A message from our Director
Let's Celebrate
EISB Inspiring
EISB Community
Remember that...
The RECIPE, please!
HOLIDAYS: 6 & 8 December
From 22 December to 7 January Return: 8 January
From 11 to 22 December at 4:30pm
OPERACIÓN KILO Y JUGUETE: From 9 to 18 December
CHRISTMAS MASS: 19 December at 4pm
LAST DAY OF TERM: 20 December
WINTER CAMP: 23,24,30,31 December & 2,3 January
Building Character and Community: The Role of Music in EISB’s Vision
By Mr. Mike Barrett. Director
Music is woven deeply into our educational philosophy, and through it, we not only celebrate special occasions, but also to enrich various school events, adding joy and atmosphere
Beyond performances and festivals, our commitment to music extends into both the curriculum and extracurricular activities From dance lessons and choir practice to opportunities to learn a range of instruments, we aim to foster a love for music that encourages our students to explore their talents At EISB, music transcends the traditional subject; it's a journey of self-discovery and a foundation for building essential values Through it, we teach freedom, coexistence, tolerance, and inclusion We encourage our students to appreciate diversity, build friendships, and express creativity Our musical activities also foster discipline, responsibility, commitment, and critical thinking, all key components of personal growth
With our sights set on the future, we support students in every step, from embracing challenges to developing critical thinking By immersing them in music, we inspire students to embrace responsibility, develop discipline, and approach each day with creativity, respect, and a sense of purpose
Let’s celebrate Halloween & Castanyada Party at EISB
By Communications Department
On October 31st, EISB came alive with Halloween spirit as students and teachers transformed the school for one of the most exciting events of the year! The hallways and classrooms were decorated with handmade crafts, creating an eerie yet festive atmosphere that set the stage for a day of fun and creativity
Students arrived dressed in a mix of scary, playful, and imaginative costumes, eager to dive into the day’s activities From themed games to team competitions, the entire school was filled with laughter and excitement
The celebration also featured a charity sale with homemade cakes and warm hot chocolate, a perfect treat to enjoy while dancing and listening to lively music that kept everyone’s spirits high Our youngest students in Nursery and Infant School had a special moment with Grandma Castanyera, who shared roasted chestnuts with them, adding a touch of tradition and warmth to the festivities
For the first time, parents joined in the fun by dressing up alongside their children, creating an even more festive and joyful atmosphere and bringing an extra level of excitement to the event with costumes that made for memorable photos and added to the shared community spirit
A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who helped make this celebration unforgettable! We would like to make a special mention of two students, Nicolas Barcelo (SY2) and Marc Albert (SY3), who acted as speakers by announcing the timeline of events throughout the party for all attendees to keep track of all scheduled activities.
We also extend our gratitude to the families who contributed cakes for the charity sale, and to the students in EISB’s Community Service program for organizing this meaningful event All proceeds will go toward our ongoing project in Chazon Africa, supporting a cause close to our hearts
Let’s celebrate Halloween & Castanyada Party at EISB
By Communications Department
Let’s celebrate Halloween & Castanyada Party at EISB
By Communications Department
Let’s celebrate ISSA Football Tournament
By Mr Toni Olivares Sport Coordinator
From November 6 to 9, our school teams participated in the annual ISSA Football Tournament, showcasing their dedication and skills The girls' teams traveled to Rome, while the boys' teams competed in Madrid, joining schools from across the region to play for the ISSA Cup This was an incredible opportunity for both teams to compete, challenge themselves, and represent our school on the field
Throughout the tournament, our players demonstrated resilience, teamwork, and sportsmanship, pushing themselves in every match While we didn't reach the top positions in either category this year, the teams' hard work and positive attitude were inspiring Their journey, filled with challenging games and unforgettable moments, is a testament to their talent and determination
Looking ahead, we encourage our teams to keep their spirits high, continue to practice, and come back stronger next year A big thank you to our players for their dedication and efforts We are proud of you, and the whole school community will be cheering for you again next season!
Let’s celebrate ISSA Football Tournament
By Mr Toni Olivares Sport Coordinator
Let’s celebrate Cross Sant Cugat 2024
By Mr Toni Olivares Sport Coordinator
On November 10th, our students proudly represented EISB at the 26th Cros Ciutat de Sant Cugat in Parc de la Pollancreda In this annual cross-country event, 230 EISB runners competed in various distances according to their age, showcasing not only their athletic abilities but also an inspiring sense of community and sportsmanship
Participating in events like this allows our students to embrace physical activity, friendly competition, and essential values that extend far beyond the finish line This race highlighted the importance of effort, perseverance, and teamwork, which are qualities at the heart of our school’s commitment to holistic student development
We extend special recognition to one of our runners Mar Soria, who was a finalist in the “Girls born in 2012 category”
Congratulations to all participants for their dedication and determination A heartfelt thank you goes out to our PE teachers, whose support and motivation help our students achieve new heights in sports and well-being!
Let’s celebrate Cross Sant Cugat 2024
By Mr Toni Olivares Sport Coordinator
Let’s celebrate Cross Sant Cugat 2024
By Mr Toni Olivares Sport Coordinator
Let’s celebrate
Science week
By Ms Elena Murray, Head of Science Department
This year’s Science Week at our school highlighted the critical theme of "Ethics in Science and Technology," encouraging students from all grades to explore science with a focus on responsibility and sustainability Through activities designed for each level, students engaged in hands-on projects, experiments, and inspiring talks that emphasized the importance of ethical considerations in scientific advancements
Our youngest students explored environmental themes with ageappropriate experiments. N1 learned about light and shadows, while N2 experimented with wind energy. FY1-FY3 studied natural resources and recycling, learning how everyday choices impact the planet Older primary students (Y4-Y6) took on more complex topics, from understanding natural disasters to exploring ethical food production and plant genetics
Secondary students participated in science olympiads, recycling workshops, and insightful lectures Ms Sara Tomas shared her expertise on climate change and renewable energy, and Y4 students experimented with creating bioplastics as a sustainable solution Additionally, a MasterClass by Harbour Space University introduced students to coding, AI, and their potential roles in addressing global challenges
Older students had the chance to connect with alumni like Dr Meritxell Serra and Dr Simona della Valle, who shared their research on nanobots in cancer treatment and sustainable biomanufacturing, respectively These talks not only showcased cutting-edge science but also underscored the ethical implications of technological progress
Science Week 2024 ignited a passion for science in our students, inspiring them to explore the world with responsibility and curiosity We can't wait to see what scientific wonders they uncover in the coming year!
Science week
By Ms Elena Murray, Head of Science Department
Science week
By Ms Elena Murray, Head of Science Department
Let’s celebrate
Santa Cecília
By Communications Department
El passat 22 de novembre, el nostre col legi va celebrar Santa Cecília, patrona de la música, amb un dia replet d’alegria, ritme i activitats especials que van omplir d’art cada racó del centre Gràcies al suport i la dedicació dels professors de música, els alumnes de totes les estapes educatives van poder gaudir d’aquesta festivitat tan especial que tenia la música com a gran protagonista
Durant els patis, la música va envair el hall! Amb el suport de Ms Christabel Jackson, els alumnes de l'Escola de Música, PY3, PY4 i l'International Homeroom van oferir concerts per a la resta de companys i professors A més, les classes obertes van ser una oportunitat perquè els pares visquessin de prop l'aprenentatge musical dels seus fills i reforcessin el vincle amb l'escola
El dijous, el teatre va acollir una animada sessió de Rock&Pop, a càrrec d’alumnes i professors de música moderna com Mr Martin Acosta, Mr Claes Magnet i Mr Pere Gómez, que van captivar l’audiència
Divendres al matí, els alumnes de PY1 i PY2 van oferir un concert molt especial al teatre, on van tenir l’oportunitat de tocar i experimentar amb instruments com el violoncel, la guitarra i el violí, guiats pels professors. La setmana va culminar amb una emotiva actuació de la coral de PY5 i PY6, que va omplir de música i emocions les escales principals del col legi. Sota la direcció de Ms. Beatriz Llamas, van interpretar un repertori de cançons clàssiques i modernes que va captivar el públic i va despertar uns merescuts aplaudiments
Aquesta setmana de Santa Cecília ha estat una celebració memorable que, gràcies al Departament de Música, ha inspirat i reforçat l’amor per la música en tots els alumnes Hem pogut comprovar, un cop més, que la música és una font inesgotable d’inspiració i superació a la nostra comunitat
Let’s celebrate
Santa Cecília
By Communications Department
Operación Kilo y Juguete
By Communications Department
From 9th to 18th December 2024
Del 09 al 18 de diciembre de 2024
Del 09 al 18 de desembre del 2024
Food / comida / menjar:
N1,N2: Traditional Spanish sweets / Turrón, barquillos, polvorones / Torrons, neules, polvorons
Infant School:
FY1, FY2, FY3: Traditional Spanish sweets / Turrón, barquillos, polvorones / Torrons, neules, polvorons
Y1, Y2: Biscuits and milk / Galletas y leche / Galetes i llet
Y3, Y4: Jars of cooked pulses and tomato sauce / Legumbres cocidas y tomate frito / Llegums cuits i tomàquet fregit
Y5, Y6: Olive oil (1l bottles) / Aceite (botellas de 1 litro) / Oli (ampolles d’1 litre)
Secondary & Baccaulerate:
Secondary Y1: Children’s food (baby cereals, breakfast cereals, jars of baby food )/ Alimentos Infantiles (Papillas, cereales, cacao en polvo, potitos )/ Aliments Infantils (Farinetes, cereals, potets )
Secondary Y2: Tinned goods (paté, tuna, pack of 3) /Packs de 3 latas de conserva (paté, atún, )/ Packs de 3 llaunes de conserves (paté, tonyina, )
Secondary Y3: Jars of cooked pulses and tomato sauce / Legumbres cocidas y tomate frito / Llegums cuits i tomàquet fregit
Secondary Y4: Olive oil (1l bottles) / Aceite (botellas de 1 litro) / Oli (ampolles d’1 litre)
Bacc Y1: Tinned goods (paté, tuna in pack of 3) /Latas de conserva (paté, atún en pack de 3)/ Llaunes de conserves (paté, tonyina en pack de 3)
Bacc Y2: Children’s food (baby cereals, breakfast cereals, powdered chocolate, jars of baby food )/ Alimentos Infantiles (Papillas, cereales, cacao en polvo, potitos )/ Aliments Infantils (Papillas, cereales, cacao en polvo, potitos )
IB & AHS: Vacuum-packed sausages (ham, salami, cheese ) / Embutido envasado al vacío (jamón york, salami, queso ) / Embotit envasat al buit (pernil dolç, salami, formatge )
Toys and books / juguetes y libros / joguines i llibres
New and unwrapped / Nuevos y sin envolver / Noves i sense embolicar
Guide: Sustainable Festive Decorations for Your Home
By Mr Emilio and Mr Luke (EISB Green Commission)
As the festive season approaches, the EISB Green Commission invites all families to make this holidays a sustainable one By embracing eco-friendly decorations, we can reduce waste, spark creativity, and teach our children the importance of protecting the planet, all while celebrating the magic of the holidays
Here are some inspiring ideas to fill your home with sustainable festive cheer:
Bring Nature Indoors
From dried leaves to pine outdoors offers endless p designs
Craft stars or snowflakes together with string or twin
Assemble pinecones, everg leaves into stunning wreath
Add dried orange slices o festive aroma and extra cha
Upcycle Paper and Fabric
Turn old household materials into beautiful decorations, reducing waste and adding a personal touch to your home
Make colorful paper chains or origami ornaments from old newspapers and magazines
Use scrap fabric to create bunting, ornaments, or even tree toppers, decorating them with non-toxic markers or paints
Transform cardboard from cereal boxes or packaging into festive shapes like stars, bells, or trees
EISB Inspiring
Guide: Sustainable Christmas Decorations for Your Home
By Mr Emilio and Mr Luke (EISB Green Commission)
Create Reusable Decorations
Think beyond single-use! By designing decorations that can be stored and reused, you’ll be contributing to a greener future
Paint and embellish bottle caps or jar lids to make unique ornaments
Build your own collection of durable decorations that can be reused year after year
Tips for a Greener Holiday at Home
Reuse First: look around your home for materials that can be repurposed before buying anything new
Choose Natural: biodegradable or compostable materials are kind to the planet and beautiful in your decor
Opt for LED Lights: energy-efficient lighting saves electricity and keeps your decorations sparkling
Involve Your Family: turn decoration-making into a fun family activity! This not only brings everyone together but also teaches children valuable lessons about sustainability
By incorporating these practices into your holiday traditions, we can all enjoy a festive season that celebrates both joy and environmental care. Together, let’s create a holiday season that’s kind to the planet and full of meaning for future generations.
Wishing you a merry, sustainable Holidays from the EISB Green Commission!
EISB Community
CAS: Participación en “el Gran Recapte”
By Iratxe Marcos, Community Service Coordinator
El pasado viernes 22 de noviembre, los estudiantes del IB se sumaron al “Gran Recapte d'Aliments” en Sant Cugat, un evento solidario organizado por el Banc d'Aliments con el objetivo de recolectar alimentos para las familias más necesitadas de Cataluña, así como para los afectados por la reciente DANA
Distribuidos entre cuatro supermercados de la ciudad, los alumnos desempeñaron un papel fundamental en la campaña Con entusiasmo y compromiso, informaron a los clientes sobre la iniciativa, organizaron las donaciones y animaron a la comunidad a colaborar, contribuyendo activamente a mejorar la vida de quienes más lo necesitan
El Programa CAS: Aprender Más Allá del Aula
Esta actividad se incluye dentro del programa CAS (Creatividad, Actividad y Servicio), uno de los pilares esenciales del Bachillerato Internacional. A lo largo de los 18 meses que dura el programa, los estudiantes realizan actividades en tres áreas:
Creatividad: fomentar el pensamiento innovador a través de actividades como pintura, cocina, música o nuevos idiomas
Actividad: promover el bienestar físico mediante deportes y actividades al aire libre
Servicio: participar en proyectos de voluntariado para apoyar a la comunidad local o global
“El Gran Recapte” se alineó perfectamente con la categoría de Servicio, permitiendo a los estudiantes aplicar valores como la empatía, el trabajo en equipo y el compromiso social en un entorno real
Felicidades a todos los participantes por su esfuerzo y dedicación Su ejemplo no solo beneficia a quienes reciben esta ayuda, sino que también inspira a toda la comunidad escolar ¡Gracias por vuestra sol
Taller de Fomento de la Lectura
By Communications department
El miércoles 23 de octubre de 2024 tuvo lugar, en el colegio, una enriquecedora charla sobre la importancia de fomentar la lectura entre nuestros estudiantes Este evento se enmarca dentro de un programa de fomento de la lectura impulsado por el colegio, con el fin de consolidar este hábito tanto en el entorno académico como familiar, considerándolo esencial para el desarrollo integral de nuestros alumnos
En el contexto actual, donde las redes sociales, los videojuegos y la inteligencia artificial ocupan gran parte del tiempo de ocio de los jóvenes, vemos la lectura como un pilar esencial sobre el que se apoyan habilidades como el pensamiento crítico, la empatía y la creatividad En esta era de rápidos avances tecnológicos, fortalecer las inteligencias naturales de nuestros estudiantes es, más que nunca, una necesidad para su éxito y bienestar futuro
La charla fue impartida por dos destacados miembros de nuestro colegio: Mr. Víctor González, coordinador de Secondary Year 1 y Year 2 y especialista en Psicología Cognitiva, y Mr. Germán Cánovas, coordinador del Departamento de Castellano y tutor de Bachillerato, experto en literatura juvenil y fomento de la lectura A lo largo de sus intervenciones, ambos ponentes expusieron la importancia de la lectura para el desarrollo intelectual y emocional de los jóvenes y ofrecieron ideas prácticas para cultivar este hábito en los entornos familiar y escolar
Se presentaron iniciativas para fomentar el gusto por la lectura, especialmente en alumnos que están consolidando su lectura autónoma Además, se ofrecieron recomendaciones a las familias para hacer de la lectura una experiencia agradable La sesión finalizó con un espacio de preguntas y reflexión, generando un diálogo constructivo sobre la importancia de la lectura en la vida de los jóvenes
Agradecemos a todos los asistentes por hacer de esta charla un evento significativo para la comunidad EISB, y para quienes no pudieron asistir os animamos a participar en futuras sesiones presenciales para una experiencia más participativa
Luke Fernández Lalanne
By Communications Department
In this month’s issue, we had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Luke, a dedicated teacher who has been part of the EISB family for the past four years Known for his innovative approach and commitment to fostering student growth, Mr Luke shared insights into his journey, passions, and the impact he hopes to make in the classroom
Beyond his role as a teacher, Mr. Luke is an avid traveler who has explored over 50 countries. He describes traveling as one of life’s most educational and enriching experiences, emphasizing the importance of immersing oneself in local culture to truly understand a place. In his free time, he enjoys inline skating, a sport he loves for its energy and freedom.
In the classroom, Mr. Luke places students at the center of their learning journey. He values creating dynamic, interactive environments that encourage participation and idea-sharing. While specializing in teaching Science, he also prioritizes the development of soft skills such as teamwork and public speaking through collaborative projects and presentations
He encourages families to support their children’s talents, even if they’re not academic, as these can provide avenues for self-expression and joy beyond traditional learning
With his vision for a holistic education that nurtures both intellect and character, he continues to leave a meaningful impact on his students His passion for teaching and dedication to creating engaging learning experiences make him an invaluable member of the EISB community
One of his notable contributions to the school is his coordination of the Green Committee in Primary, where he leads sustainability projects to instill environmental awareness in students. This work, he believes, prepares them for a future where sustainability is vital Additionally, he organizes the annual Science Fair, a highlight for students, where they design and execute their own research projects This event helps students build confidence, develop problem-solving skills, and appreciate both their own efforts and those of their peers
Please remember...
At the end of each term and at the end of the school year, as you know, the students' academic reports are published We take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of having access and knowing how to consult clickedu. For this reason, we have created this new section in our monthly Journal with the aim of always keeping in mind the relevance of using this platform.
We remind you that it is essential to access clickedu to verify, modify and update all your data.
In this way, we will avoid errors in the relevant documents at the end of the school year and in the transfer of information to the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya (official compulsory information of the utmost importance).
We invite you to make the most of this tool by downloading the application on your mobile devices and keeping your data up to date This will ensure efficient and effective information management
Thank you for your collaboration