EISB JOURNAL Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community
NEWS & CONTENT A message from our Director Remember that... Let's Celebrate EISB Inspiring EISB Team The RECIPE, please!
A Transformative Exchange By Mr. Mike Barrett. Director
HOLIDAYS: 6-7-8 December 21 December to 7th January SOLIDARITY CHRISTMAS CONCERT: 1st Decemberat 20h30 INFANT SCHOOL WINTER FESTIVAL: 14th December at 15h CHRISTMAS MASS: 15th December at at 17h15 OPERACIÓN KILO y JUGUETES: From 11th to 15th December LAST DAY OF TERM: 20th December WINTER CAMP: 21-22-27-28-29 December 2-3-4-5 January
At the e n d o f N ovember, we had the pleasure of hosting direc t o r s f r o m our sister school in Kenya, Chazon Africa, marki n g a s i g n i f i cant chapter in o ur ongoing collaboration. This p a r t n e r s h i p , based on empathy and support, aims to bring PROT E C T I N G , E DUCATING and EMPOWERING to t he c h i l d r e n o f M olo. Durin g t h e i r v i s i t, Lucy, Samuel and Dave interacted with our s t u d e n t s and families, sh aring experiences and creat i n g c o n n e c tions. This direct interaction not only offer e d i n s i g h t s into the challenges faced by children in Kenya , b u t a l s o p rovided our community with a first-hand persp e c t i v e o n the impact we can make through our s uppo r t . As we r e f l e c t o n this visit, we e specially appreciate the s piri t o f p a r t n e r ship that unites us for a common good. We l o o k f o r w a r d to collaborating for many more years to come t o c o n t i n u e to dream of a bri g h t e r f u t u re for ALL .
Cros Sant Cugat 2023 By Mr Toni Olivares, Sports Coordinator In the recent 25th edition of the Cross Ciutat de Sant Cugat , our school stood out thanks to the enthusiastic participation of 216 runners , which not only showed our dedication to sport, but also the community spirit that characterises us. Students, teachers and families enjoyed a morning of sport. We participate in this type of event to promote not only physical activity and sporting competition, but also values that transcend the finish line. It is a reminder of the importance of effort, perseverance and teamwork, key elements that contribute to the all-round development of our students. We would like to extend special recognition to two of our runners: Laura Soria Navarro, 2nd classified in the female infantile category in 2011, and Mar Soria Navarro, 1st classified in the female alevin category in 2012. Congratulations to all the participants for their dedication and effort and also to the team of PE teachers for their support at all times and for motivating us to reach new goals on the path of sport and wellbeing.
NOVE M B E R 2023
EISB Inspiring
Nutrituous & sustainable menu By Mr Luke Fernández, Primary Teacher and Ms Cintia Carmona, Nurse The students in Primary Year 6 have been working for two weeks on a Cross Curricular Project that consisted on creating a nutrituous and sustainable menu. As part of this project, students learnt about the correct balance of nutrients that meals in EISB contain, whilst learning about how we can eat more sustainable foods, mainly choosing seasonal and local products. The most sustainable and nutritious menu will be served to all students and school staff. The winning team will be announced shortly!
NOVE M B E R 2023
EISB Inspiring
Land Art activity By Mr Emilio Tinoco, Art Teacher This year we have returned to the forest to carry out a Land Art activity with Secondary Year 1 and Year 2 students in a fantastic environment with goals that go beyond artistic expression.
Connection to Nature: To foster an appreciation of and connection to nature by engaging students in creating art using natural materials from the environment. Environmental Awareness: Raise awareness of the importance of caring for the environment and respecting the biodiversity of the natural environment in which they find themselves. Creativity and Artistic Expression: Stimulate students' creativity by challenging them to create works of art using natural elements, such as stones, twigs, leaves, sand, among others. Teamwork: Encourage teamwork and collaboration when carrying out Land Art projects that require the joint participation of students.
NOVE M B E R 2023
EISB Inspiring
Land Art activity By Mr Emilio Tinoco, Art Teacher Experience-based Learning: To provide a hands-on, sensory learning experience that goes beyond the classroom, allowing students to learn by experience and in direct contact with nature. Aesthetics and harmony: Explore aesthetic concepts and design principles as students create compositions that integrate harmoniously with the natural landscape. Respect for the Environment: To teach students how to make Land Art in a sustainable and respectful way, avoiding damaging the natural environment and collecting only materials in an ethical way. Reflecting and Communicating: To promote reflection on the relationship between art, nature and society, and to encourage students to communicate their ideas and experiences through their work. Promoting Ephemeral Art: To introduce the notion of ephemeral art, where the works created are temporary and integrate naturally with the cycle of nature, emphasising transience and impermanence.
By establishing these objectives, the Land Art activity can become a meaningful educational experience that combines appreciation of the natural environment, artistic development and environmental awareness. NOVE M B E R 2023
Extracurricular activities
INTERNATIONAL ROBOTICS PROJECT By Mr. Pep Olivé, Extracurricular activities Coordinator In collaboration with Ignite Serious Play, our partner in STEAM extracurricular activities, we have started an International Project in which our robotics students from PY3 to PY6 will collaborate with a foreign school in Canada or the United States.
Our students will create projects on the same theme as their international counterparts by building and programming their robots to complete specific tasks. The first project we are doing this term is called Unusual Christmas, in which our students will build their own robots in the form of a penguin, Father Christmas car or a mechanical arm.
As part of this project, our students will use the Seesaw platform to communicate, share their work and meet their peers from other countries. In this way they also learn to collaborate in a private space for learning and interaction.
We are sure that it will be a great experience for them and that it will provide them with new knowledge both on a personal and academic level.
NOVE M B E R 2023
Mr Víctor González Secondary Year 1 and Year 2 Coordinator & Educational Innovation Responsible By Communications Department
Durante sus 15 años en EISB, ha adquirido un profundo conocimiento de diversas etapas educativas, desempeñándose como tutor en primaria y secundaria, así como profesor de bachillerato. Desde hace 4 años, ha asumido la responsabilidad de liderar el departamento de Innovación Educativa del colegio, dedicándose activamente a la formación del profesorado. Actualmente, también ocupa el puesto de Coordinador de Secondary Year 1 y Secondary Year 2.
A nivel personal, a Víctor le encanta la lectura, habiendo obtenido un máster en creación literaria. También tiene un interés profundo en el cine, ya que estudió guión y dirección de cine, además de ser actor de doblaje. Además, destaca como violinista en el ámbito musical. A nivel profesional, le apasiona todo lo relacionado con la neuroeducación y las bases científicas que facilitan una mejor comprensión del proceso de aprendizaje. A través de entender el funcionamiento del cerebro y las emociones, logramos mejorar, adaptar y diseñar actividades educativas más eficientes, profundas y motivadoras. Como coordinador de Secondary, le motiva el poder diseñar proyectos, implementarlos y buscar siempre la forma de mejorar e innovar con el fin de que la educación que proporcionamos sea excelente y se adapte a los tiempos cambiantes que nos toca vivir. Desde abordar el reto de las Inteligencias Artificiales en el mundo educativo hasta sistematizar técnicas de estudio, pasando por la gamificación. Todo, en mayor o menor medida, nos brinda la oportunidad de acompañar a nuestro alumnado en el maravilloso proceso de aprendizaje.
Tras muchos años como tutor en secundaria hay una máxima que siempre les dice a sus alumnos y que considera que, a medida que crecen, valoran más y entienden mejor:
“La felicidad no es un concepto grandilocuente que hay que buscar como un tesoro oculto y enorme; la felicidad se encuentra en disfrutar de lo que haces en el día a día, en darle sentido a tus acciones y en que éstas estén alineadas con la brújula moral que te guía. Y cuando eso empieza a suceder todo se vuelve más sencillo.”
NOVE M B E R 2023
Please remember... At the end of each term and at the end of the school year, as you know, the students' academic reports are published. We take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of having access and knowing how to consult clickedu. For this reason, we have created this new section in our monthly Journal with the aim of always keeping in mind the relevance of using this platform. We remind you that it is essential to access clickedu to verify, modify and update all your data. In this way, we will avoid errors in the relevant documents at the end of the school year and in the transfer of information to the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya (official compulsory information of the utmost importance). We invite you to make the most of this tool by downloading the application on your mobile devices and keeping your data up to date. This will ensure efficient and effective information management. Thank you for your collaboration.
👉🏼 Please log in to the clickedu web portal and enter your username
and password: In the options menu, access the "My profile" section and click on "Personal Data".
Instructions on Clickedu Instrucciones sobre Clickedu Instruccions sobre Clickedu
The importance of CLICKEDU By Clickeduhelp
Clickedu is an educational application designed to facilitate communication between families, teachers and the school. Family database: collection of all personal data. It is imperative for families to ensure that all the information collected is accurate and up to date. Identity cards, passports, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails, etc. It depends on this that the information flows and the documentation appears without errors, otherwise it could cause serious setbacks. Centralisation of information: Clickedu stores relevant data. Here you will find timetables, report cards, daily menus, authorisations, news and essential information in one place, which facilitates quick and easy access. Real-time updates: the application ensures that information is constantly updated. This means you can access the latest changes, activities, important dates and any relevant updates. Keeping data up to date is crucial to ensure a correct and reliable database. Access from mobile devices: Clickedu is available as a mobile application, giving you the convenience of accessing information anytime, anywhere. You will be able to consult your children's data and keep up to date with the latest news from the palm of your hand. For any questions about Clickedu:
NOVE M B E R 2023
The RECIPE, please!
Galetes “shortbread” By EISB Cheff
Ingredients per a 4 persones: 110 g de sucre glas 225 g de mantega a temperatura ambient 225 g de farina de blat 100 g de farina de blat de moro refinada o farina d'arròs 2 g de sal
English - Castellano - Català Preparació : Tamisem les farines de blat i de blat de moro en un bol i ho reservem. Barregem el sucre, un polsim de sal i la mantega a temperatura ambient en un altre bol. Batem o pastem amb les mans fins a obtenir-ne una mescla esponjosa. Hi incorporem les farines tamisades i ho batem o pastem amb les mans fins a aconseguir-ne una massa homogènia. És important no pastar en excés. Si, una vegada barrejats els ingredients, la massa s'esquerda, hi afegirem una cullerada o dues d'aigua i ho integrarem bé sense que la massa quedi enganxosa. Si, per contra, la massa és massa tova, hi afegirem un polsim de farina. Enfarinem una superfície plana i hi estenem la massa per damunt amb un corró fins a obtenirne un gruix d'aproximadament 1 cm. Pot ser que la massa es trenqui o s'esmolli una mica; és perfectament normal i és el que li donarà al shortbread la seva textura tan peculiar. Li donem a la massa la forma desitjada. En el nostre cas, tallem les galetes de diferents formes amb motlles o amb un got. Les punxem amb una forquilla (opcional) i les col·loquem en una safata de forn amb una fulla antiadherent deixant una petita separació entre galeta i galeta. Repetim la mateixa operació amb la massa sobrant fins a utilitzar-la per complet. Enfornem a 170 °C durant uns 12 minuts (en el cas de les galetes petites). Haurem de controlar-les en tot moment i treure-les del forn quan comencin a daurar-se lleugerament. Deixarem refredar uns 10 o 15 minuts damunt d'una reixeta. Es poden servir i menjar soles o unir dues galetes amb una capa de melmelada...
Send your comments and suggestions to: European International School of Barcelona Avda. Pla del Vinyet 110 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona. Spain T. +34 93 589 84 20
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