Widerangeand flexibilityinthechoice ofsubjects
Seminarstructure smallgroups.
Globalmindsetinternationalprojects: MUNErasmus+ISSA sportstournaments
PossibilityoftakingtheIB programmeexclusivelyin English,Spanishorinboth languages.
Rotatingtimetabletosuitthe programme
Personalisedattentionto students.
InternationalCommunity ServiceProgramme(Kenya)
We achieve this through a holistic and human-centred approach to both learning and teaching.
Our educational methods emphasise empathy, inclusivity, and a global perspective that knows no bounds.
We continually embrace innovative teaching approaches that empower our students to not only acquire skills and knowledge but also to become individuals of resilient character.
Extracurricularsubjectsof German,French,Chineseand CambridgeExamsPreparation.
GreenCommitteeProgramme EcoSchool.

Our aim is to inspire inquiring, knowledgeable, and compassionate young individuals who are committed to creating a better and more peaceful world. We instil in our students a profound understanding of intercultural respect and cooperation.
Our vision is to nurture lifelong learners who are not just active in their communities but who also make a lasting impact on them.
By fostering these qualities, we contribute to a more harmonious and inclusive global society.
EISBisacandidateschool*fortheDiplomaProgramme.ThisschoolispursuingauthorisationasanIBWorldSchool.IBWorldSchoolssharea commonphilosophy-acommitmenttohigh-quality,challenging,internationaleducation-thatwebelieveisimportantforourstudents. ForfurtherinformationabouttheIBanditsprogrammesvisithttp://www.ibo.org.Inthecomingmonths,wewillbeholdingaseriesofevents toinformfamiliesinmoredetailaboutthisexcitingdevelopment.
* Only schools authorised by the IB
(MYP), the
(DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee thatauthorisationwillbegranted. www.eisbarcelona.com

We believe in cultivating the minds and hearts of our students, fostering a deep sense of purpose and responsibility.