lower observation deck that it doesn't have in reality. It makes for an awesome supervillain rig, though.

New solutions are coming... It is common for people to go to an airline’s website and book a seat to the desired destination. You only need few minutes to get an overview of prices and off you go. On the other hand, in the


world of cargo, the agents rule. Until now, the cargo usually had to be in the airport two hours before the aircraft’s departure. But Wirth thought that system was too complicated so he challenged the industry to come up with an express service where cargo can arrive at the airport just 30 minutes prior to departure. And that system will soon be operating. “It will be an express online book-and-pay system. You go onto the web and book for your parcel to be shipped. Deliver it to the airport 30 minutes before the flight and it will be delivered to the destination. Even a door-to-door delivery, with environmental effects taken into consideration will be possible,” he says. The new system should be up and running early next year. “I hope the majority of cargo business will be attracted to this service. It is faster and it will be easier.”

in time October 2012

aviation Co-operation with Estonian Air This autumn Estonian Air outsourced its cargo department to Concorde Aviation Cargo Division Management. And the company is continually looking for opportunities to expand. “With four or five supplementary airlines we can offer a larger service for all our customers,” explains Wirth. The larger the airline cargo network, the faster the delivery and the larger the capacity. No one need worry that any business information wll be shared with competitors – it’s all kept strictly confidential. Concorde Aviation was established 2010 to take care of getting cargo on and off the aircraft according to client’s needs. Wirth explains that it is a small company but highly motivated and therefore able to provide a unique product with the very best customer service.

Western planes are a bit smaller The largest Western military transport is the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. This is the biggest beast in n

the US Air Force's bag of tricks. Built by Lockheed-Georgia, the first operational C-5 was delivered to the Air Force in 1970. All C-5s now in service are operated by the Air Force's Air Mobility Command, and are used to transport US forces and equipment worldwide. Both ends of the aircraft open to allow access to the massive cargo deck. The nose of the aircraft hinges upward just beneath the high cockpit; the rear has a ramp that lowers. This allows loading and unloading of the airplane to occur simultaneously, a time-saver which allows higher operational tempo. With a full load, the C-5 can operate from runways 2,500 m in length or even less; a size typically available at any commercial widebody airport. The 28 wheels share and distribute the weight of the plane. The heaviest item the C-5 is regularly tasked to carry is the US Army Mobile Scissors Bridge. Weighing in at 74 tons, this is an extensible vehicle bridge that is built onto a tracked vehicles chassis. The maximum cargo the plane it can deliver is 122,472 kg.

The Airbus A300-600ST Super Transporter, often known by its nickname Beluga ("White n

Whale"), is the world's biggest transport plane in terms of volume. It is also a bizarre-looking - if not downright ugly - plane that appears to be an unwieldy cross between a jet and an airship. The bottom half looks almost normal, but the cockpit balloons into a gigantic blob that indeed resembles a Beluga whale: Airbus factories are scattered across Europe and they use A300-600ST for transporting plane parts. The aircaft’s maiden flight was on September 13, 1994, and the first plane entered service in January 1996. To date, five of the aircraft have been built, all for Airbus itself. While their primary use remains shuttling around plane parts (the Beluga can, for example, carry two A330/340 wings), the aircraft can also be rented for special operations and has been used for carrying parts of the International Space Station. The Beluga has an internal volume of 1,400 square metres, which is accessed through a front-loading hatch 17.2 m high (the height of a five-storey building). The maximum payload is 47 tons.

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

October 2012 in time


Estonia Loksa TALLINN



Keila Saue






KOHTLANarva-Jõesuu Sillamäe JÄRVE Jõhvi RAKVERE NARVA Püssi Kiviõli Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia Mõisaküla Tõrva




Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n





In 2000 the Government changed n

members, is elected every 4 years.

Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at



As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n

Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n

of the euro-zone.

year olds. Most of the 540 schools are state schools. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.

Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n

Language lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. On the eve of Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 four months before the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.



The official language is Estonian. Engn




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  Pärnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 68,7% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 24,8%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7 C in n  January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.



Religion 80% of all believers are Protestant n  Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 77% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n  their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet.

National Holidays 1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 6 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

in time October 2012


Welcome to Estonian Air

About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

May / June 2012 in time


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer


Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele ja n

Estonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, provides both n

turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Helsingisse, Joensuusse, Jyväskylässe, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Londonisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Thbilisisse, Trondheimi, Viini ja Vilniusse. Estonian Air avab 2013. aastal lennuliini Göteborgi. n  Eesti piires tehakse lende Tallinnast Tartusse. n  Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, n  Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France. Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJ-900 n  NextGen ja SAAB 340 lennukeid. Estonian Airis on üle 300 töötaja. n  2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian n  Air Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kolme 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalun  kaim kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgemate lennuohutusnõuetega.

business travellers and tourists a direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kiev, London, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu, Tbilisi, Trondheim, Vienna and Vilnius. Estonian Air avab 2013. aastal lennuliini Göteborgi. n  In 2013 Estonian Air will open new destination to Gothenburg. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, Aeron  Svit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France. Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJn  900 NextGen and SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air has more than 300 employees. n  In spring 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary company n  called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with three 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded with the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

in time October 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte

Corporate Social responsibility

Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n  ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepärast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kõrval vastutustundliku ettevõtluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada läbipaistvus ja eetilisus, vähendada ökoloogilist jalajälge, suhtuda väärikalt klientidesse ja äripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusväärne partner.

be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which it operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri

Estonian Air newsletter

Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n

Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get informan

liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:

tion about our offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or need more information, visit our homepage at:

EuroBonuse programm Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n  mis on Skandinaavia üks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel eurobonus. Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonuse programmi liiget elektrooniliselt:

Alates 1. juunist kehtivad Estonian Airi lendudel uuenenud SAS EuroBonuse reeglid Reisijatele tähendab see lihtsustunud punktiarvestust, kus kogutavaid punkte arvestatakse nüüdsest mitte enam lähtuvalt pileti hinnaklassist, vaid vastavalt sellele, mis reisiklassi on pilet ostetud. Uue punktisüsteemi järgi kogub turistiklassi piletiga reisija minimaalselt 500 punkti (varasema 75 asemel), paindliku turistiklassi piletiga reisija 750 punkti (varasema 450 asemel) ning äriklassi piletiga reisija teenib minimaalselt 1000 punkti (varasema 600 asemel). Samuti on ühtlustatud erinevates riikides tegutsevate lennufirmade punktitasemed preemiareiside tellimiseks, mis teevad arvestamise reisija jaoks lihtsamaks ja loogilisemaks. Endiselt on võimalik preemiareise tellida nii edasi-tagasi kui ka ühel suunal ning lastele vanuses 2-11 kehtib 50% soodustus.

Preemiareis Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiareisiks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! EuroBonuse preemiareise on võimalik broneerida kiirelt ja mugavalt veebis või EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

October 2012 in time

Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue must n

EuroBonus programme Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n  EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. Euro-Bonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: loyalty-programme/ collecting-eurobonus-points/

Renewed SAS EuroBonus conditions are effective on Estonian Air flights from 1 June 2012 For our customers this means easier points’ accounting where points are counted no longer based on the fare class on the ticket but on the on board service class the ticket holder is entitled to. According to the new points’ system, passengers holding Eco ticket earn minimum of 500 points (instead of earlier 75), passengers holding Flex Eco ticket earn minimum of 750 points (earlier 450) and passengers holding Business ticket earn minimum of 1000 points (earlier 600). EuroBomus levels of different carriers operating in different countries have also been standardized for booking award trips, making counting easier and more logical for the passenger. Award trips can be ordered for return and one-way flights, and 50% discount applies for children between 2 and 11 years of age.

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Book your award trip online or via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits in Estonian Air: More information about EuroBonus benefits in other airlines:


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Punktitabel / Point Chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi)

Turistiklass / Economy Paindlik turistiklass A, G, O, T, E, H, K, L, Flexible Economy M, U, W, Q, V, Z B, S, Y

Flights to / from Tallinn






Helsingi, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kopenhaagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius




Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius

Amsterdam, Brüssel, Hannover, Kiiev, London, Moskva, Pariis, Peterburi, Viin




Amsterdam, Brussels, Hanover, Kiev, London, Moscow, Paris, St Petersburg, Vienna

Nice, Thbilisi




Nice, Tbilisi

Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele

Collect points afterwards

Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitada, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.

If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.


Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike n

The Estonian Air Corporate Programme offers more flexible conn

tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

ditions for corporate customers and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Fixed fares

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subscribers can purchase tickets for fixed fares for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, offer of fixed fares will be extended for the subsequent 12 months.

Paindlikud tingimused

Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).

Lisaväärtus Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, Flex Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäev läbi. Rohkem infot:

SME ärikliendiprogramm n Estonian Airi SME ärikliendiprogramm on mõeldud väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne,


Äriklass Business C, D, J

Flexible conditions

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class check-in, free baggage allowance of 2 x 23 kg with Flex Eco ticket and Business class ticket, free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge before departure and entitles you to personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:

SME Corporate Programme Estonian Air SME program is designed for small and medium n  enterprises. Joining the program is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a 1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport

in time October 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer tasuta, tähtajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute väärtuslikke punkte. Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ühe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida järgmiste ostudega ärikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pärast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel päeval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevõtte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpäev läbi ning lennupiletite eest on võimalik tasuda krediitkaardi või pangaülekandega internetipangas.

fees and services. You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your corporate client account online. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

Fare calendar Are you looking for a ticket with the lowest fare? Take a n

Hinnakalender Estonian Airi kodulehel

look at our Fare calendar where you can see the best offers. Be quick, as these fares do not last long.

Otsite kõige soodsamat lennupiletit? Vaadake ringi meie hinnan  kalendris, kus on näha kõige paremad pakkumised. Tasub olla kiire, sest need pakkumised kaua ei püsi.

E-tickets Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, pick a date and pay for your e-ticket.

Leia endale õige pilet Find the right ticket

* Kui pilet sisaldab mitut Estonian Airi lennusegmenti (nt Tartu-Tallinn-Brüssel), siis kehtivad üldised nime muutmise reeglid. * General name change rules apply for tickets with multiple Estonian Air flight legs (e.g. Tartu-Tallinn-Brussels).

October 2012 in time


enne lendu / before the flight

Rendiauto, takso ja majutus

Accommodation, car rental, taxi

Estonian Airi kodulehel on võimalik lisaks n

You can book accommodation easily and quickly on our web n

lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge pakkumistega meie kodulehel ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus! Meie kodulehe kaudu on võimalik ka taksot ette tellida. Pakutavate linnade nimistu on järgmine: Helsingi, Oulu, Stockholm, Brüssel, Amsterdam, München, St. Peterburg ja London. Me laiendame oma võrku pidevalt ja lisame võtmelinnadesse teenusepakkujaid. Hetkel tegeleme Tallinna, Pariisi, Kopenhaageni, Madridi ja Ühendkuningriigi teenuste laiendamisega. Loe lisaks:

page: Rent a car through our partners – seek for solutions on and make your choice! You can also pre-order a taxi on our website. We co-operate with taxis in Helsinki, Oulu, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, St. Petersburg and London. Our network is continuously expanding and will add service providers in key cities soon. We are currently working on Tallinn, Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid and extended UK coverage! Read more:

E-registreerimine E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsikui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitatav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.


Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service n  allows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport you can leave your baggage at the quick bag drop desk. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air offers its passengers the chance to check in at n  Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure to allow sufficient time for security check.

in time October 2012

enne lendu / before the flight Äriklassi ootesaal

Business Class lounge

Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n

Estonian Air Business Class passengers are welcome to the n

mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist).

comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport where you can have a light snack, drink something and pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling with business class tickets, as well as for SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Pardale lubatav käsipagas Lennuki salongi võib reisija kaasa võtta käsipagasi, mille n  mõõtmed ei ületa 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. Käsipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.

Lapsega reisile Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani) kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16-aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt ametlikult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid.

October 2012 in time

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than 8 n  kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Travelling with children Fare for infants is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenn  ger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday), Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: a parent or guardian or a person assigned by these. Estonian Air offers escort for children aged 5-11 (incl) that are travelling without such companion. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking the ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR one way. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to the one offered to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum measure does not exceed 65 cm horizontally and 45 cm vertically.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know Eston  nian Air destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof and not weight more than 8 kg together with the pet. A passenger may carry only one container and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.


lennu ajal / during the flight

Lenda soodsalt

Best prices

Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n  võimaluse lennata väga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kõiki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes võtavad kaasa vaid käsipagasi, pakub Estonian Air võimalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk äraantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavõetavat käsipagasit (kuni 8 kg).

Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who purn

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n  Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

Suitsetamine ja elektroonika Suitsetamine on keelatud kõigil Estonian Airi lendudel. n


chase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros.

Alcohol and flying do not fit together only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew is permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Smoking & electronic devices regulations Smoking is not permitted on any Estonian Air flight, including n

Kaasaskantavad elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või vastuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemi, mistõttu nende kasutamine lennu ajal on keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki tõusul ja maandumisel. Enne õhkutõusu võib mobiiltelefon olla sisse lülitatud hetkeni, mil kõik lennukiuksed on suletud. Pärast maandumist võib telefoni sisse lülitada kohe, kui reisijate uks on peale lennuki lõplikku peatumist avatud.

charter flights. Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or receiver may interfere with the aircraft's navigation system and may not be used during the flight. Other electronic equipment may not be used during take-off and landing. Before departure, mobile phone is allowed to be switched on until all aircraft doors are closed. After landing, phone can be switched on right after the passenger door is – after the final stop of the aircraft – opened again.


Additional services

Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe n

In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of novelties as well as n

valiku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

most established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.

in time October 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information




Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki väljumist.


Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.




Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.

Terminal F. To town: 35 km, 40-50 min to the centre, bus, taxi.

Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Hall A. To town: 20 min by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 3. To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal A. To town: 10km, 18 min by train from terminal to main station, 20 min by taxi.


To town: 20 km 35 min by bus, 30 min n  by taxi.


To town: 10 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n


To town: 20 km, 30 min by bus, 20 min n  by taxi.



Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from South n  Terminal. To town: 46 km, train to Victoria Station every 15 min, buses to city centre and airports, taxi.

MOSCOW SHEREMETYEVO-2 Estonian Air flights depart from SVO n

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.


Terminal E. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy.

To town: 5 km, 10 min by bus, n



Terminal 1. To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.

taxi, bus nr 37.

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from the n  main terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.

PARIS CHARLES DE GAULLE Estonian Air flights depart from n

5 min by taxi.


To town: 11 km, 20 min by bus, 10 min by taxi. n

To town: 20 km, 20 min by train, 30 min by n


To town: 35 km, 37 min by train. 40-50 min n  by taxi, bus.

VIENNA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 20 km, 16 min by train, 20 min n  by bus, taxi.


To town: 6 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n

Terminal 1. Terminal 2D from July 16. To town: 25 km, 45-60 min by bus, taxi, 50 min by train.

in time October 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information Tere tulemast Tallinna Lennujaama! Tallinna Lennujaam on esimene lennujaam n  maailmas, kes pakub reisijatele tasuta WiFi-t. Lisaks on võimalik kasutada tasuta 14 internetikioskit ning Skype telefonikabiini. Kauplustest leiad laia valiku tooteid ja söögikohtadest maitsva kõhutäie või mõnusa kohvi.

Tallinna lennujaam. Mugavaim transiitlennujaam Tallinn Airport. Most convenient transit airport. Saabuv pagas/ Baggage claim Tualett/ Toilets Julgestuskontroll/ Security Passikontroll/ Passport check

Welcome to Tallinn Airport! Tallinn Airport is the first airport in the n  world that offers free Wi-Fi. You can also use free Internet booths and unique Skype booths. Airport boutiques offer wide range of merchandise and restaurants offer full meal or nice place for coffee.

October 2012 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


Saab 340


Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


SAAB 340





GE CT7-5A2



850 km/h

780 km/h

882 km/h

460 km/h



2200 km

3150 km

2200 km

750 km

Flight distance

Maksimaalne lennuk천rgus

12 300 m

11 270 m

12 500 m

7620 m

Maximum flying altitude







Ridadevaheline kaugus

79 cm

(row 1-4) 84 cm (row 5-20) 79 cm

79 cm

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus

29,9 m

31 m

36,20 m

19,73 m

Aircraft length

Tiibade ulatus

26 m

28,9 m

24,85 m

21,44 m


Lennuki k천rgus

9,8 m

11,1 m

7,51 m

6,97 m

Aircraft height

Maksimaalne stardikaal

35 990 kg

52 389 kg

36 514 kg

12 700 kg

Maximum take-off weight

in time October 2012

sihtkohad / route map

October 2012 in time


Reisija meelespea / Passenger’s checklist Reisija meelespea

Passenger’s checklist

Õigeaegseks lennule registreerimiseks tuleb lennujaama tulla n

It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least two n

vähemalt kaks tundi enne piletil märgitud väljalennu aega, välja arvatud juhul, kui kasutate interneti teel varasema registreerimise võimalust. Lähteväravas tuleb olla pardakaardile märgitud pardale mineku ajal. Kaasas peab olema reisidokument, milleks on: n  • pass (rahvusvahelistel lendudel) • pass või rahvuslik ID-kaart (Euroopa Liidu piires) • pass, rahvuslik ID-kaart, Eestis välja antud juhiluba, üliõpilas- või õpilaspilet (Tallinna-Tartu-Tallinna siselendudel) Estonian Airi lendudel võib inimese kohta olla üks ühik registreen  ritavat pagasit kaaluga kuni 23 kg. Pagasireeglid on lennufirmadel erinevad, seetõttu tuleb piletit ostes tähelepanelik olla. Kõigil lennufirmadel ei pruugi pagasi hind olla lennupileti hinna sees. Jätkulendudel kehtivad esimese vedaja pagasireeglid. Kui lennujaamas tekib probleeme, tuleb kõigepealt üles otsida n  lennufirma töötajad või esindajad, kellelt saab küsida abi ja infot. Neil on kohustus jagada teavet lennureisijate õiguste kohta. Kui lend hilineb üle kahe ja poole tunni, on lennufirma kohustan  tud pakkuma reisijatele süüa-juua ja sidevõimalust (näiteks kaks tasuta telefonikõnet). Alates viietunnisest hilinemisest on reisijal õigus lennust loobumise korral lennupileti eest makstud raha tagasi saada. Ülebroneeringu korral peab lennuettevõtja otsima vabatahtn  likke, kes on nõus loobuma oma kohast kokkulepitud hüvitise eest. Vabatahtlike puudumisel on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), teisele võimalusele sihtkohta jõudmiseks või piletihinna tagastusele. Veel on lennureisile mitte lubamise korral reisijatel õigus abistamisele ning vajadusel ka majutusele (sealhulgas transport majutuskoha-lennujaama vahel). Lennu tühistamisel peab lennufirma pakkuma kas piletihinna n  hüvitamist või muid võimalusi lõppsihtkohta jõudmiseks. Samuti peab lennufirma pakkuma reisijatele abi ja vajadusel majutust. Lisaks on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), välja arvatud erakorralistel asjaoludel või kui tühistamisest on teavitatud vähemalt kaks nädalat enne reisi . Kui pagas on rikutud, hilineb või kadunud, tuleb kohe pöörduda n  vastavasse teenindusletti ning vormistada raport. Rikutud pagasi korral tuleb lennufirmale kaebus esitada hiljemalt seitsme päeva, kadunud ning hilinenud pagasi korral hiljemalt 21 päeva pärast. Lisainfo:; n või nõuandetelefoni numbritel 1330 ja +372 620 1707

hours before the departure time marked on your ticket, except if you have checked in beforehand. Please go to the departure gate at the boarding time marked on the boarding pass. Bring a valid travel document, i.e.: n  • Passport (international flights, outside the EU) • Passport or national ID card (flights within the EU) • Passport, national ID card, driver’s license, student or pupil’s card issued in Estonia (Tallinn-Tartu-Tallinn domestic flights) On Estonian Air flights, a passenger is allowed to check in one n  unit of baggage that weighs up to 23 kilos. Since different air carriers have different baggage rules, be aware of them when buying a ticket. All air carriers may not include baggage fee within the airfare. On connecting flights, the baggage rules of the first carrier apply. If you encounter a problem at the airport, contact the air n  carrier’s staff or representatives for assistance and information. It is their duty to inform passengers about their rights. When a flight is delayed for more than two and a half hours, the n  air carrier shall offer passengers food and beverages and a communication possibility (e.g. two free phone calls). If the delay is longer than five hours, passengers who cancel their flight are entitled to a refund. In case of overbooking, the air carrier shall first call for volunn  teers to surrender their reservation in exchange for compensation. If no such volunteer comes forward, the passenger left behind is entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), alternative transport to the destination or refund. If the air carrier denies the passenger boarding, the air carrier must assist the passenger and, if necessary, provide accommodation (including transport between the place of accommodation and the airport). In case of cancellation, the air carrier must offer passengers n  compensation of airfare or another transport option to reach the destination. The air carrier must also offer passengers assistance and, if needed, accommodation. In addition, passengers are entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), except in extraordinary circumstances or if the cancellation has been notified at least two weeks before the flight. In case of damaged baggage, contact immediately baggage sern  vice staff and fill in a damage report. The application on damaged baggage must be filed to the air carrier in 7 days at the latest, and on lost or delayed baggage in 21 days at the latest. Info:  rights/air/index_en.htm



Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter


CUSTOMER SERVICE In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 € + operator fee) Abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm (EET, CET+1)


Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail

Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313


Phone 16 101 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm E-mail

Cargo service ConcordeAviation

63 rue de Passy 75016 Paris – France Phone +33 (0) 140 50 77 87 Fax +33 (0) 140 50 04 17 E-mail info@concordeaviation. com

in time October 2012











Reval Park Hotel & Casino (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn). Tel. 24h +372 630 5537, Sissepääs isikut tõendava dokumendi alusel. Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat. Identification card required for entrance. Minimum age limit is 21 years.

Boa Bang Green. Chronograph in 18K red gold adorned with tsavorite, tourmaline and green sapphire baguette. Python-print dial set with 8 diamonds. Rubber and python strap.

Suur-Karja 9 • Tallinn 10140 • Estonia Tel. +372 6419333 • •

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