Dynamics System
Document No: D0155 (Revision 8)
Forces: Motion with balanced forces
Start end
Place the track in its lowest position, supported at the end by a large bracket. Adjust the track to be horizontal.
Fit the interrupt card to the cart so the single interrupt edge will pass through the Light gates.
Position a Light gate near mid-way along the track and connect to input A on the EasySense data logger. Position a second Light gate nearer the end of the track and connect to input B.
Open the EasySense program and select Timing. Select to record Speed at A or B, and enter the length of the card as 120 mm.
Select the Start icon. Push the cart gently from the start end to run freely along the track through the two Light gates. When the values for speed are the same at both A and B, the forces acting on the cart will be balanced. Make sight adjustments to the height of the track until both values are the same (if the value for B is larger than A lower the track, if A is larger than B raise the track).
34 Data Harvest Group Ltd.