EISB Journal September 2023

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Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community

A message from our Director

Remember that...

General Director Talks

EISB Inspiring

The RECIPE, please!

EISB Community


HOLIDAYS: 12, 13


Let's go for another great school year!

The upcoming school year holds the promise of incredible experiences, exciting learning opportunities, and personal growth Each day is a blank canvas waiting to be painted with moments of fun, achievements and unforgettable memories that reflect the very essence of our school’s spirit built on principles of respect, integrity, and empathy.

With enthusiasm and a "can-do" spirit, let's embrace this fresh beginning Together, we will shape an extraordinary future, leaving our mark in everything we undertake, and ensuring that it is firmly rooted in the values that define us

I extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you for an epic and successful school year ahead.

October & 1November

General Director Talks

EISB is cultural diversity

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the families who attended the Welcome Day just before the start of this school year We are thrilled that you are part of this community and we want you to share your first impressions with all of us

We are proud to start this school year with 64 different nationalities including teachers and students!

At EISB, we deeply value the cultural diversity that each family brings with them and believe that this is the cornerstone of the exceptional learning and personal growth experience at EISB

We understand that the process of adapting to a new school and a new country can be challenging That is why we want to assure you that we are here to accompany you every step of the journey you begin at EISB today Our teaching team and all the staff at the school are dedicated to facilitating this transition and providing you with the support you need to meet any academic or emotional challenges that may arise during the adaptation period with maximum guarantees.

I would like to thank and highlight the commendable work done in this process by our "buddies": students, families and teachers with some seniority in the school who voluntarily assist the newcomers until they feel fully integrated into our community.

A big hug and best wishes for this new school year!


L’Adaptació a l’etapa de Nursery

L'etapa de Nursery és un període crucial en el desenvolupament dels nostres petits És aquí on comença el seu viatge educatiu i social, i l'adaptació és clau

És normal que els nens experimentin sentiments d'angoixa i ansietat quan comencen l'escola És una nova rutina, noves cares i un món desconegut Per això, és essencial que els familiars i els mestres estiguin preparats per ajudarlos a fer l'adaptació de forma suau, amb una relació de confiança on es fonamenti l'expressió de sentiments

A l'escola creem un ambient acollidor i segur, ja que és un factor fonamental Els infants han de sentir-se còmodes i estimats per desenvolupar-se adequadament

L'aprenentatge a través del joc és una peça clau en l'etapa d'Infantil, permet als nens aprendre mentre s'ho passen bé i estimula la seva curiositat i la creativitat

Cal tenir en compte que l'adaptació és un procés gradual Alguns nens es poden adaptar ràpidament, mentre que altres necessitaran més temps És important ser pacients

Aquesta etapa és un moment emocionant i desafiant. Amb amor, suport i una aproximació centrada en l'infant, podem ajudar-los a créixer, aprendre i gaudir d'aquesta meravellosa etapa de descoberta i aprenentatge.

EISB Inspiring

Landing Camp “Disconnect to Reconnect”

Del 14 al 15 de septiembre, todo el alumnado y profesorado de Secondary y Baccalaureate vivimos una experiencia única en el EISB Landing Camp realizado en las instalaciones del Collell

Guiados por nuestros docentes y monitores expertos, nos sumergimos en una variedad de actividades enfocadas a fomentar el trabajo en equipo y el liderazgo entre nosotros

Las actividades deportivas, la piscina y la tirolina, entre otros, se convirtieron en el escenario perfecto para fortalecer lazos y disfrutar del entorno natural Y todo ello, sin pantallas ni dispositivos móviles, permitiéndonos estar presentes al 100% y disfrutar La desconexión tecnológica nos confirmó cuán importante es reconectar con nosotros mismos y con los demás

Este encuentro, además de proporcionar momentos de diversión y aprendizaje, dejó en todos nosotros una huella como comunidad que con toda seguridad enriquecerá nuestra convivencia durante el año académico El equilibrio entre la parte lúdica y el aprendizaje en equipo hizo de esta salida una experiencia educativa enriquecedora y memorable para todos los participantes

EISB Inspiring

Landing Camp “Disconnect to Reconnect”

EISB Inspiring

Landing Camp “Disconnect to Reconnect”

EISB Inspiring

Landing Camp “Disconnect to Reconnect”

EISB Inspiring

European Engagement Programme 23-24

Once again, we are thrilled to introduce the exciting travel and exchange programme for this 2023-2024 academic year

Within this programme, our students are granted a unique opportunity to expand their horizons, immerse themselves in new adventures and cultivate invaluable intercultural skills

From educational outings to international exchanges, our objective remains to nurture experiential learning and personal development

This initiative allows students the opportunity to explore interesting destinations, improve their language skills, engage in the sports they practise at school and establish enduring relationships

The main goal of these diverse journeys and exchanges is to ignite a sense of global citizenship within our students, fostering tolerance, empathy, and mutual understanding

SEPTEMBER 2023 EISB Inspiring
EISB students at Loches September 2023


House Points Ceremony

On 22nd September we celebrated the Annual House Points opening ceremony!

The new captains and vice-captains of the different houses (Phoenix, Centaur, Pegasus or Triton) were announced during this ceremony and they welcomed the new members

All Primary Year 1 and NEW students from Primary Year 2 to Year 6 received their pre-tied house tie ALL Secondary Year 1 and all NEW students in Secondary Year 2 also received their regular house ties The class delegates of Primary Year 1 were allowed to attend the event in representation of the school families

This is a new ‘adventure’ that we started years ago which we feel will help the personal growth and development of the students on all levels.

We aim to encourage ‘healthy’ competition where students can gain points during sports, academic, social and artistic events as well as on a daily basis for showing good values and habits and going the extra mile

In order to encourage and strengthen our community, we will be promoting activities where pupils will interact between different year groups in a fun and collaborative way.

The four houses are Centaur, Pegasus, Phoenix and Triton using the four primary colours, green, yellow, red and blue and siblings will always be allocated to the same house Pupils remain in their house for the duration of their time at EISB



Mr. Emilio Tinoco

Arts&TechnologyTeacherinSecondary GreenSchoolsProjectCoordinator

I've been part of the EISB team since 2018, and as I approach my sixth academic year here, I couldn't be happier with my classes and the accomplishments we've achieved through our artistic and eco-school projects.

The alignment of my personal interests with my professional pursuits is no coincidence. Nature serves as my source of inspiration, igniting my passion for hiking, photography, art, local and organic cuisine, and sustainability as a unifying theme.

I find great joy and motivation in instilling, in my students, the significance of art as a form of expression and its inseparable link to the natural world. In a time that calls for heightened sensitivity, empathy, and environmental awareness, I believe in the power of connecting my art classes with the eco-school project. It provides our students with a more expansive perspective on art's relationship with nature and sustainability.

I consistently urge my students to explore new avenues of learning and engagement, be it in the area of art, music, technology, science, or sports. These experiences not only foster their personal growth but also cultivate their creative potential and ecological consciousness as they immerse themselves in exploration, drawing, and interaction with the countryside, forests, and the sea.


"Havingtherightmindset tochallengethestatusquoisacrucialstep towardsachievingexcellenceandunlocking thepotentialforvaluecreation; EISBprovidesyouwiththeessentialtoolsto succeedinthisjourney.”

Tomás Champer Global Tax Planning at Mars EISB Alumni

Please remember...

At the end of each term and at the end of the school year, as you know, the students' academic reports are published We take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of having access and knowing how to consult clickedu. For this reason, we have created this new section in our monthly Journal with the aim of always keeping in mind the relevance of using this platform

We remind you that it is essential to access clickedu to verify, modify and update all your data. In this way, we will avoid errors in the relevant documents at the end of the school year and in the transfer of information to the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya (official compulsory information of the utmost importance).

We invite you to make the most of this tool by downloading the application on your mobile devices and keeping your data up to date This will ensure efficient and effective information management

Thank you for your collaboration

Please log in to the clickedu web portal and enter your username and password: https://eisbarcelona clickedu eu/user php?action=login

In the options menu, access the "My profile" section and click on "Personal Data"

Instructions on Clickedu

Instrucciones sobre Clickedu

Instruccions sobre Clickedu

The importance of CLICKEDU


Familydatabase:collectionofallpersonaldata Itisimperativeforfamiliestoensurethatalltheinformationcollectedisaccurate anduptodateIdentitycards,passports,addresses,telephonenumbers,e-mails,etcItdependsonthisthattheinformationflows andthedocumentationappearswithouterrors,otherwiseitcouldcauseserioussetbacks.

Centralisationofinformation:Clickedustoresrelevantdata.Hereyouwillfindtimetables,reportcards,dailymenus,authorisations, newsandessentialinformationinoneplace,whichfacilitatesquickandeasyaccess.

Real-timeupdates:theapplicationensuresthatinformationisconstantlyupdated.Thismeansyoucanaccessthelatestchanges, activities,importantdatesandanyrelevantupdates.Keepingdatauptodateiscrucialtoensureacorrectandreliabledatabase.

Accessfrommobiledevices:Clickeduisavailableasamobileapplication,givingyoutheconvenienceofaccessinginformation anytime,anywhereYouwillbeabletoconsultyourchildren'sdataandkeepuptodatewiththelatestnewsfromthepalmofyour hand




GNOCCHI are fun to prepare with children and we love them at home!


* 1 kg potato, boiled with the skin (around 40 minutes, when piercing one with a long toothpick, it should go all the way through)

* 10g salt

* a pinch of nutmeg

* 200g flour

(if gluten-free is used, this recipe will be suitable for a celiac diet)

For the sauce:

* 2 cloves garlic

* 4 ripe tomatoes

* 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

* a pinch of salt

* a pinch of sugar

* 1 packet grated mozzarella

Once the potato is cooked, we let it cool to room temperature for at least 2 hours

Peel and mash with the help of a fork (easier if the potato is warm)

Add the salt, nutmeg and the flour and knead well until the dough is homogeneous Let it rest for 20 minutes

Sprinkle the work table with flour and form elongated 2 cm thick cylinders with the dough, which we then cut to about

2 cm

With the help of a fork, slide each gnocchi with your finger to give it the characteristic shape

Bring a pot with 8 litres of water and salt to boil Add the gnocchi and stir

Remove the gnocchi when they float to the surface Serve with tomato sauce

In the meantime, we can easily prepare our tomato sauce:

Cut the tomatoes in half and grate them, discarding the skin. Peel and chop the garlic. Fry them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

When the garlic begins to brown, add the grated tomatoes, a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar and cook for 2 minutes over medium heat.

Mix the sauce with the gnocchi Immediately add the grated mozzarella and mix

We will all remember the first time we ate this dish!!!

European International School of Barcelona Avda Pla del Vinyet 110 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona Spain T +34 93 589 84 20 Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn www.eisbarcelona.com Send your comments and suggestions to: communications@eisbarcelona.com

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