EISB JOURNAL Monthly Newsletter of the EISB Community
NEWS & CONTENT A message from our Director January in one Click General Director Talks Inspiring EISB Share the Green EISB Volunteers Sports and Health EISB Social Committee Admissions Parenting Resource Corner Nutrition & EISB Team
JANUARY IN ONE CLICK X M A S HOLIDAY S : 2 2 D ecember - 8 J a n u a r y . R e t u rn: 1 1 J anuary X M A S CAMP: 1 s t week: 22-24 D e c e m b e r 2 n d week: 28 -31 D e c e m b e r S O L IDARITY O U T L E T : F r o m 13 Januar y
HAPPY HOLIDAYS By Mr. Mike Barrett, Director Special days are drawing near, and since we will not have the opportunity to greet you personally at our traditional Christmas concert, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for the holidays and that you enjoy a happy and well-deserved holiday. I also hope that the coming New Year 2021, which is just around the corner, will fill your homes with great health, peace and love. Once again, I would like to thank you for the trust you have shown us, year after year, and the support you have given us, day after day, especially during this year which has been difficult for all of us. To those families who have recently arrived, some of whom come from far away lands, we hope that you have found in our educational community a second home where you feel loved and supported. I want to share with you all a very special surprise, a video made by all of us with the intention of bringing a little festive cheer into your homes. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2021!
Ms. Esther Herranz Talks General Director
Queridas familias, alumnado y profesorado:
Durante el 2020 nos han pasado muchas cosas, tanto en el ámbito personal como en el profesional. Creo que no me equivoco si afirmo que ahora nuestros lazos se han estrechado mucho más al vernos obligados a desarrollar todavía más la empatía y la resiliencia para afrontar la adversidad juntos, como una gran comunidad. Hemos persistido y hemos resistido hasta dar por completado con éxito este primer trimestre. Hoy, más que nunca, puedo decir que me siento orgullosa de pertenecer a una comunidad rica en valores que ha demostrado, y sigue demostrando, que por encima de todo está la persona. Una comunidad que cuenta con un grupo de profesionales absolutamente entregados a su profesión desde la parte más humana y cercana y que, junto con las familias, están comprometidos con la educación del alumnado más allá de la parte estrictamente académica. En conclusión, una comunidad que ha sabido tejer una red sobre la que poder sentirse comprendido y acompañado en momentos muy difíciles. A todos los que estáis sufriendo directamente los estragos de la pandemia por la pérdida o la enfermedad, ya sea propia o de algún familiar o persona cercana, deciros que estáis en mis pensamientos y os envío todo mi afecto. En nombre de todos los que formamos parte del equipo docente y no docente de European International School of Barcelona, quiero desearos a todos unas muy felices fiestas y que el año nuevo os colme a vosotros y a vuestros hogares de salud, amor y prosperidad.
Sabemos que este año, más que nunca, los vídeos son muy apreciados por toda la comunidad. Así pues, os abrimos una pequeña ventana a nuestro día a día de este primer trimestre del curso 20-21.
DECE M B E R 2020
Gamificación. Escape Room By Mr.José Prado. Tutor 3º de la ESO
Por fin llegó el momento de evaluar siguiendo las nuevas pautas educativas. Una de ellas es la gamificación o juego serio.
E n l a as i gn at ura d e s ociale s s e ha reali z ad o un r oo m es ca p e trab aj an d o de m anera p r áctica, coop e r at i va y col ab or at i va lo s tem as vis t o s en cl as e. Se enfrentaban las cinco clases de 3º de la ESO y en juego un punto más para todos los alumnos de la clase ganadora. El juego consistía en que dos semanas antes se publicaban 5 códigos, que al ser resueltos ofrecían premios a los alumnos para ser utilizados en la actividad. Una vez comenzado el juego, los chicos tenían 50 minutos para resolver 5 pistas de diversa dificultad:
a) b) c) d) e)
B ú s q u e d a d e l gaz ap o e n te xtos h is tór icos Cr u cigr am a h i s t ór ico T r i vial ar t í s t i co- s ocie d ad R e t o ge ogr áf i co Bú s q u e d a d e f u e n te s e n In te r n e t
La innovación en esta 4ª edición ha llegado de la mano de unos candados virtuales preparados por el profesor que permitían, a través de un código QR, que los alumnos pudieran saber si sus respuestas eran correctas o no. Al final, después de una lucha sin cuartel, la clase de 3º ESO D se ha alzado con la victoria.
No ob s t ant e, t o d os los alu mn os han d i s f rut ad o y s e ha p od i d o eval uar a la clas e com o s i fuera un exam en p er o s i n l a p res ió n d el m i s m o .
DECE M B E R 2020
By Ms. Elsa Aixelรก. Share the Green Committee The school management and the Environmental Committee are working to make this Christmas more environmentally friendly than ever. We are reducing paper consumption and reusing materials as much as possible. This is how we come to see that beauty is not only in the act, but also in the originality of the result. The decoration of the Management, Secretary and Primary Coordination doors are a great example of this. We are a united team so that our planet can also have a happy holiday.
Christmas decorations Primary 4 & 5 By Ms Cathleen Manio. Primary Department
This year primary students have been encouraged and challenged to create Christmas decorations by reusing and recycling old materials. With this challenge given, the children set off with their creative ideas during their cross curricular class planning and commencing their projects and then continuing at home. Many brilliant ideas sprouted in these sessions and children took it upon themselves to execute their project using material collected at home, and resources used at school.
Old magazines, newspapers, egg cartons, buttons, ribbons and then some, were reused to serve the purpose of the project. Many used highly technical procedures to create their masterpieces whilst others followed simpler but effective methods!
The result: wonderful creations! DECE M B E R 2020
Nursery. Materials sostenibles By Ms Anna Nogué. Nursery Coordinator
Les activitats principals dels nadons a Nursery estan relacionades amb la seva vida quotidiana: moments d’higiene, de descans i de joc. El joc, a més, molt sovint ve propiciat pel material que se li ofereix al nadó. Fa anys, pràcticament totes les joguines del mercat per a infants eren de plàstic, amb piles i es basaven en grans efectes enlluernadors amb llums i colors. Però res d’això era durador, ni mantenia la curiositat del nadó. Era un joc intel·lectualment passiu.
Per aquest motiu vàrem decidir fer un canvi en les nostres programacions i vetllar per uns materials nobles que fomentessin la curiositat de l’infant a llarg termini i es basessin en la riquesa d’un joc actiu i d’experimentació.
Portem ja molts anys enriquint l’educació dels nens amb aquests tipus de joc, molt més atractiu, ric en curiositat i basat en el foment de la motivació mitjançant nous materials i alhora la reutilització d’objectes quotidians de l’escola i de casa. Amb ells elaborem bonics i entranyables treballs manuals.
DECE M B E R 2020
Operación Kilo y Juguete By Mr. Sergio Mairal & Ms. Iratxe Marcos
This year’ s food and toy collection was different as we had to adapt to the new circumstances. Even so, our community has responded excellently and we have collected many products during the campaign. So, we want to convey our warmest thanks to all of you. We would also like to thank the volunteer families who participated in the collection on Friday afternoon. We are extremely proud of our ESO and Baccalaureate students, because through their actions and involvement, they have contributed to making this charitable action possible this year too. The goods will be delivered as follows: Cáritas Badalona: 70% of the food Escola Bressol Nen Jesús: 30% of the food + 50% of toys for babies "Un nen, una joguina" de Cáritas Sant Cugat: the rest of the toys
Outlet solidario - Uniformes segunda mano By Communications department
Nos alegra compartir que, a partir del 13 de enero de 2021, reabriremos nuestro Outlet Solidario de uniformes escolares de segunda mano. El Outlet solidario tiene como objetivo promover la reutilización de uniformes de segunda mano y, a su vez, recaudar fondos para organizaciones solidarias. Este curso 20/21, el dinero que se recaude con las donaciones de las familias se entregará al comedor social de "Cáritas Sant Cugat". Se seguirán estrictamente todas las normas de higiene y seguridad. A continuación, os detallamos las instrucciones que deberemos respetar para poder reactivar el servicio: CITA PREVIA:
Únicamente se podrá acudir con cita previa. Podréis enviar un correo a o bien un whatsapp a Ana Cano, la responsable de la gestión del Outlet al +34 671 21 00 46.
Miércoles, jueves y viernes a partir de las 17h, una vez hayan salido los alumnos del colegio.
El lugar de venta será un nuevo espacio debajo de la escalera metálica que separa el edificio 2 y 3, junto a la puerta de la biblioteca, y al cual se accederá a través del acceso D (zona del olivo).
Os proponemos traer una prenda de casa (pantalón, camisa, sudadera, etc) para comprobar el tallaje de la ropa, puesto que no estará permitido probarse ninguna pieza.
Se podrán traer al colegio uniformes para el Outlet cualquier día de la semana, dentro del horario de secretaría de 8:30h a 18h. ¡Gracias por vuestra participación! DECE M B E R 2020
By Mr. Pep OlivĂŠ, Extracurricular Coordinator We are very grateful for the trust that the families have placed in the school by continuing with the extracurricular activities throughout the term, despite the uncertainty and frequent changes in health and safety regulations. The students have been able to continue enjoying the sport that they like best, the activities that they are most passionate about and to share happy moments with their teachers, monitors and coaches. The extracurricular activities team and the participating students wish you a very happy holidays and would like to share with you a video summary of our groups. We will meet again in the classes and training sessions from January 11th!
Let's keep moving!
DECE M B E R 2020
By Mr. Toni Olivares. Sports Coordinator During the holidays, let's keep moving! We would like to propose a routine of exercises to do during these holidays. Why not try it as a family! In the following link, you can also try a series of online activities to continue practicing sports at home (Zumba, yoga, tabata, strength), pilates, hiit, flexibility, dance hip hop, cardio&core and body combat): LINK
WEEK PLAN Healthy Happy Students Informational Item to watch 5 min warm up activity Get your sweat on!
Why sleep is important
Healthy eating
Importance of Hydration
Staying calm under pressure
Thinking positive and focusing on your goals
Warm up Rookie
Warm up
Warm up
Outdoor Activity. Run, walk, cicle...
Choose one activity from the playlist or go out for a run Playlist
Outdoor Activity. Run, walk, cicle...
Choose one activity from the playlist or go out for a run Playlist
Anxiety Reduction
Visual Mindfulness
Choose one break
Choose one break
Choose one activity from the playlist or go out for a run Playlist
Mindful breathing
Japanese Relaxation Method
Screen break Brain boost
Choose one break
Choose one break
Choose one break
Healthy Happy Students Informational Item to watch
5 min warm up activity
Get your sweat on!
Screen break Brain boost
Warm up
DECE M B E R 2020
Social Committee Your EISB Social Committee
Our group is evolving and our name now better describes what we stand for.
We would like to take this opportunity to explain a bit more about what our main objectives are and how you can get involved! The Social Committee is made up of a group EISB parents, who voluntarily and selflessly collaborate with one another to help and support new families and school projects in all aspects they may need. We try to give new families a warm welcome to help them integrate into our community. With support from families who have been here longer, we provide ideas, recommendations, interests, laughter and experiences, in a space created and thought out for our community. We also periodically host social events (meetings, excursions, etc.), to which all families are invited. At present, given the situation, these face-to-face events have been stopped and we are continuing through other initiatives.
Fo r examp le, w it h the help o f ou r So ci al Com mi ttee, we o rg an is ed vol unt eers t o h el p w i t h the Fr iday’s Food an d T oy Ch ar ity colle ct i on s. Th ank yo u fo r help ing us mak e th is a huge s u cces s !
If you were not able to help this time, new initiatives are being prepared so, we would also like to encourage all our families to contact the Social Committee, to help us get to know each other even better and build a great community! To the new families who have joined us this year and will join us in 2021, we would like to give you a warm welcome (albeit virtual at the moment) and the opportunity to meet new people and make great friendships! Follow this link to Join our WhatsApp group: There is currently a Facebook group that you can join! Here is the link to join. Or email us through: We look forward to relaunching our Social Committee. Thank you for all of your support thus far! We look forward to more in the future.
Seasons greetings and a Happy 2021 for all the EISB Families and Staff! DECE M B E R 2020
Admissions. Virtual Open Days By Ms Praline Hudsonl
We know that our families in school often recommend to their relatives and friends. Thank you for your trust! The registration period for siblings of current students is now underway! Remember that they have preference in the registration. This year, new admissions visits will continue with the same admissions process: presentations, personalised interviews and explorations. We would like to tell you that through our website, new families interested in getting to know our school and its educational project can request to join the programmed Virtual Open Days and listen to the presentation by the school Management and the Admissions Department. It is also possible to make an appointment for a tour in person, following all health and safety measures. Despite the current situation, we are receiving many requests for registration every day and we hope that in the course of the next few months and once the restrictions on mobility are relaxed, they can materialise as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting our new students and families. For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Christmas Bingo! By Communications department
A fun activity to do at home with the little ones! This cute Bingo game is easy-just print then play! All you need to do is print and play this cute free printable Christmas Bingo game! It’s fun and festive and the kids will seriously love it! Print here. You could even laminate it if you want so that you can play it for years to come. HOW TO PLAY CHRISTMAS BINGO: (play in small groups of 8 or less so that everyone gets a chance to play) Print the cards and cut them all out. Then you just need some fun markers to mark off spots on the board when it gets called, like Christmas candy or marshmallows or crackers or something like that. Have one person call out as they draw the cards from the drawing pile and the players get to put a marker on that picture. Once someone has five in a row they shout out bingo and they win that round! Have a great time playing this Christmas Bingo game with the kids! Check out this fun list of virtual holiday gathering activities!
DECE M B E R 2020
Cuinar és divertit!
Galetes de civada i plàtan By Sergi Natale
Us animeu a cuinar també durant les festes? Us proposo un berenar sa i boníssim! Només caldrà que demaneu ajuda als adults per encendre el forn. La resta, és ben fàcil. A gaudir-les en família! (M'encantarà rebre les vostres fotos al meu correu de Escalfar el forn a 180º i coure els plàtans 15 minuts amb pell, deixar refredar. Pelar els plàtans i aixafar amb una forquilla, barrejar la resta d'ingredients fins a formar una massa homogènia. Preparar una safata de forn amb paper i posar-hi porcions de massa amb forma de galeta. Pre escalfar el forn a 180º i coure-les 20 min.
Ens farà falta: 6 cullerades de civada 2 plàtans madurs 2 cullerades de mantega de cacauet
(Un secret: aquestes galetes es conserven uns 3 dies en perfectes condicions.)
EISB TEAM - Mr. Sergi Natale By Communications
Sergi Natale, Xef de l'escola des del juny del 2018. El seu lema és "¡VIVA LA VIDA!" Tinc 3 fills de 21,18 i 15 anys i m'encanta reunir-los els 3 i passar estones de riure amb ells (veure pel·lícules i sèries, gravar Tiktoks, dinar i sopar plegats). El que més m'agrada de la meva família és que sempre hi és present quan cal i la facilitat que tenim d'acabar les converses entre riures. Les coses que em fan gaudir de la vida són passejar amb la meva parella, gaudir d'un àpat , anar a veure el Sant Andreu al camp del futbol del barri i fer puzles de moltes peces. Sempre m'ha agradat treballar a les cuines, però és realment gratificant comunicar-me amb els nens i nenes diàriament i veure als seus ulls la il·lusió pel dinar i veure'ls gaudir mentre dinen. M´agrada acompanyarlos a felicitar els cuiners pels seus plats preferits. És fantàstic treballar amb il·lusió, i veure que aquesta feina CREA FELICITAT. El que més trobo a faltar d’abans de la pandèmia és anar classe per classe a explicar com fèiem el menú del dia , poder gaudir amb tranquil·litat del gimnàs, la sauna i la zona d´aigües i veure els amics amb més freqüència. Sóc vitalista i optimista i m'agrada parlar amb tothom i així conèixer més vivències, emocions i sensacions. Un consell que dono a la gent jove és que visquin la seva vida amb les seves inquietuds i a la seva manera però sense desatendre la veu de l´experiència, que sovint l'encerta.
Send us your comments and suggestions to: European International School of Barcelona Avda. Pla del Vinyet Sant Cugat, Barcelona. Spain P. +34 93 589 84 20
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