Monthly Newsle
A message from our Director Remember that...
Let's Celebrate EISB Inspiring
The RECIPE, please!
4 March
22 March - 1 April
25-28 March
5th March at 7pm
6 to 9th March
20-23 March
Sec Y1 Lyon: 6-14 March
Sec.Y2 Geneva: 11-15 March
Sec.Y3 Kingston: 14-19 March
Sec.Y3 Holland: 6-12 March
Sec Y4 Berlin : 11-15 March
10-15 March
Exploring the World Together!
By Mr Mike Barrett DirectorIt is our pleasure to share that we have had a great participation in the Erasmus programmes during the beginning of the year

These trips have enriched our academic and personal experiences, providing unique opportunities for intercultural learning and personal growth
Our Secondary students will also have the opportunity to participate in the European International Engagement Programme (exchange trips and field trips) this March as part of the curriculum project which will allow them to produce their synthesis work.
We wish you all a trip full of learning, discovery and enriching experiences
Make the most of this opportunity to expand your horizons and strengthen ties with students from all over the world
We are sure you will return with stories to tell and memories to cherish forever

Let‘s Celebrate
Copa Colegial
By Ramon Viladelprat, Basketball coordinator & P E teacherThe Copa Colegial is back one more year at EISB.
Our boys' team faced one of the toughest teams in the competition, C.B Badalonès.
During the first half our team was in the game. However, from the 3rd half onw take its toll on our players and the difference was increasing. Despite their gre the victory.
Alejandro Lerín was named MVP of the match and we would also like to wish a speedy recovery to our player Tiago Alarcón who suffered a serious injury during the match.

In the female category our girls' team in the school cup played their first knockout match against the Aula school.
It was a very intense match characterised by constant changes in the scoreboard. Our girls did not lose faith at any time, and thanks to their determination and hard work, they finally won their first victory in the competition.

Next 1st of March we will know the next opponent for the round of 16.

On both occasions we had George's animation and the performances of our rhythmic gymnastics team, which delighted the audience at half-time. Let's go Dragons!!!! ������

Let‘s Celebrate
Competición de Natación
By Ms Miriam Vela, Swimming CoordinatorEl pasado domingo 18 de febrero, e a cabo el campeonato escolar de na
Los EISB Dragos estuvieron fantástic nadadores desde Primary Y1 hasta S coordinadores de natación escolar y presentes en la cita, así como demá escuela.
En las categorías prebenjamín y benjamín todos los participantes recibieron medallas, mas nos gustaria destacar a Anabel Navarrete, de la categoría prebenjamín (Primary 1), y su 1ª posición en 25m espalda, a Alban Pommeraud, de la categoría prebenjamín (Primary 2), que acabó en 1er lugar en 25m espalda y a Tetiana Aleksandrova, de la categoría benjamín (Primary 4), que ganó la 3ª posición en 25m crol.
En la categoría infantil (Secondary Y1), Noya Ronen quedó 1a en 50m crol, 50m espalda y 50m braza. Nil Ronen (Secondary Y1) 2º en 50m crol y 50m espalda. Por último, Timofei Dain (Secondary Y2) quedó 2º en 50m braza y 3º en 50m crol.

Tuvimos la gran suerte de disfrutar de una tarde con la natación como protagonista y donde también destacaron el buen ambiente, el compañerismo, la deportividad y grandes dosis de diversión.
¡¡¡Enhorabuena a todos los participantes!!!

Let’s go Dragons!!!! ����

Let‘s Celebrate
Año nuevo chino
By Ms Keika Tanehashi, Chinese TeacherEn los últimos días nuestros alumnos y profesores han podido conocer de cerca tradiciones típicas de la cultura china mediante representaciones teatrales, musicales y de danza; ¡las cuales nos han transportado a esta rica cultura!

Let‘s Celebrate
Sustainable Carnival
By Mr Luke Fernández, Primary Teacher and EISB Green Committee Coordinator

This Carnival season marked a significant step toward env sness as we introduced our first-ever Sustainable Costume Competition
The challenge was to design and wear costumes created exclusively from recycled or reused materials We would like to thank all the participants for their engagement in this initiative and their commitment to sustainability In the upcoming years, we anticipate increased participation, and our main objective is to witness a shift towards sustainable fashion becoming the norm
Thank you to everyone involved in making this inaugural Sustainable Costume Competition a step towards a greener tomorrow, and a big congratulations to all the winners
Primary winner: Mia Izhaeva (2A)
Secondary Y1 winner: Marco Dastes (1B)
Secondary Y2 winner: Pau Fenoy (2B)
Secondary Y3: no participants
Secondary Y4 winner: Nakhodko Aleksandra (4B)
y bebés disfrutan con Penguins!

¡Seguimos invitando de vuestra parte a todos vuestros amigos y/o familiares con bebés menores de 12 meses o embarazadas que no hayan venido anteriormente a Penguins a probar una clase gratuita con nuestros amigos!

OPOMUN, International MUN in Oporto
By Herr Alexis Eggens, Secondary & Baccalaureate Teacher, MUN CoordinatorOur pupils from Secondary Y4 (Pau Jané, Claudia Pérez, Ivet Pedraza, Valentina Labutina, Emilia Piesker, Albert Pasquín, and Daniel Magnier) and Baccalaureate Y1 (Edu Oliveró, Lola Malgosa and Pascale Magnier) have had the chance to attend an international MUN (Model United Nations simulation) Conference in the city of Porto, Portugal, from 7th to 9th February They were led by the MUN Coordinator at EISB, Alexis Eggens
It was a fantastic 3-day conference in which over 150 students of different high schools from Portugal, Italy, and Spain tried to find solutions to current conflicts around the world from a variety of perspectives The committees where they were allocated, ranged from the Security Council to the World Health Organisation The Human Rights Commission and the Economic and Social Council also had representatives from our school Furthermore, In this edition, we were lucky to have the socalled Historical Security Council among the committees, which made it possible for topics such as the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and the invasion of Cyprus by the Turks in 1974 to be debated Our delegates, who put themselves in the shoes of the diplomats of South Africa, Russia, and Switzerland among others, contributed with their speeches to enriching debate sessions

ERASMUS in Kuopio (Finland)
By Mr Sergio Mairal, Baccalaureate CoordinatorFour of our Baccalaureate Year 2 students had the opportunity to participate in one of the Erasmus+ programmes organised by EISB the week of the 29th of January.
On this occasion the expedition formed by our four students and two EISB teachers went to Kuopio, a town located in the heart of Finland For a week, the students were able to join the rest of the students from the Finnish school we visited, attending a wide range of classes including communication, stress management, cooking, astrophysics and, of course, cross-country skiing
It was a fabulous experience for them The host families, the teachers and the students of the school welcomed us warmly, despite being surrounded all week by frozen lakes and snow everywhere we went

ERASMUS in Amsterdam
By Mr Emilio Tinoco, Secondary & Baccalaureate Teacher

Thanks to the exchange programme within the framework of Erasmus + , our students have the opportunity to participate in an experiential learning experience, getting to know students and cultures from different European countries
On this occasion, we would like to share with you the experience of the exchange trip in which our first year Baccalaureate students worked together with students from Romania and Amsterdam, in the capital of the Netherlands, in the project "From awareness to action: Teenagers embracing sustainability, wellbeing and inclusion"

Job Shadowing @ LISBON
By Mr Toni Olivares, Sports Coordinator & ERASMUS + CoordinatorAspartoftheERASMUSprogramme,each yearseveralteachershavetheopportunity to visit different schools to learn about other educational projects and improve theirskillsaseducators,takinginspiration fromothermethodologies

On this occasion, Mr Mark O'Riordan, Primary teacher, had the opportunity to visitaschoolinLisbon.Hetellsusabout hisexperience:
“Itwasawonderfullyenrichingexperience tovisittheOeirasInternationalSchoolset in rustic surroundings just a short drive fromLisbon
ToobserveIBinquiryprojectsinfullflow withthelivelyandcuriousstudentsthere was very insightful Finally, it was a pleasure to meet Pedro, Aaron, Kate and Jonathanalongwiththeothermembersof theteamwhomademefeelathomeright fromthebeginning Atrulyrecommendedexperience!!!”

Share the Green Journal
By Communications Department
No us perdeu el butlletí de la nostra escola, dedicat a tot allò sostenible i respectuós amb el medi ambient

Ms Anna Nogué
ByCommunicationsDepartmentAnna Nogué has dedicated a large part of her life to early childhood teaching When asked about her career, she answers with a nostalgic smile, saying that she has lost count of the years she has been at the school However, she traces her beginnings back to the '99-'00 school year, when she joined as a tutor in N2 together with Silvia Cirujeda and Sandra Berjillos She remembers those beginnings as a challenging time

With the passing of the years, Anna took on roles of greater responsibility, from coordinating Nursery to Infants She describes this experience as "a journey full of anecdotes and challenges, but also one of satisfaction and pride in seeing the growth and success of the educational project in which I have participated"
In terms of her interests, Anna has an undeniable passion for all things related to early childhood education. Her background in Early Childhood Education and Educational Psychology reflects her commitment to understanding and connecting with each child, especially those who need it most. In addition to her professional career, she finds balance and happiness in her family, gardening, reading and the contemplative life

When asked about what she likes most about her work, her answer is clear: "the joy and gratitude that comes from working with children: their spontaneity, their curiosity, their noble and uncontaminated thoughts" Anna is deeply moved when she sees how the little ones she has taken care of grow and develop, becoming teenagers and graduating from high school. For her, there is no greater joy than to witness this process of transformation and learning

Anna is always eager to listen and support families in all day-to-day matters, both in and out of school In her own words "Children are happy when they feel safe. If I had to recommend anything, it would be to enjoy your children naturally, respecting their individuality but setting clear limits. I stress the importance of "no" as an educational tool and emphasise the need for children to feel safe and supported both at home and at school. Our aim at school is to provide each child with an atmosphere of respect and reassurance so that they can grow and develop to their full potential".

EISB Camps are here again!

We are pleased to present to you the new programme of activities designed for the upcoming Easter and summer holidays: EISB International Easter & Summer Camps 2024
For full details and the registration form, please click on the following link
We remind you that the deadline to register for the Easter Camp is 18 March 2024

Please remember...
At the end of each term and at the end of the school year, as you know, the students' academic reports are published We take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of having access and knowing how to consult clickedu. For this reason, we have created this new section in our monthly Journal with the aim of always keeping in mind the relevance of using this platform
We remind you that it is essential to access clickedu to verify, modify and update all your data. In this way, we will avoid errors in the relevant documents at the end of the school year and in the transfer of information to the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya (official compulsory information of the utmost importance).
We invite you to make the most of this tool by downloading the application on your mobile devices and keeping your data up to date This will ensure efficient and effective information management
Thank you for your collaboration