The Ethiopian Messenger 5 − January 2017

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The Ethiopian Messenger

ውድ አንባብያን

Dear Readers,

ሃገራችን ኢትዮጵያ በቅርቡ በአንዳንድ አካባቢዎች አጋጥሟት የነበረውን ወቅታዊ ችግር በማለፍ አሁንም የልማት ውጤቶችን በማስመዝገብ ላይ ትገኛለች፡፡

Despite difficulties, Ethiopia is working to face its challenges, ensure its development and deepen the mutually-beneficial partnerships with its international partners.

ከእነዚህም ውስጥ በቅርቡ የተመረቀው 1870 ሜጋ ዋት ሀይል የሚያመነጨውና 250 ሜትር ርዝመት ያለው የግልገል ጊቤ ቁጥር 3 የኤሌክትሪክ ሃይል አንዱ ነው፡፡ መንግስት ድህነትን ታሪክ ለማድረግ የታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ ህዳሴ ግድቡን ጨምሮ ሌሎች ሜጋ ፕሮጀክቶችን በቁርጠኝነት ለማከናወን በመንቀሳቀስና ህዝቡን ተጠቃሚ በማድረግ ላይ እየሰራ ይገኛል፡፡ በዚህ ዕትም ውስጥ በሀገራችን ከህዝቡ የተነሱ ጥያቄዎችን ለመመለስ በመንግስት ተግባራዊ እየሆኑ ያሉ የጥልቅ ሪፎርም ስራዎች፣ የኢንዱስትሪያል ፓርክ ግንባታ ስደትን ለመከላከል፣ ስለታላቁ የህዳሴ ግድብ ወቅታዊ ግንባታ ሄደት፣በአውሮፓ ህብረትና በአፍሪካ ሀገራት መካከል ያለውን ግንኙነት በትክክልኛው መንገድ በሚል፣ በሀገራችን በማደግ ላይ ያለውን የቱሪዝም ሀብት ይዳሰሳል፡፡ መፅሔታችን በዚህ እትም በሀገራችን ድንቅ የሆነውን የጥምቀት በዓል እንዲሁም ለሀገሩ ልማት የድርሻውን በሚወጣ የዲያስፖራ በተመለከተ ሁኔታዎችን ያትታል፡፡ ውድ አንባብያን በመጨረሻም የዝግጅት ክፍሉ መልካም ንባብ እንዲሆንላችሁ እየተመኘን በመፅሔቱ ያላችሁን ማንኛውም አስተያየት እንድታደርሱን እና ጽሑፍ በመላክ እንድትሳተፉ በማክበር እንጠይቃለን፡

Recent developments described and analyzed in this magazine underline these endeavors. First about the country’s internal issues: after two decades of fast economic growth and development, the government launched a set of political and economical reforms to satisfy the demands of the people. Secondly, Ethiopia and its African partners are working closer than ever with the European Union to tackle the issue of forced migration, but also to ensure refugees hosted in Ethiopia have future perspectives through jobs and education.

Furthermore, Ethiopia is increasingly recognized as a destination for investments bringing jobs to the population and economic development for all. Real progress in infrastructure development is supporting these investments: in the current magazine, you can read an article about the advancement of the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, as well as about the official inauguration of the Gilgel Gibe III hydroelectric dam which doubled Ethiopia’s electric production. As always, we also offer you a few insights and pictures about the touristic opportunities of Ethiopia − a country you would not regret visiting. We wish you a pleasant reading, and we would be very happy to receive your feedback or contribution for our next issue. The Editorial Team

የዝግጅት ኮሚቴ


Insuring long-lasting peace and stability through far-reaching reforms


EU Partnership Framework with African countries: A step in the right direction?


How Ethiopia’s industrial parks strategy tackles the challenge of refugee hosting


« European investors are missing huge opportunities in Ethiopia »


Construction of GERD 60% complete


Ethiopia, a rising star of African tourism


Timket - Ethiopian Epiphany


Presidential election in Somalia: Another step towards peace and stability


ለአገሩ ልማት የድርሻውን የሚወጣ ዳያስፖራ


Quarterly magazine of the Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels. Editor: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels, Avenue de Tervuren 64, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium. +32 2 771 32 94. Image on front cover: Gilgel Gibe 3 dam. © Studio Pietrangeli

January - February - March 2017


Political Affairs

Insuring long-lasting peace and stability through far-reaching reforms After unprecedented and violent protests in the last couple of months, a state of emergency was declared on 8 October 2016 and effectively restored peace. To go further, authorities are currently engaged in a series of far-reaching reforms aiming at correcting shortcomings, and addressing the grievances of the Ethiopian people.

New cabinet swearing in on Tuesday 1st of November 2016 Ethiopia has seen unprecedented violent protests in the last couple of months. These protests have led to the destruction of hard-won investments, loss of life and it has created sense of insecurity among Ethiopians and foreigners. Since the declaration on 8 October 2016 of a state of emergency to avoid additional loss of life and destruction of property, calm has returned in Ethiopia and many of the restrictions have already been lifted. Although the state of emergency was effective in restoring peace, the Ethiopian government does not intend to stop there. Authorities are currently engaged in a series of far-reaching reforms aiming at correcting


The Ethiopian Messenger

any existing shortcomings, addressing the grievances of the Ethiopian people and ultimately, launching the second renewal of the coalition governing party.

Immediate measures The series of political measures started with the establishment of an independent inquiry commission to assess the cause of loss of life in the wave of unrest that started in the two regional states of Oromia and Amhara

in November 2015. Details regarding the people arrested under the state of emergency have been made public. More than 2500 persons have been released after a brief detention. These actions proved effective, and in less than two months since the declaration of the state of emergency, many measures had already been eased, including the lifting of travel restriction for diplomats and limitations on mobile data service. There are several encouraging signs that the government is taking heed of protesters’ demands. At the end of October 2016, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn conducted a major cabinet reshuffle, changing 21 of 30 ministerial posts, including bringing in 15 new appointees. The new cabinet is less political and more technical: all the new appointees are technocrats who do not belong to any political party, and will take over important portfolios including trade, health, water and electricity, farming and the environment. Many heralded the move, arguing that the selection of technocrats without party affiliation is a positive signal showing the government is serious about delivering changes and the sign of a new openness. The cabinet is also one of Ethiopia’s most ethnically diverse and includes nine newcomers from the Oromiya region. But these changes are only the first step of a deeper and broader reforms. The EPRDF government is well aware that a sustainable calm – and the country’s political direction – will depend largely on their next move.

Further reforms Ethiopia is much different compared to what it was 25 years ago. The double-digit economic growth registered in the country for the last thirteen years has spiked expectations and created a richer, more educated society demanding more from the government. In consequence, the key reform programs that will be carried out by the government consist of three major categories: shared and equitable economic growth, expansion of the democratic space and economic restructuring. On the economic front, even though the progress in investment, social policy and education are acknowledged, dissatisfaction remains, particularly in urban unemployed youths and rural areas where sizable part of the people where not satisfied with the good governance issues when it comes to land appropriation for investment. From the country’s population, an estimated 100 million, over 20 million are unemployed. And this is an area the government has attached due consideration, even if the economy has been creating 1.6 million jobs a year. Significant portion of the population did not fully benefit from the development projects, especially the youth who were the spearhead of protest and who are making demands that are socioeconomic rather than political. As the youth aged between 15 and 30 make up 50 percent of the population, the government is working harder than ever to provide job opportunities more by allocating funds worth billions of birr. For youth employment, a “Revolving Youth Fund” funded to the tune of 500 million dollars – some 4 percent of the annual budget – has already been approved. All this is part of a largely endogenous strategy of industrialization, focused on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) on

« The double-digit economic growth registered in the country for the last thirteen years has spiked expectations and created a richer, more educated society demanding more from the government. » the edge of the rural areas, while foreign investment in “Industrial Parks” is also prioritized. The government has promised a long list of further reforms to solve the root causes of the protests, like fighting corruption, reforming the electoral system so that the voices of those who are not represented can also be heard in the Parliament. The proposals seek to offer a more representative electoral system and will be spearheaded by the Prime minister. Touching upon reforming the electoral system, the Premier said that « we felt that the coming parliament should also accommodate those who are not represented ». Electoral law will also be reformed to introduce an element of proportional representation into the majority rule. Regarding the opening the democratic space, Prime Minister Hailemariam noted the government thoroughly understood the importance of enhancing civic participation, strengthening democratic institutions, particularly on pertinent organs like Human Rights Commission, the Ombudsman, Office of the Federal Auditor General, Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

Towards a renewal of the EPRDF The first renewal gave clarity in defining democratic developmental state in Ethiopia. Unlike other developmental states, Ethiopia’s democratic developmental state is based on the idea that development alone cannot manage the diversity of the country. Democracy was given prominence and democratization was set in motion. Several efforts have been deployed. However, the result was far from adequate. Therefore, it goes without saying that work on consolidation of democracy is ought to take enough focus and attention. The two pillars of strengthening democratic institutions and building the culture of democracy are of paramount importance and significance. Democratic developmental program and the resultant policies and strategies are still relevant and valid and this is still an opportunity for EPRDF-led government. As reiterated by EPRDF, the efficient and effective delivery is a matter of life and death and ought to be an overarching

January - February - March 2017


« Ethiopia’s democratic developmental state is based on the idea that development alone cannot manage the diversity of the country. Democracy was given prominence » concern of the recently declared deep renewal. What is holding Ethiopia back from fully delivering the provisions of the home-grown policies and strategies? Without, « ifs and buts », EPRDF should find an adequate answer to this burning issue. Merit- and competence-based human resource is a key ingredient in the effective discharge of good governance and service delivery. For any progressive government, this is unavoidable. Merit and competence is not in contradiction with fair and just representation.

challenges such as poverty and a less literate population. Recent experiences have shown that the country is moving in the right direction, but it has not yet come up with inclusive engagement. Now that the disorders in the country have calmed down, Ethiopian authorities are looking for a long-term solution to the grievances of the population. This year’s unrests took place as the coalition was about to start an extensive process of reflection about its accomplishments and shortcomings since 2001, when the leadership of the ruling party, facing several challenges, engaged in a rethinking of its ideological commitments and strategies. In the wake of the 2001 renewal, the government had moved quickly to modernize, professionalize and bureaucratize the state, announcing new emphasis on capacity building, education and urban development. Today, once again, the first goal for the Front will be to internalize the problems, their causes and device resolve accordingly. This will be an ongoing process, with the first specific deadline in June 2017, to report back on the internal changes within the party and examine a document currently in preparation, on what the EPRDF should become in the next ten years. There is a general sense of having embarked upon a period of reflection and change whose outcome will become clear in the upcoming months.

These developments should be seen in the light of the country’s long history. 25 years ago, EPRDF made the ambitious bet to transform a 3,000-year governance system into a totally different one by building a federal democratic state based on culture and diversity while facing huge

Democracy is a precondition to accommodate the diversity of Ethiopia’s peoples


The Ethiopian Messenger

Ethiopia-EU relations

EU Partnership Framework with African countries: A step in the right direction? Since the Spring 2015, the migrant crisis has emerged as one of the major issues that will come to define our times. A year ago, the Valletta Migration Summit gave the first impetus to find concrete solutions to this challenge and in June 2016, the Commission proposed a new Partnership Framework with third countries. Although very recent, this initiative could start a new dynamic in the EU migration policy and make African governments more accountable to their citizens. However, the EU should not forget that the current migration challenge is first and foremost a global political issue that needs to be dealt with on the long term.

African and European Heads of States and Governments at the Valletta Migration Summit on 11 November 2015

A new chapter in migration policy Following the March 2016 agreement with Turkey which drastically reduced migration flows on the Aegean route, the EU planned to conclude similar deals with African nations to address the increasing surge across the Central Mediterranean. Africans attempting to reach Europe are widely perceived to be economic migrants, and in the absence of a formal agreement, EU member states have

long struggled to return them. In June 2016, an ambitious Partnership Framework with five African countries (Ethiopia, Niger, Mali, Senegal and Nigeria) was launched. This agreement contains two key elements: directing European funds to infrastructure projects in Africa and reaching a return and readmission goals of 50 percent over the next three to six months and 75 percent by 2018-2019. Compared to the Rabat process (2006) and the Khartoum process (2014), its scale is much more ambitious. In addition

January - February - March 2017


UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres meeting Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn on 12 July 2013

to offering answers to immediate migration pressure, it will make a deeper investment in tackling root causes of irregular migration and open opportunities for regular migration. In addition, the approach of the Commission hinges around the idea that the EU needs a joint effort involving all stakeholders in a unified framework – a welcome improvement to the current shattered policy. The new approach also promises to be a lasting one: in its list of priorities for the future of ACP-EU relations after 2020, the Commission put forward security and migration in their interdependence with the development agenda.

Making the new approach successful Following its announcement, the Partnership framework received criticism. The approach has been criticized by some as paying third countries to do the “dirty work” of dealing with migrants and refugees in its place. Many European NGOs fear that the pressing objective of reducing arrivals in Europe might push EU countries to send back people fleeing persecution. It is true that not all Africans crossing the Mediterranean Sea are economic migrants. For instance, the approval rate of Nigerians is only 8 percent, even though the Boko Haram conflict in northern Nigeria has displaced millions; Somalians, South Sudan’s and Eritreans could also be included under this category. Despite criticism, this approach has the advantage of offering a long-term solution to a complex issue, as proved by EU actions in Ethiopia. Ever since Ethiopia’s late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi established an open-door policy toward refugees, the country’s refugee population has grown to more than 800,000, the largest in Africa. And due


The Ethiopian Messenger

to ongoing crises in neighboring countries, that number is increasing every day. In the first week of October alone, about 31,000 people crossed the border from South Sudan into Ethiopia’s. As the key country for migration in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is making good progress in supporting, with the help of the EU, the livelihood opportunities for refugees. All stakeholders got their heads together and came up with a workable formula that would benefit both Ethiopians and the refugees. With the support of a joint initiative by the UK, the EU and the World Bank, the country is currently building two industrial parks aiming at generating a total of 100,000 jobs. In the future, the industrial park initiative will fit into a new and all-encompassing approach towards alleviating the plight of refugees staying in Ethiopia through better and more work opportunities, and through improved local integration and assimilation. This initiative is exemplary, as many countries in the developing world never signed the 1951 convention or simply ignore its provisions, leaving humanitarian organizations to care for them and serve as surrogate states. For the EU, giving millions of Euro to Ethiopia is far from altruism: it’s a matter of urgency, as the past few years have proved that building a wall or the sea alone will not keep it sanitized from others’ problems.

A global effort is needed In time the UNHCR identified three durable solutions for refugees beyond providing immediate asylum: voluntary repatriation, integration in the country that offered asylum and resettlement to another country, usually in the developed world. As all are now floundering, the approach consisting in giving migrants and refugees reasons to stay

As the key country for migration in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is making good progress in supporting, with the help of the EU, the livelihood opportunities for refugees. where they are, rather than focusing on keeping them from arriving, seems more urgent than ever. Putting migrant-related issues at the heart of the EU support to African countries may not solve the problem overnight, but it could have a domino effect by showing others that this can work and push African governments to be more accountable to both their citizens and the refugees their countries host. However, since the problem is global, developed nations must also play their parts. 86% of the

world’s 60 million displaced population are located in the developing world. The EU has set aside a total of EUR 1.8 billion for the EU Trust Fund for Africa, but the figures that have so far been quoted are far lower than what is going to be required for this approach to have a substantial impact, especially if one considers that Turkey alone was offered EUR 6 Billion. Merely reacting when a crisis arises is unsustainable over time for the EU. Beyond issues of morality or fairness, it is very clear that the current migrant crisis is only one part of a worldwide problem. The high refugee flows are a sharp reminder that the rich world must get better at managing refugees. New conflicts in places like South Sudan are creating fresh refugee problems; older ones, such as Somalia’s, are continuing with no solution in sight. The EU needs to take all this into account, especially as the EU is renegotiating the Cotonou Agreement, the main framework of its relations with Africa. EU efforts to help people staying in their countries should not be thwarted by political or economic interests. This would imply making sure that the negotiation of the EPAs is in line with the development strategies of African countries and do not impact the current regionalization approach pursued all over the continent and which could, in time, boost its economic development.

Refugee children from South Sudan learn at a makeshift school at Kule Camp in Gambella region of Ethiopia © UNHCR

January - February - March 2017


Industrial policy

How Ethiopia’s industrial parks strategy tackles the challenge of refugee hosting As the country hosting the largest number of refugees in Africa, Ethiopia is committed to face this challenge while at the same time accelerating its national growth and economic development. The creation of two additional industrial parks supported by the European Investment Bank and the UK is part of this strategy. It is expected to create 100,000 jobs − out of which 30,000 for refugees.

Artist’s view of the Hawassa Industrial Park

The challenge of refugees Ethiopia is currently hosting more than 800,000 refugees who fled from neighboring countries, in particular Somalia, Eritrea and South Sudan. The open-border policy of Ethiopia comes with several challenges, including providing shelter and food for the refugees, but also enabling them with future perspectives through education and jobs.


The Ethiopian Messenger

Fully committed to address this part of the challenge, Ethiopia has set up an ambitious Job Compact to build two additional industrial parks in collaboration with international partners. This Jobs Compact is supported by the European partners in the framework of the ambitious Partnership Framework that was launched in June 2016 between the EU and Ethiopia and other African countries. Among other strategies, this agreement allocates European funds to infrastructure projects in Africa in order to tackle

« When fully operational, Hawassa Industrial Park will employ up to 60,000 workers. » the root causes of economic migration. The industrial parks in Ethiopia co-financed in this framework will provide job for refugees, while at the same time contributing to the national development of the economy to reach the target of middle-income country by 2025.

International cooperation To build these two industrial parks, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the UK have pledged USD 500 million investments. This collaboration between Europe and an African country is regarded as a flagship project on the continent. It also include associated infrastructure as well as funding for training, housing and support to the settling of refugees in new communities and financing for the greening of industrial parks. According to EIB President Werner Hoyer, this project will « provide people with a choice to stay closer to home and an opportunity for economic growth as well. This is a ground-breaking project – a showcase for Sub-Saharan Africa - and one that perfectly reflects our conviction that creating job opportunities and economic resilience in countries impacted by the migration and refugee challenge is the right way ahead. […] I congratulate Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn on the leadership he has shown and on his determination to build on this idea. »

Hawassa Industrial Park The first of the two industrial parks was completed this summer in Hawassa for a total of USD 250 million. It is the second industrial park to be completed in Ethiopia after the Bole Lemi I Industrial Park. When fully operational, it will employ up to 60,000 workers. The German organization for international cooperation GIZ has launched a new training program for the workers of this park, which is part of a EUR 17 million program funded by the German government under the umbrella of the Sustainable Training & Education Programme (STEP). The program, which will run for the next two years, will be executed in partnership with Hawassa Industrial Park Association and the Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute (ETIDI).

Ethiopia’s industrial parks strategy Industrial parks will strengthen the foundation of Ethiopia’s industrialization, generate foreign currency, raise value of local agricultural products, create job opportunities, and speed up the nation’s renaissance journey. They are a cornerstone for the development of manufacturing sector for the implementation of Ethiopia’s vision to become a middle income country and top light manufacturing hub in Africa by 2025. In a discussion with The Ethiopian Herald, Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) Deputy General Manager Shiferawu Solomon said that in the first year of GTP-II, the government developed Hawassa Industrial Park and Bole Lemi I Industrial Park up to the production stage. Bole Lemi I Industrial Park has created over 11,000 job opportunities, and has exported products that have a value over 20 million USD. The other, Hawassa Industrial Park, also created jobs for over 60,000 citizens. It is expected to export products that have a value of one billion USD per year. Additional industrial parks in Mekele, Combolcha and Adama are expected to be finalized by July 2017. Construction of Bole Lemi II, Kilinto, and Jimma industrial parks will be started soon. All these projects are possible thanks to the allocation by the government of USD 750 million obtained from the sale of Eurobonds.

January - February - March 2017



« European investors are missing huge opportunities in Ethiopia » A Belgian investor currently in a process to invest in the precious metal and agricultural sectors shared his views to The Ethiopian Messenger about the business opportunities in Ethiopia. This testimony was collected by our Embassy in December 2016. Why did you choose Ethiopia for your future investments? My wife is Ethiopian and I have been married for 13 years. I have been doing business internationally for the past twenty-five years. […] In the past twelve months, we decided that the time was probably right to start looking into investing in Ethiopia. I think that the government is putting a lot of efforts in opening doors for investors and we get good support from the several government agencies. Since August, I did three visits to build up the contacts and to gather the information, and I must say that I was really impressed with the collaboration that we got from the stakeholders, the level of competence of the people that we met, and the willingness to help and to make an idea go forward. […]

What are the most attractive sectors? I’m looking in the sector of precious metals and of agriculture. I have a group that asks me to look at what opportunities that could be in infrastructure, be it building hospitals, building schools, roadworks, etc. […]

How would you compare your experience in other African countries with your experience in Ethiopia? I spent a lot of time and did business in South Africa, as well as in Ghana. The strange thing is that a lot of other African countries get looked at as an example, where I actually

There is a huge potential for the agro-processing industry in Ethiopia


The Ethiopian Messenger

feel that Ethiopia, in many cases, can be looked at as an example. For instance, South Africa is a beautiful country, it has very good infrastructure, but it is extremely unsafe. In Ethiopia, you can go out whatever time, you will be very safe everywhere. In my past visits, I traveled quite a bit through the country. You see that a lot of effort is being put in by the government to create a good infrastructure. Yes, there are here and there still sections that need to be done, but the

majority of the travels that I did were on very good roads. [In] Ghana, I know that government employees sometimes do not get paid their salaries on time. You do not hear things like that in Ethiopia. In many ways, Ethiopia in my opinion should be looked as more as an example than some of the other African countries. […] There are of course a lot of investments from China, but I think European investors are missing huge opportunities in Ethiopia.

Car industry: a rising sector in Ethiopia?

While around 8,000 cars are currently assembled every year in Ethiopia, the country plans to become a top producer on the African continent after 15 or 20 years. Favorable tax conditions as well as low labour costs and cheap energy prices are expected to boost the sector. International firms already established in the country also contribute to the growth of the sector. This year, French car manufacturer PSA Peugeot Citroën opened a new assembly unit in Ethiopia which will assemble Peugeot 301, 208 and 2008 received in kits. It will initially produce about 1,000 cars a year for the Ethiopian market and other countries of the Horn of Africa. Chinese Lifan Auto Group also wants to start exporting cars from Ethiopia by 2018 and Kia Motors signed a contract with Belayab Motors Plc to build an assembling factory in Adama, and will start production in January 2017. The initial production will be 3,000 but could soon increase to 9,000. The Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC) is at the forefront of the development of the sector. Around 300 new locally METECassembled buses recently entered service in Addis Ababa (watch more: A9zUCpi3dVo)

January - February - March 2017



Construction of GERD 60% complete «There was a time where Ethiopians showed their greatness by constructing the historical obelisks and great castles in the ancient and medieval periods. Now in this age, the new generation has decided to leave its mark on Ethiopian history. Unlike the previous historical monuments, obelisks and castles, GERD is a multi-purpose project. It is a project that mobilized almost all sections of the society. It is a dam that created a new image to the new Ethiopia. It is a project that reversed the pessimistic view of “they can’t do it” philosophy into “they can!”»

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. © Salini Impreglio These words (among other parts of this text from “GERD: Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ landmark”, The Ethiopian Herald, 15 November 2016) express what the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) represents in the mind of Ethiopians and the importance the project has for the development of the country. The recent progresses of the constructions work can be considered as important achievements for the country on its path to development. The GERD Project General Manager, Engineer Semegnew Bekele said on 17th of November 2016 that the construction of the dam is well in progress as it is backed by unreserved endeavor of the greater public. Currently, well over 11,000 workers are toiling in three shifts under the scorching hills


The Ethiopian Messenger

of Guba in Benishangul Gumuz State, where the GERD is located. Engineer Semegnew Bekele further assured that close to 60 percent of the construction has been finalized so far, from just over 40 percent in April 2016. Moreover, preparations are well underway to generate 750 MW of electricity from two turbines which are part of the construction targeted to be launched soon. Earlier in October, Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC), the main contractor of the Rrenaissance dam on divisions of the electromechanical and hydraulic steel structure, had announced that two of the 375 MW turbines

of the dam are on the final phase of installation to begin early power generation.

development, but also accelerate the economic integration of the region.

The project has also seen finalization of construction of 400 and 500 KV power transmission lines traversing from the GERD all the way to World Bank-supported Beles project and Addis Ababa main power reservoir. These lines are readied to convey GERD-generated power to targeted destinations and repositories.

Upon finalization, the project will accelerate regional integration through cross-border electrification activities and Sudan and Egypt may benefit from the supply of cheap electricity as Ethiopia may not consume all the energy that would be generated. Moreover, the dam can help stop the silting that is causing considerable problems in Egypt and Sudan’s dams by rehabilitating the natural environment of the upper Nile Basin. The silt from Blue Nile is building up in Egypt’s Aswan dam and in a couple of smaller dams in Sudan. If the run-off is not controlled by the GERD, the silting will cripple all these dams. The amount of the debris deposited by the Nile in Sudan and Egypt is estimated at 110 million tons annually.

Taking into account the importance of exploiting its natural resources to alleviate poverty, Ethiopia started construction of the GERD in 2011. However, lower riparian countries, particularly Egypt, have expressed their concerns on the project and its impact on the water share of Egypt. In the contrary, Ethiopia is assuring its stance adamantly that the GERD is being constructed for the sake of electric power generation only to benefit not only the national

With 6,000 megawatts, the dam will be the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa at its completion forecasted for 2017.

On Saturday 17 December 2016, the Gibe III hydroelectric dam, which is located 470 km south west of Addis Ababa, was inaugurated after its full completion. It was built for a total of EUR 1.5 billion, 40 percent of which was covered by the government of Ethiopia, the rest by a loan obtained from the China Exim Bank. The construction of the dam was carried out by the Italian Salini Construction Private Ltd., a company which is also currently working on the GERD’s construction. With a height of 243 meters, 610 meters of length and with total storage capacity of 15 billion cubic meters, the dam has total installed capacity of 1,870 megawatts. It is believed that the inauguration of this dam will potentially resolve problems linked with power cuts in different parts of the country. (Picture: Gibe 3 Dam, © Salini)

January - February - March 2017



Ethiopia, a rising star of African tourism A stable and peaceful democracy since 1991, Ethiopia is a federal state whose progressive economic policies are reflected in its annual growth rate of about 10%. The Ethiopian lifestyle, with its unique musical and linguistic heritage and cuisine, combined with an ancient coffee culture and a thriving artisanal scene combined with its colorful annual festivals make the country an unmissable stopover for culture-hungry visitors. Add to this the rare species in the magnificent Simien and Bale Mountains, the spectacular volcanic landscapes of the Danakil Depression, and a wealth of fauna and flora unique in the world, and it is no wonder that Ethiopia has become the most attractive and popular emergent tourist destination in Africa.

Lalibela church. Š Ethiopian tourism Organization

A unique cultural heritage

Spectacular nature

With its 3,000 years of civilization and unique cultural heritage, Ethiopia is one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Proof of this is its tally of nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites – more than any other in Africa: Ethiopia is home to the ancient city of Harar, the world’s fourth-holiest Islamic city, the mediaeval rock-hewn churches of Lalibela and Gheralta, thousands year old architectural relics, the magnificent 17th century castles of Gondar, and the oldest human remains on the planet and the birth place of coffee.

With its spectacular scenery, rich biodiversity and numerous protected areas, Ethiopia is a paradise for nature lovers, renowned for its large number of endemic animal and plant species. Although lions, elephants, giraffes and other typical safari animals are present in Ethiopia, the country derives its fame from its unique species such as the Ethiopian wolf (the rarest dog in the world), the Walia Ibex (the only indigenous goat in Africa) and the peaceful Gelada baboon, also called bleeding-heart monkey. With its lush forests, inland seas and mountain peaks, Ethiopia is a land of breathtaking scenery and rich


The Ethiopian Messenger

biodiversity. Sometimes perceived as a dry and arid country in the West, Ethiopia has a wealth of lakes, rivers and aquatic habitats, ranging from Lake Tana, the main source of the Blue Nile, to the magnificent crater lakes around Bishoftu, only 50 km from Addis Ababa. Ethiopia often mentioned as a water tower of Africa for its rivers and lakes. Ethiopia’s scenic centerpiece is a mountainous central plateau, the largest and most fertile in East Africa that covers half of its surface area, and supports the vast majority of its population. The Simien Mountains National Park in Northern Ethiopia is an exotic setting with endemic wildlife and spectacular views on a landscape shaped by nature. The natural beauties of this region have always filled visitors with a life time amusement.

Bird watching With a total of 860 species recorded, Ethiopia is considered by experts as one of the main ornithological destinations of Africa. The main attraction of Ethiopia for bird lovers is the presence of 18 endemic species. These include the spectacular Prince Ruspoli’s Turaco, peculiar Stresemann’s Bush Crow and melodious Abyssinian catbird. The Nechisar nightjar, considered the world’s rarest bird, is unique to Ethiopia where it was first observed in 2009. Bale Mountains National Park was recently listed as one of the continent’s top five birding hotspots by the African Birding Club. In addition to endemic species, the Rift Valley

Bird, Coffee fores and Zebra © Ethiopian Tourism Organization

January - February - March 2017


© Ethiopian Tourism Organization

lakes south of Addis Ababa are renowned for their prolific aquatic birdlife: flocks of tens of thousands of flamingos, bobbling flotillas of pouch-beaked pelicans, and a profusion of ducks, rallids, weavers and waders. In the highlands of northern Ethiopia, the mighty lammergeyer is regularly observed flying above the Simien Mountains displaying its 2-metre wingspan.

formation, and the Mother Coffee Tree, which is the world’s oldest living plant of its type. Other important coffeeproducing regions include Harar, Jimma, Yirga Chafe and the Lake Tana Basin. The Bebeka and Tepi Coffee Estates, respectively the largest and second-largest in the country, are good places to learn about coffee production, and to ramble through dense montane forests alive with birdlife.

The best time for bird watching is from September to March when local species are joined by migrating birds. However, given that the most sought-after species at national and regional level reside throughout the year, there is no bad time for bird watchers visiting Ethiopia.

The rapid development of the tourism sector has enabled Ethiopia to win the coveted title of the world’s best tourism destination by the European Trade and Tourism Council in 2015. Referring the nomination, the Daily Mail on its July 2015 edition published an article titled “forget the sunny Spain, enchanting Thailand and romance of France: Ethiopia is named World best tourism destination”. With its incomparable cultural and historical richness, breathtaking nature and unique fauna, the country is assuming a position of must see touristic destination. Ethiopia is now working to become one of Africa’s top five tourist destinations by 2020. Visitors will undoubtedly come in growing numbers to enjoy the security that reigns in Ethiopia and the hospitality of its inhabitants. Indeed, Ethiopia is the Land of Origins and the prospect of visiting it is similar to visiting one’s own ancestors’ country. This is boldly the perception of renowned personalities. In his biography, Nelson Mandela said that “Ethiopia always has a special place in my imagination and the prospect of visiting Ethiopia attracted me more strongly than a trip to France, England, and America combined. I felt I would be visiting my own genesis, unearthing the roots of what made me an African.”

Visit the coffee plantations The forests that surround the highlands of Western Ethiopia are the land of origin of coffee, which is still abundantly cultivated today. In the heart of its lush tropical forests, Arabica coffee also grows in its wild form. Many Coffee Forest Tours offer visitors the opportunity to discover the tropical rainforests that cover the highlands of Western Ethiopia, birthplace of coffee. With 7,600 km2, the Kafa Biosphere Reserve is the largest and most accessible of three UNESCO protected reserves in the highlands of Ethiopia. It is also an important reservoir of the genetic diversity of coffee, as many varieties of beans still grow in the region. The tropical rain forests of Western Ethiopia also harbor the production of many other sustainable forest products, including forest cardamom, forest pepper and honey. The new international coffee museum is currently under construction in Bonga, a pleasant forest-lined town in the heart of the Kafa Biosphere Reserve. The Bonga Tourist Office now offers guided day and night tours of several sites associated with the Kafa Reserve. These visits include the discovery of God’s Bridge, a stunning natural rock


The Ethiopian Messenger

Mesmerized by the unique churches of Lalibela, the Portuguese priest Francisco Álvares in the 15th century said “I weary of writing more about these buildings, because it seems to me that I shall not be believed if I write more...I swear by God, in Whose power I am, that all I have written is the truth”. Dear reader, now is your perfect time to visit Ethiopia and write your own personal impressions.

Timket - Ethiopian Epiphany

Timket celebration in Gondar © CNN Timket’s traces can be followed back to biblical times. Timket is the greatest colorful festival of Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia and takes place every 19th of January (20th January during leap years). It celebrates the Baptism of Christ in River Jordan by John the Baptist. The Ark of the Covenant, called Tabot, only leaves the church during Timket, when it is carried with great magnificence to a nearby pool or river and immersed, along with many of the Christian faithful, in memory of Jesus’ baptism. The festivals are conducted by beautifully dressed priestess and young men and accompanied by the music piece Hyman (Yaredawi Zema) which was first produced in the beginning of the VIIth century by St. Yared, the first Ethiopian composer and user of written musical notations which are still used nowadays by the Ethiopian Orthodox. The Tewahedo Church melody is also part of Timket celebration. St. Yared was a great Ethiopian Composer, Chorographer and poet of which the country profoundly remains proud The faithful come to be blessed by the sacred water, and they also genuinely come to escort the Tabots (The Ark of the Covenant of their respective church and monasteries) All churches are supposed to come together at the Timket site, but it may not be applicable to bring all Tabots, given the limited space and the multitude of faithful that come together in the extremely crowded water area. Addis Ababa alone has more than 160 churches and monasteries, the historic city of Gondar, famous for the Timket celebration, is also known for its 44 Adbarat (churches and monasteries), and Lalibela is the proud home of the 11 rock-hewn churches, which are known throughout the world. In Tigray, where the Aksum civilization and the Ethiopian Christendom began, hundreds of churches witness Timket celebrations every year. Timket celebration has both a spiritual and a secular character. Indeed, it is a social and cultural holiday in which Ethiopians of all ages, gender and ethnic groups

gather and celebrate in an incredibly festive way. To Ethiopian Christians and other Christians around the world, Timket symbolically signifies the baptism of Jesus Christ at the river Jordan. The Ethiopian Timket, however, goes beyond its symbolic spiritual asset and embodies the many cultural values and traditions. The secular Timket is a culturally rooted Ethiopian holiday that is transferred from generation to generation, and it is largely articulated around a completion of dances between the various ethnic groups of Ethiopia. The Timket festival is an occasion in which the dances and songs of different ethnicity for example Amahra, Tigray, Oromo, Gurage, and other nationalities are performed, with great passion.

This is also the time where Ethiopians of all ages and genders dance freely and enthusiastically in order to demonstrate their ability of dance routine and by default attract the opposite sex. Indeed, the young men and women deliberately participate in the Timket festival with the purpose of finding a partner, and if possible a life partner. In the social relations of secular Timket, Ethiopians dress in their finest attire. This practice paying particular attention to one’s dress and beauty enhancing is strengthened by the Ethiopian proverb “Le Timket Yalhone Kemis Yi be ates, or « Let the cloth be torn if it is not meant for Timket » The proverb undoubtedly indicates us how Ethiopians respect this holiday. In general, Timket festival is thus not simply a religious holiday as pointed out above. It is very much a construction and reaffirmation of a phenomena of relationship, love, and a resolution to exploit and manfully utilize what the Ethiopian social setting provides and permits. In conclusion, Timket - Ethiopian Epiphany is another potential intangible cultural heritage. Hopefully, UNESCO may also consider this tradition as an intangible cultural heritage in addition to Meskel Festival, Chembela and the Gada system.

January - February - March 2017


Regional affairs

Presidential election in Somalia: Another step towards peace and stability After four postponements, Somalia’s National Leadership Forum has finally agreed to organize the presidential election in January 2017. The meeting held the 19th of December 2016 and attended by leaders of the Somali Federal Government and regional states, discussed key outstanding issues that delayed the Somali election. According to close sources to Villa Somalia, the Somali leaders have agreed to the new schedule for the elections of new Parliament Speakers of Upper and Lower Houses and Somali President to take place in January 2017. According to the new schedule, the elections of Parliament Speakers will occur on 5th of January, whereas the presidential election is set for the 22nd of January. The Somali leaders have also imposed new conditions for the presidential candidates who are willing to compete for the top office in the country. Candidates must pay fees amounting USD 30,000 and must have the support of at least 20 Federal MPs to be eligible to compete in the election. As the deadline for the election has been repeatedly delayed, some are explaining their concerns that the decision to delay the election is politically driven. The original promise of a one-person, one-vote national election was abandoned in 2015 due to insecurity, political infighting and lack of basic requirements at technical and logistical levels. Instead, an electoral college system has been instituted whereby 135 traditional clan elders picked 14,025 delegates who are voting for each of the 275 parliamentary seats,

distributed per clan. The 54 seats in the new upper house were distributed by region. The latest figures issued by the UNSOM show that 254 out of 275 parliamentary seats and 43 out of 54 upper house seats have already been decided through votes. The process has been pierced with claims of rigging and corruption with some observers calling it an « auction » rather than an election/selection. Additionally, in a joint press release of the international community including UN, EU, AU, IGAD, Ethiopia, Italy, Sweden, UK, and the USA called up on the NLF to « use their authority and influence to prevent abusive and unfair electoral process » The auditor general of Somalia`s federal government, Mr. Nur Farah in an interview with VOA Somali service on 19th of November 2016, stated that there are numerous deception cases on the election process that his office is currently investigating. Mr. Nur added that corruption and vote buying is widespread in the election process and is costing USD 5,000- USD 1.5 Million per seat. On 11th of December 2016, SRSG Mr. Keating said that « the vote in Jowhar/HirShabelle state is deeply troubling. If this outcome can stand and other egregious cases of electoral process abuse are unchallenged, then the credibility and legitimacy of the entire electoral process will be jeopardized. Any spoilers who are found by the electoral implementation bodies to have violated the rules of the process must be held accountable for their actions. » The FIET and the IEDRM put a shade of light on the progress that has been achieved to date in the 2016 electoral process. They elucidated that voting for seats in the upper house is almost complete, and more than 92 percent of the seats in the lower house have already been conducted. The overall process so far has been conducted peacefully and orderly manner except some concerns of allegations of malpractices in several lower house elections. Allegations include harassment and intimidation of some candidates and Electoral delegates, candidates being prevented from

National Leadership Forum conference


The Ethiopian Messenger

putting their names forward, or prevented from moving freely. Most partners remain optimistic about Somalia’s long-term prospects, the short-term risks are still issues of concern. Despite the complication and challenges of the electoral process in Somalia, it promises to be a game changer. Deputy chair of the national election body of Somlia, Deqa Yasin said that « it is a unique process and must be analyzed with its uniqueness ». Hence, if the 2016 election process of Somalia is evaluated in the parameter of free and fair democratic election, it might be fall short. However, in the view of Somalia’s long history of conflict, it can be counted as a progress. A notable progress of this year’s election compared to the 2012 election is that 14025 Somalis participated in the process against only 135 clan elders in the previous election, for the election of the 275 MPs. In 2012, a parliament consisting of a single house was elected. Now, the member of the upper and lower houses of parliament are elected through the electoral process. The election in 2012 was held in Mogadishu only. Today, six capital cities of regional states hosted the election process. Unlike the past elections, this year’s aspiring presidential candidates includes a woman. The process clearly indicates the level of political stability and hope for a universal democratic election soon. Therefore, by drawing a lesson from the current experience and working to conduct a more democratic and standard election in 2020 is a wisdom expected from all Somali politician, predominantly the new lawmakers. On the other hand, the information from the insiders

A notable progress of this year’s election compared to the 2012 election is that 14025 Somalis participated in the process against only 135 clan elders in the previous election shows that the composition of the new Parliament includes people from different backgrounds, among others diverse political ideologies, vested interests, activists, businessmen, ex-warlords, musicians, fashion designers and returnees. Many Somalis are looking forward to see how the politicians with different backgrounds and experience will be able to constitutes a fundamental contribution to building a peaceful, stable and prosperous Somalia. One of the remaining concerns with regard to the electoral process is security. The Special Representative of the African

Union Commission Chairperson for Somalia, Ambassador Madeira stated that « by disrupting and taking the lives of innocent Somali citizens and denying them the right to go about their daily life freely, peacefully and in confidence, Al-Shabaab is desperately struggling to remain relevant after AMISOM and Somali National Security Forces have effectively prevented them from making true their decision to disrupt the electoral process which is now nearing completion ». Similarly, the withdrawal of some Ethiopian troops from a number of towns has caused concern as Al-Shabaab fighters immediately re-occupied several of the towns. Former Head of Ethiopia’s Government Communications Office, Getachew Reda, said the troops that had been withdrawn were not part of Ethiopia’s 4,400 personnel in AMISOM, but were some, not all, of those present in Somalia under a bilateral agreement with the Somali Federal Government. He added that: « Troops who are not under AMISOM are leaving some parts of Somalia assuming that the international community and the Somali National Army would fill the gap… We have been making a very conscious and responsible decision to evacuate our forces from many parts of Somalia. We and other AMISOM forces cannot remain there indefinitely. » He said the international community had a responsibility either to train or to support the Somali National Army.

One thing to be clear here is, Ethiopia remains committed to the objective of restoring peace and stability throughout Somalia as reflected not only by its military presence and its assistance to Somali armed forces; but also by its provision of humanitarian assistance and support for the establishment of local Somali-owned and Somalirun political administrations. Nonetheless, Ethiopia’s expenditure in Somalia is too heavy for it to shoulder alone. Therefore, increasing support to AMISOM as well as strengthening of the SNF forces constitutes a fundamental contribution to build a peaceful Somalia.

January - February - March 2017


ለአገሩ ልማት የድርሻውን የሚወጣ ዳያስፖራ በዳያስፖራ ማህበረሰብ ላይ የተደረጉት የተለያዩ ጥናቶች:- በእድገት ላይ ያለው የአንድ አገር ኢኮኖሚ በቀጣይነትና በፈጣን መንገድ ለማደግ ዳያስፖራው ከሚኖርበት የስደት አገር ወደ ትውልድ አገሩ ያካበተውን እውቀት ሲያስተላልፍ፣ ለአገሩ ጥቅም ሲያውለውና ለሀገሩ ሲያገለግል የማይተካ ሚና የሚጫወት መሆኑን’ - ዳያስፖራው ከአገራቸው ጋር የሚያደርጉት የፋይናንስ እንቅስቃሴ የዲያስፖራና የአገሩ ልማት ግንኙነት ማዕከል ሆኖ እንደሚያገለግል እና ዲያስፖራው ባካበተው ዓቅም’ ልምድ እና እውቀት በማጣመር ለትውልድ ሃገራቸው የሃሳብ ምንጭ ሆነው አገራቸው ሲያገለግሉና ተጠቃሚ ሲሆኑ’ - የአገራቸው ኢኮኖሚ ከተቀረው ዓለም ኢኮኖሚ ጋር ጠንካራ ትስስር እንዲፈጠር ከፍተኛ ሚና የሚጫወቱ መሆናቸውን ያረጋግጣሉ፡፡ ለዚህ እውነታ በዋናነት እንደማስረጃ የሚቀርቡ አገሮች ህንድ’ቻይና እና ደቡብ ኮሪያ ተጠቃሽ ናቸው፡፡ እነዚህ አገሮች የዳያስፖራ ሃብታቸው የተጠቀሙና ልማታቸው እውን ያደረጉ ናቸው፡፡ የእነዚህ አገሮች ዳያስፖራ በተደራጀ ሂደት የኢኮኖሚ አቅማቸው’ ችሎታቸው እና ዕውቀታቸው በአገራቸው በማሳረፍ በአገራቸው ፈጣን ኢኮኖሚያዊ ዕድገት እንዲመጣ የሚጠበቅባቸውን ሚና የተወጡ እንደሆኑ የተደረጉ ጥናቶች ይመሰክራሉ:: የአገራችን ጉዳይ ስንመለከት ከላይ የተጠቀሱ የጥናት ውጤቶች እውነታ በመገንዘብ መንግስት ዳያስፖራውን በአገሩ ፖለቲካዊ፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊና ማህበራዊ እንቅስቃሴዎች በሰፊው ተሳትፎ እንዲኖራቸው መብታቸው ተከብሮ የአገራቸው የልማት ኃይልና ተጠቃሚ እንዲሆኑ በሕግ ማእቀፎች ዕውቅና ሰጥቶ እየሰራ ይገኛል፡፡ ለምሳሌ የውጭ ዜግነት ያላቸው ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያውያን በአዋጅ ቁጥር 270/1994 የተፈቀደ የተወላጅነት መታወቂያ እንዲኖራቸው በማድረግ ገደብ ከተደረገባቸው የተወሰኑ ጉዳዮች በስተቀር በትውልድ አገራቸው ለመንቀሳቀስ፣ ለመኖር፣ ለመስራት፣ ንብረት ለማፍራት ወዘተ… ሕጋዊ ፈቃድ የሰጣቸው ሰነድ ነው፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ዳያስፖራ ማህበረሰብ በአጠቃላይ እንደማህበረሰብ በአገሩ ጉዳይ የልማቱ ተሳታፊ’ ተጠቃሚና ለወገኑ ስራ ፈጣሪ እንዲሆን ምቹ ሁኔታ የፈጠረ የዳያስፖራ ፖሊሲ ወጥቶ በስራ ላይ መዋሉ ብዙ የዳያስፖራ ወገኖች በልማቱ ተሳታፊ፣ ተዋናይ እና አቅመ ፈጣሪ ሆነው የአገራችን እድገት የበኩላቸው አስተዋፅኦ እየተወጡ ይገኛሉ፡፡ በውጭ የሚኖረው የኢትዮጵያ ዳያስፖራ ማህበረሰብ በአገሩ ልማት ላይ ለመሳተፍ የሚያስችሉ በርካታ ፕሮጀክቶች ተቀርፀው ስራ ላይ ውለዋል፡ ፡ ዳያስፖራው በኢንቨስትመንት መሳተፍ እንዲችል፣ በውጭ አገር ገንዘብ በአገር ቤት አካውንት መክፈት እንዲችል፣ ለታላቁ ህዳሴ ግድብ ቦንድ መግዛት እንዲችል፣ የውጭ ገንዘብ በሕጋዊ መንገድ ወደአገር ቤት በመላክ ቤተሰቦችን መርዳት፣ ዳያስፖራው በውጭ ያካበተውን ዕውቀት በአገር ቤት ነፃ የሙያ አገልግሎት መስጠት ወዘተ… የመሳሰሉት ለዳያስፖራው መንግስት የቀረፃቸው የልማት መስኮች ናቸው፡፡ በነዚህ የልማት መስክ በቀጣይነት መሳተፍ ማለት የግለሰቦችና የድርጅቶች በኢኮኖሚ ተጠቃሚነት ብቻ ተደርጐ መታየት የለበትም፡፡ አገራችን እያንዳንዱ ዳያስፖራ ካደረገው ኢንቨስትመንት የገኘችው ጥቅም ምንድን ነው? ከተከፈተው የውጭ ገንዘብ አካውንት ወይም ከተገዛው የህዳሴ ግድብ ቦንድ ለአገራችን እና ለህዝባችን የሚኖረው ፋይዳ ምንድን ነው የሚሉትን ጥያቄዎች በማንሳት ግዴታችን እየተወጣን መሆኑን መረዳት አለብን፡፡


The Ethiopian Messenger

በአንድ ድንጋይ ሁለት ወፍ እንደሚባለው፣ በአገራችን ኢንቨስት ስናደርግ ተጨማሪ የኢኮኖሚ አቅም እየተገነባ በመሆኑ የስራ ዕድል በመፍጠር ስራ አጥነትን ከመቀነሱም በተጨማሪ በኢኮኖሚ ራሱን የቻለ ህብረተሰብ ለመፍጠር የሚደረገውን ረጅም እና አሰልቺ ትግል በድል ለመወጣት እገዛ እያደረግን መሆኑን መገንዘብ ይገባል፡፡ ለምሳሌ ገበያ ተኮር ምርት ከሆነ የምናመርተው የውጭ ምንዛሪ ለአገራችን ያስገኛል:: አካውንት በመክፈት የውጭ ገንዘብ ስናስቀምጥ አገራችን የውጭ ምንዛሪ ዓቅም እንዲኖራት ያደርጋል፡፡ የልማት እንቅስቃሴ ሳይደናቀፍ እንዲቀጥል ይረዳል፡፡ የህዳሴ ግድብ ቦንድ መግዛት ግድቡን በታለመለት ጊዜ ተሰርቶ እንዲያልቅ ከፍተኛ አስተዋፅኦ ያበረክታል፡፡ የአባይ ግድብ ተሰርቶ ሲያልቅ ደግሞ ዘርፈ ብዙ ጠቀሜታ እንደሚያስገኝ በተደጋጋሚ ተገልጿል፡፡ ለአገራችን ብቻ ሳይሆን ለአካባቢ አገሮች የኢኮኖሚ ትስስር ይፈጥራል፡፡ በአገር ደረጃ በፈጣን የኢኮኖሚ ልማት ጉዞ እየተራመደ ያለው ዕድገት የኤሌክትሪከ ፍጆታ ተሸክሞ መሄድ የሚችል ኃይል ያመነጫል፡፡ ዳያስፖራውን ጨምሮ ሌሎች ኢንቬስተሮች በአገር ቤት ኢንቬስትሜንት ለማድረግ የተሟላ የኤሌክትሪክ ኃይል ይሰጣል:: ልማቱ ሲፋጠን የስራ መስኮች በማስፋት ስራ አጥነት እንዲጠፋ የሚያደርግ ዕድገት ይፈጠራል፡፡ ዲያስፖራው በአገር ልማት እንዲሳተፍ ምቹ ሁኔታ በመፍጠር የተለያዩ ተግባራት ተከናውነዋል፡፡ ዳያስፖራው በአገሩ ያሉ ፖለቲካዊ ኢኮኖሚያዊና ማህበራዊ ሁኔታዎች እንዲያውቅ: የሚያጋጥሙትን የመልካም አስተዳደር ችግሮች በቅርበት ሆኖ ከሚመለከታቸው አካላት መገናኘት የሚያስችለው በየአመቱ የሚከበረው የዳያስፖራ ቀን በዓል ላይ በመሳተፍም በአንድ በኩል ዳያስፖራው በአገሩ ልማት አጋርነቱን እያስመሰከረ ሲሆን፣ በዚሁ አጋጣሚ ደግሞ አሰራር እና አፈጻጸም ላይ የሚያጋጥሙትን ችግሮች እንዲቀረፉለት በግልጽ ሃሳብ የሚያቀርብበት መድረክ ነው፡፡ በአጣቃላይ ሲታይ ዳያስፖራው በአገሩ እድገት የሚጫወተው ሚና በተሟላ መልኩ ተግባራዊ እንዲያደርግ የሚያስችሉ ሕግች’መመርያዎችና አሰራሮች ወጥተውለት ስራ ላይ የዋሉ ሲሆን ከዚህ በተጨማሪ የማበረታቻ ድጋፎች በመስጠት እየተሰራበት ይገኛል:: በሂደት የሚያጋጥሙ የቢሮክራሲ ችግሮች በልዩ ሁኔታ በቅርበት መፍትሔ የሚሰጥ አካል ከፌዴራል እስከ ክልሎች ተዋቅሮ በቅንጅት እየተሰራበት ነው:: ዳያስፖራቸው በልማት በማሳተፍ በአገራቸው ፈጣን ልማት ያስመዘገቡት አገሮች ተሞክሮ በመቅሰም የአገራችን ዳያስፖራ በአገሩ ልማት በሙሉነት ለማሳተፍ እየተደረጉ ያሉ እንቅስቃሴዎች ከላይ የተዘረዘሩት ጥቂቶቹ ማየት ይቻላል:: ዳያስፖራው በልማት እንቅስቃሴው የሚያጋጥሙት እንቅፋቶች መፍታት የሚቻልበት የትግል መንገዶች ተቀምጠዋል:: በነዚህ መንገዶች እየታገለ መብቱን አስከብሮ የአገሩ ልማት ተዋናይ እንዲሆን የሚያስችል አሰራር ተቀምጧል:: አቅጣጫውን ተከትለን ከተንቀሳቀስን አልሚና ተጠቃሚ እንሆናለን::

Many companies have had successful experiences in Ethiopia after making the decision to invest:

We have been impressed all along by the positive attitude towards our inward investment by the Ethiopian Government. We know the country and the Ethiopian people well over a period of many years and so we know already that there are no language or legal barriers to smooth business cooperation but support and access at government level has made our investment process straightforward and without delays. On the basis of out initial investment we are looking forward to extending our long cooperation in the future

Reg Hankey, Managing Director(C.E.O) Pittards, World Class Leather

We have been developing the Tulu Kapi gold project in Ethiopia since 2009 and have made excellent progress defining significant gold resources in the area. This would not have been possible without the support of the Ethiopian Government, which is very welcoming to foreign investors. There is also a strong and transparent mining code which provides significant confidence to us and our investors. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Ethiopian Government for many years to come.

“ “ “ “

Terry Tucker, Chief Executive Officer, Nyota Minerals

Unilever returned to Ethiopia in 2000 after a longish hiatus, having decided that we would capture a larger share of the local market by being on shore and building a manufacturing base than by staying off shore and relying on imports. The changes we have seen in the last couple of years, in such things as the speed of approval by the EIC, tell us that we made the right decision. The size of the population alone gives Ethiopia market potential but it is the changes in the business climate that suggests that the potential might actually be realised. Richard Ponsford, Managing Director, Unilever Ethiopia plc

MIDROC Ethiopia is proud to be the largest foreign investor in Ethiopia - a country with a huge and trainable workforce, a wonderful climate and almost no corruption. The current political environment is also very hospitable to investors. Once the world knows that there is untapped investment potential, as well as continuous improvement in incentives and governance, we are bound to see more DFI in this beautiful country. MIDROC would certainly welcome it. Arega Yirdaw, Chief Executive Officer, MIDROC Ethiopia

When we decided to come to Ethiopia in 1998, it was because of its natural advantages – in particular its climate, which was ideal for growing roses. We are delighted that now, in 2004, the natural advantages are beginning to be matched by man-made ones, those deriving from improvements in policies and procedures. If these improvements can be sustained, there is almost no limit to investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

Ryaz Shamji, General Manager, Golden Rose Agrofarms Limited We believe that this is exactly the time to invest in the garment business in Ethiopia. Not only are labour costs low and the workforce trainable, access to major markets like the US and the EU is available on preferential terms. What's more, the investment climate has improved notably in the past year or so. Our own recent experience has been positive enough to lead us to expand our garment business (tripling employment) and setting up a related dyeing and knitting venture with two other foreign investors. Worku Zewde, Managing Director, Garment Express Private Limited

January - February - March 2017



The Ethiopian Messenger

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