EISB JOURNAL Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community
NEWS & CONTENT A message from our Director Remember that... Let's Celebrate EISB Inspiring The RECIPE, please! EISB Community EISB Team
REMEMBER THAT... HOLIDAYS: 1 November WINTER UNIFORM 2 November ISSA FOOTBALL BOYS 1 - 3 November, London SCIENCE WEEK 6-10 November EISB TALKS 13 November EISB PSYCOMOTRICITY PRESENTATION 14 November at 10am PHOTOS 15 and 16 November SECONDARY Y4 LATE NIGHT 30 November at 7pm
Curiosity is the engine of constant learning By Mr. Mike Barrett. Director
In our s c h o o l , w e foster an envir onment where the thirst f or k n o w l e d g e f l o urishes. Curiosity drives us to quest i o n , explo r e , a n d d i scover . I t m o t i v a t e s u s to seek a n s w e r s , chall e n g e t h e k nown, and innovate . Let's en c o u r a g e our s t ud e n t s t o ask questions, to be inquisitive, and to embr a c e t h e w o n der of the unkn own. Curiosity knows no bound s a n d i s t h e foundation of enduring learning. As we n u r t u r e curiosity, we empower our students to becom e l i f elo n g l e a r n e rs, capable of adapting to an ever- e v o l v i n g w orld . Cur i os i t y t r a n s cends the classroom, enric h i n g o u r l i v es and opening new horizons. It fos t er s c r i t i c al thinking, probl em-solving, and a deep appre c i a t i o n f o r the beauty of the world around us. So, l e t us c o n t i n ue to champion curiosity, for it is the compa s s t h a t guides us on an exciting journey of explo r a t i o n , g r o w th, and boundless possibilities.
Presentación secciones deportivas By Mr Pep Olivé, Extracurricular Coordinator
Un año, más los EISB Dragons han llevado a cabo la presentación de sus secciones deportivas. El pasado viernes 20 de octubre, a las 18h, acudimos a la presentación de los equipos deportivos. Los integrantes de las distintas disciplinas desfilaron y aprovecharon para hacerse las fotografías oficiales. Estos más de 600 deportistas se dividen en 8 secciones:
Fútbol. Baloncesto. Natación. Gimnasia rítmica. Natación sincronizada. Yudo. BTT. Ajedrez. Mr. Ramón y Ms. Alba, con la colaboración de nuestro estimado George, fueron los encargados de amenizar el acto y presentar a todos los participantes.
Los asistentes pudieron adquirir la nueva GORRA DE LOS DRAGONS, palomitas, bebidas y números para la rifa solidaria en la que se sortearon unas zapatillas deportivas, un smartwatch y una bicicleta. Toda la recaudación de este evento se destinó a la causa solidaria CHAZON AFRICA en la que trabajan nuestros alumnos del EISB Solidarity Committee, la gran fuerza motriz que impulsa este proyecto.
1.250€ ¡¡Les deseamos a todos los deportistas una gran temporada llena de éxitos!!
Halloween Festivals By Ms Mónica Griera, Arts Coordinator
On Halloween our theatre was filled with the funniest and most amazing characters, personified by Primary students' costumes. From the stalls we sang and danced to the music of Ghostbusters, Minions Halloween and Monster mash; songs prepared in the Music area. The winning group from Drama performed a scene that they created especially for this celebration. Dance was also a great protagonist; Ballet, Musicals and Funky extracurricular groups of all ages danced and interpreted the most representative characters of this festivity. A great day that we shared dancing, singing and laughing!
OCTO B E R 2023
Halloween & Castanyada Party 2023 By Communications Department On 31st October, we celebrated Halloween and La Castanyada! Our youngest pupils in Nursery and Infant School enjoyed the day in their costumes and had the chance to spend some time with Grandma Castanyera and eat some chestnuts together! Adorable!
Our Primary students paraded around the school showing off in some really cool costumes, some of them to die for !
In Secondary, we raise the stakes! The second edition of the Tunnel of Terror (led by our Baccalaureate, IAL and AHS students) challenged us to face our worst nightmares.
And finally, our favourite part: sharing this great day with all our students and families while enjoying a delicious cup of hot chocolate, music and dancing... and of course, the tunnel of terror for our most daring parents and realtives!
OCTO B E R 2023
Halloween & Castanyada Party 2023 By Communications Department
OCTO B E R 2023
Halloween & Castanyada Party 2023 By Communications Department We also want to thank the families who contributed with cakes for the solidarity cause and to the students in the EISB Community Service for organising this charity event. All the profits will go to our project in Chazon Africa.
2023 Tunnel of Terror: Doctor Graham’s Lab
OCTO B E R 2023
EISB Inspiring
Science Week - Any internacional del mill By Ms Elena Muray, Science Teacher Al llarg de la setmana de la ciència, que es durà a terme del 6 al 10 de novembre, celebrarem l'Any internacional del mill (ONU) a través de diferents activitats per conèixer en més detall aquest cereal mil·lenari que ha tingut un paper fonamental en la història de la humanitat. Amb la seva resistència i adaptabilitat ha esdevingut un aliat valuós en la lluita contra el canvi climàtic. En un món on les condicions climàtiques estan canviant ràpidament, el mill emergeix com un cultiu resilient, capaç de prosperar en ambients desafiadors i de resistir les fluctuacions climàtiques. Així mateix, volem commemorar aquesta setmana el centenari de la visita d'Albert Einstein a Barcelona. Einstein, amb les seves teories, no només va nodrir i enriquir el coneixement científic sinó que amb la Teoria de la Relativitat va canviar la manera d'entendre el món. La seva visita a Barcelona va deixar empremta a la història de la ciutat alhora que va inspirar generacions de científics i pensadors. A través de 12 objectes que suposadament Einstein portava a la seva maleta, els nostres alumnes podran conèixer millor un dels científics més importants de la història de la humanitat. Tot a punt doncs per gaudir de la ciència a través de les activitats que trobareu al programa!
Science Week Programme From Nursery to Baccalaureates
OCTO B E R 2023
EISB Inspiring
Mr. Fernando Fernández challenges us! By Communications Department Mr. Fernando Fernández is a dedicated teacher who has been at our school for two years and teaches Mathematics and General Science, mainly in Secondary Year 2. He has worked extensively in Scotland where he gained invaluable international experience which has equipped him with the tools to explore innovative classroom strategies to capture students' attention and to nurture their self-driven desire for learning. As part of our Science Week programme, pupils of Secondary Year 2 will actively engage in the Periodic Table Escape Room. The concept behind the Periodic Table Escape Room is simple yet remarkably powerful, much like various other gamification strategies used in the classroom. Here, students are presented with a series of intriguing challenges and enigmatic puzzles closely related to the periodic table of the elements. They are tasked with deciphering riddles, discovering clues and applying their knowledge of chemistry to work through the activity and successfully escape. What adds to the charm of this experience is its classroom setting, enabling students to collaborate as a team and apply their knowledge in an entirely different environment. The prospect of solving puzzles and unravelling mysteries within this activity resonates strongly with students, igniting their curiosity and enthusiasm. In this process, learning is not only highly effective but also enjoyable. The pursuit of knowledge becomes a driving force that motivates students to delve deeper into the subject matter and work collaboratively to attain success.
"I firmly support the ongoing quest for efficient teaching methods that encourage student autonomy, freedom, and independence.”
The Periodic Table Escape Room serves as a vivid illustration of how to cultivate autonomy, freedom and autonomy within the classroom. Students are not passive recipients of information; instead, they become active participants in their own learning journey. They are allowed the freedom to explore, make mistakes and independently seek solutions, thereby developing valuable skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and decision-making. Furthermore, in addition to classroom activities, Mr. Fernando encourages the integration of science into various areas of students' lives, aiming to ignite their interest in the subject. For instance, he inspires simple chemical experiments that can be conducted at home. Consider the curiosity sparked when mixing vinegar and baking soda: Why do bubbles form? Or creating a pH indicator using red cabbage cooking water? These simple, safe experiments at home reinforce the idea that the world can be understood through the fascinating lens of chemistry. OCTO B E R 2023
Ms Maria Cassina International Relations and IA-Levels & AHS Coordinator By Communications Department Maria Cassina started working at the school in September 2010 to manage the exchanges that the institution had at the time. She has a deep love for languages and enjoys engaging in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds. This passion aligns perfectly with her role in organizing exchanges and trips. Maria thrives in the multilingual environment, and her interaction with American High School (AHS) students has added a new layer of fascination to her work. Each day brings the opportunity to learn something new about different parts of the world. Interestingly, her upbringing was steeped in rugby, but she has now embraced the role of a devoted basketball mom. Missing one of her son's matches is out of the question. Maria also appreciates the fact that she can commute to work by bicycle and encourages others to take advantage of the growing cycle lane network in Sant Cugat. One of the most challenging aspects of her role is managing the exchanges. Maria is dedicated to ensuring that every participant has a positive experience, even though it's not always an easy task. She recently took on the responsibility of coordinating the International A levels and American High School program. This new challenge has allowed her to meet remarkable young individuals and witness how different learning approaches can cater to diverse student profiles. Maria's proficiency in various languages, even if limited to a few words, has also proven invaluable in reassuring parents when she can communicate with them in their native language, although she acknowledges that she still has much to learn in this regard. Maria's advice to her students is to maintain an open mind. She emphasizes that people tend to quickly judge anything that deviates from their familiar experiences and urges her students to approach new things with respect, not fear. Above all, she underscores the significance of the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. She acknowledges that adhering to this principle can be a challenge on some days, but it remains a fundamental guideline for living a harmonious life.
OCTO B E R 2023
Please remember... At the end of each term and at the end of the school year, as you know, the students' academic reports are published. We take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of having access and knowing how to consult clickedu. For this reason, we have created this new section in our monthly Journal with the aim of always keeping in mind the relevance of using this platform. We remind you that it is essential to access clickedu to verify, modify and update all your data. In this way, we will avoid errors in the relevant documents at the end of the school year and in the transfer of information to the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya (official compulsory information of the utmost importance). We invite you to make the most of this tool by downloading the application on your mobile devices and keeping your data up to date. This will ensure efficient and effective information management. Thank you for your collaboration.
👉🏼 Please log in to the clickedu web portal and enter your username
and password: https://eisbarcelona.clickedu.eu/user.php?action=login In the options menu, access the "My profile" section and click on "Personal Data".
Instructions on Clickedu Instrucciones sobre Clickedu Instruccions sobre Clickedu
The importance of CLICKEDU By Clickeduhelp
Clickedu is an educational application designed to facilitate communication between families, teachers and the school. Family database: collection of all personal data. It is imperative for families to ensure that all the information collected is accurate and up to date. Identity cards, passports, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails, etc. It depends on this that the information flows and the documentation appears without errors, otherwise it could cause serious setbacks. Centralisation of information: Clickedu stores relevant data. Here you will find timetables, report cards, daily menus, authorisations, news and essential information in one place, which facilitates quick and easy access. Real-time updates: the application ensures that information is constantly updated. This means you can access the latest changes, activities, important dates and any relevant updates. Keeping data up to date is crucial to ensure a correct and reliable database. Access from mobile devices: Clickedu is available as a mobile application, giving you the convenience of accessing information anytime, anywhere. You will be able to consult your children's data and keep up to date with the latest news from the palm of your hand. For any questions about Clickedu: clickeduhelp@eisbarcelona.com
OCTO B E R 2023
The RECIPE, please!
Chocolate Panellets By EISB Cheff
Ingredients: 500 grams of ground almonds 500 grams of sugar (2½ cups) 250 grams of potato or sweet potato 130 grams of cocoa powder 2 eggs chocolate shavings
Preparation: To start with the recipe for the chocolate panellets you must first bake the sweet potato or potatoes. Regardless of whether you choose the potatoes or sweet potatoes, cook them in their skins. Once they are done, let them warm up a little and then peel and mash them. Separately, mix the ground almonds with the sugar and cocoa in a large bowl or container. Ideally, use icing sugar or pulverised sugar, but if you don't have any, you can always grind ordinary sugar, or use it without grinding, the result will be just as tasty though less smooth in terms of texture. Now add the eggs and mix them in. Add the mashed potato or sweet potato and knead until the dough is completely blended. Taste and decide whether to add more cocoa or not, as this ingredient is a bit to taste. Once the dough for the chocolate panellets is ready, leave it to rest for at least an hour. Finally, form balls the size of small balls to make perfect chocolate panellets. Prepare the decoration and dip the balls in the chocolate shavings, cocoa powder, grated coconut, ground or chopped almonds... whatever you like! Place the decorated chocolate panellets on a tray lined with parchment paper and bake them in a preheated oven at 180 ºC for 12 minutes at most. It is not necessary to bake them for too long, as if we overbake them they could become too hard and the chocolate shavings could melt.
Send your comments and suggestions to: communications@eisbarcelona.com European International School of Barcelona Avda. Pla del Vinyet 110 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona. Spain T. +34 93 589 84 20
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