EISB Journal May 2023

Page 8



A message from our Director

Remember that...

EISB Let's Celebrate

EISB Inspiring

Proud To Be EISB

The RECIPE, please!




2nd June from 17h to 18h


Secondary Y1-Y4: 14th to 16th June


8th June to 13th June


10th June


Infant School, Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate, High School & A-Levels

22nd June - Last day of class

Nursery School

30th June - Last day of class


Infant School, Primary, Secondary

26th June to 28th July

Nursery School - Baby Summer

3rd July to 28th July

Celebrating Our Graduates and Embracing a Bright Future

As this school year draws to a close, it is heartwarming to celebrate our graduating students, all of whom have left an indelible mark on our school They have shown remarkable resilience and determination and we feel proud of each and every one of them

I thank our team of teachers and school employees for their commitment and unwavering support that has contributed to the success and personal development of our students Together, we have created an enriching learning environment and a close-knit community

To our graduates, I urge you to continue to pursue your dreams and to use the knowledge you have gained to make a meaningful difference in the world To all, I encourage you to continue to nurture your curiosity and keep your passion for learning alive Congratulations, I wish you all the best in all your endeavors!

Monthly New l f h S C i
MAY 2023

EISB Let's Celebrate


El pasado 25 de abril se celebró la ceremonia de entrega de los premios a la Excelencia Académica en la que se presentaron los 4 trabajos finalistas

Claudia Pla fue la ganadora con su trabajo de recerca: ‘Sonata de las Emociones’. Enhorabuena a todos por la dedicación y el esfuerzo que habéis demostrado durante estos dos años ¡Y mención especial al jurado por su tiempo y sus valoraciones!

EISB Let's Celebrate Audicions i concerts de música a l'escola

El mes de maig han tingut lloc les audicions de l’Escola de Música! D'Infant School a Baccalaureate, els nostres alumnes ens han delectat amb el seu talent sobre l'escenari.

MAY 2023

EISB Let's Celebrate Spring Camp - Infant School & Nursery

Els alumnes més petits de l'escola han gaudit de les colònies a Can Ribes. Des de ben petits, els nostres alumnes aprofiten aquesta experiència per gaudir d'una gran varietat de beneficis, que inclouen la connexió amb la natura, el desenvolupament d'habilitats socials, la independència, el desenvolupament físic, l'estimulació cognitiva i la desconnexió tecnològica.

Aquestes experiències tenen un impacte molt necessari i positiu en el seu creixement i en el seu desenvolupament integral

MAY 2023

EISB Let's Celebrate Outdoor Camp - Primary Y1-Y5

Els alumnes de Primary han gaudit dels Outdoor Camps!

Passar uns dies fora de casa els ajuden a treballar l'autonomia i els aporten seguretat, a més de brindar-los

l'oportunitat de compartir temps amb els seus companys i professors Ho han passat tan bé que ja estan desitjant que arribi el pròxim any per repetir!

MAY 2023

EISB Let's Celebrate Graduation Ceremony, Class of 2023

La ceremonia de graduación fue un día de grandes alegrías y emociones, así como la oportunidad perfecta para que nuestros alumnos se despidieran de una etapa marcada por el aprendizaje y el crecimiento

¡Mucha suerte en vuestro futuro y enhorabuena a todos! EISB siempre será vuestra casa.

MAY 2023

EISB Let's Celebrate EISB Family Fun Day

We are delighted to invite you, once again, to the European International School of Barcelona Family Fun Day It will be a great opportunity to meet again and share unforgettable moments together

The event will take place at the school on Saturday 10th June, between 9.30am and 3pm. Please find the programme that will be soon sent out to all families with more detailed information:

MAY 2023

Proud To Be EISB

Matricula de Honor - Baccalaureate Y2

Carolina Lavech du Bos

Mar Belda

Sara Alonso

Marta Segovia

¡Nuestra más sincera enhorabuena a las cuatro alumnas que han conseguido la matrícula de honor de las LOMLOE!

Es un gran logro que os debe hacer sentir realmente orgullosas y que demuestra vuestro compromiso, dedicación y excelencia académica Habéis trabajado tenazmente y habéis obtenido un resultado sobresaliente en vuestras asignaturas

La obtención de dicha matrícula de honor refleja vuestro talento y vuestra capacidad para adaptaros a los constantes desafíos académicos Vuestra dedicación y esfuerzo son ejemplos a seguir para vuestros compañeros y para futuras generaciones de alumnos.

Este logro no es solo un reconocimiento al trabajo individual, sino también al apoyo y la orientación que os han brindado vuestros profesores, familiares y amigos.

Como modelos de excelencia académica, os animo a seguir trabajando con pasión y a seguir en la búsqueda del conocimiento y la superación personal. Estamos seguros de que vuestro futuro estará lleno de éxitos y logros aún mayores.

Una vez más, ¡felicidades a las cuatro por la obtención de esta destacada matrícula de honor!

Sois un orgullo para nuestra institución educativa y una inspiración para todos ¡Seguid adelante y alcanzad todas vuestras metas!

MAY 2023


Bedtime Story

As a child, I loved bedtime Was it because I was tired? No, it was because I knew that my favourite moment of the day had arrived, my bedtime story. My dad always invested so much time, imagination, and love into the stories that he told me that they have become core memories for me and are certainly the reason why I love to read as much as I do as an adult

Creating a bedtime reading routine provides a child with so many tools, not just academically but also emotionally That special bonding moment can create conversations, promote a safe place to help channel emotions, and can also help improve their mental wellbeing The characters in the stories that we read (or invent) can provide models to help them understand big emotions and who they are, as well as help them understand complex situations in a child friendly way By recognising similar situations, feelings, and emotions in the stories that we tell, we are not only giving children the vocabulary that they need to express themselves but also the idea that they are not alone and that we understand their feelings

Are bedtime stories only for small children? Of course not This routine adapts to the child’s needs as they get older and build up more confidence in their own independent reading capabilities For example, with small children, we tend to read stories to them, invent stories with them, and try to ensure that they understand and relate to what they are being read However, once a child is starting on their own reading journey, we get them to read to us, we encourage them, congratulate them, and support their learning This not only builds up their reading confidence, but also their self-esteem and belief in themselves. Let's not forget that it’s not just about reading books, it's about stimulating the imagination and letting the creativity flow, so making up stories together can also provide powerful tools for them

What happens if we miss a day or can’t always stick to a strict schedule? Absolutely nothing This is a process that needs to be enjoyed from both sides, and sometimes life gets in the way All we can do is enjoy the moment, enjoy the process, and most importantly, enjoy the special moments with your child and watch them blossom

MAY 2023

The RECIPE, please! Avocado and apple cream with salmon strips

We bring you a very healthy and incredibly appetizing menu What a pleasure this makes taking care of ourselves!

Blend all the above ingredients together and place in a bowl. Ideally, this can be served with some delicious salmon nuggets


Cut the salmon fillet into strips of about 3 cm wide and 6 cm long, making sure that all bones are removed

Mix all the ingredients for the batter together: 200g bread (whole grain is best), 30g grated Parmesan cheese and 2 tablespoons olive oil

Once all the ingredients have been mixed well, place this batter on the salmon strips and arrange them on a baking tray

Preheat the oven to 180ºC and bake the strips for 6 minutes

This recipe is an example of how palatable it is to take care of yourself and eat well



I'm currently finishing my 17th year in EISB, At first, the size of the school and the amount of students really surprised me. My first years here were spent as a tutor in 4th grade and afterwards as a tutor in 6th grade.

As for my interests, I've always loved reading and as I don't want to be caught up in the trend for watching series, which I think is a waste of time.

I've been studying Russian for over a year amongst other interests I love talking my dog out for long walks and I am a keen follower of Manchester United As for music, I love the American band called Pearl Jam, Vedder is a great singer and writer

As I've been here for quite a long time, from time to time I bump into students who used to be in my class years ago and it's always great to hear how they are getting on in life and a pleasure to see them again On a daily basis, there are always many things to do and time seems to fly by


2 avocados

1 apple

3 tablespoon olive oil

1 lime

600g water

¼ branch celery

Regarding advice for my students, make sure your job revolves around your interests, read a lot, never stop learning Be kind and count to ten in moments of anger

European International School of Barcelona Avda Pla del Vinyet 110 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona Spain T +34 93 589 84 20 Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn www.eisbarcelona.com Send your comments and suggestions to: communications@eisbarcelona.com

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