Dynamics System
Document No: D0155 (Revision 8)
Forces: Using a Light gate and Spoked Pulley to investigate Newton’s 2nd Law (Atwood’s machine)
Connect the Light gate to input A on the EasySense data logger.
Check the exact weight of the masses on a good balance. The suggested masses to be used are 6 x 100 g and 10 x 10 g. a.
Start with 3 x 100 g on both sides and all 10 of the 10 g masses on one side only. This will give a force of 0.1 x g N.
The force is equal to the difference in mass between the two sets of masses expressed as kg.
Arrange the set up so the heavier mass hangs below the lighter mass - this will stop the masses clashing as they move. The lighter mass should be able to move at least 400 mm, the heavier mass should reach a ‘floor’ before the lighter mass has reached the pulley.
Open the EasySense program and select Timing. Select to record Acceleration at A using a Pulley.
Hold the masses in position, release and immediately select Start. Select Stop when the lighter mass reaches the pulley.
Select the suitable data, and use Show Statistics to find the average acceleration. Keep a record of this value.
Transfer 10 g from the heavier mass to the 300 g mass and repeat (force = 0.08 x g N). The force is equal to the difference in mass between the two sets of masses expressed as kg.
Continue to repeat, transferring 10 g between each reading until the masses are equal.
40 Data Harvest Group Ltd.