EISB JOURNAL September 2022

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Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community

Welcome back!

Hoping you had a happy summer vacation, I welcome you to the new school year 2022 2023

This year a significant number of new students from many different nationalities have joined us I am confident that they will feel at home and be supported by all in our community

We are beginning this school year with great enthusiasm and excitement, as we will soon resume activities, projects, trips and exchanges that we were unable to carry out during the last two years due to the pandemic Through the EISB Journal we will share photos and experiences to allow you to be part of each event

Have a happy school year! A message from our Director Remember that... General Director Talks EISB Inspiring EISB Health The RECIPE, please! EISB Community EISB Team REMEMBER THAT... NEWS & CONTENT SEPTEMBER 2022 HOLIDAYS: 12, 31 October & 1November AWAKE OUTDOOR CAMPS: Secondary 5 7 October SPORTS TEAMS PRESENTATION 14 October HALLOWEEN 28 October ERASMUS + Stambul Baccalaureate Y1, 16 22 Oct. HOUSE POINTS CEREMONY: 2 November REGULAR SUMMER UNIFORM 3 October WINTER UNIFORM 2 November

Thank you EISB Community!

Querida comunidad, el curso pasado, con motivo de nuestro 25º aniversario, quisimos acercar la celebración a todos los que formamos parte de EISB Este era nuestro objetivo y gracias a todos, alumnos, padres, profesores y staff, lo conseguimos

Nos sentimos orgullosos de haber llegado hasta aquí y nos ilusiona poder compartir con vosotros, ahora, algunos de esos recuerdos

Proud to be EISB!

21 d

EISB Inspiring



We are pleased to share how the installation of the solar panels on the school roof and sports pavilion has turned out

In order to make the most of solar energy, 496 solar panels were installed this summer

At EISB we are committed towards using renewable energies to reduce electricity and gas consumption (thanks to the surpluses we will be able to heat the swimming pools) Our goal is to be energetically self sufficient and to continue to be the flag bearer of our Green Flag School

invite you to watch the aerial video on

Instagram account:

https://www instagram com/reel/CjBYFH QoYin/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D

EISB Health School Nurse

In our multicultural society that is constantly evolving, children and teenagers have unique and specific health needs that can sometimes be difficult to understand or adress for parents and teachers without the support of healthcare professionals

School is an important part of our youths’ lives It is where they socialise and acquire new skills and is the ideal place to promote and implement healthy lifestyles that they can continue for the rest of their lives and have an impact on the community

For this reason, the role of the school nurse becomes essential in the educational environment and our objectives and field of expertise go beyond taking care of, and attending to, accidents and emergencies Nurses are experienced and qualified health professionals who also help in preventing and promoting health, taking into consideration the characteristics of each family and the social environment.

Our objective as a school is to achieve and promote optimal health for everyone One of the nurse’s responsibilities is to empower and teach the children how to look after themselves so they gain autonomy as they grow up.

As a school nurse at EISB I work within a multidisciplinary team and some of my responsibilities and roles are the following:

Attend to school emergencies and accidents that occur to both pupils and staff, keep a record of, and administer, medications as prescribed

Work closely with the psychopedagogy department to track students and ensure their emotional and psychological needs are addressed and met

Oversee students’ allergies and health requirements and coordinate with the head chef and nutritionist to create the different school menus Collaborate with Salut Publica and external partners to integrate health plans, monitor infectious diseases, coordinate talks and check ups for students Cooperate with the teaching staff to integrate healthy habits and plan health educational activities for the school community

My aim as a school nurse is to always be open and supportive to students, their families and the educational team in order to empower and allow everyone to achieve their potential and to feel safe, secure and healthy while doing so.


The RECIPE, please!


¡Qué contentos estamos en el departamento de Cocina y Nutrición de cómo ha empezado este curso!

Es realmente gratificante pasear por los comedores, ver a los alumnos disfrutar con la comida y recibir su pulgar hacia arriba y su sonrisa No hay mejor indicativo de que vamos por buen camino y ¡nos llena de ilusión!

A partir de este curso escolar para la celebración de los cumpleaños en la clase existe la posibilidad de escoger entre 4 tipos de bizcocho:

bizcocho chocolateado bizcocho clásico bizcocho chocolateado sin gluten, ni lactosa, ni frutos secos bizcocho clásico sin gluten, ni lactosa, ni frutos secos

Cualquiera de las 4 opciones puede ir o no glaseada con azúcar A menos que nos digáis lo contrario, decoramos la mitad del bizcocho y así hay para todos los gustos

Compartimos con vosotros la receta de la novedad: el bizcocho chocolateado libre de alérgenos (únicamente contiene huevo, por razones de emulsión) La receta es para 8 personas (debéis tener en cuenta que puede variar en función de la harina que uséis):

6 huevos M

100 gr de azúcar

45 gr de cacao en polvo (mín. 72%)

25 gr levadura

330 gr de harina sin gluten (nosotros usamos un preparado para repostería sin gluten y eco)

1 trozo de papel de horno

1 2 3 4. 5 6



Despuésseguimosmontandoavelocidadlentayespolvoreamoslaharinasinglutenmezcladaconlalevadurayel cacaopocoapoco,sinprisa,paraquelamezclapierdaelmínimovolumenposible.








Aquest curs, les EISB

han començat amb molta força Com cada any, el nostre departament d'extraescolars ofereix una gran varietat d'activitats esportives, artístiques i tallers diferents, per a totes les edats.

Com a novetat, destaquem el taller de Design Thinking per a Primary (els divendres al migdia), on els alumnes poden desenvolupar la capacitat d'innovar mitjançant activitats lúdiques

El nostre EISB Chess Club continua creixent, i en sumem tres grups més! Ja podem practicar aquest esport a la tarda o bé en horari de migdia

També enguany, els alumnes de Secondary poden continuar aprenent i gaudint de l'activitat d'Arts & Craft en horari de tarda, els dimarts de 17h a 19h Aviat veurem exposades les seves creacions artístiques!



Laura Martínez

I’m Laura Martínez and this is my second year teaching at EISB as a member of the Science Department

My Bachelor's degree is in Biological Sciences, my Masters in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and I have Qualified Teacher Status by the University of Hertfordshire.

I love teaching problem solving skills particularly, D.O.R.S, mnemonics; useful tips to simplify and scaffold the thinking process.

I find brainstorming very enjoyable because it enables me the chance to hear my pupils' thoughts regarding life situations and while it’s a fun exercise, it raises creative ideas as well as reveals misconceptions. Investigations in the lab are always memorable!

Animal behaviour and psychology fascinate me and I enjoy reading thrillers and suspense novels, particularly those that engage you until the end of the story.

If I had to recommend something, I would advise my students that, prior to an exam, "Read each question conscientiously before answering"

European International School of Barcelona Avda. Pla del Vinyet 110 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona. Spain T. +34 93 589 84 20 Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn www.eisbarcelona.com Send your comments and suggestions to: communications@eisbarcelona.com EISB TEAM - Ms.
ScienceTeacher ByCommunicationsDepartment EISB
extracurricular activities
recordem que podeu veure tota la nostra oferta d'activitats extraescolars en aquest enllaç
a inscriure us o sol licitar ne més informació podeu enviar un correu electrònic a extracurricular@eisbarcelona com

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