EISB JOURNAL Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community
NEWS & CONTENT A message from our Director Remember that... Let's Celebrate EISB Inspiring EISB Team The RECIPE, please!
Re-think and re-use By Mr. Mike Barrett. Director
HOLIDAYS 12 February CARNIVAL 5 to 9 February CARNIVAL AFTERNOON PARTY 9 February at 5pm CHINESE NEW YEAR 13-16 February INFANT SCHOOL - OPEN SWIMMING CLASSES 19-23 February EXCHANGE PROGRAMME 31 January to 5 February
This coming February we will be celebrating Carnival in our school. The EISB Green Committee reminds us that, also for this occasion, we should stop and think about the most sustainable way of doing things. How are we going to prepare our costumes? Do we need to buy one? Can we reuse an old one? Can someone around us lend it to us? Can we make our own unique costume by reusing materials and giving them a second use? Every occasion is a unique opportunity to raise environmental awareness among our pupils. Together, we can show that fun and sustainability go hand in hand. Therefore, we encourage our students, especially in Primary and Secondary, to join the challenge and show us their artistic side, to enjoy the magic of carnival in a respectful and sustainable way. Let this carnival be a joyful expression of our commitment to a greener future!
Let's celebrate! Carnival 2024 By EISB Coordinators We will be celebrating CARNIVAL in the school from the 5th to the 9th of February ! For the celebration of this festivity we have programmed a whole series of activities adapted to each educational stage. You can check the programme by clicking on the image. Save the date! Afternoon of the 9th February!
Chinese New Year 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon By Ms Keika Tanehashi Chinese Teacher
The New Year begins on 10th February for the Chinese community and its celebration is the most important holiday of the year. In our school we celebrate it as an opportunity to get closer to this wonderful millenary culture. The Secondary School pupils, who are learning Chinese, will act as "ambassadors" and visit the Primary School classes to give short presentations about the culture and traditions of this country.
From 9 to 16 February all EISB pupils will participate in different activities organised by the Chinese department. 9th February, Chinese menu prepared by our EISB Chef. For dessert, fortune cookies! Traditional cooking workshops School-wide decorations to embody the spirit of the CNY celebration. Primary: Drama class performances in the theatre, Piano performances by pupils studying Chinese Traditional Chinese Dance by Secondary Y1 and Primary Y5 pupils House Points Competition on Kahoot....Secondary JANU A R Y 2024
Community Service
Colaboración con entidades - Gilgal Solidari By Ms Iratxe Marcos, Secondary Teacher & Community Service Coordinator
Els alumnes de Batxillerat nacional, IA-Levels i AHS tenen l'oportunitat de fer voluntariat a diverses organitzacions externes al col·legi dins del programa de l'EISB Community Service. Dur a terme activitats de voluntariat en entitats externes permet als alumnes créixer com a persones perquè fomenta l'empatia, la solidaritat i el respecte. Alhora, enforteixen els llaços amb la comunitat i ajuda a ampliar la xarxa de suport. L'EISB té acords de col·laboració amb diverses entitats socials a Sant Cugat a les quals els alumnes poden acudir a fer voluntariat. Una d'elles és Gilgal Solidari. Aquesta entitat es dedica a oferir suport a famílies que es troben en situació de vulnerabilitat amb campanyes com la recollida de mantes en la qual EISB col·labora i que és tan necessària per a ajudar a les famílies que es troben en situació de pobresa energètica. També hi ha alumnes de Baccalaureate que, de forma voluntària, hi van a les tardes a oferir reforç educatiu a menors que acudeixen al centre, el qual es troba a només 5 minuts a peu d'EISB. Si voleu més informació sobre el Gilgal Solidari podeu llegir aquest article que la seva directora, Rebeca Galán, ha escrit a El Cugatenc. N'escriurà un cada mes i us en recomanem encaridament la seva lectura.
JANU A R Y 2024
Bad Harzburg trip By Ms Nuria Gasó & Ms Maria Alba Camps, Secondary Teachers
The trip to Bad Harzburg, which took place from 11 to 15 December 2023, within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, was of great interest from many perspectives. The eight students from Secondary Year 4 who participated on behalf of our school were on exchange with families from different cultural backgrounds, with whom they managed to get along very well and in some cases, they took the opportunity to improve their level of German. They were accompanied by Miss Mª Alba Camps and Frau Nuria Gasó. As usual, they worked on a project related to the objectives of educational development and growth contemplated in the Erasmus+ programme. This project involved the host school in Bad Harzburg and the partner school in Lille, with whom EISB had already worked previously. This time, the focus was on the environment in cities and the impact of everyday life on the natural environment. Visits were made to the Harz National Park, the mines in the town of Goslar, the thermal baths in Bad Harzburg and the Leipzig Zoo. On the occasion of the latter visit, the participating pupils also visited the former headquarters of the Stasi, the secret police of the former German Democratic Republic. As the trip took place close to Christmas, we had the opportunity to attend the traditional Christmas markets in each of the destinations visited; this was a very popular activity among the participants. The students also had the opportunity to attend some classes with their exchange partners at the Werner von Siemens Gymnasium and were able to compare two different educational worlds. The location of Bad Harzburg, right in the heart of Germany, allows for a deeper insight into the country's culture and history. Its proximity to the border of the former Democratic Republic gave our students an awareness of the territory, the complexity of the historical past and the territorial diversity that exists within just a few kilometres. It was, therefore, a good preparatory visit for the cultural trip to Berlin, which will take place next March.
JANU A R Y 2024
Ms Ally Gragera Infant School Class Teacher By Communications Department I’ ve been working in EISB for the past 10 years. I was hired as an English Specialist for Nursery. It was something I had been doing for a few years in my last jobs and I loved it! Preparing original material and creating new activities so that the youngest in the house could start discovering and enjoying life in English . I can still remember the feeling of excitement when I went into a classroom and put on a little show for them to enjoy. It was like being a clown in the best circus in the world. As a Tutor in Infant School, I try to keep that same spirit alive. This year will be my seventh group of FY1 as a Class Teacher. And it’ s the most rewarding job I’ ve had to date. Welcoming a new group into class every September and seeing all the changes they go through in 9 short months. We spend a lot of time together and become a small family . It’ s always a bit sad to say farewell in the Summer. But it’ s always nice to see them around the School and catching up with them as they grow older. I love music and books. It sounds typical but it’ s true. I play the guitar and listen to all kinds of music. But I must confess that the Spice Girls influenced my childhood quite a lot. I much prefer reading to watching tv but I consume a lot of chick lit and contemporary romance if I need to relax. My favourite author of all time is Jane Austen. I even did an online university course about her once. She was another form of Girl Power! I’ m obsessed with Early Years Education. Young children are the basis of our future. And learning how to help shape their minds is fascinating. As well as seeing how they grow and develop right before our eyes. Society is ever changing and, with it, so must we. I love being able to reinvent myself as time goes by. And EISB has always allowed me to and encouraged me to do so.
In Infants, we’ re given the freedom to use all the different spaces around the School. We can do activities and lessons in the Garden, the Football Pitch, the Playground, the corridors, the Dining Rooms, the Pre Theatre. And this is one of the aspects I enjoy the most. The opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and the indoors of our School while engaging the little ones in the activities you’ ve put all your love into. Finding new stages for the wonderful show that is Education in the Early Years. My one and only daughter comes to this School and I’ ve never once regretted that decision. She’ s in Infants and enjoys absolutely everything her teachers and this School has to offer. The options, the possibilities; a place where her voice is heard regardless of the language she speaks. Teachers work with and for our children . Their main goal is to create an environment where our little treasures will feel comfortable and happy. JANU A R Y 2024
¡Los bebés disfrutan de Penguins!
Reserva aquí
Durante el mes de febrero, si tenéis amigos y o familiares con bebés menores de 12 meses, que no hayan venido anteriormente a Penguins, les queremos invitar de vuestra parte a una clase gratuita con nuestros amigos de Penguins.
Please remember... At the end of each term and at the end of the school year, as you know, the students' academic reports are published. We take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of having access and knowing how to consult clickedu. For this reason, we have created this new section in our monthly Journal with the aim of always keeping in mind the relevance of using this platform. We remind you that it is essential to access clickedu to verify, modify and update all your data. In this way, we will avoid errors in the relevant documents at the end of the school year and in the transfer of information to the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya (official compulsory information of the utmost importance). We invite you to make the most of this tool by downloading the application on your mobile devices and keeping your data up to date. This will ensure efficient and effective information management. Thank you for your collaboration.
👉🏼 Please log in to the clickedu web portal and enter your username
and password: https://eisbarcelona.clickedu.eu/user.php?action=login In the options menu, access the "My profile" section and click on "Personal Data".
Instructions on Clickedu Instrucciones sobre Clickedu Instruccions sobre Clickedu JANU A R Y 2024
The RECIPE, please!
Champiñones rellenos de gambas By EISB Cheff
Son perfectos para un aperitivo de rápida elaboración y excelente presentación. Los alumnos de la extraescolar de Cooking prepararon esta receta y, a pesar de que a priori los champiñones no eran del gusto de todos, se sorprendieron de lo ricos que estaban! En primer lugar, lavar y cortar la base de los champiñones con cuidado para evitar que se rompan. Pelar y lavar la cebolla y el ajo y cortarlos en trozos pequeños y reservar. En una sartén, colocar un chorrito de aceite de oliva y sofreír el ajo y la cebolla. Remover y esperar a que transparenten. En este punto de cocción, añadir los champiñones picados y
Ingredientes: 500 gr. de champiñones grandes 200 gr. de gambas ½ cebolla 1 diente de ajo Queso rallado Queso parmesano al gusto 3 cucharadas de perejil fresco Aceite de oliva virgen Sal y aceite al gusto 1 chorrito de brandy , al gusto
sofreír durante 1 minuto más. Limpiar las gambas, quitándoles las cabezas y agregarlas a la sartén junto al brandy . Añadir una pizca de sal y pimienta y dejar al fuego esperando a que el alcohol se evapore. A continuación, colocar los sombreros de champiñones sobre una bandeja de horno previamente aceitada. Colocar un poco de queso rallado en cada uno de los champiñones y rellenar con la mezcla previamente elaborada. Por último, rallar el parmesano y esparcir una buena cantidad sobre los hongos, junto a unas hojas de perejil fresco. Hornear durante 15 minutos y servir calientes acompañados de una ensalada de hojas verdes.
Send your comments and suggestions to: communications@eisbarcelona.com European International School of Barcelona Avda. Pla del Vinyet 110 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona. Spain T. +34 93 589 84 20
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