EISB JOURNAL Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community
NEWS & CONTENT A message from our Director Remember that... Let's Celebrate Proud to be EISB EISB Inspiring EISB Team The RECIPE, please!
The joy of reading By Mr. Mike Barrett. Director
HOLIDAYS: 21 December to 7th January
The holiday season offers an excellent opportunity to explore imaginary worlds, broaden our understanding and refine language skills.
WINTER CAMP: 21-22 December 27-28-29 December 2-3-4-5 January
Let's embrace the idea of including reading into our daily lives. By creating a welcoming family reading corner, where stories are exchanged, we not only strengthen family ties but also foster a love for reading in young children. Exploring a range of genres to stimulate creativity and curiosity is not just encouraged but highly recommended.
SKI WEEK PRIMARY 5 & 6: 22 - 26 January
For older students, the school break becomes the ideal time to dive into more thought-provoking literature and strengthen their reading skills. I challenge each of you to uncover books that not only inspire but also entertain! Now, let's seize the moment to cultivate the joy of reading, a habit that directly contributes to our personal growth . May this holiday season be filled with literary adventures and cherished shared moments!
Winter Festival Infant School 2023 By Ms Lyn McBride , Infant School Coordinator Once again, the Infant School children were the stars of the Infant Winter Festival which took place on Thursday 14th December. Families and friends were delighted with their performances in the EISB Special Christmas Recipe, a show which was full of singing, dancing, colour and emotion. None of it would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the whole team of Infant teachers, Ms Mónica and Mr Carl and the EISB presenters, Aila Berrios and Claudia Pérez. And we mustn't forget the class delegates, who provided the beautiful costumes. For the first time ever, and thanks to modern technology, we were able to stream the event live on our EISB Youtube channel and over 600 families and friends all over the world were able to enjoy our magical event. Thanks to everyone for making it such a success!
DECE M B E R 2023
Proud To Be EISB
Solidarity Concert for Chazon Africa By Communications Department
Many thanks, EISB community, for your support at the Solidarity Concert that took place on 1st December 2023. The performance of MAS GOSPEL choir, directed by the talented Gerson Gelabert, was magnificent and vibrant. The energy and passion that they transmitted filled the auditorium with a memorable mood. And even more so when Ms. Iratxe surprised us by singing a solo piece! Special praise goes to the EISB Choir, composed of Primary Year 5 and Year 6 students, conducted by Ms Beatriz Llamas and with Ms Christabel Jackson on piano, who showed an impressive level of talent and dedication. The hard work and commitment they put into every note and expression of each song was clear to see. We're sure that everyone will remember this great performance, alongside a professional Gospel Choir. Ms Lucy, Mr Samuel and Mr Dave, Directors of Chazon Africa, our sister school in Kenya, attended to express their gratitude for the support of the EISB community. The theatre was completely full, proof of the interest, support and enormous generosity of our community. We would like to thank you for the impressive €4,113 raised! The concert left a lasting memory. We sincerely thank MAS GOSPEL for participating, and the EISB Choir, their families and everyone involved in the organisation for their contribution to making this event a resounding success. We look forward to future events that will continue to enrich our community with the magic of music and the arts.
DECE M B E R 2023
Proud To Be EISB
Thank you for your generosity! By Ms Iratxe Marcos, Community Service Coordinator Our heartfelt thanks go to you, EISB Community, for your unwavering support and active participation in our recent initiative. Your generous contributions have made a significant impact and we are thrilled to announce that donated food will be sent to the noble cause of "El Recer" by Caritas Sant Cugat as well as Cáritas Badalona, to ensure that those in need will have access to essential nourishment during these challenging times. Furthermore, we are happy to share that the toys you donated will bring smiles to the faces of children through the "Un nen, una joguina" campaign by Cáritas Sant Cugat. Your thoughtful contributions will undoubtedly bring joy to young hearts during the festive season. Once again, THANK YOU for embodying the spirit of community and compassion. These campaigns would not be successful without the organisation and drive of the Secondary School students within the community service programme. Together, we continue to make a positive difference, one act of kindness at a time.
DECE M B E R 2023
EISB Inspiring
Children need real books By Ms Lyn McBride, Infant School Coordinator
Dear San ta, I kn ow th at you are extrem el y b u s y at th is time of year s o th an k you very mu ch fo r t aki n g th e tim e to read m y lett er. My n am e i s Ms L yn an d every d ay I am p rivileged t o s ee th e mag ic th at h ap p en s w h en you n g b o ys an d gi rl s are imm ers ed in b ooks an d learn in g to read . As yo u k n o w , b ooks are n ot j u s t ran d om letters an d w ord s on p ages . Books are th e key t o s o m u ch m ore in a ch i l d ’ s d evelop men t . W h en th ey en gage w ith s tories , ch ild ren id en t i fy w it h t h eir em ot io n s an d w it h t h e p eop le all arou n d th em; in oth er w ord s , th ey learn ab ou t emp ath y an d th eir feelin gs . Th ey u s e th eir imag in ation to create n ew framew o rks for th eir exp erien ces . An d of co u rs e, th ey rein fo rce t h eir ow n cu ltu re an d learn ab ou t n ew cu ltu res – a very valu ab le s k ill for th e fu tu re.
Dear Santa
, My name is I am years old and this year I have behaved: Very well Good Mischievous but I promise to further improve. I would like to receive these gifts: Th ere are s o man y b o oks to ch oos e from s o p erh ap s I can h elp you .
It would be great to bring “Dogger” to lots of boys and girls. I know it was written a long time ago but its appeal is timeless. The storyline has so many emotions – pleasure, despair, hope, relief and finally joy. And the illustrations are lovely. I hope you like this one. It’ s a classic, along with all of Shirley Hughes books. Let’ s not forget that we are now celebrating Christmas and the values behind Christmas at this time of year. This adorable storybook helps us to associate Christmas with sharing, thinking of others and gives us all a wide cultural perspective. Just delightful
Thank you
“Las zapatillas del abuelo” will be warmly welcomed by all families. It is one of my personal favourites because it talks us about human qualities, it puts a spotlight on one of our society’ s special relationships (grandparents) and there is also lots of humour in the storyline.
So, thank you in advance for bringing books to all the girls and boys so that they can enjoy a wonderful reading Christmas holiday.
Ms Lyn p.s. Don’t forget the adults too!
DECE M B E R 2023
Extracurricular activities
La magia de nuestros festivales By Mr. Pep Olivé, Extracurricular Activities Coordinator
Llega el mes de diciembre y nos encanta disfrutar de nuestros espectaculares festivales de natación sincronizada y de gimnasia rítmica.
NATACIÓN SINCRONIZADA El pasado sábado 2 de diciembre nuestras nadadoras de la sección de natación sincronizada nos enseñaros los bailes que han preparado tanto para las competiciones como para este evento en concreto. Fue una jornada inolvidable tanto para las nadadoras como para los espectadores.
GIMNASIA RÍTMICA El festival tuvo lugar el 16 de diciembre. Todas las gimnastas representaron a la perfección las coreografías que con tanta dedicación y cariño han preparado sus entrenadoras desde principio de curso hasta ahora, además de los bailes de competición. Y por si todo eso fuera poco, tuvimos la suerte de poder disfrutar de la coreografía de Marina Delgado, ex-componente de la selección española de gimnasia rítmica. Ambos festivales, como no podía ser de otra forma, contaron con la participación de George, nuestra mascota, que hizo las delicias de grandes y pequeños. Recordad que podéis seguir toda la actualidad de nuestras secciones deportivas en instagram: @eisbdragons_europasports. Os dejamos este enlace con un resumen de las imágenes más destacadas de ambos festivales. GO DRAGONS!! DECE M B E R 2023
Extracurricular activities
Nyami, Cooking classes By Mr. Pep Olivé, Extracurricular activities Coordinator
Wednesday, 17:00h: -Mr. Albert, Mr. Albert, what are we making today? -We want to start cooking! -Can I grab the knife? -Where do I set the trays? - Can I stir this? Every week the students participating in the Cooking workshop wait impatiently to get to class to find out what they have to prepare. It could be empanadas, apple pie, grandma's broth, biscuits, .... It's always a surprise! Mr. Albert not only explains how to make the recipes, but also gives them tips on how to prepare the food, how to cut or peel it more easily, where the ingredients come from and many other interesting stories about each of the dishes he prepares. In each of the sessions they are in charge of preparing the ingredients, seasoning them, cutting them and cooking them. Some good healthy fun, quite literally!
Nevertheless, it seems that the ones who most look forward to this day are our little chefs' families, as on that day they are the ones who bring the dinner home. Here are some of the recipes they have prepared during this course. Check here.
DECE M B E R 2023
Ms Arantxa Balanya Nursery Teacher, Spanish Specialist By Communications Department Hace siete años, Arantxa se embarcó en el apasionante proyecto de Nursery en EISB. Con una mente inquieta, curiosa y creativa , Arantxa ha encontrado en su labor diaria no solo un trabajo, sino una fuente inagotable de satisfacción y alegría . Su mayor logro, según nos comparte, es presenciar las sonrisas radiantes de sus alumnos al entrar por la puerta con sus padres y madres. Recordando los difíciles períodos de adaptación, Arantxa observa con orgullo cómo la evolución de los niños transforma lo que suponía un pequeño estrés inicial en pura ilusión . Su conexión con los pequeños va más allá de las aulas; es un compromiso emocional que ha cultivado con dedicación y cariño. A través de sus ideas y sugerencias, ha contribuido a la creación del proyecto de Nursery , creando una comunidad participativa que no solo reconoce la importancia del cuidado del entorno , sino que también valora la distribución del espacio y la selección de materiales esenciales para satisfacer las necesidades de los niños. Elogia el poder del trabajo en equipo y la colaboración para lograr estos cambios. Su dedicación y pasión por su labor diaria han dejado una marca indeleble en la comunidad educativa y, sobre todo, en el corazón de cada niño que ha tenido el privilegio de ser parte de su aula.
DECE M B E R 2023
EISB Inspiring
Tota ocasió és bona per seguir aprenent! By Mr. Manel García, Secondary Year 3 and Year 4 Coordinator Molt sovint els joves fan servir construccions que no són del tot correctes, fruit de la influència de les xarxes socials i de les normes lingüístiques de la vida digital. No cal dir que construccions com "Puc pa?" són una aberració lingüística, molt probablement fruit del llenguatge sincopat que els nostres joves fan servir quan es comuniquen a les xarxes socials. Són una mostra de l'empobriment del llenguatge que estem experimentant en l'àmbit global. Com a professors i, més encara, com a educadors hem acabat desenvolupant una estratègia que volem compartir amb vosaltres. I us encoratgem que la feu servir si us revolta una expressió d'aquest tipus.
t del ll n e m i r b empo
influència de les xarxes LL EN GU AT GE DI GI
Els espais del menjador són una bona oportunitat per continuar aprenent, perquè interactuem amb els alumnes en un ambient més distès. Quan algú s'acosta un alumne i diu: "Puc pa?" la resposta és senzillament: "No" i deixar passar unes dècimes de segon en silenci. La reacció de l'adolescent sol ser de sorpresa. Ara tenim tota l'atenció del nostre interlocutor i això és preciós. És el moment de continuar educant. Amb un somriure amable i una expressió pacient cal dir: "És que no has construït bé l'oració." Això li trenca els esquemes. Potser s'esperava que li diguéssim que no n'hi havia o que ja n'havia menjat massa. En qualsevol cas, els hi expliquem: "El verb poder ha de portar un infinitiu darrere". "Per què no proves de començar "Em pots"?" I, llavors, ho veu clar i contesta: “Em pots donar un tros de pa?” Dit i fet. Els resultats, no cal dir-ho, no venen de seguida, però a poc a poc, es va estenent la manera correcta de demanar quelcom i de fer un correcte ús del llenguatge. Corregir errors en parlar proporciona una oportunitat de valor incalculable per perfeccionar les nostres habilitats lingüístiques, permetent-nos aprendre de les nostres fallades i avançar cap a una comunicació més efectiva.
DECE M B E R 2023
Please remember... At the end of each term and at the end of the school year, as you know, the students' academic reports are published. We take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of having access and knowing how to consult clickedu. For this reason, we have created this new section in our monthly Journal with the aim of always keeping in mind the relevance of using this platform. We remind you that it is essential to access clickedu to verify, modify and update all your data. In this way, we will avoid errors in the relevant documents at the end of the school year and in the transfer of information to the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya (official compulsory information of the utmost importance). We invite you to make the most of this tool by downloading the application on your mobile devices and keeping your data up to date. This will ensure efficient and effective information management. Thank you for your collaboration.
👉🏼 Please log in to the clickedu web portal and enter your username
and password: In the options menu, access the "My profile" section and click on "Personal Data".
Instructions on Clickedu Instrucciones sobre Clickedu Instruccions sobre Clickedu
The importance of CLICKEDU By Clickeduhelp
Clickedu is an educational application designed to facilitate communication between families, teachers and the school. Family database: collection of all personal data. It is imperative for families to ensure that all the information collected is accurate and up to date. Identity cards, passports, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails, etc. It depends on this that the information flows and the documentation appears without errors, otherwise it could cause serious setbacks. Centralisation of information: Clickedu stores relevant data. Here you will find timetables, report cards, daily menus, authorisations, news and essential information in one place, which facilitates quick and easy access. Real-time updates: the application ensures that information is constantly updated. This means you can access the latest changes, activities, important dates and any relevant updates. Keeping data up to date is crucial to ensure a correct and reliable database. Access from mobile devices: Clickedu is available as a mobile application, giving you the convenience of accessing information anytime, anywhere. You will be able to consult your children's data and keep up to date with the latest news from the palm of your hand. For any questions about Clickedu:
DECE M B E R 2023
The RECIPE, please!
Special Christmas Hot Chocolate: By EISB Cheff
Ingredients : 4 cups of milk 100 g dark chocolate (preferably with a high cocoa content) 2 tablespoons of sugar-free powder cocoa 3 tablespoons of sugar (adjust to your preference) 1/2 tablespoon of vanilla extract 1/2 tablespoon of powder cinnamon 1/4 tablespoon of nutmeg Pinch of salt Whipped cream (optional, for decoration) Mini marshmallows (optional, for decoration)
Preparation: In a pot over medium heat, heat the milk until it comes to a boil. Do not bring to a full boil . Add the diced dark chocolate to the hot milk and stir until completely melted. Add the cocoa powder and continue stirring to ensure no lumps are present. Add Christmas Flavours: Add the sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon powder, nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Continue stirring over medium-low heat until all ingredients are well mixed and the hot chocolate has reached the desired temperature . How to serve: Pour hot chocolate into mugs and garnish with whipped cream and mini marshmallows if desired. Another option is to sprinkle a little more cinnamon on top for an extra touch of festive flavour . And it’ s ready! Now you have a delicious and comforting drink to enjoy on cold winter nights during the Christmas season.
Send your comments and suggestions to: European International School of Barcelona Avda. Pla del Vinyet 110 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona. Spain T. +34 93 589 84 20
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