Hair Loss Causes & Treatment Losing hair is a common phenomenon that we face in daily life. We lose hair due to various reasons and also as part of normal hair growth cycle. However, it is of concern when we lose hair in excess. During the process of hair growth, hair grows at a pace of half-inch a month, and then falls off after three to four months. At any point of time, about 90% hair is in the growing stage. Hair is embedded in the cavity of the skin known as hair follicle. Hair follicle provides nutrition for the growth of hair. The hair follicle shrinks after certain period of time resulting in loss of hair. In normal conditions, the follicle and the hair is replaced with new one, but a person who is suffering from hair loss may face problem with this replacement cycle resulting in baldness. Causes: There are numerous causes of hair loss such as:
Poor nutrition: Prolonged insufficiency of nutrients like proteins, iron, zinc, vitaminB complex, vitamins A and E affect the health of the hair causing hair loss. Further, diet for weight loss and eating disorders contribute to hair loss.
Stress: It is a major contributing factor for hair loss. If stress is associated with any illness or surgery, person may lose more hair
Drugs: Anticoagulants, anti-depressants, hypertensive, cardiovascular and gout medications acts as contributing factors for hair loss
Health Conditions: Conditions like thyroid, diabetes, lupus and scalp infections such as ring worm lead to lose of hair
Mental condition: Trichotillomania, a condition where a person can't resist himself from pulling or twisting hair, loses hair
Types of Hair loss: There are two types of hair loss: 1. Alopecia areata: Is an auto immune disease where in a person's immune system becomes over active affecting the normal hair formation. In this case, baldness is observed in patches. Hair loss in this condition can be reverted after treatment but in some cases it may be permanent.
2. Male Pattern Baldness: Is otherwise known as androgenic alopecia. Hormones play a major role in this kind of baldness. Commonly seen in men, male pattern baldness, results in thinning of hair, slowing down of hair production or can even permanently damage hair follicles. This type of baldness is permanent. Effects of baldness: The baldness has more cosmetic and psychological impact on a person. It can be very worrying for an young adult. It also leads to depression in many people.
Treatment: After a thorough examination of scalp and analysis of the type of the condition, doctors will suggest appropriate treatment. If baldness is due to poor nutrition, the person needs to take high protein diet with all the essential minerals. If baldness results from infections, it can be treated with anti-fungal ointments, oral medications and medicated shampoos. In case of male pattern baldness, treatment is focused on reducing the further damage and retaining the remaining hair with medications like Minoxidil (Topical ointment) and Finasteride (oral medication). For the cosmetic concerns, there are some options like hair weaving, wigs, hairpieces as well as hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a procedure where the healthy hair follicles from the growing area are implanted in the bald area. Hair transplantation provides great results in hair growth.
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