Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community
A message from our Director
Remember that...
Let's Celebrate EISB Inspiring
The RECIPE, please!
END OF THIRD TERM: Last day: 21 June
Last day for Nursery Y1 & Y2: 28 June

Building EISB Community
By Mr Mike Barrett DirectorAt our school, fostering collaboration and mutual support is a core belief One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through trips and events that let us experience each other in new settings
Organising these collaborative and celebratory gatherings plays a crucial role in building the strong sense of community that defines us They give us the chance to connect on a deeper level, work together, and most importantly, enjoy the company of our school family. It's in these moments that we forge long-lasting bonds and solidify the spirit of unity we hold dear.
Our upcoming Family Fun Day is packed with activities for all ages: games, sports, exhibitions, and plenty of time to chat and laugh together Beyond just fun and entertainment, Family Fun Day allows us to celebrate our students' growth and accomplishments throughout the year I look forward to welcoming you there next Saturday 8th June!

Let‘s Celebrate
XIX Graduation Ceremony
By Communications DepartmentWe would like to extend to our families and students our warmest thanks for attending the graduation ceremony on the 24th of May It was an honour and a joy to have each and every one of you present on such a significant occasion
Graduation marks a significant milestone, not only for the students themselves but also for the families who have championed them every step of the way
To all the graduates, I wish you the very best of luck as you embark on this exciting new chapter Each of you has a unique path ahead, filled with both opportunities and challenges With the determination and hard work you've already demonstrated, I have no doubt you'll achieve your dreams and aspirations

Let‘s celebrate!
Delegates Meeting 2024
By Communications Department
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the class delegates for their incredible work throughout this school year. Your dedication and commitment are paramount. We would also like to thank you for joining us for the closing lunch on Friday 24th May! It was a pleasure to share this special moment with all of you at the Club de Golf Sant Cugat facilities.
Thank you for all your hard work and we hope you'll repeat the next year!

Spring Camp N2
By Communications Department

The Nursery 2 little ones had a blast at Casa Can Ribas, a much-loved destination we've been visiting for years Surrounded by nature, they engaged in many exciting activities, making it an unforgettable adventure This special overnight trip created cherished memories for all as they experienced the joy of spending a night away from home.

Inspiring Outdoor camp PY1 & PY2
By Communications DepartmentOur adventure at La Molina was a blast! Primary Year 1 and 2 students had a fantastic time engaging in a range of activities While archery, pool, and painting were thoroughly enjoyed, the relay races truly stole the show, filled with laughter and good-natured competition It was an unforgettable experience, creating lasting memories for everyone involved

Inspiring Outdoor Camps PY3,PY4,PY5
By Communications DepartmentThe Primary Year 3 and 4 students had a blast at Camping Joan in Cambrils! Surfing, volleyball, water-scootering, and bodyboarding were just a few of the awesome water activities they enjoyed It was an action-packed, unforgettable experience for everyone, and we can't wait for next time!

The Primary Year 5 students had an absolute blast at Outdoor Camp! It was a truly enriching experience where they learned valuable life skills and independence, all while having a ton of fun Paddle surfing, kayaking, bodyboarding, bubble football, and exciting beach games were just a few of the amazing activities that filled their days Every student returned with beaming smiles and unforgettable memories of the time spent together

Inspiring Spring Camp FY1, FY2 & FY3
By Communications DepartmentInfant Spring Camp was full of magic, adventures, fun and friendship We spent 3 days in Can Ribas de Montbui surrounded by nature, forest and friends, where we pretended to be pirates, listened to stories and learnt about space But best of all was having such a great time along with our classmates and teachers Everyone wants to go back again next year!

D’excursió al Bordas Garden Centre
By Communications DepartmentEls infants de FY2 van anar, un any més, a visitar el Bordas Garden per gaudir del contacte amb la natura
El Bordas Garden, a més, els brindava l’espai ideal per poder seguir amb el projecte del “Garden” de la nostra escola Així doncs, van aprendre coses noves sobre la natura i també van poder observar, cuidar i podar diferents plantes per, d’aquesta forma, treballar conceptes com la responsabilitat i habilitats com la psicomotricitat fina El resultat va ser la creació d’un bonic "mòbil primaveral"
Aquesta és una activitat enriquidora que combina educació, creativitat i amor pel món que ens envolta

¡Seguimos invitando de vuestra parte a todos vuestros amigos y/o familiares con bebés menores de 12 meses o embarazadas que no hayan venido anteriormente a Penguins a probar una clase gratuita con nuestros amigos!

Inspiring Space Talk
By Communications Department

Our Secondary Year 1 and Year 2 pupils were privileged to attend an inspiring talk about space, led by Mr Javier Benedicto, a member of the European Space Agency (ESA) Mr Benedicto generously shared his expertise and experience in the captivating world of space exploration
The session covered a wide range of topics, from the early days of the space race to ESA's latest groundbreaking projects Students gained insights into current and future missions, the cutting-edge technology used in space exploration, and the challenges faced by scientists and engineers in this field
The talk concluded with a lively question and answer session, providing students with a unique opportunity to engage directly with the ESA representative and voice their questions and curiosities about space
To further recognise their dedication and interest, prizes were awarded to students who had completed exceptional projects related to space
Road safety
By Communications DepartmentRoad safety awareness from an early age! Primary Year 5 pupils take part in a talk about road safety Road safety education is essential to ensure the safety of everyone, especially our little ones!
Teaching them the rules and regulations of the road since they are very young not only protects them, but also promotes a culture of respect and responsibility on the roads

ByMrManelGarcía,SecondaryY3&Y4CoordinatorEntrevistamos a Ms Lorena Heredia, Explore Your Future Coordinator
¿En qué consiste el proyecto "Explore your Future"?
Es un programa educativo innovador dirigido a los alumnos de Secondary Year 4 cuyo objetivo es brindarles la oportunidad de sumergirse en el ámbito empresarial real, para permitirles aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en el aula y obtener una visión práctica sobre el funcionamiento de las empresas

¿Cómo se estructuran las sesiones y qué pueden esperar los estudiantes?
Cada alumno deberá asistir a un mínimo de 6 horas en horario escolar en la organización que haya escogido Se les asignará un mentor en dicha empresa y este les guiará y supervisará Durante cada sesión, los estudiantes deben observar, evaluar, entrevistar y analizar diversos aspectos del negocio según un plan de trabajo preestablecido Al final del proyecto, deben elaborar una memoria escrita sobre su experiencia
¿Cuáles son las responsabilidades de los alumnos participantes?
Los estudiantes deberán gestionar adecuadamente su carga académica para asegurarse de que su rendimiento escolar no se vea afectado Además, deberán demostrar un alto nivel de compromiso, ya que actuaran como embajadores de nuestro colegio Esto incluye participar activamente en las tareas asignadas, colaborar con los profesionales del campo y mantener un comportamiento ético y profesional. El transporte hacia y desde la empresa es responsabilidad del alumno y su familia
¿Cómo es el proceso de selección para este programa?
Se organiza una charla en clase para informar a los alumnos sobre todos los detalles del proyecto y las empresas participantes Como las plazas son limitadas, se realiza un proceso de selección basado en el compromiso en los proyectos escolares, aptitud y valores del alumnado interesado

¿Cuántos alumnos han participado este año y en qué empresas han realizado sus prácticas?
Este año, 21 alumnos han participado en este programa y han realizado sus prácticas en cuatro empresas de distintos sectores: Medichem (compañía farmacéutica), HP (tecnología de la información), Marta Ortin (asesora financiera a Banco Mediolanum) y el Gremi d'Editors a Catalunya

¿Hay algo más que le gustaría añadir sobre el futuro de este programa?

Sí, me gustaría destacar que este proyecto podrá crecer siempre que tengamos participación por parte de empresas o cargos vinculados a nuestra comunidad Por este motivo, animo a muchas madres y padres a ponerse en contacto conmigo para poder ofrecer una oferta más amplia a nuestros alumnos

Inspiring Chess Tournament
By Communications DepartmentEISB triumphed in the inaugural Torneig Escolar d'Escacs per Equips ((School Chess Tournament for Teams), a thrilling chess tournament that united 230 young chess enthusiasts from 53 school clubs across Sant Cugat
The competition featured two categories, King and Queen, tailored to different age groups, ensuring a fair and engaging experience for all participants where each participant could showcase their strategic prowess
We are incredibly proud to announce that EISB secured first place in both categories, with several players also claiming individual prizes for best board Furthermore, EISB achieved the highest average score among all participating schools
Congratulations to our brilliant chess team on this outstanding achievement! Keep up the amazing work!

We renew the green flag!
By Communications Department

Our school proudly waves the Green Flag, a testament to our three years of unwavering dedication as an Eco-School This prestigious recognition from ADEAC not only celebrates our environmental efforts but also inspires us to continue our journey towards a more sustainable future
We are very proud to share this wonderful news, as it truly reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire school community Congratulations to everyone involved, and let's keep up the fantastic work!

Inspiring EISB Cleanup Day
By Communications DepartmentAre you coming to this year Cleanup Day?
Saturday, 1st June, in Sant Cugat, from 10am to 1pm.
How does this activity work?

The 'Cleanup Day' activity consists of a day dedicated to the cleaning and care of a specific area, in our case, we will clean up the school grounds
Upon arrival, participants will be instructed on the areas assigned for cleaning, materials and safety rules. Distribution of material: We will distribute gloves and rubbish bags, bring comfortable and light clothing. Depending on the number of attendees, we will divide into 1 or 2 teams and assign specific areas to cover.
Litter picking. The teams will start collecting rubbish and waste, separating recyclables from non-recyclables. In this case we will only be collecting plastic rubbish, paper, cardboard, aluminium, etc. We will not be picking up glass containers so as not to put the volunteers at risk
Once we finish cleaning, we will take the bags of rubbish to a collection point The waste collected will be disposed of appropriately, either for recycling or final disposal
In short, Cleanup Day is a collaborative activity that not only improves the physical surroundings, but also educates and unites the community around a common goal: to care for and respect our environment
Who is eligible to attend?
Everyone is welcome! EISB pupils, family, friends, teachers and staff We recommend this activity for children over 10 years of age
What is the meeting point?
At the roundabout, when leaving the school bus parking lot
All participants will be provided with bags and gloves for waste collection during the activity
Should I confirm my participation?
Yes, please! To prepare all the necessary material, we kindly ask you to sign up at this form, by 31st May
Share the green
See you soon!

Funky Dance Festival 2024
By Mónica Griera, Arts CoordinatorOn May 16th, our Funky students captivated us with their spectacular end-of-year show, "Around the World in 60 Minutes "
This surprising adventure showcased the incredible diversity of dance genres from across the globe, all expertly woven into a modern dance style
The students were bursting with excitement to share their hard work and progress with family and friends The performance was a resounding success, leaving the audience amazed by the entire production
Bravo to our talented dancers for such an outstanding show!

Ballet Festival
By Mónica Griera, Arts CoordinatorOn May 29th, our Ballet School dancers enchanted the audience with their year-end performance, "The Magic of Mythology."
This mesmerizing ballet, inspired by the rich tales and legends of Greek mythology, was infused with the style of Isadora Duncan, the legendary dancer often credited as the pioneer of contemporary dance Duncan's work drew from the ideals of ancient Greek art, seeking to inspire more natural and expressive forms of movement
Our students gracefully embodied these iconic characters on stage, offering their own unique interpretations through the language of dance It was a truly unforgettable performance
Congratulations to all the dancers for their remarkable talent and dedication!

Inspiring Home Economics
By Communications DepartmentThe Home Economics programme for Year 1 Baccalaureate students provides a unique opportunity to learn about cooking, maintenance, and home economics from the professionals who manage these areas within the school: Mr Javi Montero (Head of Cookery), Mr Sergio Gilgado (Head of Administration), and Mr Miguel Angel Alcaide (Head of Maintenance)
They participated in a home economics class led by Mr Sergi Gilgado, delving into fascinating topics such as personal finance management They learned about understanding monthly expenses, the composition of typical household budgets, the benefits and risks of personal loans and mortgages, savings strategies, the pros and cons of online versus traditional banking, credit card usage, and more

In their initial cooking session, the students delved into the art of making a delicious stir-fry, a versatile foundation for countless dishes They also explored the significance of a nutritious breakfast in setting the tone for a productive day
Mr Miguel Angel led a comprehensive class on domestic tool management, divided into two parts The theory focused on familiarising students with the tools available for DIY tasks and repairs It also covered the identification and mitigation of potential household hazards, such as power outages and gas leaks, and how to respond effectively in such situations
The second, practical part of the class consisted of various stations where students could rotate and learn hands-on skills They practiced using a drill to screw into wood, restoring a wooden stool by disassembling, sanding, and painting it, checking pool levels, and operating electric machines

Ms Belén Martínez
ByCommunicationsDepartmentBelén, who has been an integral part of our school for 19 years, reflects on her time here which seems to have passed in the blink of an eye "It's hard to believe it's been 19 years already," she shares with a hint of emotion "It feels like just yesterday I started!" This journey has not only allowed her to witness the growth and development of countless students but also to forge deep connections with them and their families, creating bonds that will last a lifetime
Belén describes herself as a spontaneous individual, her interests ebbing and flowing with her mood and life stage Yet, one core principle remains constant, guiding both her personal and professional choices: "To be happy and enjoy everything I do To be well in both aspects," she emphasises For Belén, personal and professional well-being are inextricably intertwined, both essential ingredients for a fulfilling life

A highlight of Belén's work is the chance to connect with people from different parts of the world "Being able to learn about their cultures and home countries firsthand is incredibly enriching," she shares Witnessing the growth of her students over time is equally rewarding "It's incredible to see those same 'little ones' I met 18 years ago graduating," she marvels

The photographs capturing her with a former student in her arms in 2005, and then again in 2021 as a graduate, offer a touching testament to the passage of time Witnessing families bid her farewell at the end of their school journey is a bittersweet moment, filled with both sadness and joy "To know that they remember me is truly wonderful I am deeply grateful for that," she reflects with heartfelt appreciation
While Belén isn't one to offer unsolicited advice, she does have a heartfelt recommendation she'd like to share: "The most important thing in life is to find happiness within yourself and to enjoy what you do, always treating others with respect and caring for one another."
For Belén, life is a fleeting moment to be cherished, and she surrounds herself with those who enrich her life and bring positivity
She holds dear the memories of shared lunches with colleagues, filled with lively conversations, laughter, and daily moments of learning
Belén's story is a shining example of dedication and love for EISB!

The RECIPE, please! Tiramisú
By EISB ChefIngredients:
500 grams de mascarpone
175 mililitres de nata per montar
1 paquet de melindros
200 mililitres de cafè exprés ensucrat
4-6 c/s de cacau en pols un rajolí de rom (opcional)
190 grams de sucre
10 grams de sucre de vainilla

Utilitzem un motlle rectangular extensible (28×18 aprox.), pot ser més petit i així la capa de mascarpone serà més gruixuda i us pot agradar més Això, al gust de cadascú
Muntem la nata amb els 10 grams de sucre de vainilla i 50 grams de sucre normal
Treballem el mascarpone amb la resta del sucre fins que obtinguem una crema de formatge mal leable
Barregem la nata amb el mascarpone amb moviments suaus i envoltants perquè se’n conservi el volum
Barregem el cafè ensucrat amb el rom i un parell de cullerades de cacau en pols, ho posem en un plat fondo i hi suquem lleugerament els melindros Seguidament, els posarem al fons del motlle perquè serveixin de base per al tiramisú 5
Un cop hàgim fet el llit de melindros, cobrim amb una capa de crema de formatge i, a continuació, repetim l’operació dels melindros, els mullem en cafè i fem la segona capa de melindros del tiramisú
Cobrim novament els melindros amb la crema de formatge mascarpone i procurem deixar una superfície llisa Per acabar, l’empolvorem amb cacau en pols, ens podem ajudar amb un colador
Cobrim el tiramisú amb paper film transparent o paper d’alumini sense que entrin en contacte i ho deixem a la nevera fins al moment de servir-lo 8.