250 { 17 August 2016
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There’s nothing slow about the current market and property is selling faster than we can list it. With Spring fast approaching, along comes with it a rush of willing buyers ready to begin their search to buy and settle for the 2017 New Year. In terms of selling this can be a critical time of year. Call me now for a discussion on how to achieve the best outcome possible.
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Notes Editor’s note ...
I would never have pegged myself as a bird watcher but when you live in the hinterland and a Pacific Baza (or Brown Goshawk) watches you work every day on the branch outside your window, Blue-faced Honeyeater helps you water the veggie patch while the Rainbow Lorikeets, Noisyminers and Brown Honeyeater battle for supremeacy in the Grevillea as the Kookaburras laugh, and Cockatoos screech past - it’s hard not to! There’s a great event coming up next week for us bird lovers (p13). This issue is crammed with fab events and workshops in our region - it was a challenge to give everyone the space they deserve. Get out there and get amongst it!
“Candice was very helpful and informative. My matter was handled promptly. I was kept well informed. I am very glad that I chose RB Family Law.” PATRICIA, NOOSAVILLE: 2015
We will help you with: • parenting arrangements • financial support for you and your children • property arrangements on separation • obtaining a divorce
Installation on the move. Artist Civa transporting the bones of his installation through town. Photo thanks to Zoe Martin.
SACHA HAMILTON-MACL AREN editor@eumundigreen.com.au PO Box 482, Eumundi 4562 ECCO thanks the volunteers who contributed over 100 hours production, collation and delivery work for the last issue of The Green Proofreading: Bronwen Pearson, Hamish Cameron, Anthony WynneHoelscher & Sacha HamiltonMacLaren.
Judith Pattison
We are located in Noosaville but will happily travel from Gympie to Caloundra to meet with our clients.
We offer an initial FREE half hour consultation.
T: 5430 6667 E: candice@rbfamilylaw.com.au W: www.rbfamilylaw.com.au
Alain Bouvier
Cover photograph
Grant Rothwell
Reader’s photos
Leo Wiles
Find us on facebook at facebook.com/ eumundigreen
Tania Watson
the GREEN Stefan Dunlop
Jandamarra Cadd
Kon Hepers
Nature notes
Michael Layden
Pengari festival
Kim Morris
Tree Day
Next issue: 31 Aug Content deadline: 22 Aug Advert deadline: 23 Aug
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{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Notes THE IN-HOUSE GREEN TEAM Editor, advertising, chief writer
Advertising advertising@eumundigreen.com.au
Sacha Hamilton-MacLaren editor@eumundigreen.com.au
Publisher, advertising Anthony Wynne-Hoelscher gm@eumundicco.com.au
Accounts Diane Howard accounts@eumundicco.com.au
Kerrie Bryant-Adams accounts@eumundicco.com.au
Advert design, layout
Distribution, inserts
Leanne Staff
Richard Thurbon
Tola Wright Jean Wright Bruce Willmott Christine Fussell Nicole Plumb Bob Ward Janelle & Tom Denny Karin Maddern
Cher Boyd Tricia Chapman Helen Hepburn Janie Ferguson Ann and John Kennedy Margaret Lawrence Irida Kemp Yvonne Astill Julie Bischof
ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE (251) IS BEFORE NOON TUES 23 AUG Published by Eumundi Combined Community Organisation Ltd ACN 133 941 278 eumundicco.com.au For advertising rates please go to eumundigreen.com.au. A yearly subscription is $50 posted. 4350 copies of the The Green are delivered every fortnight to households, schools, cafés, shops and markets in Eumundi, Doonan, Verrierdale, North Arm, Belli Park, Eerwah Vale, Weyba Downs and Cooroy as well as Noosa Info Centres. This magazine is printed on 100% environmentally friendly, Australian grown and made Grange Offsett paper, except the cover which is printed on Sovereign A2 – Silk 170 gsm which is also environmentally friendly. australianpaper.com.au The Green: the community voice. Cover photograph thanks to Alain Bouvier Disclaimer (the fine print): All information in Eumundi Green has been written in good faith based on material, verbal or written, provided by contributors. The editor is not obliged to publish every item of information received nor will all letters and articles submitted be published without change because of layout and production considerations. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication, the publishers cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from omissions or inadvertent errors contained herein. The views expressed therein are not necessarily those of, or endorsed by, the editor or the publisher of Eumundi Green. Inclusion of any material is in no way to be taken as an endorsement by the publisher of Eumundi Green. Letters will be published if name and township is clearly identified. Partial name will then be withheld upon request. Any photographs submitted to Eumundi Green are accepted on the basis that approval has been given for publication by the subjects of the photograph. Advertisers upon and by lodging material with Eumundi Green for publication or authorising or approving the publication or any material indemnify the publisher and its agents against all liability, claims or proceedings whatsoever.
Just Love Eumundi! Eumundi Culture to ignite Fridays!
Fashion and style... food and dining... music and entertainment... arts and culture... health and wellbeing - a whole of town happening.
‘LOCALS’ FREE PARKING expires June 2017 017
Businesses in Eumundi and surrounds will be creating stimulating, tantalizing and entertaining whole of town experiences throughout the village in Spring - tailor made just for you. Launching Friday September 9 .. Here is a taste of what Eumundi has in store! On Fridays in association with the Eumundi Chamber of Commerce, key businesses in town will showcase local creatives, including * Fashion workshops, a model quest and makeovers * Local craft presentations * Buskers and live music * Visual arts and culture trail * Local artist demonstrations and exhibits * Food and dining experiences * Indigenous exhibition and healing workshop
2016/17 ‘Locals’ Locals’ market carparking stickers stic still available. For just a $12 admin fee you’ll get 12 months free parking at the markets carparks on Satur Saturdays and Wednesdays. To get your sticker, pop in and see Richard at ECCO HQ (lower carpark) any Tuesday and Friday 4.00 - 5.00pm Are you a local kid who loves music and is in grade three through to eight, living in the 4562 area or attending Eumundi SS, North Arm SS, Pengari Steiner School or Noosa Junior Secondary - and sing or... play drums, bass, guitar, sax, trumpet or keys - this unique Eumundi cultural program is for you. School of Rock will mentor and teach Primary and Junior Secondary kids who love e music and want a true ‘rock band’ experience... Working together and playing ‘cool’ stuff in a real band. Playing g a real gig in December, to a real audience!
Enhancing the cultural and nd shopping experience for residents and vistors alike on days when our world famous markets are not in operation, Eumundi Culture will offer a “whole of day” interactive event where folks can meet local artists and designers, see how they create their works and products and showcase their designs and styling ideas... connecting with our place, our people and that great Eumundi spirit every day of the week. www.eumundichamber.biz
ndi Eumu
Ol o H c S Of Ock
Applications close August 25. more info: eumundirockschool.com. com.au
Eumundi & District Historical Association Inc.
Don’t forget to get your 12 month ‘Fre ‘Free’ carpark sticker |
{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
ty ing the Communi
Eumundi & District Community Assn Inc
Working for the community!
Business V I N TA G E P H O T O S H O O T New Eumundi Vintage owner Lily (right) held a fashion shoot with photographer Leo Wiles outside the heritage buildings and cafes along Memorial Dr last week. Local women - artist Zoe Martin (left), and jewelry designer Agnieszka RagankiewiczWyspiańska - were plucked from their morning coffees at
P E A R L’ A O F A N E W S P O T
Humdrum Cafe, to join Lily as models. Lily moved here from Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula with her young family in search of sunshine, and was attracted to Eumundi Vintage because of her love for retro fashion and the incredible potential she sees to grow her business online. FB: Eumundi Vintage Clothing
No one was more surprised than Pearls for Girls owner Corinne Sause when she found herself the new owner of Tina Cooper’s former gallery space on Memorial Dr. Corinne said the new light and airy shop is a far cry from selling jewellery in the Original Eumundi Markets 17 years ago. Daughter in-law Tamara (pictured), is managing the new space and kept busy unpacking new stock which includes leather and pony skin handbags and cushions. Corrine shared,
Leo Wiles
“Eumundi is no longer a highway town - we’re now a destination for those looking for a lovely day out having coffee, cake and browsing all our wonderful specialty shops.”
P O P U P S U N D AY CURRIES A SMASH Eumundi chef Damien Ryan (left) has opened a pop-up take away curry night at Berkelouw Cafe on Sundays from 5 - 8pm. Spirit House chef and cooking teacher Damo, is offering three different Indian and/or Thai curries each Sunday: $20 each with rice and condiments. Order by phone, 5442 8422 (no orders before 5pm) or pop in from 5pm.
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{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Community CR STE PH E N ROB IN SON Division 9
Connecting with CQU We recently had a meeting with Brett Langabeer - Head of Campus at CQU Noosa - to talk about Council’s Economic Development Strategy and in particular the education industry and relevant investment initiatives. During the discussions it was clear there were some opportunities for greater collaboration between CQU’s Noosa campus and Sunshine Coast Council. With the future of the Sunshine Coast tied to high value industries and services, it was evident that there were opportunities for an even closer alignment between the university’s courses and the high value industries outlined in the strategy. Following this meeting, the university campus will continue to work with council and the education sector to further investment and study opportunities. Suppliers Forums Is your business looking for extra work? Come along to one of two suppliers forums and find out which council projects your business can win
work from during this financial year. These council sessions will be held at Lake Kawana Community Centre. • 30 August: hear from people who manage Council’s Capital Works Program, with an overview of upcoming contract opportunities within the 2016/17 program • August 31 – hear from people who coordinate council’s panel of suppliers for services such as mowing and landscaping, marketing, public relations, community engagement and photography. Register for the events at www. invest.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au. Festive grants With less than five months until Christmas, now is the time for business groups to apply for council grants to help with decorating business centres during the festive season. There is $5000 in funding available for Division 9. Find details about the application process and guidelines on council’s website.
NOT UBER KEEN I notice that the State Govt has finally come to a decision on the future of ride-sharing in Qld - specifically Uber. I suppose that when one is presented with an entity who’s forced their way into the market and which, when coupled with a State Govt whose response was to conduct another of their reviews which take months and months to complete, that the outcome was going to be obvious. I know there are many people who find Uber a cheap and affordable option. To be fair, if the taxi industry had been more efficient and customer-friendly, then Uber would have found it much harder to establish a presence here. There is one group of individuals
however, who have been forgotten in this situation and it is the taxi drivers themselves. I am a reasonably frequent user of local cabs and I have got to know many of the drivers pretty well over the years. I know that they work exceptionally long hours and that the pay, especially during the low tourist seasons, is poor. They also have to complete with drivers from within their own company, coming to Noosa because pickings further south are slim or Uber are active. Our local cabbies do a good job and provide a good service and I urge everyone, where possible, to support them.
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Glen Elmes, Member for Noosa
{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Sally Hookey from Hinterland Feijoas and Susan Rodger of Eumundi Beef showcased their local produce at Melsted Park family farm in Black Mountain recently. Chef Matt Golinski used produce from the farms to present a beautiful feast for guests from Beyond Experiences lifestyle events.
24 Cocos Court, Doonan 181 Valley Drive, Doonan 17 Personia, Doonan 351 Eumundi Range Road, Eumundi 112 Valley Drive, Doonan 23 Whyandra Court, Doonan Lot 7, lot 9 lot 99 Valley Drive, Doonan 50 Jocelyn Drive, Eumundi 250 Beddington Road, Doonan 37 Tallgum , Doonan
29 Whyandra Close, Doonan Lot 2 6 Valley Drive, Doonan
339 Duke Road, Doonan 26 Seamount Quay, Noosaville 27 Arbour Place, Doonan 12 Greentree, Doonan 600 Sunrise Road, Doonan 49 Lake Weyba Rd, Lake Weyba
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{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
COMMUNITY NEWS The Verrierdale School (now closed) is holding a centenary reunion at the Verrierdale Hall this October and former students are encouraged to get in touch and attend the day. Organiser Fay is asking for any one who has memorabilia relating to the school, hall, or anything else from the region to get in touch. A plaque will be placed at the Verrierdale School site on the day. 0427 546 136. The Sunshine Coast Council is running a free Building Business with Code workshop at Imperial Hotel, Eumundi, Thur 25 Aug, 8.30am – 1pm. Learn to communicate your business model, value proposition and user requirements with stakeholders. http://invest. sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ sitePage.cfm?code=eventsworkshops&eid=3110 Bohemian Bungalow is launching its Smokey Sunday Sessions with their recently bought industrial smoker on 21 August. The Memorial Dr restaurant will be using local meats to cook up a feast every Sunday afternoon. FB:
Bohemian Bungalow RSPCA Animal Shelter on Eumundi Noosa Rd, Doonan, is holding its annual fundraiser this weekend, from 8am on Sat & Sun. Featuring plants, books and craft. Eumundi Aquatic Centre personal trainer Sam Williams and her husband, Centre manager and swim coach Adrian, welcomed a baby boy into the world last week to join sister Olivia. Lantern making workshops on Sat 3 Sept, 9am – 4pm, Eumundi Rural Fire Station. $85 includes materials. Funds raised go to: Eumundi Wildlife Centre; RSPCA, Friends of the Hound Greyhound Adoption. 0412 426 476. Eumundi artists Zoe and Michael are holding workshops at Original Eumundi Markets for The Iron Cage Project: sharing daily experiences through art, on Sat 20 & 27 August. Bring along a white shirt or birdcage to donate to be turned into a sculpture that will be exhibited in September. zoe@zoemartin.com.au
19 August
Gian Famularo
Imperial Hotel
20 August
Strange Brew
Joe’s Waterhole
20 August
Luis Jacobsen/Jamie Lee Griffiths Imperial Hotel
20 August
Dubbaray / Juzzie Smith
Eumundi Markets
21 August
Ben Smith Band
Imperial Hotel
24 August
Hayden Hack
Eumundi Markets
26 August
Imperial Hotel
27 August
Shades Of Grey
Joe’s Waterhole
27 August
Brianna Green / Jai Bevan
Imperial Hotel
27 August
Bob Marley Celebration Show/ Shannon Carroll
Eumundi Markets
28 August
Andrea Kirwin
Imperial Hotel
31 August
Matty & Lauren James
Eumundi Markets
A D A Z Z L I N G A F FA I R The recent Vaudeville Affair performance featuring the Doo Wop Dolls and friends at the Eumundi School of Arts hall showcased great local talent, and dazzled with fabulous costumes and sets. Greg Molyneux of Noosaville said, “What a rollicking good time my wife and I had... an entertaining performance which was full of energy, colour, dance and song.”
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{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Photos thanks to Hugh Wallace.
Music LET THERE BE ROCK! A small group of local musos including: singer/songwriter Katie Noonan and The Band of Frequencies have come up with an amazing plan to base a rock music school in Eumundi. The School of Rock (SOR) will be a vibrant rock band experience for local kids culminating in a real rock gig! The aim is to give kids who are already playing music an incredible live experience by playing a professional gig in a band, learning skills from working musos and igniting their musical passion.
Analiese Long
This will be a fully mentored, free program of instruction in a chosen instrument from renowned local musicians: Zac Hurren, Shannon Sol Carrol, OJ Newcomb, Jacob Mann and Andrew Szumowski. Kids will also learn stage craft and performance with a teacher and industry expert. The kids will then form three to four rock bands who will practice together under tutorage and go on to support The Band of Frequencies at their Eumundi gig on 2 December at the
Eumundi School of Arts. SOR intends to create a set list of all Australian songs. We want to foster the idea that Australian musicians don’t have to leave our shores to work and to open the eyes of the community to the talent that is blooming in our midst. The School hopes to boost the amount of students using our very talented local teachers as well. If you aren’t a successful applicant this round, take some lessons and audition again next year! The Eumundi SOR’s mission
is to positively nurture youth culture, reignite musical roots and provide kids with a greater belief in themselves in order to perform in front of their peers. We also hope that by providing a safe environment for kids and families to enjoy music together, we will nurture a more creative community that benefits from living and working in the Sunshine Coast region. This is awesome! Why didn’t anyone do this when I was dutifully practising my piano! Get ready to ROCK kids!
CALLING ALL ROCK KIDS! We need guitarists, bass guitarists, keyboard players, drummers, trumpeters, saxophonists and vocalists. Applicants aged eight – 13 are invited to audition for the 24 scholarship spots with the song: Are you gonna be my girl? by Australian band Jet in the last week of August. Some training is essential. Kids must be living in the 4562, 4561 area, or be attending one of our local schools: Eumundi State School, North Arm State School, Noosa Pengari Steiner School, Noosa District State High School. Download the audition kit and questionnaire. FB: Eumundi School of Rock eumundirockschool@gmail.com or 0467 667 610
Photo: Alain Bouvier
th Sunday 4 r b Septem e
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{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Eumundi Aquatic Centre at dusk. Adrian Williams, Eumundi.
Eumundi lover, Grant Rothwell, Heart Whisperer.
Eerwah Vale hills at dawn. Jeanette Grevett, Eerwah Vale.
NEW PHOTO A SSIGNMENT FOR SPRING! Early fog rolling in at dusk, Emma Finlay, Eerwah Vale.
Please share your spring snaps from the hinterland with us! Send your high resolution photos (1-4MB is perfect) to editor@eumundigreen.com.au along with a short description and where the photo was taken, and we may publish them in the magazine or online.
Arts H I N T E R L A N D A R T I S T S S H O R T L I S T E D F O R A WA R D Two hinterlanders, Jandamarra Cadd and Stefan Dunlop, were among the 40 artists shortlisted for this year’s Sunshine Coast Art Prize (SCAP). This year SCAP received more than 625 entries (up from 340 last year) from across Australia. The award offers a total prize pool of more than $35,000 in three categories. Sunshine Coast Council’s Arts and Heritage Portfolio Cr Rick Baberowski said the growing reputation and increase in prize money had attracted a record number of entries. “We have a thriving art culture here on the Coast and we attract many talented artists to live and visit, so it was exciting to see six Sunshine Coast artists made it through to the list of finalists,” Cr Baberowski said. The Green caught up with our local finalists to find out what the accolade meant to them.
Jandamarra Cadd How did you decide what to paint for your entry? I wanted to create something that showed the joy and radiance of our First Nation youth and how there is a language between the dots as much as there is in the overall artwork. I created this painting in the weeks following our youngest daughter’s birth. The triumphs and tribulations, pushing through those moments of doubt and trusting my creative inspiration is all represented and reflected in my painting Radiance. As a hinterland painter what does local recognition mean? The Sunshine Coast is so rich with creative talent and it’s a wonderful opportunity to showcase that, especially with the local artist’s landscape prize. I travel and exhibit in many places throughout Australia, however the recognition within my local community is so heartwarming for me. I’m also honoured to exhibit alongside incredible local artists. jandamarrasart.com.
Stefan Dunlop How did you decide what to paint for your entry? I never really paint a painting with a particular theme or narrative in mind for a particular exhibition. The works are created and then in the case of a competition, I decide if I think a particular work will suit a particular competition in terms of size, subject matter etc. So the work comes first. As a hinterland painter what does local recognition mean? Oh it’s great, I’m really chuffed because as Stefan’s shortlisted painting mentioned the prize has entitled Stairs. a very high standard. We all need a pat on the back now and then! And it’s nice to get local support. I think the prize gets the balance right between supporting local artists and bringing in national talent. stefandunlop.com.
Jandamarra with his artwork entitled Radiance.
What’s On @
60 Noosa Drive, Noosa Ph 07 5329 6560 Mike McClellan in Concert Mike is regarded as one of the finest singer, songwriter, guitarists Australia has ever produced.
Stefan Dunlop will be one of 10 creatives presenting at the Sunshine Coast Art Gallery/ Creative Alliance’s Pecha Kucha Night with the theme of Vision, on Friday 16 Sept at Caloundra Regional Gallery, 6pm. Pecha Kucha is a forum for creative networking and features presentations from a diverse range of people from across the region. Tickets are $15 ($10 concess) with bookings essential. events.ticketbooth.com.au/event/vision-pecha-kucha-night-19. 11
{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Sat 10 Sept @ 7.30pm Price: $49 Adult/$45 Concess
‘little Red In The Hood’ An old classic with a modern twist...Children and adults of all ages will enjoy this funny, interactive and educational show.
Thur 22 Sept 11am. Prices $15 Adult/$13 Child & Concess
Sound Feast - Free Live Music! This free monthly concert extravaganza features awesome touring bands, the best local acts and an all ages open mic section.
Date: Fri 16 Sept/14 Oct/18 Nov 6pm-11pm
Manhattan Short Film Festival Over 100,000 film lovers across the globe unite for one week for one film festival. Sat 24 Sept @ 7:30pm Price: $18 Adult/$15 Concess
Arj Barker ‘Get In My Head’ Arj Barker is arguably Australia’s favourite American comedian. Catch him for one night only at The J! Date: Sat 15 Oct 7pm. Price: $46.90 Adult/$42.90 Concess No unaccompanied minors - all events
Books DISCOVERING AUSTRALIAN BIRDS Judith Pattison When I gave Where Song Began by Tim Low to my partner - a bird lover with a science background - for Christmas one year, I really never expected to read it myself, assuming it was another “guide to Australian birds” book to add to his collection. However, once I read a few pages, I was hooked. While Low wonderfully describes the loudest, most intelligent and most aggressive birds on the planet, credited with inventing birdsong and shaping forests to feed themselves, this is far more than a book about birds. It’s also a superbly written ecological detective story, describing not only the place of Australia’s birds in the world, but the process behind the science of biogeology (using DNA and fossils: “clocks and rocks”) to overturn long standing assumptions based on what can only be described as northern hemisphere bias. As the introduction states, “Australia has such unusual mammals that they have long cast a shadow
over something of equal distinction, the birds. These stand out in so many different ways – in ecology, behaviour, evolution and biogeography – that we can learn more about Australia from its birds than its mammals.” And unlike these mammals, Australian birds have spread themselves around the planet with more than half the world’s birds, including all its songbirds and parrots and many pigeons with origins in Australia. This story wouldn’t engage the non-scientific reader like myself without Low’s capacity to tell it in such an engaging way. Every page is a revelation. Some of the headings include: “Sugar fuels noise”, “Where the Big Birds Are”, “Aptitude with Attitude” (parrots!), “Life in a Liquid Landscape” and my favourite, “Birds that Kick”. How could you not want to read that? We need more intelligent and readable books like this about our environment, especially now that so much of it is under threat from so many sources. After reading Where Song Began,
Photo: Raoul Slater it’s impossible to see the world immediately around us in the same way. I can see now what keeps the blue-faced honey eaters so focused for weeks at a time on the traveller’s palm in our garden and why they defend it so ferociously! I especially recommend that
you read this book in time for a once off event featuring Tim Low, in conversation with locally based, environmental scientist Henry Nix. Renowned bird photographer Raoul Slater will provide a stunning slide-show, “Personalities of Australian Birds.”
L I T E R A RY L U N C H W I T H GRAEME SIMSION Join author of the international best seller The Rosie Project, Graeme Simsion in conversation with Mary-Lou Stephens, to launch his new novel The Best of Adam Sharp. The luncheon will be held at Noosa Waterfront Restaurant on Thurs 22 Sept, 12pm. Booking and payment essential. noosa.evanced.info.
Health Matters
Women’s Health Services at Ochre Health Eumundi
australian AN EVENING WITH
Friday 26 August, 2016
6:30 - 8:00pm Eumundi School of Arts Hall
Featuring Tim Low, highly regarded biologist and prizewinning author of seven books, including Where Song Began, Australian’s birds and how they changed the world, in conversation with Emeritus Professor Henry Nix AO Environmental scientist and Life Member, former Councillor and President of Birds Australia. “Personalities of Australian birds” a slideshow with Raoul Slater, Australia’s most decorated wildlife photographer and co-author of Glimpses of Australian Birdlife.
For tickets: Online at www.o-tix.com/event/EWAB or from Berkelouw Books
Our female Doctors specialize in a variety of women’s health services including: pap smears, contraception, period problems, menopause, insertion of implanon and IUD (mirena), infection screening, nutritional advice and bowel and bladder problems. If you are a new or existing patient and would like to discuss any of the above health issues with one of our female GP’s, please call to make an appointment. Bookings by appointment 6/2-6 Etheridge St Eumundi P: 5442 8882 • F: 5442 7054 E: eumundi.reception@ochrehealth.com.au
For further information: Contact Judi Pattison judipattison@bigpond.com
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm
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{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Kids S TA N D O U T P E N G A R I F E S T I VA L Eight months into my new role as Principal of Noosa Pengari Steiner School, I find myself very much aware of the blessings I have to count. Of course, simply having the opportunity to move to such a lovely part of the world is one. But I’m thinking more of the excitement of working at Pengari in Doonan. Along with our sister schools in Australia and around the world, we have the privilege to build on the deep foundations laid down almost a century ago by Rudolf Steiner; a methodology based on an insight, unique for its time, into the developmental progress of the growing child, and the need for content and method in teaching to speak directly to each stage of that progression. At Pengari there is the added privilege of working with as dedicated and professional a teaching faculty as one could wish for; clear on the core understandings underpinning Steiner education; open to continually explore new approaches to best express those understandings in today’s world; and always focussed, as
Michael Layden, NPSS Principal
our fundamental orientation, on the students themselves – these students, here and now – to guide the manner of our teaching. Our school is neither very large nor very wealthy; but our campus, tucked away in the bush on Nyell Rd in Doonan, is a delightful learning space for young people and adults alike. Among extensive native plantings and natural bush, the mix of older style and more contemporary buildings mirrors the steady growth and development of Pengari over some twenty years – with more to come as our now established High School develops into maturity.
entertainment including local Darren Percival of The Voice fame. Nurture yourself with our scrumptious healthy organic food, take part in our art and craft, climb the rock wall or join the drumming circle. There will be displays of students’ work, and teachers on hand to provide a glimpse of the unique richness that Steiner methodology brings to learning. Open from 10.00am to 3.00pm. Free parking available on Fellowship Drive with free shuttle buses running all day.
At this time of year, our wonderfully supportive and creative community of families are deeply engaged preparing to welcome the Sunshine Coast community to our annual celebration of the coming Spring. The newly named Pengari Festival promises to be something fun for everyone! Come and join us on Sunday August 28 for our 20th year of “hands on” family fun and live
A reminder to all members of the local community that Napier Rd will be closed between Caplick Way and Albert St from 9am until midnight on Fri 26 August.
{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
No matter what your taste or indulgence it will be truly satisfied at the 20th annual Pengari Festival. FB: Pengari Festival
Hertiage EUMUNDI’S MEMORIAL TREE S T O R I E S Wendy Birrell, Discover Eumundi manager Try to imagine Eumundi’s twenty magnificent Memorial Trees during World War One when they were mere saplings in protective 6ft by 6ft picket fences painted white. Each Memorial Tree in Memorial Dr and Gridley St has a plaque with an inscription denoting a man who died during the First World War. When war broke out, Eumundi had a population of around 500. Almost one in five men went to war, and close to one of those five did not return. This had an immense impact on the township and surrounding district - which for some can still be felt today. The impetus for the planting of the Memorial Trees during and after WWI was provided by the Eumundi Women’s Patriotic Committee with close to £100 raised by public subscription. Many of the trees were planted by a family member such as a father or a brother.
Avenues of trees as memorials are unusual in Queensland particularly where each tree is attributed to a fallen serviceman. As part of the Centenary of ANZAC Discover Eumundi have been researching these stories for almost two years. Local photographer and videographer Leo Wiles has recorded relatives and researchers relating what they know of the men to create twenty poignant short audio visual stories about: where the men came from, who they left behind, and what their war experience was like. On Sunday 28 August at 2pm Discover Eumundi will host the opening of the Trees of Tribute exhibition. All welcome but please RSVP info@discovereumundi.com.
The heritage listed memorial trees are now a landmark within Eumundi and contribute to the aesthetic of the townscape. The trees are an important part of remembrance ceremonies in Eumundi – ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day – and provide an educational opportunity for the local school children who make floral tributes to place at the foot of each tree for ANZAC Day. Many relatives of the twenty men still pay tribute to the fallen and to others who returned from Looking down Memorial Drive in the WW1 by laying wreaths 1920’s shows the young trees encased to remember them. in picket fencing.
Property talk
with Heidi Woodman
DON’T WAIT UNTIL SPRING TO SELL I’ve spoken to quite a few property owners recently that are under the impression Spring is the best time to put their homes on the market. Don’t get me wrong, I understand this line of thinking… the sun is shining, birds are tweeting, flowers are blooming, the gardens look great, maybe we will achieve a better sale price. The trouble with this theory is that everyone else is thinking the same thing… Like all tangible markets, the Real Estate market is governed by supply and demand. Buyers don’t wait until Spring to purchase as they may of had a job transfer, sold their property and need to relocate, or they’ve had enough of the cold weather down south and have decided to make this place more than a winter holiday destination and are looking for a home the whole family will love… The list goes on and on. I’m dealing with buyers who have been looking for 4 months or more. So what happens when there are not enough properties on the market (apart from pesky Real Estate Agents screaming out for listings)? The shortage drives the prices up. On the flip side, when there is a glut of properties, the buyer has more to choose from and the seller has more competition. Instead of five or six interested parties they now only have one or two. It’s a simple case of inventory and stock and supply and demand. Coming onto the market a bit earlier may very well mean coming in ahead of the game and reaping the rewards.
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Tania Watson B.Pharm., MPS, Shop 1, 2-6 Etheridge St Eumundi Tel 5442 8455 • Fax 5442 7077 OPEN 6 DAYS: Mon to Fri 8.30am-5.30pm Sat 8.30am-1.30pm 14
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{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Health PHOBIA UNDERMINES ECZEMA CARE Parents are often reluctant to use topical steroids on their child’s eczema because of fears about their side effects based on evidence from the 60’s. With the recent release of an Australian consensus statement on topical steroid use, there have been calls for a consistent approach to patient advice on the use of topical corticosteroids (TCS) in paediatric eczema. Dr Saxon Smith, a dermatologist at the Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney, said eczema poses a significant burden on families. “We need to make every effort to treat it as quickly as possible,” he said. Up to 30% of Australian children are affected by atopic eczema. Topical corticosteroid therapy remains a mainstay for treatment, as does general skin measures such as soap-free wash, regular moisturisers and cooler baths and showers. Dr Smith stated, “The difficulty is that there is a significant amount of misinformation surrounding TCS and, as a result, patients have a fear of using them.” Eczema, or atopic dermatitis,
is a recurring, non-infectious inflammatory skin condition that usually appears in early childhood and most children outgrow the condition. It presents as red, dry, itchy and scaly skin and in severe cases may weep, bleed and crust over. The condition is most common in people with a family history of an allergic disorder, such as asthma or hay fever. External factors can also play a role and include irritants, such as tobacco smoke, chemicals, temperature, humidity, and allergens such: as dust mites, moulds, grasses, foods, pets, washing powders and toiletries. Dr Smith explained, “TCS medications can be underutilised in children because of common misconceptions about the adverse effects of these medications including skin thinning, hypo-pigmentation and hypertrichosis.” “However, previously published Australian research has demonstrated no evidence of skin thinning when TCS are used in children with eczema under the supervision of their doctor,” Dr Smith shared.
Tania Watson, pharmacist
In addition to seeking advice from your doctor or pharmacist there are a range of self-care strategies that will assist to treat and avoid an eczema outbreak, such as: • Keep skin moist, avoid soap • Wear 100% cotton • Use rubber gloves with cotton liners • Have lukewarm baths and showers using a non-soap cleanser or hypoallergenic bath oil • Gently pat, not rub, skin dry with a soft towel • Apply a moisturiser within three minutes of bathing to lock-in moisture. • When possible, avoid rapid changes of temperature and activities that raise a sweat • Remove carpets & rugs from houses (if possible) and keep pets outside • Ventilate house as often as possible • Avoiding stuffed toys which harbour dust mites • Change bed linen regularly, use dust mite prevention covers • Reduce daily stress
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HEEE G GRRREEEEEEN N 17 6 August July {{{ TTTH H G N 27 20 April July2016 2016 2016
Outdoors B U S H F I R E R I S K A WA R E N E S S W O R K S H O P Duncan Sayers The bushfire season is approaching. Wildfire can occur all year round depending on local conditions, however spring is typically our peak fire season, coinciding with the drying of our landscape following autumn rain. Regular storm events in late spring and summer bring rain to finish it off for us. In theory! So with that in mind, what does this mean for Eumundi and surrounding districts – what is the risk? Government disaster management agencies have put much work into mapping the potential bushfire intensity of regions throughout Queensland. There are significant parts of the Eumundi Brigade area and surrounds that fall into the Very High, High and Moderate Fire Intensity categories. Importantly these areas overlap or are adjacent to Rural Residential zoned areas, potentially putting many homes in the path of a wildfire event. Don’t panic just yet – it probably won’t happen. But responsibility for the mitigation of bushfire risk remains with the owner of the property. And we want
to help you manage that risk. The Eumundi Brigade will be conducting a Bushfire Risk Awareness Workshop at our brigade shed on Napier Rd on 30 August. Gain an understanding of how wildfire spreads through the landscape and how to consider the bushfire fuel load on your property. We will have a discussion on what a “defendable property” is. This is essentially the risk assessment a Fire Brigade will make before committing resources to protect your house from a wildfire, keeping in mind that no property is worth dying for, especially someone else’s. If nothing else, just come and say g’day and find out that we’re not just a bunch of grouchy old pyros – well... most of us. RSVP’s would be great. If you see me about the place or in Berkelouw’s on market days, let me know directly or email eumundi.rfb@gmail.com. Or, just follow Eumundi tradition and rock up unannounced on a whim, coz the Internet is slow and Netflix is buffering too long - we won’t mind really. FB: Eumundi Rural Fire Brigade
Micro world of Eumundi’s sunken garden If you go down to the woods (in Eumundi) today, you’re sure of a great surprise! I’m pretty sure there are fairies living in Eumundi’s Sunken Garden. Check out the massive fairy door on that tree trunk! Look at the delicate fern. Perfect foliage for a fairy to hid under! And those mushrooms, well they make great fairy trampolines! If you don’t believe me, grab the kids and go and see for yourself. As we remove more weeds from around this garden we are discovering some pretty cool things. Insects, spiders, fungi, tiny little natives, hidey holes and of course traces of fairies. I tell you this place is magical! I think a spotlight trip there one night will reveal some interesting things (maybe even some interesting humans too!). We are greeted at every working bee with the beautiful singing voices of the Butcher Birds. Sometimes Kookaburras. There are traces of wallabies and possibly gliders. Many butterflies flit this way and that. It is amazingly peaceful and quiet as you sit and listen. A place for contemplation. Recharge the batteries (No not your device! Your soul!). We recently had a tree planting at the Sunken Gardens – a massive thank you to Kim Morris for her amazing organisation of the event!
N AT I O N A L T R E E D AY The Eumundi Bushcare Group held a fantastic National Tree Day event on July 31st. We had thirty volunteers to the Eumundi Sunken garden site to assist in the planting of 350 native shrub, trees and ground covers and vines! A big thank you to everyone involved. There was a lovely community vibe with many volunteers planting over twenty tubes each and the kids all loving the job of watering with lots of running around playing and laughing. A thank you to local Peter Bland for donating two Planchonella Eerwah specimens for our
Kim Morris Bushland Conservation Management
bushland site. These shiny leaved Condoo’s are considered rare and endangered with limited distribution, so it is a pleasure to have them planted locally on our site. We also planted quite a few Pararistolochia praevenosa, The Richmond bird wing butterfly vine, which will in time help support the beautiful Richmond bird wing butterfly species numbers.
enjoy watching your local gliders utilise your new box! We plan on holding this wonderful community event again next year so hope to see you there!
The Eumundi Bushcare Group will continue to water and maintain this revegetation project. Congratulations to the winner of the Squirrel Glider nest box, Cameron Dodd. We hope you 16
{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
The next Eumundi Bushcare Group working bee will be 28 August, 9.30am to 12pm. Morning tea provided.
N atu re N otes EARWIGS
Kon Hepers
Every so often we wake up to the ear-piercing scream of our smoke alarm. We are not at our best at 2am so after determining that there isn’t a fire, we just wait for the noise to stop. We’ve had the hardwiring checked and replace the battery regularly so the cause of the alarm going off seemed a mystery... until a few weeks ago. For once the alarm was activated in late afternoon so using a ladder we were able to discover the culprits – small insects crawling in and out of the housing. From the pronglike pincers at the rear of the abdomen (they are called “forceps” and are used for attack and defence) we knew they were earwigs. Although small, they have a bit of a reputation with the belief that they invade our ears while we sleep and cause mischief in there. In fact, the name “earwig” is commonly thought to be derived from this notion. But that is not correct. Firstly, they do not invade our ears and secondly the name relates to the wings of these insects. They have two pairs of wings: the first pair, called elytra, are short and hard and protect the delicate hindwings which are folded up under the forewings. When unfolded, the hindwings closely resemble a human ear, giving them the name “earwing”, now “earwig”. Australia has over eighty species which all look pretty much alike. They have long, flattened bodies, giving them access to cracks in walls, closed cupboards, wardrobes, air conditioners and, as in our case, smoke alarms. The main domestic ‘invaders” are the native “Common Brown Earwig” Labidura truncata at about 30mm and an introduced species Forficula auriculata at up to 15mm. The Museum of Victoria and Sydney University are in the process of identifying what our species is. Outdoors the native earwigs favour a moist environment such as under debris and leaf litter where they forage for small arthropods and
Image of T. colossea courtesy Ken Walker, Museum of Victoria.
We asked Helen Hepburn if she could help with an image of one of the small species. She did better than that by catching a live one for us to photograph. Helen said they are amazingly quick and a few escaped after during and after capture. vegetative matter, this is also where they lay their eggs and rear the young. Mother even licks the eggs to prevent them going mouldy. By coincidence, just when we began being aware of earwigs, we turned over a small log and found an earwig underneath. It was many times larger than the little house intruders and very quick, so we couldn’t catch it for a photograph but it was more than half a little finger, perhaps 50 mm long. We identified it as the native Colossus Earwig, Titanolabis colossea. Despite frequent searching, we have not found one again. Maybe just as well – those solid forceps are capable of drawing blood! There is an interesting aspect to this find: a couple of years ago, the world’s largest earwig, the Hercules Earwig, Labidura herculeana, known only from St. Helena Island in the Atlantic (where Napoleon was in exile), was declared extinct in July 2014. It was up to 85mm in length, much larger than our native giant. Does this extinction now make our T. colossea the world’s largest earwig? 17
Eumundi Rural Fire Brigade
You are invited to
Bushfire Risk Awareness Workshop Tuesday 30th August 7pm at the Fire Brigade Shed, Napier Rd
Understand the bushfire risk in Eumundi and surrounding districts Introduction to assessing bushfire fuel load around your property Learn about the factors that contribute to bushfire intensity Is your property defendable from bushfire?
What steps can you take to prepare for the fire season Understand the decisions you might have to make if a bushfire threatens your property.
RSVP: Duncan Sayers, 1st Officer EMAIL: eumundi.rfb@gmail.com SMS: 0402 321 526
{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
Letters What you’re saying on Facebook … Change to speed on Eumundi Kenilworth Rd
COM MIT TEE CAL LS FOR HOS PICE BOA RD STE P-D OW N The recently formed Katie Rose Cottage Comm ittee has called on the board of Sunshine Hospice to voluntarily step down and allow a caretaker management team manage the charit y, recru it and appoint a new board and re-open Katie Rose Cottage at Doonan for the entire Sunshine Coast comm unity. The current board has lost the support of a large number of its financial members, a large major ity of its volunteers, who have resigned and walke d out of the op-shops, and most definitely the Coast community, from which it continues to ask for funds. The committee now has over 1000 signatures on an on line petition and more than 750 on a hard copy petition, calling for the board to step down. Katie Rose Cottage can re-open: under a new management team with the correct skill set, with prudent and effec tive financial management, with funding from the op-shops, with a better struct ured fundraising plan and with a model more close ly aligned with the cost effec tive original mode l implemented by the co-founders, with regist ered and qualified staff, both paid and volunteers provi ding the qualit y of care 24/7 that is the ‘ethos’ and ‘essence’ of what the community wants and believes it is supporting! It is clear the current board has lost sight of its original purpose and is not listening to the community. To support the committee’s petiti on go to “Re-Open Katie Rose Cottage at change.org . Carol Raye, spokesperson for Katie Rose Cotta ge Committee, Peregian.
The speed limit on an additional 10.2km of the Eumundi Kenilworth Rd will be reduced from the maximum 100kph to 80kph from October. Shane Cashen: From a bloke that lives inside the affected zone reduction, this is good news. Count the access roads from Browns Creek Rd to Cedar Creek Rd, all this traffic turn onto a 100km road, or off onto side roads, continually with quarry trucks and tailgaters hounding them from a stop start. It’s not a highway, the additional 6km reduction will take someone 90 seconds longer to drive through it. Classic example of what community wanted community received. I’ve found most that are complaining are the ones not living in the affected area. Many will drive the way they do now once 80km is enforced, but a $353+ ticket will slow them up fairly quick smart. Sarah Hillhouse: Bring it down to 80km! We have been bullied by trucks up our bum for way too
long. I have been pushed into the opposite lane to turn down Pearce Rd too many times. Cameron Mitchelhill: No need for this, there is nothing wrong with this road the way it is. And it is OK to travel at lower speeds unless it is unduly obstructive. Andrew Hillhouse: Should be 80 from Browns Creek Rd to the bridge to Eumundi Jessie Porter: As someone who lives in the affected area, for the last 20 years or so, I can say I’m not very happy about the reduction of the speed limit, but as this is the first I am hearing about it I guess not much can be done. Robyn Chapman: As someone who also lives in the affected area I am very pleased about it. We live on a blind corner and leaving our property/entering the road is hazardous at best with trucks bearing down at 100kph. If you travel the whole distance we are only talking another 2 minutes which is not much time from your life to make everyone a bit safer. Andrew Stabilo Boss: Nanny State.
AUG Community Calendar MON
1 Eumundi Playgroup 9-11am
8 Eumundi Playgroup 9-11am EDCA meeting, Joe’s, 7pm 15
Eumundi Playgroup 9-11am
2 CWA craft morning Eumundi volunteer fire fighters, 7pm
North Arm SS P&C, 6.30pm CWA meeting, 10am
16 CWA craft morning Eumundi SS P&C, 7pm
11 Rotary Club, CWA Hall, 6pm
World Cinema, 6.45pm
Belli Hall’s Old-Time Dance, 7.30pm, 1170 Kenilworth Rd
Community Garden, Imperial, 5.30pm
Rotary Club, CWA Hall, 6pm
Rotary Club, CWA Hall, 6pm
Rotary Club, CWA Hall, 6pm
Eumundi Playgroup 9-11am
Eumundi Playgroup 9-11am
CWA annual meeting
26 ECC
meeting, 7.15am Community Garden, Imperial, 5.30pm
Verrierdale volunteer fire brigade, 2pm
Eumundi Bushcare, 9.30am Kids bookclub, 11am, Berkelouw Books
Content deadline Mondays
School holidays
Advertising deadline Tuesday
Public holidays
Circulation dates
Market days
{ T H E G R E E N 17 August 2016
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19 { Directory T H E G R E E N 17 August To advertise in the Green visit2016eumundigreen.com.au
PO Box 61 Eumundi QLD 4562 2/84 Memorial Drive Eumundi QLD 4562 Phone: 07 5442 8333 Fax: 07 5442 8899
This seriously big home (4 beds + study) has lots of potential to create your dream lifestyle. Soaring ceilings and spacious living areas plus sunken media room with open fireplace. The master bedroom has a massive walk in robe and ensuite with spa bath. 4 car garage plus carport. Sustainable living includes 5.2Kw solar power.
This Queenslander style home is beautifully presented with wrap around verandah, rich timber floors, high ceilings and detailed breezeways. 3 bed ensuite upstairs plus self contained guest accommodation under. Suit AirBnB or extended family. Set on 3 acres with picturesque dam, fruit and veggie garden, kangaroos and abundant birdlife!
Versatility and uniqueness abound in this European style mansion. With six large bedrooms, four bathrooms and three living areas there is ample opportunity to tailor this home to your needs. Set on 1.38 acres with award winning pool your lifestyle is complete! Currently licensed as a luxury Bed & Breakfast you can have an income or simply enjoy this magnificent home.
Carol Dolan
m. 0412 062 882
Carol Dolan
m. 0412 062 882
Adam Kuczynski
0407 596 547
PRICE REDUCED! High above the tree tops sits this 3 bedroom home on a lush 80 acre block backing onto State Forest. Large wrap around verandahs capture views of rolling hills and bushland. Features include open plan lounge dining area, polished timber floors, double carport and potential rumpus or granny flat downstairs.
Peaceful and private vacant building block offers the combination of cleared useable land and a leafy outlook. One of the few blocks in the area that a slab home can be built on. Soil test and plans all ready to go, otherwise design your own and take advantage of this prime location. Escape the hustle and bustle and enjoy the tree change. Located only a short drive to the beach or Eumundi.
A large 4 bed family home with full length verandah and superb views. The land is fully cleared apart from a few shade trees and fenced into 5 paddocks. There are 3 dams on the property all with good catchment and one is spring fed. A separate American style barn with shower, toilet and adjoining stable area could be converted for extra guests.
Adam Kuczynski
0407 596 547
Adam Kuczynski
0407 596 547
Email: nhrsales@bigpond.com
Adam Kuczynski
0407 596 547