EISB mission

At the heart of EISB's mission lies a dedication to nurturing values-driven education through a holistic, human-centred approach to both teaching and learning. We prioritise a global perspective that transcends boundaries, embracing innovative teaching approaches to empower our students with skills, knowledge, and the development of character and integrity.

Inoureducationaljourney,weareguidedbya steadfastcommitmentthatshapesourpurpose,fuels ourpassion,anddrivesourpursuitofexcellence.
EISBischaracterisedbyanunwaveringsense ofengagementthatpermeatesallaspectsof oureducationaljourney Weunderstandthat creatinganengagingenvironmentisthekeyto ignitingthesparkoflearning.AtEISB,this palpablesenseofengagementinspiresactive participationanddeepintellectualexploration
Our school thrives as a vibrant and diverse communityThemomentyoustepintoEISB,you cansensethestrongcommunityspiritthatdefines us With students, teachers, and families representingmorethan60nationalities,EISBisa testamenttothevibranttapestryofourdiverse communityRootedinsharedvaluesanddrivenby acommonvision,ourstudents,educators,and familiescomefromaroundtheglobe Together, wecreateadynamicculturalmosaicthatpromotes globalawarenessandinterculturalunderstanding Weunitetocreateanenvironmentthatistruly uniqueandenrichinginoureducationallandscape
EISBplacesgreatemphasison'educational excellence,' recognising that our mission extendsfarbeyondacademicachievements
While academic excellence remains a cornerstoneofourprogramme,ourpurpose transcendsitAtEISB,webelieveinnurturing the whole child, complementing intellectual growthwithopportunitiesforsocial,emotional, physical, and creative development Our commitment is to provide a well-rounded education that equips students for the complexitiesoflife.

Weacknowledgethateverystudentisunique,with theirowntalentsandstrengths.Someexcelin science,othersinlanguages,maths,arts,sports, or the performing arts At EISB, it is our unwaveringcommitmenttocreateanenvironment where every student has the opportunity and support to explore their interests, pursue their passions,andacquiretheskillsandknowledge theyneedtothriveandsucceed

European International School of Barcelona (EISB) is an educational institution founded in 1996 by a group of education professionals led by the Herranz-Frías family They believed in a plural education, based on values such as respect, solidarity, creativity and commitment, with a universal and humanistic approach to learning and teaching, to help students face the challenges of living in a global world
After more than five decades dedicated to teaching and managing schools, the group of professionals decided to create a school where students would be offered the widest opportunities to broaden their horizons and grow, in all their different aspects, academically, artistically or sportingly. The school they dreamt of would embrace the latest pedagogical techniques to ensure that the students would be competent, but also, and most importantly, good people
This dream came true and the founders’ ideals are nowadays more relevant than ever before. Educational excellence in five languages, under the care of passionate teachers who prepare students for a rapidly changing world, guiding them from nine months old, and giving them the individualised attention they deserve as the unique human beings they are, is what makes us unique Educating good, solidary and happy individuals, able to study the university degree course of their choice so they can work on whatever makes them happy, in any country of the world, is what gives our work meaning and value.
The school has changed over the past two decades and although more than 1500 students come through our front doors every morning now, our desire to guide and help them become the better version of themselves is as strong as ever
The 2024-2025 school year promises to be another exciting chapter filled with emotions, memorable experiences, valuable lessons, and personal growth. Together, we will continue our enthusiastic mission to empower the next generation, shaping them into agents of change who champion a more humane, sustainable, and healthy world, brimming with noble ideals
Esther Herranz Frías General Director
European International School of Barcelona
Mike Barrett Director European International School of Barcelona

Dear Families,
I would like to warmly welcome you all to the school year 2024/2025, but particularly, those families who are joining our community for the first time
This school handbook will provide you with the answers to all the questions you may have throughout the year. I encourage you to read it carefully as it contains everything you need to know to start an excellent year It is a guide to any questions or concerns you may have
Our goal is to update this document consistently, and to keep all the families informed about any possible changes or measures to be implemented, always focusing on the safety and wellbeing of our families and our whole community.
I wish you all a happy school year 2024/2025!

Ready to start?
Ready for the new school year? We've got you covered! Check out this section if you have any questions
Find all the information you need on student regulations and uniforms by grade level right here
The fun doesn't stop at 5 pm!
3 6 Extracurricular Activities
Information of general interest
Uniforms Highlights Services Administration
Explore this section to discover what we have in store for you.
If you have any administrative or accounting queries
We are here to help you with whatever you need.
In case you still have any doubts.
Brief guide of services available in Sant Cugat

Readyto start?

Readyto start?
Image rights
Living together
Start of the school year
Beginning of the school year meetings
School access
School access points
Entries and exits by educational stage
Classroom location
Leaving and returning during school hours
Attendance control
Library/ Study room
Childcare Service
Books, school material and digital devices
ClickEdu is the school management platform. This platform serves as the central hub for all family and student-related information, making it crucial to keep this database accurate and up-to-date. Each member of the school community (parents, students, and staff) has a unique username and password for access. Please note that parents should use the same username as their child, but with a different password.
The Departament d’Ensenyament mandates that all schools maintain accurate and complete family information Therefore, we kindly request that you review, update, and verify your personal details by September 1st
Full and correct name of the student
Full and correct name of parents or legal guardian
DNI, NIE, or passport of the student, parents and/or legal guardian
Place of birth of the student, parents and/or legal guardian
Date of birth of the student, parents and/or legal guardian
Current email of parents and/or legal guardian
Current address of the student, parents and/or legal guardian
Current phone number of the parents and/or legal guardian
Clickedu Features
On the Clickedu platform, you can find the following information: Academic information grades: three reports throughout the year, one each term.
Attendance control (Secondary, Baccalaureate, IALS, AHS)
Timetables, playground and lunch times.
Monthly menus.
Administration: payments and receipts.
Term calendar with all the activities planned.
Public folder: documents of interest.
Monthly news.
How can I obtain my username and password?
Go to : www.eisbarcelona.com
Upper left corner "Acceso a Intranet".
Click where it says"He oblidat la meva contrasenya"
You will receive two separate emails: one containing your username and another with a link to create your password. If you forget your password, you can simply repeat this process
Clickedu user’s guide
Quick Access
Additional Recommendations
We suggest downloading the Clickedu mobile app for convenient access on your devices, although initial access should be done from a PC.
The lack of any of this information can lead to delays and complications in issuing official documents required for visas, qualifications, academic reports, and other procedures

PLEASE REMEMBER: Please note that you can only select and view the details of your children when accessing the platform through your parent profile
Image rights
The students will not be photographed or recorded inside the school during school hours unless by authorised personnel. Students are not allowed to take pictures or record videos with their phones inside the school, not even after school hours.
European International School of Barcelona owns a website (wwweisbarcelonacom) and accounts in social media where it informs about the different school and extracurricular activities.
Through these media, the school publishes images where students may appear individually or in a group participating in different activities
Due to the rights of people’s personal image being recognised in Article 18.1 of the Constitution and regulated by Law 1/1982, (5th May), which refers to personal and family rights and privacy, the school Management would like to obtain permission for the use or publishing of photographs or images of students
You will find the authorisation form here Please, fill it in and send it to the students’ tutor.
(unless otherwise indicated the authorisation will be automatically renewed every year).
The School Rules’ main objective is to regulate the relationship between the different members of the educational community, in order to foster an appropriate environment for students to learn how to perform in life as citizens who know how to and want to live with others. Coexistence must be based on respect, solidarity, understanding and management of feelings and must be guided by all the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
These behaviour rules help establish what the school expects of its students and how it wants to contribute, in collaboration with the families, to their education in values On behalf of the School headship we must ensure that teachers show students the need and advantages of following these regulations. We would like to thank the parents for their collaboration and for entrusting the school with the education of their children.
Students should attend school every day and participate in all activities, as these are planned to meet the requirements of the Curriculum
We will be polite and respectful, always resorting to dialogue to solve conflicts Likewise, we will speak correctly and properly at all times, showing how much we value one another
Punctuality must be observed both at the start and at the end of the day, in order not to interrupt the class and disrespect our classmates
Students are expected to walk along corridors and up and down stairs in a quiet and orderly manner, so that there is enough room for everyone to move freely In this way the general working atmosphere of the School will not be disrupted.
4 5 6 7
We will take good care of our material, our classmates and the school material used by all
We must dress according to our educational environment. Students should wear the full uniform and wear it correctly Baccalaureate students will follow the dress code Failing to comply with this rule will result in suspension from class.
We will always respect others' freedom of conscience, religious convictions and morals, as well as their dignity, integrity and right to privacy
We will help keep the school facilities in good condition (classrooms, playground, toilets, changing rooms etc) and we will let Reception or a teacher know when there is anything broken or that needs to be fixed.
Welcome Day
Startofthe SchoolYear
3rd September 2024
In the last week of August, all the families will receive an email from their child’s class teacher introducing him/herself and reminding you of the date of the on-site Welcome Day and your class’ beginning of the year meeting
9am Breakfast in the red playground
9:10am Briefing session
10:30am Visit to the classrooms, meeting with the tutor and the Buddies.
10:30am a 5pm
Tour around the school facilities for those families who have not yet seen the school.
Uniform sales
9am to 4:45pm
Students do not have to wear the uniform
Small breakfast prepared by the school's Chef and his team.
Presentation by the school management followed by a Q&A session with the coordinators of each department and section.
Students must be accompanied by you at all times.
Join us for a guided tour of the school starting in the Hall. Please sign up to reserve your spot here!
Uniform sales in the Sports Centre by El Corte Inglés
Current families will be called from 9am to 4:45pm (except during the class teacher’s lunch break)
9am to 5pm Uniform sales
Uniform sales in the Sports Centre by El Corte Inglés
Nursery, Infant School and Primary 4 September 2024
Secondary, Baccalaureate, IB, and AHS 5 September 2024
The school calendar, including all key dates for the year, is accessible on our website through the following link. Please refer to it regularly to stay informed about events, holidays, and other important dates throughout the school year.
Beginningofthe yearmeetings
In order to ensure maximum safety within the school facilities, as well as to continue to control the access of people in and out the school, we will continue to abide by the entrances and departures protocol to minimise the entry of all non-students/school staff to the school facilities
Access to the school is restricted.
The school will be closed between 9:30am and 5pm.
During school hours:
- Entry through access B by appointment only
- You will have to stop at the ACCESS CONTROL POINT
- Identify yourself to the person responsible
- You will have to wear the VISITOR badge at all times while in school
After school hours, the use of the playgrounds will be restricted to the extracurricular activities' personnel and students.
Pets will have to stay outside the school premises, playgrounds excluded too Dogs will have to wait, tied outside If any school activity requires the presence of a pet, the teacher will authorise it
It is not allowed to move around the school on rollerblades, scooters, bicycles, monocycles etc Students will have to access the parking zone for these vehicles on foot
FORGOTTEN MATERIAL AT HOME: It will be forbidden to deliver bags, books, snacks etc during school hours The teachers will admonish students in Secondary School or older after a three-strike As an exception, parents will be allowed to bring necessary objects, such as medication, phones, glasses, keys etc. Objects should be left with the gatekeeper (access gate B).
Students must enter school at the designated time and through the assigned door. We appeal to all families to make an effort that the students arrive punctually to school and in this way the sessions are not interrupted It is also very important in the early stages, so that the students can carry out their morning habits with their classmates and class teacher
Access to the school grounds from the street is monitored by school staff, who actively encourage and support students to enter the premises independently, without the need for parental accompaniment.
Punctuality at the entrance 8am/ 9am
"Punctuality in arriving at school demonstrates commitment and respect for learning and for the educational community"
Punctual arrival at school is crucial for a smooth start to the school day and for students to make the most of their learning opportunities
Being punctual demonstrates respect for the learning environment, sets a positive example of responsibility towards peers and fosters a productive classroom environment
Arriving at school on time allows students to fully engage in the curriculum, establish good study habits and develop time management skills crucial for future success.
Students who arrive late must enter (alone or accompanied by only one adult) through the main door.

The drive-through lane in the school car park will be open from 8:30am to 9am Cars will have to follow the lane Then, without stepping out of the car, parents will have to hand over the students (ready with their bags) to the person in charge Whenever possible, parents will not open the boot of the vehicle Opening the boot will only be allowed to take out the buggies that will remain in the school They will need to have a tag with the name, surnames and class group If we all collaborate and follow these rules, we will help speed up the process.
Families with children in Infant school with siblings in other stages, may also use the drive-through lane. They will have to accompany the students in Nursery to their class, students in the Infant School to the theatre and the older brothers/sisters in Primary/Secondary will go by themselves from the car park to their classes following the established route from inside the school (going up the ramp and crossing the main entry stairway).
Cars will be allowed to stop but NOT park. Please, remember that, as a safety measure, it will be forbidden to remain in the car park during entrances and departures, as well as to walk along the drive-through lane to pick-up or drop off students. The school staff will be there helping with the pick-ups and drop offs, both on foot and from the cars.
The parking area is exclusively for the school staff. Please always follow the instructions of the person in charge of access.
Students will not be allowed to ride bikes or scootersanywhereoutoftheparkingarea.
Students coming to school on a bike or a scooter will be responsible for ONLY parking them in the correct place and securing them properly.
INFANT SCHOOL: students will be the only ones that will be allowed to be accompanied by an adult, on foot or by bike, up to the further end of the car park, but under no circumstances will parents be allowed to park their scooters or infant bicycles on the school premises.
Students in Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate, IB and AHS will be able to enter with their bikes or scooters and park them in the designated area:

Primary: Sports Centre (in front of the main dining room or in the area at the top of the staircase leading to the Sports Centre)
Secondary, Baccalaureate, IB, AHS: next to the olive tree
Buggies will be parked in the designated area next to the entrance of the Sports Centre.

SchoolAccess Points

SchoolAccess Points

ACCESS A: Sports Centre
Entrance and Exit for Nursery and Primary

ACCESS B: Main Entrance and drive-through lane
Entrance and Exit for Nursery/ Infant School

SchoolAccess Points
/ Infant School

ACCESS D: Olive tree. Entrance and exit for Secondary

SchoolAccess Points

Access Nursery / Infant / Childcare Service

Access Primary
Access Primary
Nursery 8:30 to 9:30
Option 1:
Entrancesandexitsby educationalstage
N1) Access A, straight to class N2) Access B, to the pretheatre
Time: 7:30-8:30
Place: pre-theatre
Price: check fees
N1 and N2 families will be able to walk students to their class between 8:30am and 9:30am.
N1: Acceso A, Sports Centre.
N2: Acceso B, por el hall del colegio
Option 2:
Families will be able to drop off their child at the entrance of the PRE-THEATRE (going down the stairs in the car park and down the ramp with the buggies). Children will be handed to the person in charge, and once inside the pre-theatre, they will be taken to their class Accompanying adults will leave through the car park exit (access gate C)
Students arriving late must be accompanied by an adult and enter the school through the main entrance, reporting to the secretary's office upon arrival.
Nursery 4:50pm
N1) Access A, straight to class N2) Access B, through the hall
All students will be picked up from their classes.
N1: Acces gate A, Sports Centre
N2: Acces gate B, hall
Time: 5:05pm -7:30pm
Place: Room 2 (entrance Nursery playground)
Price: check fees
InfantSchool(FoundationY1,2,3): entrancethroughthetheatre
FY1, FY2, FY3 8:30 to 9:00 Access B, to the theatre
Time: 7:30-8:30
Place: theatre
Price: check fees
Children will be accompanied up to the door leading to the THEATRE (going down the stairs in the car park and down the ramp with the buggies)
Children will be handed to the person in charge, and once inside the theatre, they will be picked up by their teacher.
They will remain with the rest of the group and later they will go to the class from there Accompanying adults will leave through the car park exit (access gate C)
Students arriving late must be accompanied by an adult and enter the school through the main entrance, reporting to the secretary's office upon arrival.
FY1, FY2, FY3 4:50 Access B, to class from the hall
Time: 5:05pm-7pm
Place: main dining room
Price: check fees
Parents will pick up students from the classroom at 4:50pm. They will enter the school through the hall after the concierge opens the main school gate.
Primary School 8:30 to 9:00
Access A, Sports Centre: Mirrored dining rooms and main dining room
Children will be accompanied to the metallic gate
Time: 7:30 - 8:30
Place: theatre
Price: check fees
Studentsarrivinglatemustbe accompaniedbyanadultandenterthe schoolthroughthemainentrance, reportingtothesecretary'sofficeupon arrival.
From there, they will enter by themselves and go to the MIRRORED DINING ROOM, located before the Nursery playground
Towards the classes: They will then go to the classes from there
Children will be accompanied to the metallic gate
From there, they will enter by themselves and go to the MIRRORED DINING ROOM, located before the Sports Centre playground
Towards the classes: They will then go to the classes from there.
Children will be accompanied to the metallic gate
From there, they will enter by themselves and go to their CLASSROOMS.
Access will be supervised by a member of the school staff. Students will be met at the Dining Room door by a teacher who will tell them about where to find their group and class teacher.
Time: 5:05pm - 7pm
Price: check fees
After 5 pm, students should proceed to the same designated entry points used in the morning and wait near the exit with their group and tutor. The person picking them up will be notified by the tutor. Students in Primary Years 4 to 6 are permitted to leave on their own if prior authorisation has been sent to their tutor via email Please refer to the 'Home Alone' section for details
Secondary School 8:30 to 9:00
They will go straight up to their classroom
Time: 7:30 - 8:30 Place: theatre Price: check fees
Students in Secondary will leave by themselves as of 5pm
5:05pm - 7pm Place: mirrored dining room
HSD & residentsThey access their classrooms through designated routes. -
Students will leave by themselves according to their timetables

Clase Planta Número de Aula
Leavingandreturning duringschoolhours
To maintain classroom flow and minimize disruption, please avoid taking your child out of school during school hours whenever possible
As long as possible, students should avoid leaving the school during school hours. If, exceptionally, parents are forced to break this rule, they should inform the class teacher 24 hours in advance by email. Please note that tutors may not always be able to check their emails during the school day.
We would like to point out that students should not leave school on Fridays before the end of classes
Please, check classroom schedules and avoid picking up students during:
Lunch hours
Playground breaks
Swimming lessons
Nursery nap time
Parents must let the school know if a student needs to leave with someone other than his/her parents or legal guardians They must also send the authorisation pick up form duly completed and signed, by email. See link to authorisation form
HOME ALONE: From Primary Year 4 to Primary Year 6,
Students will be allowed to exit by themselves, through access gate A, if they have previously sent the HOME ALONE authorisation form signed to the tutor by mail
- If it is on a regular basis, it is not necessary to do so every day
- If it is on a one-off basis, as many times as necessary. See link to HOME ALONE authorisation form. (these forms are permanently available on Clikedu)
*If the tutor has not been NOTIFIED at the designated checkpoint, the student will not be allowed to leave the school unaccompanied.
When a student is absent from school, regardless of the grade, parents should send an email to the class teacher and coordinator
Excessive absences may lead to the student not being evaluated
Any expected absences will have to be notified via email to the class teacher
SECONDARY, BACC., AHS: any expected absences will have to be notified to the class teacher by email Successive delays and absences will result in a penalty subject to the decision of the coordinator
Control through Clickedu:
Through Clickedu parents can check the absences of students: Secondary Baccalaureate AHS RESIDENTS
Study room: exclusive use for students in Secondary and Baccalaureate: Monday to Thursday from 5pm to 7pm.
For safety reasons, only devices authorised by the school will be able to access the WIFI. Public Wi-Fi access is available in the school cafeteria.

7:30am to 8:30am - 5pm to 7:30pm
All students can use the service sporadically and there is no need to let the teacher know in advance
Students will be allowed to bring their breakfast from home to have at school (some fruit, a small sandwich, juice or milk).
Students who are not picked up at 5pm will go straight to the Childcare service room. there will be a person in charge who will give directions to the different rooms
From 5pm to 5:30pm the service is free of charge.
Extracurricular pick up points: check the extracurricular website.
If a student needs to use this service daily, we recommend you to inform the Administration Department so they invoice the fixed monthly fee (more economical): administration@eisbarcelonacom
from 7:30am to 8:30am
Infant School: THEATRE
Primary & Secondary: THEATRE
Entrance through the CAR PARK (access gate B)
from 5:05pm to 7:30pm
Nursery: room 2, entrance via the Nursery playground area Infant School: MAIN DINING ROOM
Primary and Secondary: MIRRORED DINING ROOM
Entrance through the SPORTS CENTRE access gate A) .
IMPORTANT: Students participating in second-hour extracurricular activities and siblings of students enrolled in the morning PE4Life program can use this service at no extra cost
Books,schoolmaterialand digitaldevices
BOOKS: We make it easy to purchase school books through our online platform Simply order on the website, and the books will be delivered directly to your child during the first few days of school.
SCHOOL MATERIAL provided by the school, as it is needed: notebooks, folders, pens, colour pencils, arts and crafts material, photocopies, reading books for the class, material for workshops and the lab, sports equipment, etc.
ICT RESOURCES: email accounts, digital platform, subscriptions to external digital platforms, electronic tablets in the class, etc.
DIGITAL DEVICE (Chromebook): During September, all new students from Primary Year 3 to Baccalaureate/IB/AHS will receive a Chromebook computer. In addition, those students who have handed in their device in June after the end of the 3 year lease period will also receive a new Chromebook.
This device will be the only one allowed to connect to the school network It will work with the “G-Suite for Education'' system, which will allow the school to control and monitor the computers, depending on the educational stage, as well as to access all the e-learning apps provided by Google
The device comes with Google for education license associated with the domain @eisbarcelona com, with illimited Cloud capacity, three-year warranty for technical malfunction, extended coverage with excess for damage or misuse and sleeves for transport and protection
The devices are rented so they will be automatically replaced by new ones after three years (students will return their Chromebook in June of the third year) Families will receive an informative letter together with each device
Use of phones
Using phones during school hours is NOT allowed (it is forbidden to make phone calls, send messages or listen to music), with a few exceptions of academic nature indicated by the teacher.
Under lock and key for Primary and Secondary: we will collect the students’ mobile phones each morning. The class teachers will keep them during the school day and they will be returned each afternoon
Baccalaureate students are required to store their mobile phones in a designated area during lessons. This location will be clearly indicated to them beforehand.
The use of the phones by the student will have consequences dictated by the coordinator. The school will not be held responsible for the loss or damage of said devices.


2 Uniforms
School Uniform Policy
Dress Code
Uniforms by educational stage
Baccalaureate, IB, AHS: Código de vestimenta
In-house uniform service
School UniformPolicy
The use of the school uniform is compulsory for students from Nursery to Secondary Year 4.
At EISB we feel very proud of everything that differentiates and distinguishes our educational community as part of our identity One example of this is our dress code which is aimed at reinforcing adequate dress sense according to location and activity.
We should all strive to present ourselves in a manner which indicates that we are at school for the purpose of learning and educating By taking care of our uniform we prove that we have pride in our school.
Becoming part of the EISB community implies accepting its rules and regulations, whose main purpose is to educate and learn to coexist Therefore, it is in the school’s nature to seek the support and cooperation of all its members (staff, both teaching and non-teaching, families and students) to ensure that everyone abides by these rules and regulations and assist us in achieving the purpose for which they were created

Accepting and signing the school rules and r l ti t il th it t t tt d school wearing the correct uniform, properly c dressing correctly has to be emphasised both b

EISB expects that all students dress in a manner that respects the atmosphere of learning and coexistence While we understand the importance of personal style and all that it represents, living and working within a learning community requires that all members exercise a balance between personal expression and comfort and respect for the learning environment and other members of the community.

As a school, EISB expects that:
√ Clothing should promote a positive, focused learning environment.
√ Clothing should promote a safe, inclusive community
√ Clothing should align with all other standards and rules of the school.
√ Clothing should permit students to participate fully in all school activities
√ Clothing should be clean, modest and respectful
√ In the case of accessories (hairstyles/painted nails/earrings/bracelets): they should be discreet and not interfere with the normal functioning of the classroom
Considerations regarding the school uniform:
√ The uniform must meet the school standards. Any clothes other than the school uniform are strictly forbidden
√ The uniform must be the correct size to fit the students properly.
√ Shorts, pinafores or skirts must be of an adequate length and no shorter than a three-finger width above the knee.
√ Remember that footwear is an essential part of the uniform. Please respect the footwear required (trainers for P E classes and school shoes such as moccasins or shoes with shoelaces/velcro or 100% black trainers for the regular uniform).

We've updated the school uniform for the 2024/25 school year to better align with the current climate and to provide a more diverse and inclusive option for all students
No more seasonal uniforms(winter/summer). Students can now wear whatever uniform pieces they find most comfortable, regardless of the season.
More choice, Students have the freedom to choose between different uniform options based on their preferences (e g , trousers or skirts, long or short trousers)
Nevertheless, the P.E uniform should be worn during P.E. sessions or sport activities only, (or on excursions when specified by the Primary teacher)
For footwear, students are free to choose any style as long as it's entirely black. Clothing not included in this guide, including sweatshirts and extracurricular attire, is not allowed with the regular uniform
Please note that in Secondary blazers are still a compulsory item of clothing
The upcoming school year will be a transition year, meaning students can continue wearing any items from the previous uniform that still fit (e.g., pinafores and/or blue shirts).
All uniform items are mandatory
Nursery- Smocks:
They will be sent home for washing on Wednesdays and Fridays, or whenever they are not in a suitable condition

PE and swimming uniforms:
Please ensure they are brought to school in the designated school bag, clearly labeled with your child's name.
Infant School:
Infant School - Smocks: they will be sent home for washing on Wednesdays and Fridays, or whenever they are not in a suitable condition
Primary -Smocks: on Fridays or whenever they are not in a suitable condition.
Primary Y1: on the days they have PE & Swimming, they will come from home dressed in the PE uniform
Primary Y2 y Y3: on the days they have PE, they will come from home dressed in the PE uniform
Baccalaureate, IB, AHS
Secondary, Baccalaureate/IA-Levels/AHS students' DRESS CODE when they go on a cultural trips:
During the school day (from 8h30 until the final class of the day) students may wear:
Blouses, dress shirts, collared shirts, sweaters, turtlenecks, quarter-zip and full-zip sweaters; EISB sweatshirts and t-shirts for PEclass; If a student chooses to wear a sweatshirt or t-shirt, it must be a solid color and cannot have logos, graphics or writing;
Skorts, skirts, chinos trousers, dress trousers, cargo pants, opaque leggings, jeans and nonathletic or tailored shorts; Shoes, sneakers, flats, and boots
During the school day, students will not be allowed to wear:
Sweatpants, track pants, or sweatshorts; Pyjamas or loungewear;
Bathing suits;
Any shorts, dresses, or skirts shorter than a three-finger width above the knee;
Clothing with rips, holes, mesh or tears;
Sweatshirts that are flashy with printed images, obscene or offensive messages; White t-shirts, undershirts, or t-shirts that contain oversized graphics, images, writing or lettering;
Clothing that depicts, advertises or advocates the use of any type of controlled or illegal substances;
Clothing that depicts, advertises or advocates political or sports teams messages;
Clothing that depicts, advertises or advocates violence, offensive, and hate-based language and images;
Hats or beanies inside the classroom;
See-through clothing or non-opaque clothing;
Clothing that exposes underwear, the waist or the back;
Clothing that exposes cleavage; Slippers, flip-flops or rubber shoes/ sandals.

This service was created in order to facilitate and ease the purchase of uniforms and allow a personalised experience within the school El Corte Inglés will offer all our families the possibility to purchase their uniforms (clothes, footwear and accessories) at the school itself.
The collaboration between EISB and El Corte Inglés aims to improve the shopping experience for our families, avoiding trips and providing a personal service without the need to wait (this service includes the possibility of trying on clothes, making purchases, returns and orders and all of this with the possibility of paying on the spot)
You can reserve school uniform items from El Corte Inglés using the following form, until 30th August 2024: form
The team from El Corte Inglés will prepare your order for you to collect on 3rd September You can come to pick up your order at school between 9am and 6pm (you do not need to book an appointment) Payment can be made by credit card or with the El Corte Inglés card If on this date El Corte Inglés offers promotions, discounts or exclusive advantages, they will also be applied to purchases made at the school.
The establishments authorised to sell the school uniform and by which the school can respond and manage incidents are:
Corte Inglés de Diagonal (Maria Cristina) Avinguda Diagonal, 933 66 71 00
Corte Inglés de Sabadell Av. de Francesc Macià, 58 937 28 48 00
It can also be bought online: https://www elcorteingles es/uniformes/barcelona/sant-cugat-del-valles/europeaninternational-school-of-barcelona/
El Corte Inglés offers dedicated personal assistants in each store and a VIP service tailored for school families. This allows you to easily order clothing, ask questions, and receive personalised advice
You can contact them by email at uniformservice@elcorteingles.es or call +34 628 17 82 20.


Eating at EISB is like eating at home
Dining room
Nurse’s office and Health Protocol
School transport
Educational Psychology Department
International Homeroom
Speech Therapy
Solidarity Outlet
Lost & Found
Personalised diets
More than 14 different diets adapted to each student's needs
EatingatEISB, islikeeatingathome
Healthy habits
Programmes to learn to recognise what food contributes to our diet at the table
Table manners
Manners programme: autonomy, posture, use of the right cutlery, appropriate tone, serving oneself
Food culture
Based on the Mediterranean, diverse and multicultural diet
School kitchen Quality assurance
Diets prepared by the team of nutritionists, the chef and the school nurse
Organic, seasonal and local produce
Main Characteristics
Quality of raw material
Suggestions of breakfasts and dinners for a daily healthy and balanced diet
Support for athlete’s diet
Special attention to food intolerances and allergies
Control via Clickedu:
You can conveniently download the monthly menu from either the 'Menu' section in the Clickedu app or from the 'Apartado servicios/Comedor' section on the Clickedu website or desktop version
Monthly menu
The school’s kitchen staff prepares and cooks all meals on the premises exclusively for our school The multidisciplinary and comprehensive vision of this service within the ESIB curriculum is achieved thanks to the collaboration of the coordinators of the following departments: stage coordination, class teacher, kitchen, nurse’s office, educational psychology department, nutrition and food safety Every day, our chef shares the daily menu with 10 groups He explains the nutritional value of the menu and answers the students’ questions
The menus are designed by the school chef and nutritionists and supervised by the nurse to ensure a balanced diet. Families also have daily breakfasts and weekly dinner suggestions at their disposal every week.
We cater to 14 different dietary needs daily, including various allergies and special diets, with personalized options tailored to each student Our menu is crafted based on seasonal produce, ensuring variety and incorporating local or "kilómetro cero " ingredients whenever possible
Lunch is one more learning environment where students learn about nutrition and eating habits, and also work on their social coexistence and integration skills Knowing the correct behaviour and good table manners at mealtimes in the dining room is covered by the Manners Programme, which consists of the following:
Discovering and experimenting with textures, flavours and aromas of food
We also offer using the Baby Led Weaning method (autoregulated eating by the baby).
Additional activities: Vegetable garden.
Acquisition of autonomy and responsibility with food. Understanding the composition of the different dishes: hydrates for the energy, proteins for the defences and strength, fruits for the vitamins and to be healthy, etc. Learning about the origins of food. Learning how and which eating utensils to use (meat, fish, fruit…) and the acquisition of the necessary skills
Additional activities:
Head of the kitchen regularly visits the classes and talks to the students about the composition of the menu of the day
Knowledge of the origin of the different food through cultural trips and excursions
Baccalaureate, IB, HSD
Infant School:
Earning what orderly feeding is (1st course, 2nd course and dessert)
Additional activities: Vegetable garden.
Secondary/RESIDENT students:
total autonomy and critical thinking with regards to food, and understanding of the needs of the organism (our own) depending on the daily activity. The school also cooks dinner and breakfast for the residents, following their nutritionist’s diet guideline. Additional activities:
Freedom to choose some of the dishes served in the school, to foster autonomy and decision-making in the students
The Educational Psychology Department pays special attention to possible eating disorders (keeping in mind that they might originate in Primary school as well)
Surplus awareness Programme aimed at raising awareness of food surplus and how to minimise this
Students will be allowed to leave the school during breakfast and lunch breaks. Students may also eat in the cafeteria after purchasing a ticket.
Family meals
The school offers families the opportunity to have lunch with their children, a maximum of two times a year, from Foundation Year 1 (as of the 2nd term if the student doesn’t take naps anymore) to Secondary. In order to do so, they will have to send an email (at least 24 hours in advance), to the class teacher to book a table in the cafeteria Due to space restrictions, families will be allowed to have lunch with their children exclusively (it will not be possible to invite classmates for lunch)
Parents will have to enter through access gate B, identify themselves and go to the cafeteria, where you will meet with the student. Families will be expected to be punctual and respect the lunch times of the students. When they finish, students will go to the playground on their own and the parents will exit through the Sports Centre, access gate A..
School cafeteria
During school hours the cafeteria will be open to school staff only The cafeteria will be open to the public in the afternoons, Monday to Friday, from 5pm to 7pm.
Afternoon snack and birthday cakes

Afternoon snacks will be available for Infant and Primary school students only. The snacks will be served in the classroom (parents can check the menu in Clickedu).
If you'd like to celebrate your child's birthday in the classroom by sharing a cake with the classmates, please order the cake from our school cook at least 24 hours in advance using this FORM and state the following information,:
Name of the student Grade
Candle number (candle the student will blow in their own piece of cake)
Age and date of the celebration
Type of cake: gluten-free and lactose-free / regular /chocolate with chocolate sprinkles /chocolate gluten-free and lactose-free
We will take into account any allergies or intolerances among the students to ensure the cake is suitable for everyone
(Please note that there is a €20 charge for the cake, which will be added to your school fees.)
NO cakes or sweets from outside will be allowed Given current circumstances, we must be stricter in preserving the health of our students and abide by the rules to avoid risk (allergies, intolerances, etc).
In Secondary birthdays will ONLY be celebrated on the day of the class’ tutorial sessions.
Nurse’soffice andhealthprotocol
The school nurse provides her services during the school hours She is here for any possible health issues or any accidents that could occur during the school day She is also in charge of coordinating:
Health Education activities, together with the different stage coordinators and the Educational Psychology Department
Different prevention programmes (vaccination campaigns in Primary Y6 and Secondary Y2, check-ups and talks).
She coordinates, in collaboration with Médico Centro, the voluntary medical check-ups for students, which take place every year in the school
In case of an emergency in the school, the nurse is the competent authority with regard to health and safety, but under no circumstances can she assume the functions of the family doctor or paediatrician
In the interest of the common good of all the educational community, the Nurse’s Office kindly asks the families:
- NOT to bring their child to school if he doesn’t feel well or is suspected of being sick if the child has fever or any symptoms of disease or other infectious issue. We recommend going to your health centre or pediatrician, who will indicate if the child can or can’t go to school and, depending on the case, which treatment to follow. At the end of this section, you will find the guidelines provided by Public Health.
- Always inform the school nurse if a child is undergoing any treatment or has been administered medication or antipyretic (dosage and time). It is essential to avoid administering the child any other medication based on medical opinion when it hasn’t been possible to reach the parents or class teachers. Wherever possible, we recommend setting the medication time for periods when students are at home.
In the event of a student suffering from a disease, we will follow these action guidelines:
a) Chronic disease which requires or may require treatment during school hours (diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, allergies, etc) Families shall provide medical reports and medication The Nurse’s Office will keep track of the expiration date of said medication
b) Acute disease which may require, for a few days, the administration of medication (antibiotics, antiinflammatories, inhaled, or any other medication prescribed by a physician). It is mandatory that families or any adult responsible, hand to the nurse or the Nurse’s Office by mail:
Medical prescription or copy of the prescription.
Names and surnames of the student, time and dosage, as well as the duration of the treatment.
Medication in its original packaging
c) Common illness:
In the event of vomiting, diarrhea, fever, flu or cold, otitis, or abdominal pain: the nurse will make an initial evaluation If the problem remains, she will call the parents to come and pick up the student If a medical evaluation is required, the nurse will tell parents to make an appointment with the doctor or paediatrician of reference.
In the event of headaches, menstrual pain, or mild discomfort: if the student is authorised to have medication, they will be allowed to be given medication by the nurse and return to class The nurse will monitor the student’s response to the medicine, and if he is not feeling better, the nurse will contact the family to pick him up.
Families with small children will always be contacted before giving the child any medication
d) Minor accidents: small accidents, scraps, bruises, or bumps, will be cared for by the nurse without additional procedures. It is of the utmost importance that families let the nurse know about any possible allergies to antiseptics or medicines at the beginning of the year.
e) Mild-moderate accidents: if medical attention is required, but it admits some delay, like in the event of impacts, sprains that require X-Ray evaluation, or wounds that need stitches, the nurse will inform the families so they can take the student to their medical centre of choice or the one indicated by the school insurance, while she provides first aid care.
f) Major accident: in light of real emergency that requires prompt medical attention (cardiorespiratory arrest, open fractures, severe asthma crisis, serious allergic reaction, etc ) the following actions will take place simultaneously, in this order:
We will call emergency services and/or the school insurance so they send an ambulance. We will provide first-aid and administer any prescribed medication (as long as we have the medicine and the parents/class teacher authorisation to administer it), or we will follow the instructions given by emergency services
We will contact the family to inform them of what happened and the centre the student is being taken to so they can go as soon as possible. Whenever possible, the nurse or a member of the school staff will accompany the student until the family arrives
A copy of the medical prescription and any necessary information, dosage, times, guidelines to be followed, and the duration of the treatment should be sent to nurse@eisbarcelona.com
WE CAN’T give any medication that families buy on their own account, without medical prescription. The school nurse will not be held responsible for any medication taken without her knowledge or supervision.
All the medicine taken to school has to be in the original package, and it also has to contain the product package insert and be clearly labelled with the student name, surname and grade.
We can’t administer any medicine that it’s not in its original package, no individual pills or pills in packages different than the original one. If the medicine needs to be kept cold, the nurse will keep it in the fridge in the nurse’s office..
According to the criteria set by Public Health, students should stay at home if:
They are unable to perform regular activities with normality.
The illness demands that the teacher provides the student with more attention than possible, thus reducing the attention dedicated to the rest of the students.
The student shows fever, lethargy, irritability, constant crying, difficulty breathing or other symptoms, evidence of a more serious illness
Shows exanthema and fever and the doctor hasn’t been able to rule out an infectious disease
Below you will find a summary of the guidelines set by Public Health as to when students should return to school, depending on the symptoms, most common illnesses etc. Please, keep in mind that not all the illnesses are listed In the event of any sickness, please check with your doctor:
Fever (37,5º)
24 hours without fever or the use of antipyretics Student feels able to resume general activity
Purulent conjunctivitis (with discharge) 24 hours after starting treatment.
Strep throat 24 hours after starting treatment
Diarrhoeas (specific or nonspecific) 48 hours after last diarrhoeal stool.
Impetigo contagiosa 48 horas after starting treatment.
Lice 24 hours after having treatment
It is very important that all the families update their contact information on Clickedu, including two mobile phone numbers, to speed up and facilitate communication.
Ms. Cintia Carmona: nurse@eisbarcelona.com
You can use the school transport regularly or sporadically
MORNINGS: the school bus stops at all the bus-stops to pick up any possible passengers (remember to be 5 minutes early and wait for the bus to pick you up).
AFTERNOONS: if you want your children to come back in the school bus you have to inform the class teacher in the morning by email.
The service will start on the 4th September.
You will find the times and stops updated on the school website Times may change throughout the year due to diversions on the road or cut streets. This service will be billed monthly in arrears The bill for September will be billed in the month of October
Head of the service: Mr. Sergi Gilgado administration@eisbarcelona.com
Times and stops:
You will find all the information about the different routes on Google Maps in the following (link)
ROUTE Nº1 Sabadell-St.Quirze-Bellaterra-St.Cugat
ROUTE Nº2 Mirasol-Valldoreix-St.Cugat
ROUTE Nº3 Matadepera - Terrassa- Sant Cugat
ROUTE Nº4 Barcelona - Sant Cugat
ROUTE Nº5 Zona Vallés Oriental (Caldes de Montbui, Sentmenat, Polinyà)
The BATONROUTE app offers real-time location monitoring for every route. The app will also allow you to request route or stop changes and book/cancell trips
We recommend that you download the app as soon as possible so you can begin to familiarise yourself with it and ask any questions you have Until further notice, we will continue to communicate through our usual channel (Whatsapp group).
How do I download the app?
You can download the BATONROUTE app on your mobile devices (iOs and Android)
To register, you will have to indicate a username and the password you will receive in an email (from no-reply@batonroute com) You will be able to change your password at any time
Under the “user’s guide” section you will be able to check how the app works, although you will soon see how easy and intuitive to use it is
Respectful and appropriate behaviour is expected at all times on the coaches, carefully following the instructions given by the supervising staff and EISB teachers.

Educational PsychologyDepartment
The school has an Educational Psychology Department available for parents, teachers and students made up of educational psychologists and speech therapists.
Its main objective is to deal with any academic, behavioural, emotional or social doubts or problems our students may have They also work together with the school management taking part in the preparation of the different curriculums and academic adaptations, attending to the behavioural, emotional and social needs of the students
Service free of charge (except for extracurricular speech therapy).
For any further information: info@eisbarcelona.com
The International Homeroom programme aims to seamlessly integrate newly arrived students into EISB's comprehensive language offerings Through a series of transitional stages, this program provides a tailored framework for students who may not yet have the necessary proficiency in English, Spanish, or Catalan We celebrate diversity and respect the unique needs of each student, providing personalized support as they transition.
Our immersion program spans all levels of Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education (Secondary Y1 to Y4). The curriculum features differentiated instruction in English, Spanish, and Catalan, aligned with the long-term objectives of regular classroom learning Our ultimate goal is for students to successfully transition into mainstream classes by progressively achieving the benchmark objectives for each stage of our immersion program
Head of Department: Mr Iván de la Torre; idelatorre@eisbarcelona.com
This service has an extra cost (check fees).
Our after-school language support programme provides targeted assistance for students who need to strengthen specific language skills A language specialist works with students on areas such as speaking, reading, and writing, providing tailored support to enhance their overall learning experience
This service has an extra cost (check fees).
Head of Service: Ms. Laura Moreno, More information: logopedia@eisbarcelona com
This second-hand uniform service functions thanks to the donations of the school families. We accept donations of any items that are part of the current school uniform They must be in a good condition.
To those families who have pieces of uniform that are now too small, or those families who are leaving the school and won’t be needing the uniforms anymore, we would like to remind them that they can donate all the school garments to the outlet service Here it will be sold, at a reduced price, to other school families interested, and all the profits will go to charity.
The service will open the 9 September 2024 Anyone interested can send an email at outlet@eisbarcelona.com or a Whatsapp message to Ana Cano: +34 671 210 046
All lost items found at school are taken to the Sports Centre, where we do our best to identify the owners and return their belongings
Please ensure that all items brought to school (clothing, bags, accessories, etc ) are clearly labeled with your child's full name to facilitate identification.
If your child loses something, please check with their tutor first. If the item is not found, you can send an email to sportcentre@eisbarcelona.com with a brief description of the lost item and the full name and year group of your child
During playground breaks students will be allowed to go to the Sports Centre to pick up their belongings.
From 8:30am to 9am and from 5pm to 5:30pm families will be able to go to the Sports Centre to ask for missing objects.
At the end of each term, all the clothes and objects that haven’t been identified and/or claimed by any families will be donated to the Outlet so that when the service reopens, they can be purchased and the profits donated to charity

4 Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activitites
EISB International Seasons Camps
Academic Support and Language Centre
Sports Centre

Sessions take place during the lunch break or after 5pm You can find all the information, as well as the registration form in the following link.
More information and details: Mr Pep Olivé, extracurricular@eisbarcelona.com

Different national and international, sport and artistic camps take place in the school with our own teachers, monitors and coaches
Summer Camps
Winter Camp Spring Camp
The camps take place during the summer and winter holidays and the spring break
More information and details: Mr. Pep Olivé, extracurricular@eisbarcelona.com
You will find all the information and the registration form in the school website: www.eisbarcelona.com

EISB, in partnership with FIAC* Idiomes academy, offers private or small-group language classes in English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Chinese, German, and more. Classes can be scheduled during or outside school hours and are available: To EISB students, external students, and adults. Online classes are also an option
More information and registrations: Web Language&Support
Mr Joan Carbonés: languageandsupport@eisbarcelona.com

Private or small-group lessons are available for all subjects (mathematics, languages, physics, chemistry, etc.) during or outside of school hours.
Supervised Study: a dedicated space for completing homework with teacher support, including guidance on time management and effective study techniques.
More information and registration: Web Language&Support
Mr Joan Carbonés, languageandsupport@eisbarcelona.com

The Sports Centre big swimming pool can be used out of school hours, with exclusivity by: Immediate family members of EISB students
School students who take swimming lessons in the school as part of their curriculum (from Nursery Y1 to Secondary Y2) Minors will always have to be accompanied by adults. School alumni
For more information: sportscentre@eisbarcelona com

Opening times: Saturdays from 1pm to 7pm and Sundays and bank holidays from 9am to 3pm


School vegetable garden
Community Service
House Points
Europe Engagement Programme for Global Mindset
Official language examination

Share your light and turn off the lights and fans when not needed
Help recycle paper and supplies for a greener planet
Always choose sustainable and eco-friendly foods
Remember not to waste edible food
Embrace using waste containers properly in

Tend to our eco-gardens and watch them bloom
Honor and protect the diverse life around us
Eradicate plastic bottles, aluminium foil, plastic bags and single-use waste
Go for responsible consumption every day
Ride the bus, train or bike; reduce your carbon footprint
Enjoy a quieter classroom by reducing noise

Economize and maximise school resources wisely
Nurture student involvement in green projects
Our educational community is committed to the education of new generations We believe it is our duty to adopt patterns and behaviours that help raise awareness of the sustainability of our planet among our students and their families. With this in mind, our ecodelegates, produced the following manifesto. Its main aim is to serve as a guide and provide you with all the habits and behaviours that will help support and take care of our ecosystem, our planet
Our total commitment towards a more sustainable future We want to fight to preserve the environmental patrimony that we have inherited
The abuse of plastics, especially single use plastic, is affecting the world’s ecosystems Humans are part of these ecosystems.
We know we must rationalise the use of water, a scarce resource We are lucky to live in a place with safe drinking water at our disposal, but it is not endless and not everyone enjoys this privilege
Our society has become energy-dependent Unconsciously, we have internalised that water will always be available whenever we need it, and sometimes we are not fully aware of what providing water for citizenship actually entails We want to consume only the amount of energy that is strictly necessary
Often enough we don’t report environmental issues that are within our closest surroundings. We know it is in everyone’s interest and we have a shared responsibility to make the world a more sustainable place to live in

We know there are vulnerable groups in the world, such as children and elderly people, and they need support from all of us

The students in Primary and Infant School commit to bringing a water cup in order to remove disposable plastic cups These hard-plastic cups will be taken home every day to be washed and they will not be made out of either glass or ceramic
Using drinking water only when strictly necessary We will not leave the tap running and we will let teachers know if we see a leak or something broken. We will not waste this resource
Turning off the lights, fans, and other devices that require energy when we don’t need them. For example, we will turn them off when we go to the playground or when we finish school and go home.
We will not waste paper unnecessarily and reuse it if possible
Using the bins correctly: yellow for containers, white for paper and cardboard (no staples or clips) and grey for the rest Likewise, when we are in the playground, we will use the yellow-bag bins only for containers
Not throwing away edible food unnecessarily
Spreading the word about environmental problems and using articles, photographs and/or videos as a means to raise awareness amongst our community We will not shy away from our responsibilities.
Using reusable wrap, such as the Boc’N’Roll etc, instead of disposable wraps (tinfoil, cling film )
New generations must face a challenge of great magnitude. They need to make the world a fairer, cleaner and more fraternal place To achieve this, we need to educate them based on these three pillars: justice, fraternity and sustainability 1 2 3 4 5 6
Establishing one day every term where students will be able to bring WEEE (electronic devices and batteries, chargers, cables, mobiles, tablets, light bulbs, cartridges ), so they can be recycled in specialised facilities
Collecting bottle caps for charity The students will be able to bring caps from home and dispose of them in the special containers in the school These caps will be used to fund solidary projects.
The School Garden programme offers a hands-on learning experience that goes beyond the classroom, allowing our students to connect with nature and gain a deeper understanding of environmental concepts
Why a vegetable garden?
Reconnecting with Nature: In a digital age, we want our students to experience first-hand the process of growing food and to understand basic aspects of planting related to the environment In addition, we are creating a new natural space in the heart of the school that can be enjoyed by the entire academic community.
Comprehensive education: Our commitment to a well-rounded education extends to all aspects of our students' growth The school garden complements classroom learning while nurturing essential values like teamwork, responsibility, and environmental awareness
What is the Vegetable Garden Programme about

Environmental laboratory: Our school garden serves as a living environmental laboratory, buzzing with dynamic and engaging activities Here, students explore the fundamentals of planting, sustainable food production and care for the environment
Hands-on activities: Through weekly hands-on activities, students delve into the world of plants, learning essential skills like planting, caring, and harvesting They also discover the significance of biodiversity and sustainable farming practices Equipped with magnifying glasses and shovels, they identify edible plants, flowers, beneficial insects, and other wildlife, all while developing a comprehensive understanding of interconnected ecosystems.
Interdisciplinary learning: the programme seamlessly integrates multiple disciplines, including science, mathematics, and art, offering students a practical and applied learning experience.
Our collaboration with Crea Un Huerto allows students to engage in practical, meaningful learning experiences that foster skill development and a profound connection to the natural world
This programme is part of our students' curriculum and consists of a termly contribution of hours of their free time for the benefit of their community.
Through the Community Service programme, students learn teamwork and conflict resolution skills It also strengthens competences such as emotional intelligence and tolerance and concepts such as inclusion and diversity, while acquiring practical skills. All of which contributes to their personal growth.

The Community Service Programme encourages solidarity, community engagement and nonacademic learning This project aims to reinforce moral values and work on human rights as well as to raise awareness and understanding of the social reality in order to develop the students' full potential as learners.
Some of the activities that the students of the Community Service Programme carry out are:
Food, clothes and toy collection campaigns: Operación Kilo, “Un nen, una joguina” campaign, blankets campaign, Gran Recapte - food bank.
EISB Community: looking after little children or helping them with their homework, supporting in Nursery and Infants classes, helping in curricular activities, helping the teachers, providing support lessons to their classmates
“Share the green!”: cleaning up forests and parks, walking dogs, volunteering at Windown, making recycled paper
Volunteering in different organisations: La Llar d’Avis, Rober Solidari (Gilgal Solidari), Ronald McDonald House, Sant Joan de Déu, GAUSAC, NOAM Barcelona, Consell de Joves de Sant Cugat del Vallès

Our school proudly collaborates w Chazon Africa, an organizat dedicated to enhancing the lives children in Molo, Kenya Chazon Afr focuses on three key are PROTECTING, EDUCATING a EMPOWERI
This project enhances the global rea of our existing volunteer initiativ within the EISB Community Serv Program, offering our commun members a broader range opportunities to make a meaningful impact through volunteering.

Every year we give a warm welcome to the students in Primary Y1, who will be discovering, for the first time, which House Points house they belong to in the Opening Ceremony.
The foundation for this project's success, and its ability to foster meaningful growth in values and interpersonal skills, lies in cultivating a strong sense of belonging to a group or house among students.
Thanks to this programme students will develop a series of personal and interpersonal skills of great importance for the child’s holistic development We are referring to:
Development of Soft Skills: communication skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills, negotiation skills, teamwork skills and time-management skills.
Generation of vertical contexts that foster bonds between students of different ages (peer class teachering, the feeling of belonging and successful integration, highlighting strengths in different fields, development of positive interdependence and education in positive competitiveness based on cooperation and collaboration).
The students are allocated to one of the four houses (Phoenix, Centaur, Pegasus o Triton) which comprise the EISB House Points project, ensuring a balance between the four groups keeping in mind a balance of the different competences (sports, artistic, academic, etc) of the students within each house.

Students are assigned to a house, and they will belong to that house until the end of their school years All siblings will be allocated to the same house

The basic backbone of the project is the competition of the different houses to win the Year Cup. To do that, the students collect points for their house all year long, based on a series of accomplishments divided into different categories
EuropeEngagementProgramme forGlobalMindset
EISB Active member of ECIS:
EISB is an active member of ECIS (Educational Collaborative for International Schools) and since the foundation of the school in 1996, has established solid relationships with international schools abroad, with whom we share a common interest: educating in internationality.
To this end, every year we jointly develop exchange programmes, sports tournaments, academic trips for curriculum extension and programmes for student training in areas such as leadership, sustainability, humanitarian programmes, etc
Essential part of the curriculum:
All students are asked to participate in international programmes. These experiential programmes abroad are fundamental for the development and formation of the student's character, as well as the development of their critical capacity, social skills, international knowledge, mastery of the language and global perspective in the face of a reality that goes far beyond their immediate environment and where they learn to grow in autonomy and knowledge. For these reasons, it is a fundamental part of our curriculum and hence its mandatory nature to complete the training with which EISB provides all its students
Countries in which we carry out this type of programme: United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Germany, Turkey, Portugal, China and Italy, among others.
Cultural trips for curricular extension through the elaboration of multidisciplinary works:
The aim of these trips is to extend the academic programme in the chosen country by means of a multidisciplinary project, ‘Trabajo de Síntesis’ , which is evaluated in order to pass the course.
Exchange programmes for personal growth:
Thanks to the experience of over 20 years with this type of programme, EISB maintains close relationships with different schools around the world, where families like ours look for a safe international experience in the school environment. The school organises these programmes itself to suit the needs of our families, looking for families like ours who are committed to making the stay a positive experience, as well as giving the students the opportunity to establish links that can generate friendships and opportunities for life
EuropeEngagementProgramme forGlobalMindset
The purpose of our exchanges and cultural trips goes beyond providing international experiences and personal growth. They also involve engaging in various multidisciplinary projects (Synthesis Project) that enable students to research, analyze, and apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings.

Academic year or semester abroad:
The International Relations Department can advise and accompany those families who are looking for an international school abroad where they can spend a year or part of an academic year in another country This is a customised service to fit the student’s needs
Sports tournaments:
EISB has been an active member of ISSA (International Schools Sports Association) since 2006 This organization allows us to participate in a wide range of sports tournaments against prestigious International Schools from all over the world, schools from Spain, England, Scotland, Italy, Portugal, and Turkey, in sports such as basketball, football, tennis & badminton, and golf.
The main objective of this programme is to allow our boys and girls to participate, as there are both male and female teams in all disciplines except tennis, badminton and golf where the teams are mixed Each year every member school has to host one of the events in their school, allowing all teams to visit other schools in a rotating system of tournaments
Thanks to our performance in several disciplines over the years, the ECIS (European Council of International Schools) asked us to host its annual Physical Education World Wide Conference in Sant Cugat in 2019, in which more than 100 participants gathered from all over the world.
MUN and EYP for the formation of the "Global Mindset":
Participation in educational programmes such as Model United Nations (MUN) and European Youth Parliament (EYP) are especially interesting for the formation of character and critical thinking in our students
They are programmes focused on strengthening leadership, where participants experience a simulated context based on that of the United Nations Policies are developed for such current and committed topics as: arms control, policies for the sustainability of the planet or the organization of humanitarian programmes. Participants prepare these topics in English or French to be presented to the audience and discussed in groups

ERASMUS + for research and the development of European programmes:
Once more, EISB has been granted scholarships in education and good practices exchange for the years 2023-24, 24-25, 25-26 and 26-27. These scholarships are framed within projects in the field of health, pedagogical innovation and the development of digital and linguistic competences. All these programmes have a duration of 1 to 3 years and they include activities that imply mobility between the countries involved in each one of the partnerships.
Officiallanguage examinations
Primary Y1
Primary 6 English
Primary 6 (optional)
Secondary Years 2&3
Secondary Y4 and Baccalaureate
Secondary Years 3&4
Baccalaureate Y2
Primary Y1 - Y5 - Trinity Oral Exams (levels 1 - 6)Included in the monthly expenses
Primary Y6 - Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Exams (English, Maths and Science) - Included in the monthly expenses
English DELF A1
Cambridge First Certificate for Schools exam
English Cambridge Advanced Exam
English GCSE exams (the British equivalent to the Secondary qualification)
English IELTS and Proficiency exams
Secondary Y2 French DELF A2
Secondary Y4 French DELF B1
Baccalaureate French B2
Secondary Y4 y Baccalaureate Year 1 & 2 German Goethe-Institut, level A2 to B1.
Secondary Y4 y Baccalaureate Year 1 & 2 Chinese HSK (Mandarin Chinese), level A2 to B1&B2.
*The cost of these exams is not included in the monthly expenses and must be paid in advance.


Administration and Fees 2024/2025
Additional Services
The Administration Department is available to families for matters related to:
Invoices: bills and payment options
Downloading receipts from Clickedu
Annual estimates
Registrations: enrollment or cancellation for the following academic year. Officially cancel a student's enrollment, you must send an email to the Headmaster, Mike Barrett, at director@eisbarcelona.com and copy Mr. Sergi Gilgado.
Billing inquiries: contact us for questions about invoices related to books, cultural trips, exchanges, summer, landing and spring camps, and ski trips
Contact: Sergi Gilgado: administration@eisbarcelona.com
Phone assistance hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 2pm and 3pm to 6pm
Attention in person, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday by appointment only
In the following link you will find a document with all the information regarding the school fees and other services for next year 2024/2025.
The fees are an annual payment, that has been prorated in 10 instalments, and it includes all the expenses associated with services and activities carried out during the year.
This annual amount is divided into monthly instalments to provide parents with a linear payoff (regardless of the month each expense takes place in)
In the event that the school must close by force majeure, the school will proceed to reimburse the cost of the lunch service of the monthly fee. The rest of expenditure costs will be invested in diverse measures as considered necessary (technological enhancements, hygienic-sanitary measures, etc).
Medical insurance
Our students are covered by our Accident and Civil Responsibility insurance. This insurance does NOT COVER:
Vehicles (scooters, bikes, etc.)
Loss or damage of personal belongings (watches, laptops, cameras, electronic devices, phones, toys, etc )
Braces. Students will not take them to the lunch room.
From Secondary Year 4 onwards students will be able to keep their valuables in their lockers.
The school recommends taking out this insurance which, in the event of death of one of the parents, covers the learning fees of the student until he/she turns 18 years old, in this or any other school. Parents will receive an information letter at the start of the school year. This insurance is billed during the second fortnight of October and it is automatically renewed every year, unless stated otherwise.
For more information, please contact Mr Sergi Gilgado administration@eisbarcelona.com
We offer the option of renting various spaces within the school for events or children’s parties: Football field
You have the option to pre-order a Friday afternoon snack and enjoy it in the school cafeteria For further information: Mr Josep Marqués: jmarques@eisbarcelona com


Smooth communication between the school and the families is of the utmost importance for us For this reason, there are several different communication channels to inform, keep in touch, listen to, and give and receive feedback from the families, as well as to supervise our students.
Mainly, the school will communicate by email/Clickedu with the families of all the different stages (it is necessary that all the contact information is updated in Clickedu before the start of the year. Families can change and add any information through the app of the platform).
*During exceptional circumstances, we will activate contingency plans which might require different communication channels to adapt to the situation (supporting communication by means of “class groups” or delegates, appointing committee members, using whatsapp groups to deliver instant messages etc)

Mr & Ms Herranz Honorary Directors

Esther Herranz General Director & CEO generaldirector@
School Reception

Ms B Secr info@
Admissions, Marketing

Ms Praline Hudson Admissions admissions@
Ms Thais Bernal Secretarial Team tbernal@
& Communication

Ms Anna Nogué Nursery nursery@
Ms Aida Sells Marketing & Communications communications@

Ms Lyn McBride Infant School infant@

Ms Blanca Fusté Primary School primary@

Mr Victor González Secondary Y1, Y2 secondary12@

Mr Ivan de la Torre International Homeroom idelatorre@
Mr Joan Carbonés Primary School jcarbonesi@

Mr Manel García Secondary Y3, Y4 secondary34@

Ms Maria Cassina IAL & AHSD internationalpgm@

Ms Maria Cassina Internat Trips&Exchanges internationalrelations@
Mr Sergio Mairal IB & National Baccalaureate baccalaureate@

Mr Josep Lluís Marqués TIC&Clickedu Support clickeduhelp@
Educational Psychology Department

Mr Eladio Herranz Psychologist Dept. Resp. psychology@

Ms Laura Maranillo Psychologist lmaranillo@
Ms Heleen Leper Psychologist psychology3@

Mr Oriol Herrerias Psychologist psychology2@

Ms Laura Moreno Speech Therapist logopedia@

Ms Anna Nogué Psychopedagogist Nursery&Infant School nursery@
Ms Mónica Griera Protocol & Ceremonies art@

Ms Cintia Carmona School Nurse nurse@

Mr Javi Chef chef@
Extracurricular Activities, Sports Centre, Language & Support Academy
Mr Pep Olivé

Extracurricular Coordinator extracurricular@

Ms Mónica Griera Arts Coordinator art@

M Sp swimming@

Mr Joan Carbonés Academic & Language Support languageandsupport@
The main objective of all the communication between the school and their families is to keep the EISB community informed about new topics, news of interest, sudden changes, necessary adjustments etc. always trying to send the information as fast as possible and under the principle of transparency.
There are different channels:
Email: will serve as the primary channel of communication between the school and families, as well as for contacting other school departments. For urgent matters, please send emails early in the morning Messages sent later in the day may not be received in time or may not be responded to until the following day.
At the start of the school year, Nursery and Primary students (from Year 3 onwards) will receive a physical diary.
Teachers' email addresses are formatted using the initial of their first name followed by their last name (all lowercase). For example: Benjamin Price: bprice@eisbarcelona.com.
ClickEdu: (first page of this dossier) we will continue to use Clickedu as the one place to find all the information sent by the school : lunch and dinner menus school timetables class photos (for now only available for Infant School FY1-FY3) absences (as of Secondary) term report cards any news and changes that may take place throughout the year.
In person “Open door policy” families can also make an appointment with the school staff to talk about particular or personal matters that they need to discuss in person. The appointments will have to be requested by email If it weren’t possible to meet in person, families will also have the possibility of scheduling a Meet, using the student’s email address..
EISB Journal: informative bulletin with all the activities carried out throughout the month and those planned for the following month

Class Delegates (made up of school parents)
Class representatives act as liaisons between the tutor and parents, relaying important and timely information specific to their class group. Additionally, parent WhatsApp groups facilitate further communication and discussion on relevant school matters
Every class is represented by a delegate and a subdelegate
Who are the class delegates?
At the start of the year meetings, the class teacher will ask among the families to see who is interested in the job If there were no volunteers, the teacher would choose 4 families randomly.
Then the class would vote which one of the 4 candidates they would want as class representative
We recommend that the volunteer is someone with time so they can commit to the position, someone empathetic who listens, tries to avoid conflicts and remains unbiased in their position as delegate. We also advise that it’s not a new family (so they have experience from previous years to help them).
What is the class delegates’ responsibility?
It is a voluntary job The delegate is expected to spend part of their time at the service of other families to::
To be the connecting link between the class teacher and the families, to represent the class group
To pass on any doubts or feedback affecting a great part of the families.
To participate in the annual delegates’ meeting It takes place at the beginning of the year and it is convened by the school management to talk about the approach for that year, to solve doubts, collect proposals etc
In the Nursery, Infant and Primary school: to give support in the organisation of the different festivals. The delegate will be in charge of talking to the teacher and providing the costume or materials needed
The delegates usually choose the tools that suit best their needs and make this job easier. Usually they use Whatsapp groups to share the information and to make sure the families receive it quickly. The delegates will decide how the Whatsapp groups will operate to ensure its proper functioning.
Their commitment is vital, since they are an essential figure to support direct communication between the families and the school.
The school website, www.eisbarcelona.com gathers all the information regarding the school, as well as all the information that might be of interest throughout the year: extracurricular activities, summer camps, news, events, conferences, Open Doors etc.
The school also owns accounts in social media where it posts information about events and news of interest for the community:

Grupo cerrado Alumni (antiguos alumnos)



How can I contact the school?
The main communication channel with the school is the email Secretary (info@eisbarcelona.com), 8:30am to 5pm, and phone: +93 589.84.20
Sports Centre (sportscentre@eisbarcelona com), 7am to 10pm, and phone: +93 590 14 50
Which documents do I need to fill in before the start of the year?
Pick up authorisation, in the event that someone other than parents or legal guardians must pick up a student from school "Home alone" authorisation. For students in Primary Y4 and older who need to leave by themselves or pick up their siblings
Who is my child going to be in class with next year?
At the beginning of September, in the meeting with the class teacher, parents will receive a copy of the class list as well as any necessary information they may need before the start of the classes
What should we do if we are late?
We must go to reception to inform about our arrival and we will follow their instructions
If we forgot something at home, can I bring it to school??
It will be forbidden to enter the premises to deliver forgotten objects, except for medicines, glasses, keys, phones or any other essential objects.
Can I call the school to authorise someon to pick up my child??
For safety reasons, it will NOT be allowed to authorise pick-ups by phone Parents must always send an email to the class teacher, and do so in advance for logistic purposes.
Where do I find my class teacher's email address?
The class teacher will give you his/her email address
Nevertheless, all the teachers’ emails are configured as default to be: initial of their name + surname + @eisbarcelona com
Where can I find the times and stops for the bus routes?
On our website : https://www.eisbarcelona.com/students-life/transporte-escolar/
Where can I find the calendar with the list of bank holidays, free diposition days and seasonal holidays?
All the information regarding the calendar is in this document, posted on our website at the beginning of the year and updated in Clickedu.
Where can I find the daily menu?
To see the menu, please log in to Clickedu in the desktop version, go to “ módulo comedor”, there you will find all the information regarding the different menus, special diets and dinner proposals.
In the app you can find it in the Menu option
Where can I find the extracurricular activities' brochure and when do they start?
Activities and registrations can be found in the following link, with details of the starting date according to the activity.
Are the extracurricular activities open to external students?
Yes, all the afternoon activities are open to external students.
I have problems with Clickedu. Who can help me?
For problems, questions or doubts about clickedu, please send an email to: clickeduhelp@eisbarcelona com
Does the choool offer any activities for adults?
Please check the extracurricular and Language & Support academy brochures in the following web
Is there a school PTA?
There isn’t one as such The class delegates represent the families when there is a specific collective issue to communicate to the school.
If I want my child to study abroad for a year, who do I speak to?
It will be necessary to schedule a meeting with Mr.Mike Barrett, the school Pedagogical Director, to discuss all the details
We will not continue in the school next year. Who should we tell and when?
Families wishing to withdraw their child from the school must notify both the school management (director@eisbarcelona com) and administration (administration@eisbarcelona com) via email The school may require confirmation from all parents/legal guardians if deemed necessary.
There is a specific deadline for notifying the school of withdrawal in order to be eligible for a tuition refund. Only communication through this channel will be considered valid and official (informing the tutor alone will not suffice)
VERY IMPORTANT: Once a student's withdrawal is confirmed, their right to reserve a place for the next academic year is forfeited, and the school will be able to offer that place to a new student


Medical Services and Pharmacies
Shopping centres and Supermarkets
Urban Transport
Citizen Information
Green Areas and Parks
Essential Servicesin SantCugat
Welcome to EISB and the charming city of Sant Cugat del Vallès! To help you settle in and make the most of your time here, we ' ve put together a handy guide to essential services in the city
Medical Services and Pharmacies
CAP Sant Cugat: Primary health care.
Address: Carrer de la Mina, 2
Phonne: +34 935 89 81 00
Pharmacies: You will find numerous pharmacies throughout the city On-call pharmacies are available 24 hours a day
Shopping Centres and Supermarkets
Centro Comercial Sant Cugat: wide range of shops, restaurants and entertainment.
Address: Avinguda de la Via Augusta, 2, 14, 08174
Mercadona, Carrefour, Aldi, Lidl: supermarkets with a large range of products
Mercadona: Rambla del Celler, 29
Carrefour: Avinguda de la Via Augusta, 2, 14, 08174
Aldi: Avinguda de la Via Augusta, 129
Lidl: Avinguda de la Via Augusta, 133
Libraries, culture centres and ‘coworking’ in Sant Cugat
Sant Cugat has different libraries that are excellent options for reading, studying and cultural activities.
Urban Transport
Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC): trains connecting Sant Cugat with Barcelona and other cities nearby
Main Stops: Sant Cugat, Valldoreix, Mira-sol, Hospital General
Urban buses: an extensive bus network with multiple lines serving the entire city and providing connections to nearby towns
Information and timetables: Public Transport in Sant Cugat:
Best restaurants in Sant Cugat
Parking in the city: Sant Cugat has regulated parking areas (green zone and blue zone).
Green Zone: priority for residents with a badge Available in several residential areas
Blue Zone: time-limited paid parking for visitors. Available in commercial and central areas
Citizen Information
Sant Cugat City Hall: Oficina d'Atenció al Ciutadà (OAC) for any assistance with procedures or information.
Address: Plaça de la Vila, 1
Phone: +34 935 65 70 00
Opening Times: Lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a 14:00
Green Areas and Parks
Parc Central: large park with playgrounds, picnic areas and walking/jogging trails
Address: Carrer de la Mina, 16
Parc de Collserola: protected natural area ideal for hiking and outdoor activities.
We hope this information proves helpful as you settle into our community and the wonderful city of Sant Cugat del Vallès Welcome!

23rd July 2024
Av. Pla del Vinyet, 110 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès Barcelona (España) t: 93589 84 20