Literary Competition
Certamen Literario
Certamen Literari EISB
Dear EISB community,
It is our pleasure to be able to share the compiled volume of awarded literary pieces of the XXVII Literary Contest of Sant Jordi 2024.
For yet another year, we would like to congratulate all pupils for their participation and, in particular, those who have been selected and awarded prizes. This volume is a recognition to those pupils who, in their creations, have stood out for originality and skill.
Congratulations to all!
Mike Barrett
Estimada comunidad de EISB:
Nos complace compartir con todos vosotros el libro que recoge las composiciones literarias premiadas en el XXVII Certamen Literario de Sant Jordi 2024. Un año más, queremos felicitar a todos los alumnos por su participación y, en especial, a quienes han sido seleccionados y nalmente premiados.
Este libro es un reconocimiento para los alumnos que, en sus creaciones, han destacado por su originalidad y destreza.
¡Enhorabuena a todos!
Mike Barrett
Director Benvolguda comunitat d’EISB,
Ens complau compartir amb tots vosaltres el llibre que recull les composicions literàries premiades al XXVII Certamen Literari de Sant Jordi 2024.
Un any més, volem felicitar tots els alumnes per la seva participació i, en especial, els que han resultat seleccionats i nalment premiats.
Aquest llibre és un reconeixement per als alumnes les creacions dels quals han destacat per la seva originalitat i destresa.
Enhorabona a tothom!
Mike Barrett
Maria Stolzenbach
Mira Stelmach
Mia Paias
Blanca Pavón
Marc Malpica
Pablo Fjordbach
Martín Monreal
Marc Masana
Eva Margelí
Isabella Zhao
Lena Van der Weiden
Iris Peña
Lisi Stolzenbach
Nara García Estrada
Augusta Alonso
Carlota Zhu
Sophia Darchiashvili
Ona Navarro
Tamar Shlingbaum
Daniela Macho
Maria de La Roja
Inés Landa
A f Imram
Arlet Mudarra
Samuel Calik
Chloé Meien Zhu
Clara Mairal
Gustavo Quintiliano
Carlos Goded
Federico Putruelli
Ziruo Chen
Amelia Sirokova
Defne Gursen
Raquel Bernácer
Júlia Farrés
Lucas Guevara
Javier Clavel
Mar Soria
Kylie Yourong Huang
Marc Berenguer Garrell
Ana Blanquet
Guillermo Gubert
Marta Sanchiz Pérez-Sala
Elisabet Lin
Melissa Aristizábal Gómez
Nora García Pérez
Elsa Muñoz Cabello
Abel Martínez de Lejarza
So a Medvedeva
Laura Soria Navarro
Ramon González
Paula Torres
Genís Ávila
Pablo Barragán Maranges
Abril Bertolín Clemente
Carlota Sampaio Reis
Daniela Rodríguez
Timurkhon Khodjaev
Sonia Campa
Amina Numayama
Arnau Bentué Arnedo
Elizaveta Korolkova
Pol Pérez
Marc Pérez
Julieta Davidsohn
Cloe Bascompte
Sol Siscart Noguer
Nona Ortega
Daniel Inglada
Pablo Caro
Martina Miras
Iago Li Almiñana
Anastasia Korolkova
Úrsula González
Kim Martínez de Lejarza
Marta Enrich Lázaro
Max Wuttke
Camilo Ramos
Jax Breslow
Konstantinos Karantalis
Noah Nielsoen
Chad Bou Diab
Pablo Fjordbach · Foundation Year 2C
Iris Peña · Primary Y1A
Nara García Estrada · Primary Y2A
Llegenda de Sant Jordi inventada
Daniela Macho and Maria de La Roja · Primary Y4B
Inés Landa · Primary Y4C
Ressenya del llibre Petita Presidenta
Afif Fayyad Imran Safiq Sumi y Arlet Mudarra Feijóo · Primary Y4A
Clara Mairal · Primary Y5B
El drac de Sant Jordi. Biografia
Gustavo Quintiliano y Carlos Goded · Primary Y5A
Entrevista a un trozo de bacon
Ziruo Chen · Primary Y5C
Gâteau de riz aux fruits
Amelia Sirokova and Defne Gursen · Primary Y6C
Raquel Bernácer · Primary Y6B
Carta d’un plàtan a una maduixa
Júlia Farrés · Primary Y6D
Carta d’una salsa de romescu a un calçot
¿Nos cuidamos?
Mar Soria · Primary Y6D
Couscous du Maroc
Kylie Yourong Huang · Primary Y1C
Recipe My grandma: Wonton
Melissa Aristizabal Gómez · Primary Y2B
Hallacas: Traditional Venezuelan Christmas food
Nora García Pérez · Primary Y3B
My grandmother’s fritters PRIMARY YEAR 3 English
Nora García Pérez · Primary Y3B
Recipe: The gritbers recipe
Elsa Muñoz Cabello · Primary Y3D
Calderete Riojano
Abel Martínez de Lejarza · Primary Y4B
Recipe: Grandma macarroni
ESO1 A Ramon González
Antes un guerrero, agora un asesino
-Pardiez, aquesto uno non se lo esperava devuestra -comenté con apenas cualquier tipo de fuerças. -¿Qué pasádole a aquese sennor valiente et intrépito? -Tomé una mexor mirada dél, fixandome en el más mínimo detalle posible, antes de temer lo peor.
-Sennor al que vos conozéis ya no es deaqueste mundo… Agora, es fora que vuesa merced marxe deaqueste.
Llevava un casco brillante commo la plata e robusto commo un navarro. Parecía aver forxado aquese en las minas del metal prezioso. Su armadura e escudo, otrosí brillantes e fechos de fierro, bordadas de cuero fazen combinazión con su aparença muscular e valiente. Tiene el pelo marrón claro e unos ojos verdes commo la fierba. La nariz la tenía deuna forma puntiaguda e corta. La cara la tiene llena de abundantes zicatrizes, posiblemente debido a un ataque de algún animal; Aunque aqueste tendría que ser la altura deun noble roble. Cabe su escudo, ay la espada maxestuosa con la que, lexendariamente, abrió el estómago del temible monstruo de la montanna.
Su personalidad non parezerse nada a la inizial impresión. Lagente cree que es unome salvador e amable, cuándo en realidad es unome traidor e asesino. Si alguien se interpone en su camino no dudará a quitarlo denmedio. Es elome más cruel que econtraras. En sus ojos ves la sangre derramada, viscosa, de un rojo malvado e tormentador de sus víctimas pasadas… Tiene el coraçon de piedra, frío, robusto, lleno de sufrimiento, el martirio e el sentimineto de ser apunnalado por una espada infiel no lo pudo aguantar por todo lo que fizo porella. Embrujado por un pasado venidero, su alma agora yaçe entre las manos del demonio. Ya no es el que una veç fue.
Nadie sabe ca se volvió deaquesta manera e probablemente ningún ser nunca lo sabrá. Aquesta es la fistoria del verdadero Sant Jordi. Antes un guerrero valiente, agora un asesino traicionador.
Die Geschichte des drachen
Die Geschichte ich werde heute erklären, die des Drachen und der Prinzessin.
Sie mussten jeden Tag eine Kuh opfern, aber eines Tages waren keine mehr da, also mussten sie Menschen opfern.
Eines Tages wählte das Roulette die Prinzessin.
Der König war sehr traurig. Als er die Höhle betrat, traf er einen jungen Herrn.
Er verteidigte sie gegen den Drachen und am Ende tötete er ihn.
Aus dem Blut entstand eine Rose, ich habe es ihr gegeben.
Alle waren sehr zufrieden mit ihm. Sie dankten ihm.
Abril Bertolín Clemente · Secondary Y2C
Abril Bertolín Clemente ESO 2C
Have you ever been to a museum and been bored? Well that's what I thought would happen when I visited the museum of science and technology in Terrassa, but I was blown away by it.
The museum had an impressive exhibition about energy, what's more, it also had private classrooms where they showed us mind blowing experiments related to the exhibition. They had a special material to represent it. The building was gigantic and had various spaces, each dedicated to one different field. We toured the museum after the energy activity, the museum was very welcoming and as we walked the monitors explained interesting facts about everything, however it was sometimes confusing to understand what she was saying as the theory was complicated, still she was really empathetic and repeated herself so we’d understand.
The best part was the last display about the effect of chemistry. The monitor explained brief things and then let us explore freely. It was very fascinating and I thought it was very entertaining to explore. It was a very enjoyable experience.
If you like science but do get bored, I would recommend this amazing exhibition. I'm sure it will be memorable and will make you like science.
Sant Jordi 2024
ESO 2 Daniela Rodríguez
Estimado rey Diocleciano:
Aún recuerdo mis años de desdicha y cómo me salvaste de mi muerte segura. Me diste un lecho y animales con los que alimentar mi insaciable apetito. Desde entonces, mi lealtad ha sido ciega y he cumplido todos tus deseos sin rechistar, mas me temo que esta vez no sé si seré capaz. La tristeza me inunda y escribir esta carta parece ser más difícil de lo esperado. Físicamente, he crecido fuerte como un roble gracias a tu ayuda y perseverancia, pero mi consciencia, irremediablemente, ha escogido otro camino. Mi voluntad no es tan fuerte como la tuya y se niega en rotundo a seguir tu mandato. Matar a tu hija Cleodolinda me parece inviable. Algo me dice que no te tomarás gratamente mis palabras, entonces te ruego que sigas leyendo.
Sabes con exactitud cómo es tu hija; casi tan astuta como tú y con una presencia pura y atrayente. Me avergüenza admitirlo, pero debo reconocer que después de tantos años, ha conseguido agrietar la coraza que envuelve mi perverso corazón, y la idea de manchar mis escamas con su sangre me desconsuela más de lo que debería. Te pido que reconsideres tu petición. Tu hija, aún sin quererlo, ilumina de oro mi vida y confieso que durante años su figura de porcelana me tentaba más que cualquier oveja en el más apetecible ganado.
Pero ya no es así, no temas: ahora no es más que una fantasía furtiva. Aún así, sigue habiendo un profundo cariño reservado hacia ella en mi corazón, y por el bien de él, te mandó esta carta.
Piensa en el futuro de Montblanc, mi Rey. Piensa también en mí.
Tu dragón.
Querido dragón:
Siempre me han reconfortado tus palabras. Admito sorprenderme ante tu repentina confesión y más aún ante tu negativa a matarla. Por si te lo cuestionabas, yo también recuerdo con afecto esos años de entrenamiento y por eso tu carta me ha desconcertado tanto como lo ha hecho. Si como bien nombras, en tu memoria todo esos años grabados están, entonces ¿porque siento tu debilidad como una daga afilada? Te he tratado con bondad, incluso cuando nadie lo hizo y he forjado en ti un guerrero, un espejo de mi alma. Hemos vivido guerras y derramado lágrimas juntos, y, aún así, osas utilizar mis palabras en mi contra y tratarme como a un necio.
Vi en ti un luchador innato, y la ferocidad de Dios brillaba reflejada en tus ojos. Antaño me atreví a llamarte mi hijo, mas ese sentimiento se extinguió al leer tu carta como una llama se apaga con la brisa. Mis hijos deben ser feroces y temibles, y no hay espacio en sus corazones para sandeces como lo es el amor y los romances imposibles. Me has decepcionado, mi dragón. Tu recuerdo me repulsa. Cleodolinda morirá mañana al atardecer
y tú serás el responsable, y entonces tus palabras no significarán nada. Espero que la agudeza de mis palabras provoque en ti un fuego capaz de quemar aldeas enteras.
Te lo advierto: no vuelvas a desafiarme, Tu Rey.
Timurkhon Khodjaev · Secondary Y2C
Sonia Campa · Secondary Y2A
Die Prinzessin und der Drache
Arnau Bentué Arnedo · Secondary Y3C
My worst day ever at Montjüic
Sant Jordi 2024
Què em fa feliç?
Quan miro hipnotitzada el cel, colors que s'assemblen als de la mel miro com es fonen al final del dia i el cos se m’omple d’alegria.
Quan l’horitzó es vesteix de foc, m'omple de felicitat a poc a poc.
La brisa marinera m’acaricia la pell i escolto el cant de l’ocell.
Quan nedo enmig del mar, envoltada de l’aigua i d’un cel clar.
Es podria ser més feliç? escoltant com trenquen les onades Es podria ser més feliç? veient com s’esvaeixen les meves petjades. L’estiu es un temps de llum i de viure d’estimar i de somriure.
Pol Pérez · Secondary Y3B
ESO 3 Pol Pérez
Pol Pérez, ESO 3B
Pues sepa vuestra merced, ante todas cosas, que a mí me llaman el Pacha de Algorta, hijo de Patesio Ciscerno, y Rutesia González. Mi padre, Dios lo perdone, trabajaba de pescador, mas no quiero conocer su verdadera profesión. Apenas cumplía mi tercero aniversario, que mi hermana Nazaret se marchó con un hombre de tez morena y, siendo yo niño de 10 años, mi padre murió, o eso me hizo creer la buena de mi madre. Con los corazones partidos y los bolsillos vacíos, nos fuimos de Algorta, y, tras un agotador viaje, llegamos a Logroño, donde mi madre pronto empezó a trabajar en un caserío. A duras penas llegábamos a fin de mes, razón por la cual, al ver a un anciano con necesidad de amo, me hizo ir con él, muy a mi pesar. Tras andar por poco más de un día, llegamos a Navarra. Guridi, el anciano, vivía en una gran casa, en una de las zonas más prestigiosas de la ciudad, y tenía infinidad de comodidades. Sin embargo, por muy rico que fuera, no hubo día en que recibiera más que una mazorca de maíz, causando que tuviera que desarrollar mi astucia para no finarme de hambre. Cuando invitaba a algunas damas para pasar la noche y las uvas ya se le subían a la cabeza, me disfrazaba de ellas, y, forzando mi voz, le pedía comida. Durante mi estancia con el anciano, me forzó a hacer las tareas más laboriosas y desagradables que uno pudiera imaginar, y cuando descanso y comida le pedía, con un buen porrazo me respondía. Poco a poco, mi desagrado hacia él incrementó, y convencido de que a alguien mejor encontraría, me marché de sus aposentos en busca de alguien a quien servir.
Pasaron dos días y me topé con Aridane, un brujo de larga melena que, a primera vista, parecía un hombre exitoso. Me llevó a su casa y, para mí agrado, nos esperaba un gran banquete. Había exquisitos manjares y finos vinos. Por primera vez en mucho tiempo me volvía a sentir complacido. Mas fue esta ilusión la que causó que mi caída fuera más brutal. Al segundo día con el brujo, me encargó ir a Logroño a pie para conseguirle un preciado queso azul, con apenas una zanahoria para aguantar el camino. Tras un cansado viaje, retorné a Navarra con su preciado manjar y, me dejó sin alimentar por 2 días enteros. En las siguientes semanas, tuve que realizar viajes a todos lados de la península, recibiendo tan solo una sopa fría de calabacín cada tres días. No solo eso, sino que también me usaba como conejillo de Indias para sus irrazonables experimentos. El anciano, a pesar de sus muchas carencias, nunca me hizo sentir tal sensación de agotamiento. Huí del fuego para caer en las brasas.
Una fresca mañana de febrero, en medio de una de las tormentas más brutales vistas por mis ojos, me ordenó ir a Valladolid con apenas una cebolla. No pasaron más de diez horas, que mis piernas no respondían a mi cerebro. Justo allí, me encontré con un gran acantilado, y decantándome más por la muerte que por la vida, me dirigí a él. Cuando a punto estaba de cometer tal atrocidad, un joven agricultor subido a un majestoso caballo negro me dijo:
- ¿No estarás pensando de veras en saltar? pues no serás bienvenido en el cielo. ¿Por qué no te subes conmigo y trabajas como mi mozo? Te aseguro que nunca te faltará de nada.
- De acuerdo-dije yo, sin muchas esperanzas, pues la vida ya me había enseñado lo suficiente para no confíar en el bien de todo el mundo.
Juntos cabalgamos debajo de la fuerte lluvia por más de cinco horas, cuando llegamos a lo que sería mi ciudad para los siguientes 7 años: Salamanca. Nada más llegar, se quitó el barro de encima, y lavó esmeradamente a su caballo. Acto seguido, se subió en este y dio una vuelta por la ciudad. Sin embargo, cuando se dirigía su hogar, dejó al caballo apresuradamente en un establo, y tuvimos que ir a su humilde morada andando. Allí es cuando me dijo:
- ¿Tienes hambre, mozo? Ya va siendo hora de cenar, aunque si te digo la verdad, no me fino de hambre, hasta mañana puedo esperar.
- Con el estómago vacío, y muy a mi pesar contesté- No hay problema, no será la primera vez que paso la noche sin comer.
- Mejor, ya que más vale saber controlarse.
Siempre reflexionaba sobre por qué me había tocado vivir tal vida de desventuras, y no hubo día que fuera a la cama sin desear no despertar la siguiente mañana.
Als die Außerirdischen gekommen sind, war ich 18 Jahre alt. Am Anfang hatten alle Personen Angst. Nach ein paar Tagen sind alle Länder beigetreten, so hat der Krieg begonnen.
Die Außerirdischen waren blau, groß, intelligent, sie hatten einen Schwanz. Sie hatten eine Antenne und eine Glatze.
Die Außerirdischen sind nach Frankreich gekommen, dann habe ich sie nicht persönlich gesehen, nur durch Fotos.
Sie hatten sehr gute Technologie, aber der Krieg war sehr schwierig und wir mussten unter Quarantäne bleiben, falls es Bomben gab. Nach zwei Wochen konnten wir mit den Außerirdischen sprechen. Sie haben gesagt, dass sie einen neuen Planeten zum Leben gesucht haben und wir haben geantwortet, dass sie nicht auf der Erde leben konnten. Am Ende haben wir gemeinsam entschieden, dass die Außerirdischen auf dem Mars leben können. Dann war es wieder normal …
Nona Ortega · Secondary Y4D
Què és, per a mi, l’amor?
Nona Ortega - Què és, per a mi, l’amor?
L’amor no és una persona ni un moment determinat, és o hauria de ser un sentiment que acompanyi, un recolzament que a tothom pertanyi, i si no es sent així, potser s’està mal encaminat.
L’amor és com un matí d’estiu sense preocupacions, com escoltar la teva cançó preferida en directe, com permetre’t sentir sense limitacions, i reconèixer que mai seràs perfecte.
L’amor hi és sempre i mai, hi és en totes les seves versions, ocupa en nosaltres gran part de l’espai, i hauríem de ser capaços de veure’l sense tantes complicacions.
L’amor és una persona que et fa brillar els ulls, com ho són els amics que t’omplen d’orgulls, o la família que sempre hi és, i tu mateix que t’estimes sense importar res més.
Daniel Inglada 4D
El túnel
En una humilde morada situada en las afueras de Sant Cugat, un pequeño pueblo adyacente a Barcelona dedicado en aquel entonces al cultivo de viñas, sucedió algo extraordinario. Allí vivía la familia Torre Negra, una familia adinerada que poseía una gran extensión de campos de cultivo y que destacaba sobre todo por su autosuficiencia ya que todo el árbol genealógico, desde los primeros orígenes, sentía una gran atracción por la ganadería.
La familia consiguió todo su capital gracias al comercio en el mercado local a pesar de que ninguno de los miembros de la familia trabajase ahí. De hecho, desde muchas generaciones atrás, la familia tenía la extraña tradición de nunca mostrarse públicamente en la ciudad y que su nombre fuera solo reconocido como una simple entidad comercial dedicada al cultivo de las viñas.
La leyenda estaba basada principalmente en el hermano mayor, Jaume. Jaume era un chico de 17 años, delgado, tímido y con un interés especial por saber cómo era la vida en la ciudad ya que sus padres insistían en que siguiera las tradiciones de sus antepasados. Jaume tenía una gran aptitud para la lectura y había días de invierno que en cuanto empezaba la fría tarde se encerraba con su propia mente en la interminable biblioteca que se encontraba en el oscuro sótano.
En una de esas tardes, Jaume estaba investigando por la zona más oscura de la biblioteca cuando encontró una sección que ponía “non trasiet” que en español significa “no pasar”. Al ver esto Jaume decidió ignorarlo y se fue a la sección de historia y política que era la que más apreciaba. Cuando cayó la noche por completo y los bostezos de Jaume empezaron a resonar por todo el sótano, decidió subir a su alcoba a descansar ya que al día siguiente le esperaba una dura jornada de cultivo y posteriormente iría a saciar su deseo de visitar aquella zona prohibida en la biblioteca.
Al día siguiente, Jaume se levantó con un extraño dolor de cabeza, pero decidió no darle importancia y ponerse manos a la obra con el cultivo. Cuando le dieron la tarea de cargar el burro que se iba dirección a la ciudad, su curiosidad le pudo y se montó en la carga trasera del burro sin que nadie lo viera.
Después de unos 15 minutos de baches, o eso calculó Jaume en su mente, llegó a la parte de descarga del mercado saliendo rápidamente del carro. Entró en la zona de comercio y se quedó anonadado. Nunca había visto nada igual, tan acostumbrado como estaba a la vida solitaria y, de repente, se encontró con cientos de personas y muchísimas tiendas.
Después de los 5 segundos de parálisis, decidió echar un vistazo por el mercado para finalmente encontrar un pequeño museo sobre la historia de Sant Cugat. En el museo encontró la leyenda de un túnel subterráneo que conectaba el mercado con una casa en las
afueras de la ciudad. En ningún momento Jaume pensó que se trataba de su casa, así que decidió volver caminando a su hogar por los extensos campos de viñas.
Al llegar se encerró en la biblioteca como de costumbre y se armó de valor para entrar en aquella sección que de primeras le asustó tanto. Después de entrar se dio cuenta de que no era para tanto y empezó a ver libros que podría leer más tarde. Pero uno en especial le llamó mucho la atención, se titulaba “Los mitos de torre negra”. El ver el nombre de su casa en ese título despertó un especial interés en Jaume y sintió la necesidad de leerlo.
Al leerlo descubrió la leyenda que dice que existe un túnel que conecta el mercado con su casa y se acordó de lo que había visto en el museo del mercado. Al final del libro vio una pista de dónde se encontraba el túnel. La pista era una frase: “Donde los cimientos chirríen como un violín desafinado, debajo se encontrará la entrada al túnel”.
Jaume, descontrolado, empezó a correr por la biblioteca y al llegar a la zona de animales el suelo produjo un sonido desagradable. Por lo tanto, Jaume levantó el cimiento y encontró la entrada tal y como decía el libro.
Al entrar, sintió un fuerte y abrumador viento frío que siguió con unas voces que hicieron que Jaume quisiera seguir adelante para ver qué había. En un cruce apareció una gran nube blanca que tomó la forma de un anciano. Jaume, estupefacto, le preguntó quién era y cómo era posible que estuviera ahí. Este respondió: Hay cosas en este mundo complejo que escapan a la razón, hijo mío.
Al decir esto se desvaneció y empezaron a sonar voces y a aparecer más siluetas de gente conforme Jaume avanzaba por aquel extraño lugar. Tardó poco en enloquecer…
Cuenta la leyenda que su cuerpo nunca fue encontrado y que estos fantasmas son las personas que murieron intentando llegar a la ciudad por ese túnel maldito.
Martina Miras · Secondary Y4B
Sankt Georg wettgeureb
To whom it may concern, I am writing this letter so as to provide feedback in relation to my recent trip to Milano this past summer with my family. I wish to outline the advantageous points of my visit to one of the most fashionable cities in Europe and suggest how an inconvenience may be improved.
First and foremost, I was left truly impressed by the array of architectural masterpieces Milano offers. The “duomos” immensity is truly outstanding as it made me feel like a dwarf compared to its gigantic ceilings and walls, covered with paintings from the Renaissance. The cathedral is not the only building which can make anybody feel small, since, right in front of the duomo, the Vitorio Emmanuelle Galleries can be found. Despite being packed with tourists the whole day, this swish shopping mall offers many fashion options. Walking by these galleries made my day and whenever I looked at the ceilings, I was left enthralled by their beauty. Not only was I astounded by these centuries-old buildings, but I also found other streets in the upper part of the city majestic and extremely calm.
Additionally, every Italian city has its own typical dish which never disappoints added to the well-known gastronomical masterpieces which differentiate Italy from other cuisines: pizza and pasta. My main goal for this trip was to find the best pizza I had ever eaten and the city did not disappoint. Furthermore, what I would also like to highlight was the perfect service from the waiters at the restaurants, whose recommendations helped me try different dishes from the Italian cuisine and the “milanesa”.
Above all, were I to underline the most positive aspect for Milano’s people, it would be their friendliness. If it were not for their assistance, we would not have been able to visit the mustsee buildings and neighbourhoods of the city.
In contrast, were I to suggest a point where the city could improve, it would be the public transport. The lack of assistance in the underground system left a lot to be desired and we became lost searching for how the “metros” worked. What is more, Milano’s airport is almost 40 miles away from the city and the train which brought us to Milano took almost half an hour to arrive and many people were affected, losing their patience. Hence, more help should be offered to tourists on their arrival to public transport as it is not clear enough and the number of trains available from Milano to the airport should be increased. This would avoid unhappy visitors who begin their trip the worst way possible.
I very much hope to receive a response to my letter as soon as possible and hope my suggestions are noted down. Having said that, I would like to congratulate Milano’s citizens for helping Milano become one of my favourite cities to visit. Thanks to its variety and combination between modern and past aspects in the city, I would certainly revisit.
Yours faithfully,
Marc BerenguerAna Blanquet · Baccalaureate Y1C
Un matí de novembre de 1959
Textos Sant Jordi
Ana Blanquet
Un matí novembre tota una vida confiant en tota aquella geany 1959 mateixos nt, deixant portes obertes a tot al qui vo- anys d'engany pocs veïns de sem- lgués passar, cegament estimant a pers- amistats i confiapre Estat de Kansas ones a qui coneixia de sempre o això se nça perdudes
Cap tragèdia, vida n- suposava sorolls violents quatre bales, ormal com qualsev- un parell de crits, SIS MORTS ol altra, fins i tot av- al orrida Treballar, caç- rm ar, menjar, dormir, p- a no assatemps, festes F- vid ins diumenge matí d'aquell novembre mai oblidat a aquell petit desconegut poble
Guillermo Gubert · Baccalaureate Y1C
El sueño de la vida eterna
Guillermo Gubert (BACH 1C)
El sueño de la vida eterna
Que habría de verme postrado en la caja de la noche oscura, quizás despierto o sosegado quizás en sufrimiento o en cordura.
Descubriré mi esencia por fin desprendida de su lúgubre carcasa, que actuó como mero maniquí en el papel de la soberbia castigada.
Quizás despierte sobrecogido al descubrir que un sueño ha sido, o quizás descubra desolado que no se cumplió el hado.
Me sentaré en el vacío pensando arrepentido, de no haber vivido mejor, pues hay que vivir sin miedo y temor para que el fin del mundo te pille bailando
Marta Sanchiz Pérez-Sala · Baccalaureate Y1C
Les Jeux Olympiques
Elisabet Lin · Baccalaureate Y1A
Heine Erfahrung Als Kriegsgefangene
To whom it may concern,
I am writing with regard to the trip I have recently taken to the one and only city of love, Paris. I wish to share some snippets of my stay, as well as highlight both positive aspects and areas that might benefit from improvement. Additionally, I would like to offer some constructive feedback that I believe would enhance the overall experience of all visitors.
First of all, nobody can deny that Paris is a captivating city, not only for its cultural heritage but also for possessing some of the most iconic landmarks. Among them we can find the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and the Notre Dame Cathedral, all of which have surpassed my expectations. Despite the many articles I have read before my travels about public transport, I would like to point out that both the accessibility and comfort of such turned out to be commendable, allowing for seamless transportation. Moreover, I believe that the Parisian cuisine deserves recognition. From Michelin starred restaurants to little bistros, this city offered me an exquisite dining experience with affordable prices.
That being said, there are a few points that I would like to bring to your attention, starting off with the amount of litter found in many public and tourist areas. Consequently, perhaps by incorporating more bins as well as organising volunteering litter campaigns, this matter could be addressed, which would certainly make this city more visually appealing and create an incentive for future visitors. Additionally, I believe it crucial to manage the crowds at popular attractions. Wanting to visit the Eiffel Tower I had to stand in line for almost three hours which certainly caused irritation in me and in those waiting. Strategies could be implemented to control visitor flow. For instance, by offering the possibility of obtaining online tickets, these crowdings could be alleviated.
I would be grateful if you drew attention to these aspects and perhaps encourage the local authorities to look into them so as to make the experience of future travellers unforgettable.
Thanking you in advance,
Yours faithfully, Anastasia
Batx 2n
Qui no pagaria per poder dormir en la quietud evitant l’angúnia que habita a la nostra pell prudents de no pervertir-nos amb il·lusions.
Què hem de fer quan la vida és tan cretina, plena d’anhels inabastables i ens fa presoners dels nostres ideals?
Tradició, habitud i enemistat conviuen entre elles per ocultar el temor que ofega la teva estima.
De tant que veneres els bons costums renuncies als meus sentiments de dona i endolceixes les meves ferides amb tendresa,
Si en saps amar no dubtis agafar la meva mà que tots dos, per aquest món, hem de lluitar.
Ich war in der Zelle, in der kleinen Zelle und auch alle, die wie ich waren. Wir waren erschöpft. Ich habe ringsherum gesehen. Ich habe nur traurige Augen und kranke Körper gefunden. Wir waren alle festgeklebt und damals habe ich nicht bemerkt wie stinkend Die Stunden sind langsam vergangen, es gab keine Unterhaltung. Wir waren alle in einem bedauerlichen Zustand.
Am Anfang hatten wir noch viel Hoffnung. Wir haben gedacht, dass sie uns retten würden, bevor der Krieg zu Ende ist. Aber die Stunden vergingen und niemand kam uns retten, niemand. Wir haben einen Plan organisiert, einen hoffnungsvollen Plan. Die Männer, die den Plan ausgedacht haben, verschwanden. Niemand wusste mehr von ihnen.
Nach dem Vorfall hat niemand versucht zu gehen. Wir waren alle da, wir konnten nichts tun. Ich habe jeden Tag geträumt und ich habe unsere Rettung erwartet, die nie gekommen ist
Marta Enrich Lázaro · Baccalaureate Y2C
YEAR 2 Zh ō ngwén
Nüwa y la creación de la humanidad
Max Wuttke
Max Wuttke, International
A levels
Politicians are some of the most powerful people on the planet owing to their influence on countries governmental affairs. The general public often associates them with being aggressive, dominant and self-confident (1 Tremmel and Wahl 2023). But what happens when that wall of confidence and authority crumbles down in front of the eyes of millions of people?
An article (2 BMJ 2018) found that MPs had poorer mental health and reported higher levels of worthlessness, unhappiness, and depression. The response rate of the survey was very low, and the researchers stated that most MP’s that responded likely suffered from mental health issues themselves, but also revealed that under-reporting could be due to not wanting to be vulnerable to others about their problems because of the general stigma of mental health in the political sector.
The universal view of our country's leaders often impedes us from remembering that politicians are the individuals that face most pressure in modern day society. Imagine the whole future of a country laying in your hands and having everyone call you a pig or a liar despite all of your efforts. That is bound to be tough on your mind. Though in the eyes of adversity, most of these politicians come out stronger and develop a strong ability to take on criticism.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and the mental demands of running a country's administration can be too much to handle as they succumb to many health issues like episodes of anxiety and depression amongst others.
This project aims to investigate how the British media has reacted to some of these events using a content analysis where multiple sources will be analysed. By performing this analysis, we will be able to identify certain patterns in different British news outlets and their outlook on politicians and mental instability. Additionally, we will see how over time, politicians are attempting to break the taboo between politicians and mental health.
The different outlets used will be tabloids and broadsheets. A tabloid is a type of newspaper that provides short reports on sensational stories, normally tackling topics that are popular to the reader. A broadsheet is a lot bigger in size and reports on topics more global and generalisable to everyone.
Before we commence, it’s imperative to understand the historical context behind how mental health has been represented throughout the UK politician system (3 John Turner et al). In England's post war period, the main necessity was to promote decarceration and to put forward more progressive and ethical guidelines to treat mental health as a whole. This was done through the Mental Health Act of 1959 (4), which abolished the distinction between psychiatric hospitals and mental institutions and repealed the Mental Lunacy act of 1930. The act encouraged a more benign and informal setting to treat individuals that suffered from mental health disorders. As time went on midway through the 20th century, more advancements were made politically towards the progression of mental health in the UK. To give a few examples, the Royal College of Psychiatrists was created in 1970, the Mental Health Act was imposed in the National Health Service in the mid1980s for the protection of civil rights of mentally ill patients, and the labour governmental party heavily increased their spending into mental health from 1997 until 2010. This was done through the Modernising Mental Health Services paper, which saw mental health patients drop at the highest rate it has ever seen from the 1980s to the 2000s. Finally, we finish this historical journey with
another Mental Health Act in 2007, which ended a long battle between the government and the Mental Health Alliance.
These political and health reformations have been paramount in the psychological world. It allows patients to be cured at a higher rate which can therefore result in them being reintegrated back into their community at a quicker pace and at lower relapse rates.
The cases that will be evaluated are from Tory MP William Wragg, Conservative Senedd group leader Andrew RT Davies and the stories of MPs Charles Walker and Kevan Jones. These politicians either took breaks from their positions from depression/general mental health issues or have talked about the matter to provide awareness countrywide. A quick back story will be issued for each of these politicians to add some valuable contextual information.
William Wragg: (5) William Wragg is a Manchester-born Member of Parliament for the British Conservative party since May 2015. He currently works as a chair member in the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (6) and has been very critical of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson regarding the lockdown parties and called out Lizz trust to resign early on into her reign as Prime Minister. In August of 2022 he announced that he was taking a short break from MP duties as he was suffering from depression. Later that year, he reported he would be standing down from the latest British General elections.
Andrew RT Davies: (7) Andrew RT Davies is a Welsh Tory politician serving as the leader of the Welsh Conservative group of the Seneed since January 2021. He had been leader before 2021 (2011-2018) but was forced to resign early on in 2018 as Tory members did not agree with his views of former Prime Minister David Cameron. He was re-elected in early 2021 after Paul Davies’ resignation due to possible breach of COVID protocols. In October of 2021 the Seneed leader revealed he was suffering from mental health issues and would then take a short break from his duties.
Charles Walker: (8) Charles Walker was a British politician who served as chair of the House of Commons Procedure Committee from 2012 to 2019 and retired from politics as a whole in 2022 due to his outlook on the current British political environment calling it “toxic” and “painful” to be a part of. He too, condemned former prime minister Boris Johnson’s Lockdown Parties and also called for Lizz Truss’s resignation. He has never stepped down from his duties due to mental health issues but, alongside Kevan Jones, has spread awareness about his everlong battle against his obsessive-compulsive disorder throughout the entirety of his House of Commons role and has been a key figure in spreading awareness of mental health in politicians in the UK.
Kevan Jones: (9) Kevan Jones is a current Member of Parliament for the Labour Party and has been serving in that position since 2001. In 2012, a debate was held where many politicians were trying to extend consideration between politicians and mental health issues and Jones disclosed he had suffered from depression since 1996. In 2015, (10) due to a disagreement between Ken Livingstone regarding the Trident nuclear missile system, Jones was verbally attacked by Livingstone in a Daily Mirror interview where he said he was "obviously depressed and disturbed" and "should see a GP". Jones responded with a justified statement saying those comments belonged in the dark ages and that mental health issues should not be used against an opponent in the political setting or from any setting for that matter.
As we can see, efforts have been made to promote recognition of politicians' mental well being, but the job isn’t even close to being done. The British population (like Livingstone) are still not fully aware of the severity of mental instability in our statesmen. To conclude this introduction, it isn’t unreasonable to assume that there will be a significant difference between the way tabloids and broadsheets report the aforementioned cases.
1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36777214/
3. History of Mental Health in the UK
4. Mental Health Act 1959
5. William Wragg MP information
6. William Wragg Background
7. Andre RT Davies Background
8. Charles Walker Background
9. Kevan Jones Background
10. Ken Livingstone Blasts Labour Rival
2. MP's more likely to suffer from depression and worthlessness
Jax Breslow
English A, Year 8 21st of November 2023
Will there ever be peace
Will there ever be a time where this oppression will decrease
Will the importance of black and white ever cease
As blacks followed the demands and commands, and worked in the lands
Until a feeling of pain shocked their glands and dirt covered hands
Beatin’ like drums in bands but don’t misunderstand
Will there ever be a time when hate is done and peace has won
Where our son’s can run in the sun and just have fun
Equal black and white boys with silky bright skin that has no sin
Deep within the belief that peace might win
Will there ever be a time where I pick up my chin
Where the stairs of hatred disappear and there is no longer fear
As the bells of freedom ring in my ear and the message becomes clear
What we all hold dear on this spinning sphere
Will there ever be peace
Camilio Ramos 05/03/2024
Hello, my name is Camilo Here is a little information about me I am from Colombia and I am fifteen years old I am learning English I like the environment in Columbia and the climate because it's tropical I like to eat “desgranado” This food has: fries, sausage, meat, chicken and a lot of sauce
I like to play Fifa and Fortnite This game is about battle royale I like that game because you can change the skin and kill other players I always play with my friends but not a lot, only two times per week
I have two brothers, their names are German and Angel I am older than both My mother is thirty-one years old and my father is thirty-four years old I have one dog whose name is Blue She has gray hair, blue eyes, she is small and she likes croquettes so much
I like to watch videos about kings league The king's league is about one league Their presidents are youtubers and famous The league is very entertaining because it is seven against seven and the pitch is small and with this we can see so many goals
My favorite foods are pizza and hamburgers My favorite football player is Bacary My favorite football team is Real Madrid
“The Old Man and the Sea”
I recently read the novel, “The Old Man and the Sea” written by Ernest Hemingway. This classic was published in 1952 and explores human endurance and the indomitable spirit set against the unforgiving forces of nature. Hemingways powerful text unfolds a tale of struggle and resilience that has captivated readers for decades. We can clearly see this from the following quote, “ A man can be destroyed but not defeated” which shows the old man's internal strength.
The “Old Man and the Sea” is a story of reliance set against the vast unforgiving sea. The protagonist, Santiago, is an elderly Cuban fisherman who has fallen on tough times. He hasn't caught a fish in 84 days which leads the villagers to believe he's cursed. Discouraged, Santiago decides to venture far into the Gulf stream with the determination to prove his worth. Amidst the terrifying waves and the feelings of loneliness and isolation, Santiago finally hooks an enormous marlin which marks the beginning of an epic struggle. The old man and the fish engage in a long difficult battle of strength and willpower. The narrative very skilfully captures the emotional and physical struggle the old man endures throughout his journey. The marlin, a symbol of nature's power, becomes both Santiago's rival and a creature worthy of respect. As Santiago battles the marlin, he reflects on life, youth and unavoidable passage of time. This story beautifully explores the relationship between man and nature delving into various themes such as endurance, dignity and the strong human spirit that refuses to give up in the face of impossible odds. The novel weaves together the elemental struggle between man and sea whilst also portraying the
indomitable human spirit as Santiago fights not just for a fish but for his own sense of purpose. In the end the story leaves readers with a touching reflection on the cyclical nature of life and the enduring strength of the human soul.
I really liked the resilience of the main character Santiago. His determination in the face of difficulty is inspiring. The relationship between him and the giant marlin transcends a mere fishing journey, it becomes a heartfelt metaphor for the struggles he endures on his way which highlights the coordination between man and the natural world. Santiago's solitude at sea becomes a canvas for the author to portray human strength and endurance against the unpredictable forces of nature. The marlin, with its magnificent presence, mirrors the resilience that lies within every individual urging readers to reflect on their own battles.
strug re
Hemingways powerful and inspiring writing style worked well for me as he seamlessly weaved through the emotional and physical world of the protagonist, Santiago. The novella had a gripping and very engaging narrative but also served as some sort of reflection on the human experience . The stories' universal themes and Santiago's enduring spirit make this story special and somewhat relatable to its readers.
I would most definitely recommend this story, “The Old Man and the Sea” to a friend or family member. This captivating story of an enduring fisherman is a must read. This novel not only is incredibly entertaining but it also offers profound insights into facing challenges with firm strength. It's a literary masterpiece definitely worth exploring.
English 3A
Year 11
October 6, 2023
Creation Myth
There was a village in the trees. One tree was known as the Tree of Knowledge and if you asked it a question it would tell you anything. The people were very smart and all of their knowledge came from the tree. When the men hunted they asked the tree where they should hunt. The women asked the tree when they would give birth and when the next harvest would be. They also would use the bark from the tree to make houses and schools and the leaves would serve them as their clothes. They used every part of this tree and they believed this tree gave them ancient powers. One of the powers they believe it gave them is that the chief would have eternal health and knowledge.
The chief knew the village better than anybody, as he was the oldest and got visions in his dreams about what the future would bring, like if there would be droughts, wars with other tribes, and other very important things that would keep this incred ible village staying out of harm's way. One day, the chief's vision in his dream was horrible. There would be a massive war between the tribes down below there would no longer be a sun if this battle happened. His tribe had to stop this and bring peace to the tribes.
The chief's son who was named Deganawida was 15 years old and he had the destiny to be the peacemaker. The chief was nervous that his son had to be the Peacemaker, but he knew it was his great destiny. The tribe gathered resources from the tree to help Deganawida
on his journey; they took food,water etc.. Deganawida said his final farewell to the tribe in the tree before he had to descend from the great tree to his horse. Only one person had been down the great tree previously and that was the chief's brother named Meeko. He was banished after stealing bark and other things from the tree. Legend said it would take three days to go down the tree and would test his mental and physical strength.
Deganawida, the Peacemaker, spent a week of nonstop riding to reach the warring tribes. When he arrived, he was shocked to see his uncle Meeko, leading one of the armies. He had once seen a photograph of his uncle with red face paint and a blue necklace, and his uncle looked similar, but older. Deganawida climbed the tallest tree he could find and sounded a goat’s horn which was gifted to him from his father. It was commonly known throughout the lands that the sound of this horn signalled a ceasefire and all fighting immediately halted. All the tribes’ chiefs came forward and Deganawida told them he wanted to meet with them. They gathered in a chief’s tent where Deganawida explained he was a Peacemaker sent by his father, the chief of the great tree. As they negotiated terms, all chiefs, except Meeko, accepted the peace terms and agreed to share the land and live in peace. Meeko stubbornly did not agree and continued to want all the land for his own.
After many days of negotiation, Deganawida finally realised what he had to do. He broke the goat’s horn in half and tossed it into the fire where it exploded into a great ball of fire that rose high into the sky. This was the moon. Meeko and his entire tribe were banished to the moon to spend the rest of eternity there. Deganawida used his knowledge from nature to help his people and he returned home to the trees as a hero. neckla
Chad Bou Diab English
English 4
Year 12
Jan. 25 2024
The wind of the past brushed my face, with that a memorable warm embrace. Millions of memories flooded my mind, back to a time where I felt so kind.
All the plants I had ran through, it was the place where all my closest memories grew. The love I felt in this place I played, seemed like it had been betrayed.
My venerable form neglecting the past, but now I think how quickly time has passed. I jumped and I climbed and I ran about, but now these memories I feel without.
The trees that had once been so tall, are now a lot smaller than I recall. The world around me that felt so bright, had now become a sorrowful sight.
Why am I sad I asked to myself, my memories were good and kind with health. But still the nostalgia brought me down, even the good memories would make me frown.
A gentle tear creeped down my face, because it felt like my younger self would be disgraced. A kind boy with a soul that was innocent, it felt that he had become so maleficent.
And so I left this emotional spot, with that I know I learnt a lot. A place that would be preserved in time, remembered in a place of my mind divine.
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